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Exercise 1. Match the words or phrases with the definitions below.

in the event of =>f terminated =>e forthwith =>g
extent =>b territory =>a entitled to =>d compensation =>c
manner =>h

Exercise 2. Lawyers sometimes use expressions that are very formal when they
draft contracts. Here is a list of formal expressions that you will often see in
in the near future: soon until such time as: until
at the present time: now on the part of : by
in the event of : if due to the fact that: because
during such time as: while not less than: at least

Complete the alternative sentences with a more m odern word or expression from
the blue box in Exercise 2.
a. During such as time as this contract is in effect the parties agree to the following terms.
………………while……… this contract is in effect the parties agree to the following terms.
b. In the event of breach the party in breach must provide a remedy within seven days.
…………if…… there is a breach of contract the party in breach must provide a remedy within seven
c. This contract will continue until such time as one of the parties terminates it by giving four
weeks’ notice in writing.
This contract will continue ……until………one of the parties terminates it by giving four weeks’
notice in writing.
d. Due to the fact that there was fire at the premises of Forum Marketing Ltd we cannot hold our
meeting there next week.
………because……there was a fire at the premises of Forum Marketing Ltd we cannot hold our
there next week.
e. The meeting cannot take place on Wednesday but it is important that we have it in the near
The meeting cannot take place on Wednesday but it is important that we have it …soon……………..

f. We cannot consider employing any more people at the present time, as we do not have enough
work for them.
We cannot consider employing any more people …………now……, as we do not have enough work
for them.
g. Due to some very hard work on the part of employees the new business was very profitable in its
first year of trading.
Due to some very hard work ………by……employees the new business was very profitable in its first
year of trading.
h. A party who wishes to terminate this contract must give not less than four weeks’ notice in
A party who wishes to terminate this contract must give ………at least…. ….. four weeks' notice in

Exercise 3. There are two important formal expressions that lawyers often use in
Notwithstanding means despite or in spite of something. For example, The new
law concerning the protection of the environment will come into force next year,
notwithstanding a huge amount of opposition to it from industry’.

inasmuch as
Inasmuch as means that what you are saying in the rest of your sentence is true
only in a limited way or to a certain extent. For example, 'Caroline is a good
lawyer inasmuch as she usually gets a good result in court. However, she is not
very good at keeping up to date with important work’.

Use the correct expression, ‘notwithstanding’ or ‘inasmuch as’, in the following

a. Some good has come from my uncle’s death ………inasmuchas…………. he left a lot of money
to a children’scharity in his will.
b. I agree to sign this contract ……notwithstanding…………. the fact that I have some doubts about
your ability to
deliver the goods to me on the due date.
c. She was employed by one of the top law firms in London …notwithstanding…………. her
lack of experience.
d. The judge in the Court of Appeal held that the court of first instance made a mistake ……………
inasmuchas inadmissible evidence was taken into consideration.
Exercise 4. Look at the definitions of the archaic terms below. Complete the
sentences that follow with one of the archaic terms from the list. You will need to use
each word only once.
Hereby - by means of this document/with these words/with this action.
‘I hereby accept your offer.’
Herein - in this document.
'The price named herein is final and non-negotiable.’
Hereinafter - starting from this time/later in this document.
‘ATL Electrics pic, hereinafter known as "the Company".’
Heretofore - earlier in this document/previously/before the time of writing.
'The property heretofore known as Downing House is renamed Appleby House.’
Hereunder - in a later part of this document/under the terms of this agreement. The terms and
conditions are listed hereunder.'
a. Royal Airlines Limited. …………hereinafter……. referred to as 'RAL'. (later in this
b. The Author guarantees to the Publisher that the Work is ……heretofore………. unpublished by
any other
company or individual. (previously)
c. In consideration of the sum of £10,000, receipt of which the Seller ………
(by means of this document)
d. Any products referred to ……herein………… remain the property of the Supplier until the
Customer paysfor them in full, (in this document)
e. In case of dispute between the parties, any arbitration conducted …………hereunder…… will be
conducted by Arbitrators Direct of London, (under the terms of this contract)
Exercise 3. Look at the definitions of some more archaic terms below. Complete the
sentences that follow with one of the archaic terms from the list. You will need to use
each word only once.
Thereby - as a result of this or that action.
‘Your client signed the contract and thereby entered into a binding agreement.’
Therein - in or into a particular place orthing/in that/in there.
The rented property and the furniture contained therein.'
Thereon - on it/on there/on what I have just mentioned.
The amount borrowed and the interest due thereon must be repaid by 10 March 2010.’
Thereinafter - later in that place or thing/later in what I have just mentioned.
‘We were defined in that contract as the Company and we were known as the Company thereinafter.'
Thereto - to it, to the thing that I have just mentioned.
‘At the meeting we will discuss Mrs Jones’ will and all matters related thereto.'

a. He sold the company and …………thereby…………… became a millionaire, (as a result of that
b. I enclose a copy of the contract. Please return it to me together with any amendments …………
thereto….. (to the contract I have just mentioned)
c. The owner of the land and any person who wishes to claim an interest ……therein…………….
contact this firm of solicitors as soon as possible, (in the land that I have just mentioned)
d. The defamatory story in the newspaper refers to my client in the first paragraph and refers to her
…………thereinafter……. another four times in total, (later in the thing that i have just mentioned)
e. The Buyer agrees to insure the painting and to pay any import tax due ……therein………….
delivery to the UK. (on that particular thing)

Exercise 4. There are certain archaic words that lawyers use in contracts to mean
'mentioned in an earlier part of this document’. These words are:
said aforesaid aforementioned the same

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