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KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION (>) COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION FOR THE POST OF PROVINCIAL MANAGEMENT SERVICE / ETOs (B-17) —_ 2016 Time Allowed : 03 Hours Subject : Pashto Max. Marks = 100 PANE SIMs Ue AE a et et aay 999 AST lee eya(1) capa Be ce Th seed Shy tetas Sis SSN A be a sealel Siesta eras Beal 3 a et easte lis dental” oF [oe putts] cl B eer | A | e2pSl) wack eatery Siygses ot “aasepelo Wlmestie, © | See ob4 Jousye| 8 | oui se Jol pelo] Se ea she seasarae| | go atlas 9 “gS Jaspal cn e eo B| jews, s eee Cee aia anna eae re! C | @ * BS sear 8 gah ping aba 4 she 6S) GW? a) ged See ‘Translation from one language into another calls for profound knowledge and strenuous labour: and when translation isto be from fine verse into fine verse, a special talent is also needed. In this many inspired interpreters throughout the history of civilized nations of the world have through their learning and labour sought to bring different nations and climes closer to one another, so establishing a firm relationship between strango% ‘who find themeoives much nearer than they dreamed. Fitzgerald, for Instance, brought about # delightful and enduring aesoctation between the Persian and English languages by virtue of his translation of the Rubelyat Omar Khayyam into English verse. Similarly the efforts of the German poet Goethe succeeded in P jecting in the German language a boautiful image of Persian pootry and literature. Scholars and experts of the civilized and advanced languages of the world, both classical and modern, are aware that the natural affinity which exists between human beings can be given a renewed meaning by means of inspired translation from one language into another. This will continue to be an accepted medium for the establishment of still closer association between men as long 88 man continues to flourish on the surface of this earth. oP Sadar SS pint we P pest? Ge) 4. The beggar spends the night where it is convenient 2, Manners can be learned from the manneress 3. Water cannot be separated with a club 4, Your bread is buttered on both sides 6. Charity begins at home 6. You reap what you sow PF Mar BS 6 DIG Sse sind QUT? yh pad dle pre tptig stig 2 3380/5 sp old AF BS dnapin alelSay city BABE 246 170 BUM TNAD nD ABP UN a So yyy ST Hg sSeed QUIN oF 49 Ca ADE ct M35? CIS ASO OSM FAR OI99 pn ant AS 2 So 9 had Ab 9 4 43? S99 8 a IS C8419 aS Sat ee oH ye ogi 2 pant 9 pn l2 ean So regs 39 sabes IF Sg EH Ale ple al ALE 31 2/599 bg Ali dy 8 9 ply lol AS ght 299 HSI lle! ph py ag SS at Stet ote A tal ao tS 032 Sle 9 en 3! sasate Ses lg tip MSAD Ae SF nse atte GMa NIK AAP) agitbu gigs sssny D9 shake Molar 72049 aan fe aa ga dire SE 7 sgadtgn and ang oc Pw AS use penta Niigie Mba IS crt G8 AS PAN CNY EPS gee : piers inal siglen gD pe aged (or) CBee «NY eats enandes (1) Err SHAM P SS) ads antale — ABN WPA ZHI Hyp AOL (1) sade pmokesad ie (O) Wy Jaa yes ped af sssprgeen Br apeee pit ds) MA Se4 a4 Say ES 83 2 ead Shee BS he oh aS ane? capers ps gilbanad gata 91404) ediyhQol gallos 20 pad diye sg eoaalle atte 3 699s 29 anal er ghd aS 31 EL 2 al Se iy ydy 5 93l9 909 Ole shame IS Ae 29 Pe SN OS ant A erate ly 1 ae Se gSeal gene gloat ooh 5p 93.02 2.4m? 22 seals ps! dd Srfabs Gogh pe aS 299 A412! co Slab 3! cot} ot le pinta g Bagels Glee IN ye Oe pyed 8 af bl ag 2gh 9 pS 999 3 aad alo 45 ft 28 SE 2 Oe BS Nemaege cht 3839

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