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G.R. No.

L-18727             August 31, 1964 As between Jesus and Antonio the main issue turns upon their respective
qualifications to the position of administrator. Jesus is the older of the two
and therefore under equal circumstances would be preferred pursuant to
JESUS MA. CUI, plaintiff-appellee,
section 2 of the deed of donation. However, before the test of age may be,
applied the deed gives preference to the one, among the legitimate
ANTONIO MA. CUI, defendant-appellant,
descendants of the nephews therein named, "que posea titulo de abogado, o
ROMULO CUI, Intervenor-appellant.
medico, o ingeniero civil, o farmaceutico, o a falta de estos titulos el que
pague al estado mayor impuesto o contribucion."
Jose W. Diokno for plaintiff-appellee.
Jaime R. Nuevas and Hector L. Hofileña for defendant-appellant.
The specific point in dispute is the mealing of the term "titulo de abogado."
Romulo Cui in his own behalf as intervenor-appellants.
Jesus Ma. Cui holds the degree of Bachelor of Laws from the University of
Santo Tomas (Class 1926) but is not a member of the Bar, not having passed
MAKALINTAL, J.: the examinations to qualify him as one. Antonio Ma. Cui, on the other hand,
is a member of the Bar and although disbarred by this Court on 29 March
This is a proving in quo warranto originally filed in the Court of First Instance 1957 (administrative case No. 141), was reinstated by resolution
of Cebu. The office in contention is that of Administrator of the Hospicio de promulgated on 10 February 1960, about two weeks before he assumed the
San Jose de Barili. Judgment was rendered on 27 April 1961 in favor of the position of administrator of the Hospicio de Barili.
plaintiff, Jesus Ma. Cui, and appealed to us by the defendant, Antonio Ma.
Cui, and by the intervenor, Romulo Cui. The Court a quo, in deciding this point in favor of the plaintiff, said that the
phrase "titulo de abogado," taken alone, means that of a full-fledged lawyer,
The Hospicio is a charitable institution established by the spouses Don Pedro but that has used in the deed of donation and considering the function or
Cui and Doña Benigna Cui, now deceased, "for the care and support, free of purpose of the administrator, it should not be given a strict interpretation
charge, of indigent invalids, and incapacitated and helpless persons." It but a liberal one," and therefore means a law degree or diploma of Bachelor
acquired corporate existence by legislation (Act No. 3239 of the Philippine of Laws. This ruling is assailed as erroneous both by the defendant and by the
Legislature passed 27 November 1925) and endowed with extensive intervenor.
properties by the said spouses through a series of donations, principally the
deed of donation executed on 2 January 1926. We are of the opinion, that whether taken alone or in context the term
"titulo de abogado" means not mere possession of the academic degree of
Section 2 of Act No. 3239 gave the initial management to the founders jointly Bachelor of Laws but membership in the Bar after due admission thereto,
and, in case of their incapacity or death, to "such persons as they may qualifying one for the practice of law. In Spanish the word "titulo" is defined
nominate or designate, in the order prescribed to them." Section 2 of the as "testimonies o instrumento dado para ejercer un empleo, dignidad o
deed of donation provides as follows: profesion" (Diccionario de la Lengua Española, Real Academia Espanola, 1947
ed., p. 1224) and the word "abogado," as follows: "Perito en el derecho
positivo que se dedica a defender en juicio, por escrito o de palabra, los
Que en caso de nuestro fallecimiento o incapacidad para derechos o intereses de los litigantes, y tambien a dar dictmen sobre las
administrar, nos sustituyan nuestro legitime sobrino Mariano Cui, cuestiones o puntos legales que se le consultan (Id., p.5) A Bachelor's degree
si al tiempo de nuestra muerte o incapacidad se hallare residiendo alone, conferred by a law school upon completion of certain academic
en la caudad de Cebu, y nuestro sobrino politico Dionisio requirements, does not entitle its holder to exercise the legal profession. The
Jakosalem. Si nuestro dicho sobrino Mariano Cui no estuviese English equivalent of "abogado" is lawyer or attorney-at-law. This term has a
residiendo entonces en la caudad de Cebu, designamos en su fixed and general signification, and has reference to that class of persons who
lugar a nuestro otro sobrino legitime Mauricio Cui. Ambos are by license officers of the courts, empowered to appear, prosecute and
sobrinos administraran conjuntamente el HOSPICIO DE SAN JOSE defend, and upon whom peculiar duties, responsibilities and liabilities are
DE BARILI. A la muerte o incapacidad de estos dos devolved by law as a consequence.
administradores, la administracion del HOSPICIO DE SAN JOSE DE
BARILI pasara a una sola persona que sera el varon, mayor de
edad, que descienda legitimainente de cualquiera de nuestros In this jurisdiction admission to the Bar and to the practice of law is under the
sobrinos legitimos Mariano Cui, Mauricio Cui, Vicente Cui y Victor authority of the Supreme Court. According to Rule 138 such admission
Cui, y que posea titulo de abogado, o medico, o ingeniero civil, o requires passing the Bar examinations, taking the lawyer's oath and receiving
farmaceutico, o a falta de estos titulos, el que pague al Estado a certificate from the Clerk of Court, this certificate being his license to
mayor impuesto o contribution. En igualdad de circumstancias, practice the profession. The academic degree of Bachelor of Laws in itself has
sera preferida el varon de mas edad descendiente de quien tenia little to do with admission to the Bar, except as evidence of compliance with
ultimamente la administracion. Cuando absolutamente faltare the requirements that an applicant to the examinations has "successfully
persona de estas cualificaciones, la administracion del HOSPICIO completed all the prescribed courses, in a law school or university, officially
DE SAN JOSE DE BARILI pasara al senor Obispo de Cebu o quien approved by the Secretary of Education." For this purpose, however,
sea el mayor dignatario de la Iglesia Catolica, apostolica, Romana, possession of the degree itself is not indispensable: completion of the
que tuviere asiento en la cabecera de esta Provincia de Cebu, y en prescribed courses may be shown in some other way. Indeed there are
su defecto, al Gobierno Provincial de Cebu. instances, particularly under the former Code of Civil Procedure, where
persons who had not gone through any formal legal education in college
were allowed to take the Bar examinations and to qualify as lawyers. (Section
Don Pedro Cui died in 1926, and his widow continued to administer 14 of that code required possession of "the necessary qualifications of
the Hospicio until her death in 1929. Thereupon the administration passed to learning ability.") Yet certainly it would be incorrect to say that such persons
Mauricio Cui and Dionisio Jakosalem. The first died on 8 May 1931 and the do not possess the "titulo de abogado" because they lack the academic
second on 1 July 1931. On 2 July 1931 Dr. Teodoro Cui, only son of Mauricio degree of Bachelor of Laws from some law school or university.
Cui, became the administrator. Thereafter, beginning in 1932, a series of
controversies and court litigations ensued concerning the position of
administrator, to which, in so far as they are pertinent to the present case, The founders of the Hospicio de San Jose de Barili must have established the
reference will be made later in this decision. foregoing test advisely, and provided in the deed of donation that if not a
lawyer, the administrator should be a doctor or a civil engineer or a
pharmacist, in that order; or failing all these, should be the one who pays the
Plaintiff Jesus Ma. Cui and defendant Antonio Ma. Cui are brothers, being the highest taxes among those otherwise qualified. A lawyer, first of all, because
sons of Mariano Cui, one of the nephews of the spouses Don Pedro Cui and under Act No. 3239 the managers or trustees of the Hospicio shall "make
Doña Benigna Cui. On 27 February 1960 the then incumbent administrator, regulations for the government of said institution (Sec. 3, b); shall "prescribe
Dr. Teodoro Cui, resigned in favor of Antonio Ma. Cui pursuant to a the conditions subject to which invalids and incapacitated and destitute
"convenio" entered into between them and embodied in a notarial persons may be admitted to the institute" (Sec. 3, d); shall see to it that the
document. The next day, 28 February, Antonio Ma. Cui took his oath of rules and conditions promulgated for admission are not in conflict with the
office. Jesus Ma. Cui, however, had no prior notice of either the "convenio" provisions of the Act; and shall administer properties of considerable value —
or of his brother's assumption of the position. for all of which work, it is to be presumed, a working knowledge of the law
and a license to practice the profession would be a distinct asset.
Dr. Teodoro Cui died on 27 August 1960; on 5 September 1960 the plaintiff
wrote a letter to the defendant demanding that the office be turned over to Under this particular criterion we hold that the plaintiff is not entitled, as
him; and on 13 September 1960, the demand not having been complied with against the defendant, to the office of administrator. But it is argued that
the plaintiff filed the complaint in this case. Romulo Cui later on intervened, although the latter is a member of the Bar he is nevertheless disqualified by
claiming a right to the same office, being a grandson of Vicente Cui, another virtue of paragraph 3 of the deed of donation, which provides that the
one of the nephews mentioned by the founders of the Hospicio in their deed administrator may be removed on the ground, among others, of ineptitude in
of donation. the discharge of his office or lack of evident sound moral character.
Reference is made to the fact that the defendant was disbarred by this Court
on 29 March 1957 for immorality and unprofessional conduct. It is also a fact,
however, that he was reinstated on 10 February 1960, before he assumed Meanwhile, the question again became the subject of a court controversy.
the office of administrator. His reinstatement is a recognition of his moral On 4 March 1950, the Hospicio commenced an action against the Philippine
rehabilitation, upon proof no less than that required for his admission to the National Bank in the Court of First Instance of Cebu (Civ. No. R-1216) because
Bar in the first place. the Bank had frozen the Hospicio's deposits therein. The Bank then filed a
third-party complaint against herein plaintiff-appellee, Jesus Ma. Cui, who
had, as stated above, taken oath as administrator. On 19 October 1950,
Wherefore, the parties respectfully pray that the foregoing stipulation of
having been deprived of recognition by the opinion of the Secretary of Justice
facts be admitted and approved by this Honorable Court, without prejudice
he moved to dismiss the third-party complaint on the ground that he was
to the parties adducing other evidence to prove their case not covered by
relinquishing "temporarily" his claim to the administration of the Hospicio.
this stipulation of facts. 1äwphï1.ñët
The motion was denied in an order dated 2 October 1953. On 6 February
1954 he was able to take another oath of office as administrator before
Whether or not the applicant shall be reinstated rests to a great President Magsaysay, and soon afterward filed a second motion to dismiss in
extent in the sound discretion of the court. The court action will Civil case No. R-1216. President Magsaysay, be it said, upon learning that a
depend, generally speaking, on whether or not it decides that the case was pending in Court, stated in a telegram to his Executive Secretary
public interest in the orderly and impartial administration of that "as far as (he) was concerned the court may disregard the oath" thus
justice will be conserved by the applicant's participation therein in taken. The motion to dismiss was granted nevertheless and the other parties
the capacity of an attorney and counselor at law. The applicant in the case filed their notice of appeal from the order of dismissal. The
must, like a candidate for admission to the bar, satisfy the court plaintiff then filed an ex-parte motion to be excluded as party in the appeal
that he is a person of good moral character — a fit and proper and the trial Court again granted the motion. This was on 24 November 1954.
person to practice law. The court will take into consideration the Appellants thereupon instituted a mandamus proceeding in the Supreme
applicant's character and standing prior to the disbarment, the Court (G.R. No. L-8540), which was decided on 28 May 1956, to the effect
nature and character of the charge for which he was disbarred, his that Jesus Ma. Cui should be included in the appeal. That appeal, however,
conduct subsequent to the disbarment, and the time that has after it reached this Court was dismiss upon motion of the parties, who
elapsed between the disbarment and the application for agreed that "the office of administrator and trustee of the Hospicio ... should
reinstatement. (5 Am. Jur., Sec. 301, p. 443) be ventilated in quo warranto proceedings to be initiated against the
incumbent by whomsoever is not occupying the office but believes he has a
Evidence of reformation is required before applicant is entitled to right to it" (G.R. No. L-9103). The resolution of dismissal was issued 31 July
reinstatement, notwithstanding the attorney has received a 1956. At that time the incumbent administrator was Dr. Teodoro Cui, but no
pardon following his conviction, and the requirements for action in quo warranto was filed against him by plaintiff Jesus Ma. Cui as
reinstatement have been held to be the same as for original indicated in the aforesaid motion for dismissal.
admission to the bar, except that the court may require a greater
degree of proof than in an original admission. (7 C.J.S., Attorney & On 10 February 1960, defendant Antonio Ma. Cui was reinstated by this
Client, Sec. 41, p. 815.) Court as member of the Bar, and on the following 27 February Dr. Teodoro
Cui resigned as administrator in his favor, pursuant to the "convenio"
The decisive questions on an application for reinstatement are between them executed on the same date. The next day Antonio Ma. Cui
whether applicant is "of good moral character" in the sense in took his oath of office.
which that phrase is used when applied to attorneys-at-law and is
a fit and proper person to be entrusted with the privileges of the The failure of the plaintiff to prosecute his claim judicially after this Court
office of an attorney, and whether his mental qualifications are decided the first case of Cui v. Cui in 1934 (60 Phil. 3769), remanding it to the
such as to enable him to discharge efficiently his duty to the trial court for further proceedings; his acceptance instead of the position of
public, and the moral attributes are to be regarded as a separate assistant administrator, allowing Dr. Teodoro Cui to continue as
and distinct from his mental qualifications. (7 C.J.S., Attorney & administrator and his failure to file an action in quo warranto against said Dr.
Client, Sec. 41, p. 816). Cui after 31 July 1956, when the appeal in Civil Case No. R-1216 of the Cebu
Court was dismissed upon motion of the parties precisely so that the
As far as moral character is concerned, the standard required of one seeking conflicting claims of the parties could be ventilated in such an action — all
reinstatement to the office of attorney cannot be less exacting than that these circumstances militate against the plaintiff's present claim in view of
implied in paragraph 3 of the deed of donation as a requisite for the office the rule that an action in quo warranto must be filed within one year after
which is disputed in this case. When the defendant was restored to the roll of the right of the plaintiff to hold the office arose. The excuse that the plaintiff
lawyers the restrictions and disabilities resulting from his previous did not file an action against Dr. Teodoro Cui after 31 July 1956 because of
disbarment were wiped out. the latter's illness did not interrupt the running of the statutory period. And
the fact that this action was filed within one year of the defendant's
assumption of office in September 1960 does not make the plaintiff's position
This action must fail on one other ground: it is already barred by lapse of any better, for the basis of the action is his own right to the office and it is
time amounting the prescription or laches. Under Section 16 of Rule 66 from the time such right arose that the one-year limitation must be counted,
(formerly sec. 16, Rule 68, taken from section 216 of Act 190), this kind of not from the date the incumbent began to discharge the duties of said
action must be filed within one (1) year after the right of plaintiff to hold the office. Bautista v. Fajardo, 38 Phil. 624; Lim vs. Yulo, 62 Phil. 161.
office arose.

Now for the claim of intervenor and appellant Romulo Cui. This party is also a
Plaintiff Jesus Ma. Cui believed himself entitled to the office in question as lawyer, grandson of Vicente Cui, one of the nephews of the founders of
long ago as 1932. On January 26 of that year he filed a complaint in quo the Hospicio mentioned by them in the deed of donation. He is further, in the
warranto against Dr. Teodoro Cui, who assumed the administration of line of succession, than defendant Antonio Ma. Cui, who is a son of Mariano
the Hospicio on 2 July 1931. Mariano Cui, the plaintiff's father and Antonio Cui, another one of the said nephews. The deed of donation provides: "a la
Ma. Cui came in as intervenors. The case was dismissed by the Court of First muerte o incapacidad de estos administradores (those appointed in the deed
Instance upon a demurrer by the defendant there to the complaint and itself) pasara a una sola persona que sera el varon, mayor de edad, que
complaint in intervention. Upon appeal to the Supreme Court from the order descienda legitimamente de cualquiera de nuestros sobrinos legitimos
of dismissal, the case was remanded for further proceedings (Cui v. Cui, 60 Mariano Cui, Mauricio Cui, Vicente Cui, Victor Cui, y que posea titulo de
Phil. 37, 48). The plaintiff, however, did not prosecute the case as indicated in abogado ... En igualdad de circumstancias, sera preferido el varon de mas
the decision of this Court, but acceded to an arrangement whereby Teodoro edad descendiente de quien tenia ultimamente la administration." Besides
Cui continued as administrator, Mariano Cui was named "legal adviser" and being a nearer descendant than Romulo Cui, Antonio Ma. Cui is older than he
plaintiff Jesus Ma. Cui accepted a position as assistant administrator. and therefore is preferred when the circumstances are otherwise equal. The
intervenor contends that the intention of the founders was to confer the
Subsequently the plaintiff tried to get the position by a series of extra-judicial administration by line and successively to the descendants of the nephews
maneuvers. First he informed the Social Welfare Commissioner, by letter named in the deed, in the order they are named. Thus, he argues, since the
dated 1 February 1950, that as of the previous 1 January he had "made clear" last administrator was Dr. Teodoro Cui, who belonged to the Mauricio Cui
his intention of occupying the office of administrator of the Hospicio." He line, the next administrator must come from the line of Vicente Cui, to whom
followed that up with another letter dated 4 February, announcing that he the intervenor belongs. This interpretation, however, is not justified by the
had taken over the administration as of 1 January 1950. Actually, however, terms of the deed of donation.
he took his oath of office before a notary public only on 4 March 1950, after
receiving a reply of acknowledgment, dated 2 March, from the Social Welfare IN VIEW OF THE FOREGOING CONSIDERATIONS, the judgment appealed from
Commissioner, who thought that he had already assumed the position as is reversed and set aside, and the complaint as well as the complaint in
stated in his communication of 4 February 1950. The rather muddled intervention are dismissed, with costs equally against plaintiff-appellee and
situation was referred by the Commissioner to the Secretary of Justice, who, intervenor-appellant.
in an opinion dated 3 April 1950 (op. No. 45, S. 1950), correcting another
opinion previously given, in effect ruled that the plaintiff, not beings lawyer,
was not entitled to the administration of the Hospicio. Bengzon, C.J., Bautista Angelo, Concepcion, Reyes, J.B.L., Paredes and Regala,
JJ., concur.

A.C. No. 8235, January 27, 2015 Atty. Baterina also denied the allegation of bad faith and negligence in
handling the Tejano case. He explained that the reason he could not attend
to the case was that in 2002, after the initial presentation of the plaintiffs’
case, he was suspended by the Court from the practice of law for two
BATERINA, Respondent.
years.18 He alleged that this fact was made known to Tejano’s mother and
sister. However, the trial court did not order plaintiffs to secure the services
DECISION of another lawyer. On the contrary, it proceeded to hear the case, and
plaintiffs were not represented by a lawyer until the termination of the
CARPIO, J.: case.19 Atty. Baterina instead points to the “displayed bias” and “undue and
conflict of interest”20 of Judge Arquelada as the culprit in Tejano’s
The Case
The Court, in its 19 July 2010 Resolution, found Atty. Baterina’s explanation
Before the Court is a verified administrative complaint for disbarment against “not satisfactory” and admonished him “to be more heedful of the Court’s
Atty. Benjamin F. Baterina. directives in order to avoid delay in the disposition of [the] case.” The Court
also referred the case to the Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP) for
The Facts investigation, report and recommendation.

On 26 March 2009, Joselito F. Tejano filed an Affidavit-Complaint1 before the IBP Investigation, Report and Recommendation
Office of the Court Administrator (OCA) of the Supreme Court against Judge
Dominador LL. Arquelada, Presiding Judge of the Regional Trial Court (RTC), After the proceedings, the IBP’s Commission on Bar Discipline promulgated
Vigan City, Ilocos Sur, Branch 21, and Tejano’s own counsel, Atty. Baterina. its Report and Recommendation,21 part of which
Tejano accused Judge Arquelada of acting in conspiracy with Atty. Baterina First, it appears that respondent’s failure to appear in representation of his
for the former to take possession of his (Tejano) property, which was the clients in the said civil case before the RTC was due to his two-year
subject matter of litigation in the judge’s court. suspension from the practice of law in 2001. While this is a justified reason
for his non-appearance, respondent, however, manifestly failed to properly
The case stems from Civil Case No. 4046-V, a suit for recovery of possession inform the RTC of this fact. That way, the RTC would have, in the meantime,
and damages filed by Tejano, his mother and sisters against the Province of ordered plaintiffs to seek the services of another lawyer. Respondent’s
Ilocos Sur. The property involved in the suit is a strip of land located at the contention that the fact of his suspension was nonetheless circularized to all
northern portion of Lot No. 5663 in Tamag, Vigan City. The lot was wholly courts of the Philippines including the RTC is unavailing. Still, respondent
owned by Tejano’s family, but the Province of Ilocos Sur constructed an should have exerted prudence in properly informing the RTC of his
access road stretching from the provincial highway in the east to the suspension in order to protect the interests of his clients.
provincial government’s motor pool in the west without instituting the
proper expropriation proceedings.2 Moreover, while he relayed such fact of suspension to his clients, there is no
showing that he explained the consequences to them, or that he advised
The case was raffled off to Branch 21 of the Vigan City RTC in October 1988. them to seek another counsel’s assistance in the meantime. Clearly
Four judges would hear the case before Judge Arquelada became the therefore, respondent’s inaction falls short of the diligence required of him
branch’s presiding judge in 2001.3 Prior to his appointment to the bench, as a lawyer.
however, Judge Arquelada was one of the trial prosecutors assigned to
Branch 21, and in that capacity represented the Province of Ilocos Sur in Civil Second, it must be recalled that the RTC in the said case required the
Case No. 4046-V.4 plaintiffs therein to submit their formal offer of evidence. However,
respondent did not bother to do so, in total disregard of the RTC’s Order
In his Affidavit-Complaint, Tejano accused Judge Arquelada of colluding with dated 8 November 2004. Respondent’s bare excuse that he remembers
Atty. Baterina in the former’s bid to “take possession” of their property and making an oral offer thereof deserves no merit because the records of this
was “collecting rentals from squatters who had set up their businesses inside case clearly reveal the contrary. Because of the said inaction of respondent,
the whole of Lot [No.] 5663.” In support of his accusations, Tejano attached a his clients’ case was dismissed by the RTC.
copy of Transfer Certificate of Title No. T-430045 covering Lot No. 5663 in the
name of Karen Laderas, purportedly the daughter of Judge Arquelada; xxxx
receipts of rents paid to Terencio Florendo,6 sheriff at Judge Arquelada’s sala
at the Vigan City RTC; receipts of rents paid to Aida Calibuso,7 who was From the foregoing, it is clear that respondent’s acts constitute sufficient
expressly designated by Laderas as her attorney-in-fact8 in collecting said ground for disciplinary action against him. His gross negligence under the
rents; and receipts of rents paid to Edgar Arquelada, Judge Arquelada’s circumstances cannot be countenanced. It is, therefore, respectfully
brother.9 recommended that respondent be suspended from the practice of law for
two (2) years, and be fined in the amount of Fifty Thousand Pesos
As to his counsel, Tejano claims that Atty. Baterina “miserably failed to (P50,000.00), considering that this is his second disciplinary action. x x x.22
advance [his] cause.” Specifically, Tejano alleged that Atty. Baterina (1) failed On 20 March 2013, the IBP Board of Governors adopted the following
to object when the trial court pronounced that he and his co-plaintiffs had resolution:       
waived their right to present evidence after several postponements in the  RESOLUTION NO. XX-2013-237
trial because his mother was ill and confined at the hospital;10 (2) manifested Adm. Case No. 8235
in open court that he would file a motion for reconsideration of the order Joselito F. Tejano vs.
declaring their presentation of evidence terminated but failed to actually do Atty. Benjamin F. Baterina
so;11 (3) not only failed to file said motion for reconsideration, but also
declared in open court that they would not be presenting any witnesses RESOLVED to ADOPT and APPROVE, as it is hereby unanimously ADOPTED
without consulting his clients;12 and (4) failed to comply with the trial court’s and APPROVED, with modification, the Report and Recommendation of the
order to submit their formal offer of exhibits.13 Investigating Commissioner in the above-entitled case, herein made part of
this Resolution as Annex “A”, and finding the recommendation fully
In a letter dated 27 March 2009, then Court Administrator (now Supreme supported by the evidence on record and the applicable laws and rules and
Court Associate Justice) Jose P. Perez informed Tejano that the OCA has no considering that Respondent is guilty of gross negligence, Atty. Benjamin F.
jurisdiction over Atty. Baterina since it only has administrative supervision Baterina is hereby SUSPENDED from the practice of law for two (2) years.
over officials and employees of the judiciary. However, Tejano was informed However, the Fine of Fifty Thousand Pesos imposed on respondent is
to file the complaint against his counsel at the Office of the Bar Confidant, hereby deleted.23
and that the complaint against Judge Arquelada was already “being acted The Court’s Ruling
upon” by the OCA.14
The Court adopts the IBP’s report and recommendation, with modification as
In a Resolution dated 6 July 2009, the Court required Atty. Baterina  to file a to the penalty.
Comment on the complaint within 10 days from notice.15 Failing to comply
with the Court’s order, Atty. Baterina was ordered to show cause why he The Code of Professional Responsibility governing the conduct of lawyers
should not be disciplinarily dealt with and once again ordered to comply with states:chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary
In his Compliance dated 28 March 2010, Atty. Baterina explained that he had
been recuperating from a kidney transplant when he received a copy of the xxxx
complaint. He begged the Court’s indulgence and said that his failure to
comply was “not at all intended to show disrespect to the orders of the RULE 18.03 – A lawyer shall not neglect a legal matter entrusted to him, and
Honorable Tribunal.”17 his negligence in connection therewith shall render him liable.

RULE 18.04 – A lawyer shall keep the client informed of the status of his case longer suspension period of five (5) years.
and shall respond within a reasonable time to the client’s request for
information. WHEREFORE, Atty. Benjamin F. Baterina is found GUILTY of gross negligence.
Lawyers have a “fourfold duty to society, the legal profession, the courts and He is SUSPENDED from the practice of law for five (5) years. He is
their clients,” and must act “in accordance with the values and norms of the also STERNLY WARNED that a repetition of the same or a similar offense will
legal profession as embodied in the Code of Professional Responsibility.”24 be dealt with more severely.

When a lawyer agrees to take up a client’s cause, he makes a commitment to This decision shall take effect immediately and copies thereof furnished the
exercise due diligence in protecting the latter’s rights. Once a lawyer’s Office of the Bar Confidant, to be appended to respondent’s personal record,
services are engaged, “he is duty bound to serve his client with competence, and the Integrated Bar of the Philippines.
and to attend to his client’s cause with diligence, care and devotion
regardless of whether he accepts it for a fee or for free. He owes fidelity to The Office of the Court Administrator is directed to circulate copies of this
such cause and must always be mindful of the trust and confidence reposed decision to all courts.
on him.”25 A lawyer’s acceptance to take up a case “impliedly stipulates [that
he will] carry it to its termination, that is, until the case becomes final and SO ORDERED.
Sereno, (Chief Justice), on leave.
Velasco, Jr., Leonardo-De Castro, Peralta, Bersamin, Del Castillo, Villarama,
Atty. Baterina’s duty to his clients did not automatically cease with his Jr., Perez, Mendoza, Reyes, Perlas-Bernabe, Leonen, and Jardeleza, JJ.,
suspension. At the very least, such suspension gave him a concomitant concur.
responsibility to inform his clients that he would be unable to attend to their Carpio, J., Acting Chief Justice per Special Order No. 1914 dated 27 January
case and advise them to retain another counsel. 2015.
Brion, J., on official leave.
A lawyer – even one suspended from practicing the profession – owes it to
his client to not “sit idly by and leave the rights of his client in a state of
A.C. No. 10662
uncertainty.”27 The client “should never be left groping in the dark” and
[Formerly CBD Case No. 10-2654]
instead must be “adequately and fully informed about the developments in
his case.”28
JUN B. LUNA, Complainant,
Atty. Baterina practically abandoned this duty when he allowed the vs.
proceedings to run its course without any effort to safeguard his clients’ ATTY. DWIGHT M. GALARRITA, Respondent.
welfare in the meantime. His failure to file the required pleadings on his
clients’ behalf constitutes gross negligence in violation of the Code of DECISION
Professional Responsibility29 and renders him subject to disciplinary
action.30 The penalties for a lawyer’s failure to file the required brief or
pleading range from warning, reprimand, fine, suspension, or in grave cases, LEONEN, J.:
Before us is a disbarment Complaint against Atty. Dwight M. Galarrita for his
Further, Atty. Baterina’s reckless disregard for orders and directives of the failure to deliver to his client, complainant Jun B. Luna, the P100,000.00
courts is unbecoming of a member of the Bar. His conduct has shown that he settlement proceeds he received after entering into a Compromise
has little respect for rules, court processes, and even for the Court’s Agreement in the foreclosure case without his client’s consent.
disciplinary authority. Not only did he fail to follow the trial court’s orders in
his clients’ case, he even disregarded court orders in his own disciplinary
proceedings. On April 7, 2010, Jun B. Luna (Luna) filed an Affidavit-Complaint1 against his
lawyer, Atty. Dwight M. Galarrita (Atty. Galarrita), before the Integrated Bar
Considering Atty. Baterina’s medical condition at that time, a simple of the Philippines.
explanation to the Court would have sufficed. Instead, however, he simply let
the orders go unheeded, neglecting his duty to the Court. Luna alleged that he retained Atty. Galarrita’s legal services in filing a
foreclosure Complaint2 on October 14, 2002 before the Regional Trial Court
Lawyers, as this Court has previously emphasized, “are particularly called of Gumaca, Quezon.3 The Complaint against one Jose Calvario (Calvario)
upon to obey court orders and processes and are expected to stand foremost alleged that Calvario borrowed P100,000.00 from Luna. This loan was
in complying with court directives being themselves officers of the secured by a Deed of Real Estate Mortgage4 over a parcel of land in Quezon
court.”32 As such, Atty. Baterina should “know that a resolution of this Court Province.5 Due to non-payment of the loan, Luna filed the Complaint praying
is not a mere request but an order which should be complied with promptly for payment of the obligation with interest, and issuance of a foreclosure
and completely.”33 decree upon Calvario’s failure to fully pay within the period.6

Proper Penalty The parties tried to amicably settle the case during pre-trial, followed by
Luna’s presentation and offer of evidence.7
In Spouses Soriano v. Reyes, the Court held that “the appropriate penalty on
an errant lawyer depends on the exercise of sound judicial discretion based
on the surrounding facts.”34 Atty. Galarrita opted to enter into a settlement with the other party after his
formal offer of evidence.8 They submitted the Kasunduan9 (Compromise
The Court notes that in 2001, Atty. Baterina was also suspended for two Agreement) before the trial court on February 14, 2006.10 It provided that
years after being found guilty of gross misconduct.35 In that case, Araceli Calvario would pay Luna P105,000.00 as payment for his mortgaged land
Sipin-Nabor filed a complaint against Atty. Baterina for failing to file her and, in turn, Luna would cause the removal of the encumbrance annotation
Answer with Counterclaim in a case for quieting of title and recovery of on the land title.11 The trial court approved12 the Compromise Agreement in
possession where she and her siblings were defendants. Because of such its February 20, 2006 Decision.13 Luna alleged that Atty. Galarrita never
failure, Sipin-Nabor was declared by the trial court to be in default and informed him of this Compromise Agreement, and did not deliver to him the
unable to present her evidence, and which, in turn, resulted in a decision P100,000.00 settlement proceeds Atty. Galarrita had received.14
adverse to her.
Luna’s Complaint attached a copy of the Counsel’s Report15 dated August 12,
Atty. Baterina was also found to have “convert[ed] the money of his client to 2003 where Atty. Galarrita proposed and provided justifications for
his own personal use without her consent” and “deceiv[ed] the complainant settlement, and waived any compensation for his services in the case:16
into giving him the amount of P2,000.00 purportedly to be used for filing an
answer with counterclaim,” which he never did.
Please take note that Mr. Jose Calvario is willing, able and ready to pay
you IN CASH the full amount of One Hundred Ten Thousand
The Court likewise noted in that case Atty. Baterina’s “repeated failure to
Pesos (Php110,000.00), no more no less. While we are aware that it’s your
comply with the resolutions of the Court requiring him to comment on the
desire to fight this case to its ultimate legal conclusion, allow us nonetheless,
complaint [which] indicates a high degree of irresponsibility tantamount to
to present the pros and cons of having this case be amicably settled.
willful disobedience to the lawful orders of the Supreme Court.”36

