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An inquiry into the relationship between Artificial

Intelligence and Human Productivity

- Taman Singh

I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to all the

Websites, Videos, and Newspaper Articles which helped me to gather
explicit knowledge, and encouraged me to base my Project on the
topic - 'Making Creating an E-Book based upon the relationship
between Arti cial Intelligence and Human Productivity', which also
helped me in doing a lot of research and I came to know about so many
new things I am really thankful to them.

Secondly, I would also like to thank my Parents, and Friends who

helped me a lot in this project within the limited time frame. Thirdly I
would also like to thank all the primary resources, who helped me to
gain important and reliable knowledge about the topic. Also by doing
this entire process of Personal Project, I have gained extremely vital
information regarding Al, which will be very useful in the future.
Table of Content

What was the need of making this book?
Different types of AI....................................................................................3
The main between
Difference intention
andmaking this book is to educate
teenagers and adults regarding an upcoming light of hope,
Why AI?.........................................................................................................5
which could positively change their lifestyle, their work-load,
Can AI replace Humans?.............................................................................6
and their daily routine. And that upcoming light is called
Arti is Productivity?..................................................................................7
cial Intelligence.
Correlation between AI and Productivity..................................................8
Dear Readers, Arti cial Intelligence is the future. It is expected
More accurate demand and forecasting....................................................9
that Al will contribute over $ 15 trillion to the global economy
by 2030.Media...........................................................................................10
And not only that, it will make products and services
way better
Predictive and will alone boost up North America's GDP by
14% by that year.
Automated Work.......................................................................................12
Arti Scopes of Error..................................................................................13
cial Intelligence is a very vital part of everyone's life. As
AI and kind
Smartof Al isDevices.....................................................................14
Home already incorporated in 77% of the devices
we use.
AI Powered Applications.....................................................................16-19
And, this book will portray two things. These things are 'What
is Al?'
My and 'How we can increase our daily productivity from
the upcoming Scienti c and Technical Innovation of Arti cial
Intelligence?' And as nowadays everyone from a 13-year-old
teenager to a 60-year-old man want to save their time, this
book will be vital for everyone.

What was the need of making this book?

intention of making this this
of making bookbook
is to educate teenagers and
is to educate
adults regarding
teenagers an upcoming
and adults light of
regarding anhope, which could
upcoming light positively
of hope,
change their lifestyle,
which could theirchange
positively work-load, and
their their daily
lifestyle, routine.
their And that
upcoming light is called Arti cial Intelligence.
and their daily routine. And that upcoming light is called
Arti cial Intelligence.
Dear Readers, Arti cial Intelligence is the future. It is expected that Al
will contribute over $ 15 trillion to the global economy by 2030. And
Dear Readers,
not only Artimake
that, it will cialproducts
Intelligence is the future.
and services It isand
way better expected
aloneAl will up
boost contribute over $GDP
North America's 15 trillion
by 14%to bythe
year. economy
by 2030. And not only that, it will make products and services
way better
Arti and willisalone
cial Intelligence a veryboost up of
vital part North America's
everyone's GDP
life. As bykind
of Al isby that year.
already incorporated in 77% of the devices we use.

Arti this
cialbook will portray
Intelligence is atwo things.
very vitalThese things
part of are 'Whatlife.
everyone's is Al?'
some'How weof
kind can
Alincrease our incorporated
is already daily productivity from of
in 77% thethe
Scienti c and Technical Innovation of Arti cial Intelligence?' And as
we use.
nowadays everyone from a 13-year-old teenager to a 60-year-old man
want to save their time, this book will be vital for everyone.
And, this book will portray two things. These things are 'What
is Al?' and 'How we can increase our daily productivity from
the upcoming Scienti c and Technical Innovation of Arti cial
Intelligence?' And as nowadays everyone from a 13-year-old
teenager to a 60-year-old man want to save their time, this
book will be vital for everyone.

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What is Arti cial Intelligence?

Before starting on the facts and how we can incorporate Al to increase our
productivity, understanding Arti cial Intelligence is a priority. For a
layman, Al would mean an Arti cial source of Human-Level or close to
Human-Level Intelligence. But Al is not just that. It is way more than it.

In technical terms, Arti cial Intelligence is a branch of computer science in

which human intelligence is put in a machine especially a computer. The
computer has many processes and there are 3 main processes. These are
Learning, Reasoning, and Self-Correction.

This means that an Al can learn new things and develop itself under new
technologies and advancements can reason to reach up to conclusions and
can make decisions, and at last, can correct itself without any human
assistance. All of these main features of Al make it efficient in both ways -
economically and environmentally for us humans. If we incorporate Al
appropriately into humanity, it can have many advantages for our planet
and humanity. But, many people ask, "Why do we even need All! There are
several reasons for using Al.

