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The American Journal of Surgery (2011) 201, 592–598

North Pacific Surgical Association

Validation of noninvasive hemoglobin measurements

using the Masimo Radical-7 SpHb Station
Marlin Wayne Causey, M.D.a,*, Seth Miller, M.D.a, Andrew Foster, M.D.b,
Alec Beekley, M.D.a, David Zenger, M.D.b, Matthew Martin, M.D.a
Department of Surgery, Madigan Army Medical Center, Building 9040, Fitzsimmons Drive, Tacoma, WA 98431,
USA; bDepartment of Anesthesia, Madigan Army Medical Center, Tacoma, WA, USA

KEYWORDS: Abstract
Hemoglobin; BACKGROUND: Hemoglobin levels must be obtained through blood draws, which are invasive,
Noninvasive monitor; time-consuming, and provide only 1 data point at a time rather than continuous measurements. The
Masimo Radical-7; Masimo Radical-7 SpHb Station (Masimo Corporation, Irvine, CA) has been shown by its manufac-
Hemorrhage turers to provide accurate noninvasive hemoglobin measurements in physiologically normal patients.
The objective of this study was to validate noninvasive hemoglobin measurements using the Masimo
Radical-7 device.
METHODS: Data were prospectively collected in 2 cohorts of patients: major operations requiring
hemodynamic monitoring (operating room [OR]) and critically ill patients (intensive care unit [ICU]).
Noninvasive hemoglobin measurements (SpHb) were recorded and were then compared with laboratory
hemoglobin measurements.
RESULTS: Data were collected on 60 patients (OR ⫽ 25 and ICU ⫽ 45). The overall correlation of
the Masimo SpHb and the laboratory Hb was .77 (P ⬍ .001) in the OR group with a mean difference
of .29 g/dL (95% confidence interval [CI], .08 –.49). The overall correlation in the ICU group was .67
(P ⬍ .001) with a mean difference of .05 g/dL (95% CI, ⫺.22 to ⫺.31).
CONCLUSIONS: Noninvasive hemoglobin monitoring is a new technology that correlated with
laboratory values and supports the continued study of noninvasive hemoglobin monitoring.
© 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Total hemoglobin (SpHb) is one of the most frequently standard of care.1 Throughout the past 2 decades, several
ordered laboratory tests. Currently, hemoglobin levels must attempts have been made to find a suitable alternative to
be obtained through blood draws that are invasive and laboratory hemoglobin as well as provide a continuous
time-consuming and can only provide data at 1 time point noninvasive hemoglobin monitor for use in clinical medi-
rather than a continuous measurement. Since the introduc- cine.2–9 A noninvasive hemoglobin monitor has the po-
tion of pulse oximetry, continuous noninvasive monitoring tential to provide continuous, noninvasive hemoglobin
of blood oxygenation in the operating room has become a measurements that would provide immediate clinical infor-
mation prompting more rapid medical intervention.
Presented at the 97th Annual Meeting of the North Pacific Surgical The Radical-7 Pulse CO-Oximeter (Masimo Corpora-
Association, November 12–13, 2010, Tacoma, WA. tion, Irvine, CA; herein referred to as “device”) uses signal
* Corresponding author. Tel.: ⫹1-253-968-2200; fax: ⫹1-253-968- extraction technology pulse oximetry invented in 1989,
E-mail address:
which enables the use of adaptive filters to isolate arter-
Manuscript received October 11, 2010; revised manuscript January 14, ial signals using parallel processing engine technology.
2011 Masimo Rainbow technology, which uses multiple (7⫹)

0002-9610/$ - see front matter © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
M.W. Causey et al. Masimo Radical-7 SpHb Station 593

Figure 1 Sample collection of patient data every second throughout a total hip arthroplasty with 800ml blood loss and 200ml Cell Saver®
bolus transfusion. Red line denotes Masimo Radical-7 measurements and blue triangles represent measured laboratory hemoglobin.

