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School of Languages & English

Upper Intermediate: Reading & Writing

Independent Reading Response

Name and HUYNH THAO HOANG CHAU Date 22/1/2019

student L9937683


Heading: Bà Rịa-Vũng Tàu households turn to renewables

Link of
reading text households-turn-to-renewables.html#mbKrL21Z5hoOelHU.99

Source: Vietnamnews – January, 11/2019 - 08:00


1. Complete the mind map with the topic and main ideas. Write notes – not full
2. Then write your ideas about the article. Write about 200 words in total.
3. Upload to Blackboard.

Renewable energy usage is becoming more common among
households in the southern coastal province of Bà Rịa–Vũng

Idea Idea
Solar energy, which has been The system supplies power
used by families living in for Bộ’s home lighting
floating villages or rural areas
Topic system and kitchen,
not connected with the
national grid, is now being environment including two freezers, one
used by households in urban refrigerator, and electric
areas. fans.

The power from the system is
the new solar battery storage used for his home’s lighting
system has helped Bộ cut his system, household devices such
electricity bill from VNĐ900,000 to as freezers, refrigerators, electric
VNĐ300,000 per month. fans and a pumping system that
waters his farm and pumps
water into his fishing pond
School of Languages & English
Upper Intermediate: Reading & Writing

1. What are the three most important ideas?

2. Write two things you would like to know more about.
3. Write your opinion about one of the three ideas you chose.
Write about 200 words in total.
Think about:
 How does this relate to other articles you have read on this topic?
 How does it relate to your life or to your country?
 Anything else you want to say?

At the first time I choose the topic, I definitely see the positive thing that

happened in my country, surprisingly, that has happened my mother’s town, Ba

Ria- Vung Tau.

When producing the original electricity, people use fossil fuel which can cause

plenty of environmental hazards, so the government of Ba Ria start to apply the

renewable energy. It uses renewable resources, such as wind, sun, water and

environmentally friendly. Due to its advantages, Ba ria province finally installs

solar power along the coastal which can provide electricity effectively and not

harm to the environment.

On the other hand, there is some crisis opinion about the solar power, they said

the power is not stable enough for all the household system. However, at Sâm’s

house, the power intensity is very stable for all the systems such as lightning,

freezes, refrigerators, etc., or even a pumping systems. This new solar power can

help the resident cut their expensive electricity bill from 900,000 VND to 300,000

VND, it’s amazing!

Finally, my country is definitely going the right way, environment is continuously

protected, our life has been improved by the renewable energy . I hope that one

day, we, Vietnam will stand in the environmentally friendly country list.
School of Languages & English
Upper Intermediate: Reading & Writing

Word count: 205

Reading strategies:

Which strategies did you use Which strategies did you use while you
before you read the text? were reading the text?
☒Found a quiet place to read. ☒Concentrated on reading.
☒Used the headline and pictures to ☒Checked my predictions.
predict what the article was about. ☒Paid attention to key words.
☒Thought about what I knew about ☒Asked ‘Wh’ questions about the text.
the topic already. ☒Stopped reading sometimes to think about
☒Thought of vocabulary about the how much I understood so far.
topic that might be in the article. ☒Re-read sections to check I understood.
☐____________________ ☒Read to the end to find more information to
help me understand difficult parts.
☒Summarised parts of the text and the main
ideas (by writing or in my mind).

New words and phrases from the text (minimum of three):

With a definition and an example sentence.

pond (n) : a still body of water smaller than a lake, often of artificial origin.
Ex: A fish pond.

Grid (n) : a system of wires through which electricity is connected to different power stations
School of Languages & English
Upper Intermediate: Reading & Writing

across a region.
Ex: the national grid.

Operate (v) : to work, be in action or have an effect.

Ex: this lift was not operating properly.

intensity(n) : the quality of being felt strongly or having a very strong effect
Ex: the light intensity is very strong.

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