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New Class: Driver

A Blade is a character unto itself, with its own personality

and character traits. It is recommended to give your Blades at
least two personality traits, an ideal, and a flaw. Blades can
look and act however you like, so you may choose whatever
character traits you desire for a given Blade. Blades also have
an innate Bond with their Driver. You should play a Driver if
you enjoy playing an assembly of diverse characters with
interpersonal relationships and interactions.

The Driver
Proficiency Driver
Level Bonus Arts Features
1st +2 1 Core Crystal, Driver Arts
2nd +2 2 Blade Defense
3rd +2 2 Elemental Damage
Credit: Nintendo 4th +2 3 Ability Score
A young boy faces death when he is suddenly saved by a Improvement
mysterious woman. She shares a piece of her soul with him, 5th +3 3
and the two become inextricably intertwined. He raises her
crimson sword to the sky, pledging his service to the Blade 6th +3 3 Blade Combo
who saved him. 7th +3 4
A Flesh Eater awakens her family's Core Crystal and runs
away from those who would kill her for a crime she didn't 8th +3 4 Ability Score
commit. She hides her true form and passes for a Gormotti
girl, her Blade the only being that knows the truth. 9th +4 4
A brilliant Nopon engineer puts the finishing touches on a 10th +4 4 Chain Attack
machine his family has been working on for generations. He
hops up and down with celebration, having finished his 11th +4 5
artificial blade. Together, the two young warriors become a 12th +4 5 Ability Score
force much more than the sum of its parts. Improvement
Drivers are mighty warriors able to forge a bond with one 13th +5 5
or more Blades, augmenting their own fighting ability with
elemental assistance from another being of incredible 14th +5 5 True Self
potential. They excel at combat with strong opponents, able to 15th +5 5
whittle down even the hardiest of foes with progressively
stronger attacks. 16th +5 6 Ability Score
Unique Blades 17th +6 6
Blades are creatures born from Core Crystals, awakened by 18th +6 6 Blade Combo (2)
their Drivers. When their Driver dies, the Blade retreats back 19th +6 6 Ability Score
into its crystal to await reawakening. No two Blades look Improvement
exactly alike, although less powerful ones do tend towards a 20th +6 6 Blade Evolution
certain general appearance. It is said that many Drivers
influence their Blades' appearance and personality when they
are awakened, although this is likely just a rumor, as any given
Blade will always look and act almost identical no matter
who their Driver is.

Versatile Combatants As a Driver, you have the unique ability to awaken Core
Crystals. At first level, you obtain one Core Crystal, and you
No two Drivers are alike, just as no two Blades are alike. may obtain more by adventuring. You can only multiclass into
With a myriad of weapons, elements, and roles to fill, a Driver this class if you obtain a Core Crystal over the course of the
can feasibly become a mighty defender, a vicious attacker, or game. The Core Crystal has an associated element, weapon,
a fantastic supporter, as the situation requires. Many Drivers and Driver Role. You may roll randomly on the tables below
are known to keep multiple Blades that serve different to determine your element and weapon, or you may instead
functions, switching them out as the situation warrants. choose them.
Creating a Driver Elements
Elemental Mastery
When creating your Driver, consider your Blade; what does
he, she, or it look like? Where and how did your character 1 Cold
obtain and awaken their Core Crystal? Was it perhaps a 2 Fire
family heirloom, or maybe a trophy from a defeated foe? 3 Lightning
What is your Driver's relationship with their Blade like?
You should also consider the Driver, as well. Where did they 4 Necrotic
learn to fight? Who taught them combat? Maybe the Titan 5 Radiant
they lived on showed them a few tricks, or else they were
trained in the Ardanian military? What drove them to 6 Thunder
adventure? It could be simple wanderlust, a drive to make a
difference in the world, a duty to their nation, or any number Note that the table above excludes the Water and Earth
of other factors. elements, due to difficulty of implementation.
Quick Build
You can make a Driver quickly by following these 1d12 Weapon (Driver Role)
suggestions. First, make Strength your highest ability score, 1 Bitball (Healing)
followed by Charisma. Second, choose the Sailor 2 Broadsword (Attacker)
3 Catalyst Scimitar (Healing)