These two disciplinary cases against Atty. Baterina show a pattern of Point One: He has in his possession the original copy of the checks you issued
neglecting his duty to his clients, as well as a propensity for disrespecting the showing that upon signing of the Contract Of Real Estate Mortgage, he
authority of the courts. Such incorrigible behavior is unacceptable and will received from you Eighty Eight Thousand Pesos (Php88,000.00) only.
not be tolerated among the members of the Bar. Meaning, he has already paid in advance his interest of 12% or the equivalent
of Twelve Thousand Pesos (Php12,000.00) when the contract was signed.
For this reason, the Court deems it proper to impose on Atty. Baterina a Consequently, it is useless for us to argue before the court that his principal

indebtedness amounted to One Hundred Thousand Pesos (Php100,000.00). purpose.35 He regularly submitted reports to Luna on developments and
Hence, if you accept the compromise settlement of One Hundred Ten possible settlement before he entered the Compromise Agreement.36 He
Thousand Pesos (Php110,000.00), you stand to gain Twenty Two Thousand submits that Luna "‘slept’ on his rights."37
Pesos (Php22,000.00).
Atty. Galarrita adds that under their General Retainership
Agreement,38 Luna shall pay him _4,000.00 monthly.39 Luna should have paid
Rest assured, your undersigned counsel leaves it to your better judgment as P48,000.00 as of November 17, 2006, and after four years with no
to whether he deserves to be paid for his legal services regarding this case revocation, termination, or nullification, Luna’s unpaid obligation amounted
against Mr. Jose Calvario. to P208,000.00.40 He listed other unpaid amounts for his legal services.41 Atty.
Galarrita, thus, argues for an application of the rule on retaining lien.42 Atty.
Galarrita also raises the two-year prescription under Rule VIII, Section 1 of
Repeat, I will no longer ask from you any compensation for my services
the Rules of Procedure of the Integrated Bar of the Philippines Commission
regarding this case.17 (Emphasis in the original)
on Bar Discipline.43 More than four years elapsed since their last
communication in 2006 when the Compromise Agreement became final.44
Atty. Galarrita wrote Luna the following: Counsel’s Reports, Requests for
Funding, and Statements of Accounts in relation to case developments,
In his December 4, 2010 Report and Recommendation,45 the Integrated Bar
retainer’s fees, and reimbursement for expenses incurred.18
of the Philippines Investigating Commissioner46 found that Atty. Galarrita
violated Rule 16.03 of the Code of Professional Responsibility and
After learning of the settlement, Luna wrote Atty. Galarrita: "I was so recommended "his suspension from the practice of law for a period of one
surprised when you went into plea agreement for Compromise Agreement (1) year[.]"47
without my knowledge [a]nd beyond to [sic] what we had discussed."19 Atty.
Galarrita replied through the Letter20 dated January 27, 2006, stating in part:
The Integrated Bar of the Philippines Board of Governors, in its April 15, 2013
Resolution No. XX-2013-441,48 adopted and approved with modification the
I entered into an amicable settlement with Mr. Jose Calvario because I am Investigating Commissioner’s Report and Recommendation in that Atty.
certain that in this kind of case, a compromise is better than WINNING it. Galarrita is recommended to be "suspended from the practice of law for six
(6) months and [o]rdered to [r]eturn the amount of One Hundred Thousand
Everything is transparent. You even told me that you are not interested to (P100,000.00) Pesos to complainant without prejudice to the filing of a
acquire the land that’s why you signaled your approval of a compromise. collection case for retainer’s fee against complainant."49 The Board of
Governors denied reconsideration in its May 3, 2014 Resolution No. XXI-
I was hoping that you already understood my situation. As I have told you, I
can’t waste my time going to Gumaca every now and then. Traveling time is
too precious for my cases here in Metro Manila. The Office of the Bar Confidant reported that "no motion for reconsideration
or petition for review was filed as of November 17, 2014."51 In any case, it is
this court that has the authority to discipline members of the bar.52
The point is: I did not receive any appearance fee for the numerous hearings
conducted there despite sending several statements of accounts (SOA) to
your office. The issue for resolution is whether respondent Atty. Galarrita should be held
administratively liable for entering into a Compromise Agreement without his
client complainant Luna’s consent, then refusing to turn over the settlement
If that’s the case, why prolong the agony? proceeds received.

Why bother after all to pursue this case when indeed, you are not interested This court acknowledges the recommendation of the Integrated Bar of the
to acquire the land and you are not bent in spending the right remuneration Philippines Board of Governors, with modification increasing the period of
for your undersigned counsel? suspension from the practice of law to two (2) years.

I have nothing to hide. The money will be deposited in my savings account I

because I just could not handle that amount of cash in my pocket.21

Those in the legal profession must always conduct themselves with honesty
In his Letter22 dated February 27, 2006, Luna wrote: and integrity in all their dealings.53

Yes I’m not interested with that lot in Quezon, [and this is] the reason why Lawyers should maintain, at all times, "a high standard of legal proficiency,
I’m the one who propose to them [that] [w]e settle this case on our own morality, honesty, integrity and fair dealing, and must perform their four-fold
without any lawyer, they are the one[s] who insist to go to Court. . . . This is duty to society, the legal profession, the courts and their clients, in
what we come out to [p]ropose to them, with the right amount to cover all accordance with the values and norms embodied in the Code [of Professional
those only been spent including Acceptance fee. You even waive[d] your fee Responsibility]."54
on this, for every hearing which I couldn’t understand, [y]et we end up that
we still going [sic] to pursue this case, it was discussed during my trip there.
[This is] [t]he reason I’m too surprised with your plea Agreement without my Members of the bar took their oath to conduct themselves "according to the
knowledge.23 best of [their] knowledge and discretion with all good fidelity as well to the
courts as to [their] clients[,]"55 and to "delay no man for money or malice[.]"56

Luna mentioned that the delay in retainer’s fee payments was due to Atty.
Galarrita’s negligence in handling the case.24 These mandates apply especially to dealings of lawyers with their clients
considering the highly fiduciary nature of their relationship.57 Clients entrust
their causes—life, liberty, and property—to their lawyers, certain that this
In his Letter25 of the same date, Atty. Galarrita explained: "The reason this confidence would not be abused.
case was archived [was] because I could not attend several hearings for lack
of meal and transport allowance going to Gumaca, Quezon. . . . that’s moot
and academic because this case was not dismissed by the court, at all."26 Atty. Complainant Luna entrusted respondent Atty. Galarrita with handling the
Galarrita then stated that "[f]or all my shortcomings as a lawyer, I now ask civil case involving a mortgaged land in Quezon Province. However, without
forgiveness. . . . But let it not be said that I betrayed you and your cases."27 complainant Luna’s consent, respondent Atty. Galarrita settled this case with
the other party.

In August 2009, Luna received a letter from one of the heirs of Jose Calvario,
Emma C. Tayag, seeking delivery of the land title since they paid the Article 1878 of the Civil Code provides that "[s]pecial powers of attorney are
P100,000.00 settlement amount.28 Another heir, Lutchiare Calvario, wrote necessary in the following cases: . . . (3) To compromise, to submit questions
Luna in September 2009 again demanding delivery of title.29 to arbitration, to renounce the right to appeal from a judgment, to waive
objections to the venue of an action or to abandon a prescription already
Luna alleged in his Affidavit-Complaint that Atty. Galarrita has not remitted
the P100,000.00 to date.30 He prays for Atty. Galarrita’s disbarment.31
The Rules of Court thus requires lawyers to secure special authority from
their clients when entering into a compromise agreement that dispenses
In his Verified Answer,  Atty. Galarrita prays for the dismissal of the with litigation:
disbarment Complaint.33 He argues that he entered the Compromise
Agreement by virtue of a Special Power of Attorney34 that includes this

SEC. 23. Authority of attorneys to bind clients. – Attorneys have authority to ....
bind their clients in any case by any agreement in relation thereto made in
writing and in taking appeals, and in all matters of ordinary judicial
Rule 16.03 – A lawyer shall deliver the funds and property of his client when
procedure. But they cannot, without special authority, compromise their
due or upon demand. However, he shall have a lien over the funds and may
client’s litigation, or receive anything in discharge of a client’s claim but the
apply so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy his lawful fees and
full amount in cash.58 (Emphasis supplied)
disbursements, giving notice promptly thereafter to his client. He shall also
have a lien to the same extent on all judgments and executions he has
Atty. Galarrita contends that he holds a Special Power of Attorney to enter secured for his client as provided for in the Rules of Court.
into compromise agreements, but as found by the Investigating
In several cases, we have disciplined lawyers who failed or refused to remit
amounts received for and on behalf of their clients. "The penalty for violation
There seems to be a compelling reason to believe that Complainant had not of Canon 16 of the Code of Professional Responsibility usually ranges from
given any authority for the Complainant [sic] to enter into Compromise suspension for six months, to suspension for one year, or two years, and
Agreement at that precise stage of the trial. Firstly, the Complainant was even disbarment[,]"63 depending on the circumstances of each case.
not made a party to the Compromise Agreement despite the fact that he was
not abroad when the agreement was executed. Secondly, there was no
In Villanueva v. Atty. Ishiwata,64 respondent received four checks totalling
indication that he had agreed to the amount of P100,000.00 in exchange for
P225,000.00 from his client’s employer after signing a Quitclaim and Release
his withdrawal of the complaint. Thirdly, he was not seasonably informed of
pursuant to their compromise agreement.65 Despite full payment of
the execution of the Compromise Agreement/payment of the P100,000.00
settlement award, respondent only remitted P45,000.00 to his client and
and came to know of the same only much later.
refused to deliver the balance.66 Respondent explained that he delivered
P90,000.00 to his client’s wife, but his secretary misplaced the signed
Respondent argued that Complainant had previously executed a Special receipts, and he deducted his 25% attorney’s fees of P56,250.00 from the
Power of Attorney wherein he authorized the former to "enter into possible award.67 The balance left was only P750.00.68 This court found Atty.
amicable settlement or submit any matter to arbitration and alternative Ishiwata guilty of violating Canon 16 of the Code of Professional
modes of dispute resolution, simplification of the issues, the necessity of Responsibility, suspended him from the practice of law for one (1) year, and
amendment to the pleadings, the possibility of obtaining stipulations or ordered him to restitute to complainant the amount of P154,500.00
admissions of facts and of documents to avoid unnecessary proof, the representing the balance after P45,000.00 and the 10% attorney’s fees had
limitation of the number of witnesses, the advisability of preliminary been deducted from the settlement award.69
reference of issues to a commissioner, the propriety of rendering judgment
on the pleadings, or summary judgment, or of dismissing the action should a
In Aldovino v. Atty. Pujalte, Jr.,70 respondent received P1,001,332.26 from the
valid ground therefor be found to exist, the advisability of suspending the
Branch Clerk of Court corresponding to the six shares of his clients in the
proceedings, offer matters that may properly be considered under Rule 18 of
estate of their deceased mother, but respondent only delivered P751,332.26
the 1997 Rules on Civil Procedure." It would seem, however, that despite the
to his clients.71 Respondent explained that he deducted P250,000.00 as his
authority given to Respondent, the same SPA cannot justify Respondent’s
attorney’s fees, while complainants countered that respondent could only
representation in the Compromise Agreement on February 14, 2006. To
retain P14,000.00 as they already paid him P86,000.00 for his services.72 This
dissect, the SPA was executed on September 16, 2002 or a month before
court found Atty. Pujalte, Jr. guilty of violating Canon 16 of the Code of
the filing of the Complaint for Foreclosure of Mortgage. Thus, the
Professional Responsibility, suspended him from the practice of law for one
conclusion seems to be that the authority given therein to Respondent to
(1) year, and ordered him to return to complainants the amount of
enter into a possible settlement referred only to a possible settlement that
could be secured or firmed up during the preliminary conference or pre-trial
of the case. In fact, the tenor of the SPA indicates that the SPA was precisely
executed in order to constitute Respondent as Complainant’s representative In Almendarez, Jr. v. Atty. Langit,74 respondent received P255,000.00 from
during the preliminary conference or pre-trial. the Officer-in-Charge Clerk of Court representing the monthly rentals
deposited by the other party in the ejectment case respondent handled for
his client.75 Respondent did not inform his client of this transaction and failed
Assuming it can be inferred that the SPA and the authority given to
to reply to the final demand letter for accounting.76 Respondent did not file
Respondent can be liberally interpreted and allowed to extend up to the time
an Answer to the administrative Complaint despite notice, and failed to
the Compromise had been executed, still the Respondent may not have
appear at the mandatory conference.77 This court found Atty. Langit guilty of
faithfully performed his sworn duty to his client. During the mandatory
violating Canons 1, 11, 16, and 17 of the Code of Professional Responsibility,
conference, it was established that at the time the compromise was executed
suspended him from the practice of law for two (2) years, and ordered him to
the Complainant was not abroad and, therefore, given the current
restitute to complainant the amount of _255,000.00 with 12% interest per
information technology it would have been easy or convenient for
Respondent to have informed his client about it. Admittedly, his failure in this
regard had only given Complainant the reason to cast doubt on his real
intention in agreeing to the compromise agreement for and in his behalf. In Bayonla v. Reyes,79 respondent should have delivered to her clients the
amount of P123,582.67—the net amount of Bayonla’s share in the
expropriation compensation after deducting respondent’s 40% share as
It would seem, however, that by Complainant’s act of demanding the amount
attorney’s fees—but respondent only delivered P79,000.00 and refused to
from Respondent, the former may have already ignored the issue on the lack
remit the P44,582.67 shortage.80 This court found Atty. Reyes guilty of
of authority on his part thus curing the defect on the latter’s authority to
violating Rules 16.01 and 16.03 of the Code of Professional Responsibility,
enter into the same.59 (Emphasis supplied, citation omitted)
suspended her from the practice of law for two (2) years, ordered her to pay
complainants the amount of P44,582.67 with 12% interest per annum, and
Rule 1.01 of the Code of Professional Responsibility states that "[a] lawyer render accounting and inventory.81
shall not engage in unlawful, dishonest, immoral or deceitful
conduct."60 Members of the bar must always conduct themselves in a way
In Jinon v. Jiz,82 respondent received P45,000.00 from his client for transfer of
that promotes "public confidence in the integrity of the legal
title expenses.83 His client later learned that respondent had been collecting
profession."61 Even though complainant Luna effectively abandoned the issue
the rentals from the property amounting to P12,000.00, yet respondent only
on respondent Atty. Galarrita’s lack of authority to compromise the civil case
turned over P7,000.00.84 Complainant terminated respondent’s legal services
when he demanded the payment of the settlement proceeds, this does not
and demanded the return of the amounts.85 Respondent countered that his
erase his acts of abusing the trust and confidence reposed in him by
legal services covered negotiation and sale of the property for a fee of
complainant Luna.
P75,000.00.86 This court found Atty. Jiz guilty of violating Rules 16.01, 16.03,
and 18.03 of the Code of Professional Responsibility, suspended him from
II the practice of law for two (2) years, and ordered him to pay complainant the
amount of P45,000.00 with 6% legal interest per annum from date of
demand until finality of Decision, then 12% until fully paid.87
Worse, respondent Atty. Galarrita not only failed to promptly inform
complainant Luna of the former’s receipt of the P100,000.00 settlement
proceeds but also refused to turn over the amount to complainant Luna. This In this case, respondent Atty. Galarrita entered into the Compromise
court has held that "any money collected for the client or other trust Agreement involving complainant Luna’s property without informing him.
property coming into the lawyer’s possession should promptly be reported Even though complainant Luna forewent the lack of authority issue,
by him [or her]."62 Rule 16.03 under Canon 6 of the Code of Professional respondent Atty. Galarrita still continued to act in bad faith by refusing to
Responsibility provides that: turn over the P100,000.00 settlement amount received. The Integrated Bar
of the Philippines Investigating Commissioner found that:
CANON 16 – A lawyer shall hold in trust all moneys and properties of his
client that may come into his possession. On another point, there seems no cogent proof, too, that Respondent had
been advised of Complainant’s supposed agreement to Mr. Calvario’s

payment of P100,000.00. Despite R[es]pondent’s allegations that he had required to still litigate in another proceeding what the administrative
informed Complainant about his so-called counsel’s report, it remains proceeding has already established as the respondent’s liability. That has
undisputed that the Complainant did not give him any express approval of been the reason why the Court has required restitution of the amount
the same. involved as a concomitant relief in the cited cases of Mortera v. Pagatpatan,
supra, Almendarez, Jr. v. Langit, supra, Small v. Banares, supra.97 (Emphasis
There is to the undersigned enough indicia to conclude that Respondent had
committed bad faith in entering into the Compromise Agreement. From
February 2006 to November 2010, or a period of four (4) years, Respondent Respondent Atty. Galarrita does not deny his receipt of the P100,000.00 but
failed to turn-over the P100,000.00 he had collected from Mr. Calvario to justifies his refusal to turn over the amount by invoking jurisprudence on
Complainant. Worse, he failed to seasonably inform Complainant about the retaining lien.98 The Rules of Court provides for attorney’s retaining lien as
same. He kept the money and claimed he had the right to retain the same follows:
invoking the counsel’s right to a retaining line [sic]. He pointed out that
Complainant had incurred accrued attorney’s fees which he is bound to pay
SEC. 37. Attorney’s liens. – An attorney shall have a lien upon the funds,
under the general retainer agreement. Thus, it is not amiss to state that he
documents and papers of his client which have lawfully come into his
entered into the said agreement with the odious motivation to hold on to it
possession and may retain the same until his lawful fees and disbursements
and pave the way for the payment of his attorney’s fees. In so doing, he
have been paid, and may apply such funds to the satisfaction thereof. He
violated the trust reposed in him by his client and violated Rule 16.03 of the
shall also have a lien to the same extent upon all judgments for the payment
Code of [P]rofessional Responsibility.
of money, and executions issued in pursuance of such judgments, which he
has secured in a litigation of his client, from and after the time when he shall
As to Respondent’s invocation of the lawyer’s retaining lien and his retention have caused a statement of his claim of such lien to be entered upon the
of the money, the undersigned deems the same unlawful. True, the Code of records of the court rendering such judgment, or issuing such execution, and
Professional Responsibility allows the lawyer to apply so much thereof as shall have caused written notice thereof to be delivered to his client and to
may be necessary to satisfy his lawful fees and disbursements, giving notice the adverse party; and he shall have the same right and power over such
promptly thereafter to his client." But this provision assumes that the client judgments and executions as his client would have enforce his lien and
agrees with the lawyer as to the amount of attorney’s fees and as to the secure the payment of his just fees and disbursements.99
application of the client’s fund to pay his lawful fees and disbursements, in
which case he may deduct what is due him and remit the balance to his
First, "lawyer[s] [are] not entitled to unilaterally appropriate [their] clients[’]
client, with full disclosure on every detail. Without the client’s consent, the
money for [themselves] by the mere fact that the client[s] [owe] [them]
lawyer has no authority to apply the client’s money for his fees, but he
attorney’s fees."100 They must give prompt notice to their clients of any
should instead return the money to his client, without prejudice to his filing
receipt of funds for or on behalf of their clients.101
a case to recover his unsatisfied fees.

Rule 16.01 of the Code of Professional Responsibility provides for a lawyer’s

duty to "account for all money or property collected or received for or from
the client."
On Respondent’s argument that prescription has already set in against
Complainant, suffice it to state that the rules have already been supplanted
Respondent Atty. Galarrita refused to comply with these duties, warranting
by a new set of rules which do not anymore carry the same.88 (Emphasis
his suspension from the practice of law.
supplied, citations omitted)

Second, the elements required for full recognition of attorney’s lien are: "(1)
Administrative proceedings require only substantial evidence.89 This court
lawyer-client relationship; (2) lawful possession of the client’s funds,
accepts and adopts the findings of the Integrated Bar of the Philippines Board
documents and papers; and (3) unsatisfied claim for attorney’s fees."102
of Governors, but with modification increasing the period of suspension from
the practice of law to two (2) years considering that respondent Atty.
Galarrita not only compromised litigation without complainant Luna’s Respondent Atty. Galarrita must prove the existence of all these elements.
consent, but also refused to turn over the settlement proceeds to date. However, this is not the main issue in this disbarment case against him, and
the validity of his retaining lien defense was not established. Counter
evidence even exists such as respondent Atty. Galarrita's Letter dated August
12, 2003 waiving any compensation for his services in the foreclosure
case.103 Complainant Luna also raises respondent Atty. Galarrita's negligence
This court sustains the order for respondent Atty. Galarrita to return the in handling the case, and lack of supporting receipts for the incurred
amount of P100,000.00 to complainant Luna. expenses respondent Atty. Galarrita seeks to reimburse.104

In Ronquillo v. Atty. Cezar,90 the parties entered a Deed of Assignment after Nevertheless, we maintain that the disposition of this case is without
which respondent received P937,500.00 from complainant as partial prejudice to the filing of a collection case for retainer's fee against
payment for the townhouse and lot.91 However, respondent did not turn over complainant Luna.1âwphi1
this amount to developer Crown Asia, and no copy of the Contract to Sell was
given to complainant.92 This court suspended Atty. Cezar from the practice of
WHEREFORE, respondent Atty. Dwight M. Galarrita is SUSPENDED from the
law for three (3) years, but did not grant complainant’s prayer for the return
practice of law for two (2) years, with a stem warning that a repetition of the
of the P937,500.00.93
same or similar acts shall be dealt with more severely. He is ORDERED to
return to complainant Jun B. Luna the amount of Pl00,000.00, with legal
Ronquillo held that "[d]isciplinary proceedings against lawyers do not involve interest of 6% per annum from February 2006105 until fully paid, without
a trial of an action, but rather investigations by the court into the conduct of prejudice to the filing of a collection case for retainer's fee against
one of its officers."94 Thus, disciplinary proceedings are limited to a complainant Luna.
determination of "whether or not the attorney is still fit to be allowed to
continue as a member of the Bar."95
Let a copy of this Decision be furnished to the Office of the Bar Confidant to
be entered into respondent Atty. Galarrita's records as attorney. Copies shall
Later jurisprudence clarified that this rule excluding civil liability likewise be furnished the Integrated Bar of the Philippines and the Office of
determination from disciplinary proceedings "remains applicable only to the Court Administrator for circulation to all courts concerned.
claimed liabilities which are purely civil in nature — for instance, when the
claim involves moneys received by the lawyer from his client in a transaction
separate and distinct [from] and not intrinsically linked to his professional
Associate Justice
This court has thus ordered in administrative proceedings the return of
amounts representing legal fees. This court has also ordered restitution as
concomitant relief in administrative proceedings when respondent’s civil G.R. No. L-12817             April 29, 1960
liability was already established:
JULIO D. ENRIQUEZ, SR., representing the law firm of ENRIQUEZ and
Although the Court renders this decision in an administrative proceeding ENRIQUEZ, petitioner,
primarily to exact the ethical responsibility on a member of the Philippine vs.
Bar, the Court’s silence about the respondent lawyer’s legal obligation to HON. PEDRO M. GIMENEZ in his capacity as AUDITOR GENERAL OF THE
restitute the complainant will be both unfair and inequitable. No victim of PHILIPPINES, respondent.
gross ethical misconduct concerning the client’s funds or property should be

Julio D. Enriquez, Sr. for petitioner. The Revised Administrative Code provides:
Assistant Solicitor General Florencio Villamor and Solicitor Jorge R. Coquia for
SEC. 2241. Submission of questions to provincial fiscal. — When
the council is desirous of securing a legal opinion upon any
PADILLA, J.: question relative to its own powers or the constitution or
attributes of the municipal government, it shall frame such
question in writing and submit the same to the provincial fiscal for
This is a petition filed under the provisions of Rule 45 of the Rules of Court
and section 2 (c) of Commonwealth Act No. 327 for a review of a decision of
the Auditor General dated 24 June 1957.
SEC. 1682. Duty of fiscal as legal adviser of province and provincial
subdivisions. — The provincial fiscal shall be the legal adviser of
On 18 June 1955 Republic Act No. 1383 creating the National Waterworks
the provincial government and its officers, including district health
and Sewerage Authority as a public corporation and vesting in it the
officers, and of the mayor and council of the various municipalities
ownership, jurisdiction, supervision and control over all territory embraced
and municipal districts of the province. As such he shall, when so
by the Metropolitan Water District as well as all areas served by existing
requested, submit his opinion in writing upon any legal question
government-owned waterworks and sewerage and drainage systems within
submitted to him by any such officer or body pertinent to the
the boundaries of cities, municipalities, and municipal districts in the
duties thereof.
Philippines, and those served by the Waterworks and Wells and Drills Section
of the Bureau of Public Works, was passed. On 19 September 1955 the
President of the Philippines promulgated Executive Order No. 127 providing, SEC. 1683. Duty of fiscal to represent provinces and provincial
among others, for the transfer to the National Waterworks and Sewerage subdivisions in litigation. — The provincial fiscal shall represent
Authority of all the records, properties, machinery, equipment, the province and any municipality or municipal district thereof in
appropriations, assets, choses in actions, liabilities, obligations, notes, bonds any court, except in cases whereof original jurisdiction is vested in
and all indebtedness of all government-owned waterworks and sewerage the Supreme Court or in cases where the municipality or
systems in the provinces, cities, municipalities and municipal districts (51 Off. municipal district in question is a party adverse to the provincial
Gaz. 4415-4417). On 31 March 1956 the municipal council of Bauan, government or to some other municipality or municipal district in
Batangas, adopted and passed Resolution No. 152 stating "that it is the the same province. When the interests of a provincial government
desire of this municipality in this present administration not to submit our and of any political division thereof are opposed, the provincial
local Waterworks to the provisions of the said Republic Act No. 1383." fiscal shall act on behalf of the province.
(Annex A.) On 20 April 1956 the municipal mayor transmitted a copy of
Resolution No. 152 to the Provincial Fiscal through the Provincial Board
When the provincial fiscal is disqualified to serve any municipality
requesting him to render an opinion on the matter treated therein and to
or other political subdivision of a province, a special attorney may
inform the municipal council whether he would handle and prosecute its
be employed by its council.
case in court should the council decide to question and test judicially the
legality of Republic Act No. 1383 and to prevent the National Waterworks
and Sewerage Authority from exercising its authority over the waterworks Under the foregoing provisions of law, the Provincial Fiscal is the legal adviser
system of the municipality, (Annex B). On 2 May 1956 the provincial fiscal of the mayor and counsel of the various municipalities of a province and it is
rendered an opinion holding that Republic Act No. 1383 is valid and his duty to represent the municipality in any court except when he is
constitutional and declined to represent the municipality of Bauan in an disqualified by law. When he is disqualified to represent the municipality, the
action to be brought against the National Waterworks and Sewerage municipal council may engage the services of a special attorney. The
Authority to test the validity and constitutionality of the Act creating it Provincial Fiscal is disqualified to represent in court the municipality if and
(Annex C). On 26 May 1956 the municipal council adopted and passed when original jurisdiction of the case involving the municipality is vested in
Resolution No. 201 authorizing the municipal mayor to take steps to the Supreme Court; when the municipality is a party adverse to the provincial
commence an action or proceedings in court to challenge the government or to some other municipality in the same province;1 and when
constitutionality of Republic Act No. 1383 and to engage the services of a in the case involving the municipality, he, or his wife, or child, is pecuniarily
special counsel, and appropriating the sum of P2,000 to defray the expenses involved as heir, legatee, creditor or otherwise.2 The fact that the Provincial
of litigation and attorney's fees (Annex D). On 2 June 1956 the municipal Fiscal in the case at bar was of the opinion that Republic Act No. 1383 was
mayor wrote a letter to the petitioner engaging his services as counsel for the valid and constitutional, and, therefore, would not be in a position to
municipality in its contemplated action against the National Waterworks and prosecute the case of the municipality with earnestness and vigor, could not
Sewerage Authority (Annex F.) On 27 June 1956 the Provincial Board of justify the act of the municipal council in engaging the services of a special
Batangas adopted and passed Resolution No. 1829 approving Resolution No. counsel. Bias or prejudice and animosity or hostility on the part of a fiscal not
201 of the municipal council of Bauan (Annex E). On 28 June 1956 the based on any of the conditions enumerated in the law and the Rules of Court
petitioner wrote to the municipal mayor accepting his offer in behalf of the do not constitute a legal and valid excuse for inhibition or
municipality under the following terms and conditions: that his professional disqualification.3 And unlike a practising lawyer who has the right to decline
services shall commence from the filing of the complaint up to and including employment,4 a fiscal cannot refuse the performance of his functions on
the appeal, if any, to the appellate courts; that his professional fee shall be grounds not provided for by law without violating his oath of office, where he
P1,500 and payable as follows: P500 upon the filing of the complaint, P500 swore, among others, "that he will well and faithfully discharge to the best of
upon the termination of the hearing of the case in the Court of First Instance, his ability the duties of the office or position upon which he is about to enter.
and P500 after judgment shall have become final or, should the judgment be . . ."5 Instead of engaging the services of a special attorney, the municipal
appealed, after the appeal shall have been submitted for judgment to the council should have requested the Secretary of Justice to appoint an acting
appellate court; and that the municipality shall defray all reasonable and provincial fiscal in place of the provincial fiscal who had declined to handle
necessary expenses for the prosecution of the case in the trial and appellate and prosecute its case in court, pursuant to section 1679 of the Revised
courts including court and sheriff fees, transportation and subsistence of Administrative Code. The petitioner claims that the municipal council could
counsel and witnesses and cost of transcripts of stenographic notes and not do this because the Secretary of Justice, who has executive
other documents (Annex G). On the same date, 28 June 1956, the petitioner supervision over the Government Corporate Counsel, who represented the
filed the necessary complaint in the Court of First Instance of Batangas (civil National Waterworks and Sewerage Authority in the case filed against it by
No. 542, Annex I). On 9 July 1956 the municipal mayor wrote to the the municipality of Bauan (civil No. 542, Annex J) and direct supervision and
petitioner agreeing to the terms and conditions set forth in his (the control over the Provincial Fiscal, would be placed in an awkward and absurd
petitioner's) letter of 28 June 1956 (Annex H). On 16 July 1956 the defendant position of having control of both sides of the controversy. The petitioner's
filed its answer to the complaint (Annex J). On 24 July 1956 the petitioner contention is untenable. Section 83 of the Revised Administrative Code, as
wrote a letter to the municipal treasurer requesting reimbursement of the amended by Executive Order No. 94, series of 1947 and further amended by
sum of P40 paid by him to the Court as docket fee and payment of the sum of Executive Order No. 392, series of 1950, 46 Off. Gaz., 5913, 5917, provides
P500 as initial attorney's fee. Attached to the letter were the pertinent that the Secretary of Justice shall have executive supervision over the
supporting papers (Annex K). The municipal treasurer forwarded the Government Corporate Counsel and supervision and control over Provincial
petitioner's claim letter and enclosures to the Auditor General through Fiscals. In Mondano vs. Silvosa, 97 Phil., 143; 51 Off. Gaz., 2884, 2888, this
channels for pre-audit. On 24 June 1957 the Auditor General disallowed in Court distinguished supervision from control as follows:
audit the petitioner's claim for initial attorney's fees in the sum of P500,
based upon an opinion rendered on 10 May 1957 by the Secretary of Justice . . . In administrative law supervision means overseeing or the
who held that the Provincial Fiscal was not disqualified to handle and power or authority of an officer to see that subordinate officers
prosecute in court the case of the municipality of Bauan and that its perform their duties. If the latter fail or neglect to fulfill them the
municipal council had no authority to engage the services of a special counsel former may take such action or step as prescribed by law to make
(Annex L), but offered no objection to the refund to the petitioner of the sum them perform their duties. Control, on the other hand, means the
of P40 paid by him to the Court as docket fee (Annex M). On 15 August 1957 power of an officer to alter or modify or nullify or set aside what a
the petitioner received notice of the decision of the Auditor General and on subordinate officer had done in the performance of his duties and
11 September 1957 he filed with the Auditor General a notice of appeal from to substitute the judgment of the former for that of the latter. . . .
his decision under section 4, Rule 45, of the Rules of Court Annex N). On 13
September 1957 the petitioner filed this petition for review in this Court.

