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Background information & inventory

1.1. Issues & Constraints

With the growth of world tourism, Bangladesh is becoming a new destination in the world tourist
map. According to UNWTO, the top 15 destinations absorbed 98 percent of all international
tourist arrivals in 1950. In 1970 the proportion was 75 percent, which fell further to 57 percent in
2007. This reflects on the emergence of new destinations, many of them in developing countries.
Bangladesh has ample opportunity of becoming a tourist nation as it has archaeological, natural,
ecological, cultural and other tourism products to attract tourists. National Tourism Policy 1992
of Bangladesh has addressed the issue of the contribution of tourism in poverty reduction.
Considering its potential significance in the national economy, Industrial Policy of 1999 has also
included tourism as a thrust sector. Archaeological tourism in Bangladesh, as a segment of the
larger tourism industry, can be the major contributor to total tourism earnings. Foreign tourists
coming to Bangladesh choose to see archaeological and historical places first, while their second
choice is scenic beauty.

What is archaeological tourism?

Archaeological tourism has been developed throughout the world as an important segment of the
tourism industry. According to Wikipedia, ‘Archaeotourism or Archaeological tourism is a form
of cultural tourism, which aims to promote public interest in archaeology and the conservation of
historical sites’. Archaeological tourism (sometimes labelled ‘archaeotourism’) is travel that
focuses on visiting and experiencing ancient sites and historical places. There is a fine line
between promoting an area’s cultural heritage through archaeological sites and the risk of
becoming invasive tourism causing more damage to them. It may include visits to museums,
places of historical significance, historically and archaeologically focused parks, and even
attendance at traditional dances, festivals and other events. The scope of archaeological tourism
has grown dramatically in recent years. It is often incorporated into the field of ecological
tourism, geo tourism and heritage tourism.

Hundreds of thousands of tourists now visit archaeological sites annually and archaeological
tourism has become a lucrative business. The motivating forces behind archaeological tourism
are a passion for the past and an interest in learning about the ancient or historical cultures that
inhabited the area being visited. People are fascinated with ancient and historical remains.
Archaeological tourism lets visitors experience the past and allows them to share the thrill of
discovery. ‘Archaeotourists’ are also attracted by the exotic (and often hard to access) nature of
the locations in which many archaeological sites are found, as they desire unique experiences.

Archeological tourism is also education and research based tourism. The, sometimes
inaccessible, nature of archaeological sites often adds to the sense of adventure and knowledge.
It may be a means for tourists to satisfy their curiosity regarding ancient sites or it may be for the
purpose of educating tourists who may be students and scholars.

Archaeological tourist attractions of Bangladesh:

Bangladesh is a country considerably rich in archaeological wealth, especially from the medieval
period, both during the Muslim and pre-Muslim rules. Most of it is still unexplored and
unknown. The earlier history of Bangladesh reveals that Buddhism received royal patronage
from some important ruling dynasties like the great Pala rulers, the Chandras and the Deva
Kings. Under their royal patronage numerous well-organized, self-contained monasteries sprang
up all over the region. The major archaeological sites are Paharpur, Mahasthangar, Moinamati,
Shat Gombuj mosque, Kantanagar Temple, Sonargaon etc. We are trying to draw a plan which
can help in representing Sonargaon as an attractive archaeological tourist spot.


About 27 km from Dhaka, Sonargaon is one of the oldest capitals of Bengal. It was the seat of
Deva Dynasty until the 13th century. From then onward till the advent of the Mughals,
Sonargaon was the subsidiary capital of the Sultanate of Bengal. It became a famous center of
administration, trade, industry and culture in the 13th century. Today Sonagaon has become one
of the attractive tourist destinations in Bangladesh.
1.1.2 Concerns of Residents
The people of Soanargaon are very simple and good. They lead a very simple life. Most of the
people belong to middle class. Many of the original inhabitants of the Panam Nagar left in 1947
after the independence of India and east and west Pakistan. In the 1960's the few families who
stayed finally left too hence some people Dhaka call it a ghost town. Today about there are again
some 250 people living, some are staff of the Folk Arts museum and the local school. Others are
shopkeepers and vendors.

When we visit Soanrgaon we talked with them about tourism. They are very interested about it.
Many of them want to change their life style adopting different types of tourism related business.
They see tourists as blessing. They are very friendly and hospital. They want to see Sonargaon as
nice tourist place and small town atmosphere.

