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Laboratory Exercise

Todd P. Silverstein*
Myoglobin Structure and Function: A Sarah R. Kirk
Multiweek Biochemistry Laboratory Scott C. Meyer
Karen L. McFarlane

From the †Department of Chemistry, Willamette University, Salem,

Oregon, 97301, From the

We have developed a multiweek laboratory project in binding equilibrium) and are instructed on topics in data
which students isolate myoglobin and characterize its analysis (calibration curves, nonlinear vs. linear regres-
structure, function, and redox state. The important labora- sion). This upper division biochemistry laboratory project
tory techniques covered in this project include size- is a challenging and rewarding one that not only exposes
exclusion chromatography, electrophoresis, spectropho- students to a wide variety of important biochemical labo-
tometric titration, and FTIR spectroscopy. Regarding pro- ratory techniques but also ties those techniques together
tein structure, students work with computer modeling to work with a single readily available and easily charac-
and visualization of myoglobin and its homologues, after terized protein, myoglobin. V C 2015 by The International

which they spectroscopically characterize its thermal Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 43(3):181–
denaturation. Students also study protein function (ligand 188, 2015.

Keywords: inquiry-based teaching; biophysical methods; protein

structure function and folding; computational biology; active
learning; laboratory exercises

Introduction enzymes, several semester-long biochemistry laboratories

devoted to a single protein or enzyme have been published
The relationship between protein structure and function
[8, 16–25]. Although the thematic unity of working on one
has been a crucial aspect of biochemistry for the last 50
specific protein for the whole semester is attractive, not all
years or more. In the modern undergraduate biochemistry
important experimental methods can be applied to a single
course, discussion of the isolation, characterization, struc-
ture, and function of proteins takes up over one-fourth of
Therefore, instead of designing an entire course around
the typical one-semester course. Laboratory projects focus-
one protein, we decided to embed an extended protein
ing on computer modeling of protein structure have been
structure/function project within our semester-long upper
increasingly common in the literature since about 2000
division laboratory course, Experimental Biochemistry I
[1–7]. Almost all biochemistry laboratory texts feature proj-
(CHEM 346). We devote six 3-h laboratory periods in this
ects in which students isolate a protein from a natural
course to an extended project on myoglobin (Mb). The
source, purify it, and then assay its biochemical activity
remainder of the course includes a number of other multi-
[8–15]. In addition to these independent projects that last
lab period projects that introduce our students to experi-
223 laboratory periods and are centered on individual
mental methods such as HPLC, GCMS, phospholipid mem-
brane dynamics, laser light scattering, spectrophotometric
and fluorimetric determination of enzyme activity, and
s Additional Supporting Information may be found in the online electrochemical biosensors.
version of this article.
The heme protein myoglobin is found in most muscle
Scott C. Meyer’s current address is: Department of Chemistry,
Benedictine University, Lisle, IL, 60532 tissue. Like hemoglobin (Hb), Mb contains a heme-bound
*Address for correspondence to: Department of Chemistry, Willamette Fe(II) cation that can be oxidized to the Fe(III) form
University, Salem, OR 97301. E-mail: (metMb). For many decades it was believed that the main
Received 25 July 2014; Accepted 2 November 2014 function of the Mb-heme-Fe(II) cofactor was to bind O2, as
DOI 10.1002/bmb.20845 well as CO, N2, nitrite, and azide ligands. Recent evidence
Published online 27 February 2015 in Wiley Online Library suggests that in fact, the major biological function of Mb
( may be to catalyze the nitrite/nitric oxide interconversion

