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INTRODUCTION to LITERATURE Bridge of thoughts, ideas, and issues through written words

What is Literature? with an alternative reality up to the highest vision of a written

Definition of Terms: work. It is a great way to escape reality and reveals a
Literature is defined as: glimpse of a certain period of history. It is also a way where
Amador Daguio authors laments their grief, and share their happiness.
“It is the beautiful expression of man’s personal
interpretation of some aspect of human life, or a wording out What is the importance of studying literature?
in a unique, beautiful and personal manner of saying what
an author thinks is a passionate meaning of life. This is 1. Literature allows us to see the world in different vantage
saying that literature not only becomes but is “life itself.” points.
- It enables us to see the world in different
Teofilo del Castillo and Buenaventura Medina perspectives; what is perceived to be “good” may not be
“It is an eternally burning flame, exuding light that renders good in your own standard, in the same way that what is
significance to civilization. It can die only if the printed word perceived to be “bad” may not necessarily be bad in your
disappears from the face of the earth, and if man ceases to own consciousness because we see things in different
give effective expression to his thoughts and emotions.” angles.

Francisco O. Javines 2. Literature relives history.

“It develops a keener sensitiveness to life, a clearer self- - It has historical grounding, thus, making the
knowledge, a more balanced sense of values.” readers aware of some important facts in the past to make
sense of the present circumstances where we are in. In
Roger Don SJ. Cerda short, we are able to establish the connection between the
“Literature liberates people from political oppression, social past and the present, and what tomorrow may bring.
injustice, economic inequality, and emotional inhibition as
reflected in short stories, novels, dramas, essays, and other 3. Literature links us with the world of which we are a part.
literary genres.” -It helps us understand the people across nations –
their cultures, traditions, beliefs, and religious practices; thus,
Virginia Woolf making us live harmoniously by recognizing and respecting
“It is strewn with the wreckage of men who have minded individual differences.
beyond reason the opinion of others.”
4. Literature sharpens our senses of moral judgment.
C.S. Lewis -It hones our sense of morality be delineating the
“It adds to reality. It does not simply describe.” distinction between art and pornography, right from wrong,
moral and immoral, and it enables us to make our personal
Esther Lombardi judgment based on our standard of morality.
“It is a term used to described written or spoken material.
Broadly speaking, “literature” is used to describe anything 5. Literature stimulates our imagination and ingenuity.
from creative writing to more technical or scientific works, but -It fuels our imagination and creativity to reconstruct
the term is most commonly used to refer to works of the the plot; these are essential to make sense of any literary
creative imagination, including works of poetry, drama, work, whether it is read, performed, or viewed.
fiction, and nonfiction.”
6. Literature shows the significance of irony, paradox,
LITERATURE oxymoron, and ambivalence.
Is language in use that provides insights and intellectual -It acquaints us to different poetic devices and
stimulation to the readers. It is a product of a particular poetic dictions to unearth the message of the poets different
culture that concretizes man’s array of a values, emotions, from fictionists and playwrights; most of time, it will require
actions and idea. It is therefore a creation of human us to have working knowledge of literary theories or
experience that tells about people and their world. approaches to recreate the writer’s intended meaning.

Faraday (2019-Batch 3) defined literature as… 7. Literature encourages us to develop mature empathy with
As a way of portraying one’s thoughts and feelings where all forms of life – human, animal, and plant.
taken as a form of art that needs more analysis that can give -It nurtures our sensibility and compassion for the
positive or negatives effects to the people. It teaches us environment and everything in it by making us grasp the
lessons and sensitivity to every individual, letting us connect interconnectedness of life on earth that the obliteration of
with each other. It showcases artistic and intellectual value one tree is tantamount to the extinction of animal and plant
that can be useful to get us through life and transform us into species, and with that, we were reminded to be stewards of
a wiser, fiercer, and better version of ourselves. God’s creation for the earth serves as the habitat of all.

