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Unit 2 Vocabulary

Vocabulary: Farm animals

1. Complete the farm animal words.

1. l _ _ b __________

2. p _ _ p _ __________

3. s _ _ e p __________

4. k _ _ _ e n __________

5. h _ r _ _ __________

6. d _ _ k __________

2. Write the young animals.

1. What’s a young duck?


2. What’s a young horse?


3. What’s a young goat?


4. What’s a young cat?


5. What’s a young sheep?


6. What’s a young dog?


3. Complete the short answers.

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What’s that?
It’s a d__________.

What’s that?
It’s a l__________.

What’s that?
It’s a h__________.

What’s that?
It’s a __________.

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What’s that?
It’s a p__________.

What’s that?
It’s a c__________.

4. Complete the sentences. Choose A or B.

1. It’s usually white, but sometimes it’s black. It usually lives in big
groups. It isn’t a young animal. It’s a _____.
A. ☐ pig
B. ☐ sheep

2. It usually lives in the house. You take it for a walk every day. It’s
four months old. It’s a _____.
C. ☐ kitten
D. ☐ puppy

3. It’s a big animal. It’s sometimes black and white. We drink its milk.
E. ☐ cow
F. ☐ horse

4. It’s a big animal. It’s got long legs. You can ride it. It’s a _____.
G. ☐ goat
H. ☐ horse

5. It lives near water with its mum. It’s usually got yellow feathers. It’s
a _____.

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I. ☐ duckling
J. ☐ calf

6. It sometimes sleeps on your bed. It likes climbing trees. It’s three

years old. It’s a _____.
K. ☐ cat
L. ☐ kitten

5. Write the words in the correct list.

kid goat horse pig lamb foal kitten

Adult animals

Young animals

Vocabulary: Wild animals

6. Write the words in the correct list.
crocodile bat shark camel eagle penguin dolphin





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7. Choose the correct answer.

1. This animal lives in water. It can jump very far. It has long back
M. ☐ frog
N. ☐ crocodile
O. ☐ insect

2. This animal can fly. It sleeps in the day. It has big ears.
P. ☐ eagle
Q. ☐ bat
R. ☐ kangaroo

3. There are lots of these animals. They have six legs. They normally
have wings.
S. ☐ insects
T. ☐ eagles
U. ☐ penguins

4. This animal only lives in Australia. It has very strong back legs. It
can jump.
V. ☐ frog
W. ☐ kangaroo
X. ☐ crocodile

5. This animal is yellow and brown. It has a very long neck. It eats the
leaves of tall trees.
Y. ☐ zebra
Z. ☐ hippopotamus
AA. ☐ giraffe

6. This animal is big and dangerous. It can swim, climb trees and run
fast. It eats other animals.
BB. ☐ crocodile
CC. ☐ zebra
DD. ☐ tiger

8. Write the animals.

1. It flies at night. It can’t see very well. It’s a mammal. __________

2. It’s very big and fat. It lives in water. It lives in Africa. __________

3. It jumps very high. It puts its young in its pocket. __________

4. It lives in water. It has a lot of teeth. It’s very dangerous. __________

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5. It’s very clever. It jumps from tree to tree. It lives with its family.

6. It swims in the sea. It eats other fish. It’s sometimes very big.

9. Match the words 1–6 with the pictures A–F.

1. bat
2. frog
3. crocodile
4. kangaroo
5. camel
6. giraffe





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10. Complete the animal words.

1. The e _ g _ e is a big bird. It eats small animals.

2. The c _ m _ l lives in the desert. It doesn’t drink a lot of water.

3. The h _ _ _ o p _ t _ m _ s is a big animal. It likes water. It comes

from Africa.

4. The s _ _ r k is a big fish. It lives in the sea, and it’s sometimes


5. The z _ _ r _ is black and white. It lives in big groups. It eats grass.

6. The t _ _ _ r is a very big cat. It’s dangerous and very beautiful.

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Answer Key
1. Suggested Answers:
1. lamb
2. puppy
3. sheep
4. kitten
5. horse
6. duck
2. Suggested Answers:
1. A duckling
2. A foal
3. A kid
4. A kitten
5. A lamb
6. A puppy
3. Suggested Answers:
1. duckling
2. lamb
3. horse
4. piglet
5. puppy
6. cow
1. B. sheep
2. B. puppy
3. A. cow
4. B. horse
5. A. duckling
6. A. cat
Adult animals
goat, horse, pig

Young animals
foal, kid, kitten, lamb

eagle, penguin

bat, camel, dolphin


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1. A. frog
2. B. bat
3. A. insects
4. B. kangaroo
5. C. giraffe
6. C. tiger
8. Suggested Answers:
1. bat
2. hippopotamus
3. kangaroo
4. crocodile
5. monkey
6. shark

1. E.

2. A.

3. D.

4. C.

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5. B.

6. F.

10. Suggested Answers:

1. eagle
2. camel
3. hippopotamus
4. shark
5. zebra
6. tiger

Project Fourth edition PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 2016

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