They want to bring the attention of govt. to develop Sonargaon one of the most attractive tourism
destination by protecting natural & archaeological resources. They want preservation and
restoration of their archaeological resources. They want a sustainable economy. They also want
keeping tranquility there. But sometimes tourist pressure make the area noisy and they feel

1.2 Inventory
1.2.1 Resources

There are a number of old relics and architectural remains such as the tomb of Sultan Giasuddin
Azam Shah, the single-domed mosque of Mograpara, Goladi Mosque, Tomb of Munna Shah
Darwesh, Tomb of Ponakai Diwana, Panch Pir Dargh and the single-domed Square Mosque built by
Sultan Jalaluddin Fateh Shah. At present, the DhakaChittagong highway roughly divides the ruins of
Sonargaon in 2 unequal halves-the larger half around Panam to the north and the smaller half around
Mograpara to the south. Khasnagar Dighi is another attraction. The large pond was used by the
weavers to wash their cotton threads to produce fine Muslin fabrics that earned fame accross the
Panam Nagar

This ancient place in Sonargaon on the north of Dhaka-Chittagong highway at Mograpara point is
said to have been the site of Hindu capital city of Sonargaon. The Panam area also formed part of a
Muslim township developed on the south which was perhaps used as the residence of the early
Muslim governors. Panam Nagar appears to be well protected by artificial canals all around. The
pattern of architecture here was developed during preMughal periods and at a later stage during the
British rule in this part of Bangladesh. Throught the Sonargaon ruins of pre-Muslim period cannot be
traced any longer.

 Panam city was built by the upper-middle class Bengali businessmen, mainly Hindu cloth
merchants, in the 19th century. It was built in the once capital of Bangladesh – Sonargaon.
This city is now in ruins.
 In the last of 19th century, Panam city was built in Sonargaon. That time, business of cotton
and other cloths were developed based on the Panam city. That time, Sonargaon got it
heritage back a little. In the first part of the 20th century, some rich Hindu businessmen
started to live permanently in the city. The still remaining ruins of the buildings were the
residence of those businessmen. In those days, no city at the east Bengal was near as wealthy
as Panam.
 All the buildings in the city was built facing a single road, which is 5 miter long and 600 miter
wide. In the city still remains 52 buildings. The whole city is surrounded with artificial canals.
These canals was dug to protect the city from any outside attack. There was only one bridge
to enter the city in the west side. Back of every building is a pond. These ponds was used for
household works.
 After the 1965 war of India-Pakistan, Hindu businessmen started to leave, and the city was
deserted. World monument fund listed Panam city in the World 100 ruined city in 2006.

Neel-Kuthi in Sonargaon

There is a building constructed by the English East India Company at Dalalpur in the vicinity of
Panam of Sonargaon. It is situated a few yards north of Dalalpur Bridge on the eastern side of the

It was initially meant for the purchase of Muslin and subsequently used for trading in indigo. It is a
quadrangular two-storied brick building with a courtyard inside.

The building, as history tells us, was initially used for cotton trade and subsequently for trade in
indigo (Indigofer:a tinctoria). Indigo Kuthis were mostly built in the later part of the 18th century and
some of them still survive in different conditions across Bangladesh. The Neel Kuthi of Dalalpur in
Sonargaon is one of those surviving examples, isolated and built at a safe distance from the prevailing

The building started right from the edge of the road is separated by a high plinth. In its layout design,
it followed the courtyard typology and it seems that the courtyard was used for packaging and
processing of indigo powder while the surrounding rooms were used as storage space. The rear of the
building was completely fortified with blank wall surfaces, which were provided for defensive
purpose. The main entry was located on the road while there exists a side entrance in the middle of
the north wall, next to the stairs to the upper floor.

The original structure has almost vanished with the passage of time. Today, only records tell us about
the architectural design and character of the original building, about how the decorative treatments
expressed the transposition from European architecture and blended with local motifs influenced by
the Mughal architecture. The original structure had a flat front facade with regular arched recesses for
windows and door openings.

