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1.PHILIPPINE STOCK EXCHANGE, INC Ternate Development Corporation owns only 1.20% of PALI.

vs. Marcoses responded that their claim is not confined to the
THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS, SECURITIES AND facilities forming part of the Puerto Azul Hotel and Resort
EXCHANGE COMMISSION and PUERTO AZUL LAND, INC.,  Complex, thereby implying that they are also asserting legal and
beneficial ownership of other properties titled under the name of
The Puerto Azul Land, Inc. (PALI), a domestic real estate PALI.
corporation, had sought to offer its shares to the public in order to
raise funds allegedly to develop its properties and pay its loans On February 20, 1996, the PSE wrote Chairman Magtanggol
with several banking institutions. In January, 1995, PALI was Gunigundo of the Presidential Commission on Good Government
issued a Permit to Sell its shares to the public by the Securities (PCGG) requesting for comments on the letters of the PALI and
and Exchange Commission (SEC). To facilitate the trading of its the Marcoses. On March 4, 1996, the PSE was informed that the
shares among investors, PALI sought to course the trading of its Marcoses received a Temporary Restraining Order on the same
shares through the Philippine Stock Exchange, Inc. (PSE), for date, enjoining the Marcoses from, among others, "further
which purpose it filed with the said stock exchange an application impeding, obstructing, delaying or interfering in any manner by or
to list its shares, with supporting documents attached. any means with the consideration, processing and approval by
the PSE of the initial public offering of PALI." The TRO was
On February 8, 1996, the Listing Committee of the PSE, upon a issued by Judge Martin S. Villarama, Executive Judge of the RTC
perusal of PALI's application, recommended to the PSE's Board of Pasig City in Civil Case No. 65561, pending in Branch 69
of Governors the approval of PALI's listing application. thereof.

On February 14, 1996, before it could act upon PALI's In its regular meeting held on March 27, 1996, the Board of
application, the Board of Governors of the PSE received a letter Governors of the PSE reached its decision to reject PALI's
from the heirs of Ferdinand E. Marcos, claiming that the late application, citing the existence of serious claims, issues and
President Marcos was the legal and beneficial owner of certain circumstances surrounding PALI's ownership over its assets that
properties forming part of the Puerto Azul Beach Hotel and adversely affect the suitability of listing PALI's shares in the stock
Resort Complex which PALI claims to be among its assets and exchange.
that the Ternate Development Corporation, which is among the
stockholders of PALI, likewise appears to have been held and On April 11, 1996, PALI wrote a letter to the SEC addressed to
continue to be held in trust by one Rebecco Panlilio for then the then Acting Chairman, Perfecto R. Yasay, Jr., bringing to the
President Marcos and now, effectively for his estate, and SEC's attention the action taken by the PSE in the application of
requested PALI's application to be deferred. PALI was requested PALI for the listing of its shares with the PSE, and requesting that
to comment upon the said letter. the SEC, in the exercise of its supervisory and regulatory powers
over stock exchanges under Section 6(j) of P.D. No. 902-A,
PALI's answer stated that the properties forming part of the review the PSE's action on PALI's listing application and institute
Puerto Azul Beach Hotel and Resort Complex were not claimed such measures as are just and proper under the circumstances.
by PALI as its assets. On the contrary, the resort is actually
owned by Fantasia Filipina Resort, Inc. and the Puerto Azul On the same date, or on April 11, 1996, the SEC wrote to the
Country Club, entities distinct from PALI. Furthermore, the PSE, attaching thereto the letter of PALI and directing the PSE to

file its comments thereto within five days from its receipt and for facts and information to protect the investing
its authorized representative to appear for an "inquiry" on the public. In this regard, PALI is hereby ordered to
matter. On April 22, 1996, the PSE submitted a letter to the SEC amend its registration statements filed with the
containing its comments to the April 11, 1996 letter of PALI. Commission to incorporate the full disclosure of
these material facts and information.
On April 24, 1996, the SEC rendered its Order, reversing the
PSE's decision. The dispositive portion of the said order reads: Dissatisfied with this ruling, the PSE filed with the Court of
Appeals on May 17, 1996 a Petition for Review (with Application
WHEREFORE, premises considered, and for Writ of Preliminary Injunction and Temporary Restraining
invoking the Commissioner's authority and Order), assailing the above mentioned orders of the SEC,
jurisdiction under Section 3 of the Revised submitting the following as errors of the SEC:
Securities Act, in conjunction with Section 3, 6(j)
and 6(m) of Presidential Decree No. 902-A, the I. SEC COMMITTED SERIOUS
decision of the Board of Governors of the ERROR AND GRAVE ABUSE OF
Philippine Stock Exchange denying the listing of DISCRETION IN ISSUING THE
shares of Puerto Azul Land, Inc., is hereby set ASSAILED ORDERS WITHOUT
aside, and the PSE is hereby ordered to POWER, JURISDICTION, OR
immediately cause the listing of the PALI shares AUTHORITY; SEC HAS NO
in the Exchange, without prejudice to its authority POWER TO ORDER THE
to require PALI to disclose such other material LISTING AND SALE OF SHARES
information it deems necessary for the protection OF PALI WHOSE ASSETS ARE
of the investigating public. SEQUESTERED AND TO
This Order shall take effect immediately. DECISIONS OF PSE ON LISTING
PSE filed a motion for reconsideration of the said order on April ERROR AND GRAVE ABUSE OF
29, 1996, which was, however denied by the Commission in its DISCRETION IN FINDING THAT
May 9, 1996 Order which states: PSE ACTED IN AN ARBITRARY
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the
Commission finds no compelling reason to
reconsider its order dated April 24, 1996, and in
the light of recent developments on the adverse III. THE ASSAILED ORDERS OF
claim against the PALI properties, PSE should SEC ARE ILLEGAL AND VOID
require PALI to submit full disclosure of material FOR ALLOWING FURTHER

IN CUSTODIA LEGIS AND exchanges; the right to supervise and regulate the same; and the
WHICH FORM PART OF power to alter and supplement rules of the exchange in the listing
NAVAL/MILITARY or delisting of securities, then the law certainly granted to the
RESERVATION; AND public respondent the plenary authority over the petitioner; and
the power of review necessarily comes within its authority.
THE SEC WAS NOT PROPERLY All in all, the court held that PALI complied with all the
PROMULGATED AND ITS requirements for public listing, affirming the SEC's ruling to the
VIOLATES THE DUE PROCESS . . . the Philippine Stock Exchange has acted in an
CLAUSE OF THE arbitrary and abusive manner in disapproving the
CONSTITUTION. application of PALI for listing of its shares in the
face of the following considerations:
On June 4, 1996, PALI filed its Comment to the Petition for
Review and subsequently, a Comment and Motion to Dismiss. On 1. PALI has clearly and admittedly complied with
June 10, 1996, PSE fled its Reply to Comment and Opposition to the Listing Rules and full disclosure requirements
Motion to Dismiss. of the Exchange;

On June 27, 1996, the Court of Appeals promulgated its 2. In applying its clear and reasonable standards
Resolution dismissing the PSE's Petition for Review. Hence, this on the suitability for listing of shares, PSE has
Petition by the PSE. failed to justify why it acted differently on the
application of PALI, as compared to the IPOs of
The appellate court had ruled that the SEC had both jurisdiction other companies similarly situated that were
and authority to look into the decision of the petitioner PSE, allowed listing in the Exchange;
pursuant to Section 3   of the Revised Securities Act in relation to

Section 6(j) and 6(m)   of P.D. No. 902-A, and Section 38(b)  of
4 5
3. It appears that the claims and issues on the title
the Revised Securities Act, and for the purpose of ensuring fair to PALI's properties were even less serious than
administration of the exchange. Both as a corporation and as a the claims against the assets of the other
stock exchange, the petitioner is subject to public respondent's companies in that, the assertions of the Marcoses
jurisdiction, regulation and control. Accepting the argument that that they are owners of the disputed properties
the public respondent has the authority merely to supervise or were not substantiated enough to overcome the
regulate, would amount to serious consequences, considering strength of a title to properties issued under the
that the petitioner is a stock exchange whose business is Torrens System as evidence of ownership thereof;
impressed with public interest. Abuse is not remote if the public
respondent is left without any system of control. If the securities 4. No action has been filed in any court of
act vested the public respondent with jurisdiction and control over competent jurisdiction seeking to nullify PALI's
all corporations; the power to authorize the establishment of stock