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education 181

Biochemistry and
Molecular Biology Education

in muscle [26, 27]. Unlike Hb, which is tetrameric and characterize the reduced and oxidized samples. In Period 2
binds oxygen cooperatively with a Hill coefficient of n 5 2.8, students employ SDS-PAGE to characterize the extracted
Mb is monomeric and binds oxygen noncooperatively samples. In Period 3, azide binding to metMb is examined
(n 5 1). Mb is easily extracted from muscle tissue and spec- via spectrophotometric titration. In Periods 4 and 5, stu-
trophotometric characterization of the Fe-heme is facile, as dents use online databases, websites, and software to char-
it absorbs strongly in the visible and UV ranges. In fact, the acterize the structure of Mb and a selected novel homolog.
visible absorption of heme-coordinated Fe(II) in Mb is In the final period, students employ FTIR spectroscopy to
responsible for the reddish appearance of fresh (reduced) probe protein secondary structure in both the native and
meat, whereas the visible absorption of heme-coordinated thermally denatured conformations.
Fe(III) in metMb is consistent with the brownish color of Students work in pairs throughout this experiment.
old (oxidized) meat [28, 29]. Because use of the FTIR spectrophotometer takes up all
We describe here our six-period project, in which stu- 3 h of Period 6, we can only schedule use of the instru-
dents isolate Mb from ground beef [29], spectrophotometri- ment if students are paired. During Periods 1 and 3, each
cally characterize its oxidized and reduced forms [29], student pair has access to its own small Thermo-Electron
probe its ligand binding equilibrium [30], perform molecu- Genesys-10 UV-Vis spectrophotometer. In Period 2, all
lar modeling on its structure and that of its homologues pairs mount their gels and run from a single electrophore-
[31], and use FTIR to characterize its secondary structure sis power supply. In Periods 4 and 5, paired students sit
in the native and denatured forms [32]. We have based our adjacent to each other, but each works on his/her own
extended Mb project on the four papers cited above desktop computer in our computer room. We have run
[29–32], adapting and expanding the projects beyond what this project six times, every spring since 2009. Course
is described in the original source papers. Specifically, we enrollment has varied from 7 to 20 students, averaging
have added new methods of analysis (e.g., SDS-PAGE), 10212.
adapted to changes in molecular modeling websites, and
Period 1, Part IA: Myoglobin Extraction,
added extensive quantitative data analysis and curve-fitting
Separation, and Spectral Characterization
To begin the project, students extract Mb from ground beef
Student Learning Objectives: in a single 3-h laboratory period, following a modification
1. Proficiency in carrying out the following biochemical of the protocol of Bylkas and Andersson [29]. In this part of
techniques: centrifugation and protein isolation; column the project, students work from the original literature
chromatography and SDS-PAGE (proteins); and use of source; their laboratory manual contains screenshots of
protein structure databases selected paragraphs taken directly from the Bylkas and
2. Strengthened understanding of the following biochemical Andersson paper (see Supporting Information). A portion of
topics: protein structure modeling, characterization, and the extracted Mb is fully reduced from Fe(III) to Fe(II) with
denaturation; protein homology and evolution; and dithionite (turning deep red) and a separate portion is fully
protein-ligand binding equilibrium oxidized to Fe(III) with ferricyanide (turning brown). Fol-
3. Increased competence in biochemical data analysis, lowing oxidation, the metMb is separated from excess ferri-
including: x-y scatter plots and curve fitting (both linear cyanide using a Sephadex G-25 size-exclusion gel chroma-
and nonlinear regression); and calibration curves tography “desalting” column. The three forms of Mb
4. Increased confidence and mastery in using the following (original extract, reduced, and oxidized) can then be char-
instruments: UV-Vis and FTIR spectrophotometers; gel acterized spectrophotometrically. Reduced Mb features O2
electrophoresis; and in silico computer modeling of pro- bound to the Fe(II) center in the heme. It has prominent
tein structure peaks in the visible range at about 540 and 580 nm, and its
5. Enhanced ability to: employ critical thinking and scien- Soret band is at 417 nm with e417 5 128,000 M21 cm21
tific reasoning; speak and write effectively about scien- [29]. The oxidized metMb has H2O bound to the Fe(III)-
tific concepts. heme; its visible peaks appear at 505 and 620 nm, and its
Soret band is at 409 nm with e409 5 179,000 M21 cm21
[29]. Given the prominent changes in the wavelength and
Teaching and Laboratory Procedures molar absorptivities of the Soret band absorbance peaks, it
is straightforward to spectrophotometrically determine the
This extended laboratory project centered around Mb
concentrations of Mb and metMb, and monitor changes in
requires six 3-h laboratory periods, which include some in-
Fe(II)/(III) redox chemistry and ligand binding.
class time for data analysis. Detailed instructions are pro-
vided in the Supporting Information. In laboratory Period 1, Period 2: SDS-PAGE
students extract Mb from ground beef, reduce, and oxidize In a subsequent 3-h laboratory period students use SDS-
portions of the sample, use a Sephadex column to “desalt” PAGE to separate and visualize the protein components of
the excess oxidizing agent, and use UV-Vis absorbance to both the original Mb extract, and the desalted metMb

