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The Electronic System for Public


User manual

actor: Supplier

<2014 - AADR>
The Electronic System for Public Procurement 1


I Introduction 4
1 Brief description
................................................................................................................................... 5
2 About the
application 8

II Registering and accessing the system 11

1 Registration
form 11
Generalities .......................................................................................................................................................... 13
User account .......................................................................................................................................................... 14
Addresses .......................................................................................................................................................... 14
Activity type .......................................................................................................................................................... 16
Reference documents
.......................................................................................................................................................... 16
2 Signing
in 16
3 Forgot...................................................................................................................................
the password? 17
4 Signing
out 18
5 Downloading
the digital certificate 18

III Questionnaires 20
IV Generalities 21
1 Business
generalities 22
Minutes and ..........................................................................................................................................................
statements 23
clarifications and decisions 23
Browsing the ..........................................................................................................................................................
pages 25

V Notices 25
1 Generalities
................................................................................................................................... 27
The Minutes and
Statements button 28
2 Prior Information
Notices 28
Details about ..........................................................................................................................................................
the Prior Information Notices 30
3 Contract
Notices 31
Procedure details
.......................................................................................................................................................... 35
Without batch.........................................................................................................................................................
partition 36
With batch.........................................................................................................................................................
partition 60
Bidding for.........................................................................................................................................................
a DPS notice 82
specifical documents from the company folder 82
Competition ..........................................................................................................................................................
reopening 83
List of electronic
auctions on competition reopening 84
Electronic Auction
details on framework agreements 85
4 Contract
Award Notices 86
Contract Award ..........................................................................................................................................................
Notice details 88
Subsequent .........................................................................................................................................................
contracts 89
List of subsequent .........................................................................................................................................
contracts 89

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The Electronic System for Public Procurement 2

Viewing a subsequent
contract 90
5 Design...................................................................................................................................
Contest Notices 90
Details of a Design
Contest Notice 93
6 Result...................................................................................................................................
of Design Contest Notice 94
Details of a Result
of Design Contest Notice 95
7 Concession
Notice 96
Details of a Concession
Notice 97
8 Corrigenda
list 98
Corrigendum ..........................................................................................................................................................
details 98

VI Award procedures 99
1 Requests
for Quotation 99
Invitations .......................................................................................................................................................... 100
details 104
Without batch partition
......................................................................................................................................... 104
With batch partition ......................................................................................................................................... 123
specifical documents from the company folder 144
Competion .........................................................................................................................................................
Reopening - Request for Quotation 145
List of electronic.........................................................................................................................................
auctions on competition reopening 146
Electronic Auction .........................................................................................................................................
details on framework agreements 147
Requests for..........................................................................................................................................................
quotation award notices 147
contracts 148
List of subsequent .........................................................................................................................................
contracts 149
Viewing subsequent .........................................................................................................................................
contracts 149
2 Direct...................................................................................................................................
Acquisitions 150
Managing the..........................................................................................................................................................
product list 152
Expiring products
......................................................................................................................................................... 155
Rolling Direct..........................................................................................................................................................
Acquisitions 155
Awarded Direct..........................................................................................................................................................
Acquisitions 158
Cancelled Direct
Acquisitions 160
Notices List ..........................................................................................................................................................
for Direct Acquisition 162
3 Electronic
Auctions for offline procedures 165
Running Electronic
Auctions 166
Awarded Offline
Procedures 167
Cancelled Offline
Procedures 169
Electronic Auction
details 170

VII Public-private partnership 180

1 Selection
Notices 181
2 Contract
Award Notices 183

VIII Administration 186

1 Groups
................................................................................................................................... 186
Entity groups.......................................................................................................................................................... 187
Defining a.........................................................................................................................................................
group 188
Adding members .........................................................................................................................................
to a group 189
Groups I am ..........................................................................................................................................................
part of 190
2 Users................................................................................................................................... 191
Modifying an..........................................................................................................................................................
user 192

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The Electronic System for Public Procurement 3

users rights 193
3 Profile
................................................................................................................................... 194
Generalities .......................................................................................................................................................... 195
Addresses .......................................................................................................................................................... 195
Activity Type.......................................................................................................................................................... 196
Specific Documents
.......................................................................................................................................................... 197
Availability situation
/ fees payments 197
4 Catalogue
................................................................................................................................... 199
5 Documents
................................................................................................................................... 200
Entity Documents
.......................................................................................................................................................... 201
Company Documents
.......................................................................................................................................................... 203