ownership over the disputed properties, neither On February 25, 1996, the PSE filed its Consolidated Reply to the
has the government instituted recovery comments of respondent PALI (October 17, 1996) and the
proceedings against these properties. Yet the Solicitor General (December 26, 1996). On May 16, 1997, PALI
import of PSE's decision in denying PALI's filed its Rejoinder to the said consolidated reply of PSE.
application is that it would be PALI, not the
Marcoses, that must go to court to prove the PSE submits that the Court of Appeals erred in ruling that the
legality of its ownership on these properties before SEC had authority to order the PSE to list the shares of PALI in
its shares can be listed. the stock exchange. Under presidential decree No. 902-A, the
powers of the SEC over stock exchanges are more limited as
In addition, the argument that the PALI properties belong to the compared to its authority over ordinary corporations. In
Military/Naval Reservation does not inspire belief. The point is, connection with this, the powers of the SEC over stock
the PALI properties are now titled. A property losses its public exchanges under the Revised Securities Act are specifically
character the moment it is covered by a title. As a matter of fact, enumerated, and these do not include the power to reverse the
the titles have long been settled by a final judgment; and the final decisions of the stock exchange. Authorities are in abundance
decree having been registered, they can no longer be re-opened even in the United States, from which the country's security
considering that the one year period has already passed. Lastly, policies are patterned, to the effect of giving the Securities
the determination of what standard to apply in allowing PALI's Commission less control over stock exchanges, which in turn are
application for listing, whether the discretion method or the given more lee-way in making the decision whether or not to
system of public disclosure adhered to by the SEC, should be allow corporations to offer their stock to the public through the
addressed to the Securities Commission, it being the government stock exchange. This is in accord with the "business judgment
agency that exercises both supervisory and regulatory authority rule" whereby the SEC and the courts are barred from intruding
over all corporations. into business judgments of corporations, when the same are
made in good faith. the said rule precludes the reversal of the
On August 15, 19961 the PSE, after it was granted an extension, decision of the PSE to deny PALI's listing application, absent a
filed the instant Petition for Review on Certiorari, taking exception showing of bad faith on the part of the PSE. Under the listing
to the rulings of the SEC and the Court of Appeals. Respondent rules of the PSE, to which PALI had previously agreed to comply,
PALI filed its Comment to the petition on October 17, 1996. On the PSE retains the discretion to accept or reject applications for
the same date, the PCGG filed a Motion for Leave to file a listing. Thus, even if an issuer has complied with the PSE listing
Petition for Intervention. This was followed up by the PCGG's rules and requirements, PSE retains the discretion to accept or
Petition for Intervention on October 21, 1996. A supplemental reject the issuer's listing application if the PSE determines that
Comment was filed by PALI on October 25, 1997. The Office of the listing shall not serve the interests of the investing public.
the Solicitor General, representing the SEC and the Court of
Appeals, likewise filed its Comment on December 26, 1996. In Moreover, PSE argues that the SEC has no jurisdiction over
answer to the PCGG's motion for leave to file petition for sequestered corporations, nor with corporations whose properties
intervention, PALI filed its Comment thereto on January 17, 1997, are under sequestration. A reading of Republic of the Philippines
whereas the PSE filed its own Comment on January 20, 1997. vs. Sadiganbayan, G.R. No. 105205, 240 SCRA 376, would
reveal that the properties of PALI, which were derived from the
Ternate Development Corporation (TDC) and the Monte del Sol

Development Corporation (MSDC). are under sequestration by the country today, the PSE enjoys a monopoly of securities
the PCGG, and subject of forfeiture proceedings in the transactions, and as such, it yields an immense influence upon
Sandiganbayan. This ruling of the Court is the "law of the case" the country's economy.
between the Republic and TDC and MSDC. It categorically
declares that the assets of these corporations were sequestered Due to this special nature of stock exchanges, the country's
by the PCGG on March 10, 1986 and April 4, 1988. lawmakers has seen it wise to give special treatment to the
administration and regulation of stock exchanges.  6

It is, likewise, intimated that the Court of Appeals' sanction that

PALI's ownership over its properties can no longer be questioned, These provisions, read together with the general grant of
since certificates of title have been issued to PALI and more than jurisdiction, and right of supervision and control over all
one year has since lapsed, is erroneous and ignores well settled corporations under Sec. 3 of P.D. 902-A, give the SEC the
jurisprudence on land titles. That a certificate of title issued under special mandate to be vigilant in the supervision of the affairs of
the Torrens System is a conclusive evidence of ownership is not stock exchanges so that the interests of the investing public may
an absolute rule and admits certain exceptions. It is fundamental be fully safeguard.
that forest lands or military reservations are non-alienable. Thus,
when a title covers a forest reserve or a government reservation, Section 3 of Presidential Decree 902-A, standing alone, is
such title is void. enough authority to uphold the SEC's challenged control authority
over the petitioner PSE even as it provides that "the Commission
PSE, likewise, assails the SEC's and the Court of Appeals shall have absolute jurisdiction, supervision, and control over all
reliance on the alleged policy of "full disclosure" to uphold the corporations, partnerships or associations, who are the grantees
listing of PALI's shares with the PSE, in the absence of a clear of primary franchises and/or a license or permit issued by the
mandate for the effectivity of such policy. As it is, the case government to operate in the Philippines. . ." The SEC's
records reveal the truth that PALI did not comply with the listing regulatory authority over private corporations encompasses a
rules and disclosure requirements. In fact, PALI's documents wide margin of areas, touching nearly all of a corporation's
supporting its application contained misrepresentations and concerns. This authority springs from the fact that a corporation
misleading statements, and concealed material information. The owes its existence to the concession of its corporate franchise
matter of sequestration of PALI's properties and the fact that the from the state.
same form part of military/naval/forest reservations were not
reflected in PALI's application. The SEC's power to look into the subject ruling of the PSE,
therefore, may be implied from or be considered as necessary or
It is undeniable that the petitioner PSE is not an ordinary incidental to the carrying out of the SEC's express power to
corporation, in that although it is clothed with the markings of a insure fair dealing in securities traded upon a stock exchange or
corporate entity, it functions as the primary channel through which to ensure the fair administration of such exchange.   It is, likewise,

the vessels of capital trade ply. The PSE's relevance to the observed that the principal function of the SEC is the supervision
continued operation and filtration of the securities transactions in and control over corporations, partnerships and associations with
the country gives it a distinct color of importance such that the end in view that investment in these entities may be
government intervention in its affairs becomes justified, if not encouraged and protected, and their activities for the promotion
necessarily. Indeed, as the only operational stock exchange in of economic development.  8

Thus, it was in the alleged exercise of this authority that the SEC This is not to say, however, that the PSE's management
reversed the decision of the PSE to deny the application for listing prerogatives are under the absolute control of the SEC. The PSE
in the stock exchange of the private respondent PALI. The SEC's is, alter all, a corporation authorized by its corporate franchise to
action was affirmed by the Court of Appeals. engage in its proposed and duly approved business. One of the
PSE's main concerns, as such, is still the generation of profit for
We affirm that the SEC is the entity with the primary say as to its stockholders. Moreover, the PSE has all the rights pertaining
whether or not securities, including shares of stock of a to corporations, including the right to sue and be sued, to hold
corporation, may be traded or not in the stock exchange. This is property in its own name, to enter (or not to enter) into contracts
in line with the SEC's mission to ensure proper compliance with with third persons, and to perform all other legal acts within its
the laws, such as the Revised Securities Act and to regulate the allocated express or implied powers.
sale and disposition of securities in the country.   As the appellate

court explains: A corporation is but an association of individuals, allowed to

transact under an assumed corporate name, and with a distinct
Paramount policy also supports the authority of legal personality. In organizing itself as a collective body, it
the public respondent to review petitioner's denial waives no constitutional immunities and perquisites appropriate to
of the listing. Being a stock exchange, the such a body.   As to its corporate and management decisions,

petitioner performs a function that is vital to the therefore, the state will generally not interfere with the same.
national economy, as the business is affected with Questions of policy and of management are left to the honest
public interest. As a matter of fact, it has often decision of the officers and directors of a corporation, and the
been said that the economy moves on the basis of courts are without authority to substitute their judgment for the
the rise and fall of stocks being traded. By its judgment of the board of directors. The board is the business
economic power, the petitioner certainly can manager of the corporation, and so long as it acts in good faith,
dictate which and how many users are allowed to its orders are not reviewable by the courts. 12

sell securities thru the facilities of a stock

exchange, if allowed to interpret its own rules Thus, notwithstanding the regulatory power of the SEC over the
liberally as it may please. Petitioner can either PSE, and the resultant authority to reverse the PSE's decision in
allow or deny the entry to the market of securities. matters of application for listing in the market, the SEC may
To repeat, the monopoly, unless accompanied by exercise such power only if the PSE's judgment is attended by
control, becomes subject to abuse; hence, bad faith. In Board of Liquidators vs. Kalaw,  it was held that bad

considering public interest, then it should be faith does not simply connote bad judgment or negligence. It
subject to government regulation. imports a dishonest purpose or some moral obliquity and
conscious doing of wrong. It means a breach of a known duty
The role of the SEC in our national economy cannot be through some motive or interest of ill will, partaking of the nature
minimized. The legislature, through the Revised Securities Act, of fraud.
Presidential Decree No. 902-A, and other pertinent laws, has
entrusted to it the serious responsibility of enforcing all laws In reaching its decision to deny the application for listing of PALI,
affecting corporations and other forms of associations not the PSE considered important facts, which, in the general
otherwise vested in some other government office.  10
scheme, brings to serious question the qualification of PALI to sell

its shares to the public through the stock exchange. During the that their details be revealed; (2) placing the
time for receiving objections to the application, the PSE heard market during the early stages of the offering of a
from the representative of the late President Ferdinand E. Marcos security a body of information, which operating
and his family who claim the properties of the private respondent indirectly through investment services and expert
to be part of the Marcos estate. In time, the PCGG confirmed this investors, will tend to produce a more accurate
claim. In fact, an order of sequestration has been issued covering appraisal of a security, . . . Thus, the Commission
the properties of PALI, and suit for reconveyance to the state has may refuse to permit a registration statement to
been filed in the Sandiganbayan Court. How the properties were become effective if it appears on its face to be
effectively transferred, despite the sequestration order, from the incomplete or inaccurate in any material respect,
TDC and MSDC to Rebecco Panlilio, and to the private and empower the Commission to issue a stop
respondent PALI, in only a short span of time, are not yet order suspending the effectiveness of any
explained to the Court, but it is clear that such circumstances give registration statement which is found to include
rise to serious doubt as to the integrity of PALI as a stock issuer. any untrue statement of a material fact or to omit
The petitioner was in the right when it refused application of PALI, to state any material fact required to be stated
for a contrary ruling was not to the best interest of the general therein or necessary to make the statements
public. The purpose of the Revised Securities Act, after all, is to therein not misleading. (Idem).
give adequate and effective protection to the investing public
against fraudulent representations, or false promises, and the Also, as the primary market for securities, the PSE has
imposition of worthless ventures. 14
established its name and goodwill, and it has the right to protect
such goodwill by maintaining a reasonable standard of propriety
It is to be observed that the U.S. Securities Act emphasized its in the entities who choose to transact through its facilities. It was
avowed protection to acts detrimental to legitimate business, reasonable for the PSE, therefore, to exercise its judgment in the
thus: manner it deems appropriate for its business identity, as long as
no rights are trampled upon, and public welfare is safeguarded.
The Securities Act, often referred to as the "truth
in securities" Act, was designed not only to In this connection, it is proper to observe that the concept of
provide investors with adequate information upon government absolutism is a thing of the past, and should remain
which to base their decisions to buy and sell so.
securities, but also to protect legitimate business
seeking to obtain capital through honest The observation that the title of PALI over its properties is
presentation against competition from crooked absolute and can no longer be assailed is of no moment. At this
promoters and to prevent fraud in the sale of juncture, there is the claim that the properties were owned by
securities. (Tenth Annual Report, U.S. Securities TDC and MSDC and were transferred in violation of sequestration
& Exchange Commission, p. 14). orders, to Rebecco Panlilio and later on to PALI, besides the
claim of the Marcoses that such properties belong to the Marcos
As has been pointed out, the effects of such an estate, and were held only in trust by Rebecco Panlilio. It is also
act are chiefly (1) prevention of excesses and alleged by the petitioner that these properties belong to naval and
fraudulent transactions, merely by requirement of forest reserves, and therefore beyond private dominion. If any of

