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Nala Yoga If Lagna is in a Dvishvabhava sign and several planets also in Dvishvabhava signs then
the effects of Nala yoga can be felt.

One born in this Yoga is defective of a limb, resolute, very clever, of fluctuating wealth,
good to look at, and fond of his near and dear ones. And there is a tendency to lose
opprotunities, leading to disappointment and dejection (unless other indications strongly
display otherwise).

Sankhya Kedara Yoga All planets occupying four houses.

The person is truthful, wealthy, virtuous, doing good to others, resorts to agriculture.

Gaja-Kesari Yoga Jupiter in a Kendra from Moon. Look out for another texts dealing with the particular
version of this Yoga.

The person is illustrious, overpowering, virtuous, wealthy, intelligent, scholarly, of royal

bearing and enjoys lasting fame.

Gaja-Kesari Yoga Jupiter conjunct Moon.

The person is overpowering, famous, intelligent, virtuous, wealthy, consistent in love

and fickle-minded (If the conjunction is in Lagna, the 4th, the 7th, the 9th or the 10th
house then additional text should appear elsewhere).

Kemadruma Yoga Absence of any planet, except Sun, in the 2nd and 12th house from Moon.

The person is bereft of health, wealth, learning, wisdom, spouse, progeny and mental
peace. The person suffers misery, failures, physical illness and humiliation. This is said
to reduce a prince to a pauper (look for Kalpadruma Yoga or Kemadruma-Bhanga Yoga
for cancellation).

Kalpadruma Yoga While conditions of Kemadruma are existent, there are planets in a Kendra from

This Yoga cancels the evil of Kemadruma Yoga and bestows all comforts on the person.

Kemadruma-Bhanga While conditions of Kemadruma are existent, there are planets in a Kendra from
Yoga Moon.

This Yoga cancels the evil of Kemadruma Yoga.

Kemadruma-Bhanga While conditions of Kemadruma are existent, Moon is associated with a benefic or
Yoga aspected by Jupiter.

This Yoga cancels the evil of Kemadruma Yoga.

Uttamadi (Dhana) Yoga Moon is in a Apoklima (3,6,9,12) from Sun.

The person's wealth, learning, efficiency and fame will be (uttama) plenteous.

Amala (Amala-Kirti) There is a natural benefic in the 10th house from Moon (Phala Deepika 6/12).
The person is revered by the ruler, blessed with physical pleasures, of a charitable
disposition, likeable and helpful, and enjoys lasting fame.

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Papa-Kartari Yoga Natural malefics occupy 2nd and 12th house from Lagna.

The person might have criminal tendencies, ill-health, unwholesome food, excessive
sexual urge, intention to grab the wealth of others.

Kahala Yoga Lords of the 4th and the 9th in mutual Kendras, and the lord of Lagna is strong.

The person is aggressive, courageous, ignorant, commander of an army, owner or ruler

of several villages. The person has material possessions, and ownership of land, houses
and vehicles.

Ava Yoga The lord of the Lagna is in the 6th, 8th or 12th house (Phala Deepika 6/58).

The person might be of no significance, unknown and of no importance to others,

possibly short-lived and poor. Humiliation, company of the wicked, bad behaviour and
unsteady position are descriptive of the persons life.

Duryoga The lord of the 10th house is in the 6th, 8th or 12th house (Phala Deepika 6/67).

The person will be of no importance, a traitor and very selfish, only earning to satisfy
own hunger, constantly away from home and lives abroad.

Shankha Yoga The 5th Lord and the 6th lord in mutual Kendras, and the Lagna lord is strong.

The person is kind-hearted, virtuous, learned, blessed with a spouse and children,
morally sound, versed in sacred scriptures, owns lands, enjoys prosperity and lives up to
81 years. The person has the authority to discipline or punish.

Nicha-Bhanga Raja The debilitated planet is associated with or aspected by its exaltation lord.
This Yoga indicates cancellation of the state of debilitation of a planet and yielding
benefic results instead, being elevated to a Raja Yoga status.