182 Myoglobin Structure and Function

SDS-PAGE gel of Mb solutions (representative stu-
FIG 1 dent results). Lanes 1 and 8: Novex protein stand-
ards; Lanes 2 and 9: PP1 protein standards; the
three smallest standards are 10, 15, and 20 kDa;
Lane 3: Mb (horse skeletal muscle, Sigma M-0630);
Lane 4: supernatant of ground beef extraction;
Lane 5: supernatant 1 dithionite; Lanes 6, 7, and
10: 10, 20, and 15 mL (respectively) of superna-
tant 1 ferricyanide, Sephadex G25-desalted. In
Lanes 327 and 10, MW(Mb) 5 16.2 6 1.8 kDa; in
Lanes 427 and 10, the Mb band accounts for
20 6 3% of the protein in each lane.

column eluent. Here students are introduced to electropho-

resis, including loading and running the gels, quantifying
the bands (using GelDoc ), and calculating molecular
weights and protein composition of each mixture (Fig. 1). MetMb/azide spectrophotometric titration (repre-
Students determine the molecular weight of Mb in their FIG 2 sentative student results). Total initial [Mb] 5 16.1
mixtures and compare it to the literature value (17.6 kDa mM; changes in metMb absorbance at 543 nm
were followed upon addition of azide aliquots
for Sigma M-0630); they also determine the percentage of
amounting to final [N3-] 5 2 – 948 mM. (a) r vs.
Mb in each mixture (20 6 3%), showing that the desalting [N3-]free fit to the equation for hyperbolic saturation
Sephadex G-25 column merely serves to remove the excess gives Kd 5 35.6 6 2.0 mM, n 5 0.973 6 0.013, and
ferricyanide, but does not appreciably separate any of the R2 5 0.997. (b) The double-reciprocal plot, 1/r vs. 1/
proteins in the mixtures. [N32]free gives intercept 5 1.9 6 0.8, slope 5 21 6 3
mM21, and R2 5 0.83 for all 12 points (solid line);
Period 3, Part IB: Myoglobin Function: Ligand this yields calculated values of n 5 0.52 6 0.22 and
Kd 5 11 6 5 mM. Omitting the two lowest concentra-
Binding tion points (1.1 and 3.9 mM free azide) gives inter-
Students perform a spectrophotometric titration to monitor cept 5 1.075 6 0.023, slope 5 32.4 6 0.5 mM21, and
the binding of azide to Fe(III) in metMb and characterize R2 5 0.998 (dashed line); this gives calculated val-
the azide/metMb binding equilibrium. This modification of ues of n 5 0.930 6 0.020 and Kd 5 30.1 6 0.8 mM. A
the experiment described by Marcoline and Elgren [30] Scatchard plot of these data (r/[N32]free vs. r) gives
similar large error in the two lowest concentration
also takes a single 3-h laboratory period. By following points. [Color figure can be viewed in the online
changes in the 540 (or 580) nm peak, students can calcu- issue, which is available at]
late r, the ratio of bound ligand to total protein, and [L]free,
the equilibrium concentration of free (unbound) azide
many times that linearizing data often magnifies error in
ligand. Fitting the r vs. [L]free plot to the equation for hyper-
the derived parameters [33–35]. Students are therefore
bolic saturation [Eq. (1)] allows a best fit determination of
instructed to analyze their results using both linear regres-
the protein-ligand dissociation equilibrium constant, Kd,
sion of linearized data and nonlinear regression of the
and the number of bound ligand molecules per protein, n.
hyperbolic curve, and discuss which is more reliable. Stu-
n n½Lfree dents find that n does indeed equal one for azide binding to
r5 5 (1)
11Kd =½Lfree ½Lfree 1Kd metMb, and Kd is in the 10–100 mM range (see Fig. 2), in
agreement with the literature (4–80 mM) [36]. Figure 2b
Typically, a linearized form of the results, such as a clearly shows how error is magnified in the double-
Scatchard plot or a double-reciprocal plot, would be used reciprocal plot for the two lowest concentration points.
to determine n and Kd. However, it has been pointed out Even omitting these points gives errors, relative to the