these claims is established to be true, the certificates of title over corporations and over the securities market as a whole, and as
the subject properties now held by PALI map be disregarded, as such, is given ample authority in determining appropriate policies.
it is an established rule that a registration of a certificate of title Pursuant to this regulatory authority, the SEC has manifested that
does not confer ownership over the properties described therein it has adopted the policy of "full material disclosure" where all
to the person named as owner. The inscription in the registry, to companies, listed or applying for listing, are required to divulge
be effective, must be made in good faith. The defense of truthfully and accurately, all material information about
indefeasibility of a Torrens Title does not extend to a transferee themselves and the securities they sell, for the protection of the
who takes the certificate of title with notice of a flaw. investing public, and under pain of administrative, criminal and
civil sanctions. In connection with this, a fact is deemed material if
In any case, for the purpose of determining whether PSE acted it tends to induce or otherwise effect the sale or purchase of its
correctly in refusing the application of PALI, the true ownership of securities.   While the employment of this policy is recognized

the properties of PALI need not be determined as an absolute and sanctioned by the laws, nonetheless, the Revised Securities
fact. What is material is that the uncertainty of the properties' Act sets substantial and procedural standards which a proposed
ownership and alienability exists, and this puts to question the issuer of securities must satisfy.   Pertinently, Section 9 of the

qualification of PALI's public offering. In sum, the Court finds that Revised Securities Act sets forth the possible Grounds for the
the SEC had acted arbitrarily in arrogating unto itself the Rejection of the registration of a security:
discretion of approving the application for listing in the PSE of the
private respondent PALI, since this is a matter addressed to the — The Commission may reject a registration
sound discretion of the PSE, a corporation entity, whose business statement and refuse to issue a permit to sell the
judgments are respected in the absence of bad faith. securities included in such registration statement
if it finds that —
The question as to what policy is, or should be relied upon in
approving the registration and sale of securities in the SEC is not (1) The registration statement is on its face
for the Court to determine, but is left to the sound discretion of the incomplete or inaccurate in any material respect
Securities and Exchange Commission. In mandating the SEC to or includes any untrue statement of a material fact
administer the Revised Securities Act, and in performing its other or omits to state a material fact required to be
functions under pertinent laws, the Revised Securities Act, under stated therein or necessary to make the
Section 3 thereof, gives the SEC the power to promulgate such statements therein not misleading; or 
rules and regulations as it may consider appropriate in the public
interest for the enforcement of the said laws. The second (2) The issuer or registrant —
paragraph of Section 4 of the said law, on the other hand,
provides that no security, unless exempt by law, shall be issued, (i) is not solvent or not in sound
endorsed, sold, transferred or in any other manner conveyed to financial condition;
the public, unless registered in accordance with the rules and
regulations that shall be promulgated in the public interest and for
(ii) has violated or has not
the protection of investors by the Commission. Presidential
complied with the provisions of this
Decree No. 902-A, on the other hand, provides that the SEC, as
Act, or the rules promulgated
regulatory agency, has supervision and control over all

pursuant thereto, or any order of public interest or as a fraud upon the purchasers
the Commission; or investors. (Emphasis Ours)

(iii) has failed to comply with any A reading of the foregoing grounds reveals the intention of the
of the applicable requirements and lawmakers to make the registration and issuance of securities
conditions that the Commission dependent, to a certain extent, on the merits of the securities
may, in the public interest and for themselves, and of the issuer, to be determined by the Securities
the protection of investors, impose and Exchange Commission. This measure was meant to protect
before the security can be the interests of the investing public against fraudulent and
registered; worthless securities, and the SEC is mandated by law to
safeguard these interests, following the policies and rules
(iv) has been engaged or is therefore provided. The absolute reliance on the full disclosure
engaged or is about to engage in method in the registration of securities is, therefore, untenable. As
fraudulent transaction; it is, the Court finds that the private respondent PALI, on at least
two points (nos. 1 and 5) has failed to support the propriety of the
(v) is in any way dishonest or is issue of its shares with unfailing clarity, thereby lending support to
not of good repute; or the conclusion that the PSE acted correctly in refusing the listing
of PALI in its stock exchange. This does not discount the
effectivity of whatever method the SEC, in the exercise of its
(vi) does not conduct its business
vested authority, chooses in setting the standard for public
in accordance with law or is
offerings of corporations wishing to do so. However, the SEC
engaged in a business that is
must recognize and implement the mandate of the law,
illegal or contrary to government
particularly the Revised Securities Act, the provisions of which
rules and regulations.
cannot be amended or supplanted by mere administrative
(3) The enterprise or the business of the issuer is
not shown to be sound or to be based on sound In resume, the Court finds that the PSE has acted with justified
business principles; circumspection, discounting, therefore, any imputation of arbitrariness and
whimsical animation on its part. Its action in refusing to allow the listing of
(4) An officer, member of the board of directors, or PALI in the stock exchange is justified by the law and by the circumstances
principal stockholder of the issuer is disqualified to attendant to this case.
be such officer, director or principal stockholder;
or  ACCORDINGLY, in view of the foregoing considerations, the Court hereby
GRANTS the Petition for Review on Certiorari. The Decisions of the Court of
Appeals and the Securities and Exchange Commission REVERSED and
(5) The issuer or registrant has not shown to the SET ASIDE, and a new Judgment is hereby ENTERED, affirming the
satisfaction of the Commission that the sale of its decision of the Philippine Stock Exchange to deny the application for listing
security would not work to the prejudice of the of the private respondent Puerto Azul Land, Inc.

2. G.R. No. 210612 which the checks were drawn were already closed. The
complainants then demanded from the accused the return of their
PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, Plaintiff-Appellee  money, but their demands were unheeded. The private
vs. complainants and other investors then went to the SEC to file a
ERVIN Y. MATEO, EVELYN E. MATEO, CARMELITA B. complaint, where they discovered that MMG was not a registered
GALVEZ, ROMEO L. ESTEBAN, GALILEO J. SAPORSANTOS issuer of securities. The SEC forwarded their complaint to the
and NENITA S. SAPORSANTOS, Accused City Prosecutor of Makati.
Subsequently, on April 11, 2003, the Assistant City Prosecutor of
In March 2001, private complainant Herminia Alcid, Jr. (Herminia, Makat1 City filed two separate Informations  with the RTC of

Jr.) met a certain Geraldine Alejandro (Geraldine)who introduced Makati City charging accused-appellant, together with Evelyn E.
herself as the head of the Business Center of MMG International Mateo, Carmelita B. Galvez, Romeo L. Esteban, Galileo J.
Holdings Co., Ltd. (MMG).Geraldine was then soliciting Saporsantos and Nenita S. Saporsantos with the crime of
investments and has shown a brochure showcasing the syndicated estafa. The Informations were similarly worded,
investments and businesses of the said entity. Herminia, Jr. was except as to the dates of the commission of the crime, the names
also shown Articles of Partnership to prove that MMG is of the complainants, and the amounts obtained from them, as
registered with the 'Securities and Exchange follows:
Commission (SEC). The Articles of Partnership showed accused-
appellant as a general partner who has contributed xxxx
₱49,750,000.00 to MMG. The other accused were shown to be
limited partners who have contributed ₱50,000.00 each. That on or about the 2nd day of May (09th day of July) 2002 prior
Convinced by the representations of Geraldine, Herminia, Jr. or subsequent thereto, in Makati, Philippines, said accused, being
invested ₱50,000.00 with MMG on April 20, 2002. Subsequently, officers, employees and/or agents of Mateo Management Group
all the interests and principal were promptly paid, which induced Holding Company, a corporation operating on funds solicited from
him to make a bigger investment. On May 2, 2002, Herminio, Jr. the public, conspiring, or confederating with, and mutually helping
and his father, Herminia, Sr., made a joint investment of one another, and operating as a syndicate, did then and there,
₱200,000.00. Later, Geraldine was also able to convince willfully, unlawfully and feloniously defraud complainants
Herminia, Jr.'s sister, .Melanie, who made an investment HERMINIO ALCID, SR. and HERMINIO ALCID, JR. (MELANIE
of ₱50,000.00 with MMG. The private complainants' investments ALCID) by means of false pretenses or fraudulent acts executed
were covered by a notarized Memorandum of prior to or simultaneously with the commission of the fraud to the
Agreement (MOA), signed by accused-appellant, which effect that they have the business, property and power to solicit
stipulated, among others, that MMG was being represented by its and accept investments and deposits from the general public and
President, herein accused-appellant, and that the investors will be the capacity to pay the complainants guaranteed monthly returns
earning 2.5o/o monthly interest income from the capital they have (interest) on investment from two point five percent (2.5%) and
invested. Subsequently, the complainants received several post- lucrative commissions, and by means of other deceits of similar
dated checks covering their investments. However, when they import, induced and succeeded in inducing complainants to
tried to deposit the checks, their banks informed them that these invest, deposit, give and deliver as in fact the latter gave and
were dishonored because MMG's accounts in the bank from delivered to said accused the total amount of ₱200,000.00