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Different Types of AI

Reactive Machines Al: These types of Al react instantaneously and make

fast and efficient decisions. IBM's chess-playing computer beat a chess
champion in the 1990s. Google's AlphaGo beat many go experts several
times uninterrupted. This reveals the ability of Al which can defeat a
human skill that evolved for thousands of years within a few days. This is

Short Memory Al: These types of Al have little to no memory in it and

concentrates and make decisions on the current situations. These
situations include self-driving cars, which make decisions regarding the
current situation

Theory of Mind Al : The Theory of mind Al is an extremely superior

technology. This type of Al has its mind and understands people and
analyses their behavior. Theory of Mind Al can also have emotion up to a
certain extent. This isn't completely practiced in society.

Self-Aware Al : This type of Al is a supplement or a version 2 of "Theory of

Mind Al". is not developed yet and will take the Theory of Mind Al to the
next level. Devices would be set up for some certain time for humans, and
just act as one of their friends.

Arti cial Narrow Intelligence (ANI) : This type of Al is known as weak Al as it

doesn't hold much power but comes in handy in certain places. We can nd
ANY in our phones and laptops like Siri and Google Assistant.

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What is the difference between Al
(Arti cial Intelligence) and ML (Machine

I and ML are 2 very demanding jobs at the start of the 21 st century, but
they aren't the same thing. Both terms are used on a very large scale when
the topic of "Big Data analytics" and "Technological Development".

Al is when a computer or a machine would be "Intelligent" or "Smart", and

carry out tasks through using that intelligence. While ML is an application
where we give the machine a speci c sort of data and let them learn from
themselves. Both of them contain neural networks. ML contains it through
reading a text and coming to a decision that is it a compliment or a
complaint. While Al uses neural networks NLP (Natural Language
Processing), which also uses ML in it. NLP applications attempt to
understand human communication in both - Written and Spoken way.

Al works like a computer program, that does smart work. The main goal of
Al is to simulate natural intelligence and solve complex problems.
Furthermore, it is decision making and leads to develop a system to work
and behave like a human.
ML is a concept where a machine takes data and learns and transforms
itself from the given data. Its main goal is to learn from the data to
maximize its performance of machine on this task. Furthermore, it involves
creating self-learning algorithms.

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Why AI?

Source: Accenture

The slower-growing companies' executives were asked regarding their

importance for Al today and in the next 3 years. The data is from
interviewing 975 executives. It is bene cial for insurance and legal
companies to analyze the risk in the future so that they can make better and
more productive decisions. It removes the chance of human error which is
common in industries.

This data is regarding the human error in

security data breaches. Around 67% the fault
was utterly by humans and is quite common in
other industries as well. Al can solve this
obstacle of human error as it doesn't go through
stress and many ideas in it, which a human mind
goes through. It is speci cally designed for a
Source: Accenture
speci c task.

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Can AI replace humans?

As long as Al has not evolved to a much greater extent where those

arti cial beings can think, interact, adapt and respond which will be
comparable to a human being, it is not possible for a machine to
completely replace

Any industry which extensively uses Al, human input, interaction, and
judgment cannot be replaced by the capabilities of any machine.

It is safe to say that in recent years to come, robots and machines are not
going to replace humans and occupy all the tasks which are currently
being performed by humans.

Instead, the workload of the future will even more productive with the
combined work of the more efficient Al and humans, who can adapt, and
respond to the required task.

When it comes to performing highly complicated and rational tasks,

robots and machines fail to do it because of a lack of creativity and

Mankind will always be directing and operating these arti cial machines
and it is not likely that these non-living beings will ever take on humanity.

Page |6
What is Productivity
Productivity is usually expressed as a ratio of output to inputs. It can be
expressed as units of a product (e. g. cars) per worker-hour (total
number of hours worked by all workers on that car). Given the cost of
worker-hour, productivity can also measure the efficiency of a

These measures are quantitative and relatively easy to measure.