Folk Art Museum

The Folk Art Museum, which was established in 1975 to fulfill the dream of the celebrated painter
Shilpacharya Zainul Abedin, has' a very rich collection of folk objects of different materials and
forms of aesthetic values. These undoubtedly reflect the sentiments, impulse, temperament, mood,
idiosyncrasy, skill and expertise of the artisans. It is a national institution which represents traditional
art and heritage of Bangladesh, exhibiting objects of exceptional designs and skills. There are 10

1. Gallery of wooden skill, 2. Atmosphere of rural community gallery,3. Gallery for scroll paintings
and mask, 4. Gallery of various kinds of boats in Bangladesh, 5. Tribal life gallery, 6. Gallery of
musical instruments, ceramic objects, terracotta and doll, tile etc., 7. Gallery of cultivation
implements and other iron products, 8. Gallery of brush and bell metal, 9. Gallery of folk ornaments,
10. Gallery of bamboo and cane crafts

On the other hand Shilpacharya Jaynul Abedin Jadughar has two noteworthy galleries. They are:
1. Gallery of wooden crafts

2 .Jamdani sharee and Nokshikantha gallery

Not only museum but also there are plenty of things to observe. Here in the museum area you will
find a shopping centre named ‘Karupalli’. There are many shops in it which contain handicrafts and
other hand made things. You can easily buy different kind of jamdani sharee and antiques from this
spot. It’s a matter of great delight that the authority of the museum recently decided to exhibits a fair
from 1st February to 28th February. If it is possible for you to go in this mean time, it may be better
than anything else. You will be enjoyed by the charm of fair along with your family members as well
as your friends. In this time, many handcrafts gathered from all over the country and sale there
famous product such as ‘shitol pati’ from Sylhet, ‘dolls and caricature’ made by sponge wood from
Magura, ‘silk sharee’s’ from Rajshahi etc. You may find some child’s ride and other recreational
activities in the fair premises. Here you can get some delicious village food named gurer zilapi,
murali, binni khoi, shwandesh, various kind of tasty cake etc. which can offer you such a finger liking
taste that after many years, you will feel this taste with great nostalgia. You can also ride on the boats
in the fine-looking lakes. The museum also has library, documentation, stage and godwon. The
tourists who come into the place are greatly impressed by the tranquility and serenity of its natural
sites. The peaceful nature of this place will have ever remaining application of your mind.

Boat Riding:

There is arrangement of riding in boats on the lake inside the foundation premises. Ticket price for
boat riding is 20 tk. per person for 30 minutes.


You can do fishing by hook on the lake. Price is 1,500 tk. for a whole day. You have to bring your
own hook.


There is place inside the foundation premises to organize picnic. Contact the foundation for price

1.3. Marketing Analysis

1.3.1. Visitors Interest and Needs

There are many people at abroad and home who are interested to enjoy the natural things and want to
know lifestyle of tribal people. Jaflong has the potential to be the dream destination for urban-weary
tourists who want to get up close and personal with nature. So it is true that Jaflong has potentials to
attract the foreign and domestic tourists.

1.3.2. Target Customers

Our target major target customers are domestic tourists. At the same time foreigners are our crucial
target customers.

1.3.3. Visitors area of Origin

Mainly tourists are from Dhaka division. Tourists from USA, England, France, Canada, Europe, Japan,
China, Korea also available who have interest in history and archaeology.

1.3.4. Gender

At least 70% male and the rest of 30% female tourists will come to visit Jaflong.
1.3.5. Length of Stay

We think tourists will stay at Sonargaon for 6-8 hours. At Sonargaon there are many historical,
archaeological and cultural products that can easily make the tourists busy for 6-8 hours and don’t let
them bore.

1.3.6 Advertisement and Promotion

Since we are about to develop Sonargaon as one of the most important archaeological destination in
Bangladesh, promotional activities is one of the core requirements for effective commercialization.
Advertisement is the most significant and effective tool among all other IMC (Integrated Marketing
Communication) tools. So we are going to give innovative and informative advertisements in the
following areas:

 Television

 Leaflet

 Banner

 Internet

Promoting the product is vital at the introduction stage since at this time the product needs to appear
frequently in front of customers. It will also help further in order to generate brand awareness.

1.3.6. Public Participation

Local residents are the life blood for tourism development. All development activities are done for the
local people first. Because at first we have to satisfy the local people then the tourists. Without help of
local people development activities are not possible. As a result make sure the involvement of local
people, local NGO to the development process. We have to make understand them about effect of
destination development. So that they involve by themselves to the development process.
2.1 Goals

 To present Sonargaon as an attractive archaeological tourist spot.