Class Features 4 Chroma Katana (Tank)

5 Drill Shield (Tank)
As a driver, you gain the following class features.
6 Ether Cannon (Attacker)
Hit Points 7 Greataxe (Attacker)
Hit Dice: 1d8 per driver level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier 8 Knuckle Claws (Healing)
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your 9 Megalance (Attacker)
Constitution modifier for each level after 1st 10 Shield Hammer (Tank)
Proficiencies 11 Twin Rings (Healing)
Armor: Light armor 12 Whipswords (Tank)
Weapons: Simple weapons
Tools: None You are considered proficient in your Core Crystal's
Saving Throws: Strength, Charisma weapon. Your weapon determines your Driver Role, as shown
Skills: Choose two skills from Arcana, Athletics, History, in the table. As a result, changing Blade weapons for any
Insight, Intimidation, Nature, Persuasion, and Religion reason will also change your Role to that weapon. Each
weapon is detailed below. Most are functionally identical to
Equipment weapons found in the Player's Handbook, but a few have
You start out with the following equipment, in addition to the unique characteristics. Your Core Crystal weapon attacks
equipment granted to you by your background: count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance.
Leather armor
a Core Crystal
(a) a simple melee weapon or (b) a light crossbow and 20
(a) an explorer's pack or (b) a dungeoneer's pack
Core Crystal Awakening
Driver Weapons
Name Damage Weight Properties
Bitball 1d6 bludgeoning 2 lb Thrown (range 20/60), boomerang, light
Broadsword 2d6 slashing 6 lb Heavy, two-handed
Catalyst Scimitar 1d6 slashing 3lb Finesse, light
Chroma Katana 1d8 slashing 3 lb Versatile (1d10)
Drill Shield 1d8 piercing 9 lb Special
Ether Cannon 1d10 piercing 18 lb Ammunition (range 100/400), heavy, loading, two-handed
Greataxe 1d12 slashing 7 lb Heavy, two-handed
Knuckle Claws 1d6 piercing 3 lb Light
Megalance 1d12 piercing 6 lb Reach, Special
Shield Hammer 1d8 bludgeoning 2 lb Versatile (1d10)
Twin Rings 1d6 slashing 1 lb Thrown (range 20/60), boomerang, light
Whipswords 1d8 slashing 5 lb Reach

Boomerang: This weapon returns to the owner's hand at the

start of the owner's next turn, meaning it does not require
reloading or retrieval.
Megalance: You have disadvantage when you use a
megalance to attack a target within 5 feet of you. Also, a
megalance requires two hands to wield when you aren't
Drill Shield: This weapon gives you a +2 bonus to your AC.
You count as holding a shield when using this weapon.