However, other factors of production, such as creativity, innovation,
teamwork, and even quality are qualitative and more difficult to
measure. Productivity is really important as in many pro ts is
dependent on productivity, price, and volume. In other words, a
business marks its success through how efficiently it uses resources to
produce a product, and productivity plays a very important role in

'Current Al technology can boost business productivity by up to 40% -


Source: Accenture

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Correlation between Productivity
and AI
Al and the workplace consistently come stacked with fear - particularly
for manager solidness. As yet, people predicted that the
computerization brought by Al would contribute various occupations
surplus, displacing a similar number of as half of all vocations by 2033.
Regardless, experts in the eld have now completely re-examined this

Or on the other hand, perhaps superseding occupations, robotization

is will undoubtedly target unequivocal assignments inside a vocation -
particularly dull ones we would consider to be "low-regard". Besides,
the gures support this view. Since 2013, the amount of occupations
that usage Al has extended by 450%, yet this has not provoked a mass
drop in business. The business has in like manner come to share this
perspective, with PWC, ndings that 72% of business pioneers consider
Al a key instrument for enabling individuals to focus on progressively
signi cant work.

For example, Al is more often than not used inside the business to
perceive and prevent security interferences. Rather than making the
occupations of IT security specialists tedious, these mechanical
assemblies are being used to improve human limits in spite of
continuously progressively tangled hacks and ambushes. While a
couple of occupations are will undoubtedly be superseded by Al,
overwhelmingly it endeavors inside work - not entire jobs.

Page |8
More Accurate Demand and

Source: Unspalsh

Using Al and machine learning systems can test numerous

mathematical models of production and outcome, and be even more
precise in their analysis while adapting to new information. According
to the consulting rm McKinsey, due to Al, overall inventory reductions
are between 20% to 50%. Al can also introduce efficiencies with
something as simple as taking a physical inventory. A task that takes
employees one month to complete at Walmart can be completed in 24
hours using advanced drones that y through the warehouse, scan
items, and check for misplaced items. It's a brilliant example of
consolidating two competent technologies into one for remarkably
good results.

Page |9
Curated Media

Source: Unspalsh

"In a world of nearly in nite content, consumers are looking to one-stop-

shop" - Mike Kaput. This quote clearly states that there is a lot of content
throughout the world for us, consumers. But we as consumers wouldn't
like to examine every piece of content, and we need a suitable content
advisor, which would suit our past decisions and suggest us content for
future decisions. Content curation is when a massive amount of data is
presented is small and recommended parts, which is more suitable than
presenting an in nite amount of unnecessary content, which isn't a matter
of concern for us. For example, the home page of Youtube is based on
content curation and recommends the videos based on your past viewed
videos. This saves a lot of time for the user as instead of exploring the type
of media they want to consume; it's already presented to them and is just a
couple of clicks away. Nowadays numerous companies use content
curation to show the most bene cial to their users and save their
invaluable time which could be used productively. Hence, content curation
is extremely necessary for everyone to apply and use.

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Predictive Maintainance

Source: Unspalsh

Various organizations across the world have started to realize the fact
that it is worth investing in Al-powered solutions in predictive
maintaining solutions because it is a sure way to improve efficiency.
These predictive sensors are powered by Al, which uses sensors to track
down the condition of the equipment and analyses data and
scheduling service, minimizing downtime. Taking predictive
maintenance even further, algorithms based on big data can be used to
predict future equipment failures. Mckinsey found that Al-enhanced
predictive maintenance of industrial equipment can generate a 10%
reduction in annual maintenance costs, up to a 20% downtime
reduction and a 25% reduction in inspection costs.

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Automated Work

Source: Unspalsh

According to TechRepublic, many companies are using Al to automate

cognitive work ow. For example, businesses like cognitive automation
company 'Coseer' have used arti cial intelligence to do this for years.
To help them cut down on tedious work, they use Al automation
features to automate unpopular work. This, in turn, has helped boost
productivity because their employees and programmers are working
on tasks they enjoy and take pride in.

Companies are looking towards technology more and more to nd

ways to increase production. Arti cial intelligence is the latest eld
that is allowing businesses of all sizes to make pro ts.

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Zero Scopes of Error

Source: Unspalsh

Clive Swan, the senior director of Oracle Adaptive Intelligent Apps,

promises that automation and Al will eliminate all the scope of errors
and will remove the compulsion of humans in a speci c task which will
remove the scope of human error. For example, Chernobyl destruction
could be prevented if human error wouldn't exist. Al would ensure that
common errors would be reduced and focus would be more upon
development rather than mitigating the harmful effects of human

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AI and Smart Home Devices

Source: Unspalsh
Just 10 years ago, changing your room's lighting, fan speed, and
temperature without physically touching it was unbelievable. But now,
thanks to Al, we can do it. Some products such as Google's and
Amazon's voice assistants have an enormous effect on people's daily
life. These devices are known as 'Smart Home Devices', which are also
powered by Al.
That is where the future is headed, and it's all thanks to advances in Al
technology. These devices can currently do a lot for us, but eventually,
they will have the ability to adapt to our needs and goals. They will
soon work as an external brain in our lives, and actively managing
various aspects of our
day-to-day lives.
Imagine a world where your Al assistant sets your alarm earlier on your
behalf because it already knows you have an early meeting tomorrow.
What about if it could automatically brew you two cups of tea after it
realizes you are driving home with a guest in the car instead of driving
alone like you usually do? We can expect that the next step in the
evolution of smart home technology will involve a lot more predictive
and analytical capabilities.