wavelengths of light, enables the device to noninvasively the Rainbow R 1 25 adult adhesive sensor (original single-
measure SpHb, carboxyhemoglobin (SpCO), and methemo- use sensor), and finally the upgraded Rainbow 1 25 adult
globin (SpMet) in addition to oxyhemoglobin and pulse adhesive sensor (updated single-use sensor). The recorded
rate.10 The use of this technology to determine and follow data were then collected every second on a universal serial
SpHb continuously is of clinical interest in all areas of bus–linked computer system using data-collection software
medicine but particularly in the operating room in patients (ADC, Masimo Corporation) and transferred into a Mi-
undergoing major surgical procedures. crosoft Excel file (Microsoft Office; Microsoft Corporation,
The device has been previously shown to provide vali- Seattle, WA) for graphing and analysis (Fig. 1). During all
dated hemoglobin values in physiologically normal patients. the operating room cases, blood collection was performed
However, there are little data available on the accuracy and hourly from the radial artery catheter. In the ICU, the blood
reliability of this device in patients with severe illness or collection was performed based on clinical necessity, typi-
undergoing major operative interventions. The objective of cally every 4 to 12 hours. Blood samples were sent imme-
this study was to analyze the agreement and correlation diately to the hospital central laboratory for the determina-
between the SpHb measurement and the gold standard lab- tion of SpHb. A small sample of patients in the operating
oratory hemoglobin measurement in a series of patients room also had one or more hemoglobin measurements ob-
undergoing major surgical procedures. tained using the I-stat (Abbott; Abbott Park, IL) point-of-
care blood analyzer. Intraoperatively, the presence or ab-
sence of “significant bleeding,” which was defined as blood
Methods loss greater than 200 mL, was noted for each patient.
Routine demographic, admitting, and procedure-specific
Data for this study were collected on elective operating data were collected for each subject. Statistical analysis was
room cases and in the intensive care unit (ICU) as part of a performed to determine the relationship between the non-
quality-assurance process. Inclusion criteria for this process invasive hemoglobin measurement and the standard labora-
included patients who were scheduled to undergo an elec- tory measurement. Given the differing sizes of the sample
tive major surgical procedure under general anesthesia re- populations, correlation was analyzed using the Spearman
quiring an arterial catheter and patients in the ICU with rank correlation for the operating room and Pearson corre-
arterial catheters. A Rainbow R 1 25 adult adhesive sensor lation for the ICU. To avoid autocorrelation within the
(Rev. C) connected to a Radical-7 Pulse CO-Oximeter (MX operating room population, correlations were calculated for
board version was placed on the middle finger of hourly time intervals with an overall correlation determined
the nondominant hand and covered with an opaque probe by Fisher z-transformation. Within all groups, partial cor-
cover to eliminate interference from ambient light for the relations were also performed to determine the impact of
operating room. In the ICU, 3 separate probes were used demographic and physiological variables. A paired Student
initially: the Rainbow dc-3 SC-360 (reusable sensor), then t test was used to evaluate the agreement (mean of the
594 The American Journal of Surgery, Vol 201, No 5, May 2011

Table 1 Surgery service demographics

ysis was performed with PASW Version 18.0 (SPSS, Inc,
Chicago, IL) with statistical significance set at an alpha
Surgery service Percentage of cases level of .05.
General surgery 28
Urology 20
Vascular surgery 24
Neurosurgery 12 Results
Orthopedic surgery 8
Otolaryngology 8 Over the 3-month study period, data from 70 patients were
collected (260 data points) and divided into 25 elective oper-
ating room cases (101 laboratory data points) and 45 critical
care patients (159 data points). Fifty-five percent of the patients
differences) between SpHb and laboratory hemoglobin were men with a mean age of 64 ⫾ 18 years (range 18 –92).
measurements. Graphic representation was performed using Within the operating room group, 1 patient was American
the Bland-Altman method of bias and concordance limits Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) class 1, 14 patients were
between the laboratory hemoglobin and device to assess for ASA class 2, 7 patients were ASA class 3, and 2 patients ASA
agreement between the 2 measurements. All statistical anal- class 4. Table 1 shows the breakdown of procedures by the