DM's Note: Core Crystal Rarity

Should you choose to allow the Driver homebrew
class in your campaign, consider treating them like
magic weapons of Uncommon rarity. Like magic
weapons, there are different rarities of Core
Crystals out there; your Driver starts out with a
Common Crystal, but may obtain a +1 Rare Crystal
or a +2 Legendary Crystal, that give your Driver
corresponding bonuses to attack and damage.
There are only three +3 Core Crystals,
corresponding to each of the Aegises: Logos,
Ontos, and Pneuma. These Core Crystals do not go
dormant once their master dies, although they also
grant whoever claims them immortality.
Treat the Aegises as a sort of "final reward" for
your players, based on how they've behaved up
until that point. A good player might get Pneuma, a
neutral one Ontos, and an evil one Logos.
Alternatively, it's entirely possible for your players
to start out with one of the Aegises, but you should
scale combat accordingly.
Credit: Nintendo
Blades As long as you are conscious, hostile creatures will attack you AB
You may awaken as many Core Crystals as you wish, but you and act as if your Blade does not exist. If you lose again
may only have a number of active Blades equal to your consciousness, your Blade may be attacked and will defend you u
Charisma modifier. The rest must lie dormant and can only itself to the best of its ability. If your active Blade dies, it the el
be activated by switching them out for other active Blades returns to its Core Crystal for at least 24 hours. If you have type o
over the course of a long rest. Once you awaken a Core no active Blades, you lose all Driver class features until you the sa
Crystal, roll on the Elements and Weapons tables to activate a Core Crystal. must
determine its elemental mastery and weapon. If your DM A Blade has no memory of its previous incarnations, but effect
allows it, you may instead choose a different weapon from the some keep journals that they entrust to whoever claims them You c
Player's Handbook and assign it a role. Generally speaking, in the next life. It isn't usually a reliable system, unless the
Healer weapons do the least amount of damage, while Blade is an heirloom.
Attacker weapons do the most.
A Blade is a physical creature, born of a Core Crystal, that Driver Arts
you are obligated to protect. You and your equipped Blade At 1st level, you have one Driver Art, which you may choose
share initiative. You may only have one Blade equipped at a from the list at the end of the class description. You can use a
time. Switching equipped Blades from your active Blades number of Driver Arts equal to
takes one action. your Proficiency bonus + your Cha modifier
You regain 2 expended Driver Arts from a short rest, or all
expended Driver arts from a long rest. Once per turn,
Blade whenever you take the Attack action, you may use one Driver
Medium humanoid, any alignment (same as Driver)
Art, so long as you meet the prerequisites. Whenever you
level up, you may switch out one Driver art for a different one.
Armor Class 10 + Driver proficiency bonus + You gain one Driver Art at 2nd, 4th, 7th, 11th, and 16th level.
Dexterity Modifier Some Driver Arts require an enemy to make a saving
Hit Points 1d8 + Constitution Modifier per level throw. The DC for these saving throws is equal to
Speed 30ft. 8 + your Proficiency bonus + your Cha modifier