The fact that the Secretary of Justice had, on several occasions, upheld the Attorney Vicente J. Francisco's client, because the acts of
validity and constitutionality of Republic Act No. 1383 does not exempt the outraging and mocking from which the words "outrage" and
municipal council of Bauan from requesting the Secretary of Justice to detail "mockery" used therein are derived, mean exactly the same as all
a provincial fiscal to prosecute its case. these, according to the Dictionary of the Spanish Language
published by the Spanish Academy (Dictionary of the Spanish
Language, 15th ed., pages 132 and 513).
The services of the petitioner having been engaged by the municipal council
and mayor without authority of law, the Auditor General was correct in
disallowing in audit the petitioner's claim for payment of attorney's fees. The The insertion of the phrases in question in said motion of Attorney Vicente J.
decision under review is affirmed, without pronouncement as to costs. Francisco, for many years a member of the Philippine bar, was neither
justified nor in the least necessary, because in order to call the attention of
the court in a special way to the essential points relied upon in his argument
Bengzon, Montemayor, Bautista Angelo, Concepcion, Barrera and Gutierrez
and to emphasize the force thereof, the many reasons stated in his said
David, JJ., concur.
motion were sufficient and the phrases in question were superfluous. In
order to appeal to reason and justice, it is highly improper and amiss to make
G.R. No. L-42992             August 8, 1935 trouble and resort to threats, as Attorney Vicente J. Francisco has done,
because both means are annoying and good practice can never sanction
FELIPE SALCEDO, petitioner-appellant, them by reason of their natural tendency to disturb and hinder the free
vs. exercise of a serene and impartial judgment, particularly in judicial matters,
FRANCISCO HERNANDEZ, respondent-appellee. in the consideration of questions submitted for resolution.
In re contempt proceedings against Attorney VICENTE J. FRANCISCO.
There is no question that said paragraph of Attorney Vicente J. Francisco's
Vicente J. Francisco in his own behalf. motion contains a more or less veiled threat to the court because it is
insinuated therein, after the author shows the course which the voters of
Tiaong should follow in case he fails in his attempt, that they will resort to
DIAZ, J.: the press for the purpose of denouncing, what he claims to be a judicial
outrage of which his client has been the victim; and because he states in a
In a motion filed in this case, which is pending resolution because the second threatening manner with the intention of predisposing the mind of the
motion for reconsideration of Attorney Vicente J. Francisco, who represents reader against the court, thus creating an atmosphere of prejudices against it
the herein petitioner, has not been acted upon to date, for the reason that in order to make it odious in the public eye, that decisions of the nature of
the question whether or not the decision which has already been that referred to in his motion promote distrust in the administration of
promulgated should be reconsidered by virtue of the first assignment of justice and increase the proselytes of sakdalism, a movement with seditious
error relied upon in said petitioner's brief, has not yet been determined, for and revolutionary tendencies the activities of which, as is of public
which purpose the case was set for hearing on August 5, 1935, said attorney knowledge, occurred in this country a few days ago. This cannot mean
inserted a paragraph the translation of which reads as follows: otherwise than contempt of the dignity of the court and disrespect of the
authority thereof on the part of Attorney Vicente J. Francisco, because he
presumes that the court is so devoid of the sense of justice that, if he did not
We should like frankly and respectfully to make it of record that resort to intimidation, it would maintain its error notwithstanding the fact
the resolution of this court, denying our motion for that it may be proven, with good reasons, that it has acted erroneously.
reconsideration, is absolutely erroneous and constitutes an
outrage to the rights of the petitioner Felipe Salcedo and a
mockery of the popular will expressed at the polls in the As a member of the bar and an officer of this court, Attorney Vicente J.
municipality of Tiaong, Tayabas. We wish to exhaust all the means Francisco, as any attorney, is in duty bound to uphold its dignity and
within out power in order that this error may be corrected by the authority and to defend its integrity, not only because it has conferred upon
very court which has committed it, because we should not want him the high privilege, not á right (Malcolm, Legal Ethics, 158 and 160), of
that some citizen, particularly some voter of the municipality of being what he now is : a priest of justice (In re Thatcher, 80 Ohio St. Rep.,
Tiaong, Tayabas, resort to the press publicly to denounce, as he 492, 669), but also because in so doing, he neither creates nor promotes
has a right to do, the judicial outrage of which the herein distrust in the administration of justice, and prevents anybody from
petitioner has been the victim, and because it is our utmost desire harboring and encouraging discontent which, in many cases, is the source of
to safeguard the prestige of this honorable court and of each and disorder, thus undermining the foundation upon which rests that bulwark
every member thereof in the eyes of the public. But, at the same called judicial power to which those who are aggrieved turn for protection
time we wish to state sincerely that erroneous decisions like and relief.
these, which the affected party and his thousands of voters will
necessarily consider unjust, increase the proselytes of "sakdalism" It is right and plausible that an attorney, in defending the cause and rights of
and make the public lose confidence in the administration of his client, should do so with all the fervor and energy of which he is capable,
justice. but it is not, and never will be so for him to exercise said right by resorting to
intimidation or proceeding without the propriety and respect which the
When the court's attention was called to said paragraph, it required Attorney dignity of the courts require. The reason for this is that respect of the courts
Vicente J. Francisco to show cause, if any, why he should not be found guilty guarantees the stability of their institution. Without such guaranty, said
of contempt, giving him a period of ten days for that purpose. In this answer institution would be resting on a very shaky foundation.
attorney Vicente J. Francisco, far from regretting having employed the
phrases contained in said paragraph in his motion, reiterated them several At this juncture, it is not amiss to invite attention to the provisions of rule 1
times contending that they did not constitute contempt because, according of Chapter 2 of Legal Ethics, which reads as follows:
to him it is not contempt to tell the truth.

It is the duty of the lawyer to maintain towards the courts a

The phrases: respectful attitude, not for the sake of the temporary incumbent
of the judicial office, but for the maintenance of its importance.
. . . and constitutes an outrage to the rights of the petitioner Judges, not being wholly free to defend themselves, are peculiarly
Felipe Salcedo and a mockery of the popular will expressed at the entitled to receive the support of the bar against unjust criticism
polls . . . . and clamor. Whenever there is proper ground for serious
complaint of a judicial officer, it is the right and duty of the lawyer
to submit his grievances to the proper authorities. In such cases
. . . because we should not want that some citizen, particularly but not otherwise, such charges should be encouraged and the
some voter of the municipality of Tiaong, Tayabas, resort to the person making them should be protected.
press publicly to denounce, as he has a right to do, the judicial
outrage . . . .
In his defense, Attorney Vicente J. Francisco states that it was not his
intention to offend the court or to be recreant to the respect thereto but,
and ... we wish to state sincerely that erroneous decisions like unfortunately, there are his phrases which need no further comment.
these, which the affected party and his thousands of voters will Furthermore, it is a well settled rule in all places where the same conditions
necessarily consider unjust, increase the proselytes of "sakdalism" and practice as those in this jurisdiction obtain, that want of intention is no
and make the public lose confidence in the administration of excuse from liability (13 C.J., 45). Neither is the fact that the phrases
justice", disclose, in the opinion of this court, an inexcusable employed are justified by the facts a valid defense:
disrespect of the authority of the court and an intentional
contempt of its dignity, because the court is thereby charged with
no less than having proceed in utter disregard of the laws, the "Where the matter is abusive or insulting, evidence that the language used
rights of the parties, and of the untoward consequences, or with was justified by the facts is not admissible as a defense. Respect for the
having abused its power and mocked and flouted the rights of judicial office should always be observed and enforced." (In re Stewart, 118
La., 827; 43 S., 455.) Said lack or want of intention constitutes at most an Mr. Justice Brewer was first a member of the Supreme Court of Kansas and
extenuation of liability in this case, taking into consideration Attorney Vicente subsequently was elevated to the Supreme Court of the United States. In the
J. Francisco's state of mind, according to him when he prepared said motion. former capacity, in sustaining a contempt of court, he nevertheless observed:
This court is disposed to make such concession. However, in order to avoid a "We remark again, that a judge will generally and wisely pass unnoticed any
recurrence thereof and to prevent others by following the bad example, from mere hasty and unguarded expression of passion, or at least pass it with
taking the same course, this court considers it imperative to treat the case of simply a reproof. It is so that, in every case where a judge decides for
said attorney with the justice it deserves. one party, he decides against another; and ofttimes both parties are
beforehand equally confident and sanguine. The disappointment, therefore,
is great, and it is not in human nature that there should be other than bitter
Briefly, this court is of the opinion and so holds that the act committed by
feeling, which often reaches to the judge as the cause of the supposed
Attorney Vicente J. Francisco constitutes a contempt in the face of the court
wrong. A judge, therefore, ought to be patient, and tolerate everything which
(in facie curiae) and, reiterating what this court said on another occasion that
appears but the momentary outbreak of disappointment. A second thought
the power to punish for contempt is inherent in the courts in order that there
will generally make a party ashamed of such outbreak, and the dignity of the
be due administration of justice (In re Kelly, 35 Phil., 944), and so that the
court will suffer none by passing it in silence." (In re Pryor [1877], 26 Am.
institution of the courts of justice may be stable and said courts may not fail
Rep., 747.)
in their mission, said attorney is ordered to pay a fine of P200 within the
period of ten days, and to be reprimanded, and he is hereby reprimanded;
and it is ordered that the entire paragraph of his motion containing the The late Mr. Justice Holmes of the Supreme Court of the United States was
phrases which as has been stated, constitute contempt of court be stricken until recently the leader of progressive thought in American jurisprudence. In
from the record de oficio. So ordered. a dissenting opinion in a famous case, he said: "When it considered how
contrary if is to our practice and ways of thinking for the same person to be
accuser and sole judge in a matter which, if he be sensitive, may involve
Avanceña, C.J., Villa-Real, Abad Santos, Hull Imperial, Butte, and Goddard, JJ.,
strong personal feeling, I should expect the power to be limited by the
necessities of the case 'to insure order and decorum in their presence'. ... I
confess that I cannot find in all this or in the evidence in the case anything
that would have affected a mind of reasonable fortitude, and still less can I
find there anything that obstructed the administration of justice in any sense
that I possibly can give to those words." (Toledo Newspaper Co. vs. United
States [1917], 247 U.S., 402.)
Separate Opinions

In 1922 Attorney Feliciano Gomez was charged with having said in effect that
MALCOLM, J., dissenting: the Supreme Court had decided the election protest in favor of Cailles
because Governor-General Wood, out of friendship for Cailles, had invited
From 1918 when in the case of the United States vs. Bustos (37 Phil., 731), it members of the court to Malacañang previous to formulating the decision,
was declared that "The guaranties of a free speech and a free press include and there, following a secret conference, had offered them a banquet. The
the right to criticize judicial conduct", until the present, I have consistently proceedings for contempt initiated against the respondent by the Attorney-
and steadfastly stood for the fullest expression of freedom of speech. I stand General were halted by the court. In he opinion it was said: "We doubt very
for the application of that basic principle now. much if any one would think for a moment that memory of the Supreme
Court of the Philippine Islands would sell their birthright of judicial integrity
for a social courtesy and the favor of the Chief Executive. ... We feel also, that
The language which the majority of the court finds contemptuous and
litigants and lawyers should not be held to too strict an account for words
punishes as such is found in a second motion of reconsideration in an
said in the heat of the moment, because of chagrin at losing cases, and that
election case, a class of cases out of which arise more bitter feelings than any
the big way is for the court to condone even contemptuous language." (In
other. The motion is phrased in vigorous language, in fact vigorous and
re Gomez [1922], 43 Phil., 376.)
convincing enough to induce the granting of a rehearing on the merits. It is
hardly necessary to add that that action was taken entirely uninfluenced by
the peroration of the motion here judicially penalized. To punish for direct contempt of the Supreme Court is a jurisdiction to be
exercised with scrupulous care. The members of the court sit as prosecutors
and as judges. Human sensitiveness to an attorney's unjust aspersions on
Following microscopic examination in the majority opinion of the paragraph,
judicial character may induce too drastic action. It may result in the long run
attention is directed to words which prophesy the loss of public confidence in
in making of lawyers weak exponents of their clients' causes. Respect for the
the courts and the growth of Sakdalism. If, however, the passage flowing
courts can better be obtained by following a calm and impartial course from
from the pen of Mr. Francisco be set side by side with passages written by
the bench than by an attempt to compel respect for the judiciary by
the late Mr. Justice Johnson in the case of Garchitorena vs. Crescini and
chastising a lawyer for a too vigorous or injudicious exposition of his side of a
Imperial ( [1918, 39 Phil., 258), little difference in phraseology will be noted.
case. The Philippines needs lawyers of independent thought and courageous
One came from a lawyer and is condemned; the other came from a judge and
bearing, jealous of the interests of their clients and unafraid of any court,
is accepted.
high or low, and the courts will do well tolerantly to overlook occasional
intemperate language soon to be regretted by the lawyer which affects in no
The main burden of the charge is that threats against this court were made way the outcome of a case.
by the respondent. Admittedly a lawyer should maintain a respectful attitude
towards the courts. Any attempt on the part of a lawyer to influence the
Mr. Francisco assures us that it has not been his intention to be recreant to
action of the court by intimidation will justify not alone punishment for
the respect and consideration which he has always shown the highest
contempt but also disbarment. But does anyone believe that the action taken
tribunal in the Philippines, and that the language of the last paragraph of his
in this case has been obtained by coercion or could be obtained by such
motion of June 19 was not meant to offend the dignity of the court. I do not
methods? Judges are of sterner stuff than weak plants which bend with every
think that the language found in Mr. Francisco's motion constitutes contempt
of court, but conceding that it did require explanation, I would accept his
disavowal of wrong intent at its face value. I would not mark the record of a
The lawyer possesses the privilege of standing up for his rights even in the member of the bar of long and honorable standing with this blemish. With
face of a hostile court. He owes entire devotion to the interests of his client. due deference to the opinion of the majority, I must strongly dissent
His zeal when a case is lost, which he thinks should have been won, may therefrom.
induce intemperate outbursts. Courts will do well charitably to overlook
professional improprieties of the moment induced by chagrin at losing a
Vickers, J., concurs.

A.M. No. 598               March 28, 1969

So that it may not be assumed that the position taken by me is isolated or
peculiar, permit me to offer a few corroborative authorities.
Mr. Chief Justice Sharswood of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania was the
VICENTE E. ARAGONA, JR., respondent.
pioneer authority in the subject of professional ethics. Speaking for the court
in one case, he said: "No class of the community ought to be allowed freer
scope in the expression or publication of opinions as to the capacity, Vicente E. Aragona, Jr. in his own behalf.
impartiality or integrity of judges than members of the bar. ... To say that an Office of the Solicitor General for the Government.
attorney can only act or speak on this subject under liability to be called to
account and to be deprived of his profession and livelihood by the very judge CASTRO, J.:
or judges whom he may consider it his duty to attack and expose, is a
position too monstrous to be entertained for a moment under our present
system." (Ex parte Steinman [1880], 40 Am. Rep., 637.)
  This is a disbarment proceeding against Vicente E. Aragona, Jr. 1 upon a   On June 24, 1962, upon the agrarian court's direction, the PC detachment
verified letter-complaint of Aurora Soriano Deles filed with this Court on stationed in Sara, Iloilo, served copies of the order on the complainant's men,
November 6, 19637 charging the former with having made, under oath, false Bonifacio Margarejo and Carlos Fuentes, and restored the Aglinao brothers
and unfounded allegations against her in a motion filed in Court of Agrarian to the possession of their landholdings. On the same day, Margarejo and
Relations cases 1254 and 1255 Iloilo, which allegedly caused her great Fuentes informed their landlord, the complainant, about the said
mental, torture and moral suffering. order.lawphi1.ñet

  On November 13, 1963 this Court required the respondent to answer the   For several months thereafter nothing of significance happened in the C.A.R.
complaint. On December 10, 1963 the respondent filed his answer, affirming cases until the palay planted on the land in question became ripe and ready
the truth of the allegations in the questioned motion, but claiming in his for harvest.
defense that in preparing it, he relied not only upon information received but
also upon other matters of public record. He also averred that the
  Then on October 2, 1962 Enrique Soriano, Sr. showed to the respondent in
complainant had made a similar charge against him in a counter-motion to
Iloilo City a telegram 2 which reads as follows:
declare him in contempt of court filed in the same C.A.R. case which was
however dismissed together with the complainant's counterclaims when the
main cases were dismissed; that the complainant failed to move for the BALASAN OCT 2 62
reconsideration of the said dismissal or to appeal therefrom; and that during
the few years that he has been a member of the bar, he has always GILDA ACOLADO
comforted himself correctly, and has adhered steadfastly to his conviction
that the practice of law is a sacred trust in the interest of truth.
  This Court, on December 14, 1963, referred the case to the Solicitor General
for investigation, report, and recommendation. Because both parties reside
in Iloilo City, the Solicitor General in turn referred the case to the City Fiscal TELL DADDY COMMUNICATE ARAGONA IMMEDIATELY
of Iloilo for investigation and reception of evidence. Both the petitioner and ALBERT HARVEST TODAY....
the respondent adduced evidence in the investigation which was conducted.
Thereafter, the City Fiscal forwarded to the Solicitor General the record of MAMANG
the investigation, including the recommendation of the assistant city fiscal
who personally conducted the investigation that the petition for disbarment
be dismissed. The Solicitor General thereafter filed with this Court his report,   The sender of the telegram was Mrs. Isabel Soriano, wife of Enrique, the
concurring in the recommendation of the assistant city fiscal. addressee Gilda Acolado, their daughter.

  Aurora Soriano Deles (hereinafter referred to as the complainant) is the   After reading the telegram, the respondent asked Soriano whether his wife
administratrix of the intestate estate of the late Joaquina Ganzon (the (Mrs. Soriano) was coming to Iloilo City; when informed that she was arriving,
deceased mother of Aurora and Enrique Soriano, Sr. who are heirs of the he decided to wait for her. Mrs. Soriano arrived from Balasan in the
estate concurrently with other forced heirs) in special proceeding 128 of the afternoon of that same day, October 2, 1962. She went to see the
Court of First Instance of Iloilo. respondent, and informed the latter that it was she who had sent the
telegram upon request of the Aglinao brothers; that she was personally
present when one Albert, a tenant of the complainant, accompanied by
  On July 26, 1961, upon motion of Enrique Soriano, Sr. and over and above many armed men, went to the land in question and harvested the palay
the opposition of the complainant, the intestate court issued an order thereon over the protests of the Aglinao brothers; that upon inquiring why
denying a proposed lease of ten hectares of the estate by the complainant to the said Albert and his armed companions harvested the palay, she was told
one Carlos Fuentes and sustaining the possession of Enrique as lessee of the that they were acting upon orders of the complainant; and that instead of
said land. In effect, the order likewise sustained the possession by the filing a complaint with the chief of police as she originally planned, she
brothers Federico and Carlos Aglinao of a portion of the said land being decided instead to see the respondent without delay.
tenanted by them upon authority of the lessee, Enrique Soriano, Sr.
  Possessed of the above information, the respondent promptly prepared and
  In disregard of the abovementioned order, the complainant attempted to filed with the agrarian court, on October 3, 1962, a verified "Urgent Motion
take possession of the landholdings by placing thereon her own tenants. to Declare Respondent in Contempt of Court" (hereinafter referred to as
Predictably, the Aglinao brothers, to protect their rights, countered by filing motion for contempt), praying that the complainant and "her armed goons"
against a the complainant two petitions with the Court of Agrarian relations be declared in, and punished for, contempt of court for violating the
in Iloilo (hereinafter referred to as the agrarian court), docketed therein as interlocutory order of June 21, 1962. This motion for contempt elicited, on
C.A.R. cases 1254 and 1255 (hereinafter referred to as the C.A.R. cases). They the very same day it was filed, an instant reply from the complainant who
alleged in their respective petitions that they have been tenants of Enrique moved to strike it out from the, records claiming that the allegations therein
Soriano, Sr. since 1960 on a parcel of riceland located in barrio Malapoc, libeled her, and that it was the respondent who should be punished for
Balasan Iloilo, held by the complainant as administratrix of the intestate contempt for deliberately misleading the agrarian court. Moreover, not
estate of the deceased Joaquina Ganzon; and that they had started to plow content with this reply and countermotion for contempt the complainant
their leaseholds consisting of two hectares each at the start of the also lodged on October 4, 1962 a criminal complaint for libel against the
agricultural year 1962-63 when "on March 7, 1962, the respondent respondent with the City Fiscal of Iloilo, based on the same allegedly libelous
[complainant herein] ordered one Bonifacio Margarejo to harrow the plowed allegations made against her by the respondent in the latter's motion for
land without the knowledge and consent" of the petitioners. Consequently, contempt filed in the C.A.R. cases. However, after preliminarily investigating
they prayed for the issuance of an interlocutory order enjoining the the said complaint, the assistant city fiscal to whom it was assigned dismissed
complainant and her representatives from interfering with their peaceful the same on the ground that the allegations of the motion for contempt
cultivation of the lands in question pending determination of the merits of were privileged communications. The complainant did not appeal from the,
their petitions. However, consideration of the petitioners' prayer for the said dismissal to the city fiscal; neither did she elevate the same for review to
issuance of an interlocutory order of injunction pendente lite was the Department of Justice.
considerably delayed not only by reason of several postponements granted
at the behest of the complainant but also because of the assurance made by
her through counsel in open court at the hearing of June 16, 1962, that   Meanwhile, no action was taken by the agrarian court in the C.A.R. cases on
neither she nor any of her men would disturb or interfere with the the motion for contempt filed by the respondent against the complainant, as
petitioner's possession of their leaseholds until their petitions shall have well as on the latter's countermotion, also for contempt, against the formal
been finally resolved. instead, by order dated October 24, 1963, the agrarian court dismissed C.A.R.
cases 1254 and 1255, including the complainant's counterclaims therein, for
lack of interest to prosecute on the part of the petitioners, the Aglinao
  But on June 18, 1962, barely two days after the abovementioned hearing, brothers. As a matter of course, the dismissal of the main cases carried with
the complainant's men again entered the land in question and planted rice it the dismissed of all incidents therein, including the motion for contempt
thereon. This unauthorized entry prompted the Aglinao brothers, through and counter-motion for contempt. Again, the complainant did not ask for
their counsel, the herein respondent Atty. Vicente Aragona, Jr. (hereinafter reconsideration of the order of dismissal, nor did she appeal therefrom. She
referred to as the respondent), to file on June 20, 1962 an "Urgent Motion filed instead the present administrative complaint against the respondent.
for Issuance of Interlocutory Order." There being no objection by the
complainant against the said motion, and finding the same meritorious, the
agrarian court issued on June 21, 1962 the interlocutory order prayed for,   The only issue raised in the present disbarment proceeding is whether the
directing "the respondent, her agent, or any person acting for and in her respondent, Atty. Vicente E. Aragona, Jr., should be disciplined or disbarred
behalf to refrain from molesting or in any way interfering with the work of for having prepared and filed under oath the "Urgent Motion to Declare
the petitioners in their respective landholdings." Respondent in Contempt of Court" in C.A.R. cases 1254 and 1255-Iloilo,
which allegedly contains false and libelous imputations injurious to the honor
of the complainant.

  For easy reference, the motion for contempt is hereunder reproduced in Lopez Bros. Bldg., Iznart Street
toto. Iloilo City

  COMES NOW the undersigned, in behalf of the petitioners in By:

each of the above-entitled cases, and to this Honorable Court
respectfully states that:

1. Upon urgent and verified motion of the undersigned dated June

  The complainant's testimony is to the effect that (1) on October 2, 1962 she
20, 1962, this Honorable Court issued an interlocutory order
was not in Balasan but in Iloilo City where she testified at the trial of C.A.R.
dated June 21, 1962, the dispositive part of which is as follows:
cases 1254 and 1255 after which she left for her home which is situated also
in Iloilo City; (2) the distance between Balasan and Iloilo City is 135
  WHEREFORE, finding the motion meritorious, an kilometers, and to reach Balasan from Iloilo City one has to travel four hours
interlocutory order is hereby issued ordering the by car or six hours by bus; (3) although she knows that the person Albert,
respondent, her agent, or any person acting for and in mentioned in the motion, is Alberto Boneta, a helper of Carlos Fuentes, one
her behalf, to refrain from molesting or in any way of the tenants she had placed on the lands involved in the C.A.R. cases she
interfering with the work of the petitioners in their never met or saw Boneta or Fuentes from the time she was informed of the
respective landholdings, situated at Barrio Malapoc interlocutory order dated June 21, 1962 in the aforesaid cases, until October
Balasan Iloilo, with an area of 2 hectares for each of 2, 1962 when the said Alberto Boneta and several armed men allegedly
them, in these two cases, pending the bearing of these harvested the crops on the lands in question; (4) she did not order Boneta to
cases on the merits. harvest the said crops; and (5) she never visited the aforesaid lands in 1962.
Her uncontradicted testimony lends credence to her claim that she did not
order Alberto Boneta to harvest, with the aid of armed men, the crops on the
  The Commanding Officer of the Constabulary
Aglinao brothers' landholdings.
Detachment of the 56th PC Company stationed at Sara,
Iloilo, or his duly authorized representative, is hereby
ordered to implement this order and to report to this   Nonetheless, this Court is loath to uphold the view that the preparation and
Court his proceedings in this particular within a week the filing of the questioned motion for contempt, furnish sufficient basis for
from the date of his implementation of this order. disciplinary action against the respondent.

SO ORDERED.              In People vs. Aquino 3 this Court laid down the decisional authority that
Iloilo City, June 21, 1962.
[S]tatement made in the course of judicial proceedings are
absolutely privileged — that is, privileged regardless of
defamatory tenor and of the presence of malice — if the same are
2. Pursuant to the above-quoted order, the Commanding Officer relevant, pertinent or material to the cause in hand or subject of
of the 56th PC Company stationed at Sara, Iloilo, ordered the the inquiry. And that, in view of this, the person who makes
respondent and her men not to enter the landholdings in question them — such as a judge, lawyer, or witness — does not thereby
and to refrain from molesting or in any way interfering with the incur the risk of being found liable thereon in a criminal
work of petitioners in their respective landholdings; the report of prosecution or an action for the recovery of damages. (emphasis
said Commanding Officer is now on file with the records of the supplied)
above-entitled cases;
  Since there is no doubt that the allegations made by the respondent in the
3. On this date, the undersigned was just surprised when he questioned motion for contempt are statements made in the course of a
received a telegram from the petitioners, through Mrs. Isabel judicial proceeding — i.e., in C.A.R. cases 1254 and 1255 — besides being
Soriano, copy of which is thereto attached as Annex "A" and made relevant, pertinent or material to the subject-matter of the said cases, they
part hereof, informing the undersigned that respondent, thru a are absolutely privileged, thereby precluding any liability on the part of the
certain Albert, with the aid of armed goons, harvested the palay respondent.
of the petitioners yesterday despite the vehement opposition of
the petitioners not to enter their landholdings;
  To be sure, the charges levelled by the respondent against the complainant
in the questioned pleading lack sufficient factual basis. But even this
4. The said acts of respondents and her men in harvesting the circumstance will not strengthen the complainant's position. "The privilege is
palay of the petitioners, knowing fully well the existence and not affected by factual or legal inaccuracies in the utterances made in the
implementation of the interlocutory order of this Court dated course of judicial proceedings." 4 In fact, "Even when the statements are
June 21, 1962, is a gross and open defiance and disobedience of found to be false, if there is probable cause for belief in their truthfulness
said order and a challenge to the legal processes and authority of and the charge is made in good faith, the mantle of privilege may still cover
this Court in the peaceful administration of justice; the mistake of the individual .... The privilege is not defeated by the mere
fact that the communication is made in intemperate terms .... A privileged
communication should not be subjected to microscopic examination to
5. This rebellious and seditious conduct of the respondent and her
discover grounds of malice or falsity. Such excessive scrutiny would defeat
men against the authority of this Court constitutes wanton
the protection which the law throws over privileged communications. The
resistance and contumacious contempt of court;
ultimate test is that of bona fides." 5