Nicha-Bhanga Raja The debilitated planet exchanges houses with its debilitation lord.
This Yoga indicates cancellation of the state of debilitation of a planet and yielding
benefic results instead, being elevated to a Raja Yoga status.

Vanchana Chora Bhithi The Lagna lord is with Rahu, Saturn or Ketu (Sarvartha Chintamani 2/76)..
The person will be constantly suspicious of people around him, afraid of being taken
advantage of, swindled or stolen from.

Viparita Vimala Raja The 12th lord is in the 6th, 8th or 12th house (Phala Deepika 6/69).
This makes the person virtuous and contented. The person will be equipped with good
behaviour towards others, will enjoy happiness, will be independent, following a
respectable profession or conduct, and will be known for good qualities.

Raja Yoga A planet is in debilitation but with bright rays, or retrograde, and occupies favorable
positions (Phala Deepika 7/3).

The person attains a position equivalent to a ruler, and holds all the insignia of royalty.

Parashara's Light 6.1 (c) GeoVision Software, Inc., Licensed to TSRh

Raja Yoga The lord of or the planet that would be exalted in a sign holding a debilitated planet is in
a Kendra from Moon or Lagna (Sarvartha Chintamani 9/13).

The person will become a ruler or equal to a ruler of high rank.

Raja Yoga The lord of the Navamsha sign which the Moon occupies, resides in a Kendra or Trikona
from Lagna or Mercury (Sarvartha Chintamani 9.28).

The person is or becomes a commander or equal to a ruler.

Svaveeryaddhana Yoga The 2nd lord occupies a Kendra or Trikona from the Lagna lord, or a naturally benefic
2nd lord is exalted or conjunct an exalted planet (Sarvartha Chintamani 3).

The person will accumulate his wealth through his own effort.

Karmajiva Yoga The lord of the Navamsha occupying the 10th lord is Moon (Brihat Jataka

Wealth and livelihood will come to the person through agriculture, watery products,
coral, pearls, shells, and dependence upon women. The person could also earn through
his/her mother in some way (Moon).

Karmajiva Yoga Mars is in the 10th house from Lagna, Moon or Sun (Brihat Jataka).

The profession or social status of the person might be connected to minerals, fire or heat
(fireworks, kitchen, engine driving), weapons, adventures and physical strength, or an
income through or linked to an enemy (Mars).

Karmajiva Yoga Mars aspects or conjuncts the lord of the 10th from Lagna, Moon or Sun (Brihat

(To a lesser degree than other Karmajiva Yogas) This combination could support other
combinations indicating a profession of Mars, connected to minerals, fire (fireworks,
kitchen, engine driving or any work connected to heat or fire), weapons, adventures and
physical strength.

Karmajiva Yoga Mercury rules the 10th house from Lagna, Moon or Sun (Brihat Jataka).

(To a lesser degree than other Karmajiva Yogas) This combination could support other
combinations indicating a profession connected to Mercury, like a mechanic, painter,
sculptor, engraver, architect or scent-maker.

Karmajiva Yoga Venus is in the 10th house from Lagna or Moon (Brihat Jataka).

The profession or social status of the person might be connected to gems, silver, cows,
buffaloes, or anything of great value or sensory pleasure or relates to beauty. The
person's income or source of wealth might come from a woman or a spouse (Venus).

Karmajiva Yoga Venus rules the 10th house from Lagna, Moon or Sun (Brihat Jataka).

(To a lesser degree than other Karmajiva Yogas) This combination could support other
combinations indicating a profession of Venus, connected to gems, silver, cows,
buffaloes, or anything of great value or sensory pleasure or relates to beauty.
Brahma Yoga Jupiter is in a Kendra from the 9th house lords and Venus is in a Kendra from the 11th
house lords, while Mercury is in a Kendra from Lagna-lord or the 10th house lords
(original source unknown).

The person enjoys luxury in food and other pleasures, has the respect of spiritual and
learned individuals, will be well educated, virtuous and charitable, and enjoys a long

Dehakashta Yoga The Lagna-lord is conjunct a malefic or is placed in the 8th house (Sarvartha Chintamani

The person will live without physical comforts.

