Exp 8M

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Experiment 8

American International University- Bangladesh

Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
EEE1234: Power Systems Analysis Laboratory

Title: Symmetrical Components


The symmetrical component method is basically a modeling technique that permits

systematic analysis and design of three-phase systems. Symmetrical component method was
first discussed by C. L. Frotescue in 1918.

The objective of this experiment is to analyze symmetrical components as a powerful

technique for dealing with unbalanced poly-phase systems.

Theory and Methodology:

An unbalanced system of n related phasors can be resolved into n systems of balanced

phasors called the symmetrical components. The n phasors of each set of components are
equal in magnitude, and the angle between adjacent phasors of the set are equal.

According to Fortescue’s theorem, three unbalanced phasors of a three-phase system can be

resolved into three balanced system of phasors.
The balanced set of components is:
1. Positive-sequence components consisting of three phasors equal in magnitude,
displaced from each other by 120° in phase, and having the same phase sequence as the
original phasors. In positive sequence, phase b lagging phase a by 120° and phase c
lagging phase b by 120°.

2. Negative sequence components cinsisting of three phasors equal in magnitude,

displaced from each other by 120° in phase, and having the same phase sequence
opposite to that of the original phasors. In negative sequence phase b leading phase a by
120° and phase c leading phase b by 120°.

3. Zero-sequence components consisting of three phasors equal in magnitude and with

zero phase displacement from each other. Zero sequence sets have neutral current.

Fig 8.1 Three sets of sequence components

When solving a problem by symmetrical components, to designate the three-phases of the

system as a, b and c in such a manner that the phase sequence of the voltages and currents in

© Dept. of EEE, Faculty of Engineering, American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB) 1

the system is abc. Thus the phase-sequence of the positive-sequence components of the
unbalanced phasors is abc, the phase-sequence of the negative- sequence components of the
unbalanced phasors is acb.

Since each of the original unbalanced phasors is the

sum of its components, the original phasors
expressed in terms of their components are:

(1) Va = Va1 + Va2 + Va0

(2) Vb = Vb1 + Vb2 + Vb0
(3) Vc = Vc1 + Vc2 + Vc0

Sequence networks for many cases of unbalanced

three-phase systems are relatively easy to analyze
and leads to accurate prediction of system

The values of current and voltage at various points

in the system under unsymmetrical fault can be
easily found since this method consists in finding Fig 8.2 Graphical addition of components
the symmetrical components of the current at the to obtain three unbalanced phasors.
unsymmetrical faults.

A balanced system has no negative and zero sequence components therefore actual balance
system equals to positive sequence system. Moreover, a three-phase three-wire system has no
zero sequence components because there is no neutral connection.

Pre-Lab Homework:

Students must study related theories (article 11.1-11.11 from reference book Elements of
Power System Analysis); perform the simulation using Matlab and MUST present the
simulation results to the instructor before the start of the experiment.

Software Requirement:

• Matlab (2013 onwards)

Mathematical Problem With Solution:

Problem: One conductor of a three phase line is open. The current flowing to the ∆-
connected load through line a is 10 A. With the current in line a as reference and assuming
that line c is open, find the symmetrical components of the line currents.

Solution: The diagram of the circuit is-

Fig 8.3: Circuit


© Dept. of EEE, Faculty of Engineering, American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB) 2

The line currents are:
Ia = 10 ˂0° A
Ib = 10 ˂180° A
Ic = 0 A

Ia0 = (Ia + Ib + Ic)/3 = (10 ˂0° + 10 ˂180° + 0)/3 = 0

Ia1= (Ia + aIb + a2Ic)/3 = [10 ˂0° + 10 ˂(180° + 120°) + 0]/3 = 5 – j2.89 = 5.78 < -30°

Ia2 = (Ia + a2Ib + aIc)/3 = [10 ˂0° + 10 ˂(180° + 240°) + 0]/3 = 5 + j2.89 = 5.78 < 30°

Ib1 = 5.78 < -150°

Ib2 = 5.78 < 150°
Ib0 = 0

Ic1 = 5.78 < 90°

Ic2 = 5.78 < -90°
Ic0 = 0

Component Ic1 and Ic2 have definite values although line c is open and can carry no net current.
As is expected, therefore, the sum of the components in line c is zero. Of course, the sum of
the components in line a is 10 ˂0° A and the sum of the components in line b is 10 ˂180° A.