IX Miscellanea 205
1 News................................................................................................................................... 206
2 Changing
the password 207
3 Logging
off 208

X Notifications 208
1 System
notifications 209
List of System
Notifications 209
System Notifications
details 211
2 Notifications
between Entities 212
My notifications
.......................................................................................................................................................... 213
Creating an
own Notification 214
My Notifications
details 216
entities 217
Received Notifications
.......................................................................................................................................................... 218
Notifications details 218
Entities I am..........................................................................................................................................................
unsubscribed from 219
3 Notifications
by Interests 220
Reports Template
Configuration 221
report templates 222
Notification By
Interest Configuration 224
a Notification By Interest Configuration 225
Notification By
Interest 226
a Notification By Interest 228
4 Events
Notifications 228
List of Events
Notification 229
Events Notification
details 230

© 2014 - AADR
Introduction 4

1 Introduction
The Electronic System for Public Procurement (SEAP) is a public utility system whose purpose is to
achieve transparent public acquisitions. The system is available online over the Internet at the following
address: - as well as the subdomains - is the official site of SEAP, powered by the Romania's
Digital Agenda Agency (AADR).

AADR, as the electronic system's operator, is the legal person of public law who - acting between the
boundaries set by the contracting authorities and the current laws and regulations - ensures tthe
technical support for the contracting authorities who award public procurement contracts using the
electronical procedures, also establishing the appropriate operating framework.

SEAPs utilisation and operation is done according both to the legal dispositions concerning the public
acquisitions realised via electronic auctions and the legal dispositions regarding the public procurement.

The materials available through SEAP are provided "as is", without any AADR guarantees, except for the
legal dispositions stating otherwise or for AADR expressly offering guarantees. AADR will do its best to
ensure the accuracy of the materials available to SEAP users.

AADR decline any responsibility in case of SEAP non-availaiblity due to external causes, while it
assumes the obligation to make every effort necessary to solve these situation in a quick and unbiassed

AADR, as SEAP operator, has the right to suspend a supplier / doer / provider registered in SEAP if the
said supplier / doer / provider has done one of the following:
a. has sent by any available means an electronical document whose content is inappropriate in regard of
the current registration
b. has sent by any available means an electronical document containing viruses or any other software or
code sequence designed to interrupt, block, limit or deny the operation of any hardware or software
component, to grant supplemental rights other than the ones lawfully assigned by the SEAP operator
c. sending untrue informations when registering or renewing the digital certificate that proves the SEAP
registration, in order to hide some facts that, if known, would have triggered the rejection of the
registration or renewal
d. unauthorized change of the identification elements in order to hide the origin of any electronic
transmission by or to SEAP
e. transmitting by any means any electronic document for which the SEAP user does not detain the right
to use or to make public, as per the current laws and regulations
f. transmitting by any means any electronic document whose content violates the intellectual or industrial
proprerty right, as per the current laws and regulations
g. transmitting by any means any unsollicited electronic document
h. unauthorized interference no matter if the SEAP operation - or its hardware or connected networking-
is disturbed or not
i. breaking the obligations assumed by the Convention for confidentiality and information
protection signed when registering or renewing the registration
j. anz other actions deemed to impede SEAP's good functioning

AADR reserves the right to change any material and /or information regarding the SEAP utilisation,
provided the changes are made public in due time via SEAP itself.

The current utilisation and security norms and procedures from SEAP may be modified by the decision

© 2014 - AADR
Introduction 5

of AADR management, all changes being made public in due time via SEAP itself.

1.1 Brief description

SEAP is an unitary informatic infrastructure that allows the public Romanian institutions to acquire
supplies, services and works, using electronic means.

- transparency and efficiency for the acquisition process involving public funds
- simplifying the suppliers' procedure for participating to the auctions
- efficient and standard workprocedures
- lowering the public expenses by reducing the acquisition prices
- providing public informations about the public acquisition processes
- auditiing the public procurement process
- ensuring a high security and trusted framework for public funds management

The system is described as highly transparent, any person being able to retrieve the details of the public
acauisitions as long as she has access to an Internet connection.