Silverstein et al 183
Biochemistry and
Molecular Biology Education

Mb structure comparison. (A) solved structure of sperm whale Mb, pdb file 1VXA; (B) Swiss model predicted structure
FIG 3 of Mb from unicorn icefish (Channichthys rhinoceratus), UniProt file E5G628. Color key for amino acid side chain types
at the protein surface: white 5 hydrophobic; red 5 negative; blue5 positive; pink 5 polar neutral; yellow 5 aromatic;
green 5 proline. Note the heme binding cavity in the center of both structures; most of the surface directly above this
cavity is identical in both (A) and (B). Besides these and other similarities, six key differences between the two forms of
Mb are marked above.

values derived from nonlinear regression, of 215% and pare the 3D structure of original protein to that of its novel
24.5% in Kd and n, respectively; the Scatchard plot is a lit- homolog.
tle better, with errors of 29% and 21.7%, respectively.
Periods 4 and 5
It takes students about 4.5 h to finish operations (a–d) listed
Part II: Myoglobin Three-Dimensional Structure: above. We have our students use the final 1.5 h in laboratory
Native vs. Denatured period 5 to prepare figures for an oral presentation in which
Myoglobin Structure on the Web they carefully characterize the major differences and simi-
In 1998, Leon et al. published a biochemistry laboratory larities between the original protein and its novel homolog.
project in which students used internet websites and free- All of the websites described by Leon et al. have
ware to model protein structure [31].1 Leon et al. describe changed dramatically in the nearly 2 decades since the
a project in which students select a protein whose structure original publication. Some things have gotten easier. For
has already been solved and deposited in the Protein Data example, in 1998 one had to visit three separate websites
Bank (PDB). They then carry out a series of four operations to obtain a protein’s structure coordinates (PDB), structure,
on the internet: (a) use search programs to find a “novel and function information (UniProt/SwissProt), and perform
homolog,” i.e., a homologous protein whose structure has homology searching (Blitz). Currently all of this information
NOT yet been solved; (b) submit the amino acid sequence can be obtained from the PDB website and links therein.
of the novel homolog to secondary structure prediction pro- On the other hand, other aspects of the project have gotten
grams and compare secondary structures of the original more difficult. The protein visualization program recom-
protein and its novel homolog; (c) submit the amino acid mended by Leon et al., Rasmac, is woefully outdated; in
sequence of the novel homolog to Swiss Model to obtain a addition, a useful protein structure comparison program
predicted three-dimensional structure; and finally (d) com- that we discovered around 2000, Protein Explorer, has not
been supported since about 2006. However, an even better
freeware program, PyMOL, has since come into wide use
1 [2, 37238]. This program not only allows homologous pro-
In order to increase the diversity of protein structures exam-
ined, we have half of the students start with myoglobin, a pre-
teins to be aligned and visualized, but it also has many dif-
dominantly alpha-helical protein, and the other half start with ferent viewing modes that can be implemented. We encour-
the predominantly beta-sheet protein, lysozyme. age students to explore the capabilities of PyMOL on their