(₱50,000.00) as investment or deposit, accused knowing fully On October 22, 2008, the RTC rendered its Judgment finding
well that said pretenses and representations are a fraudulent accused-appellant guilty as charged, the dispositive portion of
scheme to enable them to obtain said amount, and thereafter, which reads as follows:
having in their possession said amount, with intent to gain and to
defraud, misappropriated and converted the same to their own WHEREFORE, in Criminal Case No. 03-2936, the Court finds the
personal use and benefit to the damage and prejudice of said accused, Ervin Y. Mateo, GUILTYbeyond reasonable doubt of
complainants in the said amount. the crime of Syndicated Estafa penalized under Article 315 of the
Revised Penal Code, in relation to Presidential Decree No. 1689
Contrary to law. and hereby sentences him to suffer the penalty of life
imprisonment. Likewise, Ervin Y. Mateo is held solidarity liable
xxx 5 with MMG International Holdings Company, Ltd. to pay private
complainant[s] Herminio Alcid, Jr. and Herminio Alcid, Sr.
On motion of the prosecution, and without objection on the part of ₱206,000.00 as actual damages.
the defense, the Informations were subsequently amended where
the third and fourth lines of the Informations, as quoted above, In Criminal Case No. 03-2987, the Court finds the accused, Ervin
were made to read as follows: " ... being partners, officers, Y. Mateo, GUILTY beyond reasonable doubt of the crime of
employees and/or agents of MMG; International Holdings Syndicated Estafa penalized under Article 315 of the Revised
Company, Ltd." 6 Penal Code, in relation to Presidential Decree No. 1689 and
hereby sentences him to suffer the penalty of life imprisonment.
The above cases were docketed as Criminal Case Nos. 03-2936 Likewise, Ervin Y. Mateo is held solidarily liable with MMG
and 03-2987. International Holdings Company, Ltd. to pay private
complainant Melanie Alcid ₱59,702.61 as actual damages.
Similar cases for estafa and syndicated estafa, totalling 209, were
also filed against the accused. SO ORDERED. 11

Among the accused, only accused-appellant was arrested and The RTC found that all the elements of the crime of syndicated
when arraigned on February 19, 2004, he pleaded not guilty to all estafa are present, to wit: (1) MMG was formed by accused-
the charges. 7 appellant, together with five (5) other persons; (2) accused-
appellant, together with his co-accused, committed fraud in
inducing private complainants to part with their money; and (3)
Pre-trial  was then conducted. Thereafter, Criminal Case Nos. 03-

the fraud resulted in the misappropriation of the money

2936 and 03-2987 were jointly tried.
contributed by the private complainants.
After the prosecution rested its case, the defense, represented by
Accused-appellant appealed the RTC Decision with the CA. 12

private counsel, failed to present its evidence despite several re-

settings made by the RTC.  Thus, upon motion of the prosecution,

the case was deemed submitted for resolution. 10 On July 16, 2012, the CA promulgated its assailed Decision
affirming the judgment of the RTC in toto.

The CA held, among others, that, contrary to accused-appellant's C. WHETHER OR NOT THERE IS SUFFICIENT QUANTUM OF
position, PD 1689 contemplates estafa as defined and penalized PROOF TO WARRANT THE CONVICTION OF APPELLANT
under Article 315, paragraph 2(a) of the RPC. The CA also held BEYOND REASONABLE DOUBT AS FOUND BY THE TRIAL
that all the elements of syndicated estafa are present in the COURT IN THE CHALLENGED DECISION.
instant case.
On August 8, 2013, accused-appellant, through counsel, filed a CONVICTED IN THE ABOVEMENTIONED CASES DESPITE
Notice of Appeal  manifesting his intention to appeal the CA
Decision to this Court. RTC, BRANCH 256, MUNTINLUPA CITY, FOR THE
In its Resolution dated August 29, 2013, the CA gave due course MMG HOLDINGS.
to accused-appellant's Notice of Appeal and ordered the elevation
of the records of the case to this Court.
Hence, this appeal was instituted. IN DENYING THE MOTION FOR RECONSIDERATION AND

In a Resolution  dated March 5, 2014, this Court, among others,


notified the parties that they may file their respective The appeal lacks merit.
supplemental briefs, if they so desire.
Anent the first issue raised, the Court does not agree with
In its Manifestation (In Lieu of Supplemental Brief)  dated May 6,
16 accused-appellant's contention that he may not be found guilty of
2014, the Office of the Solicitor General (OSG)informed this Court violating PD 1689 in relation to estafa under Article 315 (2)(a)  of

that it will no longer file a supplemental brief because it had the RPC on the ground that the only kind of estafa contemplated
already exhaustively addressed in its brief filed before the CA all under PD 1689 is that .defined under Article 315 (1)(b)  of the

the issues and arguments raised by accused-appellant in his RPC and not the kind of estafa falling under Article 315 (2)(a) of
brief. the same Code.

On the other hand, accused-appellant filed a Supplemental Section 1 of PD 1689 provides as follows:
Brief  on June 30, 2014, raising the following issues:

Section 1. Any person or persons who shall commit estafa or

A. WHETHER OR NOT ACCUSED-APPELLANT MAY BE other forms of swindling as defined in Article 315 and 316 of the
CONVICTED WITH ESTAFA UNDER ARTICLE 315, Revised Penal Code, as amended, shall be punished by life
PARAGRAPH 2(A) IN RELATION TO P.D. 1689. imprisonment to death if the swindling (estafa) is committed by a
syndicate consisting of five or more persons formed with the
B. WHETHER OR NOT THE ELEMENT OF DEFRAUDATION intention of carrying out the unlawful or illegal act, transaction,
WAS PROVEN BEYOND REASONABLE DOUBT BY THE enterprise or scheme, and the defraudation results in the
PROSECUTION. misappropriation of money contributed by stockholders, or

members of rural banks, cooperative, "samahang nayon(s)", or suggestions or by suppression of truth and includes all surprise,
farmers association, or of funds solicited by trick, cunning, dissembling and any unfair way by which another
corporations/associations from the general public. is cheated.  On the other hand, deceit is the false representation

of a matter of fact, whether by words or conduct, by false or

When not committed by a syndicate as above defined, the misleading allegations, or by concealment of that which should
penalty imposable shall be reclusion temporal to reclusion have been disclosed which deceives or is intended to deceive
perpetua if the amount of the fraud exceeds 100,000 pesos. another so that he shall act upon it to his legal injury.

Suffice it to say that it has been settled in a number of cases  that

21 In relation to the above, the elements of syndicated estafa as
estafa, as defined under Article 315 (2)(a) of the RPC, is one of defined under Section 1 of PD 1689 are: (a) estafa or other forms
the kinds of swindling contemplated under PD 1689. of swindling as defined in Articles 315 and 316 of the Revised
Penal Code is committed; (b) the estafaor swindling is committed
Under the second and third issues raised by accused-appellant, by a syndicate of five or ·more persons; and (c) defraudation
he argues that, insofar as he is concerned, the element of results in the misappropriation of moneys contributed by
defraudation was not proven beyond reasonable doubt because stockholders, or members of rural banks,
the prosecution failed to prove that he personally transacted or cooperatives, "samahang nayon(s)," or farmers' associations, or
dealt with the private complainants. The Court is not persuaded. of funds solicited by corporations/associations from the general

The elements of estafa by means of deceit under Article 315 (2 )

(a) of the RPC are the following: (a) that there must be a false With respect to the presence of the elements of fraud and deceit,
pretense or fraudulent representation as to his power, influence, the Court agrees with the arguments and conclusions of the
qualifications, property, credit, agency, business or imaginary OSG, to wit:
transactions; (b) that such false pretense or fraudulent
representation was made or executed prior to or simultaneously In pursuit of their fraudulent investment scheme, appellant and
with the commission of the fraud; (c) that the offended party relied his partners formed a partnership which, by its Amended Article
on the false pretense, fraudulent act, or fraudulent means and of Partnership, had the end in view "to acquire, manage, own,
was induced to part with his money or property; and (d) that, as a hold, buy, sell, and/or encumber securities or equity participation
result thereof, the offended party suffered damage. 22 of other persons, partnership, corporation, or any other entities,
as permitted or may be authorized by law as well as to [purchase]
In addition, fraud, in its general sense, is deemed to comprise or otherwise acquire the whole or any [part] of the property,
anything calculated to deceive, including all acts, omissions, and assests, business and goodwill of any other persons, firm,
concealment involving a breach of legal or equitable duty, trust, or corporation or association and to conduct in any lawful measures
confidence justly reposed, resulting in damage to another, or by the business so acquired and to express all the powers
which an undue and unconscientious advantage is taken of necessary or [convenient] in and about the conduct, management
another.  It is a generic term embracing all multifarious means
23 and carrying on of such business. However, the [partnership]
which human ingenuity can devise, and which are resorted to by shall not engage in stock brokerage or dealership of securities."
one individual to secure an advantage over another by false

