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(All fields are mandatory. Incomplete applications will be rejected)

1. Title of the Project:

2. Broad area/field of classification:

3. Project Type(s)

(Basic Research/Applied Research/Developmental/Demonstration/Others)

4. Objectives of the project :

4.1. Specific Objectives (Details in max.100 words)

5. Abstract (max 300 words)

6. Methodology / Experimental Design (1 page)

7. Applications / socioeconomic importance (Max. 100 Words)

(The relevance, if any, to the utilization and management of the natural resources of the State)

8. Student Team Members and Details of Supervisor

Name of the Supervisor:


Details of Student Investigator(s) / Team Members

Sl.N Name of the Student Team USN Sem Mobile No Email Id

o Members

9. Particulars of the facilities that will be provided by the institution where the project will be
implemented :

Components available in Centre of Excellence (CoE) on Internet of Things (IoT):

Sl Products & Service

No Description
  Platform & Solutions  

1 IoT WISE3 Platform license 70

2 GPS Tracking license 70

3 Asset Tracking license 70

4 Healthcare license 70

5 OBD II Telematics license 70

6 Home Automation license 70

7 Energy metering license 70

8 Pollution Monitoring license 70

Components in IoT Sensor Kit

1 GPS 5

2 Healthcare 3

3 RFID Reader+ Tags 5/500

4 OBD II 5

5 Pollution measurement kits 15

6 Industrial measurement kits 15

7 Agricultural measurement kits 15

8 IoT Basic kits

Each consisting of
1. Arduino uno- 1
2. DHT - 1
3. LED - 4
4. Resistors - 4
5.Ultrasonic sensor - 1 15
6. 7segment Display - 7
7. TSOP - 1
8.light sensor - 1
9. Breadboard - 1
10. A2B Cable - 1
11. ESP8266 - 1
12.Jumpers - 20

2. Advanced Computing Lab with 120 Computers

HP Computer System with 4GB RAM,

1 Terabyte HDD,

Intel Core i3 8th Gen Processor,

19.5” LED Monitor,

USB mouse and keyboard

10. Budget Estimate (Break Up should be given)

Sl.No Budget Head Amount (in Rs.)

1 a) Materials / Consumables
2 b) Labor
3 c) Travel
4 d) Report
5 e) Miscellaneous
6 Total

Prof. Dr. J.Amutharaj, M.E., Ph.D

(Name &Signature of Project Guide with Seal) (Name &Signature of HOD with Seal)
Email id: Email id:
Contact No.: Contact No.:+91-97427-38238

Dr.T.Chandrashekar, M.Tech., Ph.D

(Signature of the Principal with Seal)
Email id:
Contact No.:+91-94000-28023

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