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How to use the cards:

The cards where originally design to be use with a card reading instrument.
But since so many people do not have such an instrument we decided to create cards that
not only work great in an instrument but work equally well without an instrument.

There are a few draw backs working with the cards without the instrument.
I think the main handicap is that you cannot make them in any specific potency, but we did
start creating additional experimental cards that will allow you to make certain potencies.
On the other hand our card reader also has a scalar wave generator of our own design that
also does enhance the output, making it much more powerful.

When you setup a card(s) for charging water or a distant healing session it is also important
to have a clear intend of the outcome.
Don’t spend too much time on that, there is no right or wrong way in doing it just clear your
mind and make a positive statement.
“I charge this water with ......... to the benefit of my body”
“I send healing energy too ........ to restore and balance all disharmonies”
Or something similar (better).

There is also no need for any orientation of the card, our cards where design to overcome
the need to orientate the card to say a north south axis.

You can use a card to charge water;

Print the card out and place it under a glass of water for a few minutes, the water can be sip
over a period of time or at one sitting.
To prevent the card from getting damage by the water you can laminate them.
I find using a piece of plastic over the card is more practical and cheaper.

The card can be worn on your person to energise you energy body (aura).

Distant healing;
You can use the card to influence someone’s energy system over a distant by placing a
witness in the centre of the card (a witness is a hair sample, photo or signature)

Hope this will give you an idea of how to use our cards.

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