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College of Engineering

ELEC 600 – Numerical Methods in Engineering

03 Credit Hours (3 Contact Hours), Spring 2020

Class Location and Meeting Time:

Instructor Information:
 Name: Dr. Qurban Ali
 Office location: F1-1177
 Office hours (+ by appointment) ; Phone: 03 7135144

Course Coordinator (if any): Dr. Qurban Ali

 Email: 

Course Description:
This course focuses on numerical methods for the analysis and design of engineering processes
and systems. The course will include approximation and interpolation, root-finding, solution of
linear and nonlinear equations, curve fitting, numerical differentiation and integration,
numerical optimization, solution of ordinary and partial differential equations, finite difference
and introduction to finite element techniques

Steven C. Chapra, and Raymond Canale, Numerical Methods for Engineers, 7 th Edition, McGraw-
Hill Publishing Company, 2015.

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
CLO1: Explain the difference between analytical and numerical solutions [PLO 1]
CLO2: Compute roots of linear and non-linear equations [PLO 2, 3]
CLO3: Examine stable and accurate numerical methods to solve linear systems of equations
[PLO 2, 3]
CLO4: Solve basic linear and nonlinear optimization problems related to engineering [PLO 3, 4]
CLO5: Apply numerical integration and differentiation [PLO 2, 3]
CLO6: Evaluate stable methods to solve ordinary and partial differential equations [PLO 3, 4]

Instructional Material & Learning Resources:

Textbook, Lecture notes and handouts

Course Teaching & Learning Methods:

Lectures, e-learning (Blackboard), White and Smart board, Discussions

Course Evaluation and Grading:

Assessment Methods Weight % Due Date
Home works 20% Week 4, 7, 11, 13

Tests 20% Week 8, 14

Midterm Exam 25% Week 9

Final Exam 35% Final Term Exam

 Feedback on progress in the course will be provided to students to give opportunities to
improve their performance.

Course Outline:
Week Topics Activities Assessment Tools
Introduction to Mathematical Modeling, Engineering
Problem Solving
2 Error Analysis: Round off and Truncation errors
3 Roots: Graphical & Bracketing methods
Homework 1
4 Roots: Open methods
(Chapters: 1, 3, 4)
5 Solution of linear equations
6 Solution of linear equations Continued
Numerical Integration (Trapezoidal, Simpson, Gauss Homework 2
quadrature) (Chapters: 5, 6, 9)
Numerical Integration continued; Numerical
8 Test1
9 Review – Midterm Exam Midterm Exam
10 Ordinary Differential Equations - Runge Kutta Methods
11 Boundary-value and Eigenvalue problems Homework 3
12 Solution of Linear Systems using Finite-Difference Method
13 Finite Difference: Parabolic Equations Homework 4
14 Course Review Test2
15 Assessment statistics Final Exam

Academic Integrity:
Academic integrity is of central importance to education at UAEU. Students have the
responsibility to know and observe the requirements of the UAEU Code of Academic Honesty
available: and

the penalties resulting from violation of this code. This code forbids cheating, fabrication or
falsification of information, multiple submission of academic work, plagiarism, abuse of
academic materials, and complicity in academic dishonesty. Cheating in any form and on any
academic work results in serious penalties that include dissmissal from the university.

Students with Special Needs:

Students with special needs are encouraged to discuss their needs with the course instructor.
You need to contact the Special Needs Services Center at +971 3 7134264 or email
( All academic accommodations must be arranged through that

Student Support Services:

If you need more support please go to the Student Academic Success Program: This program provides students with
academic support services such as Independent Learning Centers (ILCs), Tutorials, Writing &
Speaking Centers. All students are encouraged to use these Centers.

Mapping Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) to Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)
Use a proficiency level “I = Introduced, D = Developed, or M = Mastery” (recommended), or a
check mark “” to map CLOs to PLOs.

PLO-1 PLO-2 PLO-3 PLO-4 PLO-5 PLO-6 PLO-7 PLO-8 PLO-9 PLO-10 PLO-11
CLO-1 
CLO-2  
CLO-3  
CLO-4  
CLO-5  
CLO-6  

CLOs Assessment Tools

Use a check mark “” to specify the assessment tools for each CLOs.

Direct Assessment Tools1 Indirect Assessment Tools2

CLO-1    
CLO-2    
CLO-3     
CLO-4     
CLO-5  
CLO-6  

Projects, embedded questions, quizzes, lab reports, etc.
Instructor observation, student satisfaction survey, etc.


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