 To increase the standard of living for local people
 To create job opportunity for local people by sustainable economic development.

2.2 Theme Development

“Sonargaon- Legend of Legacy”

3 Objectives
The objectives of the Sonargaon as destination development are given in the below,

Making restoration of the architectural condition of Panam City

Developing the folklore art museum
Enlarging the local people income source
Construct spacious road from Mugrapara to Panam Nagar.
Build three bridges Mugrapara to Panam Nagar to develop the communication system.
Build world class restaurant at Sonargaon to offer delicious foods to the tourists.
Change the transportation system to offer comfortable journey to the tourists.
Change the lifestyle of the local residents.
Construct one power plant to provide continuous electricity supply to the destination area.
Create Jamdani and nokshikatha industry to remove unemployment problem of the local
Teach the local people about handicrafts so that they can prepare it and sell it to the tourist.
Prioritize Recommendation
4.1 Necessity
4.1.1 Govt. should Develop Communication Infrastructure

Communication infrastructure plays an important role to the tourist destination development. Without
good communication system tourism place development is like a night dream. Our country has many
natural and amusing tourist resources but for lacking of good communication system we can’t utilize it.
Those country are developed in the tourism industry they have a strong communication system. Emphasize over the Jamdani and nokshikatha

In past days people of sonargaon was expart at to create Jamdani and nokshikatha,for enhancing the the
earning source of local people and posing this place more attractive to the tourist govt. should give
inspiration to local people for preparing Jamdani and nokshikatha.Government should make local
people understand about the prospect of Sonargaon area. Transportation

Transportation from Dhaka to mugrapara is good but Mugrapara t o Soanrgaon’s road is not
spacious.Govt . should erect spacious road so that tourist coach and other vehicles can move easily and
local people should not get any disturbence.In addition, authority should launch world class air-
conditioned coach services from dhaka to Sonargaon.

4.1.2 Govt. should make understand the local people about the prospect of tourism

Local people will get a lot of tourist time to time but they should have patience to entertain tourist and
they have to understand the monetary benefit.

Preserve the History of Panam city:We have to know the Real history and we have to preserve it by
the govt.We are about to forget the real history of panam.

Reconstruct and Development of panam city: Ancient archeological structure is a symbol of past.we
should not forget about past. The building condition of Panam City is vulnerable ,bricks are falling
down.Local people are not conscious about the preservation of panam city.

Construction Material and System: Bricks of Panam, the prime construction material have been modelled
in different shape like rounded, angular, arched, pointed semi-circular, curvilinear etc. according to the need
of surface articulation. Bricks are either plastered or left exposed for facade delineation. Angular brick
masonry has been used in the area between the spring point and the crown of the arch, presumably for
structural reasons. The thicknesses of brick masonry walls vary between 50 to 70 cm. Lime mortars have
been used primarily for bonding. Roof stands on joist and made of wood in most cases. I-beam was also used
occasionally. Brick vaulted roof usually covered the small rooms. Plaster decoration have been extensively
applied in facade design and interior decoration. False wooden doors and windows shaped with plaster were
also applied as a common decorative element. Stone quoins have also been copied in brick and plaster. Cast
iron brackets, ventilators, window grill, balusters had been extensively used. Mosaic decoration with broken
china locally known as ‘chinitikri’ work was very popular in interior decoration and modest exterior
application is also found in some examples.

Fig .A
There is no specific notice for tourist as well as for local People: There is one notice from
archeological department that ‘It is archeological site’ but there is no notice for preserving the
archeological site.

Create employment for local people:Govt should engage Local people with pottery ,Wooden craft,
preparing Handicraft ,so that, local people can get employment and they can allure touris to visit their
area,it would be the touris will buy handicraft and will visit handicraft industry and they will see how to
nprepare jamdani and Nksikatha

4.1.3 Develop Restaurant

Another problem of Sonargaon is unavailable of good restaurant. So, Sonargaon needs several good
restaurants for the tourist. And all national and internaional delicious food should be available there.
And local people can employ themselves in restaurant for their better livelihood .

4.1.4 Should Construct One Power Plant

In our country the condition of electricity is very bad. Everyday load shedding occurs for 8-10 hours. So
it is one of the main obstacles for the destination development. Load shedding will create bad image in
the world about Bangladesh. So govt. should construct one power plant at Jaflong.