6. Unless the respondent and her armed goons are declared in

  Indeed, the actuations of the respondent were motivated by the legitimate
contempt of Court and duly punished, the lawful orders,
desire to serve the interests of his clients. For, contrary to the complainant's
processes and authority of this Court would be a mockery and
claim, the respondent did not rely merely on Mrs. Soriano's telegram (exh. 5)
rendered useless by the stubborn resistance and defiance of the
when he prepared the motion for contempt. According to his unrebutted
testimony, when Mr. Soriano brought to him the said telegram on October 2,
1962, he asked the former whether his wife, the sender of the telegram, was
  IN VIEW OF THE FOREGOING, it is respectfully prayed of this coming to Iloilo City, and, when informed that she was arriving, he waited for
Honorable Court that respondent and her armed goons be her. True enough Mrs. Soriano saw the respondent in the afternoon of that
declared and punished for contempt of Court until such time that same day and informed him that she was personally present when one
she turns over the produce of the landholdings in question which Albert, a tenant of the complainant, accompanied by several armed men,
she harvested illegally and until such time that she fully complies went to the landholdings of the Aglinao brothers and, against the objections
with the interlocutory order of this Court. of the latter, harvested the palay crop thereon, and that upon her inquiry,
she was informed that they were acting upon orders of the complainant.
  Petitioners pray for such other relief and remedies just and
equitable under the premises.   Considering that the foregoing information which impelled the respondent
to file the questioned motion for contempt, was obtained by him first-hand
  Iloilo City, October 3, 1962. from someone who claimed to have actually witnessed the incident in
question, coupled with the complainants own admission that the Albert
referred to by Mrs. Soriano was indeed a helper of Carlos Fuentes, one of the
E. I. Soriano Jr. and V. E. Aragona tenants whom she had illegally placed once on the landholdings of the
Counsel for the Petitioners Aglinao brothers, it was not unseemly for the respondent to assume that
Albert did act at the behest of the complainant. After all, the complainant

had, in the past, committed the same forcible act of entering the said General, however, feels that respondent deserves at least a severe
landholdings on June 18, 1963, only two days after she had assured the reprimand considering (1) his failure to attend to complainants' pension
agrarian court that she would not disturb or interfere with the Aglinao claims for six years; (2) his failure to immediately return the documents
brothers' possession, pending final resolution of the petitions filed by them despite repeated demands upon him, and (3) his failure to return to
against her. In truth it is precisely such forcible entry into the said lands that complainant Pasion, allegedly, all of her documents.
precipitated the issuance of the very interlocutory order dated June 21, 1962
which the respondent accused her of disobeying in his motion for contempt.
At the hearing of the case before this Court on October 21, 1963, only
Unquestionably, the aforenarrated circumstances provided the respondent a
respondent, thru counsel, appeared. In lieu of oral arguments, therefore,
probable cause for belief in the truthfulness of the allegations which he
respondent submitted his memorandum, annexing therewith an affidavit
couched in rather intemperate language in his motion for contempt. He had
executed by Olegaria Blanza asking for the dismissal of the administrative
merely acted in righteous indignation over the wrong supposedly done to his
aggrieved clients — believing as he did in the truth of his charges — without
deliberate intention whatsoever to malign and villify the complainant.
Respondent first submits that he was not obliged to follow up complainants'
pension claims since there was no agreement for his compensation as their
  The doctrine of privileged communication is not an idle and empty principle.
counsel. Respondent, however, overlooks the fact that he volunteered his
It has been distilled from wisdom and experience. "The privilege is not
professional services and thus was not legally entitled to recover fees.2 But
intended so much for the protection of those engaged in the public service
having established the attorney-client relationship voluntarily, he was bound
and in the enactment and administration of law, as for the promotion of the
to attend to complainants' claims with all due diligence.
public welfare, the purpose being that members of the legislature, judges of
courts, jurors, lawyers, and witnesses may speak their minds freely and
exercise their respective functions without incurring the risk of a criminal Nevertheless, We find the evidence adduced insufficient to warrant the
prosecution or an action for the recovery of damages." 6 Lawyers, most taking of disciplinary action against respondent attorney. There is no clear
especially, should be allowed a great latitude of pertinent comment in the preponderance of evidence substantiating the accusations against him.3
furtherance of the causes they uphold, and for felicity of their clients they
may be pardoned some infelicities of language. 7 Respondent's explanation for the delay in filing the claims and in returning
the documents has not been controverted by complainants. On the contrary,
  The object of a disbarment proceeding is not so much to punish the they admitted4 that respondent asked them to shoulder the photostating
individual attorney himself, as to safeguard the administration of justice by expenses but they did not give him any money therefor. Moreover, the
protecting the court and the public from the misconduct of officers of the documents and their photostats were actually returned by respondent during
court, and to remove from the profession of law persons whose disregard for the fiscal's investigation with him paying for the photostating costs himself.
their oath of office have proved them unfit to continue discharging the trust And the condition of the photostats themselves — they appear to have been
reposed in them as members of the bar. 8 Thus, the power to disbar attorneys in existence for quite some time5 — supports respondent's allegation that
ought always to be exercised with great caution, and only in clear cases of they remained in possession of the photostat service for the failure of the
misconduct which seriously affects the standing and character of the lawyer owners (respondents and/or complainants), to withdraw the same upon
as an officer of the court and member of the bar. 9 payment of the corresponding costs. Hence, complainants themselves are
partly to blame for the delay in filing their respective claims.1awphîl.nèt
  In this case, there is no evidence whatsoever tending to prove unfitness of
the respondent to continue in the practice of law and remain an officer of the As for the alleged failure of respondent to return all her documents to
court. complainant Pasion, the former denies this. Fiscal Raña made no findings on
the matter. The affidavit of Mrs. Blanza pardoning respondent cannot
prejudice complainant Pasion because res inter alios acta alteri nocere non
  ACCORDINGLY, the administrative complaint against the respondent is
debet. Still, there is equiponderance of evidence which must necessarily
hereby dismissed.
redound to respondent's benefit. Complainant Pasion had another
opportunity to substantiate her charges in the hearing set for October 21,
Concepcion, C.J., Reyes, J.B.L., Dizon, Makalintal, Zaldivar, Sanchez, 1963 but she let it go. Neither she nor her counsel of record appeared.
Fernando, Capistrano, Teehankee and Barredo, JJ., concur.
But while We are constrained to dismiss the charges against respondent for
A.C. No. 492             September 5, 1967 being legally insufficient, yet We cannot but counsel against his actuations as
a member of the bar. A lawyer has a more dynamic and positive role in the
community than merely complying with the minimal technicalities of the
statute. As a man of law, he is necessarily a leader of the community, looked
up to as a model citizen. His conduct must, perforce, be par excellence,
especially so when, as in this case, he volunteers his professional services.
Respondent here has not lived up to that ideal standard. It was unnecessary
to have complainants wait, and hope, for six long years on their pension
claims. Upon their refusal to co-operate, respondent should have forthwith
terminated their professional relationship instead of keeping them hanging
indefinitely. And altho We voted that he not be reprimanded, in a legal
BENGZON, J.P., J.: sense, let this be a reminder to Atty. Arcangel of what the high standards of
his chosen profession require of him.
Complainants Olegaria Blanza and Maria Pasion ask this Court to take
disciplinary action against respondent Atty. Agustin Arcangel for professional Accordingly, the case against respondent is dismissed. So ordered.
non-feasance. They complain that way back in April, 1955,
respondent volunteered to help them in their respective pension claims in
connection with the deaths of their husbands, both P.C. soldiers, and for this Concepcion, C.J., Reyes, J.B.L., Dizon, Makalintal, Zaldivar, Sanchez, Castro,
purpose, they handed over to him the pertinent documents and also affixed Angeles and Fernando, JJ., concur.
their signatures on blank papers. But subsequently, they noticed that since
then, respondent had lost interest in the progress of their claims and when B.M. No. 1222               April 24, 2009
they finally asked for the return of their papers six years later, respondent
refused to surrender them.

Respondent answered these accusations before Fiscal Raña to whom this

case was referred by the Solicitor General for investigation, report and x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -x
recommendation. He admitted having received the documents from
complainants but explainer that it was for photostating purposes only. His ATTY. DANILO DE GUZMAN, Petitioner,
failure to immediately return them, he said, was due to complainants' refusal
to hand him the money to pay for the photostating costs which prevented
him from withdrawing said documents from the photostat service. Anyway,
he had already advanced the expenses himself and turned over, on
December 13, 1961, the documents, their respective photostats and the YNARES-SANTIAGO, J.:
photostat service receipt to the fiscal.
This treats the Petition for Judicial Clemency and Compassion dated
Finding respondent's explanation satisfactory and considering that he November 10, 2008 filed by petitioner Danilo de Guzman. He prays that this
charged complainants nothing for his services, Fiscal Raña recommended the Honorable Court "in the exercise of equity and compassion, grant petitioner’s
former's exoneration, or at most, that he be reprimanded only. The Solicitor
plea for judicial clemency, and thereupon, order his reinstatement as a Petitioner averred that he has since learned from his mistakes and has taken
member in good standing of the Philippine Bar."1 the said humbling experience to make him a better person.

To recall, on February 4, 2004, the Court promulgated a Resolution, in B.M. Meanwhile, as part of his Petition, petitioner submitted the following
No. 1222, the dispositive portion of which reads in part: testimonials and endorsements of various individuals and entities all
attesting to his good moral character:
WHEREFORE, the Court, acting on the recommendations of the Investigating
Committee, hereby resolves to — 1) Resolution No. 101, Series of 2007, "Resolution Expressing Full
Support to Danilo G. De Guzman in his Application for Judicial
Clemency, Endorsing his Competence and Fitness to be Reinstated
(1) DISBAR Atty. DANILO DE GUZMAN from the practice of law effective upon
as a Member of the Philippine Bar and for Other Purposes" dated
his receipt of this RESOLUTION;
4 June 2007 of the Sangguniang Panlungsod, City of Taguig;

2) "Isang Bukas na Liham na Naglalayong Iparating sa Kataas-
Taasang Hukuman ang Buong Suporta ng Pamunuan at mga
The subject of the Resolution is the leakage of questions in Mercantile Law Kasapi ng Southeast People’s Village Homeowners Association,
during the 2003 Bar Examinations. Petitioner at that time was employed as Inc. (SEPHVOA) kay Danilo G. De Guzman sa Kanyang Petisyong
an assistant lawyer in the law firm of Balgos & Perez, one of whose partners, Magawaran ng Kapatawaran at ang Boluntaryong Pag-susulong sa
Marcial Balgos, was the examiner for Mercantile Law during the said bar Kanyang Kakayahan Upang Maibalik sa Kanya ang mga Pribilehiyo
examinations. The Court had adopted the findings of the Investigating ng Isang Abogado" dated 1 June 2007 of the Southeast People’s
Committee, which identified petitioner as the person who had downloaded Village Homeowners Association, Inc. (SEPHVOA), Ibayo-Tipas,
the test questions from the computer of Balgos and faxed them to other City of Taguig;
3) "Isang Bukas na Liham na Naglalayong Iparating sa Kataas-
The Office of the Bar Confidant (OBC) has favorably recommended the Taasang Hukuman ang Buong Suporta ng Pamunuan at mga
reinstatement of petitioner in the Philippine Bar. In a Report dated January 6, Kasapi ng Samahang Residente ng Mauling Creek, Inc. (SAREMAC)
2009, the OBC rendered its assessment of the petition, the relevant portions kay G. Danilo G. De Guzman sa Kanyang Petisyong Magawaran ng
of which we quote hereunder: Kapatawaran at ang Boluntaryong Pag-susulong sa Kanyang
Kakayahan Upang Maibalik sa Kanya ang mga Pribilehiyo ng Isang
Petitioner narrated that he had labored to become a lawyer to fulfill his Abogado" dated 1 June 2007 of the Samahang Residente ng
father’s childhood dream to become one. This task was not particularly easy Mauling Creek, Inc. (SAREMAC), Lower Bicutan, City of Taguig;
for him and his family but he willed to endure the same in order to pay
tribute to his parents. 4) "Isang Bukas na Liham na Naglalayong Iparating sa Kataas-
Taasang Hukuman ang Buong Suporta ng Pamunuan at mga
Petitioner added that even at a very young age, he already imposed upon Kasapi ng Samahan ng mga Maralita (PULONG KENDI)
himself the duty of rendering service to his fellowmen. At 19 years, he Neighborhood Association, Inc. (SAMANA) kay G. Danilo G. De
started his exposure to public service when he was elected Chairman of the Guzman sa Kanyang Petisyong Magawaran ng Kapatawaran at ang
Sangguniang Kabataan (SK) of Barangay Tuktukan, Taguig City. During this Boluntaryong Pag-susulong sa Kanyang Kakayahan Upang
time, he initiated several projects benefiting the youth in their barangay. Maibalik sa Kanya ang mga Pribilehiyo ng Isang Abogado" dated 1
June 2007 of the Samahan ng mga Maralita (PULONG KENDI)
Neighborhood Association, Inc. (SAMANA), Sta. Ana, City of
Thereafter, petitioner focused on his studies, taking up Bachelor of Arts in Taguig;
Political Science and eventually pursuing Bachelor of Laws. In his second year
in law school, he was elected as the President of the Student Council of the
Institute of Law of the Far Eastern University (FEU). Here, he spearheaded 5) "An Open Letter Attesting Personally to the Competence and
various activities including the conduct of seminars for law students as well Fitness of Danilo G. De Guzman as to Warrant the Grant of Judicial
as the holding of bar operations for bar examinees. Clemency and his Reinstatement as Member of the Philippine
Bar" dated 8 June 2007 of Miguelito Nazareno V. Llantino, Laogan,
Trespeses and Llantino Law Offices;
Despite his many extra-curricular activities as a youth and student leader,
petitioner still managed to excel in his studies. Thus, he was conferred an
Academic Excellence Award upon his graduation in Bachelor of Laws. 6) "Testimonial to the Moral and Spiritual Competence of Danilo
G. De Guzman to be Truly Deserving of Judicial Clemency and
Compassion" dated 5 July 2007 of Rev. Fr. Paul G. Balagtas, Parish
Upon admission to the bar in April 1999, petitioner immediately entered Priest, Archdiocesan Shrine of St. Anne;
government service as a Legal Officer assigned at the Sangguniang Bayan of
Taguig. Simultaneously, he also rendered free legal services to less fortunate
residents of Taguig City who were then in need of legal assistance. 7) "Testimonial Letter" dated 18 February 2008 of Atty. Loreto C.
Ata, President, Far Eastern University Law Alumni Association
(FEULAA), Far Eastern University (FEU);
In March 2000, petitioner was hired as one of the Associate Lawyers at the
Balgos and Perez Law Offices. It was during his stay with this firm when his
craft as a lawyer was polished and developed. Despite having entered private 8) "Isang Bukas na Liham na Naglalayong Iparating sa Kataas-
practice, he continued to render free legal services to his fellow Taguigeños. Taasang Hukuman ang Buong Suporta ng Pamunuan at mga
Kasapi ng Samahang Bisig Kamay sa Kaunlaran, Inc. (SABISKA) kay
G. Danilo G. De Guzman sa Kanyang Petisyong Magawaran ng
Then in February 2004, by a sudden twist of fate, petitioner’s flourishing Kapatawaran at ang Boluntaryong Pag-susulong sa Kanyang
career was cut short as he was stripped of his license to practice law for his Kakayahan Upang Maibalik sa Kanya ang mga Pribilehiyo ng Isang
alleged involvement in the leakage in the 2003 Bar Examinations. Abogado" dated 8 July 2008 of the Samahang Bisig Kamay sa
Kaunlaran, Inc. (SABISKA);
Devastated, petitioner then practically locked himself inside his house to
avoid the rather unavoidable consequences of his disbarment. 9) Board Resolution No. 02, Series of 2008, "A Resolution
Recognizing the Contributions of Danilo G. De Guzman to the
On March 2004, however, petitioner was given a new lease in life when he People’s Law Enforcement Board (PLEB) – Taguig City, Attesting to
was taken as a consultant by the City Government of Taguig. Later, he was his Utmost Dedication and Commitment to the Call of Civic and
designated as a member of the Secretariat of the People’s Law Enforcement Social Duty and for Other Purposes" dated 11 July 2008 of the
Board (PLEB). For the next five (5) years, petitioner concentrated mainly on People’s Law Enforcement Board (PLEB);
rendering public service.
10) "A Personal Appeal for the Grant of Judicial Forgiveness and
Petitioner humbly acknowledged the damaging impact of his act which Compassion in Favor of Danilo G. De Guzman" dated 14 July 2008
unfortunately, compromised the integrity of the bar examinations. As could of Atty. Edwin R. Sandoval, Professor, College of Law, San
be borne from the records of the investigation, he cooperated fully in the Sebastian College – Recoletos;
investigation conducted and took personal responsibility for his actions. Also,
he has offered his sincerest apologies to Atty. Balgos, to the Court as well as
to all the 2003 bar examinees for the unforeseen and unintended effects of
his actions.

11) "An Open Letter Personally Attesting to the Moral competence Petitioner is also of good moral repute, not only before but likewise, after his
and Fitness of Danilo G. De Guzman" dated 5 September 2008 of disbarment, as attested to overwhelmingly by his constituents, colleagues as
Mr. Nixon F. Faderog, Deputy Grand [Kn]ight, Knights of Columbus well as people of known probity in the community and society.
and President, General Parent-Teacher Association, Taguig
National High School, Lower Bicutan, Taguig City;
Way before the petitioner was even admitted to the bar, he had already
manifested his intense desire to render public service as evidenced by his
12) "Testimonial Letter" dated 5 September 2008 of Atty. active involvement and participation in several social and civic projects and
Primitivo C. Cruz, President, Taguig Lawyers League, Inc., activities. Likewise, even during and after his disbarment, which could be
Tuktukan, Taguig City; perceived by some as a debilitating circumstance, petitioner still managed to
continue extending his assistance to others in whatever means possible. This
only proves petitioner’s strength of character and positive moral fiber.
13) "Testimonial Letter" dated 21 October 2008 of Judge Hilario L.
Laqui, Presiding Judge, Regional Trail Court (RTC), Branch 218,
Quezon City; and However, still, it is of no question that petitioner’s act in copying the
examination questions from Atty. Balgos’ computer without the latter’s
knowledge and consent, and which questions later turned out to be the bar
14) "Testimonial Letter" dated 28 October 2008 of Justice Oscar
examinations questions in Mercantile Law in the 2003 Bar Examinations, is
M. Herrera, former Justice, Court of Appeals and former Dean,
not at all commendable. While we do believe that petitioner sincerely did not
Institute of Law, Far Eastern University (FEU).
intend to cause the damage that his action ensued, still, he must be
sanctioned for unduly compromising the integrity of the bar examinations as
Citing the case of In Re: Carlos S. Basa, petitioner pleaded that he be afforded well as of this Court.
the same kindness and compassion in order that, like Atty. Basa, his
promising future may not be perpetually foreclosed. In the said case, the
We are convinced, however, that petitioner has since reformed and has
Court had the occasion to say:
sincerely reflected on his transgressions. Thus, in view of the circumstances
and likewise for humanitarian considerations, the penalty of disbarment may
Carlos S. Basa is a young man about 29 years of age, admitted to the bars of now be commuted to suspension. Considering the fact, however, that
California and the Philippine Islands. Recently, he was charged in the Court of petitioner had already been disbarred for more than five (5) years, the same
First Instance of the City of Manila with the crime of abduction with consent, may be considered as proper service of said commuted penalty and thus,
was found guilty in a decision rendered by the Honorable M.V. De Rosario, may now be allowed to resume practice of law.
Judge of First Instance, and was sentenced to be imprisoned for a period of
two years, eleven months and eleven days of prision correccional. On appeal,
WHEREFORE, PREMISES CONSIDERED, it is respectfully recommended that
this decision was affirmed in a judgment handed down by the second division
the instant Petition for Judicial Clemency and Compassion dated 10
of the Supreme Court.
November 2008 of petitioner DANILO G. DE GUZMAN be GRANTED.
Petitioner’s disbarment is now commuted to suspension, which suspension is
xxxx considered as served in view of the petitioner’s five (5) year disbarment.
Hence, petitioner may now be allowed to resume practice of law.
When come next, as we must, to determine the exact action which should be
taken by the court, we do so regretfully and reluctantly. On the one hand, the The recommendation of the Office of the Bar Confidant is well-taken in
violation of the criminal law by the respondent attorney cannot be lightly We deem petitioner worthy of clemency to the extent of
passed over. On the other hand, we are willing to strain the limits of our commuting his penalty to seven (7) years suspension from the practice of
compassion to the uttermost in order that so promising a career may not be law, inclusive of the five (5) years he has already served his disbarment.
utterly ruined.
Penalties, such as disbarment, are imposed not to punish but to correct
Petitioner promised to commit himself to be more circumspect in his actions offenders.2 While the Court is ever mindful of its duty to discipline its erring
and solemnly pledged to exert all efforts to atone for his misdeeds. officers, it also knows how to show compassion when the penalty imposed
has already served its purpose.3
There may be a reasonable ground to consider the herein Petition.
In cases where we have deigned to lift or commute the supreme penalty of
In the case of Re: Petition of Al Argosino to Take the Lawyer’s Oath (Bar disbarment imposed on the lawyer, we have taken into account the remorse
Matter 712), which may be applied in the instant case, the Court said: of the disbarred lawyer4 and the conduct of his public life during his years
outside of the bar.5 For example, in Valencia v. Antiniw, we held:

After a very careful evaluation of this case, we resolve to allow petitioner Al

Caparros Argosino to take the lawyer's oath, sign the Roll of Attorneys and However, the record shows that the long period of respondent's disbarment
practice the legal profession with the following admonition: gave him the chance to purge himself of his misconduct, to show his remorse
and repentance, and to demonstrate his willingness and capacity to live up
once again to the exacting standards of conduct demanded of every member
In allowing Mr. Argosino to take the lawyer’s oath, the Court recognizes that of the bar and officer of the court. During respondent's disbarment for more
Mr. Argosino is not inherently of bad moral fiber. On the contrary, the than fifteen (15) years to date for his professional infraction, he has been
various certifications show that he is a devout Catholic with a genuine persistent in reiterating his apologies and pleas for reinstatement to the
concern for civic duties and public service. practice of law and unrelenting in his efforts to show that he has regained his
worthiness to practice law, by his civic and humanitarian activities and
The Court is persuaded that Mr. Argosino has exerted all efforts, to atone for unblemished record as an elected public servant, as attested to by numerous
the death of Raul Camaligan. We are prepared to give him the benefit of the civic and professional organizations, government institutions, public officials
doubt, taking judicial notice of the general tendency of youth to be rash, and members of the judiciary.6
temerarious and uncalculating.
And in Bernardo v. Atty. Mejia,7 we noted:
Although the Court does not lightly take the bases for Mejia’s disbarment, it
Meanwhile, in the case of Rodolfo M. Bernardo vs. Atty. Ismael F. Mejia also cannot close its eyes to the fact that Mejia is already of advanced years.
(Administrative Case No. 2984), the Court [in] deciding whether or not to While the age of the petitioner and the length of time during which he has
reinstate Atty. Mejia to the practice of law stated: endured the ignominy of disbarment are not the sole measure in allowing a
petition for reinstatement, the Court takes cognizance of the rehabilitation of
Mejia. Since his disbarment in 1992, no other transgression has been
The Court will take into consideration the applicant’s character and standing attributed to him, and he has shown remorse. Obviously, he has learned his
prior to the disbarment, the nature and character of the charge/s for which lesson from this experience, and his punishment has lasted long enough. x x x
he was disbarred, his conduct subsequent to the disbarment and the time
that has elapsed in between the disbarment and the application for

Petitioner was barely thirty (30) years old and had only been in the practice
of law for five (5) years when he was disbarred from the practice of law. It is
of no doubt that petitioner had a promising future ahead of him where it not
for the decision of the Court stripping off his license.

Petitioner has sufficiently demonstrated the remorse expected of him Thereafter, the case was set for hearing on June 3, 1976. After the hearing,
considering the gravity of his transgressions. Even more to his favor, the parties were required to submit memoranda in amplification of their oral
petitioner has redirected focus since his disbarment towards public service, arguments. The matter was thenceforth submitted for resolution.
particularly with the People’s Law Enforcement Board. The attestations
submitted by his peers in the community and other esteemed members of
At the threshold, a painstaking scrutiny of the respondent's pleadings would
the legal profession, such as retired Court of Appeals Associate Justice Oscar
show that the propriety and necessity of the integration of the Bar of the
Herrera, Judge Hilario Laqui, Professor Edwin Sandoval and Atty. Lorenzo Ata,
Philippines are in essence conceded. The respondent, however, objects to
and the ecclesiastical community such as Rev. Fr. Paul Balagtas testify to his
particular features of Rule of Court 139-A (hereinafter referred to as the
positive impact on society at large since the unfortunate events of 2003.
Court Rule) 1 — in accordance with which the Bar of the Philippines was
integrated — and to the provisions of par. 2, Section 24, Article III, of the IBP
Petitioner’s subsequent track record in public service affords the Court some By-Laws (hereinabove cited).
hope that if he were to reacquire membership in the Philippine bar, his
achievements as a lawyer would redound to the general good and more than
The authority of the IBP Board of Governors to recommend to the Supreme
mitigate the stain on his record. Compassion to the petitioner is warranted.
Court the removal of a delinquent member's name from the Roll of Attorneys
Nonetheless, we wish to impart to him the following stern warning:
is found in par. 2 Section 24, Article Ill of the IBP By-Laws (supra), whereas
the authority of the Court to issue the order applied for is found in Section 10
"Of all classes and professions, the lawyer is most sacredly bound to uphold of the Court Rule, which reads:
the laws. He is their sworn servant; and for him, of all men in the world, to
repudiate and override the laws, to trample them underfoot and to ignore
SEC. 10. Effect of non-payment of dues. — Subject to
the very bands of society, argues recreancy to his position and office and sets
the provisions of Section 12 of this Rule, default in the
a pernicious example to the insubordinate and dangerous elements of the
payment of annual dues for six months shall warrant
body politic."8
suspension of membership in the Integrated Bar, and
default in such payment for one year shall be a ground
WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, the Petition for Judicial Clemency and for the removal of the name of the delinquent member
Compassion is hereby GRANTED IN PART. The disbarment of DANILO G. DE from the Roll of Attorneys.
GUZMAN from the practice of law is hereby COMMUTED to SEVEN (7) YEARS
SUSPENSION FROM THE PRACTICE OF LAW, reckoned from February 4,
The all-encompassing, all-inclusive scope of membership in the IBP is stated
in these words of the Court Rule:

SECTION 1. Organization. — There is hereby organized
an official national body to be known as the 'Integrated
CONSUELO YNARES-SANTIAGO Bar of the Philippines,' composed of all persons whose
Associate Justice names now appear or may hereafter be included in the
Roll of Attorneys of the Supreme Court.
A.M. No. 1928 August 3, 1978
The obligation to pay membership dues is couched in the following words of
the Court Rule:
In the Matter of the IBP Membership Dues Delinquency of Atty. MARCIAL A.
EDILION (IBP Administrative Case No. MDD-1)
SEC. 9. Membership dues. Every member of the
Integrated Bar shall pay such annual dues as the Board
of Governors shall determine with the approval of the
Supreme Court. ...
The core of the respondent's arguments is that the above provisions
CASTRO, C.J.: constitute an invasion of his constitutional rights in the sense that he is being
compelled, as a pre-condition to maintaining his status as a lawyer in good
The respondent Marcial A. Edillon is a duly licensed practicing attorney in the standing, to be a member of the IBP and to pay the corresponding dues, and
Philippines. that as a consequence of this compelled financial support of the said
organization to which he is admittedly personally antagonistic, he is being
deprived of the rights to liberty and property guaranteed to him by the
On November 29, 1975, the Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP for short) Constitution. Hence, the respondent concludes, the above provisions of the
Board of Governors unanimously adopted Resolution No. 75-65 in Court Rule and of the IBP By-Laws are void and of no legal force and effect.
Administrative Case No. MDD-1 (In the Matter of the Membership Dues
Delinquency of Atty. Marcial A. Edillon) recommending to the Court the
removal of the name of the respondent from its Roll of Attorneys for The respondent similarly questions the jurisdiction of the Court to strike his
"stubborn refusal to pay his membership dues" to the IBP since the latter's name from the Roll of Attorneys, contending that the said matter is not
constitution notwithstanding due notice. among the justiciable cases triable by the Court but is rather of an
"administrative nature pertaining to an administrative body."

On January 21, 1976, the IBP, through its then President Liliano B. Neri,
submitted the said resolution to the Court for consideration and approval, The case at bar is not the first one that has reached the Court relating to
pursuant to paragraph 2, Section 24, Article III of the By-Laws of the IBP, constitutional issues that inevitably and inextricably come up to the surface
which reads: whenever attempts are made to regulate the practice of law, define the
conditions of such practice, or revoke the license granted for the exercise of
the legal profession.
.... Should the delinquency further continue until the
following June 29, the Board shall promptly inquire
into the cause or causes of the continued delinquency The matters here complained of are the very same issues raised in a previous
and take whatever action it shall deem appropriate, case before the Court, entitled "Administrative Case No. 526, In the Matter of
including a recommendation to the Supreme Court for the Petition for the Integration of the Bar of the Philippines, Roman Ozaeta,
the removal of the delinquent member's name from et al., Petitioners." The Court exhaustively considered all these matters in
the Roll of Attorneys. Notice of the action taken shall that case in its Resolution ordaining the integration of the Bar of the
be sent by registered mail to the member and to the Philippines, promulgated on January 9, 1973. The Court there made the
Secretary of the Chapter concerned. unanimous pronouncement that it was

On January 27, 1976, the Court required the respondent to comment on the ... fully convinced, after a thoroughgoing conscientious
resolution and letter adverted to above; he submitted his comment on study of all the arguments adduced in Adm. Case No.
February 23, 1976, reiterating his refusal to pay the membership fees due 526 and the authoritative materials and the mass of
from him. factual data contained in the exhaustive Report of the
Commission on Bar Integration, that the integration of
the Philippine Bar is 'perfectly constitutional and legally
On March 2, 1976, the Court required the IBP President and the IBP Board of unobjectionable'. ...
Governors to reply to Edillon's comment: on March 24, 1976, they submitted
a joint reply.
Be that as it may, we now restate briefly the posture of the Court.

An "Integrated Bar" is a State-organized Bar, to which every lawyer must administration of justice, and enable the Bar to
belong, as distinguished from bar associations organized by individual discharge its public responsibility more effectively.
lawyers themselves, membership in which is voluntary. Integration of the Bar
is essentially a process by which every member of the Bar is afforded an
Quite apart from the above, let it be stated that even without the enabling
opportunity to do his share in carrying out the objectives of the Bar as well as
Act (Republic Act No. 6397), and looking solely to the language of the
obliged to bear his portion of its responsibilities. Organized by or under the
provision of the Constitution granting the Supreme Court the power "to
direction of the State, an integrated Bar is an official national body of which
promulgate rules concerning pleading, practice and procedure in all courts,
all lawyers are required to be members. They are, therefore, subject to all
and the admission to the practice of law," it at once becomes indubitable
the rules prescribed for the governance of the Bar, including the requirement
that this constitutional declaration vests the Supreme Court with plenary
of payment of a reasonable annual fee for the effective discharge of the
power in all cases regarding the admission to and supervision of the practice
purposes of the Bar, and adherence to a code of professional ethics or
of law.
professional responsibility breach of which constitutes sufficient reason for
investigation by the Bar and, upon proper cause appearing, a
recommendation for discipline or disbarment of the offending member. 2 Thus, when the respondent Edillon entered upon the legal profession, his
practice of law and his exercise of the said profession, which affect the
society at large, were (and are) subject to the power of the body politic to
The integration of the Philippine Bar was obviously dictated by overriding
require him to conform to such regulations as might be established by the
considerations of public interest and public welfare to such an extent as
proper authorities for the common good, even to the extent of interfering
more than constitutionally and legally justifies the restrictions that
with some of his liberties. If he did not wish to submit himself to such
integration imposes upon the personal interests and personal convenience of
reasonable interference and regulation, he should not have clothed the
individual lawyers. 3
public with an interest in his concerns.

Apropos to the above, it must be stressed that all legislation directing the
On this score alone, the case for the respondent must already fall.
integration of the Bar have been uniformly and universally sustained as a
valid exercise of the police power over an important profession. The practice
of law is not a vested right but a privilege, a privilege moreover clothed with The issues being of constitutional dimension, however, we now concisely
public interest because a lawyer owes substantial duties not only to his deal with them seriatim.
client, but also to his brethren in the profession, to the courts, and to the
nation, and takes part in one of the most important functions of the State — 1. The first objection posed by the respondent is that the Court is without
the administration of justice — as an officer of the court. 4 The practice of law power to compel him to become a member of the Integrated Bar of the
being clothed with public interest, the holder of this privilege must submit to Philippines, hence, Section 1 of the Court Rule is unconstitutional for it
a degree of control for the common good, to the extent of the interest he has impinges on his constitutional right of freedom to associate (and not to
created. As the U. S. Supreme Court through Mr. Justice Roberts explained, associate). Our answer is: To compel a lawyer to be a member of the
the expression "affected with a public interest" is the equivalent of "subject Integrated Bar is not violative of his constitutional freedom to associate. 6
to the exercise of the police power" (Nebbia vs. New York, 291 U.S. 502).