In violation thereof, the people behind the partnership were MMG Computer Learning Center, Mateo Institute of Computer
effectively engaging in the sale of securites by enticing the public Studies), consumer products manufacturing businesses (M-
to "invest" funds with MMG International Holdings Co., Ltd. Power Enterprises, Inc.), an insurance firm (Mateo Pre-Need
offering a promise of a two point five percent (2.5%) monthly Plans), retail establishments (MMG International Trading
compensation out of the capital on their investment. These Corporation), movie outfit (MMG Films International) and a
investment activities were clearly ultra vires acts or acts beyond shipping line (Mateo Maritime Management), among others.  Be1âwphi1

the partnership's authority. that as it may, there was no evidence presented by the
partnership to bolster their representations of being engaged in
In fact, Atty. Justine Callangan, Director of the Corporate Finance these so-called bustling business endeavors.
Division of the Securities and Exchange Commission, issued on
February 10, 2003 a Certification that based on the records of the Evidently, the testimonial evidence presented by the prosecution
Commission, MMG International Holdings Co. Ltd. is not a more than amply proved that appellant, together with his partners,
registered issuer of securities. She explained in her testimony employed fraud and deceit upon trusting individuals in order to
that the partnership has not been issued a permit or a secondary convince them to invest in MMG International Holdings Co. Ltd. It
license or franchise to go to the public and offer to sell any form may even be observed that there was a uniform pattern employed
of securities which means that the partnership cannot offer or sell in selling their proposition as shown by how potential investors
shares of stocks or equity, securities, investment contracts, debt are ensnared by appellant and his partners, through MMG
instruments like short-term or long-term commercial papers to International Holdings Co. Ltd. Business Center Head Geralding
more than nineteen (19) people without any prior licensing from Alejandro. First, they would make a presentation of the "Alliance"
the Commission. In plain language, Atty. Callangan stated that brochure featuring the businesses the company professes to own
soliciting funds from the public is a form of issuing securities, and combine with the misrepresentation that they had the
which MMG International Holdings Co. Ltd. was not authorized to technical know-how and false promise of two point five percent
do so. (2.5%) monthly compensation out of the capital on their

Apparently, registration with the Securities and Exchange

Commission was procured by MMG International Holdings Co. Thus, in the present case, it is clear that all the elements of
Ltd. only for the purpose of giving a semblance of legitimacy to syndicated estafa, are present, considering that: (a) the
the partnership; that the partnership's business was sanctioned incorporators/directors of MMG comprising more than five (5)
by the government and that it was allowed by law to accept people, including herein accused-appellant, made false.
investments. pretenses and representations to the investing public - in this
case, the private complainants - regarding a supposed lucrative
In carrying out the nefarious transactions, MMG International investment opportunity with MMG in order to solicit money from
Holdings Co. Ltd. even published its own brochure them; (b) the said false pretenses and representations were
entitled "Alliance" which was shown to potential investors made prior to or simultaneous with the commission of fraud; (c)
showcasing that it had the following businesses to finance the relying on the same, private complainants invested their hard-
promised earnings: a condotel (MMG Condotel), a realty earned money into MMG; and (d) the incorporators/directors of
company (Mateo Realty and Development Corporation), schools MMG ended up running away with the private complainants'
(MMG Academy, Mateo College and Technical Foundation, Inc., investments, obviously to the latter's prejudice.

Accused-appellant insists that the prosecution failed· to prove the the Articles of Partnership of MMG named appellant as the sole
element of defraudation because no sufficient evidence was general partner with a capital contribution of ₱49,750,000.00; (2)
presented to prove that he "personally, physically and actually his signatures appear in the MOA entered into by the
performed any 'false pretenses' and/or 'fraudulent complainants and facilitated by his co-accused Geraldine
representations' against the private complainants."  The Court
Alejandro; (3) his signatures also appear in the Secretary's
does not agree. Accused-appellant should be reminded that he is Certificate and Signature Cards which were submitted to Allied
being accused of syndicated estafa in conspiracy with the other Bank when the partnership opened an account; (4) the MOA are
co-accused. In this regard, the Court finds no error in the finding notarized and it was only on appeal that he denied his signatures
of the CA that herein appellant and his co-accused are guilty of appearing therein or questioned the authenticity and due
conspiracy, to wit: execution of the said documents. Indeed, it cannot be denied that
accused-appellant, together with the rest of his co-accused,
xxxx participated in a network of deception. The active involvement of
each in the scheme of soliciting investments was directed at one
The evidence adduced by the prosecution established the single purpose - which is to divest complainants of their money on
existence of conspiracy among the accused in committing the the pretext of guaranteed high return of investment. Without a
crime charged. They started by forming the partnership. All of doubt, the nature and extent of the actions of accused-appellant,
them had access to MMG Holding's bank accounts. They as well as with the other persons in MMG show unity of action
composed the Members of the Board of Directors that manage towards a common undertaking. Hence, conspiracy is evidently
and control the business transactions of MMG Holdings. Without present.
the participation of each of the accused, MMG Holdings could not
have solicited funds from the general public and succeeded to As to accused-appellant's contention that his signatures
perpetrate their fraudulent scheme. Hence, each of them is a co- appearing in the questioned documents are mere facsimile
conspirator by virtue of indispensable cooperation in the signatures, this Court has held that a facsimile signature, which is
fraudulent acts of the partnership. defined as a signature produced by mechanical means, is
recognized as valid in banking, financial, and business
xxx 29 transactions.  Besides, as earlier mentioned, the MOA where

accused-appellant's signature appears, was notarized and that it

was only on appeal that he denied authenticity of such signatures
In the instant case, it was not necessary for the prosecution to still
and questioned the due execution of the concerned documents.
prove .that accused-appellant himself "personally, physically and
Also, the same facsimile signature, together with the other
actually performed any 'false pretenses' and/or 'fraudulent
facsimile and stamped signatures of appellant's co-accused, were
representations' against the private complainants," given the
used in opening a bank account in the name of MMG where
findings of both the RTC and the CA of the existence of
accused-appellant was one of the authorized signatories. As
conspiracy among appellant and his co-accused. When there is
found by the CA, the bank used and recognized these facsimile
conspiracy, the act of one is the act of all.  It is not essential that

and stamped signatures in transacting with appellant and his co-

there be actual proof that all the conspirators took a direct part in
accused without any complaints from them. Thus, accused-
every act.  It is sufficient that they acted in concert pursuant to

appellant cannot deny the binding effect of the subject signatures.

the same objective.  In any case, appellant's direct participation

in the conspiracy is evidenced by the findings of the CA· that: (1)

With respect to the fourth issue raised, the matter to be resolved or indemnification is warranted, such award would fall under the
is whether the suspension of all claims as an incident to MMG category of claims, the execution of which would be subject to the
Group of Companies'. corporate rehabilitation also contemplate stay order issued by the rehabilitation court. x x x
the suspension of criminal charges filed against herein accused-
appellant as an officer of the distressed corporation. x x x. 36

This Court rules in the negative. As to the last issue raised, accused-appellant insists that his
acquittal of the same offense charged in several other cases only
Citing the case of Rosario v. Co,   the ruling of this Court
proves that he never committed the said crime of syndicated
in Panlilio, et al. v. RTC, Branch 51, City of Manila, et al.,  to wit:
estafa. Accused-appellant's logic is skewed. The fact that he was
acquitted in several other cases for the same offense charged
xxxx does not necessarily follow that he should also be found innocent
in the present case. His acquittal in the cases he mentioned was
x x x There is no reason why criminal proceedings should be due to the prosecution's failure to present sufficient evidence to
suspended during corporate rehabilitation, more so, since the convict him of the offense charged. These cases involved
prime purpose of the criminal action is .to punish the offender in different parties, factual millieu and sets of evidence. In the
order to deter him and others from committing the same or similar present case, both the RTC and the CA found that the evidence
offense, to isolate him from society, reform and rehabilitate him presented by the prosecution is enough to prove that accused-
or, in general, to maintain social order. As correctly observed appellant is guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the crimes of
in Rosario, it would be absurd for one who has engaged in syndicated estafa. After a review of the evidence presented, this
criminal conduct could escape punishment by the mere filing of a Court finds no cogent reason to depart from the findings of the
petition for rehabilitation by the corporation of which he is an RTC and the CA.
Finally, the Court notes the recent passage into law of Republic
The prosecution of the officers of the corporation has no bearing Act No. 10951 (RA 10951), otherwise known as "AN ACT
on the pending rehabilitation of the corporation, especially since ADJUSTING THE AMOUNT OR THE VALUE OF PROPERTY
they are charged in their individual capacities. Such being the AND DAMAGE ON WHICH A PENALTY IS BASED, AND THE
case, the purpose of the law for the issuance of the stay order is FINES IMPOSED UNDER THE REVISED PENAL CODE,
not compromised, since the appointed rehabilitation receiver can AMENDING FOR THE PURPOSE ACT NO. 3815, OTHERWISE
still fully discharge his functions as mandated by law. It bears to KNOWN AS "THE REVISED PENAL CODE", AS AMENDED.
stress that the rehabilitation receiver is not charged to defend the Consistent with the settled principle that an appeal in criminal
officers of the corporation. If there is anything that the cases throws the whole case open for review, the Court finds it
rehabilitation receiver might be remotely interested in is whether proper to look into the applicability or non-applicability of the
the court also rules that petitioners are civilly liable. Such a amendatory provisions of RA 10951 to the present case.
scenario, however, is not a reason to suspend the criminal
proceedings, because as aptly discussed in Rosario, should the The amendments under RA 10951 were passed with the primary
court prosecuting the officers of the corporation find that an award objective of adjusting the amounts or the values of the
property and damage on which a penalty is based for various

crimes committed under the RPC, including estafa. Section 85 of Notably, the first paragraph of PD 1689 penalizes offenders with
RA 10951 makes mention of PD 1689 as one of the laws which life imprisonment to death regardless of the amount or value of
amends Article 315 of the RPC. the property or damage involved, provided that a syndicate
committed the crime. 37