Figure 2 Correlation values of the different patient groups and the type of sensor used. Middle line is linear correlation and two outer
lines are the 95% confidence interval. The overall correlation of the Masimo Radical-7 SpHb measurement and the laboratory evaluation
in the was .78 (p ⬍ .001). (A) The overall correlation with the reusable sensor did not change significantly when adjusted for age, gender,
and the clinical parameters temperature, heart rate, or blood pressure (Temp/HR/BP). (B) The original single use sensor did not change with
age or gender but the correlation increased when controlled for Temp/HR/BP. (C) The upgraded single use sensor did not change
significantly when controlled for age, gender, or Temp/HR/BP. (D) The overall correlation of the Masimo Radical-7 SpHb measurement
and the laboratory evaluation in the operating room population did not change significantly either with age, gender, or Temp/HR.
M.W. Causey et al. Masimo Radical-7 SpHb Station 595

Table 2 Overall and service specific correlation and difference

Variables Comparison Mean n (95% confidence interval) Significance Correlation Significance
Overall Laboratory Hb 11.83 101
Masimo Hb 11.54 101 .29 (.09–.50) .01 .77 ⬍.001
Masimo vs iStat Masimo Hb 11.27 27
iStat Hb 11.25 27 .02 (⫺.28 to .33) .87 .86 ⬍.001
Laboratory vs iStat Laboratory Hb 11.34 27
iStat Hb 11.25 27 .09 (⫺.17 to .34) .48 .85 ⬍.001
General surgery Laboratory Hb 11.40 25
Masimo Hb 10.60 25 .80 (.4–1.21) .00 .84 ⬍.001
Urology Laboratory Hb 12.67 23
Masimo Hb 12.49 23 .18 (⫺.02 to .07) .07 .96 ⬍.001
Vascular surgery Laboratory Hb 11.87 23
Masimo Hb 11.27 23 .60 (⫺.05 to 1.25) .07 .44 .037
Otolaryngology Laboratory Hb 10.60 12
Masimo Hb 10.67 12 ⫺.73 (⫺.33 to .18) .542 .88 ⬍.001
Neurosurgery Laboratory Hb 12.28 10
Masimo Hb 12.60 10 ⫺.32 (⫺.86 to .22) .212 .94 ⬍.001