In the public area of the system the following informations are available no matter the acquisition involved:
- informations about who organized the auction
- details about the organization mode
- the winning offer
- the winning supplier's name

The acquisition procedures from SEAP are complying with the european classification, therefore SEAP
may be considered compliant with the European Community requests. The compliance is achieved by
the following:
- open auctions - any supplier can take part
- restricted auctions - there is a selection stage in the first place

This new manner to achieve public procurement may constitute a driving force for integration in
- it is a part of the applications included in the mandatory application suite for implementing the "e-
government" paradigm, as opposed to the clasic way of government
- imposes the Internet use in the administration as well as in the dialogue between administration, private
sector and citizens
- allows harmonizing the national and international acquisition systems
- allows securing the information confidentiality as well as the legislation conformity to the electronic
signatures' judicial status

Who can be part of the system:

- contracting authorities - entities who can organize auctions; public institutions
- suppliers - economic providers for supply and services
- ANRMAP (National Authority for regulating and Monitoring the Public Acquisitions) - its role is to
validate the notices
- supervision and control authorities - institutions that check the contracting authorities' activity
- evaluators
- notaries
- banks
- the public
- the system operator - AADR

© 2014 - AADR
Introduction 6

- agreed developers

The contracting authority decides what kind of auction is to be held, using the estimated acquisition's
value and the various thresholds that bound the public acquisitions. The application helps the contracting
authority to assess the suitable type of auction as well and also helps them organize the auction.


SEAP is an integrated system, built on a high disponibility architecture, providing a high degree of
security. The system is a mix of proprietary and open-source technologies, in trend with the worldwide
paradigm in complex informatic systems design.

The SEAP portal is an open-architecture system able to expand with new modules, features and
capabilities, and in the mean time able to serve our country's legislation mechanisms as well as the
current and future needs of SEAP.

The following types of acquisition are implemented:

- open procedures
- restricted procedures
- requests for quotation
- catalogue-based direct acquisitions

The system's architecture

- High-disponibility architecture designed as "no-single-point-of-failure"

- Permits 20.000 simultaneous connections based on digital certificates
- Advanced security characteristics ensuring dataconfidentiality, authemticity, integrity and

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Introduction 7

The interaction between subsystems is clearly shown by walking through an operating flow. The flow
actually consist of a worksession of the user in the application's subsystem. For example, here are the
steps done in the portal in order to join an auction:
- Portal authentication
- Accessing the subsystem handling the auctions management
- Selecting the desired auction
- Sending the participation request to the server
- Receiving SEAP's acknowledgement
- Leavig the worksession

The process itself takes the following steps:

- The user accesses the system using a web browser
- When the requests reach the SEAP system they are taken into accoutn by SEAPs communicatin
- The data packets reach the informations security subsystems, whixh is the first layer of protection
against external malicious attacks
- The load-balancing module assign the packets to one of the servers in the authentication, authorization
and access metering subsystem
- After authentication - determining the users identity - the authorization service kicks in, comparing the
users profile with the required rights in order to access the requested URL
- After checking, the authentication, authorization and access metering subsystem establishes a trusted
connection with one of the servers from the applications' subsystem

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Introduction 8

- The applications' subsystem translate the requested URL and serves the appropriate HTML page
- The HTML page backtracks all the way and reaches the user's browser
- The the applications' subsystem sends to the data storage and saving the informations sent by the

1.2 About the application

Each page of the application shows on the bottom-side a section of helpful links.
- The Home Page link redirects the user to the site's home page
- The Site Map link redirects the user to a page where a hierarchical tree reveals all links of the site;
these links can be clicked and accessed as long as the user has been granted the appropriate rights for
the features involved. For more details about users and right please see the Users section of this manual
- The Terms and conditions allows viewing SEAP's security standards and procedures
- The Help link opens a new pop-up window containing informatins about the featues in the current page
- The Wizard link provides specialized assistance, describing step by step the main features of the

Reccomendation. While browsing the site please use the navigational resources provided by the
application itself - detail buttons, Back buttons a.s.o. Otherwise - e.g. using the browser's Back or
Forwrd buttons - there is no guarantee there won't be errors.

The official timestamp of the e-Licitatie server can be viewed any time by pressng the eLicitatie Time
link placed on the right side. A new pop-up window will be displayed in which the current official time will
be displayed. This time is the one used for all operations on the server.

Each list page has a header displaying a filter system; the criteria entered in the filters are used to select
what informations will be shown in the list. The filtering itself is done by pressing the Search button.

