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Date: March 2020

[MSDS] Security instructions

1.- Identification of product and Supplier Ingestion: Do not ingest.

Effects over-exposition
-Name of product: Chronic: N/A
ANTIGERMEN F O R T E. Environmental Hazards: This product is
no risk to public health, animal health or the
-Manufacturer by: C E V A S A S. A. environment.
Parque Industrail Pilar (1629),
Buenos Aires, Argentina 4.- Emergency and first aid

2.- Information about composition / -Skin Contact: wash exposed areas of the
Ingredients body with abundant water and soap
-Common Name: -Eyes Contact: Wash with abundant water
1. Didecyl dimetil ammonium chloride, during 15 minutes and ask for medical
2. Glutaraldehyde, assistance.
3. Formaldehyde,
4. Glioxal, 5.- Firefighting measures
5. Isopropanol.
This product is not combustible or
-Chemical group: Desinfectant. explosive.
-Chemical Group: N-DECYL-N,N-
DIMETHYL-1-DECANAMINIUM 6.- Measures to control spills or leaks
CHLORIDE, 2-METHYL-6-METHYLENE- Prevent further spread in the enviroment.
2,7-OCTADIENE, METHYL ALDEHYDE, Use absorbent/adsorbent material to
ETHANE-1,2-DIONE, ISOPROPANOL. solidify the liquid. Sweep or use a vacuum.
Use protector equipment, including eye
-% Active Ingredient: protection. Large spills due to the traffic
Didecyl dimetil ammonium chloride: 10% accidents, etc, should be reported
Glutaraldehyde: 4.0% immediately to the National Intoxications
Formaldehyde: 3.15% Center for assistance. Prevent spilled
Glioxal: 3.20% material from flowing over land ot into
Isopropanol: 5.0% streams, ponds or lakes adjacent.

- Chemical Formula: 7.- Handling and Storage

Didecyl dimetil ammonium chloride:
Safety handling recommendations:
Glutaraldehyde: C 5 H 8 O 2
Wear ruber gloves, security glasses, and
Formaldehyde: CH 2 O
appropiate clothing when you are
Glioxal: C 2 H 2 O 2
administering the medication. Avoid
Isopropanol: C3 H8O.
contact with skin and eyes. Store at room
temperature between 15ºC and 25ºC,
-Nº de CAS:
protected from direct sunlight and
Didecyl dimetil ammonium chloride: 7173-
-Recommended packing: Keep product in
Glutaraldehyde: 111-30-8
its original container.
Formaldehyde: 50-0-0
Glioxal: 107-22-2
Isopropanol: 67-63-0 8- Exposition control and personal
3.- Risk Identification
Exposition control:
-Health hazards:
-Respiratory Protection: Use approved
No toxic effects expected for people who
respirator mask.
handle the product.
-Eyes protection: Safety glasses and/or
Inhalation: Do not inhale.
mask, overalls and rubber gloves to protect
Skin Contact: Avoid contact with skin.
against chemical substances.
Eyes Contact: Avoid contact with eyes.
Date: March 2020
[MSDS] Security instructions

-Additional protection equipment: Inside Leuciscus idus. Toxicity to Daphnia: LC50:

manufacturing facilities wear protective 29.7 mg / l. Exposure time: 24 hours.
mask rubber gloves and chemical resistant Species: Daphnia magna. Algae toxicity:
suit to avoid skin contact. If it’s handling in a LC 50: 0.61 mg / l. Exposure time: 72
ventilated room, may not be required hours.
protective mask. Always use safety DIDECYL DIMETHYL AMMONIUM
glasses. CHLORINE: Ingestion: LD 50: 645 mg / kg.
Species: ratus. Method: OECD 401/1981
9.- Physical and Chemical Properties Skin Irritation: Result: corrosive. Exposure
time: 4 hours. Species: rabbit. Method:
- Appearance: Greenish liquid with a smeel OECD 401/1981
of formaldehyde. Fish toxicity: LC 50: 2 mg / l. Exposure
-Concentration: Didecyl dimetil ammonium time: 96 hours. Species: rainbow trout.
chloride: 10%, Glutaraldehyde: 4.0%, Method: US-EPA. Daphnia toxicity: LC 50:
Formaldehyde: 3.15%, Glioxal: 3.20%, <1 mg / l. Exposure time: 48 hours.
Isopropanol: 5.0%. Species: Daphnia
-pH: 6,00-8,00.
-Solubility: Miscible with water. 12. Ecological Information

10.- Stability and Reactivity -Environmental effects: The product is no

risk to public health, animal health or the
-Stability: 24 months since its environment.
manufacturing date, if kept under
recommended conditions. 13.- Final disposal considerations
-Conditions to avoid: The product in not a -Elimination of products and residues:
drug. Not be used by internal or directly in The packaging of the product and any
animals. excess should be discarded safely buried or
-Incompatibility (materials to avoid): burned. Do not throw empty containers in
open dumps or in natural water courses.
11.- Información toxicológica
Toxicity: 14- Transport Information
GLYOXAL: Ingestion: LD 50:> 2000 mg /
kg. Species: ratus. Method: OECD 401 -Applicable stamps:
Skin Toxicity: LD 50:> 2000 mg / kg. -Nº UN:
Species: ratus. Method: OECD. -Risk classification:
Fish toxicity: LC50: 760 mg / l. Exposure -Packin group:
time: 48 hours. Species: Brachidanio rerio.
Daphnia toxicity: LC 50: 430 mg / l. 15.- Current standards
Exposure time: 24 hours. Species: Daphnia
magna. Algae toxicity: LC 50: 250 mg / l. - International standards applicable:
Exposure time: 72 hours. Species: - National standards applicable:
Scenedesmus subspicatus. METHOD: - Label marks:
OECD 201.
FORMOL: If swallowed: LC50: 250 mg / 16.- Adittional information
kg. Species: ratus. Exposure time: 4 hours.
Method: Inhalation. Ingestion: LD 50: 800 -Recommended use: Disinfectant.
mg / kg. Species: ratus. Skin Toxicity: LD -Uses no recommended: All not specified
50: 270 mg / kg. Species: Rabbit. in the label.
GLUTARALDEHYDE: Ingestion: LD 50: -MSDS date last review:
320 mg / kg. Species: ratus. Fish toxicity:
LC50: 10-100 mg / l. Exposure time: 96
hours. Species: Leuciscus idus. LC 0: 10.5
mg / l. Exposure time: 48 hours. Species:

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