Caroline Leaf 21-Day-Detox PDF

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We all have areas in our lives that we’d STEP 1: GATHER (1-2 Minutes) STEP 2: FOCUSED REFLECTION

like to see change. We cannot sit back and (1-2 Minutes)

Become aware of your environment and
wait to be happy and healthy and have a
your thoughts. Go deep with your thinking.
great life; we have to decide to make it hap-
This step is about increasing your awareness This step is about catching your thoughts
Everything we do and say starts as a of your external environment and what and entering into directed rest and disci-
thought. Romans 12:2 tells us that we can you’re allowing to enter into your brain plined thinking. You can choose to accept or
actually be transformed into a new person through your five senses. It also allows you reject any thought that comes to you.
by changing the way we think. Healthy and toxic thoughts are both built by
to recognize the internal environment of
your mind, and what’s coming out from the rehearsing them in your mind. The deeper
The 21 Day Brain Detox Plan is a deliberate,
inside (i.e. your attitude). you think, the more you change the land-
disciplined, and intentional way to take con-
trol of our thoughts and change the way we scape of your brain. This deep intellectual
think. How to do it: process can help you come up with your
Ask yourself the following questions: own answers.
Renewing the mind is a lifestyle, not a one- • What am I experiencing through my five
time activity, so this plan is meant to be re- How to do it:
senses right now?
peated all throughout the year.
• What thoughts are bubbling up in my mind? • Specifically focus on one thought.
What is the attitude behind those thoughts? • Control your attention and prevent chaotic
Start by tackling one negative thought that
• What feelings do those thoughts generate in thoughts from moving through your mind.
you want to change. Each day, you will work
on breaking down the negative thought, both my body and mind? (peace, worry, tense • Be aware of your body, emotions, and sense
while at the same time building up a healthy muscles, comfort, stress, heart pounding, of self as you do this.
replacement thought. adrenaline rush, etc.) • Integrate healthy thoughts by reflecting on
• Do I feel dominated by the feelings that have the positive, not just dwelling on the negative.
John 16:13 says that He will guide us into all • Mentally rehearse the positive thought in
risen from these thoughts? Do they make me
truth, so let the Holy Spirit show you which
feel like a victim or a victor? your mind. It becomes stronger each time you
area to work on first.
• Do I want these feelings and thoughts to be a do.

For more in-depth reading please refer to permanent part of me?

Switch on Your Brain by Dr. Caroline Leaf. • When you identify the negative thought, im-
mediately and prayerfully think of the re-
Five Step Plan: placement thought. (i.e. a scripture that
Repeating these steps daily for seven to ten applies to the situation)
minutes will eventually eliminate toxic
thoughts and stabilize healthy ones.
STEP 3: WRITE (1-2 Minutes) STEP 4: REVISIT (1-2 Minutes) STEP 5: ACTIVE REACH (1-2 Minutes)
Put your brain on paper. Create the change you want. Do something.

Writing consolidates your thoughts and This is an exciting, progressive, “moving for- This step requires you to reach beyond
adds clarity to what you’ve been thinking ward” step that allows you to evaluate where where you currently are. It allows you to
about. It helps you to visualize the area that you have been and where you are going. practice the new healthy thought until it be-
needs to be detoxed. This is where you will redesign, reorganize, comes automatic, like a good habit. It helps
and recreate the specific thought you have you line up your thoughts with your actions
How to do it: been working on. and the words coming out of your mouth.
• Keep a thought journal. This is the most challenging and fun part of
• Pour out the impressions in your mind on the How to do it: the plan because it includes exercises that
page. Don’t worry about sorting them out. • Look at how you have been dealing with your you will do throughout the day. You decide
• Be creative with it. Don’t just limit yourself to circumstances. Think through your reactions what the exercises are.
writing in straight lines. Draw pictures or di- again. Are there areas that are still negative?
agrams. Group words together. Add color What is a possible solution? How can you re- How to do it:
and texture. organize or redesign those thoughts to get • Find an action (something you will say and/or
• Add more information by writing out the pos- where you want to be? do) that will help reinforce the healthy
itive alongside the negative. • Visualize what you want the end result to be. thought you have been working on to replace
• Don’t try to get there all at once. Take it one the toxic thought.
day at a time. • It’s always helpful to quote a verse of scrip-
ture that applies to your situation.

For example:
• If you are trying to replace a negative
thought of regret, you might choose to say, “I
am putting this behind me,” and visualize the
Turning Points: situation disappearing in a puff of smoke.
Many people tend to quit by Day 4 or 5 and the healthy thought they have been Then finish by quoting a verse that applies.
working on is forgotten. Resist the temptation to give up! Keep going! You’re • If you keep trying to change the past by re-
worth it! playing scenarios in your head, you might
choose to say, “I am switching off that movie,”
Peak changes are happening by Days 7 and 14. The repetition is causing your and act as if you’re doing it. Then finish by
new healthy thought to become a long term memory. quoting a verse that applies.
• Other exercises might include simply smiling
By Day 21, you have begun to integrate your new healthy thought into your or laughing out loud, sitting up straight while
lifestyle. By repeating the 21 Day cycle two or three more times, your healthy visualizing yourself confident and strong, or
thought will become a healthy habit and prevent the negative thought from reaching out your arms while imagining
coming back. yourself receiving specific healing or provi-
sion from God.

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