On the other hand, it should be considered that PD 1689 is a

special law which was enacted for the specific purpose of defining Moreover, from the provisions of RA 10951, there appears no
syndicated estafa and imposing a specific penalty for the manifest intent to repeal or alter the penalty for syndicated estafa.
commission of the said offense.  Thus, the law emphatically
1âwphi1 If there was such an intent, then the amending law should have
states its intent in its ''WHEREAS" clauses, to wit: clearly so indicated because implied repeals are not
favored.  Thus, unlike the specific amendments introduced by RA

xxxx 10951 to the penalties on estafa committed by means of

bouncing checks, as defined under Article 315 (2)(d) and
WHEREAS, there is an upsurge in the commission of swindling amended by Republic Act No. 4885  and Presidential Decree No.

and other forms of frauds in rural banks, 818,  nowhere in RA 10951 was it clearly shown that the

cooperatives, "samahang nayon(s) ", and farmers' associations or legislature intended to repeal or amend the provisions of PD
corporations/associations operating on funds solicited from the 1689. As much as possible, effect must be given to all
general public; enactments of the legislature.  A special law cannot be repealed,

amended or altered by a subsequent general law by mere

implication.  Furthermore, for an implied repeal, a pre-condition

WHEREAS, such defraudation or misappropriation of funds

must be found, that is, a substantial conflict should exist between
contributed by stockholders or members of such rural banks,
the new and prior laws.  Absent an express repeal, a subsequent

cooperatives, "samahang nayon(s) ", or farmers' associations, or

law cannot be construed as repealing a prior one unless an
of funds solicited by corporations/associations from the general
irreconcilable inconsistency or repugnancy exists in the terms of
public, erodes the confidence of the public in the banking and
the new and old laws.  The two laws, in brief, must be absolutely

cooperative system, contravenes the public interest, and

incompatible.  In the instant case, the Court finds neither

constitutes economic sabotage that threatens the stability of the

inconsistency nor absolute incompatibility in the existing
provisions of PD 1689 and the amendatory provisions of RA
10951. As such, the amendatory provisions under RA 10951 are
WHEREAS, it is imperative that the resurgence of said crimes be not applicable to the present case.
checked, or at least minimized, by imposing capital punishment
on certain forms of swindling and other frauds involving rural
WHEREFORE, the Court AFFIRMS the Decision dated July 16,
banks, cooperatives, "samahang nayon(s)", farmers' associations
2012 and Resolution dated July 1, 2013 of the Court of Appeals
or corporations/associations operating on funds solicited from the
in CA-G.R. CR-H.C. No. 04001.
general public;
x x x."

3.SEC VS G COSMOS In a Notice of Hearing dated June 25, 2004, the SEC directed
URPHI to show cause why its Registration of Securities and
Certificate of Permit to Sell Securities to the Public should not be
4.G.R. No. 181381               July 20, 2015 suspended for failure to submit the said requirements. Pertinent
portion of the notice reads: Records show that the corporation
SECURITIES and EXCHANGE COMMISSION, Petitioner,  has failed to submit the following reports in violation of SRC Rule
vs. 17.1:
INC., Respondent. (1) 2003 Annual Report (SEC Form 17-A); and

Respondent Universal Rightfield Property Holdings, Inc. (URPHI) (2) 2004 1st Quarter Report (SEC Form 17-Q)
is a corporation duly registered and existing under the Philippine
Laws, and is engaged in the business of providing residential and
leisure-related needs and wants of the middle and upper middle- The company has been allowed a non-extendible period until May
income market. 31, 2004 within which to file its 2003 Annual Report but to date
the said report has not been submitted.
On May 29, 2003, petitioner Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC), through its Corporate Finance Department, In view of the foregoing and considering the inadequate
issued an Order revoking URPHI's Registration of Securities and information available to the public, the corporation is hereby
Permit to Sell Securities to the Public for its failure to timely file its directed to show cause why the Registration of its Securities and
Year 2001 Annual Report and Year 2002 1st, 2nd and 3rd Certificate of Permit to Sell Securities should not be suspended,
Quarterly Reports pursuant to Section 17  of the Securities
in a hearing scheduled before Atty. Francia A. Tiuseco-Manlapaz
Regulation Code (SRC), Republic Act No. 8799. on July 6, 2004, at the Securities Registration Division,
Corporation Finance Department of the Commission, 6th Floor,
SEC Building, EDA, Greenhills, Mandaluyong, Metro Manila at
On October 16, 2003, URPHI filed with the SEC a 10:00 o'clock in the morning. Failure of the company to appear,
Manifestation/Urgent Motion to Set Aside Revocation Order and through its representative, at the said hearing shall be deemed a
Reinstate Registration after complying with its reportorial waiver on its part to be heard with regard to the suspension of its
requirements. Certificate of Permit to Sell Securities to the Public.

On October 24, 2003, the SEC granted URPHI's motion to lift the SO ORDERED. 4

revocation order, considering the current economic situation,

URPHI's belated filing of the required annual and quarterly
reports, and its payment of the reduced fine of ₱82,000.00. During the scheduled hearing on July 6, 2004, URPHI, through its
Chief Accountant, Rhodora Lahaylahay, informed the SEC why it
failed to submit the reportorial requirements, viz.: (1) it was
Thereafter, URPHI failed again to comply with the same constrained to reduce its accounting staff due to cost-cutting
reportorial requirements. measures; thus, some of the audit requirements were not
completed within the original timetable; and (2) its audited

financial statements for the period ending December 31, 2003 During our meeting with our external auditor, SGV & Co. last 8
could not be finalized by reason of the delay in the completion of September 2004, SGV agreed to facilitate the finalization of our
some of its audit requirements. financial statements within two (2) weeks. Notwithstanding the
same, the Corporation foresees the impossibility of complying
In an Order dated July 27, 2004, the SEC suspended URPHI's with its submission until the end of the month, as the partners of
Registration of Securities and Permit to Sell Securities to the SGV are still reviewing the final draft of the financial statements.
Public for failure to submit its reportorial requirements despite the The Corporation intends to comply with its reportorial
lapse of the extension period, and due to lack of sufficient requirements. However, due to the foregoing circumstances, the
justification for its inability to comply with the said requirements. finalization of our financial statement has again been delayed. In
this regard, may we request for the last time until November 15,
On August 23, 2004, the SEC, through its Corporation Finance 2004 within which to submit said reportorial requirements. 6

Department, informed URPHI that it failed to submit its 2004 2nd

Quarter Report (SEC Form 17-Q) in violation of the Amended On December 1, 2004, URPHI filed with the SEC its 2003 Annual
Implementing Rules and Regulations of the SRC Rule 17 .1(1)(A) Report.
(ii).  It also directed URPHI to file the said report, and to show

cause why it should not be held liable for violation of the said rule. In an Order of Revocation  dated December 8, 2004, the SEC

revoked URPHI's Registration of Securities and Permit to Sell

In a letter dated September 28, 2004, URPHI requested for a final Securities to the Public for its failure to submit its reportorial
extension, or until November 15, 2004, within which to submit its requirements within the final extension period.
reportorial requirements. Pertinent portions of the letter read:
On December 9, 10, and 14, 2004, URPHI finally submitted to the
We refer to your Order dated 27 July 2004, wherein the SEC its 1st Quarterly Report for 2004, 2nd Quarterly Report for
Commission resolved to SUSPEND the Corporation's 2004, and 3rd Quarterly Report for 2004, respectively. Meantime,
Registration of Securities and Permit to Sell Securities to the URPHI appealed the SEC Order of Revocation dated December
Public due to non-filing of the Corporation's reportorial 8, 2004 by filing a Notice of Appeal and a Memorandum both
requirements under SRC Rule 17 effective for sixty (60) days or dated January 3, 2005.
until the reporting requirements are complied [with]; otherwise,
the Commission shall proceed with the revocation of the In a Resolution dated December 15, 2005, the SEC denied
Corporation's registration [of] securities. To date, the Corporation URPHI's appeal, thus: WHEREFORE, premises considered, the
has not filed with the Commission its 2003 Annual Report in SEC Memorandum dated 03 January 2005 of Universal Rightfield
Form 17-A and 2004 1st and 2°d Quarterly reports in SEC Form Property Holdings, Inc. praying for the reversal of the Order of
17-Q. The non-submission of these reportorial requirements, as Revocation dated 08 December 2004 is DENIED for lack of merit.
we have already disclosed to you per our letter dated 13
September 2004, was due to the non-finalization of the SO ORDERED. 8

Corporation's audited financial statement for the fiscal year ended

December 31, 2003. Aggrieved, URPHI filed a petition for review with the CA.