Krisanga Yoga The Lagna lord is placed in a dry sign or a sign owned by a dry planet (Sarvartha
Chintamani 2/83).

The person will have physical pains and suffering, possessing a lean or emaciated

Jada Yoga The lord of the 2nd house is placed in the 10th along with malefics or the 2nd house is
occupied with Sun and Mandi or Lord of the 2nd house conjunct Sun or Mandi
(Sarvartha Chintamani 3/34).

The person becomes nervous and loses the balance of his mind when speaking in front
of a group of people.

Sumukha Yoga The lord of the 2nd house is in a Kendra aspected by benefics, or benefics occupy the
2nd house (Sarvartha Chintamani 3/26).

The person will have a happy and attractive face.

Durmukha Yoga Malefics are placed in the 2nd house and it's lord is debilitated or conjunct a malefic
(Sarvartha Chintamani 3/27).

The person will have a deformed and unattractive face, either from birth or by accident.
His facial characteristics may easily display negative emotions.

Vishaprayoga Yoga The 2nd house holds or is aspected by malefics and the 2nd house lord is in a cruel
Navamsha aspected by a malefic (Sarvartha Chintamani 3/143).

The person is vulnerable to be poisoned by others.

Uttama Griha Yoga The lord of the 4th house is in a Kendra or Trikona with benefics (Sarvartha

The person comes to own good houses.

Grihanasa Yoga The lord of the Navamsha sign that holds the lord of the 4th house is placed in the 12th
house (Sarvartha Chintamani 4/63).

The person will undergo great loss in house properties.

Bandhubhisthyaktha The lord of the 4th house is connected to malefics or holds bad Shasthiamshas or is
Yoga placed in enemy or debilitation signs (Sarvartha Chintamani 4/68).

The person will have trouble with his close relatives, due to misunderstanding or be
deserted by them.
Matrudirgayur Yoga The lord of the Navamsha sign holding the 4th house lord is strong and is located in a
Kendra from Lagna or Moon (Sarvartha Chintamani 4/132).

The mother of the person will have a long life.

Matrunasa Yoga Moon is hemmed between malefics, or conjunct or aspected by malefics (Sarvartha
Chintamani 4/133).

The mother of the person dies early.

Aurasaputra Yoga The 5th house contains a benefic or the 5th house is identical to a benefic sign or is
aspected by benefics (Saravali 34/25).

The person will have a child that is legitimately his/her own (with a legitimate spouse).

Aurasaputra Yoga Jupiter aspects Lagna, Sun or Moon (Saravali 35/26).

The person will have a child that is legitimately his/her own.

Ekaputra Yoga The lord of the 5th house is in a Kendra or a Trikona (original source unknown).

The person will have only one son (or daughter?).

Arishta Yoga The Lagna lord is in conjunction or mutual aspect with the 6th, or the 8th, or the 12th
house lords (If the lords of the 2nd and 7th houses are involved the effects are more

The person will suffer from bad health (the planets that constitute this Yoga will give
more specific information).

Arishta Matibhramana The lord of the 6th house is conjunct or aspected by a malefic, the 6th house itself holds
Yoga or is aspected by malefics, Mercury and Moon are in Trik houses or aspected by
malefics (Major S.G. Khout).

The person is vulnerable to the development of a mental disorder.

Daridra Yoga The lords of the houses occupied by the Dusthana lords, are in the Dusthanas themselves
and conjunct or aspected by Malefics.

The person might suffer from poverty, misery and ill-health.

Maha-Parivartana Yoga The 4th house lord exchanges houses with the 5th lord, or the 7th lord, or the 9th lord, or
the 10th lord, or the 11th lord.

This combination promises wealth, status and physical enjoyments, plus beneficial
influences from the houses involved.

Maha-Parivartana Yoga The 5th house lord exchanges houses with the 7th lord, or the 9th lord, or the 10th lord,
or the 11th lord.