Integration does not make a lawyer a member of any group of which he is

When, therefore, Congress enacted Republic Act No. 6397 5 authorizing the not already a member. He became a member of the Bar when he passed the
Supreme Court to "adopt rules of court to effect the integration of the Bar examinations. 7 All that integration actually does is to provide an official
Philippine Bar under such conditions as it shall see fit," it did so in the national organization for the well-defined but unorganized and incohesive
exercise of the paramount police power of the State. The Act's avowal is to group of which every lawyer is a ready a member. 8
"raise the standards of the legal profession, improve the administration of
justice, and enable the Bar to discharge its public responsibility more
effectively." Hence, the Congress in enacting such Act, the Court in ordaining Bar integration does not compel the lawyer to associate with anyone. He is
the integration of the Bar through its Resolution promulgated on January 9, free to attend or not attend the meetings of his Integrated Bar Chapter or
1973, and the President of the Philippines in decreeing the constitution of vote or refuse to vote in its elections as he chooses. The only compulsion to
the IBP into a body corporate through Presidential Decree No. 181 dated which he is subjected is the payment of annual dues. The Supreme Court, in
May 4, 1973, were prompted by fundamental considerations of public order to further the State's legitimate interest in elevating the quality of
welfare and motivated by a desire to meet the demands of pressing public professional legal services, may require that the cost of improving the
necessity. profession in this fashion be shared by the subjects and beneficiaries of the
regulatory program — the lawyers.9

The State, in order to promote the general welfare, may interfere with and
regulate personal liberty, property and occupations. Persons and property Assuming that the questioned provision does in a sense compel a lawyer to
may be subjected to restraints and burdens in order to secure the general be a member of the Integrated Bar, such compulsion is justified as an
prosperity and welfare of the State (U.S. vs. Gomez Jesus, 31 Phil 218), for, as exercise of the police power of the State. 10
the Latin maxim goes, "Salus populi est supreme lex." The public welfare is
the supreme law. To this fundamental principle of government the rights of 2. The second issue posed by the respondent is that the provision of the
individuals are subordinated. Liberty is a blessing without which life is a Court Rule requiring payment of a membership fee is void. We see nothing in
misery, but liberty should not be made to prevail over authority because the Constitution that prohibits the Court, under its constitutional power and
then society win fall into anarchy (Calalang vs. Williams, 70 Phil. 726). It is an duty to promulgate rules concerning the admission to the practice of law and
undoubted power of the State to restrain some individuals from all freedom, the integration of the Philippine Bar (Article X, Section 5 of the 1973
and all individuals from some freedom. Constitution) — which power the respondent acknowledges — from
requiring members of a privileged class, such as lawyers are, to pay a
But the most compelling argument sustaining the constitutionality and reasonable fee toward defraying the expenses of regulation of the profession
validity of Bar integration in the Philippines is the explicit unequivocal grant to which they belong. It is quite apparent that the fee is indeed imposed as a
of precise power to the Supreme Court by Section 5 (5) of Article X of the regulatory measure, designed to raise funds for carrying out the objectives
1973 Constitution of the Philippines, which reads: and purposes of integration. 11

Sec. 5. The Supreme Court shall have the following 3. The respondent further argues that the enforcement of the penalty
powers: provisions would amount to a deprivation of property without due process
and hence infringes on one of his constitutional rights. Whether the practice
of law is a property right, in the sense of its being one that entitles the holder
xxx xxx xxx of a license to practice a profession, we do not here pause to consider at
length, as it clear that under the police power of the State, and under the
(5) Promulgate rules concerning pleading, practice, and necessary powers granted to the Court to perpetuate its existence, the
pro. procedure in all courts, and the admission to the respondent's right to practise law before the courts of this country should be
practice of law and the integration of the Bar ..., and is a matter subject to regulation and inquiry. And, if the power to impose
the fee as a regulatory measure is recognize, then a penalty designed to
enforce its payment, which penalty may be avoided altogether by payment,
and Section 1 of Republic Act No. 6397, which reads:
is not void as unreasonable or arbitrary. 12

SECTION 1. Within two years from the approval of this

But we must here emphasize that the practice of law is not a property right
Act, the Supreme Court may adopt rules of Court to
but a mere privilege, 13 and as such must bow to the inherent regulatory
effect the integration of the Philippine Bar under such
power of the Court to exact compliance with the lawyer's public
conditions as it shall see fit in order to raise the
standards of the legal profession, improve the

4. Relative to the issue of the power and/or jurisdiction of the Supreme Court entitled to the privileges extended to Spanish nationals desiring to practice in
to strike the name of a lawyer from its Roll of Attorneys, it is sufficient to the Philippines.
state that the matters of admission, suspension, disbarment and
reinstatement of lawyers and their regulation and supervision have been and
(2) Article I of the Treaty, in its pertinent part, provides .
are indisputably recognized as inherent judicial functions and responsibilities,
and the authorities holding such are legion. 14
The nationals of both countries who shall have obtained degree or
diplomas to practice the liberal professions in either of the
In In Re Sparks (267 Ky. 93, 101 S.W. (2d) 194), in which the report of the
Contracting States, issued by competent national authorities, shall
Board of Bar Commissioners in a disbarment proceeding was confirmed and
be deemed competent to exercise said professions in the territory
disbarment ordered, the court, sustaining the Bar Integration Act of
of the Other, subject to the laws and regulations of the latter. . . ..
Kentucky, said: "The power to regulate the conduct and qualifications of its
officers does not depend upon constitutional or statutory grounds. It is a
power which is inherent in this court as a court — appropriate, indeed It is clear, therefore, that the privileges provided in the Treaty invoked by the
necessary, to the proper administration of justice ... the argument that this is applicant are made expressly subject to the laws and regulations of the
an arbitrary power which the court is arrogating to itself or accepting from contracting State in whose territory it is desired to exercise the legal
the legislative likewise misconceives the nature of the duty. It has limitations profession; and Section 1 of Rule 127, in connection with Sections 2,9, and 16
no less real because they are inherent. It is an unpleasant task to sit in thereof, which have the force of law, require that before anyone can practice
judgment upon a brother member of the Bar, particularly where, as here, the the legal profession in the Philippine he must first successfully pass the
facts are disputed. It is a grave responsibility, to be assumed only with a required bar examinations; and
determination to uphold the Ideals and traditions of an honorable profession
and to protect the public from overreaching and fraud. The very burden of (3) The aforementioned Treaty, concluded between the Republic of the
the duty is itself a guaranty that the power will not be misused or Philippines and the Spanish State could not have been intended to modify
prostituted. ..." the laws and regulations governing admission to the practice of law in the
Philippines, for the reason that the Executive Department may not encroach
The Court's jurisdiction was greatly reinforced by our 1973 Constitution when upon the constitutional prerogative of the Supreme Court to promulgate
it explicitly granted to the Court the power to "Promulgate rules concerning rules for admission to the practice of law in the Philippines, the lower to
pleading, practice ... and the admission to the practice of law and the repeal, alter or supplement such rules being reserved only to the Congress of
integration of the Bar ... (Article X, Sec. 5(5) the power to pass upon the the Philippines. (See Sec. 13, Art VIII, Phil. Constitution).
fitness of the respondent to remain a member of the legal profession is
indeed undoubtedly vested in the Court. Bengzon, C.J., Padilla, Labrador, Reyes, J.B.L., Paredes, Dizon, De Leon and
Natividad, JJ., concur.
We thus reach the conclusion that the provisions of Rule of Court 139-A and Bautista Angelo, J., on leave, took no part.
of the By-Laws of the Integrated Bar of the Philippines complained of are Concepcion, J., took no part.
neither unconstitutional nor illegal.
G.R. No. L-2662             March 26, 1949
WHEREFORE, premises considered, it is the unanimous sense of the Court
that the respondent Marcial A. Edillon should be as he is hereby disbarred, SHIGENORI KURODA, petitioner,
and his name is hereby ordered stricken from the Roll of Attorneys of the vs.
Court. Major General RAFAEL JALANDONI, Brigadier General CALIXTO DUQUE,
Fernando, Teehankee, Barredo, Makasiar, Antonio, Muñoz Palma, Aquino, PEDRO TABUENA, Major FEDERICO ARANAS, MELVILLE S. HUSSEY and
Concepcion, Jr., Santos, Fernandez and Guerrero, JJ., concur. ROBERT PORT, respondents.

IN RE: PETITION OF ARTURO EFREN GARCIA for admission to the Philippine Pedro Serran, Jose G. Lukban, and Liberato B. Cinco for petitioner.
Bar without taking the examination. ARTURO EFREN GARCIA, petitioner. Fred Ruiz Castro Federico Arenas Mariano Yengco, Jr., Ricardo A. Arcilla and
S. Melville Hussey for respondents.
Shigenori Kuroda, formerly a Lieutenant-General of the Japanese Imperial
Army and Commanding General of the Japanese Imperial Forces in The
Arturo E. Garcia has applied for admission to the practice of law in the
Philippines during a period covering 19433 and 19444 who is now charged
Philippines without submitting to the required bar examinations. In his
before a military Commission convened by the Chief of Staff of the Armed
verified petition, he avers, among others, that he is a Filipino citizen born in
forces of the Philippines with having unlawfully disregarded and failed "to
Bacolor City, Province of Negros Occidental, of Filipino parentage; that he
discharge his duties as such command, permitting them to commit brutal
had taken and finished in Spain, the course of "Bachillerato Superior"; that he
atrocities and other high crimes against noncombatant civilians and prisoners
was approved, selected and qualified by the "Instituto de Cervantes" for
of the Imperial Japanese Forces in violation of the laws and customs of war"
admission to the Central University of Madrid where he studied and finished
— comes before this Court seeking to establish the illegality of Executive
the law course graduating there as "Licenciado En Derecho"; that thereafter
Order No. 68 of the President of the Philippines: to enjoin and prohibit
he was allowed to practice the law profession in Spain; and that under the
respondents Melville S. Hussey and Robert Port from participating in the
provision of the Treaty of Academic Degrees and the Exercise of Professions
prosecution of petitioner's case before the Military Commission and to
between the Republic of the Philippines and the Spanish state, he is entitled
permanently prohibit respondents from proceeding with the case of
to practice the law profession in the Philippines without submitting to the
required bar examinations.

In support of his case petitioner tenders the following principal arguments.

After due consideration, the Court resolved to deny the petition on the
following grounds:
First. — "That Executive Order No. 68 is illegal on the ground that it violates
not only the provision of our constitutional law but also our local laws to say
(1) the provisions of the Treaty on Academic Degrees and the Exercise of
nothing of the fact (that) the Philippines is not a signatory nor an adherent to
Professions between the Republic of the Philippines and the Spanish State
the Hague Convention on Rules and Regulations covering Land Warfare and
can not be invoked by applicant. Under Article 11 thereof;
therefore petitioners is charged of 'crimes' not based on law, national and
international." Hence petitioner argues — "That in view off the fact that this
The Nationals of each of the two countries who shall have commission has been empanelled by virtue of an unconstitutional law an
obtained recognition of the validity of their academic degrees by illegal order this commission is without jurisdiction to try herein petitioner."
virtue of the stipulations of this Treaty, can practice their
professions within the territory of the Other, . . .. (Emphasis
Second. — That the participation in the prosecution of the case against
petitioner before the Commission in behalf of the United State of America of
attorneys Melville Hussey and Robert Port who are not attorneys authorized
from which it could clearly be discerned that said Treaty was intended to by the Supreme Court to practice law in the Philippines is a diminution of our
govern Filipino citizens desiring to practice their profession in Spain, and the personality as an independent state and their appointment as prosecutor are
citizens of Spain desiring to practice their professions in the Philippines. a violation of our Constitution for the reason that they are not qualified to
Applicant is a Filipino citizen desiring to practice the legal profession in the practice law in the Philippines.
Philippines. He is therefore subject to the laws of his own country and is not
Third. — That Attorneys Hussey and Port have no personality as prosecution By the same token war crimes committed against our people and our
the United State not being a party in interest in the case. government while we were a Commonwealth are triable and punishable by
our present Republic.
Executive Order No. 68, establishing a National War Crimes Office prescribing
rule and regulation governing the trial of accused war criminals, was issued Petitioner challenges the participation of two American attorneys namely
by the President of the Philippines on the 29th days of July, 1947 This Court Melville S. Hussey and Robert Port in the prosecution of his case on the
holds that this order is valid and constitutional. Article 2 of our Constitution ground that said attorney's are not qualified to practice law in Philippines in
provides in its section 3, that — accordance with our Rules of court and the appointment of said attorneys as
prosecutors is violative of our national sovereignty.
The Philippines renounces war as an instrument of national policy
and adopts the generally accepted principles of international law In the first place respondent Military Commission is a special military tribunal
as part of the of the nation. governed by a special law and not by the Rules of court which govern
ordinary civil court. It has already been shown that Executive Order No. 68
which provides for the organization of such military commission is a valid and
In accordance with the generally accepted principle of international law of
constitutional law. There is nothing in said executive order which requires
the present day including the Hague Convention the Geneva Convention and
that counsel appearing before said commission must be attorneys qualified
significant precedents of international jurisprudence established by the
to practice law in the Philippines in accordance with the Rules of Court. In
United Nation all those person military or civilian who have been guilty of
facts it is common in military tribunals that counsel for the parties are usually
planning preparing or waging a war of aggression and of the commission of
military personnel who are neither attorneys nor even possessed of legal
crimes and offenses consequential and incidental thereto in violation of the
laws and customs of war, of humanity and civilization are held accountable
therefor. Consequently in the promulgation and enforcement of Execution
Order No. 68 the President of the Philippines has acted in conformity with Secondly the appointment of the two American attorneys is not violative of
the generally accepted and policies of international law which are part of the our nation sovereignty. It is only fair and proper that United States, which has
our Constitution. submitted the vindication of crimes against her government and her people
to a tribunal of our nation should be allowed representation in the trial of
those very crimes. If there has been any relinquishment of sovereignty it has
The promulgation of said executive order is an exercise by the President of
not been by our government but by the United State Government which has
his power as Commander in chief of all our armed forces as upheld by this
yielded to us the trial and punishment of her enemies. The least that we
Court in the case of Yamashita vs. Styer (L-129, 42 Off. Gaz., 664) 1 when we
could do in the spirit of comity is to allow them representation in said trials.
said —

Alleging that the United State is not a party in interest in the case petitioner
War is not ended simply because hostilities have ceased. After
challenges the personality of attorneys Hussey and Port as prosecutors. It is
cessation of armed hostilities incident of war may remain pending
of common knowledge that the United State and its people have been
which should be disposed of as in time of war. An importance
equally if not more greatly aggrieved by the crimes with which petitioner
incident to a conduct of war is the adoption of measure by the
stands charged before the Military Commission. It can be considered a
military command not only to repel and defeat the enemies but to
privilege for our Republic that a leader nation should submit the vindication
seize and subject to disciplinary measure those enemies who in
of the honor of its citizens and its government to a military tribunal of our
their attempt to thwart or impede our military effort have
violated the law of war. (Ex parte Quirin 317 U.S., 1; 63 Sup. Ct.,
2.) Indeed the power to create a military commission for the trial
and punishment of war criminals is an aspect of waging war. And The Military Commission having been convened by virtue of a valid law with
in the language of a writer a military commission has jurisdiction jurisdiction over the crimes charged which fall under the provisions of
so long as a technical state of war continues. This includes the Executive Order No. 68, and having said petitioner in its custody, this Court
period of an armistice or military occupation up to the effective of will not interfere with the due process of such Military commission.
a treaty of peace and may extend beyond by treaty agreement.
(Cowles Trial of War Criminals by Military Tribunals, America Bar
For all the foregoing the petition is denied with costs de oficio.
Association Journal June, 1944.)

Paras, Feria, Pablo, Bengzon, Tuason, Montemayor and Reyes, JJ., concur.

Consequently, the President as Commander in Chief is fully empowered to
consummate this unfinished aspect of war namely the trial and punishment
of war criminal through the issuance and enforcement of Executive Order No. December 3, 1948
In re Investigation of ANGEL J. PARAZO for alleged leakage of questions in
Petitioner argues that respondent Military Commission has no Jurisdiction to some subjects in the 1948 Bar Examinations.
try petitioner for acts committed in violation of the Hague Convention and
the Geneva Convention because the Philippines is not a signatory to the first Felixberto M. Serrano for respondent.
and signed the second only in 1947. It cannot be denied that the rules and Enrique M. Fernando and Francisco A. Rodrigo, Abelardo Subido, and Arturo
regulation of the Hague and Geneva conventions form, part of and are wholly A. Alafriz (for the Philippine Lawyers' Association) as amici curiae.
based on the generally accepted principals of international law. In facts these
rules and principles were accepted by the two belligerent nation the United
State and Japan who were signatories to the two Convention, Such rule and
principles therefore form part of the law of our nation even if the Philippines
was not a signatory to the conventions embodying them for our Constitution
has been deliberately general and extensive in its scope and is not confined
to the recognition of rule and principle of international law as continued inn
treaties to which our government may have been or shall be a signatory.
The present case had its origin in a story or news item prepared and written
by the defendant, Angel J. Parazo, a duly accredited reporter of the Star
Furthermore when the crimes charged against petitioner were allegedly
Reporter, a local daily of general circulation, that appeared on the front page
committed the Philippines was under the sovereignty of United States and
of the issue of September 14, 1948. The story was preceded by the headline
thus we were equally bound together with the United States and with Japan
in large letters — "CLAIM 'LEAK' IN LAST BAR TESTS," followed by another in
to the right and obligation contained in the treaties between the belligerent
slightly smaller letters — "Applicants In Uproar, Want Anomaly Probed; One
countries. These rights and obligation were not erased by our assumption of
School Favored," under the name — "By Angel J. Parazo of the Star
full sovereignty. If at all our emergency as a free state entitles us to enforce
Reporter Staff." For purposes of reference we quote the news item in full:
the right on our own of trying and punishing those who committed crimes
against crimes against our people. In this connection it is well to remember
what we have said in the case of Laurel vs. Misa (76 Phil., 372): Leakage in some subjects in the recent bar examinations were
denounced by some of the law graduates who took part in the
tests, to the Star Reporter this morning.
. . . The change of our form government from Commonwealth to
Republic does not affect the prosecution of those charged with
the crime of treason committed during then Commonwealth These examinees claim to have seen mimeograph copies of the
because it is an offense against the same sovereign people. . . . questions in one subject, days before the tests were given, in the
Philippine Normal School.

Only students of one private university in Sampaloc had those From the record of said investigation, it is clear that Mr. Parazo
mimeographed questions on said subject fully one week before has deliberately and consistently declined and refused to reveal
the tests. the identity of the persons supposed to have given him the data
and information on which his news item was based, despite the
repeated appeals made to his civic spirit, and for his cooperations,
The students who made the denunciation to the Star
in order to enable this Court to conduct a thorough investigation
Reporter claim that the tests actually given were similar in every
of the alleged bar examination anomaly, Resolved, to authorize
respect to those they had seen students of this private university
Mr. Justice Montemayor to cite Mr. Parazo before him, explain to
holding proudly around the city.
him that the interests of the State demand and so this Court
requires that he reveal the source or sources of his information
The students who claim to have seen the tests which leaked are and of his news item, and to warn him that his refusal to make the
demanding that the Supreme Court institute an immediate probe revelation demanded will be regarded as contempt of court and
into the matter, to find out the source of the leakage, and annul penalized accordingly. Mr. Justice Montemayor will advise the
the test papers of the students of the particular university Court of the result.
possessed of those tests before the examinations.
Acting upon this resolution, the writer of this opinion cited Mr. Parazo to
The discovery of the alleged leakage in the tests of the bar appear before him on October 13, 1948. He appeared on the date set and it
examinations came close on the heels of the revelations in was clearly explained to him that the interest of the State demands and this
the Philippine Collegian, official organ of the student body of the court requires that he reveal the source of sources of his information and of
University of the Philippines, on recent government tests wherein his news item; that this was a very serious matter involving the confidence of
the questions had come into the possession of nearly all the the people in general and the law practitioners and bar examinees in
graduates of some private technical schools. particular, in the regularity and cleanliness of the bar examinations; that it
also involves the good name and reputation of the bar examiners who are
To the publication, evidently, the attention of the Supreme Court must have appointed by this Court to prepare the bar examinations questions and later
been called, and Mr. Justice Padilla, who had previously been designated pass upon and correct the examinations questions and last but not least, it
Chairman of the Committee of Bar Examiners for this year, by authority of also involves and is bound to affect the confidence of the whole country in
the Court, instructed Mr. Jose de la Cruz as Commissioner with the assistance the very Supreme Court which is conducting the bar examinations. It was
of Mr. E. Soriano, Clerk of Court to cite Mr. Parazo for questioning and further explained to him that the Supreme Court is keenly interested in
investigation. In this connection, and for purposes of showing the interest of investigating the alleged anomaly and leakage of the examination questions
the Supreme Court in the news item and its implications, it may here be and is determined to punish the party or parties responsible therefor but that
stated that this Court is and for many years has been, in charge of the Bar without his help, specially the identities of the persons who furnished him
Examinations held every year, including that of this year, held in August, the information and who could give the court the necessary data and
1948. Section 13, Article VIII of the Constitution of the Philippines authorizes evidence, the Court could not even begin the investigation because there
this Court to promulgate rules concerning admission to the practice of law, would be no basis from which to start, not even a clue from which to
and pursuant to that authority, Rule 127 of the Rules of Court was formulate a theory. Lastly, Parazo was told that under the law he could be
promulgated, under which rule, this Court conducts the Bar Examinations punished if he refused to make the revelation, punishment which may even
yearly, appoints a Committee of Bar Examiners to be presided by one of the involve imprisonment.
Justices, to serve for one year, acts on the report of the committee and
finally, admits to the Bar and to the practice of law, the candidates and Because of the seriousness of the matter, Parazo was advised to think it over
examinees who have passed the examinations. and consider the consequences, and if he need time within which to do this
and so that he might even consult the editor and publisher of his paper,
The investigation of Mr. Parazo was conducted on September 18, 1948, on the Star Reporter, he could be given an extension of time, and at his request,
which occasion he testified under oath and, answering questions directed to the investigation was postponed to October 15, 1948. On that date he
him by Messrs. Cruz and Soriano admitted that he was the author of the appeared, accompanied by his counsel, Atty. Felixberto M. Serrano. The
news item; that he wrote up the story and had it published, in good faith and writer of this opinion in the presence of his counsel, several newspapermen,
in a spirit of public service; and that he knew the persons who gave him the Clerk of Court Soriano, Deputy Clerk of Court Cruz, and Mr. Chanliongco
information which formed the basis of his publication but that he declined to made a formal demand on Mr. Parazo to reveal the identities of his
reveal their names because the information was given to him in confidence informants, under oath, but he declined and refused to make the revelation.
and his informants did not wish to have their identities revealed. The At the request of his counsel, that before this Court take action upon his
investigators informed Parazo that this was a serious matter involving the refusal to reveal, he be accorded a hearing, with the consent of the Court
confidence of the public in the regularity and cleanliness of the Bar first obtained, a public hearing was held on the same day, October 15, 1948
Examinations and also in the Supreme Court which conducted said in the course of which, Attorney Serrano extensively and ably argued the
examinations, and repeatedly appealed to his civic spirit and sense of public case of his client, invoking the benefits of Republic Act No. 53, the first
service, pleading with and urging him to reveal the names of his informants section of which reads as follows:
so that the Supreme Court may be in a position to start and conduct the
necessary investigation in order to verify their charge and complaint and take SECTION 1. The publisher, editor or duly accredited reporter of
action against the party or parties responsible for the alleged irregularity and any newspaper, magazine or periodical of general circulation
anomaly, if found true, but Parazo consistently refused to make the cannot be compelled to reveal the source of any news-report or
revelation. information appearing in said publication which was related in
confidence to such publisher, editor or reporter, unless the court
In the meantime, the writer of this opinion who was appointed to the or a House or committee of Congress finds that such revelation is
Supreme Court as associate Justice in the latter part of August, 1948, was demanded by the interest of the state.
designated to succeed Mr. Justice Padilla as Chairman of the Committee of
Bar Examiners when the said Justice was appointed Secretary of Justice. The This Court has given this case prolonged, careful and mature consideration,
writer of this opinion was furnished a copy of the transcript of the involving as it does interesting and important points of law as well as
investigation conducted on September 18, 1948, and he made a report questions of national importance. Counsel contends that the phrase "interest
thereof to the Court in banc, resulting in the issuance of the resolution of this of the state" found at the end of section 1 of Republic Act No. 53 means and
Court dated October 7, 1948, which reads as follows: refers only to the security of the state, that is to say — that only
when National Security or public safety is involved, may this Court compel
In relation with the news item that appeared in the front page of the defendant to reveal the source or sources of his news report or
the Star Reporter, issue of September 14, 1948, regarding alleged information. We confess that it was not easy to decide this legal question on
leakage in some bar examination questions, which examinations which the conviction or acquittal of Parazo hinges. As a matter of facts, the
were held in August 1948, Mr. Jose de la Cruz, as Commissioner, vote of the Justice is not unanimous.
and Mr. E. Soriano, as Clerk of Court, were authorized by Mr.
Justice Sabino Padilla then chairman of the committee of bar In an effort to determine the intent of the Legislature that passed Republic
examiners to conduct an investigation thereof, particularly to Act No. 53, particularly the Senate were it originated, we examined the
receive the testimony of Mr. Angel J. Parazo, the reporter record of the proceedings in said legislative body when this Act, then Senate
responsible for and author of said news item. An investigation was Bill No. 6 was being discussed. We gathered from the said record that the
conducted on September 18, 1948; stenographic notes were original bill prepared by Senator Sotto provided that the immunity to be
taken of the testimony of Mr. Parazo, and Mr. Justice Marcelino R. accorded a publisher, editor, or reporter of any newspaper was absolute and
Montemayor, the new chairman of the committee of bar that under no circumstance could he be compelled to reveal the source of his
examiners, has submitted the transcript of said notes for the information or news report. The committee, however, under the
consideration of this Court. chairmanship of Senator Cuenco inserted an amendment or change, by
adding to the end of section 1 of the clause "unless the court finds that such
revelation is demanded by the public interest."

When the bill as amended was recommended for approval on second the establishment and maintenance of barrio roads, electric light and ice
reading, Senator Sotto, the author of the original bill proposed an plants, parks, markets, etc., the phrase "interest of the estate" even under a
amendment by eliminating the clause added by the committee — "unless the conservative interpretation, may and does include cases and matters of
court finds that such revelation is demanded by the public interest," claiming national importance in which the whole state and nations, not only a branch
that said clause would kill the purposed of the bill. This amendment of or instrumentality thereof such as a province, city or town, or a part of the
Senator Sotto was discussed. Various Senators objected to the elimination of public, is interested or would be affected, such as the principal functions of
the clause already referred to on the ground that without such exception and Government like administration of justice, public school system, and such
by giving complete immunity to editors, reporters, etc., many abuses may be matters like social justice, scientific research, practice of law or of medicine,
committed. Senator Cuenco, Committee chairman, in advocating the impeachment of high Government officials, treaties with other nations,
disapproval of the Sotto amendment, and in defending the exception integrity of the three coordinate branches of the Government, their relations
embodied in the amendment introduced by the Committee, consisting in the to each other, and the discharge of their functions, etc.
clause: "unless the court finds that such revelation is demanded by the public
interest," said that the Committee could not accept the Sotto amendment
We are satisfied that the present case easily comes under the phrase
because there may be cases, perhaps few, in which the interest of the public
"interest of the state." Under constitutional provision, article VIII, section 13,
or the interest of the state required that the names of the informants be
Constitution of the Philippines, the Supreme Court takes charge of the
published or known. He gave as one example a case of a newspaperman
admission of members to the Philippine Bar. By its Rules of Court, it has
publishing information referring to a theft of the plans of forts or
prescribed the qualifications of the candidates to the Bar Examinations, and
fortifications. He argued that if the immunity accorded a newspaperman
it has equally prescribed the subject of the said Bar Examinations. Every year,
should be absolute, as sought by the Sotto amendment, the author of the
the Supreme Court appoints the Bar examiners who prepare the questions,
theft might go scott-free. When the Sotto amendment was put to a vote, it
then correct the examination papers submitted by the examinees, and later
was disapproved. Finally, Senator Sotto proposed another amendment by
make their report to the Supreme Court. Only those Bar Examination
changing the phrase "public interest" at the end of section 1 as amended by
candidates who are found to have obtained to passing grade are admitted to
the Committee be changed to and substituted by the phrase "interest of the
the Bar and licensed to practice law. There are now thousands of members of
state," claiming that the phrase public interest was too elastic. Without much
the Philippine Bar, scattered all over the Philippines, practicing law or
discussion this last amendment was approved, and this phrase is now found
occupying important Government posts requiring membership in the Bar as a
in the Act as finally approved.
prerequisite, and every year, quite a number, sometimes several hundreds,
are added to the legal fold. The Supreme Court and the Philippine Bar have
In view of the contention now advanced, that the phrase "interest of the always tried to maintain a high standard for the legal profession, both in
state" is confined to cases involving the "security of the state" or "public academic preparation and legal training, as well as in honesty and fair
safety," one might wonder or speculate on why the last amendment dealing. The Court and the licensed lawyers themselves are vitally interested
proposed by Senator Sotto, changing the phrase "public interest" to "interest in keeping this high standard; and one of the ways of achieving this end is to
of the state," was approved without much discussion. But we notice from the admit to the practice of this noble profession only those persons who are
records of the deliberations on and discussion of the bill in the Senate that known to be honest, possess good moral character, and show proficiency in
the phrase "public interest" was used interchangeably by some Senators with and knowledge of the law by the standard set by this Court by passing the
the phrase "interest of the state." For instance, although the bill, as amended Bar Examinations honestly and in the regular and usual manner. It is of public
by the Committee presided by Senator Cuenco, used the words "public knowledge that perhaps by general inclination or the conditions obtaining in
interest, "when Senator Cuenco sponsored the bill before the Senate he used this country, or the great demand for the services of licensed lawyers, law as
in his speech or remarks the phrase "interest of the State" (interes del compared to other professions, is the most popular in these islands. The
Estado). Again, although the bill, as sponsored by the Cuenco Committee and predominantly greater number of members of the Bar, schools and colleges
discussed by the Senate, used the words "public interest, "Senator Sebastian of law as compared to those of other learned professions, attest to this fact.
referred to the exception by using the phrase "interest of the state." This And one important thing to bear in mind is that the Judiciary, from the
understanding of at least two of the Senators, who took part in the Supreme Court down to the Justice of the Peace Courts, provincial fiscalships
discussion, about the similarity or interchangeability of the two phrases and other prosecuting attorneys, and the legal departments of the
"public interest" and "interest of the estate," may account for the readiness Government, draw exclusively from the Bar to fill their positions.
or lack of objection on the part of the Senate, after it had rejected the first Consequently, any charge or insinuation of anomaly in the conduct of Bar
Sotto amendment, to accept the second Sotto amendment, changing the Examinations, of necessity is imbued with wide and general interest and
phrase "public interest" to "interest of the state." national importance.