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Introduction 9

1. Entering the first characters of a word in a filter is enough to see all records for which the desired field
start with these characters.
2. Use the percent sign (%) as a text wildcard, replacing any sequence of characters
3. In order to fill in the calendar data fields the user shall press the calendar-box icon. This will open the
pop-up window shown below, where the user picks the desired date. The first selection list is for the
year, the second one for the month. The right/left arrow icons allow browsing the calendar month-by-
month in ascending or descending order.

4. The "selection list" criteria - as shown below - is filled up by selecting an option from the list. If the
option "-" is selected the search will not take into account this filtering criteria.

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Introduction 10

5. The record number per page must be always hold a value. Ita value must be between 1 and 100,
otherwise the system displays an error message.

6. For more details about paging please see the Browsing the pages section in this manual.

The system displays confirmation messages for the successful operations and error message for failed
operations. Their content is adapted to the context.

The mandatory fields in the edit pages are usually marked differently - a triangle in the upper-right corner
of the editable field. A page that still contains blank mandatory fields cannot be saved.

Selecting the CPV code in various contexts - i.e. linking it to a catalogue product - is done using a pop-
up window which displays a hierarchical list of ther CPV codes. The list allows two-way browsing:
- in-depth: this means selecting a child node under the current node
- upstairs: this means selecting the parent node of the current node

This window allows searching the codes by CPV name or CPV code. The user shall fill up the right-side
edit field and then press the Search button.

When selecting a code from the resulting code list that particular code becomes the current node in the

The user may access the application's modules and features depending on the roles he has been
granted. One single entity - contracting authority, supplier a.s.o. - can have multiple users linked to it,
who acts on its behalf. For more details please see the Users section in this manual.

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Registering and accessing the system 11

2 Registering and accessing the system

Registering is needed in order to become an user in the electronical system of public acquisitions.
Registering mens filling a registration form to be found at the address. This is done
online. For more details please see the Registration form chapter in this manual.

When the SEAP operator accepts the registration request the user will receive a confirmation e-mail in
which the following data are speificed: number of days until delivering the digital certificate, the maximal
timeperiod before automatic invalidation in which the user can download the certificate, as well as the
link where the certificate can be found. If the SEAP operator rejects the registration request, then its
decision will be also sent to the user via e-mail.

When the digital cettificate is ready the user will receive another mail in which she is told the digital
certificate was issued as well as the URL address where this cetificate can be downloaded from.
Receiving this second e-mail is not required in order to download the certificate, since the URL address
is disclosed already in the first e-mail. For more details about downloading the digital certificate please
see the Downloading the digital certificate chapter in this manual.

Logging in the application can be done only when the user possesses the digital certificate and knows
the username and password. For more details a please see the Signing in chapter in this manual.

2.1 Registration form

In order to access the registering form the user shall select the Sign up option from the home page.The
application redirects the user to a page in which she can pick the type of the entity to be registered. When the
user clicks the icon next to the desired registration type the application first displays a Terms and Conditions
page. The user must agree to all these terms and conditions before the next page shows up. This next page is
basically the first tab of the registration form.

The registration form is divided into five tabs:

- Generalities

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- User Account
- Activity type
- Addresses
- Documents

After filling in correctly and entirely all the fields in the form the user shall press the Save button. This
way, a new page will be displayed in which all the informations entered in the five tabs are shown. If the
informations are not accurate the user can press the Back button so she can revise them. If the
information are accurate then the user shall finish the registration process by entering the CAPTCHA
code in the lower-left part of the page, then press Accept.

If the registration process succeeded a confirmation message will be received by the user as well as the
access key - the PIN - needed to download the digital certificate.

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Warning! Please remember the PIN and do not share it with other people. Without this code it is
impossible to download the digital certificate, therefore no sign in into application will be possible.
Should the user lose the PIN, the digital certificate can be obtianed only from the AADR headquarters.
When successfully finalizing the registration the involved user will receive a confirmation e-mail from the
e-Licitatie team. This e-mail is sent to the e-mail address specified in the Contact Address tab of the
registration form. On the other hand, the SEAP operator must validate the registration request so that the
digital certificate can be issued.

