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Nama : kuntum Bainina 2 APRIL2020

Nim : 02218024
Subjek : English for business
Dosen : Fransiskus Jonet Prihandoko, A.P.,
A.Md., S.Pd., M.Pd.
Jurusan : kelas karyawan manajemen finance

A. Check (√) eight correct answers in the table below. Two are already
checked/marked for you (6points)

B. Fill in the blanks below. Choose from the words in the box (3 points)

1. Gestures make your speech ILLUSTRATION and easy to understand.

2. When gesturing . It’s a good idea to use SOME gestures.
3. We studied four group of gestures: gestures to use for emphasis, comparison,
sequence, and VARIATION

C. Here are some speeches. Check (√) 3 examples of demonstration speech (3 points)
D. What types of charts are these? Write the types in the blanks below the charts



E. Draw a graph that best represents the words (7 points)

1. Class attendance for week 1 was 100 students

Class attendance for week 2 was 75 students
Class attendance for week 3 was 50 students

Students Attendance

75 Students Attendance



Week 1 Week 2 Week 3
2. Fifity percents of the students receive Cs for final grade. Twenty percents of
students received Bs and twenty percents received Ds. Only five percent
of the students got As. The rest got Fs

Students Percentage Final Grade


5% 5%

20% 20%


F. Rearrange the words into sentences & match to the graph. (10 points)

1. Then the profits  will increase sharply  for rest of the year.

2. In  next few years the  costs slightly  will decrease.
3. the Costs have been sharply  rising for last year.
4. I think profits will drop for the next two months.
5. for the last six months Profits have  remained steady.

G. Please answer the following questions (15 points)

1. Speech is of a variety. There are three messages in a Speech. What do you know
aboutthem? Explain them briefly. Answer :
There are three messages in a Speech :
1. the physical message
It’s basically body language. It’s the way that my body, as a speaker, is talking to
the audience.
2.the visual message
he visual message(s) are the slides that we now make and show the audience.
3.the story message.
he story message is the content of our presentation.
2. What should you do in preparing an informative speech on the city you
recommend visiting? Give an example! Answer :

1. I have to find out about a city that I like specifically.

2. make a list of places that I like that I will discuss.

3. prepare photos or images of the place that I will discuss.

4. do not forget to drink yourself drinking mineral water suaya more self-

3. Gesture from the vocabulary of body language. Gesture also energize

yourpresentation.Gestures signal something to the audience. What kinds of gesture
do you know? Answer : kind of gesture that I know is :

1. Standing up straight, shoulders back.

This position shows that a person is feeling confident of him or herself, and is
often accompanied with walking at a brisk stride.

2. Locked ankles.

When the ankles are locked together, either while standing or seated, it can
communicate nervousness or apprehension.

3. Stroking of the beard or chin.

When one strokes the chin, he or she is communicating deep thought. Such a
motion is often used unintentionally when an individual is trying to come to a
decision about a matter.

4. Palms open, facing upward.

An open palm is a sign of openness and honesty. It can be a show of submission -

in older days when many people carried weapons, this was used to show that they
were not holding one - or of sincerity and innocence. Some people open their
palms during worship at church as a sign of submission and respect.

4. Why do you think voice inflection important?

Answer :

The secret behind the success of a winning public speaker is the degree of
communication that he is able to build up between him and the audience. If you
are preparing for a presentation, you should work on some of your skills as well
as on certain traits of your personality.Your voice is a crucial aspect of your total
presentation. Speaking before a group of individuals through the microphone is
altogether a different experience that speaking casually in a room. While speaking
for audience you have a purpose and that is to get across certain messages to them
and it is your voice that helps your statement to reach out to the listeners. The
volume and tone of your voice is crucial in the way you are presenting your views
before the audience. The inflection of the voice is important in the similar

The inflection or modulation in your voice adds drama to your speaking. It

helps to present your speech in a more interesting way. When you use inflection,
the changes in your tones also help you to express your views in a more
expressive way. With the right doses of variations in your intonations you can
stress on certain phrases, stretch out some of the words or pause and take breath
before pronouncing any specific word. As for example it will be more meaningful
if you pronounce the word far in this way, f- - -a-r away than simply pronouncing
it as far away. These inflections and voice modulations help to uphold your
viewpoint more voice inflection is really important.

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