Blade Defense
At 2nd level, you have earned your Blade's trust enough that
Use Standard Array to assign however you like; they will help protect you in battle. While you are wearing
no racial bonuses light or no armor and your equipped Blade is within 30 ft of
you, you may spend a bonus action to gain AC equal to your
Condition Immunities sleep Charisma modifier. Additionally, you gain resistance to all
Senses passive Perception 10 + Wisdom Modifier damage of your equipped Blade's elemental mastery. While
Skills Choose 1 from Athletics, History, you are benefitting from this feature, the Blade can take no
Investigation, Perception, Persuasion, Nature, actions and is defenseless. You can choose to end this effect
Sleight of Hand, or Survival as a bonus action.
Languages Any spoken by Driver
Resistances Whatever Element determined from Elemental Damage
Elemental Mastery table
At 3rd level, you may choose to deal your Blade's elemental
Blade Art. While equipped and within 30 feet of its
type in damage, rather than its normal damage. This damage
Driver, this Blade gives a passive bonus to its counts as magical for the purposes of overcoming resistance.
Driver. You may select any Blade Art from the list at
the end of the class description, provided the Blade Ability Score Increase
meets the prerequisites for the art. When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and
Weapon Recall. The Blade may recall its weapon to 19th level, you and your Blades can increase one ability score
its hand at any time as a free action, regardless of of your choice by 2, or two ability scores of your choice by 1.
distance, unless it is on another plane. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using
this feature.
Attack. The Blade makes a weapon attack with its
associated weapon. It is not proficient with Blade Combo
unarmed attacks or other weapons. At 6th level, if you use three different Driver Arts in one
encounter, you may use an action to execute one Blade
Combo until the end of the combat.
At 18th level, you can perform a Blade Combo with two
Blades, making three attacks. The target must make Optional Rule: Overkill
individual saving throws against each effect. If both Blades The DM may choose to include this rule if using an
have the same element and the target fails both saving XP-based leveling system.
throws, the status effect becomes permanent until the target At 10th level, if you and at least one other party
completes a short or long rest, no save allowed. member reduce an enemy's life total to more than
one-half their hit point maximum below 0 hit
Blade Combos points over the course of a Chain attack, the entire
Element Status Effect party gains double the XP they would normally gain
Cold Cannot take a move action on their turn from the combat. If you reduce the enemy's life
total to more than negative their hit point
Fire Takes an additional 1d6 + Cha mod damage on maximum, the party gains triple XP instead. This
their turn ability does not stack with multiple Drivers. (if an
Lightning Cannot take reactions enemy has 10 hit points and you reduce them to
-5, XP is doubled; if you reduce it to -10 or below,
Necrotic Blinded XP is tripled).
Radiant Incapacitated
Thunder Frightened
True Self
At 14th level, you unlock one of your Blades' true self. The
Blade gains a new form, with identical ability scores, skills,
and weapon, but it may have a different Elemental Mastery
and Blade Art. Switching between the Blade's two forms
takes a free action. this additional form does not count
against your total active Blades.
Blade Evolution
at 20th level, one of your Blades gains its ultimate form and
becomes the best it can possibly be at assisting you in
Credit: Nintendo combat. Both you and it gain immunity to its elemental
mastery, it gains an extra Blade Art, and while it's equipped,
Chain Attack you may use any Driver Art you meet the prerequisites for as
though you had taken it once.
At 10th level, you have learned how to guide your allies to
capitalize on your opponents' distractions.
On your turn, you may forgo any other actions to initiate a Alternate Driver Options
Chain Attack. The target loses all ongoing effects, both Variant Driver
beneficial and detrimental; all spells affecting the target end,
and all elemental orbs on it are destroyed. All participating It is possible to build a Driver with Intelligence as
players immediately mark off two failures on their Death its base stat instead of Charisma. In this instance, it
Saving throw sheet, which carries over if they fall is assumed that the Driver has built an Artificial
unconscious; if they fall during the battle, they only get one Blade. These Drivers cannot awaken Core Crystals,
but they may upgrade their Artificial Blade with
more failure before they die. Once this is done, an different weapons, and they are able to fill any role
intermediary round of combat begins, skipping over anyone with any weapon, given at least ten days of work
not participating, including the target. During this round, no and 1000 gp in materials (that is to say, an
actions may be taken other than "Attack." There is one bonus Artificial Blade could fill a Healing role with a
round of combat for each elemental orb destroyed. This Greataxe, after the necessary modifications). Any
round exists in a vaccuum, and the target does not die until time this Driver would use Charisma for a Driver
the Chain Attack has resolved. Once every round of combat feature, it instead uses Intelligence.
has concluded, combat resumes as normal, picking up at the
end of your turn. Blade Eater
Your failed death saving throws are restored after a short Through the use of a complicated ritual, a Driver
or long rest. You cannot use this feature again until after a who has been dead for no more than 24 hours can
long rest. be saved by implanting a piece of their Blade's
Core Crystal inside them. This requires the consent