primary surgical service. Significant bleeding was identified in Measurement differences between the laboratory hemoglo-
nearly half of the patients in the operating room group (44%, bin and the device hemoglobin are listed in Table 2 and
11 patients), and 5 patients required an intraoperative blood measured within .5 g/dL of the laboratory except during
transfusion. The overall correlation of the device measurement general surgery (difference of .8 g/dL) and vascular surgery
and the laboratory evaluation was .78 (P ⬍ .001), with a mean (difference of .6 g/dL), both with laboratory hemoglobin
difference of .15 (95% confidence interval, ⫺.03 to .32; P ⫽ above the SpHb measurement. When the data from patients
.10). Low P values on overall correlation represent strong who sustained significant intraoperative hemorrhage were
correlation, and low P values related to difference signify the analyzed, there was a significant correlation of .86 (P ⬍
actual measurement differences. .001, Fig. 4) between the SpHb and the laboratory hemo-
The overall correlation of the device measurement and globin, with the laboratory hemoglobin measuring .47 g/dL
the laboratory evaluation in the operating room population higher on average than the device SpHb (Table 3). Addi-
was .77 (P ⬍ .001) (Fig. 2). Autocorrelation was avoided by tionally, in patients who required an intraoperative blood
combining the following time interval correlations: preop- transfusion, there was a very strong correlation of .91 (P ⬍
erative (.84, P ⬍ .001), 1 hour (.69, P ⬍ .001), 2 hours (.69, .001) between measurements. The laboratory measurements
P ⬍ .001), 3 hours (.63, P ⫽ .01), and 4 hours (.73, P ⫽ were .10 g/dL higher on average than the device noninva-
.01). The device reported measurements were on average sive hemoglobin monitory (Table 3).
.29 g/dL (95% confidence interval, .08 –.49; P ⫽ .006) In those patients monitored within the ICU, the overall
lower than the standardized laboratory evaluation (Table 2). correlation was .67 (P ⬍ .001) with a mean difference of .05
When compared with the iStat point-of-care hemoglobin g/dL (95% confidence interval, ⫺.21 to .30; P ⫽ .73). The
measurement, the central laboratory hemoglobin had a cor- patient groups were then stratified based on the type of sensor
relation of .86 (P ⬍ .001) and measured .87 g/dL higher used. The correlation value for the reusable sensor (n ⫽ 47)
(95% confidence interval, ⫺.11 to .34; P ⫽ .48), whereas was .49 (P ⫽ .001) with a mean difference of .70 g/dL (95%
the device SpHb had a correlation of .85 (P ⬍ .001) and confidence interval, ⫺.09 to 1.3; P ⫽ .026). For the original
measured .02 g/dL higher (95% confidence interval, ⫺.27 to single-use sensor (n ⫽ 92), the correlation value was .61 (P ⬍
.32; P ⫽ .86). There was no statistically significant differ- .001) with a mean difference of ⫺.24 (95% confidence inter-
ence between the groups (Table 2). To assess for agreement val, ⫺.52 to .04, P ⫽ .09), and for the updated single-use
between the laboratory and hemoglobin measurements, a sensor (n ⫽ 20), the correlation value was .83 (P ⬍ .001) with
Bland-Altman plot was constructed. Using this method, a mean difference of ⫺.25 (95% confidence interval, ⫺.92 to
92.1% of the measurements fell within 2 standard devia- .41; P ⫽ .44). As with the operating room population, the
tions of the mean difference (Fig. 3). Bland-Altman plot showed that 96% of the measurements fell
Within each surgical specialty (Table 1), the correlations within 2 standard deviations of the mean difference with the
and difference measurements were then analyzed. Correla- reusable sensor, 95% with the original single-use sensor, and
tions were calculated only for the services that had 10 or 95% with the upgraded single-use sensor (Fig. 3). To assess the
more comparison laboratory values. The correlation for correlation given the impact of demographic factors and clin-
general surgery was .84 (P ⬍ .001), urology was .96 (P ⬍ ical data, partial correlations were determined based on the
.001), otolaryngology was .88 (P ⬍ .001), neurosurgery was setting and in the critical care setting based on the type of
.94 (P ⬍ .001), and vascular surgery was .44 (P ⬍ .001). sensor used (Fig. 2).
596 The American Journal of Surgery, Vol 201, No 5, May 2011

Figure 3 Graphic representation according to the Bland and Altman method of the bias and the concordance limits between the laboratory
and Masimo Radical-7 device. Overall there were 260 valid values and 248 measurements (95%) within the upper and lower limits. In the
ICU group, 96% of the measurements fell within two standard deviations of the mean difference with the reusable sensor (A), 95% with
the original single use sensor (B), and 95% with the upgraded single use sensor (C). In the OR group, there were 101 valid values and 93
measurements (92%) within the upper and lower limits (D).