Experimental Procedure:

(1) Find all the voltage components of the corresponding positive, negative and zero-
sequence components and draw the phasors for an unbalanced three-phase system having
unbalanced three-phase voltage as follows: Va = 4.0 ˂0°, Vb = 3.0 ˂ -90° and
Vc = 8.0˂143.1°.

(2) Perform a simulation using MATLAB for the following code.

Simulation With Result:

Matlab codes:

clear all
close all

a = 1*exp(j*pi*2/3);
alpha_mat = [1 1 1; 1 a^2 a; 1 a
% alpha_mat = [1 1 1; 1 a a^2; 1
a^2 a];
alpha_mat_inv = inv(alpha_mat);
x1 = 0:.01:5*pi;
% x2 =
% x3 =

phase_a = sin(x1);
phase_b = sin(x1+2*pi/3);
phase_c = sin(x1+4*pi/3);

© Dept. of EEE, Faculty of Engineering, American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB) 3

% Estimated phasor data angles are in radians
voltage_phase_a = 220*exp(j*0);
voltage_phase_b = 220*exp(j*4.1888);
voltage_phase_c = 220*exp(j*2.0944);
current_phase_a = 10*exp(j*0);
current_phase_b = 10*exp(j*4.1888);
current_phase_c = 10*exp(j*2.0944);

% generator reactances in ohm

reactance_phase_a = j*2;
reactance_phase_b = j*2;
reactance_phase_c = j*2;
phase_reactance_matrix = [reactance_phase_a 0
0; 0 reactance_phase_b 0; 0 0 reactance_phase_c];

% voltage drops at reactances

voltage_a_to_aprime =
voltage_b_to_bprime =
voltage_c_to_cprime =

% Developing phase matrices

voltage_phase_matrix = [voltage_phase_a;
voltage_phase_b; voltage_phase_c];
current_phase_matrix = [current_phase_a;
current_phase_b; current_phase_c];

% Developing sequence matrices

voltage_sequence_matrix =
current_sequence_matrix =

% Verifying phase and sequence relationship

voltage_a =
voltage_b =
voltage_sequence_matrix(1)+ a^2*voltage_sequence_matrix(2)+
voltage_c =
voltage_sequence_matrix(1)+ a*voltage_sequence_matrix(2)+
current_a =
current_b =
current_sequence_matrix(1)+ a^2*current_sequence_matrix(2)+
current_c =
current_sequence_matrix(1)+ a*current_sequence_matrix(2)+

voltage_a_abs_angle = [abs(voltage_a)
voltage_b_abs_angle = [abs(voltage_b)
voltage_c_abs_angle = [abs(voltage_c)
voltage_abs_angle = [voltage_a_abs_angle;
voltage_b_abs_angle; voltage_c_abs_angle];
current_a_abs_angle = [abs(current_a)
current_b_abs_angle = [abs(current_b)
© Dept. of EEE, Faculty of Engineering, American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB) 4
current_c_abs_angle = [abs(current_c)
current_abs_angle = [current_a_abs_angle;
current_b_abs_angle; current_c_abs_angle];

% Verifying phase and sequence power

phase_power =
sequence_power_method1 =
phase_power_method2 =

% verifying by subtracting the value from method two from method one
verification_sequence_power_values = phase_power -
round(phase_power - 3*sequence_power_method1);

% Question: find out the result of multiplication between the transpose

and conjugate of alpha matrix

% sequence reactance
sequence_reactance_matrix =
% Question: prepare sequence network with impedance load (with three
phase generator, Zy and Zn)

Discussion and Conclusion:

Interpret the simulated data/findings and determine the extent to which the experiment was
successful in complying with the goal that was initially set. Discuss any mistake you might
have made while conducting the experiment and describe ways the study could have been
improved. Also include any suggestion for future research on this topic.


[1] Elements of Power System Analysis, 4th edition by William D. Stevenson, Jr.

© Dept. of EEE, Faculty of Engineering, American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB) 5

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