of the Blade in question, as well as one use of the
Rary's Telepathic Bond spell.
A Blade Eater does not age, and their Blade takes
any damage they do. If either the Blade or the
Driver is reduced to 0 HP, both fall unconscious.
You may cast the Compelled Duel spell once without
Blade Arts expending a spell slot. You cannot use this feature again until
Absorb Damage you finish a short rest.
(Prerequisite: Tank Role) Cyclone Smash
All nonmagical bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage
the Driver takes is reduced by 3. (Prerequisite: Attacker Role)
If the enemy has already taken damage, your attack deals
Accuracy Up an extra 1d8 damage. You may activate this ability
(Prerequisite: Attacker Role) immediately after rolling to attack.
The Driver has +2 to all attack rolls.
Double Spinning Edge
Arts Plus (Prerequisite: level 4)
Whenever the Driver uses an Art while attacking, they may You may spend a bonus action to attack one extra time. You
deal extra damage to their opponent equal to their Charisma may take this art up to three times. Each time, add an
modifier. additional attack. You may not switch another Art for this one
Back Attack Up when you level up.
(Prerequisite: Attacker Role) Dynamic Spark Sword
Attacks the Driver makes with advantage add the Driver's
Charisma modifier to their damage roll. You may spend a bonus action to force the target to make a
Strength saving throw. If they fail, they are pushed back 10 ft.
Critical Up
The Driver's Critical Hits deal an additional die of damage. Fast Twitch
Debuff Cancel (Prerequisite: Attacker Role)
(Prerequisite: Healing Role) Immediately after rolling to attack, you may activate this
The Driver may cast Lesser Restoration targeting Art to treat a 19 as a critical hit.
themselves as an action. The Driver may not use this ability
again until the end of their next short or long rest. Healing Halo
(Prerequisite: Healing Role)
Draw Aggro You may use a bonus action to spend one hit die to heal
(Prerequisite: Tank Role) one friendly creature within 30 feet for 1d4 + your Charisma
Once per long rest, The Driver may spend a bonus action modifier HP.
to force a number of creastures within 30 feet up to their
Charisma modifier to make a Wisdom Saving Throw, with Healing Trick
DC equal to the Driver's Driver Art save DC. If they fail, they
cannot attack anyone but the Driver until the start of their (Prerequisite: Healing Role)
next turn. You may use a bonus action to spend one hit die to heal all
allies within 15 feet for a number of Hit Points equal to your
Nullify Reaction Charisma modifier.
Once per combat, the Driver may spend a reaction to counter
one target enemy's reaction, provided the enemy is within Hydro Blast
reach. The reaction is still spent. You may spend a bonus action to force all creatures in a 10-
Recharge Boost
foot cone to make a Dexterity saving throw or be knocked
Only two Driver Arts are required before a Blade Combo can back 5 feet.
be used, instead of three. Overload Thunderbeam
(Prerequisite: Lightning Element)
Driver Arts Instead of making a weapon attack, you may shoot a 5 x 30
Open to suggestions! Nothing too powerful, yeah? ft line of lightning originating from you. All creatures in the
line must make a Dexterity saving throw or take 1d6
Anchor Shot lightning damage. This damage increases to 2d6 at 5th level,
3d6 at 10th level, and 4d6 at 15th level.
You may take a bonus action to force an opponent within
reach to make a Strength saving throw. On a failure, the Raging Charge
target is knocked prone.
You may spend an action to move one and a half times your
Blaze normal move speed, making an attack upon reaching an
enemy. If your attack hits, the target is pushed back 5 feet.
(Prerequisite: Tank Role, Fire Element)
(Prerequisite: Healing Role)
You may use a bonus action to spend one hit die to heal any
number of creatures of your choice within 15 feet for half the
number rolled (rounded up) HP. You may take this art twice.
If you do so, the healing is increased to the full value on the
hit die.
Rigid Shield
(Prerequisite: Tank Role, level 4)
You may use a bonus action to cast the Shield spell once
without expending a spell slot. You cannot use this feature
again until you finish a short rest.
Saber Slash
(Prerequisite: Healing Role)
You may use a bonus action to spend one hit die to heal
one ally within 5 feet for 1d8 + your Charisma modifier HP.
Strong Horn
If the enemy has not taken damage prior to your attack since
rolling initiative, your attack deals an extra 1d10 damage. You
may activate this ability immediately after rolling to attack.
Sword Bash
(Prerequisite: Broadsword)
If you attack with advantage, you may deal an extra 1d6
damage on a hit. This damage increases to 2d6 at 5th level,
3d6 at 10th level, and 4d6 at 15th level.
Stratospheric Thunder
(Prerequisite: Thunder Element)
You may spend a bonus action to launch the target into the
air, forcing them to make a Constitution saving throw. The
target has disadvantage on this saving throw if they are
prone. On a failure, the target cannot move or take reactions
until the start of your next turn.
If you want to multiclass into the Driver homebrew, you first
need a Core Crystal, enough XP to level up, and a Strength
and Charisma score of at least 13 each. To successfully
multiclass, you must hold the Core Crystal in your hand, and
spend at least ten minutes attempting to awaken the Core
Crystal. At the end of those ten minutes, make a DC 20
Charisma saving throw. On a success, you gain one level in
the Driver class. On a failure, you take 2d10 psychic damage
and cannot attempt to multiclass again for 24 hours.
If you have the Extra Attack feature, you cannot use the
Driver's Double Spinning Edge art.
The Blade Defense feature does not stack with any version
of the Unarmored Defense feature. If you have both, you must
choose one or the other when determining your AC.

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