In referring to a case wherein the security of the state or public safety was If it is true that Bar Examination questions, for some reason or another, find
involved, such as the theft of the plans of fortifications, Senator Cuenco was their way out and get into the hands of Bar examinees before the
obviously giving it only as an example of what he meant by "interest of the examinations are actually given, and as a result thereof some examinees
state;" it was not meant to be the only case or example. We do not propose succeed in illegally and improperly obtaining passing grades and are later
to define or fix the limits or scope of the phrase "interest of the state;" but admitted to the Bar and to the practice of law, when otherwise they should
we can say that the phrase "interest of the state" can not be confined and not be, then the present members of the legal profession would have reason
limited to the "security of the state" or to "public safety" alone. These to resent and be alarmed; and if this is continued it would not be long before
synonymous phrases, — "security of the state" and "public safety," — are the legal profession will have fallen into disrepute. The public would naturally
not uncommon terms and we can well presume that the legislators were lose confidence in the lawyers, specially in the new ones, because a person
familiar with them. The phrase "public safety," is used in Article III, section contemplating to go to court to seek redress or to defend himself before it
1(5) of the Constitution of the Philippines, where it says that "the privacy of would not know whether a particular lawyer to whom he is entrusting his
communications and correspondence shall be inviolable except upon lawful case has legally passed the Bar Examinations because of sufficient and
order of the court or when public safety and order require otherwise;" and adequate preparation and training, and that he is honest, or whether he was
Article VII, section 10(2) of the same Constitution provided that the President one of those who had succeeded in getting hold of Bar Examination
may suspend the privileges of the writ of habeas corpus, in case of invasion, questions in advance, passed the Bar Examinations illegally, and then started
insurrection, etc., when the public safety requires it. his legal career with this act of dishonesty. Particularly, the Bar examinees
who, by intense study and conscientious preparations, have honestly passed
the Bar Examinations and are admitted to practice law, would be affected by
The phrase "National Security" is used at the beginning of Book II of the
this anomaly, because they would ever be under a cloud of suspicion, since
Revised Penal Code, thus: Title I, — Crimes against National Security and the
from the point of view of the public, they might be among those who had
law of Nations, Chapter I, — Crimes against National Security. Then, more
made use of Bar Examination questions obtained before hand. And,
recently, the phrase "National Security" was used in section 2, and the
incidentally, the morale of the hundreds of students and graduates of the
phrase "public security" was equally used in section 19, of Commonwealth
different law schools, studying law and later preparing for the Bar
Act No. 682 creating the People's Court, promulgated on September 25,
Examinations, would be affected, even disastrously, for in them may be born
1945. If, as contended, the Philippine Congress, particularly the Philippine
the idea that there is no need of much law study and preparation inasmuch
Senate, had meant to limit the exception to the immunity of newspapermen
as it is possible and not difficult to obtain copies of questions before the
only to cases where the "security of the state," i.e., "National Security" is
examinations and pass them and be admitted to the Bar.
involved, it could easily and readily have used such phrase or any one of
similar phrases like "public safety," "National Security," or "public security" of
which it must have been familiar. Since it did not do so, there is valid reason The cloud of suspicion would, equally, hang over the Bar examiners
to believe that that was not in the mind and intent of the legislators, and themselves, eight eminent lawyers who in a spirit of public service and civic
that, in using the phrase "interest of the state," it extended the scope and spirit, have consented to serve on the Committee of Examiners at the request
the limits of the exception when a newspaperman or reporter may be and designation of this Court. They would be suspected, — one or two or
compelled to reveal the sources of his information. more of them — that through negligence, or connivance, or downright
corruption, they have made possible the release if they have not themselves
actually released, before examination day, the questions they had prepared.
The phrase "interest of the state" is quite broad and extensive. It is of course
The employees of the Supreme Court in charge of the Bar Examinations,
more general and broader than "security of the state." Although not as broad
specially those who copy or mimeograph the original copies furnished by the
and comprehensive as "public interest" which may include most anything
Bar examiners, would all be under suspicion. And, lastly, and more important
though of minor importance, but affecting the public, such as for instance,
still, the Supreme Court itself which has to overall supervision and control When the Supreme Court decided to demand of the respondent herein that
over the examinations, would share the suspicion, as a result of which the he reveal the names of his informants, it was not impelled or motivated by
confidence of the people in this High Tribunal, which public confidence, the mere idle curiosity. It truly wanted information on which to start an
members of this Court like to think and believe, it still enjoys, might be investigation because it is vitally interested in keeping the Bar Examinations
affected and shaken. All these considerations of vital importance, in our clean and above board and specially, not only to protect the members of the
opinion, can and will sufficiently cause the present case to fall and be Bar and those aspiring for membership therein and the public dealing with
included within the meaning of the phrase "interest of the state," involving the members thereof and the Bar Examiners who cooperate with and act as
as it does, not only the interests of students and graduates of the law schools agents of this Court in preparing the examination questions and correcting
and colleges, and of the entire legal profession of this country as well as the the examination papers, but also, as already stated, to keep the confidence
good name and reputation of the members of the Committee of Bar of the people in this High Tribunal as regards the discharge of its function
Examiners, including the employees of the Supreme Court having charge of relative to the admission to the practice of law. These, it can only do by
and connections with said examinations, but also the highest Tribunal of the investigating any Bar Examination anomaly, fixing responsibility and
land itself which represents one of the three coordinate and independent punishing those found guilty, even annulling examinations already held, or
branches or departments of the Philippine Government. else declaring the charges as not proven, if, as a result of the investigation, it
is found that there is insufficiency or lack of evidence. In demanding from the
respondent that he reveal the sources of his information, this Court did not
In support of if not in addition to the power granted by section 1 of Republic
intend to punish those informants or hold them liable. It merely wanted their
Act. No. 53 to this Court, we have the inherent power of courts in general,
help and cooperation. In this Court's endeavor to probe thoroughly the
specially of the Supreme Court as representative of the Judicial Department,
anomaly, or irregularity allegedly committed, it was its intention not only to
to adopt proper and adequate measures to preserve their integrity, and
adopt the necessary measures to punish the guilty parties, if the charges are
render possible and facilitate the exercise of their functions, including, as in
found to be true, but also even to annul the examinations themselves, in
the present case, the investigation of charges of error, abuse or misconduct
justice to the innocent parties who had taken but did not pass the
of their officials and subordinates, including lawyers, who are officers of the
examinations. We say this because in every examination, whether conducted
Court. (Province of Tarlac vs. Gale, 26 Phil., 350; 21 C.J.S. 41, 138.) As we
by the Government or by a private institution, certain standards are
have previously stated, the revelation demanded of the respondent, of the
unconsciously adopted on which to base the passing grade. For instance, if,
identity of his informants, is essential and necessary to the investigation of
as a result of the correction of many or all of the examination papers, it is
the charge contained in the publication already mentioned.
found that only very few have passed it, the examiner might reasonably think
that the questions he gave were unduly difficult or hard to understand, or
It will be noticed from Parazo's news item as quoted in the first part of this too long, as a result of which he may be more liberal and be more lenient and
decision, that, informants, law graduates and bar examinees, were make allowances. On the hand, if too many obtain passing grade, the
denouncing the supposed anomaly — consisting of the alleged leakage of the examiner may think that the examination questions were too easy and
Bar Examination questions — to the Supreme Court for due investigation. If constitute an inadequate measure of the legal knowledge and training
those persons really meant and intended to make a bona fide and effective required to be a lawyer, and so he may raise his standard and become more
denunciation, with expectation of results, the right place to air their strict in his correction of the papers and his appreciation of the answers. So,
grievance was the Supreme Court itself, not a newspaper; and if they truly in a case where examinees, especially if many, succeed in getting hold of
wanted an investigation, they should have come forward and furnished or questions long before examinations day, and study and prepare the answers
stood ready to furnish the facts on which to base and from which to start an to those questions, it may result that when the examiner finds that many of
investigation, instead of concealing themselves behind the curtain of press the examinees have easily and correctly answered the questions, he may
immunity. think that said questions were too easy, raise the standard by being strict in
his correction of the papers, thereby giving a grade below passing to a
Examining the news item in question, it is therein claimed and assured that number of examinees who otherwise would have validly passed the
Bar Examination questions in at least one subject had been obtained and examinations.
used by bar examinees coming from a certain university, one week before
the examinations were actually held. Parazo in his statements and answers In conclusion, we find that the interest of the state in the present case
during the investigation said that examination questions in several subjects demands that the respondent Angel J. Parazo reveal the source or sources of
were involved in the anomaly. But no copy or copies of said examination his information which formed the basis of his news items or story in the
questions were furnished us. No one is willing to testify that he actually saw September 14, 1948 issue of the Star Reporter, quoted at the beginning of his
said alleged copies of examination questions; that they were actually and decision, and that, in refusing to make the revelation which this Court
carefully compared with the legitimate examination questions given out on required of him, he committed contempt of Court. The respondent
the day of the examination and found to be identical; no one is ready and repeatedly stated during the investigation that he knew the names and
willing to reveal the identity of the persons or bar examinees said to have identities of the persons who furnished him the information. In other words,
been seen with the said Bar Examination questions, although they as well as he omitted and still refuses to do an act commanded by this Court which is
the university where they came from, was known; and even the law subjects yet in his power to perform. (Rule 64, section 7, Rules of Court.)Ordinarily, in
to which the questions pertained are not disclosed; and, lastly, we are not such cases, he can and should be imprisoned indefinitely until he complied
allowed to know even the identity of respondent Parazo's informants who with the demand. However, considering that case like the present are not
claim to have seen all these things. common or frequent, in this jurisdiction, and that there is no reason and
immediate necessity for imposing a heavy penalty, as may be done in other
In this connection it may be stated that in the las Bar Examinations held in cases where it is advisable or necessary to mete out severe penalties to meet
August, 1948, approximately nine hundred candidates took them, each a situation of an alarming number of cases of a certain offense or a crime
candidate writing his answers in a book for each subject. There were eight wave, and, considering further the youthful age of the respondent, the
subjects, each belonging to and corresponding to each one of the eight bar majority of the members of this Court have decided to order, as it hereby
examiners. There were therefore eight sets of bar examination questions, orders, his immediate arrest and confinement in jail for a period of one (1)
and multiplying these eight sets of questions by nine hundred candidates, month, unless, before the expiration of that period he makes to this Court
gives a total of seven thousand two hundred (7,200) examination papers the revelation demanded of him. So ordered.
involved, in the hand of eight different examiners. The examination books or
papers bear no names or identifications of their writers or owners and said Moran, C.J., Ozaeta, Feria, Pablo, Bengzon, and Tuason, JJ., concur.
ownership and identification will not be known until the books or papers are
all corrected and graded. Without definite assurance based on reliable
G.R. No. 100113 September 3, 1991
witnesses under oath that the alleged anomaly had actually been committed,
— evidence on the identity of the persons in possession of the alleged copies
of questions prematurely released or illegally obtained and made use of, the RENATO CAYETANO, petitioner,
law subjects or subjects involved, the university from which said persons vs.
come, this Court does not feel capable of or warranted in taking any step, CHRISTIAN MONSOD, HON. JOVITO R. SALONGA, COMMISSION ON
such as blindly and desperately revising each and every one of the 7,200 APPOINTMENT, and HON. GUILLERMO CARAGUE, in his capacity as
examination books with the fond but forlorn hope of finding any similarity or Secretary of Budget and Management, respondents.
identity in the answers of any group of examinees and basing thereon any
definite finding or conclusion. Apart from the enormity of the task and its
Renato L. Cayetano for and in his own behalf.
hopelessness, this Court may not and cannot base its findings and
conclusions, especially in any serious and delicate matter as is the present, on
that kind of evidence. Under these circumstances, this Court, for lack of Sabina E. Acut, Jr. and Mylene Garcia-Albano co-counsel for petitioner.
basis, data and information, is unable to conduct, nay, even start, an
investigation; and, unless and until the respondent herein reveals the
identities of his informants, and those informants and or others with facts
and reliable evidence, aid and cooperate with the Court in its endeavor to
further examine and probe into the charges contained in the news items,
said charges are considered and held to be without basis, proof or PARAS, J.:
We are faced here with a controversy of far-reaching proportions. While instruments, where the work done involves the determination by
ostensibly only legal issues are involved, the Court's decision in this case the trained legal mind of the legal effect of facts and conditions. (5
would indubitably have a profound effect on the political aspect of our Am. Jr. p. 262, 263). (Emphasis supplied)
national existence.
Practice of law under modem conditions consists in no small part
The 1987 Constitution provides in Section 1 (1), Article IX-C: of work performed outside of any court and having no immediate
relation to proceedings in court. It embraces conveyancing, the
giving of legal advice on a large variety of subjects, and the
There shall be a Commission on Elections composed of a
preparation and execution of legal instruments covering an
Chairman and six Commissioners who shall be natural-born
extensive field of business and trust relations and other
citizens of the Philippines and, at the time of their appointment,
affairs. Although these transactions may have no direct
at least thirty-five years of age, holders of a college degree, and
connection with court proceedings, they are always subject to
must not have been candidates for any elective position in the
become involved in litigation. They require in many aspects a high
immediately preceding -elections. However, a majority thereof,
degree of legal skill, a wide experience with men and affairs, and
including the Chairman, shall be members of the Philippine Bar
great capacity for adaptation to difficult and complex situations.
who have been engaged in the practice of law for at least ten
These customary functions of an attorney or counselor at law bear
years. (Emphasis supplied)
an intimate relation to the administration of justice by the courts.
No valid distinction, so far as concerns the question set forth in
The aforequoted provision is patterned after Section l(l), Article XII-C of the the order, can be drawn between that part of the work of the
1973 Constitution which similarly provides: lawyer which involves appearance in court and that part which
involves advice and drafting of instruments in his office. It is of
There shall be an independent Commission on Elections composed of a importance to the welfare of the public that these manifold
Chairman and eight Commissioners who shall be natural-born citizens of the customary functions be performed by persons possessed of
Philippines and, at the time of their appointment, at least thirty-five years of adequate learning and skill, of sound moral character, and acting
age and holders of a college degree. However, a majority thereof, including at all times under the heavy trust obligations to clients which rests
the Chairman, shall be members of the Philippine Bar who have been upon all attorneys. (Moran, Comments on the Rules of Court, Vol.
engaged in the practice of law for at least ten years.' (Emphasis supplied) 3 [1953 ed.] , p. 665-666, citing In re Opinion of the
Justices [Mass.], 194 N.E. 313, quoted in Rhode Is. Bar Assoc. v.
Automobile Service Assoc. [R.I.] 179 A. 139,144). (Emphasis ours)
Regrettably, however, there seems to be no jurisprudence as to what
constitutes practice of law as a legal qualification to an appointive office.
The University of the Philippines Law Center in conducting orientation
briefing for new lawyers (1974-1975) listed the dimensions of the practice of
Black defines "practice of law" as: law in even broader terms as advocacy, counselling and public service.

The rendition of services requiring the knowledge and the One may be a practicing attorney in following any line of
application of legal principles and technique to serve the interest employment in the profession. If what he does exacts knowledge
of another with his consent. It is not limited to appearing in court, of the law and is of a kind usual for attorneys engaging in the
or advising and assisting in the conduct of litigation, but embraces active practice of their profession, and he follows some one or
the preparation of pleadings, and other papers incident to actions more lines of employment such as this he is a practicing attorney
and special proceedings, conveyancing, the preparation of legal at law within the meaning of the statute. (Barr v. Cardell, 155 NW
instruments of all kinds, and the giving of all legal advice to 312)
clients. It embraces all advice to clients and all actions taken for
them in matters connected with the law. An attorney engages in
the practice of law by maintaining an office where he is held out Practice of law means any activity, in or out of court, which requires the
to be-an attorney, using a letterhead describing himself as an application of law, legal procedure, knowledge, training and experience. "To
attorney, counseling clients in legal matters, negotiating with engage in the practice of law is to perform those acts which are
opposing counsel about pending litigation, and fixing and characteristics of the profession. Generally, to practice law is to give notice or
collecting fees for services rendered by his associate. (Black's Law render any kind of service, which device or service requires the use in any
Dictionary, 3rd ed.) degree of legal knowledge or skill." (111 ALR 23)

The practice of law is not limited to the conduct of cases in court. (Land Title The following records of the 1986 Constitutional Commission show that it has
Abstract and Trust Co. v. Dworken, 129 Ohio St. 23, 193 N.E. 650) A person is adopted a liberal interpretation of the term "practice of law."
also considered to be in the practice of law when he:
MR. FOZ. Before we suspend the session, may I make a
... for valuable consideration engages in the business of advising manifestation which I forgot to do during our review of the
person, firms, associations or corporations as to their rights under provisions on the Commission on Audit. May I be allowed to make
the law, or appears in a representative capacity as an advocate in a very brief statement?
proceedings pending or prospective, before any court,
commissioner, referee, board, body, committee, or commission THE PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. Jamir).
constituted by law or authorized to settle controversies and there,
in such representative capacity performs any act or acts for the
The Commissioner will please proceed.
purpose of obtaining or defending the rights of their clients under
the law. Otherwise stated, one who, in a representative capacity,
engages in the business of advising clients as to their rights under MR. FOZ. This has to do with the qualifications of the members of
the law, or while so engaged performs any act or acts either in the Commission on Audit. Among others, the qualifications
court or outside of court for that purpose, is engaged in the provided for by Section I is that "They must be Members of the
practice of law. (State ex. rel. Mckittrick v..C.S. Dudley and Co., 102 Philippine Bar" — I am quoting from the provision — "who have
S.W. 2d 895, 340 Mo. 852) been engaged in the practice of law for at least ten years".

This Court in the case of Philippine Lawyers Association v.Agrava, (105 Phil. To avoid any misunderstanding which would result in excluding members of
173,176-177) stated: the Bar who are now employed in the COA or Commission on Audit, we
would like to make the clarification that this provision on qualifications
regarding members of the Bar does not necessarily refer or involve actual
The practice of law is not limited to the conduct of cases
practice of law outside the COA We have to interpret this to mean that as
or litigation in court; it embraces the preparation of pleadings and
long as the lawyers who are employed in the COA are using their legal
other papers incident to actions and special proceedings, the
knowledge or legal talent in their respective work within COA, then they are
management of such actions and proceedings on behalf of clients
qualified to be considered for appointment as members or commissioners,
before judges and courts, and in addition, conveying. In general,
even chairman, of the Commission on Audit.
all advice to clients, and all action taken for them in
matters connected with the law incorporation services,
assessment and condemnation services contemplating an This has been discussed by the Committee on Constitutional Commissions
appearance before a judicial body, the foreclosure of a mortgage, and Agencies and we deem it important to take it up on the floor so that this
enforcement of a creditor's claim in bankruptcy and insolvency interpretation may be made available whenever this provision on the
proceedings, and conducting proceedings in attachment, and in qualifications as regards members of the Philippine Bar engaging in the
matters of estate and guardianship have been held to constitute practice of law for at least ten years is taken up.
law practice, as do the preparation and drafting of legal
MR. OPLE. Will Commissioner Foz yield to just one question. In the course of a working day the average general practitioner wig engage in
a number of legal tasks, each involving different legal doctrines, legal skills,
legal processes, legal institutions, clients, and other interested parties. Even
MR. FOZ. Yes, Mr. Presiding Officer.
the increasing numbers of lawyers in specialized practice wig usually perform
at least some legal services outside their specialty. And even within a narrow
MR. OPLE. Is he, in effect, saying that service in the COA by a specialty such as tax practice, a lawyer will shift from one legal task or role
lawyer is equivalent to the requirement of a law practice that is such as advice-giving to an importantly different one such as representing a
set forth in the Article on the Commission on Audit? client before an administrative agency. (Wolfram, supra, p. 687).

MR. FOZ. We must consider the fact that the work of COA, By no means will most of this work involve litigation, unless the lawyer is one
although it is auditing, will necessarily involve legal work; it will of the relatively rare types — a litigator who specializes in this work to the
involve legal work. And, therefore, lawyers who are employed in exclusion of much else. Instead, the work will require the lawyer to have
COA now would have the necessary qualifications in accordance mastered the full range of traditional lawyer skills of client counselling,
with the Provision on qualifications under our provisions on the advice-giving, document drafting, and negotiation. And increasingly lawyers
Commission on Audit. And, therefore, the answer is yes. find that the new skills of evaluation and mediation are both effective for
many clients and a source of employment. (Ibid.).
MR. OPLE. Yes. So that the construction given to this is that this is
equivalent to the practice of law. Most lawyers will engage in non-litigation legal work or in litigation work that
is constrained in very important ways, at least theoretically, so as to remove
MR. FOZ. Yes, Mr. Presiding Officer. from it some of the salient features of adversarial litigation. Of these special
roles, the most prominent is that of prosecutor. In some lawyers' work the
constraints are imposed both by the nature of the client and by the way in
MR. OPLE. Thank you. which the lawyer is organized into a social unit to perform that work. The
most common of these roles are those of corporate practice and government
... ( Emphasis supplied) legal service. (Ibid.).

Section 1(1), Article IX-D of the 1987 Constitution, provides, among others, In several issues of the Business Star, a business daily, herein below quoted
that the Chairman and two Commissioners of the Commission on Audit (COA) are emerging trends in corporate law practice, a departure from the
should either be certified public accountants with not less than ten years of traditional concept of practice of law.
auditing practice, or members of the Philippine Bar who have been engaged
in the practice of law for at least ten years. (emphasis supplied) We are experiencing today what truly may be called a
revolutionary transformation in corporate law practice. Lawyers
Corollary to this is the term "private practitioner" and which is in many ways and other professional groups, in particular those members
synonymous with the word "lawyer." Today, although many lawyers do not participating in various legal-policy decisional contexts, are finding
engage in private practice, it is still a fact that the majority of lawyers are that understanding the major emerging trends in corporation law
private practitioners. (Gary Munneke, Opportunities in Law Careers [VGM is indispensable to intelligent decision-making.
Career Horizons: Illinois], [1986], p. 15).
Constructive adjustment to major corporate problems of today
At this point, it might be helpful to define private practice. The term, as requires an accurate understanding of the nature and implications
commonly understood, means "an individual or organization engaged in the of the corporate law research function accompanied by an
business of delivering legal services." (Ibid.). Lawyers who practice alone are accelerating rate of information accumulation. The recognition of
often called "sole practitioners." Groups of lawyers are called "firms." The the need for such improved corporate legal policy formulation,
firm is usually a partnership and members of the firm are the partners. Some particularly "model-making" and "contingency planning," has
firms may be organized as professional corporations and the members called impressed upon us the inadequacy of traditional procedures in
shareholders. In either case, the members of the firm are the experienced many decisional contexts.
attorneys. In most firms, there are younger or more inexperienced salaried
attorneyscalled "associates." (Ibid.). In a complex legal problem the mass of information to be
processed, the sorting and weighing of significant conditional
The test that defines law practice by looking to traditional areas of law factors, the appraisal of major trends, the necessity of estimating
practice is essentially tautologous, unhelpful defining the practice of law as the consequences of given courses of action, and the need for fast
that which lawyers do. (Charles W. Wolfram, Modern Legal Ethics [West decision and response in situations of acute danger have
Publishing Co.: Minnesota, 1986], p. 593). The practice of law is defined as prompted the use of sophisticated concepts of information flow
the performance of any acts . . . in or out of court, commonly understood to theory, operational analysis, automatic data processing, and
be the practice of law. (State Bar Ass'n v. Connecticut Bank & Trust Co., 145 electronic computing equipment. Understandably, an improved
Conn. 222, 140 A.2d 863, 870 [1958] [quoting Grievance Comm. v. Payne, 128 decisional structure must stress the predictive component of the
Conn. 325, 22 A.2d 623, 626 [1941]). Because lawyers perform almost every policy-making process, wherein a "model", of the decisional
function known in the commercial and governmental realm, such a definition context or a segment thereof is developed to test projected
would obviously be too global to be workable.(Wolfram, op. cit.). alternative courses of action in terms of futuristic effects flowing
The appearance of a lawyer in litigation in behalf of a client is at once the
most publicly familiar role for lawyers as well as an uncommon role for the Although members of the legal profession are regularly engaged
average lawyer. Most lawyers spend little time in courtrooms, and a large in predicting and projecting the trends of the law, the subject of
percentage spend their entire practice without litigating a case. (Ibid., p. corporate finance law has received relatively little organized and
593). Nonetheless, many lawyers do continue to litigate and the litigating formalized attention in the philosophy of advancing corporate
lawyer's role colors much of both the public image and the self perception of legal education. Nonetheless, a cross-disciplinary approach to
the legal profession. (Ibid.). legal research has become a vital necessity.

In this regard thus, the dominance of litigation in the public mind reflects Certainly, the general orientation for productive contributions by
history, not reality. (Ibid.). Why is this so? Recall that the late Alexander those trained primarily in the law can be improved through an
SyCip, a corporate lawyer, once articulated on the importance of a lawyer as early introduction to multi-variable decisional context and the
a business counselor in this wise: "Even today, there are still uninformed various approaches for handling such problems. Lawyers,
laymen whose concept of an attorney is one who principally tries cases particularly with either a master's or doctorate degree in business
before the courts. The members of the bench and bar and the informed administration or management, functioning at the legal policy
laymen such as businessmen, know that in most developed societies today, level of decision-making now have some appreciation for the
substantially more legal work is transacted in law offices than in the concepts and analytical techniques of other professions which are
courtrooms. General practitioners of law who do both litigation and non- currently engaged in similar types of complex decision-making.
litigation work also know that in most cases they find themselves spending
more time doing what [is] loosely desccribe[d] as business counseling than in Truth to tell, many situations involving corporate finance
trying cases. The business lawyer has been described as the planner, the problems would require the services of an astute attorney
diagnostician and the trial lawyer, the surgeon. I[t] need not [be] stress[ed] because of the complex legal implications that arise from each
that in law, as in medicine, surgery should be avoided where internal and every necessary step in securing and maintaining the business
medicine can be effective." (Business Star, "Corporate Finance Law," Jan. 11, issue raised. (Business Star, "Corporate Finance Law," Jan. 11,
1989, p. 4). 1989, p. 4).

In our litigation-prone country, a corporate lawyer is assiduously Also, the nature of the lawyer's participation in decision-making
referred to as the "abogado de campanilla." He is the "big-time" within the corporation is rapidly changing. The modem corporate
lawyer, earning big money and with a clientele composed of the lawyer has gained a new role as a stakeholder — in some cases
tycoons and magnates of business and industry. participating in the organization and operations of governance
through participation on boards and other decision-making roles.
Often these new patterns develop alongside existing legal
Despite the growing number of corporate lawyers, many people
institutions and laws are perceived as barriers. These trends are
could not explain what it is that a corporate lawyer does. For one,
complicated as corporations organize for global operations.
the number of attorneys employed by a single corporation will
( Emphasis supplied)
vary with the size and type of the corporation. Many smaller and
some large corporations farm out all their legal problems to
private law firms. Many others have in-house counsel only for The practising lawyer of today is familiar as well with
certain matters. Other corporation have a staff large enough to governmental policies toward the promotion and management of
handle most legal problems in-house. technology. New collaborative arrangements for promoting
specific technologies or competitiveness more generally require
approaches from industry that differ from older, more adversarial
A corporate lawyer, for all intents and purposes, is a lawyer who
relationships and traditional forms of seeking to influence
handles the legal affairs of a corporation. His areas of concern or
governmental policies. And there are lessons to be learned from
jurisdiction may include, inter alia: corporate legal research, tax
other countries. In Europe, Esprit, Eureka and Race are examples
laws research, acting out as corporate secretary (in board
of collaborative efforts between governmental and business
meetings), appearances in both courts and other adjudicatory
Japan's MITI is world famous. (Emphasis supplied)
agencies (including the Securities and Exchange Commission), and
in other capacities which require an ability to deal with the law.
Following the concept of boundary spanning, the office of the
Corporate Counsel comprises a distinct group within the
At any rate, a corporate lawyer may assume responsibilities other
managerial structure of all kinds of organizations. Effectiveness of
than the legal affairs of the business of the corporation he is
both long-term and temporary groups within organizations has
representing. These include such matters as determining policy
been found to be related to indentifiable factors in the group-
and becoming involved in management. ( Emphasis supplied.)
context interaction such as the groups actively revising their
knowledge of the environment coordinating work with outsiders,
In a big company, for example, one may have a feeling of being promoting team achievements within the organization. In general,
isolated from the action, or not understanding how one's work such external activities are better predictors of team performance
actually fits into the work of the orgarnization. This can be than internal group processes.
frustrating to someone who needs to see the results of his work
first hand. In short, a corporate lawyer is sometimes offered this
In a crisis situation, the legal managerial capabilities of the
fortune to be more closely involved in the running of the business.
corporate lawyer vis-a-vis the managerial mettle of corporations
are challenged. Current research is seeking ways both to
Moreover, a corporate lawyer's services may sometimes be anticipate effective managerial procedures and to understand
engaged by a multinational corporation (MNC). Some large MNCs relationships of financial liability and insurance considerations.
provide one of the few opportunities available to corporate (Emphasis supplied)
lawyers to enter the international law field. After all, international
law is practiced in a relatively small number of companies and law
Regarding the skills to apply by the corporate counsel, three
firms. Because working in a foreign country is perceived by many
factors are apropos:
as glamorous, tills is an area coveted by corporate lawyers. In
most cases, however, the overseas jobs go to experienced
attorneys while the younger attorneys do their "international First System Dynamics. The field of systems dynamics has been
practice" in law libraries. (Business Star, "Corporate Law Practice," found an effective tool for new managerial thinking regarding
May 25,1990, p. 4). both planning and pressing immediate problems. An
understanding of the role of feedback loops, inventory levels, and
rates of flow, enable users to simulate all sorts of systematic
This brings us to the inevitable, i.e., the role of the lawyer in the
problems — physical, economic, managerial, social, and
realm of finance. To borrow the lines of Harvard-educated lawyer
psychological. New programming techniques now make the
Bruce Wassertein, to wit: "A bad lawyer is one who fails to spot
system dynamics principles more accessible to managers —
problems, a good lawyer is one who perceives the difficulties, and
including corporate counsels. (Emphasis supplied)
the excellent lawyer is one who surmounts them." (Business Star,
"Corporate Finance Law," Jan. 11, 1989, p. 4).
Second Decision Analysis. This enables users to make better
decisions involving complexity and uncertainty. In the context of a
Today, the study of corporate law practice direly needs a "shot in
law department, it can be used to appraise the settlement value of
the arm," so to speak. No longer are we talking of the traditional
litigation, aid in negotiation settlement, and minimize the cost and
law teaching method of confining the subject study to the
risk involved in managing a portfolio of cases. (Emphasis supplied)
Corporation Code and the Securities Code but an incursion as well
into the intertwining modern management issues.
Third Modeling for Negotiation Management. Computer-based
models can be used directly by parties and mediators in all lands
Such corporate legal management issues deal primarily with three
of negotiations. All integrated set of such tools provide coherent
(3) types of learning: (1) acquisition of insights into current
and effective negotiation support, including hands-on on
advances which are of particular significance to the corporate
instruction in these techniques. A simulation case of an
counsel; (2) an introduction to usable disciplinary skins applicable
international joint venture may be used to illustrate the point.
to a corporate counsel's management responsibilities; and (3) a
devotion to the organization and management of the legal
function itself. [Be this as it may,] the organization and management of the legal
function, concern three pointed areas of consideration, thus:
These three subject areas may be thought of as intersecting
circles, with a shared area linking them. Otherwise known as Preventive Lawyering. Planning by lawyers requires special skills
"intersecting managerial jurisprudence," it forms a unifying theme that comprise a major part of the general counsel's
for the corporate counsel's total learning. responsibilities. They differ from those of remedial law. Preventive
lawyering is concerned with minimizing the risks of legal trouble
and maximizing legal rights for such legal entities at that time
Some current advances in behavior and policy sciences affect the
when transactional or similar facts are being considered and
counsel's role. For that matter, the corporate lawyer reviews the
globalization process, including the resulting strategic
repositioning that the firms he provides counsel for are required
to make, and the need to think about a corporation's; strategy at
multiple levels. The salience of the nation-state is being reduced
as firms deal both with global multinational entities and
simultaneously with sub-national governmental units. Firms
increasingly collaborate not only with public entities but with each
other — often with those who are competitors in other arenas.

Managerial Jurisprudence. This is the framework within which are Accountability of Public Officers, for which he was cited by the President of
undertaken those activities of the firm to which legal the Commission, Justice Cecilia Muñoz-Palma for "innumerable amendments
consequences attach. It needs to be directly supportive of this to reconcile government functions with individual freedoms and public
nation's evolving economic and organizational fabric as firms accountability and the party-list system for the House of Representative. (pp.
change to stay competitive in a global, interdependent 128-129 Rollo) ( Emphasis supplied)
environment. The practice and theory of "law" is not adequate
today to facilitate the relationships needed in trying to make a
Just a word about the work of a negotiating team of which Atty. Monsod
global economy work.
used to be a member.

Organization and Functioning of the Corporate Counsel's Office.

