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Months of July - Oct

From left to right:

Mynor, Yelsi, “The harvest is

Sabina (Helper), plentiful, but the
Vidalia, Sheny, laborers are
Ana, Lizzie,
Nate, Katherine,
- Jesus Christ
Lucia, Eva,
Josue, Angelito, We need long term
Saul, Jhostin, helpers desperately
Jeamy, Rosa, for when Nate and
Isai, Davey, Lizzie leave in
Dave, Deborah, May.
Martina. Why not you?

Ministry News
God has been blessing us with many new children, as you can see in the picture above. Since July we
have received 6 new children. All the new children have adjusted well and are on their way to being healthier
and happier. We are so glad we have the chance to show the joy of the Lord to these children.

First, a little three year old named Rosa came to us on August 2nd. She was
crying for her mother and was quite the pitiful sight. Her hair was greatly discolored
from the lack of nutrition and she was very small for her age. Since then she is
nothing but a joy. She is very friendly and loving and is always telling us what hurts.
She seems to be a sort of hypochondriac. Haha! We love her very much and hope
she stays with us for a long time.

Then we got Lucia, a 12 year old with a 2 month old son named Joshua. As a rule of
thumb we do not take children above the age of eight years old. After hearing that she was
raped by her father God put it on both of our hearts that we had to take her. So we picked
her up in the city and she has been a blessing ever since. Deborah and I take care of Joshua
and encourage Lucia to just be a kid and do what kids do. She is a great help around the
house and with the babies. She does her chores without any complaints. She speaks a
Mayan dialect so we are teaching her both Spanish and English.

The latest children we got were three sisters of Lucia. They came to us on Oct. 21st. After getting Lucia
to talk to us, in the limited Spanish she spoke, we found that she had three sisters. We immediately called the
court that gave us Lucia and told them the situation. We told them we would be happy to take her sisters as
well. Two weeks passed and we wondered if we would have to call again or send a
formal inquiry. Then one day a police car pulled up and out jumped four police
officers and three rather skinny looking girls: Sheny-3, Eva -5, and Anna-11. All three
cannot speak Spanish or English but we are able to communicate enough to get the
point across. It has only been 2 weeks and they are starting to settle in. We have not
had any major problems and are happy they are with us.

Much has happened in the past four months. Some happy and some sad,
but we always remember to rejoice in our sorrow as well as in our happiness.
Ana, a little girl we received at six weeks, was recently adopted out by the
CNA. We wanted to adopt her, but they would not let us. They adopted her
out to a non Christian family and we are very sad that she is no longer with us.
However we pray for her and her new parents that they will come to know the
Lord soon. On a happier note, Sara has finally been adopted. Her parents,
Gary & Jane Noskowiak, (pictured at left) took her home to WI on October
30 . It has been a long three and a half years, but she has finally been adopted. We are so happy that she is
finally with her family and is being raised in a wonderful, Christian home.

Ministry Needs
We really need a couple or family to come down and help long term. Nate and Lizzie will be leaving in
May and it will be very hard if we do not have some long term help. We also need a couple or family to run a
girls’ home for us. We have had to turn down a number of sibling groups and/or older girls lately. We feel
that starting a girls’ home would be very beneficial in reaching more children with the love of Christ and
showing more children the love that Godly parents can give. We have two houses nearby that we can
rent/buy whenever God provides volunteers. We trust that He knows what He is doing and that He will send
us more help when it is needed. One of our other needs is a helper to take care of our special needs child,
Martina. We need someone to do Physical and Mental training with her.

The rainy season this year was a little tough on our little escort. We feel it is about time to purchase
another vehicle. We are hoping to get a smaller 4x4 diesel truck that can get up and down the drive way
during rainy season. It would also help with getting work done around the house.

We need to have a large gate made for the entrance to our home. We have the fence up and completed
now, we just need to complete the project with a gate. The project is for both keeping people out and
keeping our dogs in. One of them was slashed with a machete again a couple of weeks ago.

Personal News
As many of you know we were in
the states in July. We spent 2 weeks in
Pennsylvania and two weeks in
Wisconsin. The timing was great for us in
PA. While there we were able to attend a
wedding of one of my High School friends.
We also got to see Caleb, my brother,
right before he left to go to Afghanistan.
We were able to help with a VBS at the
church I grew up in and got to visit all of our friends at Harvest Fellowship church. In Wisconsin we got to see
all, yes I said all, of Deborah’s immediate family. She has three brothers and seven sisters-plus two foster
siblings. They live all over the world, China, Guatemala, Australia, Saudi Arabia, and the in the U.S. It was
nothing short of a miracle that we were all able to get together for a grand reunion. In total there were about
43 people present for the reunion. We had a wonderful time.

Tom, Deborah’s dad, came down to Guatemala to get his plane fixed and take it up to Wisconsin. We
had to pick up the engine in the city then drive it 5 hours to a missionary air plane mechanic. It was a ruff ride,
but we made it. The plane has been flown to the city and needs a little more work then will be fit to fly to the

My brother, Caleb Reichard, is a new father as of Oct. 9th of this year. He is in the Marines and is
currently in Afghanistan. He was unable to be there for the birth of his child in person, but he was able to
Skype during the entire labor and delivery. We pray for his safety often.

Child Highlight
Name: Lucia

Age: 13 years

Sex: Female

Home Town: Quiche, Guatemala

Arrival Date: Oct. 13th 2010

DOB: Nov 1, 1997

Story: Lucia was born and raised in a rural area five hours away and
comes from a poor family of 6 children –one died as an infant. Lucia told
us she didn’t know anything about God before she came to us. Her father is
very abusive and raped her. As a result, at the young age of 12 Lucia
became a mother to her own half brother. For this reason she was removed
from her home. After Lucia had been in an orphanage in the city for a
month, she was transferred to us. Since then her three sisters have also
been rescued and now they all live together in a new family. We are
teaching them the love of Christ as well as the love of a family. Lucia is
a very tender, sweet girl who loves to help with the younger children. She
also likes studying and besides learning Spanish and English she is
studying 4th grade. Lucia enjoys being able to hang out with the other kids
and having us do most of the caring responsibilities for her little son,
Josue. Lucia enjoys helping in the kitchen, doing crafts and playing ball
We had a safe rainy season
We got six new children
All of us are healthy
The local children are doing very well in the Sunday school we run
We are starting to form many new friendships with the local people

“Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good”

Psalm 136:1

Please Pray…
 For continued safety
 For our needs to met both emotionally and Physically
 For Lucia and her sisters, that their innocence will be returned to them and that they can
experience the true love of Christ
 For Deborah and my Mental and Physical strength and time alone together
 For long-term volunteers

“And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith”
Matt. 21:22

Please keep all of us in your prayers. Feel free to e - mail us at or call at 011-502-
4407-0519 or 011-502-4407-1480. We would love to hear from people. If you would like to support us on a
monthly basis or to give one time gifts, please see the information below. Please do not write our names on
checks. Attach a note with the check as to whom it is for. Thank you all for your support and your e- mails. God

How to Contact us
Our Address in Guatemala for letters only (no packages):

The Reichards A-0025

P. O. Box 669004
Miami Springs, Florida 33266.

For those who wish to contribute and want a tax receipt, please make check out to
and send to:

Harvest Fellowship of Colebrookdale

584 Colebrookdale Road
Boyertown , PA 19512.
• FACEBOOK – Our Facebook page - Manos de Compasion
• Web site – We have a web site still in construction.
• Blog – We have a blog where we post the newsletters and write about what is going on.
• Skype – Our Skype name is - david.e.reichard

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