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The Green House Project by the David Shepard Architects

A report of recommendation to the RIBA Stephen Lawrence Award 2019

Submitted by Petru Cucuta , Technical University Munich in January

On the 22th April 1993, the late Stephen Lawrence ,architecture student , was the
victim of a horibble racially motivated murder.To honor his memory, on of the
most influencial architecture association, RIBA (Royal Institute of British
Architects), created the contest that bears his name ,to prize the best low-buget
archtictural project of the year.

The present work represents the evaluation of a nominated project in the race for
the winning prize as well as the conclusion if it deserves to win the prize.The
analysis contains an in-depth look on the principal aspects that define the building
both functional and formaly, the impact of the built space on the environment s

Sorrounded by the dense, tipical English climatic coniferous forests, the site found
itself back in 2018 in Tiverton, near Devon ,at the boundaries of the coast and
multiple the national parks .The demands of the clients were to ensure on the
first hand, a strong relationship with the natural objectives in the near area( 2
lakes , hills and dense forest) but also to sensitively adapt to the landscape and
secondly , the generation of an indoor space that could transpose the peace and
balance of the forest and nature in general in an architectural human-built

The best solution, that combined most of the first demands came from a small
office in Devon, “David Sheppard Architects”.First drafts , as it could be seen in
the lower photos , situation plans but also more detailed compartmentalized
plans.Having an intuitive form , taking advantage of the unregular relief , offering
some spectacular views due the free 90 degree angle shape , the plan opens the
door of curiosity, encouraging to discover more ,everything in a fine-built ,
integrated in the environment proposal.
In elevation, the roof inclination defines the lines that the project is following
,that it all has to be a masterful play of forms and interesting integration through
the woods at the boundaries of the lakes. Rising with the trees around, the house
keeps impressive very balanced proportios upon all the 3 floors.

Executed with a big amount of precision, the house is covered with wood with
concrete stabilization elements that ensure the keep of a low budget (unde 1
million pounds – contest key-requirment).The use of wood offers a feeling of
confidence and establish the already felt connection with nature that could be
seen from inside and outside as well.The choosen material can be considered a
little bit restrained.The light wood types used are contrasting stugarring with the
black frames , shaping the form and making the hole volume readable.The pallete
of colors is jongling around the wood nounces and black or complete dark
elements which can be observed outside and the white , pure white and beige ,
on the inside.
4.Space development
Starting with an assamble non-rectanguar form,the functions of the house ,in
particular the kitchen ,the living room and the sleeping spaces are following the
idea of natural light which again empower the idea of men&nature relationship.
That way “The Green House” becomes a figurative shelter in the woods,giving
confidence in interior.The kitchen, for example takes the form of a huge open
space ,with the dining place right at the seesight place. The stair leads the
visitators to the upper flor which is a more intimate place, ensuring in each of the
bedrooms or study rooms even more impressive views.

The interior design is done in the spirit of common sense, with Scandinavian
design tangible elements.The predominant color is white which amplify the
natural light.
5.Architectural ambition
From all the advantages and
good points, this building has,
one of the most remarkable is
the idea itself with such an all-
arounded project to
experimentate and to express
the need of reliable , nature-
friendly and low-budget
building to integrate perfect in
a certain context.

From far away, the project it’s

inviting its visitators to
discover, to explore .The water
mirror increases the fascination
about the hole
landscape.Getting closer, an
usual visitator would be
tempted to find the entrance
whose position it’s located on a lateral fassade .Once in the house, the
exploration of the built space is made in an intuitive and pretty natural way,with
defined walls and clear divided units.The general feelling seems to be a protective
one .

“The Greenhouse “ it’s an incredibly well done project from the stage of project to
the end phase of construction.The combination of light wood and concrete , with
strong contrast elements( like the frames) transpose a very fresh vision of how
the architectural “intervention” should be perceped .The idea of integrating such
a building which by te way is very well positioned, offering some truly stunning
views, should be adopted by most architects so that the hole architectural gesture
would transform into a confident ,futuristic movement .The fact that the
building’s cost was lower than 1 million pounds it’s again a sign that the good
quality architecture became more affordable in the last decades, and the mix of
function, confort and shape is closer than anytime to those who want to
experiment some top class architecture.

In my opinion, after this preliminary analysis ,I can declare that the project “The
Greenhouse” by David Sheppard Architects really deserves the RIBA “Stephen
Lawrence Award” because it’s the hole package in terms of immpresive
contemporary well-thought architecture, “A masterful play of shaping with land,
trees and water that might well prove to be timeless.”


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