This combination promises wealth, status and physical enjoyments, plus beneficial
influences from the houses involved.
Dainya Parivartana The 6th house lord exchanges houses with the Lagna lord, or the 2nd lord, or the 3rd
Yoga lord, or the 4th lord, or the 5th lord, or the 7th lord, or the 8th lord, or the 9th lord, or the
10th lord, or the 11th lord, or the 12th lord.

This combination leads to a wicked nature, persistent trouble from opponents, and ill

Alpayu Yoga The Lagna and the Moon, both occupy a Sthira sign, or one in a Chara sign and the other
in Dvisvabhava sign.

This combination indicates a short life span for the person or upto the age of 32.

Alpayu Yoga The Lagna and the Hora Lagna, both occupy a Sthira sign, or one in a Chara sign and the
other in Dvisvabhava sign.

This combination indicates a short life span for the person or upto the age of 32.

Alpayu Yoga Afflicted 5th house, afflicted 8th house, and afflicted 8th lord.

This combination indicates a short life span for the person or upto the age of 32.

Alpayu Yoga The 3rd lord and Mars are combust or afflicted by malefics.

This combination indicates a short life span for the person or upto the age of 32.

Madhyayu Yoga Lagna lord and the 8th house lord, both occupy a Dvisvabhava sign, or one in a Chara
sign and the other in Sthira sign.

This combination is an indication of a medium life span up to 70 years.

Purnayu Yoga The 6th or the 12th lord are placed in the 6th house or in the 12th house or the 8th house
or the Lagna.

This combination is an indication of a long life span up to 100 years.

Yogaristha (Yogaja The lords of Lagna and the 8th house are malefics, and the 12th and the 6th houses are
Ayu) Yoga not occupied by Jupiter (Jataka Parijata).

The person is vulnerable to an early death of 18 years of age (keep in mind that this is an
isolated indication that should be supported by other indications to come true - also look
out for Aristha-Bhanga Yoga for the cancellation of this effect).

Mukabadhiramdha Sun in the 12th house (Sambu Hora Prakasha 14).

The person will experience some harm in the right eye.

Mukabadhiramdha Either Venus or Mars in the 2nd or the 12th house (Sambu Hora Prakasha 14).
The person is likely to suffer from ear problems.

Mukabadhiramdha Malefics in the 7th house without a benefic aspect (Sambu Hora Prakasha 14).
The person might have damaged teeth.

Mukabadhiramdha Sun is in a Trik house with Venus or the Lagna Lord (Sambu Hora Prakasha 14).
The person might have been born blind.
Hillaja Netradosha The 6th lord is in the sign of a retrograde planet (Sambu Hora Prakasha 14/66).
Eye diseases are indicated.

Hillaja Netradosha Mars is in a malefic sign or in a Kendra receiving an aspect from another malefic planet
Yoga (Sambu Hora Prakasha 14/67).

The person will be vulnerable to blindness.

Raja Sambandha Yoga The 10th lord from Lagna is conjunct or aspected by the dispositor of the Amatyakaraka
or conjunct or aspected by the Amatyakaraka itself (Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra

The person will become a chief in the kings court (in modern context: in a high
gorernmental position).

Surya-Buddh Yoga Sun and Mercury are conjunct in the same house (also known as Budhadhiya

The person is sweet tongued, clever, scholarly, virtuous and will have learning, wealth,
progeny and self-control, earns wealth by serving others. Also said to be highly
intelligent, skillful in all works with a good reputation (Still a very common Yoga).

Chandr-Guru Yoga Moon and Jupiter are conjunct in the same house.

The person is over-powering, virtuous, famous, intelligent, profoundly versed, with

many friends, engaged in virtuous pursuits, doing good to others, wealthy, consistent in
love, soft-spoken, chief of his family, fickle minded.

Mangal-Shukr Yoga Mars and Venus are conjunct in the same house.

The person is a cheater, a liar or a gambler, addicted to other peoples spouses, deviates
from the normal pattern of sexual indulgence, opposed to all, skilled in mathematics, a
shepherd, a wrestler, distinguished among men because of one's virtues.

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