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During [1] the early twentieth century, in addition [4] to with regard, with reference to

industrialization, urban growth and technological development, as for…

Australian society was experiencing a transformation of the turning to…
domestic model. Consequently [5], people were focus to an
increasing display of government and professional programs Memberikan contoh:
aiming to manage and control life, particularly [6] family life. for example, for instance, namely, as follows:
Some of these programs were designed to respond to social
changes, others were designed to persuade them; overall [2] they Melakukan generalisasi
each heralded a growing professional progress into the private in general, generally, on the whole, as a rule, for the most part,
issue. in most cases, usually

Intervention and influence took three forms [3]. Firstly [3], Menyimpulkan
techniques designed to maximize efficiency were introduced in conclusion, to conclude, in brief, to summarize.
into the home and scientific values were applied to its design. In
addition [4], housework and parenting methods were scrutinized
and subject to unique values. Secondly [3], all aspects of
reproduction attracted increasing intervention from government
and the medical profession. Thirdly [3], state, professional and
philanthropic groups began to grab the parental role within the
family through instruction and policy. Ultimately [2], the
development of 'modern' social standards brought regulation,
intervention and ever-increasing unrealistic standards.

[1] Indicating a specific time

[2] Indicating a conclusion
[3] To indicate sequence and logically divide an idea
[4] Indicating extra information
[5] Indicating a result
[6] To add emphasis

Menambahkan point (adding)

Moreover, furthermore, in addition, additionally, further,
besides, beside this, what is more, further to this, also, equally A topic sentence is the most important sentence in a paragraph.
important Sometimes referred to as a focus sentence, the topic sentence
helps organize the paragraph by summarizing the information in
Menunjukkan kontra the paragraph.
However, nevertheless, nonetheless, even so, notwithstanding,
on the other hand, on the contrary, conversely, alternatively, Purpose of the Topic Sentence
still, whereas, as a matter of fact, in fact, in contrast, yet, instead. A topic sentence essentially tells readers what the rest of the
paragraph is about. All sentences after it have to give more
Menunjukkan perbandingan information about that sentence, prove it by offering facts about
similarly, likewise, in the same way, as with…, equally it, or describe it in more detail. For example, if the topic
sentence concerns the types of endangered species that live in
Menunjukkan hasil (consequences) the ocean, then every sentence after that needs to expound on
consequently, therefore, as a consequence, hence, accordingly, that subject.
hence, as a result, thus, for this (that) reason, as a result, so,
then, under these circumstances Topic Sentences and Controlling Ideas
Every topic sentence will have a topic and a controlling idea.
Menunjukkan penekanan (emphasis) The controlling idea shows the direction the paragraph will take.
indeed, in fact Here are some examples:

Menunjukkan reformulasi (reformulation)  Topic Sentence: Cooking requires a number of

in other words, rather, to put it more simply different skills.
 The topic is "cooking" and the controlling idea is
Menunjukkan urutan (listing) "many different skills."
first, second, third
first, furthermore, then, finally
 Topic Sentence: It is important to be ready before
to begin, to conclude,
buying a house.
 The topic is "buying a house" and the controlling idea
is it's "important to be ready."
Menunjukkan transisi ke point yang baru
as far as X is concerned,

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