Principles of Management - Test Example: Question One

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Principles of Management -test example

Question one

Complete the following statements. Put your answers in the form of a table, no
need to rewrite the sentences:
Statements The Terms
1- ------------

1- The planning, organizing, leading, and controlling of resources in order to

achieve organizational goals both effectively and efficiently is known as ----------------
2- ----------- involves using power, personality, influence and communication
skills to give a clear vision to the employees in order to energize them.
3- When a manager attends a conference to symbolize the organization’s mission
and what it is seeking to achieve, this manager is acting in the role of -------------.
4- The ability to distinguish between the cause and the effect of a problem within
an organization is an important part of the ------------ skills of the manager.
5- A (an) ----------------- refers to collections of people who work together and
coordinate their actions to achieve organizational goals.
6- When an organization gives broader responsibilities for decision-making to
first-line supervisors, this is called --------------------.
7- According to the administrative model, (a) ----------------- is present when
managers know the possible outcomes of a particular course of action and can assign
probabilities to them, while (b) --------------- is present when managers cannot give
probabilities for outcomes and the future is unknown.
8- Managers depend more on --------------- to take on-the-spot decisions that
requires little effort and information gathering.

Question Two
For each of the following statements select One correct answer. Put your answer
in a table, no need to rewrite the sentences:
Statements The answer
numbers A, b, c, d, or e
1- ------------

1- Managers in manufacturing organizations are responsible for performing

the four basic managerial functions, but not managers in service organizations.
a- True b- False
2- The process that managers use to select the goals for the organization is
known as organizing.
b- True b- False
3- A firm's organizational performance increases in direct proportion to
decreases in its efficiency and effectiveness.
a- True b- False
4- The amount of time that managers spend planning and organizing
resources increases with the lower the level of the manager within the
a- True b- False

5- The people who work in an organization are known as:
a. raw materials. b. machinery. c. resources.
d. financial capital. e. none of the above.
7- A manager who uses information to positively influence the way people in and
out of the organization respond to it, is performing which role for the
a. Liaison b. Monitor c. Resource allocator
d. Negotiator e. Spokesperson
8- The ability to understand, lead, and control the behavior of other workers is
a. conceptual skill. b. human skill. c. technical skill.
d. negotiating skill. e. organizing skill.
9- The final step in the Classical Model of decision making assumes that
managers know what future course of action is best for the organization.
a. true b. false
10- An organization decides to ask three advertising agencies to prepare a
proposal to handle the organization's business, instead of asking all of the
advertising agencies to make proposals for their business. What does this
practice represent?
a. opportunity b. optimizing c. satisficing
d. threat e. rationality
11- When an office manager orders photocopy paper whenever the paper in the
storeroom is below a certain amount, this represents which type of decision?
a. satisficing b. Programmed c. rationality d. nonprogrammed
e. none of the above
12- An organization is trying to decide whether or not to launch nationally a new
product that this organization has never sold previously. This represents which
type of decision for the organization?
a. Programmed b. rationality c. nonprogrammed
d. satisficing e. none of the above

Good Luck…………

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