184 Myoglobin Structure and Function

own, but we require that they use at least three different Hazards
views to compare their two proteins: van der Waals sur-
face; electrostatic surface; and polarity/hydrophobicity (Fig.
Compound Danger Hazard rating
3). The former two views are built into PyMOL, and the lat-
ter is provided by the “color_by_restype” script written by Sodium Eye damage; skin NPFA hazard 5
researchers at Queens University in Kingston, Ontario [39]. dithionite irritation Harmful 2, GHS eye
(bisulfite) if swallowed, inhaled, damage 5 1
Structure of Native and Unfolded Myoglobin or absorbed through skin
Characterized by FTIR Sodium azide Fatal if swallowed, or GHS dermal
In the sixth and final 3-h laboratory period of our Mb absorbed through skin toxicity 5 1,
structure and function project, students use FTIR to GHS oral
observe spectroscopic differences in native, folded pro- toxicity 5 2,
GHS aquatic
teins that are predominantly alpha-helical (e.g., Mb) and
toxicity 5 1
those that are predominantly beta-sheet (e.g., lysozyme). Potassium Harmful to aquatic life GHS aquatic
Students can determine the actual percent helix vs. sheet ferricyanide toxicity 5 3
by accessing structural information at the Protein Data
Bank (pdb) website, and compare this to the FTIR spectro-
scopic results that they get for each protein. They then
incubate these proteins at elevated temperatures and use Common Pitfalls
changes in FTIR peaks to characterize the thermal dena-
turation process (Fig. 4a).
This final sub-project is based on the experiment
Section Problem Solution
described by Olchowitz et al. [32]. We have made two major
modifications in order to dramatically improve data analysis. Part IB: At lowest azide Set these free azide
First, we found that in order to get the expected sigmoidal concentrations, concentrations
changes in FTIR peaks with changes in temperature, careful calculated to the minimum
baseline subtraction, and normalization is required. In Fig. concentration value, zero.
of free azide is
4a the spectra are baselined at 1700 cm21 and normalized
at the a-helix amide I peak, 1651 cm21. We describe these Part IIA Amino acid Find and omit
processes in detail in our Supporting Information. Second, sequence the N-terminal
we encourage our students to analyze their results in order differences signal sequence.
to obtain a denaturation temperature, Tden (also called TU or between UniProt
Tmelt in the literature); this is the temperature at which the vs. PDB sites.
equilibrium between native/folded protein and denatured/ Swiss Model fails Select a different
unfolded protein features a 50/50 mixture. template
The denaturation equilibrium, in which the folded, Part IIB Protein aggregates For T  85 C, incubate
native protein (N) denatures, and unfolds (U) can be char- at high T for only a few minutes.
Determining the Have students consider as
acterized by an equilibrium constant (Kden 5 KU 5 [U]eq/
effect of T on many spectral changes
[N]eq, and by an enthalpy and entropy for the process, DH U protein structure: as seems productive. We
and DS U. Given a change in some FTIR spectroscopic plotted the relative
parameter y as the protein unfolds, the dependence of the absorbances of
denaturation equilibrium on T, TU, and DH U, is shown in three different peaks
Eq. (2) (see Supporting Information, Appendix 4): in Fig. 4b, but
the shift in kmax of
U 1 1
R ðTU 2T Þ the amide I peak
yloT 1yhiT  e
y5 DH 
(2) can also be
U 1 1
R ðT U 2 T Þ
11e informative [32].
Using nonlinear regression to fit the data in Fig. 4 gives
best fit values for both TU and DH U. Students can then
compare their results to literature values for Mb unfolding Student Reports
in aqueous buffer: TU 5 81–83 C, DH U 5 100–130 kcal/mol For Part I (Mb extraction/characterization and azide bind-
[40242]. Student results suggest (Fig. 4b) that in D2O, Mb ing), students write informal lab reports in which they
unfolds at a lower temperature (65–70 C) than it does in address questions focused on data analysis to hone their
aqueous buffer, but with a DH U that is the same or higher critical thinking skills. They use Beer’s Law to calculate Mb
(100–300 kcal/mol). concentrations, and discuss how heme-iron oxidation alters

Silverstein et al 185
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Molecular Biology Education

FTIR characterization of Mb thermal denaturation (representative student results). (a) Relative absorbance (Ak/A1651) of
FIG 4 60 mg/mL Mb in D2O, at eleven different temperatures, 22–87 C. Note the appearance, above 64 C, of shoulders at 1618
and 1680 cm21, and an aggregated protein peak at 1570 cm21. (b) The three wavelengths in the spectra in (A) that
change dramatically with T are plotted: R shoulder, A1618/A1651 (black circles); L shoulder, A1680/A1651 (blue diamonds);
and aggregated protein peak, A1570/A1651 (blue diamonds). Fitting the R shoulder points using Eq. (2) gives
DH U 5 290 6 70 kcal/mol and TU 5 65.79 6 0.15 C; fitting the L shoulder and aggregated protein points gives
DH U 5 120 6 50 kcal/mol and TU 5 68.3 6 1.2 C. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at]

