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Verda Sabir
How to develop an ideal culture
for Personality Grooming
Verda Sabir



Culture essentially consists of the beliefs, behaviors, objects and other

characteristics common to the members of a particular society or group. It is not
introduced by an individual but rather collectively. A lot of people doing the same
things, having the same beliefs, agreeing to the same stances are actually
introducing culture.
Culture has a very close bearing on the development of personality. Ideas, values
and behavior patterns of an individual are largely the outcome of cultural
Ideal Culture includes the values and norms that a culture claims to have. It
involves an idealized uncompromising value system that dictates perfect
behavior. Using ideal culture as a standard, you are either right or wrong. Rules
are black and white, with absolutely no grey areas and no exceptions.

Personality Grooming:

Personality grooming is directly affected and induced by the sort o culture an

individual is surrounded with and frequently exposed to. Personality grooming
can have two very important aspects as a way to understand it.
First, it is a two way process. Ernest van den Haag has very poetically expressed it
´One lives in the tension between society and solitude’
Second, the process is a continuous one, not something that begins in infancy and
comes to an end in adulthood.
There exists a very close connection between the surrounding culture of an
individual and their personality grooming. In this report we shall discuss the ideal
culture that could be introduced in FAST National University CFD Campus to
promote healthy and good personality grooming.

Components of an Ideal Culture:

I would like to break down the ideal culture into various components which will
make it easier to understand and implement as well.
 Values
 Beliefs
 Practices based on those values
 Re-enforcement


The values according to me that should be introduced and implemented as

golden values or standards are as follows. This is the first and foremost important
component as it further sets foundation for the rest of the components to take
ground and be implemented.
 Honesty
 Eagerness to Learn
 Kindness
 Empathy
 Tolerance and Acceptance


 Honesty is the best policy

 Knowledge is an ongoing process, it is synonymous to learning and is never
 Being kind is a strength, not a weakness
 Empathy: put yourself in their shoes
 Tolerance: We are humans above all

 It is important to be honest in one’s work, friendships and daily matters.

Teachers and seniors should be encouraged to lead by example and it
should be communicated to them how big of a responsibility they have
towards the younger generation. Their role directly affects the culture
which in turn directly affects the individual’s personality grooming.
 When we talk about knowledge and learning, again the seniors and
teachers are role models towards which the juniors raise their eyes to take
inspiration. Teachers can promote the value of knowledge and how it is
never enough, is an ongoing process by taking workshops as well and share
their learnings in the class
 Kindness of seniors with juniors, of teachers with the students and overall
even with the staff should be exemplified, glorified and appreciated loudly
to set a good precedent.
 No one should be punished before completely knowing and hearing the
whole story. Empathetic behavior directly calls for this action that the other
person should be listened with a motive to understand not reply.
 Differences should be celebrated and strict action against people who
discriminate to condemn such behavior.


Re-enforcement plays a vital role in maintaining culture, and making sure people
are actually following it.
Implementation of values In the polices and they should strictly be established
and followed by the seniors and the teachers to set the right kind of example.
A culture of appreciation must also be promoted and encouraged to reward the
good actions in order to act as an incentive for others to follow in the same
Counselling sessions should be mandatory for each student to view personal
growth and development. This will help to keep the progress in check, clearly
define their own personal goals and will act as a way for them to self-analyze and
be self-aware which is an important trait to possess.
A mandatory course should be introduced in the curriculum on developing and
maintaining an ideal culture and how each individual bears the responsibility of
nurturing, following, maintaining and improving it for the further generations .

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