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1. Read the article. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? Correct the false sentences.
1. Bungee jumping is better in New Zealand than in Europe, according to Andy.
2. Andy walked up a mountain to go bungee jumping.
3. The whitewater rafting course is 20 kilometres long.
4. Whitewater rafting is a good way to meet people.
5. Andy wanted to parachute in the past.
6. Andy jumped solo from the plane.

Not for the faint-hearted

New Zealand has become a popular destination for people looking to experience extreme
emotions. Whether it’s enjoying the stunning views and breathtaking scenery or trying one of the
many extreme sports, this country has become famous for delighting the senses. Our travel writer
Andy Burgiss went all the way to New Zealand to try some of the amazing activities on offer there.

I ’ve been bungee jumping all over Europe but nothing beats New Zealand for the most amazing
jump and biggest thrill . But seriously, it’s not for the faint-hearted! Taking the cable car up to the
jump platform is scaring enough as you look down the side of the mountain, but then you reach
the top and can see the town far down below you. But the moment you jump, you’ll have the
greatest buzz of adrenalin you’re ever likely to feel.

Whitewater rafting is a common sport all over the world, but nothing beats the rivers of New
Zealand. The course I took in the southern mountains was on one of the fastest rivers in the world.
It is over 20 kilometres long and is only for experienced rafters. Even I was a little frightened at
times when our raft seemed to almost tip over. However, because everyone in the boat is working
together, you quickly feel safe. And even better, you’ll make some good friends by the end of the

I always said I would never do it, but I did and I felt thrilled afterwards! So what did I do? I jumped
from a plane, with a parachute of course! I was securely connected to an instructor, so I wasn’t
alone and it wasn’t so frightening. It’s something I would recommend, especially in the lovely hills
around Wellington, the capital of New Zealand.

2. Match the words and phrases in bold in the text with their meanings from 1-6.

1. very beautiful
2. small light boat
3. very excited and happy
4. frightened people
5. frightening

3. Listen to an interview with Alex, who did a tightrope walk, and answer the questions.

1. Why did he do the walk? ________________________________________________________

2. How much money did he raise? ___________________________________________________

3. What activity did Alex do when he was a teenager? ___________________________________

4. Where did he do the walk? ______________________________________________________

5. How high up was the tightrope walk? ______________________________________________

6. How long was the tightrope walk? _________________________________________________

7. Was he nervous during the walk? _________________________________________________


4. Complete the second question so that it means the same as the first.
E.g. Which company is he working for now?  Do you know which company he’s
working for now?

1. How long did it take you to make their wedding cake?

Can I ask                                                                                         


2. Have you ever flown in a helicopter before?

I was wondering                                                                                                              


3. Who gave you that beautiful necklace?

Do you mind me asking                                                                                          

4. What time does the film start on screen one?

Could you tell me                                                      


5. How much did you have to pay for your car?

I’d be interested to know                                                                                       


5. Underline the correct alternative.

E.g. haven’t seen/didn’t see any interesting wildlife documentaries on television
recently, have you?

1. He ’s studied/studied more so far this fortnight than he did/’s done all year.

2. Although she ’s always loved/always loved reading, she only started/has started
trying to write her first novel last month.

3. He ’s worked/worked as a shop assistant for five years before he ’s

become/became a manager.

4. Can you believe that I ’ve taken/took my driving test five times so far and still
didn’t pass/haven’t passed it?

5. She’s never been/was never one for sorting things out around the house and up to
now, didn’t even learnt/hasn’t even learnt how to change a lightbulb!


6. Complete the phrases in the sentences.

E.g.: It is better not to talk to Eddie when he gets up. You know he’s not much of a
morning person.

1. She likes to k                    herself to herself and spends her free time doing her
own thing.

2. Richard’s such a people p ___________ that I’m sure he’ll make a wonderful

3. We have great fun when we go out with my friends. They’re both such a good

4. What I love about Christopher is that he’s so very sensible and down-to- e

5. No one was surprised when Mel said she was going to start her own software
company. She’s always been such a c____________ geek.

7. Match beginnings 1–6 with endings a)–h) to complete the sentences. There
are two endings you do not need.
E.g.: After finishing the final exam, I was so   d 

1. When the comedian asked me to come up onto the stage, I truly wished      

2. When I heard I’d won the writing competition, I was completely over      

3. I decided not to go to the party as I knew it would be      

4. Although I was scared out of my      

5. Although I was really nervous and was shaking like      

a. a leaf, my first jump from the diving board into the pool went well.

b. impressed by the game I had played.

c. the moon with happiness.

d. relieved that I started crying.

e. my stomach turn with anxiety.

f. wits, I knew I had to make it to the top of the mountain.

g. awkward seeing Jim, my ex-boyfriend.

h. the earth would swallow me up. I had never felt so embarrassed in my life.

8. Complete the sentences with the correct adjective or noun form of the verb
in brackets.
E.g.: We were really disappointed when our flight was cancelled due to the strike.

1. The most __________ moment of my life was when I forgot my lines in the play.

2. Jorge found it difficult to control his ___________ when his computer crashed
midway through the report he was writing. (frustrate)

3. Did you watch the first episode of that new travel documentary series on Japan?
I’m sure you’d love it – it was ___________ (fascinate)

4. Although the rest of the family were laughing at the comedian’s jokes, it was clear
from Mum’s expression that she really was not at all ___________ (amuse)

5. It was a _____________ moment when we locked ourselves out of the car and
realised we’d left our phones, coats and wallets inside. We were miles from
anywhere and it was snowing. (worry)


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