ABM (2019 – Batch 3) defined literature as…

8. Literature enables us to transcend our immediate time,
place, and culture and to make connections with other THE SEVEN LITERARY STANDARDS
human beings and their concerns. THE SEVEN LITERARY STANDARDS
-It enables us to break away from or go beyond our
present reality through the power of imagination, enabling 1. ARTISTRY –It is a quality that appeals to the
one to travel thru time and space at the same time establish readers’ standard of beauty. It has an aesthetic
good human relations by realizing peoples’ angst evident in appeal.
the literary pieces that we are expected to. 2. INTELLECTUAL VALUE – It is appeals to our
intellect. An artwork inflames critical thinking. It
9. Literature helps us grow both personally and intellectually. helps you uncover indispensable truths about life
-Since it reflects significant human experiences, it and human nature.
allows us to grow personally by learning from the experience 3. SUGGESTIVENESS. It appeals to our emotion. It
of other people, thus, enabling us to handle varied human makes us sympathize or empathize with the people
situations that we never experience before; and intellectually involved in an artwork. It unravels and conjures
because it enhances our vocabulary range vis-à-vis our man’s emotional power to define symbolism,
mental faculty, thus, making us think critically to articulate nuances, implied meanings, images and messages,
and defend our point of view. giving and evoking visions above and beyond the
plane of ordinary life and experience.
10. Literature reminds us that we are human beings. 4. SPIRITUAL VALUE. It appeals to our sense of
-It makes us realize that we have our own morality by making us undergo self-realization that
limitations, insecurities, and imperfections; that despite our makes us better persons. It subsumes the capacity
shortcomings, we learn from our experiences and from the to inspire; ordinary people who do things
experiences of other people, making us better individuals – extraordinarily well.
responsible, self-reliant, compassionate, God-loving, and 5. PERMANENCE. An excellent artwork lasts. It
God-fearing. stands the test of time. It can be read on several
occasions with the feeling that your are reading it
Literature is classified into four genres: for the first time for each reading provides new
 PROSE FICTION insights about the worlds we live in.
 POETRY 6. UNIVERSALITY. A superb artwork is timeless and
 DRAMA timely; it is forever relevant; it appeals to all
 NONFICTIONPROSE regardless of one’s race, educational attainment,
gender, religious affiliation, and social status
because it deals with elemental feelings,
fundamental truths, and universal conditions.
7. STYLE. An artwork manifests the artists’ ingenuity
and originality. He deviates from usual convention,
but he is able to showcase his talent beyond


Pre-Colonial Times
Pre-colonial inhabitants of our islands showcase a rich past
through their folk speeches, folk songs, folk narratives and
indigenous rituals and mimetic dances that affirm our ties
with our Southeast Asian neighbors.