In a Decision dated January 21, 2008, the CA granted the petition the SEC filed the instant petition for review on certiorari, raising
and set aside the SEC Order of Revocation after finding that the sole issue that:
URPHI was not afforded due process because no due notice was
given and no hearing was conducted before its registration of THE COURT OF APPEALS DECIDED A QUESTION OF
securities and permit to sell them to the public was revoked. The SUBSTANCE WHICH IS NOT IN ACCORD WITH THE LAW
CA noted that the hearing conducted on July 6, 2004 was only for AND PREVAILING JURISPRUDENCE. 14

the purpose of determining whether URPHI's registration and

permit to sell should be suspended and not whether said On the one hand, the SEC contends that URPHI was accorded all
registration should be revoked. the opportunity to be heard and comply with all the reportorial
requirements before the Order of Revocation was issued.
The CA ruled that based on how Sections 5.1 (m)  and 13.1  of
9 10
Specifically, in the Order dated July 27, 2004 suspending
the SRC are worded, suspension and revocation of URPHI's URPHI's registration of securities for 60 days, the SEC expressly
registration of securities each requires separate notices and warned that such registration would be revoked should it
hearings. It also held that the Ruling  in Globe Telecom, Inc. v.
persistently fail to comply with the said requirements. Still, URPHI
The National Telecommunications Commission  (Globe Telecom,
continuously failed to submit the required reports. On August 23,
Inc.) applies squarely to this case since the Section 13.1 of the 2004, the SEC directed again URPHI to submit the required
SRC itself provides that due notice and hearing are required report and to show cause why it should not be held liable for
before revocation may be ordered by the SEC. In view of such violation of the law. Instead of submitting the required reports,
specific mandate of the SRC in cases of revocation, the CA URPHI requested for a final extension, or until November 15,
rejected the SEC's argument that the hearing conducted for the 2004, within which to comply with its reportorial requirements. For
suspension of URPHI's registration can already be considered as URPHI's failure to submit the said reports, the SEC issued the
the hearing for revocation. Order of Revocation dated December 8, 2004. URPHI
immediately filed a motion for reconsideration thereof through a
The CA also held that the SEC cannot brush aside the specific Notice of Appeal and a Memorandum both dated January 3,
mandate of Section 13 .1 of the SRC by merely invoking the 2005, which the SEC later denied in the Resolution dated
doctrine that administrative due process is satisfied when the December 15, 2005. Hence, URPHI was amply accorded its
party is given the opportunity to explain one's side or the guaranteed right to due process.
opportunity to seek a reconsideration of the action or ruling taken.
Citing Globe Telecom, Inc.  the CA explained that while such
The SEC also submits that the factual milieu of Globe Telecom,
doctrine remains valid and has been applied in numerous Inc.  cited by the CA in its Decision is starkly different from this

instances, it must give way in instances when the statute itself, case. Unlike in the former case where the Court ruled that the fine
such as Section 13 .1, demands prior notice and hearing. It imposed by the National Telecommunications Commission
added that the imperativeness for a hearing in cases of without notice and hearing, was null and void due to the denial of
revocation of registration of securities assumes greater petitioner's right to due process, the SEC points out that URPHI
significance, considering that revocation is a measure punitive in was duly notified of its violations and the corresponding penalty
character undertaken by an administrative agency in the exercise that may be imposed should it fail to submit the required reports,
of its quasi-judicial functions. Dissatisfied with the CA Decision, and was given more than enough time to comply before the Order
of Revocation was issued. The SEC adds that a hearing was

conducted on July 6, 2004 as to URPHI's repeated failure to appealing to the SEC, it had the opportunity to explain its side on
submit the reportorial requirements as mandated by the SRC and substantive controversy which pertains to its alleged violation of
its implementing rules and regulations, which was the basis in the SRC and failure to comply with the reportorial requirements
issuing the said Order. that prompted the SEC to issue the Order of Revocation. Hence,
such appeal cannot be considered curative of the defect in
On the other hand, URPHI insists that the CA was correct in procedural due process which attended the issuance of the said
ruling that the SRC requires separate notices and hearings for Order.
revocation and suspension of registration of securities and permit
to sell them to the public. It then asserts that the warning URPHI further submits that the prior revocation of its registration
contained in the SEC's suspension Order dated July 27, 2004 on May 29, 2003 did not cure the lack of due process which
does not meet the requirement of notice under the SRC. It attended the revocation of its registration on December 8, 2004.
stresses that while the SEC issued a separate notice of hearing Since the SEC deemed it proper to lift the prior revocation, such
for such suspension, no similar notice was issued as regards can no longer be used to sustain another revocation order, much
such revocation. It also notes that the July 6, 2004 hearing was less one issued without prior notice and hearing. Granted that it
with regard to the suspension of its registration of securities, and was accorded due process, URPHI asserts that the revocation of
that no hearing was ever conducted for purposes of revocation of its registration of securities and permit to sell them to the public is
such registration. inequitable under the circumstances. It calls attention to the
severe and certain consequences of such revocation, i.e.,
On the SEC's claim that URPHI was afforded due process termination of the public offering of its securities, return of
because it was already given the opportunity to seek a payments received from purchasers thereof, and its delisting from
reconsideration of the Order of Revocation by filing its Notice of the PSE, which will cause financial ruin and jeopardize its efforts
Appeal and Memorandum, URPHI argues that the filing of such to recover from its current financial distress. Claiming that it
appeal did not cure the violation of its right to due process. In exerted best effort and exercised good faith in complying with the
support of its argument, URPHI cites the Globe Telecom, reportorial requirements, URPHI avers that the interest of the
Inc.  ruling that notice and hearing are indispensable when an
16 investing public will be better served if, instead of revoking its
administrative agency exercises quasi-judicial functions and that registration of securities, the SEC will merely impose penalties
such requirements become even more imperative if the statute and allow it to continue as a going concern in the hope that it may
itself demands it. later return to profitability.

URPHI further cites the ruling  in BLTB, Co. v. Cadiao, et al.,  to
17 18 The petition is meritorious.
support its view that a motion for reconsideration is curative of a
defect in procedural due process only if a party is given sufficient There is no dispute that violation of the reportorial requirements
opportunity to explain his side of the controversy. It claims that under Section 17.1  of the Amended Implementing Rules and

the controversy referred to is the underlying substantive Regulation  of the SRC is a ground for suspension or revocation

controversy of which the procedural due process controversy is of registration of securities pursuant to Sections 13.1 and 54.1 of
but an offshoot. Noting that the only issue raised in its appeal was the SRC. However, contrary to the CA ruling that separate
procedural, i.e., whether it was denied prior notice and hearing notices and hearings for suspension and revocation of
under the SRC, URPHI contends that it cannot be said that by registration of securities and permit to sell them to the public are

required, Sections 13 .1 and 54.1 of the SRC expressly provide shall, in its discretion, and subject only to the limitations
that the SEC may suspend or revoke such registration only after hereinafter prescribed, impose any or all of the following
due notice and hearing, to wit: sanctions as may be appropriate in light of the facts and
13.1. The Commission may reject a registration statement and
refuse registration of the security thereunder, or revoke the (i) Suspension, or revocation of any registration for the offering of
effectivity of a registration statement and the registration of the securities;22

security thereunder after due notice and hearing by issuing an

order to such effect, setting forth its findings in respect thereto, if The Court has consistently held that the essence of due process
it finds that: is simply an opportunity to be heard, or as applied to
administrative proceedings, an opportunity to explain one's side
a) The issuer: or an opportunity to seek a reconsideration of the action or ruling
complained of.  Any seeming defect in its observance is cured by

xxxx the filing of a motion for reconsideration, and denial of due

process cannot be successfully invoked by a party who has had
(ii) Has violated any of the provisions of this Code, the rules the opportunity to be heard on such motion.  What the law

promulgated pursuant thereto, or any order of the Commission of prohibits is not the absence of previous notice, but the absolute
which the issuer has notice in connection with the offering for absence thereof and the lack of opportunity to be heard. 25

which a registration statement has been filed; 21

In the present case, due notice of revocation was given to URPHI

xxxx through the SEC Order dated July 27, 2004 which reads:

54.1. If, after due notice and hearing, the Commission finds that: Considering that the company is under rehabilitation, the request
(a) There is a violation of this Code, its rules, or its orders; (b) Any was granted and it was given a non-extendible period until May
registered broker or dealer, associated person thereof has failed 31, 2004 within which to comply.
reasonably to supervise, with a view to preventing violations,
another person subject to supervision who commits any such Despite the extension[,] however, it failed to submit said reports.
violation; ( c) Any registrant or other person has, in a registration Hence, a hearing was held on July 6, 2004 wherein the
statement or in other reports, applications, accounts, records or company's representative, its Chief Accountant and a Researcher
documents required by law or rules to be filed with the appeared. No sufficient reason or justification for the company's
Commission, made any untrue statement of a material fact, or inability to comply with its reporting obligation was presented.
omitted to state any material fact required to be stated therein or
necessary to make the statements therein not misleading; or, in In view thereof, the Commission[,] in its meeting held on July 22,
the case of an underwriter, has failed to conduct an inquiry with 2004, resolved to SUSPEND the Registration of Securities and
reasonable diligence to insure that a registration statement is Permit to Sell Securities to the Public issued to UNIVERSAL
accurate and complete in all material respects; or ( d) Any person RIGHTFIELD PROPERTY HOLDINGS, INC., in accordance with
has refused to permit any lawful examinations into its affairs, it Section 54 of the Securities Regulation Code.