Discussion & Conclusions

The total conservation and management strategy as envisioned in this study may be summarized as follows:
To be conducted in 3 phases and levels(Kagi Mowla)

4.2 Budget

If you do a good planning about the destination development, but you have not any budget you’re
planning for destination development will be picture only. It will not be successful ever. So to develop a
world class destination you must have a proper budget for implementation the plan.

Our plan about the destination development of Jaflong under (PPP), public private partnership and local
resident, local NGO, and other private firm also have the right for investment in this project. As lead
actor for investment PPP will invest tk.230 million and the local resident, local NGO and other private
firm will invest tk.100 million.

Our total investment is shown in the table as item wise

No. Items 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016
Amount tk.
Amount Amount tk. Amount tk.
tk.(per) in

1. Bridge Construction 10,000000 10,00000 10,000000 10,00000


2. Road Construction 300000 400000 400000 200000

(Mugrapara to

3. Renovate the Panam 1500000 1000000 800000 500000


4. Folk-lore Museum 400000 400000 300000 200000


5. Restaurant Construction 20,00000 300000 300000 200000

6. Erect the Jamdani and 3000000 3000000 1000000 500000

Noksikatha Industry

7. Handicraft shops 1000000 100000 1000000 500000

8. Advertisement and 2000000 2000000 1000000 1000000


Total Tk.

4.3 Visitors Needs/history tellers

The visitors firstly want security in the destination area and delicious local and international food items.
They need good guide who will inform them different historical things, good environment having
natural beautiful scenery. They also want to enjoy about the cultural and traditional festival events.

So to give the more satisfaction to the tourists we will give the above facilities. For different types
tourists inquiry we will open information center to give them information. At last but not at least we will
arrange proper security.
Action Plan

Conservation and Management of Panam Nagar
Master Plan: It is understood that any conservation plan must start with a road map for development; the
master plan should have short, medium and long-term targets. Detail documentation of all the historic
artefacts and spaces (including topographic conditions, drainage and vegetation) in their existing state is the
first step towards any conservation strategy. Without detail documentation (scaled plan, elevation, sections,
construction features and ornamentation besides close-up photographs, research to identify specific styles,
etc) any historic artefact must not be touched. But time and again we witness different initiatives of
conservation and management of historic buildings without adequate documentation. Qazi Azizul Mowla
In the case of Panam Nagar, whole conservation site should be first demarcated with the main (Panam) street
as the focus or core intervention area. In order to protect the historic site from noise, vibration and pollution,
the Panam Street may be made free from motorized traffic; a bypass road can be built to divert the through
traffic, especially those by heavy motorized vehicles, away from the site. The bypass road may run parallel
to the Panam Street but beyond math, Krori bari and Poddar bari (located beyond the northern moat),
thereby creating a buffer as well as bringing the above historic artefacts and the Mughal Bridge within a
single block of conserved heritage site with Panam Street as the focus.
Action Plan: As a short-term strategy to be implemented immediately, Pankhiraj Khal (moat) surrounding
the core Panam area should be demarcated and excavated besides restoring the historic ponds and Ghats in
that area. This would form the core intervention site. Damp proofing of all buildings in the area, both from
the ground level and from top and sides (proper draining, injecting DPC below plinth level and providing
coping or grouting on top of broken or unprotected walls, etc.) should be considered a priority and the task
undertaken without delay. A buffer zone, beyond the surrounding khal (canal), with adequate vegetation may
be created to protect the area from social and environmental intrusions and pollutions respectively. The road
map for Panan Nagar conservation may be composed of the following action:
01. All ongoing construction work must be stopped immediately.
02. The water bodies should be re-excavated and a promenade developed.
03. Alignment of the proposed diversion road should be reconsidered.
04. A detail area survey should be undertaken.
05. A through documentation of all built forms within the site should be undertaken.
06. A Conservation Master Plan should be prepared for implementation.
07. Capacities and manpower within the Department of Archaeology or the organization entrusted with the
job should be built up.
08. Whole process may be vetted by an apex monitoring committee composed of relevant experts (also
represented by IAB Heritage Cell).