In a loan agreement, for instance, a negotiating panel acts as a
The general counsel has emerged in the last decade as one of the
team, and which is adequately constituted to meet the various
most vibrant subsets of the legal profession. The corporate
contingencies that arise during a negotiation. Besides top officials
counsel hear responsibility for key aspects of the firm's strategic
of the Borrower concerned, there are the legal officer (such as the
issues, including structuring its global operations, managing
legal counsel), the finance manager, and an operations
improved relationships with an increasingly diversified body of
officer (such as an official involved in negotiating the contracts)
employees, managing expanded liability exposure, creating new
who comprise the members of the team. (Guillermo V. Soliven,
and varied interactions with public decision-makers, coping
"Loan Negotiating Strategies for Developing Country Borrowers,"
internally with more complex make or by decisions.
Staff Paper No. 2, Central Bank of the Philippines, Manila, 1982, p.
11). (Emphasis supplied)
This whole exercise drives home the thesis that knowing
corporate law is not enough to make one a good general
After a fashion, the loan agreement is like a country's
corporate counsel nor to give him a full sense of how the legal
Constitution; it lays down the law as far as the loan transaction is
system shapes corporate activities. And even if the corporate
concerned. Thus, the meat of any Loan Agreement can be
lawyer's aim is not the understand all of the law's effects on
compartmentalized into five (5) fundamental parts: (1) business
corporate activities, he must, at the very least, also gain a working
terms; (2) borrower's representation; (3) conditions of closing; (4)
knowledge of the management issues if only to be able to grasp
covenants; and (5) events of default. (Ibid., p. 13).
not only the basic legal "constitution' or makeup of the modem
corporation. "Business Star", "The Corporate Counsel," April 10,
1991, p. 4). In the same vein, lawyers play an important role in any debt
restructuring program. For aside from performing the tasks of
legislative drafting and legal advising, they score national
The challenge for lawyers (both of the bar and the bench) is to
development policies as key factors in maintaining their countries'
have more than a passing knowledge of financial law affecting
sovereignty. (Condensed from the work paper, entitled "Wanted:
each aspect of their work. Yet, many would admit to ignorance of
Development Lawyers for Developing Nations," submitted by L.
vast tracts of the financial law territory. What transpires next is a
Michael Hager, regional legal adviser of the United States Agency
dilemma of professional security: Will the lawyer admit ignorance
for International Development, during the Session on Law for the
and risk opprobrium?; or will he feign understanding and risk
Development of Nations at the Abidjan World Conference in Ivory
exposure? (Business Star, "Corporate Finance law," Jan. 11, 1989,
Coast, sponsored by the World Peace Through Law Center on
p. 4).
August 26-31, 1973). ( Emphasis supplied)

Respondent Christian Monsod was nominated by President Corazon C.

Loan concessions and compromises, perhaps even more so than
Aquino to the position of Chairman of the COMELEC in a letter received by
purely renegotiation policies, demand expertise in the law of
the Secretariat of the Commission on Appointments on April 25, 1991.
contracts, in legislation and agreement drafting and in
Petitioner opposed the nomination because allegedly Monsod does not
renegotiation. Necessarily, a sovereign lawyer may work with an
possess the required qualification of having been engaged in the practice of
international business specialist or an economist in the
law for at least ten years.
formulation of a model loan agreement. Debt restructuring
contract agreements contain such a mixture of technical language
On June 5, 1991, the Commission on Appointments confirmed the that they should be carefully drafted and signed only with the
nomination of Monsod as Chairman of the COMELEC. On June 18, 1991, he advise of competent counsel in conjunction with the guidance of
took his oath of office. On the same day, he assumed office as Chairman of adequate technical support personnel. (See International Law
the COMELEC. Aspects of the Philippine External Debts, an unpublished
dissertation, U.S.T. Graduate School of Law, 1987, p. 321).
( Emphasis supplied)
Challenging the validity of the confirmation by the Commission on
Appointments of Monsod's nomination, petitioner as a citizen and taxpayer,
filed the instant petition for certiorari and Prohibition praying that said A critical aspect of sovereign debt restructuring/contract
confirmation and the consequent appointment of Monsod as Chairman of construction is the set of terms and conditions which determines
the Commission on Elections be declared null and void. the contractual remedies for a failure to perform one or more
elements of the contract. A good agreement must not only define
the responsibilities of both parties, but must also state the
Atty. Christian Monsod is a member of the Philippine Bar, having passed the
recourse open to either party when the other fails to discharge an
bar examinations of 1960 with a grade of 86-55%. He has been a dues paying
obligation. For a compleat debt restructuring represents a
member of the Integrated Bar of the Philippines since its inception in 1972-
devotion to that principle which in the ultimate analysis is sine
73. He has also been paying his professional license fees as lawyer for more
qua non for foreign loan agreements-an adherence to the rule of
than ten years. (p. 124, Rollo)
law in domestic and international affairs of whose kind U.S.
Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. once said: "They
After graduating from the College of Law (U.P.) and having hurdled the carry no banners, they beat no drums; but where they are, men
bar, Atty. Monsod worked in the law office of his father. During his stint in the learn that bustle and bush are not the equal of quiet genius and
World Bank Group (1963-1970), Monsod worked as an operations officer for serene mastery." (See Ricardo J. Romulo, "The Role of Lawyers in
about two years in Costa Rica and Panama, which involved getting Foreign Investments," Integrated Bar of the Philippine Journal,
acquainted with the laws of member-countries negotiating loans and Vol. 15, Nos. 3 and 4, Third and Fourth Quarters, 1977, p. 265).
coordinating legal, economic, and project work of the Bank. Upon returning
to the Philippines in 1970, he worked with the Meralco Group, served as chief
Interpreted in the light of the various definitions of the term Practice of law".
executive officer of an investment bank and subsequently of a business
particularly the modern concept of law practice, and taking into
conglomerate, and since 1986, has rendered services to various companies as
consideration the liberal construction intended by the framers of the
a legal and economic consultant or chief executive officer. As former
Constitution, Atty. Monsod's past work experiences as a lawyer-economist, a
Secretary-General (1986) and National Chairman (1987) of NAMFREL.
lawyer-manager, a lawyer-entrepreneur of industry, a lawyer-negotiator of
Monsod's work involved being knowledgeable in election law. He appeared
contracts, and a lawyer-legislator of both the rich and the poor — verily more
for NAMFREL in its accreditation hearings before the Comelec. In the field of
than satisfy the constitutional requirement — that he has been engaged in
advocacy, Monsod, in his personal capacity and as former Co-Chairman of
the practice of law for at least ten years.
the Bishops Businessmen's Conference for Human Development, has worked
with the under privileged sectors, such as the farmer and urban poor groups,
in initiating, lobbying for and engaging in affirmative action for the agrarian Besides in the leading case of Luego v. Civil Service Commission, 143 SCRA
reform law and lately the urban land reform bill. Monsod also made use of 327, the Court said:
his legal knowledge as a member of the Davide Commission, a quast judicial
body, which conducted numerous hearings (1990) and as a member of the
Constitutional Commission (1986-1987), and Chairman of its Committee on
Appointment is an essentially discretionary power and must be We now proceed:
performed by the officer in which it is vested according to his best
lights, the only condition being that the appointee should possess
The Commission on the basis of evidence submitted doling the public
the qualifications required by law. If he does, then the
hearings on Monsod's confirmation, implicitly determined that he possessed
appointment cannot be faulted on the ground that there are
the necessary qualifications as required by law. The judgment rendered by
others better qualified who should have been preferred. This is a
the Commission in the exercise of such an acknowledged power is beyond
political question involving considerations of wisdom which only
judicial interference except only upon a clear showing of a grave abuse of
the appointing authority can decide. (emphasis supplied)
discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction. (Art. VIII, Sec. 1
Constitution). Thus, only where such grave abuse of discretion is clearly
No less emphatic was the Court in the case of (Central Bank v. Civil Service shown shall the Court interfere with the Commission's judgment. In the
Commission, 171 SCRA 744) where it stated: instant case, there is no occasion for the exercise of the Court's corrective
power, since no abuse, much less a grave abuse of discretion, that would
amount to lack or excess of jurisdiction and would warrant the issuance of
It is well-settled that when the appointee is qualified, as in this
the writs prayed, for has been clearly shown.
case, and all the other legal requirements are satisfied, the
Commission has no alternative but to attest to the appointment in
accordance with the Civil Service Law. The Commission has no Additionally, consider the following:
authority to revoke an appointment on the ground that another
person is more qualified for a particular position. It also has no
(1) If the Commission on Appointments rejects a nominee by the
authority to direct the appointment of a substitute of its choice.
President, may the Supreme Court reverse the Commission, and
To do so would be an encroachment on the discretion vested upon
thus in effect confirm the appointment? Clearly, the answer is in
the appointing authority. An appointment is essentially within the
the negative.
discretionary power of whomsoever it is vested, subject to the only
condition that the appointee should possess the qualifications
required by law. ( Emphasis supplied) (2) In the same vein, may the Court reject the nominee, whom the
Commission has confirmed? The answer is likewise clear.
The appointing process in a regular appointment as in the case at bar,
consists of four (4) stages: (1) nomination; (2) confirmation by the (3) If the United States Senate (which is the confirming body in the
Commission on Appointments; (3) issuance of a commission (in the U.S. Congress) decides to confirm a Presidential nominee, it would
Philippines, upon submission by the Commission on Appointments of its be incredible that the U.S. Supreme Court would still reverse the
certificate of confirmation, the President issues the permanent appointment; U.S. Senate.
and (4) acceptance e.g., oath-taking, posting of bond, etc. . . . (Lacson v.
Romero, No. L-3081, October 14, 1949; Gonzales, Law on Public Officers, p. Finally, one significant legal maxim is:

We must interpret not by the letter that killeth, but by the spirit
The power of the Commission on Appointments to give its consent to the that giveth life.
nomination of Monsod as Chairman of the Commission on Elections is
mandated by Section 1(2) Sub-Article C, Article IX of the Constitution which
provides: Take this hypothetical case of Samson and Delilah. Once, the procurator of
Judea asked Delilah (who was Samson's beloved) for help in capturing
Samson. Delilah agreed on condition that —
The Chairman and the Commisioners shall be appointed by the
President with the consent of the Commission on Appointments
for a term of seven years without reappointment. Of those first No blade shall touch his skin;
appointed, three Members shall hold office for seven years, two
Members for five years, and the last Members for three years, No blood shall flow from his veins.
without reappointment. Appointment to any vacancy shall be only
for the unexpired term of the predecessor. In no case shall any
Member be appointed or designated in a temporary or acting When Samson (his long hair cut by Delilah) was captured, the procurator
capacity. placed an iron rod burning white-hot two or three inches away from in front
of Samson's eyes. This blinded the man. Upon hearing of what had happened
to her beloved, Delilah was beside herself with anger, and fuming with
Anent Justice Teodoro Padilla's separate opinion, suffice it to say righteous fury, accused the procurator of reneging on his word. The
that his definition of the practice of law is the traditional or procurator calmly replied: "Did any blade touch his skin? Did any blood flow
stereotyped notion of law practice, as distinguished from the from his veins?" The procurator was clearly relying on the letter, not the
modern concept of the practice of law, which modern connotation spirit of the agreement.
is exactly what was intended by the eminent framers of the 1987
Constitution. Moreover, Justice Padilla's definition would require
generally a habitual law practice, perhaps practised two or three In view of the foregoing, this petition is hereby DISMISSED.
times a week and would outlaw say, law practice once or twice a
year for ten consecutive years. Clearly, this is far from the SO ORDERED.
constitutional intent.
Fernan, C.J., Griño-Aquino and Medialdea, JJ., concur.
Upon the other hand, the separate opinion of Justice Isagani Cruz states that Feliciano, J., I certify that he voted to dismiss the petition. (Fernan, C.J.)
in my written opinion, I made use of a definition of law practice which really
means nothing because the definition says that law practice " . . . is what
Sarmiento, J., is on leave.
people ordinarily mean by the practice of law." True I cited the definition but
only by way of sarcasm as evident from my statement that the definition of
law practice by "traditional areas of law practice is essentially tautologous" or Regalado, and Davide, Jr., J., took no part.
defining a phrase by means of the phrase itself that is being defined.
Justice Cruz goes on to say in substance that since the law covers almost all
situations, most individuals, in making use of the law, or in advising others on Bar Matter No. 553 June 17, 1993
what the law means, are actually practicing law. In that sense, perhaps, but
we should not lose sight of the fact that Mr. Monsod is a lawyer, a member
of the Philippine Bar, who has been practising law for over ten years. This is MAURICIO C. ULEP, petitioner,
different from the acts of persons practising law, without first becoming vs.
lawyers. THE LEGAL CLINIC, INC., respondent.

Justice Cruz also says that the Supreme Court can even disqualify an elected R E SO L U T I O N
President of the Philippines, say, on the ground that he lacks one or more
qualifications. This matter, I greatly doubt. For one thing, how can an action
or petition be brought against the President? And even assuming that he is
indeed disqualified, how can the action be entertained since he is the
incumbent President? REGALADO, J.:

Petitioner prays this Court "to order the respondent to cease and desist from xxx xxx xxx
issuing advertisements similar to or of the same tenor as that of annexes "A"
and "B" (of said petition) and to perpetually prohibit persons or entities from
Notwithstanding the subtle manner by which
making advertisements pertaining to the exercise of the law profession other
respondent endeavored to distinguish the two
than those allowed by law."
terms, i.e., "legal support services" vis-a-vis "legal
services", common sense would readily dictate that the
The advertisements complained of by herein petitioner are as follows: same are essentially without substantial distinction.
For who could deny that document search, evidence
gathering, assistance to layman in need of basic
Annex A
institutional services from government or non-
government agencies like birth, marriage, property, or
SECRET MARRIAGE? business registration, obtaining documents like
P560.00 for a valid marriage. clearance, passports, local or foreign visas, constitutes
Info on DIVORCE. ABSENCE. practice of law?
xxx xxx xxx
THE Please call: 521-0767 LEGAL 5217232, 5222041
CLINIC, INC. 8:30 am— 6:00 pm 7-Flr. Victoria Bldg., UN
The Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP) does not
Ave., Mla.
wish to make issue with respondent's foreign citations.
Suffice it to state that the IBP has made its position
Annex B manifest, to wit, that it strongly opposes the view
espoused by respondent (to the effect that today it is
GUAM DIVORCE. alright to advertise one's legal services).

DON PARKINSON The IBP accordingly declares in no uncertain terms its

opposition to respondent's act of establishing a "legal
clinic" and of concomitantly advertising the same
an Attorney in Guam, is giving FREE BOOKS on Guam through newspaper publications.
Divorce through The Legal Clinic beginning Monday to
Friday during office hours.
The IBP would therefore invoke the administrative
supervision of this Honorable Court to perpetually
Guam divorce. Annulment of Marriage. Immigration restrain respondent from undertaking highly unethical
Problems, Visa Ext. Quota/Non-quota Res. & Special activities in the field of law practice as aforedescribed.4
Retiree's Visa. Declaration of Absence. Remarriage to
Filipina Fiancees. Adoption. Investment in the Phil.
US/Foreign Visa for Filipina Spouse/Children. Call xxx xxx xxx
A. The use of the name "The Legal Clinic, Inc." gives the
THE 7F Victoria Bldg. 429 UN Ave., LEGAL Ermita, impression that respondent corporation is being
Manila nr. US Embassy CLINIC, INC.1 Tel. 521-7232; operated by lawyers and that it renders legal services.
521-7251; 522-2041; 521-0767
While the respondent repeatedly denies that it offers
It is the submission of petitioner that the advertisements above reproduced legal services to the public, the advertisements in
are champterous, unethical, demeaning of the law profession, and question give the impression that respondent is
destructive of the confidence of the community in the integrity of the offering legal services. The Petition in fact simply
members of the bar and that, as a member of the legal profession, he is assumes this to be so, as earlier mentioned, apparently
ashamed and offended by the said advertisements, hence the reliefs sought because this (is) the effect that the advertisements
in his petition as hereinbefore quoted. have on the reading public.

In its answer to the petition, respondent admits the fact of publication of said The impression created by the advertisements in
advertisement at its instance, but claims that it is not engaged in the practice question can be traced, first of all, to the very name
of law but in the rendering of "legal support services" through paralegals being used by respondent — "The Legal Clinic, Inc."
with the use of modern computers and electronic machines. Respondent Such a name, it is respectfully submitted connotes the
further argues that assuming that the services advertised are legal services, rendering of legal services for legal problems, just like a
the act of advertising these services should be allowed supposedly medical clinic connotes medical services for medical
in the light of the case of John R. Bates and Van O'Steen vs. State Bar of problems. More importantly, the term "Legal Clinic"
Arizona,2 reportedly decided by the United States Supreme Court on June 7, connotes lawyers, as the term medical clinic connotes
1977. doctors.

Considering the critical implications on the legal profession of the issues Furthermore, the respondent's name, as published in
raised herein, we required the (1) Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP), (2) the advertisements subject of the present case,
Philippine Bar Association (PBA), (3) Philippine Lawyers' Association (PLA), (4) appears with (the) scale(s) of justice, which all the
U.P. Womens Lawyers' Circle (WILOCI), (5) Women Lawyers Association of more reinforces the impression that it is being
the Philippines (WLAP), and (6) Federacion International de Abogadas (FIDA) operated by members of the bar and that it offers legal
to submit their respective position papers on the controversy and, thereafter, services. In addition, the advertisements in question
their memoranda. 3 The said bar associations readily responded and appear with a picture and name of a person being
extended their valuable services and cooperation of which this Court takes represented as a lawyer from Guam, and this
note with appreciation and gratitude. practically removes whatever doubt may still remain as
to the nature of the service or services being offered.

The main issues posed for resolution before the Court are whether or not the
services offered by respondent, The Legal Clinic, Inc., as advertised by it It thus becomes irrelevant whether respondent is
constitutes practice of law and, in either case, whether the same can merely offering "legal support services" as claimed by
properly be the subject of the advertisements herein complained of. it, or whether it offers legal services as any lawyer
actively engaged in law practice does. And it becomes
unnecessary to make a distinction between "legal
Before proceeding with an in-depth analysis of the merits of this case, we services" and "legal support services," as the
deem it proper and enlightening to present hereunder excerpts from the respondent would have it. The advertisements in
respective position papers adopted by the aforementioned bar associations question leave no room for doubt in the minds of the
and the memoranda submitted by them on the issues involved in this bar reading public that legal services are being offered by
matter. lawyers, whether true or not.

1. Integrated Bar of the Philippines:

B. The advertisements in question are meant to induce impunity simply because the jurisdiction of Philippine
the performance of acts contrary to law, morals, public courts does not extend to the place where the crime is
order and public policy. committed.

It may be conceded that, as the respondent claims, the Even if it be assumed, arguendo, (that) the "legal
advertisements in question are only meant to inform support services" respondent offers do not constitute
the general public of the services being offered by it. legal services as commonly understood, the
Said advertisements, however, emphasize to Guam advertisements in question give the impression that
divorce, and any law student ought to know that under respondent corporation is being operated by lawyers
the Family Code, there is only one instance when a and that it offers legal services, as earlier discussed.
foreign divorce is recognized, and that is: Thus, the only logical consequence is that, in the eyes
of an ordinary newspaper reader, members of the bar
themselves are encouraging or inducing the
Article 26. . . .
performance of acts which are contrary to law, morals,
good customs and the public good, thereby destroying
Where a marriage between a and demeaning the integrity of the Bar.
Filipino citizen and a foreigner is
validly celebrated and a divorce
xxx xxx xxx
is thereafter validly obtained
abroad by the alien spouse
capacitating him or her to It is respectfully submitted that respondent should be
remarry, the Filipino spouse shall enjoined from causing the publication of the
have capacity to remarry under advertisements in question, or any other
Philippine Law. advertisements similar thereto. It is also submitted
that respondent should be prohibited from further
performing or offering some of the services it presently
It must not be forgotten, too, that the Family Code
offers, or, at the very least, from offering such services
(defines) a marriage as follows:
to the public in general.

Article 1. Marriage is special

The IBP is aware of the fact that providing
contract of permanent
computerized legal research, electronic data gathering,
union between a man and
storage and retrieval, standardized legal forms,
woman entered into accordance
investigators for gathering of evidence, and like
with law for the establishment of
services will greatly benefit the legal profession and
conjugal and family life. It is the
should not be stifled but instead encouraged.
foundation of the family and an
However, when the conduct of such business by non-
inviolable social
members of the Bar encroaches upon the practice of
institution whose nature,
law, there can be no choice but to prohibit such
consequences, and incidents are
governed by law and not subject
to stipulation, except that
marriage settlements may fix the Admittedly, many of the services involved in the case
property relation during the at bar can be better performed by specialists in other
marriage within the limits fields, such as computer experts, who by reason of
provided by this Code. their having devoted time and effort exclusively to
such field cannot fulfill the exacting requirements for
admission to the Bar. To prohibit them from
By simply reading the questioned advertisements, it is
"encroaching" upon the legal profession will deny the
obvious that the message being conveyed is that
profession of the great benefits and advantages of
Filipinos can avoid the legal consequences of a
modern technology. Indeed, a lawyer using a computer
marriage celebrated in accordance with our law, by
will be doing better than a lawyer using a typewriter,
simply going to Guam for a divorce. This is not only
even if both are (equal) in skill.
misleading, but encourages, or serves to induce,
violation of Philippine law. At the very least, this can be
considered "the dark side" of legal practice, where Both the Bench and the Bar, however, should be
certain defects in Philippine laws are exploited for the careful not to allow or tolerate the illegal practice of
sake of profit. At worst, this is outright malpractice. law in any form, not only for the protection of
members of the Bar but also, and more importantly,
for the protection of the public. Technological
Rule 1.02. — A lawyer shall not
development in the profession may be encouraged
counsel or abet activities aimed
without tolerating, but instead ensuring prevention of
at defiance of the law or at
illegal practice.
lessening confidence in the legal
There might be nothing objectionable if respondent is
allowed to perform all of its services, but only if such
In addition, it may also be relevant to point out that
services are made available exclusively to members of
advertisements such as that shown in Annex "A" of the
the Bench and Bar. Respondent would then be offering
Petition, which contains a cartoon of a motor vehicle
technical assistance, not legal services. Alternatively,
with the words "Just Married" on its bumper and
the more difficult task of carefully distinguishing
seems to address those planning a "secret marriage," if
between which service may be offered to the public in
not suggesting a "secret marriage," makes light of the
general and which should be made available
"special contract of permanent union," the inviolable
exclusively to members of the Bar may be undertaken.
social institution," which is how the Family Code
This, however, may require further proceedings
describes marriage, obviously to emphasize its sanctity
because of the factual considerations involved.
and inviolability. Worse, this particular advertisement
appears to encourage marriages celebrated in secrecy,
which is suggestive of immoral publication of It must be emphasized, however, that some of
applications for a marriage license. respondent's services ought to be prohibited outright,
such as acts which tend to suggest or induce
celebration abroad of marriages which are bigamous or
If the article "Rx for Legal Problems" is to be reviewed,
otherwise illegal and void under Philippine law. While
it can readily be concluded that the above impressions
respondent may not be prohibited from simply
one may gather from the advertisements in question
disseminating information regarding such matters, it
are accurate. The Sharon Cuneta-Gabby Concepcion
must be required to include, in the information given, a
example alone confirms what the advertisements
disclaimer that it is not authorized to practice law, that
suggest. Here it can be seen that criminal acts are
certain course of action may be illegal under Philippine
being encouraged or committed
law, that it is not authorized or capable of rendering a
(a bigamous marriage in Hong Kong or Las Vegas) with
legal opinion, that a lawyer should be consulted before
deciding on which course of action to take, and that it 3. The advertisements complained of are not only
cannot recommend any particular lawyer without unethical, but also misleading and patently immoral;
subjecting itself to possible sanctions for illegal practice and
of law.
4. The Honorable Supreme Court has the power to
If respondent is allowed to advertise, advertising supress and punish the Legal Clinic and its corporate
should be directed exclusively at members of the Bar, officers for its unauthorized practice of law and for its
with a clear and unmistakable disclaimer that it is not unethical, misleading and immoral advertising.
authorized to practice law or perform legal services.
xxx xxx xxx
The benefits of being assisted by paralegals cannot be
ignored. But nobody should be allowed to represent
Respondent posits that is it not engaged in the practice
himself as a "paralegal" for profit, without such term
of law. It claims that it merely renders "legal support
being clearly defined by rule or regulation, and without
services" to answers, litigants and the general public as
any adequate and effective means of regulating his
enunciated in the Primary Purpose Clause of its
activities. Also, law practice in a corporate form may
Article(s) of Incorporation. (See pages 2 to 5 of
prove to be advantageous to the legal profession, but
Respondent's Comment). But its advertised services, as
before allowance of such practice may be considered,
enumerated above, clearly and convincingly show that
the corporation's Article of Incorporation and By-laws
it is indeed engaged in law practice, albeit outside of
must conform to each and every provision of the Code
of Professional Responsibility and the Rules of Court.5

As advertised, it offers the general public its advisory

2. Philippine Bar Association:
services on Persons and Family Relations Law,
particularly regarding foreign divorces, annulment of
xxx xxx xxx. marriages, secret marriages, absence and adoption;
Immigration Laws, particularly on visa related
problems, immigration problems; the Investments Law
Respondent asserts that it "is not engaged in the
of the Philippines and such other related laws.
practice of law but engaged in giving legal support
services to lawyers and laymen, through experienced
paralegals, with the use of modern computers and Its advertised services unmistakably require the
electronic machines" (pars. 2 and 3, Comment). This is application of the aforesaid law, the legal principles
absurd. Unquestionably, respondent's acts of holding and procedures related thereto, the legal advices
out itself to the public under the trade name "The based thereon and which activities call for legal
Legal Clinic, Inc.," and soliciting employment for its training, knowledge and experience.
enumerated services fall within the realm of a practice
which thus yields itself to the regulatory powers of the
Applying the test laid down by the Court in the
Supreme Court. For respondent to say that it is merely
aforecited Agrava Case, the activities of respondent fall
engaged in paralegal work is to stretch credulity.
squarely and are embraced in what lawyers and
Respondent's own commercial advertisement which
laymen equally term as "the practice of law."7
announces a certain Atty. Don Parkinson to be handling
the fields of law belies its pretense. From all
indications, respondent "The Legal Clinic, Inc." is 4. U.P. Women Lawyers' Circle:
offering and rendering legal services through its
reserve of lawyers. It has been held that the practice of In resolving, the issues before this Honorable Court,
law is not limited to the conduct of cases in court, but paramount consideration should be given to the
includes drawing of deeds, incorporation, rendering protection of the general public from the danger of
opinions, and advising clients as to their legal right and being exploited by unqualified persons or entities who
then take them to an attorney and ask the latter to may be engaged in the practice of law.
look after their case in court See Martin, Legal and
Judicial Ethics, 1984 ed., p. 39).
At present, becoming a lawyer requires one to take a
rigorous four-year course of study on top of a four-year
It is apt to recall that only natural persons can engage bachelor of arts or sciences course and then to take
in the practice of law, and such limitation cannot be and pass the bar examinations. Only then, is a lawyer
evaded by a corporation employing competent lawyers qualified to practice law.
to practice for it. Obviously, this is the scheme or
device by which respondent "The Legal Clinic, Inc."
holds out itself to the public and solicits employment While the use of a paralegal is sanctioned in many
of its legal services. It is an odious vehicle for jurisdiction as an aid to the administration of justice,
deception, especially so when the public cannot there are in those jurisdictions, courses of study and/or
ventilate any grievance for malpractice against the standards which would qualify these paralegals to deal
business conduit. Precisely, the limitation of practice of with the general public as such. While it may now be
law to persons who have been duly admitted as the opportune time to establish these courses of study
members of the Bar (Sec. 1, Rule 138, Revised Rules of and/or standards, the fact remains that at present,
Court) is to subject the members to the discipline of these do not exist in the Philippines. In the meantime,
the Supreme Court. Although respondent uses this Honorable Court may decide to make measures to
its business name, the persons and the lawyers who act protect the general public from being exploited by
for it are subject to court discipline. The practice of law those who may be dealing with the general public in
is not a profession open to all who wish to engage in it the guise of being "paralegals" without being qualified
nor can it be assigned to another (See 5 Am. Jur. 270). to do so.
It is a personal right limited to persons who have
qualified themselves under the law. It follows that not In the same manner, the general public should also be
only respondent but also all the persons who are acting protected from the dangers which may be brought
for respondent are the persons engaged in unethical about by advertising of legal services. While it appears
law practice.6 that lawyers are prohibited under the present Code of
Professional Responsibility from advertising, it appears
3. Philippine Lawyers' Association: in the instant case that legal services are being
advertised not by lawyers but by an entity staffed by
"paralegals." Clearly, measures should be taken to
The Philippine Lawyers' Association's position, in protect the general public from falling prey to those
answer to the issues stated herein, are wit: who advertise legal services without being qualified to
offer such services. 8
1. The Legal Clinic is engaged in the practice of law;
A perusal of the questioned advertisements of
2. Such practice is unauthorized; Respondent, however, seems to give the impression

