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The Minnedosa

Since 1883
Volume 138 Issue 4 Friday, April 3, 2020 90 cents plus tax

Town Budget Brings Main Street Overflows

2.7% Tax Increase
By KAREN MITCHELL of this tax amount includes $1,904.47 of
municipal taxes, the $120 municipal gar-

T he first reading of the by-law to set

and impose taxes within the Town of
Minnedosa for 2020 was read on March
bage levy, $979.97 of school taxes, and the
school tax allowance rebate of $700.
Within this year’s financial plan, the
24th during the Town Council meeting. Town has budgeted in hopes of receiv-
The second and third readings are expect- ing a government grant of $2,625,000
ed take place at the of April 14th meeting which is allocated for the proposed new
following the Financial Plan public hear- arena. This amount was not received
ing. last year as expected so they are hopeful
This year’s proposed, balanced bud- that this will be approved this year. The
get comes in at $10,442,200.91 which is a new arena fundraising account currently
decrease of $123,918.73 from last year’s sits at $1,000,000, therefore if the gov-
financial plan. ernment funding comes through, it will
The overall proposed tax increase for bring the income tagged for the project to
2020 will equal 2.7%. For a tax amount $3,625,000. The announcement was set to
example, a resident of Minnedosa who be out already, however with the current
owns a building assessed at $170,700 and COVID-19 situation the date for approval
land of $20,400 and a portioned assess- is unknown at this time.
ment of $86,000 can expect to see taxes of
approximately $2,304.44. The breakdown Continued on Page 2

Manitoba COVID-19 Cases Surpass 100

By KAREN MITCHELL recoveries. Worldwide, the total number
of confirmed cases was over 887,000 with

I n the last week, Manitoba has seen a

rise in confirmed cases of COVID-19. As
of Wednesday, April 1st, the total number
more than 44,000 deaths and more than
185,000 recoveries.
The provincial government has re-
of lab-confirmed positive and probable leased a list of airline flights which have
positive cases in Manitoba had reached had passengers who have been confirmed
127. The total number of deaths reported cases of COVID-19. Included on the list Photo by Karen Mitchell
remains at one, four hospitalized and four is the March 15th WestJet flight WS 3256
recoveries. Of these cases, the health re- from Calgary International airport to
along Main Street.
gions they are located in include 104 in Brandon. The affected seats on this flight
Winnipeg, nine in Prairie Mountain, eight
in Southern, five in Interlake-Eastern and
are Seat 12A and Rows two to eight. Pas-
sengers in these seats are considered a W hen cruising Main Street Minnedo-
sa on the afternoon on Monday,
March 30th residents experienced some-
Each year, warm Spring temperatures
result in fast thawing and if a section of
the storm drain remains frozen it causes
one in Northern. close contact and are at risk of exposure to
what of a “flash flood” with an extensive a back up of water. Similar situations as
The first positive case for Manitoba COVID-19. They are asked to self-isolate
amount of water gushing from the grates the main Street gusher Monday after-
was reported March 12th at which time for 14 days and monitor their symptoms.
near the corner of 2nd Avenue N.W. just noon are common this time of year and is
403 tests had been completed. In just 19 Passengers on the flight but not in the af-
southeast of the Minnedosa Community experienced almost annually. The Town
days, the number of tests completed had fected seats should self-monitor for symp-
Conference Centre. advises residents that it is nothing to be
increased to 8,550. toms and self-isolate if they develop.
Town of Minnedosa employees were concerned with and once temperatures
As of presstime Wednesday, through-
inundated with phone calls from con- level off, the water will flow as anticipated
out Canada there are more than 9,000 Continued on Page 3
cerned citizens, as water flowed south rectifying the back up.
cases, just over 100 deaths and over 1.500

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Erin Woodcock
Gill and Schmall Agencies

CallÊ orÊ textÊ 204-868-5559Ê

Ê EmailÊ ewoodcock@gillandschmall.comÊ
Or stop by Minnedosa Insurance Services on Main Street
Invested in Community

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