The Spanish Colonial Tradition

While it is true that Spain subjugated the Philippines for
more mundane reasons, this former European power
contributed much in the shaping and recording of our
literature.   Religion and institutions that represented
European civilization enriched the languages in the
lowlands, introduced theater which we would come to know
as komedya, thesinakulo, the sarswela, the playlets and the
drama. Spain also brought to the country, though at a much
later time, liberal ideas and an internationalism that
influenced our own Filipino intellectuals and writers for them
to understand the meanings of “liberty and
freedom.”  Literature in this period may be classified as values—are personally or morally acceptable.
religious prose and poetry and secular prose and poetry. Sophisticated critics have sometimes demeaned
the moral/intellectual approach on the grounds that
“message hunting” reduces a work’s artistic value
The American Colonial Period by treating it like a sermon or political speech; but
A new set of colonizers brought about new changes in the approach will be valuable as long as readers
Philippine literature. New literary forms such as free verse [in expect literature to be applicable to their own lives.
poetry], the modern short story and the critical essay were
introduced. American influence was deeply entrenched with 3. Historical Approach
the firm establishment of English as the medium of Literature is seen both as a reflection and product of the
instruction in all schools and with literary modernism that times and circumstances in which it was written. It operates
highlighted the writer’s individuality and cultivated on the premise that the history of a nation has telling effects
consciousness of craft, sometimes at the expense of social on its literature and that the piece can be better understood
consciousness. and appreciated if one knows the times surrounding its
The Contemporary Period
The flowering of Philippine literature in the various languages 4. Sociological Approach
continues especially with the appearance of new Literature is viewed as the expression of man within a given
publications after the Martial Law years and the resurgence social situation which is reduced to discussions on
of committed literature in the 1960s and the 1970s. economics, in which men are somewhat simplistically divided
into haves and haves not, thus passing into the “proletarian
LITERARY APPROACHES approach” which tends to underscore the conflict between
the two classes. The sociological approach stresses on
1. Formalistic or Literary Approach: social relevance, social commitment, contemporaneity, and it
Literature is viewed intrinsically, independent of the deems communication with the reader important.
author, age, or any other extrinsic factor. The study
of the selection is more or less based on the so- 5. Cultural Approach
called “literary elements.” Literature is seen as one of the manifestations and vehicles
of a nation’s or race’s culture and tradition. It includes the
2. Moral or Humanistic Approach entire complex of what goes under “culture” – the
Literature is viewed to discuss man and its nature. It technological, artistic, sociological, ideological aspects; and
presents man as essentially rational; that is, considers the literary piece in the total cultural milieu in
endowed with intellect and free will; or that the which it was born. The thrust is to make full use of the
piece does not misinterpret the true nature of man. reciprocal function between culture and literature. The
The approach is close to the ‘morality’ of literature, approach is one of the richest ways to arrive at the culture of
to questions of ethical goodness or badness. people and one of the most pleasurable ways of appreciating
the literature of people.
The moral/intellectual critical approach is concerned
with content and values. The approach is as old as 6. Psychological Approach
literature itself, for literature is a traditional mode of Literature is viewed as the expression of “personality” of
imparting morality, philosophy, and religion. The “inner drives, of “neurosis.” It includes the psychology of the
concern in moral/intellectual criticism is not only to author, of the characters, and even the psychology of
discover meaning but also to determine whether creation. It has resulted in an almost exhausting and
works of literature are both true and significant. To exhausted “psychological analysis” of characters, of symbols
study literature from the moral/intellectual and images, of recurrent themes, and others.
perspective is therefore to determine whether a
work conveys a lesson or message and whether it 7. Impressionistic Approach
can help readers lead better lives and improve their Literature is viewed to elucidate "action-response” which is
understanding of the world: What ideas does the considered as something very personal, relative, and fruitful.
work contain? How strongly does the work bring Unconditioned by explanations and often taking the impact
forth its ideas? What application do the ideas have of the piece as a whole, it seeks to see how the piece has
to the work’s characters and situations? How may communicated.
the ideas be evaluated intellectually? Morally?
Discussions based on such questions do not imply 8. Queer Theory
that literature is primarily a medium of moral and Combined area of gay and lesbian studies and criticism,
intellectual exhortation. Ideally, moral/intellectual including studies of variations in biological sex, gender
criticism should differ from sermonizing to the identity, and sexual desires. Emphasis on dismantling the
degree that readers should always be left with their key binary oppositions of Western culture: male/ female,
own decisions about whether to assimilate the heterosexual/ homosexual, etc. by which the first category is
ideas of a work and about whether the ideas—and
assigned privilege, power, and centrality, while the second is
derogated, subordinated, and marginalized.

9. Feminist Criticism
Focuses on female representation in literature, paying
attention to female points of view, concerns, and values.
Three underlying assumptions in this approach are: Western
Society is pervasively patriarchal, male centered and
controlled, and is organized in such a way as to subordinate
women; the concept of gender is socially constructed, not
biologically determined; and that patriarchal ideology
pervades those writings which have been considered “great
works of literature.”

10. Marxist Criticism

Focuses on how literary works are products of the economic
and ideological determinants specific to that era. Critics
examine the relationship of a literary product to the actual
economic and social reality of its time and place (Class
stratification, class relations, and dominant ideology).

11. Deconstruction
Focuses on the practice of reading a text in order to
“subvert” or “undermine” the assumption that the text can be
interpreted coherently to have a universal determinate
meaning. Typically, deconstructive readings closely
examine the conflicting forces/meanings within the text in
order to show that the text has an indefinite array of possible

12. Archetypal/Mythic Criticism

Focuses on recurrent narrative designs, patterns of action,
character types, or images which are said to be identifiable
in a wide variety of literary works, myths, dreams, and even
ritualized modes of behavior. Critics tend to emphasize the
mythical patterns in literature, such as the death-rebirth
theme and journey of the hero.

13. Modernism/Post-Modernism
Modernism is a rejection of traditional forms of literature
(chronological plots, continuous narratives, closed endings
etc.) in favor of experimental forms. They have nostalgia for
the past that they feel is lost so Modernist texts often include
multiple allusions. Post-Modernists follow the same
principles but celebrate the new forms of fragmentation
rather than lamenting them.

•Look for ironies within a text

•Analyze fragmentation and a mixing of genres and forms
•Blurs the line between “high” literature (classics) and
popular literature (NY Times Bestsellers)

14. Post-Colonialism Criticism

Post-colonialism literature is most commonly written about
countries that have been previously colonized. A post-
colonial lens would approach literature and look for what
effects colonization has left on a society or on individual
characters. This criticism looks through literature with the
post-colonial theory

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