UV-Vis absorbance. Students use SDS-PAGE standard pro- Student Feedback/Assessment

tein mobilities to prepare a calibration curve to determine We assessed this project (and the entire Experimental Bio-
molecular weights; they compare their Mb molecular chemistry course sequence) in two ways: with a pre/post
weight to the literature value, and also establish the frac- laboratory skills exam, and with a survey of student
tion of Mb in their samples. For Part IB, students use both alumni. Of the 33 questions on the exam, 8 covered con-
linear and nonlinear regression to determine Kd and n for cepts related specifically to this protein structure labora-
azide binding to metMb. tory project (e.g., protein separation, structure characteri-
For Part II (protein structure modeling and thermal zation, ligand binding). On these eight questions, student
denaturation) students prepare an oral presentation in performance improved from 53% correct before the start of
which they carefully characterize the major differences and the course, to 85% correct at the end (and 91% after the
similarities between Mb and their chosen novel homolog. second semester of the course sequence). In addition to
They use FTIR amide I peaks to distinguish between pro- these exam results, as instructors of the course, we
teins that are primarily a-helix versus b-sheet, and to fol- observed consistently an increase in both skills and confi-
low temperature-driven changes in secondary structure. dence level as students moved through the course.
Finally, students use nonlinear regression of their FTIR We carried out a survey of our alumni to assess the
peak versus T data to determine DH U and TU and compare impact of this laboratory sequence on their perceived knowl-
to literature values. edge of techniques, biochemical topics, and instrumentation.