5.1 Steps involved in the development process

STEP 1, Justification about the Project
At present tourism is the fastest growing sector all over the world. Now a day’s many country’s major
earning sector is tourism industry. For example, Maldives, Nepal and Bhutan etc. Our neighboring
country India also made remarkable development in this sector. They earn handsome amount of foreign
currency from tourism sector. Bangladesh has also the potential and good opportunity in this sector.
There are many places in our country that have the potentialities to attract the tourist. Panam nagar is a
place having a archeological beauty that can contribute to the countries development. Nowaday our
country people also visit different place of Bangladesh.Moreover,international tourist are coming
bangladesh for visiting the archeological palace .Also,universities students are doing research over the
archeological site of Bangladesh. If we can develop Panam nagar as a tourist destination, we think it
will be able to attract foreign and domestic tourists. By this way it will contribute to the development of
local people as well as the country progress.

STEP 2, Place selection

Place selection for the Handicraft industry and for the Jamdani & Nokshikathata industry is key things
for the development of Panam Nagar & Folk-lore museum.

STEP 3, Bridge Construction

There have three bridges from mugrapara to sonargaon ,We have to construct three bridges for ensuring
better comunication,So that tourist coach and other vehicle can move easily..

STEP 4, Road Construction

Transportation from Dhaka to mugrapara is good but Mugrapara t o Soanrgaon’s road is not
spacious.Govt . should erect spacious road so that tourist coach and other vehicles can move easily and
local people should not get any disturbence.In addition, authority should launch world class air-
conditioned coach services from Dhaka to Sonargaon.

STEP 5, Power Plant Construction

We all know about our electricity condition of our country. Everyday load shedding occurs for about 6-8
hours. Now a day’s load shedding is one of the major problems in our daily life. If load shedding occurs
for several times in the destination area tourists will not be satisfied and at the same time it will create
bad image about our country. So at Sonargaon , we will construct one 50 megawatt power plant.

STEP 6, Erecting New Restaurant

Sonargaon needs several good restaurants for the tourist. And all national and internaional delicious
food should be available there. And local people can employ themselves in restaurant for their better
livelihood.In addition ,We will construct four world class restaurant for entertaining the tourists.

STEP 7, Folk-lore Museum Development

There have ten gallery’s in the folk-lore museum .We have to develop the gallery’s instruments , so that
the tourist can get some attraction after seeing the gallery .We have four year big budget to renovate
the museum. Basically ,our goal is to pose international standard museum inside the sonargaon .

STEP 8, Erect the Jamdani and Noksikatha Industry

Ensuring the employment opportunity for local people because of it, we will build the jamdani and
nokshikatha industry .And we have four year short term plan for developing this industry.

STEP 9, Restaurant Construction

At Jaflong restaurant facilities is also not world class. Here restaurant facility is not available. We have a
plan to construct about 12 modern restaurants that will provide the tourists delicious local, Chinese,
American and European dishes.

STEP 10, Advertisement and Promotion

After development the Panam Nagar & Jaflong as tourist destination we will give the advertisement to
the home and international media to inform the tourists about Panam Nagar & Jaflong. Without
advertisement it is tough to inform the world people that in Bangladesh has a beautiful archeological

STEP 11; Sell the Handicrafts to the Tourist

Local people can make different types of Handicrafts item in sonargaon area, so that, tourists can buy
the handicrafts as a souvenir. And they can show it their countries people,ultimately,foreign people will
get inspiration to visit Bangladesh.

5.2 Person/Organization Responsible

Basically to develop Panam Nagar & Jaflong govt. will form public private partnership firm (PPP). At
the same time govt. will take initiative to involve the local people and other private firm for destination
development. Govt. can give tax holiday for private firm for several years to encourage for their
investment. Govt. will appreciate local investment. So here local govt., residents, NGO, and lastly PPP
will be responsible for this project.
5.3 Time line for Completion

5.3.1 Network Techniques

The task and the time period that requires completing the project of destination development as Jaflong.

Task Predecessor Time (days)

a. Justification about the Project ---------- 5

b. Place selection a 10

c. Bridge Construction b 60

d. Road Construction c 30

e. Power Plant Construction b, d 60

f. Resort Construction e 30

g. Theme Park Construction 30


h. Accommodation Construction e 60

i. Restaurant Construction h 30

j. Advertisement and Promotion i 20

k. Sell the Product to the Tourist j 20

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