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Source: Unspalsh
Smart Replies: Smart replies suggest users a way to react to emails with
simple phrases like "Thanks!" or "Let's do it!" with the click of a button.
Smart replies are tailored to the content of each email. Users can reply by
typing a manual response or may instead choose a one-click smart reply.
For example, if you send an email to someone about an upcoming movie
release and they reply to let you know that they interested in seeing the
movie, Gmail offers "smart reply" options.

Predictive Results: Google's predictive search may seem like a minor Al-
powered solution, but actually, it isn't, it saves a lot of time by giving top
search results and not making the user type their entire query. Before
Google's suggestions, a report by Google suggests that the average time
taken to search the query was 9 seconds, while some reaching to around
30 seconds. Google says that if Google Instant is used globally, over 3.5
billion seconds will be saved each day from Google predictive search.

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AI Powered Applications
These are some of the Al powered applications which can help
us to improve our work ow and increase our productivity.


Source: Futurenda

Many people have a to-do list, either are on a riskier side by storing it
all up in their mind, or maintain an online or handwritten list. But if you
want to be on a safer side, and avoid forgetting the list or even sort out
the timings for the list i. e.: accurately arranging time-consuming tasks
rather than bulking them up, which would create stress and the world
showcase lower signs of productivity. The tool of choice in this
situation is Fututrenda. After manually inputting the tasks throughout
the day, this Al-powered tool intelligently sets the timing and maintain
a to-do list. This method is very helpful as it can save a lot of time and
provoke us to be more productive. This tool can also measure our
efficiency over any speci c time.

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Source: Wrappup

Being at a meeting is a hectic responsibility these days. Lately, instead

of being on a meeting in person, it is changed by the recent
technological developments of voice and video calls through various
free and paid software. There are several problems which will be
addressed and several improvements which would be proffered. All of
this needs to be taken down, which itself is another primary and hectic
task. Though taking down notes might seem like a human-based work,
rather than an automated system performing the task, it is not the
reality. 'Wrap up', an Al-powered software out of hundreds of distinct
software performs note-taking during long and restless meetings. This
software will quickly summarise the meetings and will share the
necessary details within minutes or even seconds. This software has
conserved enough of the employee's time to be productive enough. It
has several distinct features
which include:
Giving keywords based on points
Auto-Highlights actions and decisions in playable summaries
Use the speech search engine to pinpoint any word spoken

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Source: Parallel Dots

Surveys are one of the most important parts of either a business or a

study. Analyzing the surveys either for a business or a study is a very
hectic job itself, and the time taken to analyze could be used in more of
a productive job. An Al-powered application is being increasingly
useful. It's an application; similar to excel, which provides an ever-
increasing number of rows and columns to set the time-table. In
addition to this, we can also nd out whether the comments are
positive or negative. It also highlights the keywords from the review
which helps us to know the main details about the survey rather than
reading the entire survey.
This Al-powered application has many features as well. It has textual
sentiment, which suggests it is capable of extracting emotional views
and words from the given data and processes it to give accurate results.
It also detects the underlying intention behind a sentence is an
opinion, news, marketing, ng, complaint, suggestion, appreciation, and
query. It also supports several other languages to be up to date with
the modern world of globalization and scienti c prosperity.

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My Opinion

Source: Unsplash

As many scientists like Stephen Hawking and entrepreneurs like Elon

Musk have predicted that overuse and over-dependence on Al, will
lead up to the mass extinction of humans. This is because, if a corrupt
human is given the responsibility, corruption will last till his lifetime,
and will sooner or later, but surely end. But this is not true in the case of
Al, as Al is not a living being, and will never die and will outlast every
human, thus the corruption will never end. This situation has bothered
many scientists, but this is most likely not going to happen only if we
take some measurable steps. If we are over-dependant on these
machine powered bots, we will surely fall into the hands of extinction,
but if we use Al measurably, we won't encounter any kind of extinction,
and instead head towards a speci c goal actively, efficiently and
dynamically. So, to sum up, the above-mentioned sentences, if we
appropriately use Al to our bene t, we won't face any kind of mass
extinction and instead will create a better future for our future
generations. But if we misuse or are overdependent on Al, then sooner
or later, but surely we will face some kind of destruction.

Page |19

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