that information regarding validity of marriages, not unlawfully practicing law. In the same vein,
divorce, annulment of marriage, immigration, visa however, the fact that the business of respondent
extensions, declaration of absence, adoption and (assuming it can be engaged in independently of the
foreign investment, which are in essence, legal matters practice of law) involves knowledge of the law does not
, will be given to them if they avail of its services. The necessarily make respondent guilty of unlawful
Respondent's name — The Legal Clinic, Inc. — does not practice of law.
help matters. It gives the impression again that
Respondent will or can cure the legal problems
. . . . Of necessity, no one . . . .
brought to them. Assuming that Respondent is, as
acting as a consultant can render
claimed, staffed purely by paralegals, it also gives the
effective service unless he is
misleading impression that there are lawyers involved
familiar with such statutes and
in The Legal Clinic, Inc., as there are doctors in any
regulations. He must be careful
medical clinic, when only "paralegals" are involved in
not to suggest a course of
The Legal Clinic, Inc.
conduct which the law forbids. It
seems . . . .clear that (the
Respondent's allegations are further belied by the very consultant's) knowledge of the
admissions of its President and majority stockholder, law, and his use of that
Atty. Nogales, who gave an insight on the structure and knowledge as a factor in
main purpose of Respondent corporation in the determining what measures he
aforementioned "Starweek" article."9 shall recommend, do not
constitute the practice of law . . .
. It is not only presumed that all
5. Women Lawyer's Association of the Philippines:
men know the law, but it is a fact
that most men have
Annexes "A" and "B" of the petition are clearly considerable acquaintance with
advertisements to solicit cases for the purpose of gain broad features of the law . . . .
which, as provided for under the above cited law, (are) Our knowledge of the law —
illegal and against the Code of Professional accurate or inaccurate — moulds
Responsibility of lawyers in this country. our conduct not only when we
are acting for ourselves, but
Annex "A" of the petition is not only illegal in that it is when we are serving others.
an advertisement to solicit cases, but it is illegal in that Bankers, liquor dealers and
in bold letters it announces that the Legal Clinic, Inc., laymen generally possess rather
could work out/cause the celebration of a secret precise knowledge of the laws
marriage which is not only illegal but immoral in this touching their particular
country. While it is advertised that one has to go to business or profession. A good
said agency and pay P560 for a valid marriage it is example is the architect, who
certainly fooling the public for valid marriages in the must be familiar with zoning,
Philippines are solemnized only by officers authorized building and fire prevention
to do so under the law. And to employ an agency for codes, factory and tenement
said purpose of contracting marriage is not necessary. house statutes, and who draws
plans and specification in
harmony with the law. This is not
No amount of reasoning that in the USA, Canada and practicing law.
other countries the trend is towards allowing lawyers
to advertise their special skills to enable people to
obtain from qualified practitioners legal services for But suppose the architect, asked
their particular needs can justify the use of by his client to omit a fire tower,
advertisements such as are the subject matter of the replies that it is required by the
petition, for one (cannot) justify an illegal act even by statute. Or the industrial
whatever merit the illegal act may serve. The law has relations expert cites, in support
yet to be amended so that such act could become of some measure that he
justifiable. recommends, a decision of the
National Labor Relations Board.
Are they practicing law? In my
We submit further that these advertisements that opinion, they are not, provided
seem to project that secret marriages and divorce are no separate fee is charged for
possible in this country for a fee, when in fact it is not the legal advice or information,
so, are highly reprehensible. and the legal question is
subordinate and incidental to a
It would encourage people to consult this clinic about major non-legal problem.
how they could go about having a secret marriage
here, when it cannot nor should ever be attempted, It is largely a matter of degree
and seek advice on divorce, where in this country there and of custom.
is none, except under the Code of Muslim Personal
Laws in the Philippines. It is also against good morals
and is deceitful because it falsely represents to the If it were usual for one intending
public to be able to do that which by our laws cannot to erect a building on his land to
be done (and) by our Code of Morals should not be engage a lawyer to advise him
done. and the architect in respect to
the building code and the like,
then an architect who performed
In the case (of) In re Taguda, 53 Phil. 37, the Supreme this function would probably be
Court held that solicitation for clients by an attorney by considered to be trespassing on
circulars of advertisements, is unprofessional, and territory reserved for licensed
offenses of this character justify permanent attorneys. Likewise, if the
elimination from the Bar. 10 industrial relations field had
been pre-empted by lawyers, or
6. Federacion Internacional de Abogados: custom placed a lawyer always
at the elbow of the lay personnel
man. But this is not the case. The
xxx xxx xxx most important body of the
industrial relations experts are
1.7 That entities admittedly not engaged in the practice the officers and business agents
of law, such as management consultancy firms or of the labor unions and few of
travel agencies, whether run by lawyers or not, them are lawyers. Among the
perform the services rendered by Respondent does not larger corporate employers, it
necessarily lead to the conclusion that Respondent is has been the practice for some
years to delegate special But if the value of the land
responsibility in employee depends on a disputed right-of-
matters to a management group way and the principal role of the
chosen for their practical negotiator is to assess the
knowledge and skill in such probable outcome of the dispute
matter, and without regard to and persuade the opposite party
legal thinking or lack of it. More to the same opinion, then it may
recently, consultants like the be that only a lawyer can accept
defendants have the same the assignment. Or if a
service that the larger employers controversy between an
get from their own specialized employer and his men grows
staff. from differing interpretations of
a contract, or of a statute, it is
quite likely that defendant
The handling of industrial
should not handle it. But I need
relations is growing into a
not reach a definite conclusion
recognized profession for which
here, since the situation is not
appropriate courses are offered
presented by the proofs.
by our leading universities. The
court should be very cautious
about declaring [that] a Defendant also appears to
widespread, well-established represent the employer before
method of conducting business administrative agencies of the
is unlawful, or that the federal government, especially
considerable class of men who before trial examiners of the
customarily perform a certain National Labor Relations Board.
function have no right to do so, An agency of the federal
or that the technical education government, acting by virtue of
given by our schools cannot be an authority granted by the
used by the graduates in their Congress, may regulate the
business. representation of parties before
such agency. The State of New
Jersey is without power to
In determining whether a man is
interfere with such
practicing law, we should
determination or to forbid
consider his work for any
representation before the
particular client or customer, as
agency by one whom the agency
a whole. I can imagine defendant
admits. The rules of the National
being engaged primarily to
Labor Relations Board give to a
advise as to the law defining his
party the right to appear in
client's obligations to his
person, or by counsel, or by
employees, to guide his client's
other representative. Rules and
obligations to his employees, to
Regulations, September 11th,
guide his client along the path
1946, S. 203.31. 'Counsel' here
charted by law. This, of course,
means a licensed attorney, and
would be the practice of the law.
ther representative' one not a
But such is not the fact in the
lawyer. In this phase of his work,
case before me. Defendant's
defendant may lawfully do
primarily efforts are along
whatever the Labor Board
economic and psychological
allows, even arguing questions
lines. The law only provides the
purely legal. (Auerbacher v.
frame within which he must
Wood, 53 A. 2d 800, cited in
work, just as the zoning code
Statsky, Introduction to
limits the kind of building the
Paralegalism [1974], at pp. 154-
limits the kind of building the
architect may plan. The
incidental legal advice or
information defendant may give, 1.8 From the foregoing, it can be said that a person
does not transform his activities engaged in a lawful calling (which may involve
into the practice of law. Let me knowledge of the law) is not engaged in the practice of
add that if, even as a minor law provided that:
feature of his work, he
performed services which are
(a) The legal question is subordinate and incidental to a
customarily reserved to
major non-legal problem;.
members of the bar, he would be
practicing law. For instance, if as
part of a welfare program, he (b) The services performed are not customarily
drew employees' wills. reserved to members of the bar; .

Another branch of defendant's (c) No separate fee is charged for the legal advice or
work is the representations of information.
the employer in the adjustment
of grievances and in collective All these must be considered in relation to the work for
bargaining, with or without a any particular client as a whole.
mediator. This is not per se the
practice of law. Anyone may use
an agent for negotiations and 1.9. If the person involved is both lawyer and non-
may select an agent particularly lawyer, the Code of Professional Responsibility
skilled in the subject under succintly states the rule of conduct:
discussion, and the person
appointed is free to accept the Rule 15.08 — A lawyer who is engaged in another
employment whether or not he profession or occupation concurrently with the
is a member of the bar. Here, practice of law shall make clear to his client whether
however, there may be an he is acting as a lawyer or in another capacity.
exception where the business
turns on a question of law. Most
real estate sales are negotiated 1.10. In the present case. the Legal Clinic appears to
by brokers who are not lawyers. render wedding services (See Annex "A" Petition).

Services on routine, straightforward marriages, like having an interest in any
securing a marriage license, and making arrangements publishing house publishing his
with a priest or a judge, may not constitute practice of manuscript on divorce and
law. However, if the problem is as complicated as that against his having any personal
described in "Rx for Legal Problems" on the Sharon contact with any prospective
Cuneta-Gabby Concepcion-Richard Gomez case, then purchaser. The record does fully
what may be involved is actually the practice of law. If support, however, the finding
a non-lawyer, such as the Legal Clinic, renders such that for the change of $75 or
services then it is engaged in the unauthorized practice $100 for the kit, the defendant
of law. gave legal advice in the course of
personal contacts concerning
particular problems which might
1.11. The Legal Clinic also appears to give information
arise in the preparation and
on divorce, absence, annulment of marriage and visas
presentation of the purchaser's
(See Annexes "A" and "B" Petition). Purely giving
asserted matrimonial cause of
informational materials may not constitute of law. The
action or pursuit of other legal
business is similar to that of a bookstore where the
remedies and assistance in the
customer buys materials on the subject and
preparation of necessary
determines on the subject and determines by himself
documents (The injunction
what courses of action to take.
therefore sought to) enjoin
conduct constituting the practice
It is not entirely improbable, however, that aside from of law, particularly with
purely giving information, the Legal Clinic's paralegals reference to the giving of advice
may apply the law to the particular problem of the and counsel by the defendant
client, and give legal advice. Such would constitute relating to specific problems of
unauthorized practice of law. particular individuals in
connection with a divorce,
It cannot be claimed that the separation, annulment of
publication of a legal text which separation agreement sought
publication of a legal text which and should be affirmed. (State v.
purports to say what the law is Winder, 348, NYS 2D 270 [1973],
amount to legal practice. And cited in Statsky, supra at p. 101.).
the mere fact that the principles
or rules stated in the text may be 1.12. Respondent, of course, states that its services are
accepted by a particular reader "strictly non-diagnostic, non-advisory. "It is not
as a solution to his problem does controverted, however, that if the services "involve
not affect this. . . . . Apparently it giving legal advice or counselling," such would
is urged that the conjoining of constitute practice of law (Comment, par. 6.2). It is in
these two, that is, the text and this light that FIDA submits that a factual inquiry may
the forms, with advice as to how be necessary for the judicious disposition of this case.
the forms should be filled out,
constitutes the unlawful practice
xxx xxx xxx
of law. But that is the situation
with many approved and
accepted texts. Dacey's book is 2.10. Annex "A" may be ethically objectionable in that
sold to the public at large. There it can give the impression (or perpetuate the wrong
is no personal contact or notion) that there is a secret marriage. With all the
relationship with a particular solemnities, formalities and other requisites of
individual. Nor does there exist marriages (See Articles 2, et seq., Family Code), no
that relation of confidence and Philippine marriage can be secret.
trust so necessary to the status
of attorney and client. THIS IS
2.11. Annex "B" may likewise be ethically
objectionable. The second paragraph thereof (which is
not necessarily related to the first paragraph) fails to
state the limitation that only "paralegal services?" or
"legal support services", and not legal services, are
available." 11
SITUATION. At most the book
assumes to offer general advice
on common problems, and does A prefatory discussion on the meaning of the phrase "practice of law"
not purport to give personal becomes exigent for the proper determination of the issues raised by the
advice on a specific problem petition at bar. On this score, we note that the clause "practice of law" has
peculiar to a designated or long been the subject of judicial construction and interpretation. The courts
readily identified person. have laid down general principles and doctrines explaining the meaning and
Similarly the defendant's scope of the term, some of which we now take into account.
publication does not purport to
give personal advice on a specific Practice of law means any activity, in or out of court, which requires the
problem peculiar to a designated application of law, legal procedures, knowledge, training and experience. To
or readily identified person in a engage in the practice of law is to perform those acts which are characteristic
particular situation — in their of the profession. Generally, to practice law is to give advice or render any
publication and sale of the kits, kind of service that involves legal knowledge or skill. 12
such publication and sale did not
constitutes the unlawful practice
of law . . . . There being no legal The practice of law is not limited to the conduct of cases in court. It includes
impediment under the statute to legal advice and counsel, and the preparation of legal instruments and
the sale of the kit, there was no contract by which legal rights are secured, although such matter may or may
proper basis for the injunction not be pending in a court. 13
against defendant maintaining
an office for the purpose of In the practice of his profession, a licensed attorney at law generally engages
selling to persons seeking a in three principal types of professional activity: legal advice and instructions
divorce, separation, annulment to clients to inform them of their rights and obligations, preparation for
or separation agreement any clients of documents requiring knowledge of legal principles not possessed
printed material or writings by ordinary layman, and appearance for clients before public tribunals which
relating to matrimonial law or possess power and authority to determine rights of life, liberty, and property
the prohibition in the according to law, in order to assist in proper interpretation and enforcement
memorandum of modification of of law. 14
the judgment against defendant

When a person participates in the a trial and advertises himself as a lawyer, adaptation to difficult and complex situations. These
he is in the practice of law. 15 One who confers with clients, advises them as customary functions of an attorney or counselor at law
to their legal rights and then takes the business to an attorney and asks the bear an intimate relation to the administration of
latter to look after the case in court, is also practicing law. 16 Giving advice for justice by the courts. No valid distinction, so far as
compensation regarding the legal status and rights of another and the concerns the question set forth in the order, can be
conduct with respect thereto constitutes a practice of law. 17 One who drawn between that part of the work of the lawyer
renders an opinion as to the proper interpretation of a statute, and receives which involves appearance in court and that part which
pay for it, is, to that extent, practicing law. 18 involves advice and drafting of instruments in his
office. It is of importance to the welfare of the public
that these manifold customary functions be performed
In the recent case of Cayetano vs. Monsod, 19 after citing the doctrines in
by persons possessed of adequate learning and skill, of
several cases, we laid down the test to determine whether certain acts
sound moral character, and acting at all times under
constitute "practice of law," thus:
the heavy trust obligations to clients which rests upon
all attorneys. (Moran, Comments on the Rules o Court,
Black defines "practice of law" as: Vol. 3 [1973 ed.], pp. 665-666, citing In Re Opinion of
the Justices [Mass], 194 N. E. 313, quoted in Rhode Is.
The rendition of services requiring the knowledge and Bar Assoc. v. Automobile Service Assoc. [R.I.] 197 A.
the application of legal principles and technique to 139, 144).
serve the interest of another with his consent. It is not
limited to appearing in court, or advising and assisting The practice of law, therefore, covers a wide range of activities in and out of
in the conduct of litigation, but embraces the court. Applying the aforementioned criteria to the case at bar, we agree with
preparation of pleadings, and other papers incident to the perceptive findings and observations of the aforestated bar associations
actions and special proceedings, conveyancing, the that the activities of respondent, as advertised, constitute "practice of law."
preparation of legal instruments of all kinds, and the
giving of all legal advice to clients. It embraces all
The contention of respondent that it merely offers legal support services can
advice to clients and all actions taken for them in
neither be seriously considered nor sustained. Said proposition is belied by
matters connected with the law.
respondent's own description of the services it has been offering, to wit:

The practice of law is not limited to the conduct of cases on court.(Land Title
Legal support services basically consists of giving ready
Abstract and Trust Co. v. Dworken , 129 Ohio St. 23, 193N. E. 650). A person
information by trained paralegals to laymen and
is also considered to be in the practice of law when he:
lawyers, which are strictly non-diagnostic, non-
advisory, through the extensive use of computers and
. . . . for valuable consideration engages in the business modern information technology in the gathering,
of advising person, firms, associations or corporations processing, storage, transmission and reproduction of
as to their right under the law, or appears in a information and communication, such as computerized
representative capacity as an advocate in proceedings, legal research; encoding and reproduction of
pending or prospective, before any court, documents and pleadings prepared by laymen or
commissioner, referee, board, body, committee, or lawyers; document search; evidence gathering;
commission constituted by law or authorized to settle locating parties or witnesses to a case; fact finding
controversies and there, in such representative investigations; and assistance to laymen in need of
capacity, performs any act or acts for the purpose of basic institutional services from government or non-
obtaining or defending the rights of their clients under government agencies, like birth, marriage, property, or
the law. Otherwise stated, one who, in a business registrations; educational or employment
representative capacity, engages in the business of records or certifications, obtaining documentation like
advising clients as to their rights under the law, or clearances, passports, local or foreign visas; giving
while so engaged performs any act or acts either in information about laws of other countries that they
court or outside of court for that purpose, is engaged may find useful, like foreign divorce, marriage or
in the practice of law. (State ex. rel. Mckittrick v. C.S. adoption laws that they can avail of preparatory to
Dudley and Co., 102 S. W. 2d 895, 340 Mo. 852). emigration to the foreign country, and other matters
that do not involve representation of clients in court;
This Court, in the case of Philippines Lawyers Association v. Agrava (105 Phil. designing and installing computer systems, programs,
173, 176-177),stated: or software for the efficient management of law
offices, corporate legal departments, courts and other
entities engaged in dispensing or administering legal
The practice of law is not limited to the conduct of services. 20
cases or litigation in court; it embraces the preparation
of pleadings and other papers incident to actions and
special proceedings, the management of such actions While some of the services being offered by respondent corporation merely
and proceedings on behalf of clients before judges and involve mechanical and technical knowhow, such as the installation of
courts, and in addition, conveying. In general, all advice computer systems and programs for the efficient management of law offices,
to clients, and all action taken for them in matters or the computerization of research aids and materials, these will not suffice
connected with the law incorporation services, to justify an exception to the general rule.
assessment and condemnation services contemplating
an appearance before a judicial body, the foreclosure What is palpably clear is that respondent corporation gives out legal
of a mortgage, enforcement of a creditor's claim in information to laymen and lawyers. Its contention that such function is non-
bankruptcy and insolvency proceedings, and advisory and non-diagnostic is more apparent than real. In providing
conducting proceedings in attachment, and in matters information, for example, about foreign laws on marriage, divorce and
or estate and guardianship have been held to adoption, it strains the credulity of this Court that all the respondent
constitute law practice, as do the preparation and corporation will simply do is look for the law, furnish a copy thereof to the
drafting of legal instruments, where the work done client, and stop there as if it were merely a bookstore. With its attorneys and
involves the determination by the trained legal mind of so called paralegals, it will necessarily have to explain to the client the
the legal effect of facts and conditions. (5 Am. Jr. p. intricacies of the law and advise him or her on the proper course of action to
262, 263). be taken as may be provided for by said law. That is what its advertisements
represent and for the which services it will consequently charge and be paid.
Practice of law under modern conditions consists in no That activity falls squarely within the jurisprudential definition of "practice of
small part of work performed outside of any court and law." Such a conclusion will not be altered by the fact that respondent
having no immediate relation to proceedings in court. corporation does not represent clients in court since law practice, as the
It embraces conveyancing, the giving of legal advice on weight of authority holds, is not limited merely giving legal advice, contract
a large variety of subjects and the preparation and drafting and so forth.
execution of legal instruments covering an extensive
field of business and trust relations and other affairs. The aforesaid conclusion is further strengthened by an article published in
Although these transactions may have no direct the January 13, 1991 issue of the Starweek/The Sunday Magazine of the
connection with court proceedings, they are always Philippines Star, entitled "Rx for Legal Problems," where an insight into the
subject to become involved in litigation. They require structure, main purpose and operations of respondent corporation was given
in many aspects a high degree of legal skill, a wide by its own "proprietor," Atty. Rogelio P. Nogales:
experience with men and affairs, and great capacity for
This is the kind of business that is transacted everyday also stress that the practice of law is limited to those who meet the
at The Legal Clinic, with offices on the seventh floor of requirements for, and have been admitted to, the bar, and various statutes
the Victoria Building along U. N. Avenue in Manila. No or rules specifically so provide. 25 The practice of law is not a lawful business
matter what the client's problem, and even if it is as except for members of the bar who have complied with all the conditions
complicated as the Cuneta-Concepcion domestic required by statute and the rules of court. Only those persons are allowed to
situation, Atty. Nogales and his staff of lawyers, who, practice law who, by reason of attainments previously acquired through
like doctors are "specialists" in various fields can take education and study, have been recognized by the courts as possessing
care of it. The Legal Clinic, Inc. has specialists in profound knowledge of legal science entitling them to advise, counsel with,
taxation and criminal law, medico-legal problems, protect, or defend the rights claims, or liabilities of their clients, with respect
labor, litigation, and family law. These specialist are to the construction, interpretation, operation and effect of law. 26 The
backed up by a battery of paralegals, counsellors and justification for excluding from the practice of law those not admitted to the
attorneys. bar is found, not in the protection of the bar from competition, but in the
protection of the public from being advised and represented in legal matters
by incompetent and unreliable persons over whom the judicial department
Atty. Nogales set up The Legal Clinic in 1984. Inspired
can exercise little control.27
by the trend in the medical field toward specialization,
it caters to clients who cannot afford the services of
the big law firms. We have to necessarily and definitely reject respondent's position that the
concept in the United States of paralegals as an occupation separate from
the law profession be adopted in this jurisdiction. Whatever may be its
The Legal Clinic has regular and walk-in clients. "when
merits, respondent cannot but be aware that this should first be a matter for
they come, we start by analyzing the problem. That's
judicial rules or legislative action, and not of unilateral adoption as it has
what doctors do also. They ask you how you
contracted what's bothering you, they take your
temperature, they observe you for the symptoms and
so on. That's how we operate, too. And once the Paralegals in the United States are trained professionals. As admitted by
problem has been categorized, then it's referred to one respondent, there are schools and universities there which offer studies and
of our specialists. degrees in paralegal education, while there are none in the Philippines. 28 As
the concept of the "paralegals" or "legal assistant" evolved in the United
States, standards and guidelines also evolved to protect the general public.
There are cases which do not, in medical terms, require
One of the major standards or guidelines was developed by the American Bar
surgery or follow-up treatment. These The Legal Clinic
Association which set up Guidelines for the Approval of Legal Assistant
disposes of in a matter of minutes. "Things like
Education Programs (1973). Legislation has even been proposed to certify
preparing a simple deed of sale or an affidavit of loss
legal assistants. There are also associations of paralegals in the United States
can be taken care of by our staff or, if this were a
with their own code of professional ethics, such as the National Association
hospital the residents or the interns. We can take care
of Legal Assistants, Inc. and the American Paralegal Association. 29
of these matters on a while you wait basis. Again, kung
baga sa hospital, out-patient, hindi kailangang ma-
confine. It's just like a common cold or diarrhea," In the Philippines, we still have a restricted concept and limited acceptance
explains Atty. Nogales. of what may be considered as paralegal service. As pointed out by FIDA,
some persons not duly licensed to practice law are or have been allowed
limited representation in behalf of another or to render legal services, but
Those cases which requires more extensive
such allowable services are limited in scope and extent by the law, rules or
"treatment" are dealt with accordingly. "If you had a
regulations granting permission therefor. 30
rich relative who died and named you her sole heir,
and you stand to inherit millions of pesos of property,
we would refer you to a specialist in taxation. There Accordingly, we have adopted the American judicial policy that, in the
would be real estate taxes and arrears which would absence of constitutional or statutory authority, a person who has not been
need to be put in order, and your relative is even taxed admitted as an attorney cannot practice law for the proper administration of
by the state for the right to transfer her property, and justice cannot be hindered by the unwarranted intrusion of an unauthorized
only a specialist in taxation would be properly trained and unskilled person into the practice of law. 31 That policy should continue
to deal with the problem. Now, if there were other to be one of encouraging persons who are unsure of their legal rights and
heirs contesting your rich relatives will, then you would remedies to seek legal assistance only from persons licensed to practice law
need a litigator, who knows how to arrange the in the state. 32
problem for presentation in court, and gather evidence
to support the case. 21
Anent the issue on the validity of the questioned advertisements, the Code of
Professional Responsibility provides that a lawyer in making known his legal
That fact that the corporation employs paralegals to carry out its services is services shall use only true, honest, fair, dignified and objective information
not controlling. What is important is that it is engaged in the practice of law or statement of facts. 33 He is not supposed to use or permit the use of any
by virtue of the nature of the services it renders which thereby brings it false, fraudulent, misleading, deceptive, undignified, self-laudatory or unfair
within the ambit of the statutory prohibitions against the advertisements statement or claim regarding his qualifications or legal services. 34 Nor shall
which it has caused to be published and are now assailed in this proceeding. he pay or give something of value to representatives of the mass media in
anticipation of, or in return for, publicity to attract legal business. 35 Prior to
the adoption of the code of Professional Responsibility, the Canons of
Further, as correctly and appropriately pointed out by the U.P. WILOCI, said
Professional Ethics had also warned that lawyers should not resort to indirect
reported facts sufficiently establish that the main purpose of respondent is to
advertisements for professional employment, such as furnishing or inspiring
serve as a one-stop-shop of sorts for various legal problems wherein a client
newspaper comments, or procuring his photograph to be published in
may avail of legal services from simple documentation to complex litigation
connection with causes in which the lawyer has been or is engaged or
and corporate undertakings. Most of these services are undoubtedly beyond
concerning the manner of their conduct, the magnitude of the interest
the domain of paralegals, but rather, are exclusive functions of lawyers
involved, the importance of the lawyer's position, and all other like self-
engaged in the practice of law. 22
laudation. 36

It should be noted that in our jurisdiction the services being offered by

The standards of the legal profession condemn the lawyer's advertisement of
private respondent which constitute practice of law cannot be performed by
his talents. A lawyer cannot, without violating the ethics of his profession.
paralegals. Only a person duly admitted as a member of the bar, or hereafter
advertise his talents or skill as in a manner similar to a merchant advertising
admitted as such in accordance with the provisions of the Rules of Court, and
his goods. 37 The prescription against advertising of legal services or
who is in good and regular standing, is entitled to practice law. 23
solicitation of legal business rests on the fundamental postulate that the that
the practice of law is a profession. Thus, in the case of The Director of
Public policy requires that the practice of law be limited to those individuals Religious Affairs. vs. Estanislao R. Bayot 38 an advertisement, similar to those
found duly qualified in education and character. The permissive right of respondent which are involved in the present proceeding, 39 was held to
conferred on the lawyers is an individual and limited privilege subject to constitute improper advertising or solicitation.
withdrawal if he fails to maintain proper standards of moral and professional
conduct. The purpose is to protect the public, the court, the client and the
The pertinent part of the decision therein reads:
bar from the incompetence or dishonesty of those unlicensed to practice law
and not subject to the disciplinary control of the court. 24
It is undeniable that the advertisement in question was
a flagrant violation by the respondent of the ethics of
The same rule is observed in the american jurisdiction wherefrom
his profession, it being a brazen solicitation of business
respondent would wish to draw support for his thesis. The doctrines there
from the public. Section 25 of Rule 127 expressly
provides among other things that "the practice of rule in the Bates case contains a proviso that the exceptions stated therein
soliciting cases at law for the purpose of gain, either are "not applicable in any state unless and until it is implemented by such
personally or thru paid agents or brokers, constitutes authority in that state." 46 This goes to show that an exception to the general
malpractice." It is highly unethical for an attorney to rule, such as that being invoked by herein respondent, can be made only if
advertise his talents or skill as a merchant advertises and when the canons expressly provide for such an exception. Otherwise, the
his wares. Law is a profession and not a trade. The prohibition stands, as in the case at bar.
lawyer degrades himself and his profession who stoops
to and adopts the practices of mercantilism by
It bears mention that in a survey conducted by the American Bar Association
advertising his services or offering them to the public.
after the decision in Bates, on the attitude of the public about lawyers after
As a member of the bar, he defiles the temple of
viewing television commercials, it was found that public opinion dropped
justice with mercenary activities as the money-
significantly 47 with respect to these characteristics of lawyers:
changers of old defiled the temple of Jehovah. "The
most worthy and effective advertisement possible,
even for a young lawyer, . . . . is the establishment of a Trustworthy from 71% to 14%
well-merited reputation for professional capacity and Professional from 71% to 14%
fidelity to trust. This cannot be forced but must be the Honest from 65% to 14%
outcome of character and conduct." (Canon 27, Code Dignified from 45% to 14%
of Ethics.).
Secondly, it is our firm belief that with the present situation of our legal and
We repeat, the canon of the profession tell us that the best advertising judicial systems, to allow the publication of advertisements of the kind used
possible for a lawyer is a well-merited reputation for professional capacity by respondent would only serve to aggravate what is already a deteriorating
and fidelity to trust, which must be earned as the outcome of character and public opinion of the legal profession whose integrity has consistently been
conduct. Good and efficient service to a client as well as to the community under attack lately by media and the community in general. At this point in
has a way of publicizing itself and catching public attention. That publicity is a time, it is of utmost importance in the face of such negative, even if unfair,
normal by-product of effective service which is right and proper. A good and criticisms at times, to adopt and maintain that level of professional conduct
reputable lawyer needs no artificial stimulus to generate it and to magnify his which is beyond reproach, and to exert all efforts to regain the high esteem
success. He easily sees the difference between a normal by-product of able formerly accorded to the legal profession.
service and the unwholesome result of propaganda. 40
In sum, it is undoubtedly a misbehavior on the part of the lawyer, subject to
Of course, not all types of advertising or solicitation are prohibited. The disciplinary action, to advertise his services except in allowable instances 48 or
canons of the profession enumerate exceptions to the rule against to aid a layman in the unauthorized practice of law. 49 Considering that Atty.
advertising or solicitation and define the extent to which they may be Rogelio P. Nogales, who is the prime incorporator, major stockholder and
undertaken. The exceptions are of two broad categories, namely, those proprietor of The Legal Clinic, Inc. is a member of the Philippine Bar, he is
which are expressly allowed and those which are necessarily implied from hereby reprimanded, with a warning that a repetition of the same or similar
the restrictions. 41 acts which are involved in this proceeding will be dealt with more severely.

The first of such exceptions is the publication in reputable law lists, in a While we deem it necessary that the question as to the legality or illegality of
manner consistent with the standards of conduct imposed by the canons, of the purpose/s for which the Legal Clinic, Inc. was created should be passed
brief biographical and informative data. "Such data must not be misleading upon and determined, we are constrained to refrain from lapsing into an
and may include only a statement of the lawyer's name and the names of his obiter on that aspect since it is clearly not within the adjudicative parameters
professional associates; addresses, telephone numbers, cable addresses; of the present proceeding which is merely administrative in nature. It is, of
branches of law practiced; date and place of birth and admission to the bar; course, imperative that this matter be promptly determined, albeit in a
schools attended with dates of graduation, degrees and other educational different proceeding and forum, since, under the present state of our law
distinction; public or quasi-public offices; posts of honor; legal authorships; and jurisprudence, a corporation cannot be organized for or engage in the
legal teaching positions; membership and offices in bar associations and practice of law in this country. This interdiction, just like the rule against
committees thereof, in legal and scientific societies and legal fraternities; the unethical advertising, cannot be subverted by employing some so-called
fact of listings in other reputable law lists; the names and addresses of paralegals supposedly rendering the alleged support services.
references; and, with their written consent, the names of clients regularly
represented." 42 The remedy for the apparent breach of this prohibition by respondent is the
concern and province of the Solicitor General who can institute the
The law list must be a reputable law list published primarily for that purpose; corresponding quo warranto action, 50 after due ascertainment of the factual
it cannot be a mere supplemental feature of a paper, magazine, trade journal background and basis for the grant of respondent's corporate charter, in light
or periodical which is published principally for other purposes. For that of the putative misuse thereof. That spin-off from the instant bar matter is
reason, a lawyer may not properly publish his brief biographical and referred to the Solicitor General for such action as may be necessary under
informative data in a daily paper, magazine, trade journal or society program. the circumstances.
Nor may a lawyer permit his name to be published in a law list the conduct,
management or contents of which are calculated or likely to deceive or injure ACCORDINGLY, the Court Resolved to RESTRAIN and ENJOIN herein
the public or the bar, or to lower the dignity or standing of the profession. 43 respondent, The Legal Clinic, Inc., from issuing or causing the publication or
dissemination of any advertisement in any form which is of the same or
The use of an ordinary simple professional card is also permitted. The card similar tenor and purpose as Annexes "A" and "B" of this petition, and from
may contain only a statement of his name, the name of the law firm which he conducting, directly or indirectly, any activity, operation or transaction
is connected with, address, telephone number and special branch of law proscribed by law or the Code of Professional Ethics as indicated herein. Let
practiced. The publication of a simple announcement of the opening of a law copies of this resolution be furnished the Integrated Bar of the Philippines,
firm or of changes in the partnership, associates, firm name or office address, the Office of the Bar Confidant and the Office of the Solicitor General for
being for the convenience of the profession, is not objectionable. He may appropriate action in accordance herewith.
likewise have his name listed in a telephone directory but not under a
designation of special branch of law. 44 Narvasa, C.J., Cruz, Feliciano, Padilla, Bidin, Griño-Aquino, Davide, Jr.,
Romero, Nocon, Bellosillo, Melo and Quiason, JJ., concur
Verily, taking into consideration the nature and contents of the
advertisements for which respondent is being taken to task, which even  
includes a quotation of the fees charged by said respondent corporation for
services rendered, we find and so hold that the same definitely do not and
conclusively cannot fall under any of the above-mentioned exceptions.

The ruling in the case of Bates, et al. vs. State Bar of Arizona, 45 which is
repeatedly invoked and constitutes the justification relied upon by
respondent, is obviously not applicable to the case at bar. Foremost is the
fact that the disciplinary rule involved in said case explicitly allows a lawyer,
as an exception to the prohibition against advertisements by lawyers, to
publish a statement of legal fees for an initial consultation or the availability
upon request of a written schedule of fees or an estimate of the fee to be
charged for the specific services. No such exception is provided for, expressly
or impliedly, whether in our former Canons of Professional Ethics or the
present Code of Professional Responsibility. Besides, even the disciplinary


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