Comments fifty-eight data pairs were collected comparing laboratory CO-

Oximeter readings with the SpHb readings. The CO-Oximeter
The need for noninvasive monitoring is essential in the readings ranged from 4.4 g/dL to 15.8 g/dL and had a corre-
operating room and ICU.11,12 There are 3 groups of patients in lation value of .89.14 Although this indicates a strong correla-
which noninvasive hemoglobin monitoring is especially im- tion in physiologically normal subjects, there are no indications
portant: high-risk critically ill patients or patients undergoing for use in patients with physiological alterations or disease and
high-risk operations, critically ill bleeding/transfused patients undergoing surgical procedures. This is the first study to ex-
or patients undergoing operations with an expected high blood
amine this technology for assessment of measuring hemoglo-
loss, and patients not expected to have significant bleeding
bin and hemorrhage in the operating room and ICU.
intraoperatively but in whom obtaining laboratory values
In high-risk patients, noninvasive SpHb monitoring will
would be difficult or impossible if not preplanned. The device
benefit the patient, intensivist, and anesthesiologist by al-
SpHb is likely of significant benefit in all 3 groups of patients.
The accuracy of the device in measuring SpHb was first lowing continuous physiological monitoring without having
evaluated during Food and Drug Administration approval us- to occlude the arterial line and may even preclude the need
ing 59 volunteers to collect 492 data pairs comparing SpHb for a central line when the purpose is only for frequent
with laboratory hemoglobin levels. Over a range from 8 g/dL laboratory hemoglobin analysis. In this group of patients as
to 17 g/dL hemoglobin, the data pairs had a correlation value well as the other aforementioned groups of patients, benefit
of .90.13 Additionally, the prototype SpHb probe was tested in will be obtained by having a real-time measure of hemo-
19 surgery and 19 healthy volunteer patients. Four hundred globin instead of having to wait for the return of laboratory
M.W. Causey et al. Masimo Radical-7 SpHb Station 597

Figure 4 Laboratory values and SpHb readings correlate in patients with significant bleeding. Middle line is linear correlation and two
dashed lines are the 95% confidence interval.

results. In the patients who have invasive devices placed reports are frequent, and in some patients these procedures
simply for laboratory analysis, the device may be able to may be foregone entirely with this technology.15–18 Two sub-
replace these monitoring devices in select patients. The sets of patients that would benefit from the use of noninvasive
group of patients this would most likely benefit is the ASA hemoglobin monitoring are the ASA class 1 and 2 patients
class 1 and 2 patients undergoing lengthy surgeries with undergoing lengthy surgical procedures because hemodynamic
moderate blood loss. A final group of patients are those who changes are less frequent and dramatic and critically ill patients
undergo surgical procedures in which there is a sudden who need frequent laboratory hemoglobin monitoring without
unexpected hemorrhage. The probe could be placed on the invasive central access or arterial hemodynamic monitoring.
finger and easily attached yielding results in less than 2 The results of this study are limited, but this area of medical
minutes (the estimated time based on our experience) as technology represents a significant advancement in hemoglo-
well as provide continuous monitoring throughout the du- bin monitoring and technology.
ration of the procedure. The limitations of this study are the variability of the mea-
Based on the strong correlation between device SpHb and surements reported with both the laboratory hemoglobin and
laboratory hemoglobin, noninvasive hemoglobin monitoring the SpHb. SpHb accuracies were not validated under motion or
can be beneficial in the operating room and critical care setting low perfusion states and are accurate to 1 g/dL in no-motion
and may potentially decrease the invasiveness of both elective environments. This limitation of the device was minimized by
surgery and critical illness while providing continuous hemo- being studied in a low-motion environment of the operating
globin monitoring in addition to standard pulse oximetry data. room, and under these conditions, we were able to obtain
Complications from access procedures are minimal, but case statistical significance, which was attainable in almost all the

Table 3 Correlation and difference in patients sustaining significant bleeding

Mean N* Difference (95% confidence interval) P value Correlation Significance

Bleeding group
Laboratory Hb 11.52 50
Masimo Hb 11.05 50 .47 (.207–.733) ⬍.001 .855 ⬍.001
Transfusion group
Laboratory Hb 11.13 21
Masimo Hb 11.11 21 .10 (⫺.1966 to .2271) .882 .906 ⬍.001
*N is the total number of laboratory Hb to SpHb evaluations.
598 The American Journal of Surgery, Vol 201, No 5, May 2011

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