This said Suspension shall be effective for sixty (60) days or until In A.Z. Arnaiz, Realty, Inc. v. Office of the President,  the Court

the reporting requirements are complied [with,] otherwise the held that due process, as a constitutional precept, does not
Commission shall proceed with the revocation of the company's always, and in all situations, require a trial-type proceeding.
registration of securities. Litigants may be heard through pleadings, written explanations,
position papers, memoranda or oral arguments. The standard of
Let this Order be published in a newspaper of general circulation due process that must be met in administrative tribunals allows a
in the Philippines or on the Commission's web page. certain degree of latitude as long as fairness is not ignored. It is,
therefore, not legally objectionable for being violative of due
SO ORDERED. 26 process for an administrative agency to resolve a case based
solely on position papers, affidavits or documentary evidence
submitted by the parties. Guided by the foregoing principle, the
Contrary to the view that a separate notice of hearing to revoke is
Court rules that URPHI was afforded opportunity to be heard
necessary to initiate the revocation proceeding, the Court holds
when the SEC took into account in its Order of Revocation
that such notice would be a superfluity since the Order dated July
URPHI's September 13 and 28, 2004 letters, explaining its failure
27, 2004 already states that such proceeding shall ensue if
to submit the reportorial requirements, as well as its request for
URPHI would still fail to submit the reportorial requirements after
final extension within which to comply. Pertinent portions of the
the lapse of the 60-day suspension period. After all, "due notice"
said Order read:
simply means the information that must be given or made to a
particular person or to the public within a legally mandated period
of time so that its recipient will have the opportunity to respond to The Commission in its meeting held on July 22, 2004 resolved to
a situation or to allegations that affect the individual's or public's suspend its Registration of Securities and Permit to Sell
legal rights or duties.
27 Securities to the Public. The Order of Suspension stated that it
was to be effective for sixty (60) days or until the reporting
requirements were complied with by the company; otherwise, the
Granted that no formal hearing was held before the issuance of
Commission shall proceed with the revocation of the company's
the Order of Revocation, the Court finds that there was
registration of securities.
substantial compliance with the requirements of due process
when URPHI was given opportunity to be heard. Upon receipt of
the SEC Order dated July 27, 2004, URPHI filed the letters dated The sixty (60)-day period had elapsed on September 25, 2004
September 13 and 28, 2004, seeking a final extension to submit but the Commission received a letter on September 29, 2004
the reportorial requirements, and admitting that its failure to from the President of the company, Mr. Jose L. Merin. In the said
submit its 2nd Quarterly Report for 2004 was due to the same letter, it was admitted that the corporation had failed to submit its
reasons that it was unable to submit its 2003 Annual Report and 2003 Annual Report (SEC Form 17-A) and its 2004 1st and 2nd
1st Quarterly Report for 2004. Notably, in its Order of Revocation, Quarterly Reports (SEC Form 17-Q) but explained that the
the SEC considered URPHI's letters and stated that it still failed to reason for its inability to submit said reports was due to the non-
submit the required reports, despite the lapse of the final finalization of the company's audited financial statements for the
extension requested. fiscal year ended December 31, 2003. It further stated that during
its meeting with its external auditor, SGV & Co., last September
8, 2004, SGV agreed to facilitate the finalization of its financial
statements within two (2) weeks. The corporation foresaw the

impossibility of complying with its submission until the end of the It is also noteworthy to mention that URPHI's Registration of
month as the partners of SGV were still reviewing the final draft of Securities and Permit to Sell Securities to the Public had been
the financial statements, thus, the request for extension FOR revoked on several occasions on account of the same deficiency.
THE LAST TIME until November 15, 2004 within which to comply. URPHI is aware of the SRC Rules and must suffer the
consequences of its reported violations. 30

SEC Form 17-A (for 2003) was finally submitted on December 1,

2004. Verily, URPHI was given the opportunity to be heard before the
Order of Revocation was issued, as well as the opportunity to
IN VIEW THEREOF, the Commission, in its meeting held on seek the reconsideration of such order.
December 2, 2004, resolved to REVOKE the Registration of
Securities and Permit to Sell Securities to the Public issued to Meanwhile, the Court disagrees with URPHI's claim that the
Globe Telecom, Inc.  ruling - that notice and hearing are

indispensable when an administrative agency exercises quasi-

Aside from having been given the opportunity to be heard before judicial functions and that such requirements become even more
the SEC issued the Order of Revocation, URPHI was likewise imperative if the statute itself demands it -is applicable to the
able to seek reconsideration of such action complained of. After present case.
the issuance of the said Order, URPHI filed a Notice of Appeal
and a Memorandum, asserting that it was issued without due In Gamboa v. Finance Secretary,  the Court has held that the

notice and hearing, and that the revocation is inequitable under SEC has both regulatory and adjudicative functions, thus:
the circumstances. In the Resolution dated December 15, 2004,
the SEC denied URPHI's appeal in this wise: Under its regulatory responsibilities, the SEC may pass upon
applications for, or may suspend or revoke (after due notice and
In the instant case, URPHI was accorded due process when its hearing), certificates of registration of corporations, partnerships
Chief Financial Officer gave its side on the imputed violation and and associations (excluding cooperatives, homeowners
informed the Commission that it will not be able to submit its associations, and labor unions); compel legal and regulatory
Annual Report (SEC Form 17-A) for the fiscal year ending on 31 compliances; conduct inspections; and impose fines or other
December 2003 and requested for additional time to comply with penalties for violations of the Revised Securities Act, as well as
the said requirements. The Commission granted URPHI a non- implementing rules and directives of the SEC, such as may be
extendible period of forty-seven (47) calendar days or until 15 warranted.
November 2004 within which to comply.
Relative to its adjudicative authority, the SEC has original and
In spite of the extension of time given, URPHI still failed to submit exclusive jurisdiction to hear and decide controversies and cases
the said reports. During the 06 July 2004 hearing where the Chief involving
Accountant and researcher of URPHI were present, both failed to
present sufficient justifications for URPHI's inability to comply with –
its reporting obligations.

a. Intra-corporate and partnership relations between or sell them to the public cannot be considered a penalty but a
among the corporation, officers and stockholders and withdrawal of a privilege, which regulatory power the SEC validly
partners, including their elections or appointments; exercised after giving it due notice and opportunity to be heard.

b. State and corporate affairs in relation to the legal While URPHI correctly relied in BLTB Co., Inc. v. Cadiao  to

existence of corporations, partnerships and associations support its view that a motion for reconsideration is curative of a
or to their franchises; and defect in procedural due process only if a party is given sufficient
opportunity to explain his side of the controversy, the Court
c. Investors and corporate affairs particularly in respect of rejects URPHI's claim that it did not have the opportunity to
devices and schemes, such as fraudulent practices, explain the substantive controversy of its violation of the SRC
employed by directors, officers, business associates, reportorial requirements.  Contrary to the claim that only the

and/or other stockholders, partners, or members of issue of procedural due process was raised in its appeal with the
registered firms; x x x SEC, URPHI also raised in its Memorandum dated January 3,
2005 the reasons why it failed to comply with the said
As can be gleaned from the aforequoted ruling, the revocation of requirements, and why revocation is inequitable under the
registration of securities and permit to sell them to the public is circumstances. 37

not an exercise of the SEC's quasi-judicial power, but of its

regulatory power. A "quasi-judicial function" is a term which For the late filing of annual report and quarterly report, SEC
applies to the action, discretion, etc., of public administrative Memorandum Circular No. 6, Series of 2005, the Consolidated
officers or bodies, who are required to investigate facts, or Scale of Fines in effect at the time the offenses were committed,
ascertain the existence of facts, hold hearings, and draw provides for the following administrative penalties:
conclusions from them, as a basis for their official action and to
exercise discretion of a judicial nature.  Although Section 13.1 of
Description First Offense Second Offense Third Offense
the SRC requires due notice and hearing before issuing an order
of revocation, the SEC does not perform such quasi-judicial
functions and exercise discretion of a judicial nature in the Late Filing of Reprimand/Warning ₱50,000.00 plus ₱60,000.00 plus
exercise of such regulatory power. It neither settles actual Quarterly Report ₱300.00 per day of ₱600.00 per day o
controversies involving rights which are legally demandable and (SEC Form 17-Q) delay  delay
enforceable, nor adjudicates private rights and obligations in
cases of adversarial nature. Rather, when the SEC exercises its Late Filing of Annual Reprimand/Warning ₱100,000.00 plus ₱200,000.00 plus
incidental power to conduct administrative hearings and make Report (SEC Form ₱500.00 per day of ₱1000.00 per day
decisions, it does so in the course of the performance of its 17-A) delay delay
regulatory and law enforcement function.
It bears emphasis that URPHI had committed several offenses for
Significantly, unlike in Globe Telecom, Inc.  where the Court ruled

failure to comply with the reportorial requirements for which it was

that the fine imposed by the NTC without notice and hearing, was
fined and its registration of securities revoked. On May 29, 2003,
null and void due to the denial of petitioner's right to due process,
the SEC issued an Order revoking URPHI's Registration of
the revocation of URPHI's registration of securities and permit to

Securities and Permit to Sell Securities to the Public for its failure 93337, is REVERSED and SET ASIDE. In lieu thereof, the
to timely file its Year 2001 Annual Report and Year 2002 1st, 2nd Resolution dated December 15, 2005 of the Securities and
and 3rd Quarterly Reports. Then, on October 24, 2003, the SEC Exchange Commission and its Order of Revocation dated
granted URPHI's petition to lift the revocation, considering the December 8, 2004 are REINSTATED.
current economic situation, its belated filing of the required annual
and quarterly reports, and its payment of the reduced fine of SO ORDERED.
₱82,000.00. Despite the foregoing, URPHI failed again to submit
its 2003 Annual Report, and Year 2004 1st, 2nd and 3rd
Quarterly Reports within the requested extension periods.

Therefore, notwithstanding the belated filing of the said reports,

as well as the claim that public interest would be better served if
the SEC will merely impose penalties and allow it to continue in
order to become profitable again, the SEC cannot be faulted for
revoking once again URPHI's registration of securities and permit
to sell them to the public due to its repeated failure to timely
submit such reports. Needless to state, such continuing
reportorial requirements are pursuant to the state policies
declared in Section 2  of the SRC of protecting investors and

ensuring full and fair disclosure of information about securities

and their issuer.

All told, the CA erred in ruling that the SEC revoked URPHI's
registration of securities and permit to sell them to the public
without due process of law.  Quite the contrary, the requirements

of due notice and hearing under Sections 13 .1 and 54.1 of the

SRC were substantially complied with. Due notice was made
through the Order dated July 27, 2004 stating that revocation
proceeding shall ensue if URPHI would still fail to submit the
reportorial requirements after the lapse of the 60-day suspension
period. Though no formal hearing was held, URPHI was still given
an opportunity to be heard through the letters dated September
13 and 18, 2004 before the Order of Revocation was issued, as
well as through its Notice of Appeal and Memorandum when it
moved to reconsider the said order.

WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED and the Decision dated

January 21, 2008 of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No.


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