186 Myoglobin Structure and Function

We had 18 people respond out of a total 23 accessible Bio- tral theme to investigate several important experimental
chemistry Track alumni over 4 years. From the survey techniques, as well as the relationship between the struc-
results, it was clear that this laboratory was successful in ture and function of a protein. Over six 3-h laboratory peri-
meeting our intended goals. Students felt confident in their ods, the students isolate Mb from muscle tissue, spectro-
understanding of all the major biochemical topics covered, as scopically characterize the oxidation state of its heme
well as in their ability to analyze biochemical data. One stu- moiety and its ligand binding, analyze the protein’s struc-
dent wrote the following about what s/he got out of the course: ture via molecular modeling programs, and track its ther-
“I have a solid foundation for lab technique and good lab mal denaturation with FTIR. We have expanded and com-
practices upon which to build, and have an ability to learn bined previously described experiments [29232], and also
new protocols quickly to become both proficient and efficient updated procedures to reflect changes in the availability of
with them.” Interestingly, while students rated highly their structure analysis software like PyMOL [2, 37, 38]. This
knowledge of all of the instruments that they employed in the project has the advantage of fulfilling two sometimes dis-
course, they expressed the greatest confidence in their ability parate goals in laboratory curriculum development: It
to use the instruments that they were repeatedly exposed to. introduces students to a wide variety of biochemical techni-
In particular they rated the course highly for helping them to ques, while at the same time organizing the project around
develop critical thinking skills and scientific reasoning (4.6 on a central, biologically relevant theme.
a Likert scale of 1 to 5) and to speak about scientific concepts
(4.5). Students rated satisfaction with their ability to write sci-
entifically even more highly (4.8). In short, the results of our
pre/post laboratory skills exam and our alumni survey allow Acknowledgements
us to conclude that this project did indeed achieve the learn- The authors thank Willamette University for its extensive
ing objectives that we aimed for (see list above). long-term support of laboratory curriculum development,
and our colleague Dr. Alison Fisher for her help with this
Further Extensions manuscript. This material is based upon work supported
We decided to focus our protein structure/function project on by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. DUE-
myoglobin because it is readily obtained (from ground beef 1044737. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recom-
and in purified form), easily characterized (by spectrophotom- mendations expressed in this material are those of the
etry), and has been used in a number of published biochemis- authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the
try laboratory projects. There are undoubtedly many other National Science Foundation.
proteins that fit this bill and could be substituted for Mb.
We have on occasion included another interesting labo-
ratory project dealing with protein denaturation. As pub- References
lished [43], this project uses various concentrations of guani- [1] Bain, G. A., Yi, J., Beikmohamadi, M., Herman, T. M., and Patrick, M. A.
(2006) Using physical models of biomolecular structures to teach con-
dine hydrochloride to denature chymotrypsin. Fluorescence
cepts of biochemical structure and structure depiction in the introduc-
spectroscopy is then used to probe both the structure of the tory chemistry laboratory. J. Chem. Educ. 83, 1322–1324.
protein as well as its enzymatic activity; the unique aspect of [2] Stockman, B. J., Asheld, J. S., Burburan, P. J., Galesic, A., Nawlo, Z.,
this particular laboratory project is that students simultane- and Sikorski, K. F. (2014) Design and characterization of a Zn21-binding
ously assay changes in both protein structure and function four-helix bundle protein in the biophysical chemistry laboratory. J.
Chem. Educ. 91, 451–454.
as a result of denaturation. Although we have not adapted
[3] Schneider, T. L. and Linton, B. R. (2008) Introduction to protein structure
this technique to Mb, we believe that it would not be diffi- through genetic diseases. J. Chem. Educ. 85, 662–665.
cult. In fact, due to the intrinsic absorbance of the Fe(II/III) [4] Lowery, M. S. and Plesniak, L. A. (2003) Some like it cold: A computer-
center in Mb, UV-Vis spectrophotometry could probably be based laboratory introduction to sequence and tertiary structure com-
used in place of fluorimetry. In order to probe the effect of parison of cold-adapted lactate dehydrogenases using bioinformatics
tools. J. Chem. Educ. 80, 1300–1302.
denaturation on protein structure, one would simply follow
[5] Taylor, A. T. S. and Feller, S. E. (2002) Structural studies of phycobili-
changes in the UV-Vis (or fluorescence) spectrum with gua- proteins from Spirulina: Combining spectroscopy, thermodynamics,
nidine concentration. To probe the effect on protein func- and molecular modeling in an undergraduate biochemistry experiment.
tion, one would select a few representative guanidine con- J. Chem. Educ. 79, 1467–1470.
centrations and perform azide binding titrations at each [6] Ship, N. J. and Zamble, D. B. (2005) Analyzing the 3D structure of
human carbonic anhydrase II and its mutants using Deep View and the
one. Presumably, as denaturation increases, the Kd for azide
Protein Data Bank. J. Chem. Educ. 82, 1805–1808.
binding should also increase (weaker binding). [7] Sumter, T. (2009) Using JBC in the classroom. ASBMB Today. 10, 18.
[8] Farrell, S. O. and Ranallo, R. T. (2000) Experiments in Biochemistry, a
Hands-on Approach: A manual for the Undergraduate Laboratory,
Summary Harcourt-Brace & Co., Orlando, FL, pp. 95–110; 133–142; 148–156; 169–
178; 189–206; 218–242; 253–260.
We have developed an extended project for an upper divi- [9] Switzer, R. L. and Garrity, L. F. (1999) Experimental Biochemistry, WH
sion biochemistry laboratory course that uses Mb as a cen- Freeman & Co., New York, pp. 135–162; 205–252.

Silverstein et al 187
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Molecular Biology Education

[10] Waldmann, H. and Janning, P. (2004) Chemical Biology, A Practical the effects of ligand binding on myoglobin using optical, EPR, and NMR
Course. Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Germany, pp. 137–144. spectroscopy. J. Chem. Educ. 88, 223–225.
[11] Boyer, R. (2000) Modern Experimental Biochemistry, 3rd ed., Benjamin- [29] Bylkas, S. A. and Andersson, L. A. (1997) Microburger biochemistry:
Cummings, San Francisco, CA, pp. 257–302, 357–370. Extraction and spectral characterization of myoglobin from hamburger.
[12] Dryer, R. L. and Lata, G. F. (1989) Experimental Biochemistry, Oxford J. Chem. Educ. 74, 426–429.
Univ. Press, New York, pp. 375–441. [30] Marcoline, A. T. and Elgren, T. E. (1998) A thermodynamic study of
[13] Plummer, D. T. (1987) An Introduction to Practical Biochemistry, 3rd azide binding to myoglobin. J. Chem. Educ. 75, 1622–1623.
ed., McGraw-Hill Book Co., London, pp. 160–162, 236–249. [31] Leon, D., Uridil, S., and Miranda, J. (1998) Structural analysis and mod-
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188 Myoglobin Structure and Function

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