2.1.1 Generalities
In the General tab there are some mandatory fields, such as supplier type, supplier name. unique
registration code, legal representative, bank, bank account. More infdormation may be added in the
Remarks field. The informations in this tab will not be lost when navigating through other form's tab.

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2.1.2 User account

In the User Account tab it is mandatory to enter data in the following fields: first name, last name, e-mail
address - there can be more than one address, as long as they are correctly separated by commas -
phone number, user account, password, password again - for confirmation purposes.

Atentie! Adresa de e-mail trebuie sa fie valida. In caz contrar in momentul salvarii veti vedea un mesaj de
avertizare. Parola trebuie completata in doua randuri. Daca valorile aflate in cele doua campuri nu sunt
egale sau daca lungimea parolei este mai mica de 6 caractere, sistemul va afisa un mesaj de eroare.

2.1.3 Addresses
In the addresses tab the user shall add the worklocations related to the supplier, which is done by
pressing the Add button. The worklocations can be Work Siute, Filliel, Branch, Representative,
Secondary Site, Others. In order to save a new address the user shall enter the following mandatory
fields: address name, first name, last name - of the contact person - address, zip code, city - using the
magnifying glass-shaped icon next to it, and the following optional fields: phone and fax number, e-mail
address - there can be more than one address, as long as they are correctly separated by commas -
and URL internet address. ID the currrrent address is to be the contact address, the Contact Address
checkbox must checked.

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Registering and accessing the system 15

Warning! In order to successfully register it is mandatory that one of the addresses be the headquarter.
This address becomes automatically the contact address. However, the headquarter address is not
necessarily the contact address; this can be changed later. The contact data of the supplier found in
various places in the application - e.g. the acqusition detail - are taken form the address marked as
contact address.

The notifications from the application are sent to the e-mail address of the contact address, therefore if
the user checks the Contact Address checkbox, she must also enter a valid e-mail address there.

In order to change an already existing address the user shall press the magnifying glass-shaped icon
next to it, while deleting an address is done by pressing the red X-shaped button next to it. In this latter
case the application requires a confirnation before deleting.

Warning! A deleted address is lost forever. In order to be reinstated in the address list the user shall
enter again all the necessary informations.

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Registering and accessing the system 16

2.1.4 Activity type

This page allows creating a list of activity fields for the supplier. Adding the appropriate CAEN codes for
the supplier registering in the application i done by pressing the Add button. The application opens a
new pop-up window in which a hierarchical structure of the CAEN code is displayed. The user shall
navigate this structure and find the appropriate code, then she presses the Add button.

In order to remove one ore more CAEN codes off the list he user shall check the approrpiate checkboxes
next to them then press the Delete button.

2.1.5 Reference documents

In the Documents tab the user shall fill in the already existing templates defined by the SEAP operator.
Adding a document is done by pressing the pencil-shaped icon, while removing it is done by pressing the
red X-shpaed icon.

If the user presses the pencil-shaped icon the application will be reidrected to a new page called
Registration Documents; here the user shall either fill in the description field or upload a file containing
the required informations.

Warning! The dimension of the file cannot exceed 1MB (1024 kB), otherwise the application will display
an appropriate error message.

2.2 Signing in
The application can be accessed by the user from the public page. The user shall click the Sign In link;
if the digital certificate is trusted and accepted, she will be redireected to a page as the one shown

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below, where she can enter the username and the password. If the digital certificate is not installed, is
incorrectly installed, or is expired, the application will display an error message.

The instructions about how to install the digital certificate will be received in due time, along with the
certificate itself.

Note: in order to secure the account, the password will be masked using the asterisk character.

2.3 Forgot the password?

If nobody can recall the password used to sign in to the application, there is always the possibility to
press the Forgot the password? in the Login page, link as shown below.

The application displays a new page New password request in which the user shall enter the user
account for which a new passowrd is requested; after this, she shall press the Send request button. In
no more than one hour the application will send an e-mail - to the e-mail address of the user account,
NOT the contact address - with all necessary informations for changing the password.

Clicking the link provided in that e-mail leads to the page shown below, which requires changing the
password. The fileds Username, New Password and Confirm new password must be filled in. When
ready, the user shall press the Change password button. Form now on, the signing in is to be done
using the new password.

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Registering and accessing the system 18

Warning! No more than 24 hours must pass between the request and the password change, otherwise
the whole process must be started again.

2.4 Signing out

Exiting - signing off - the application is done by clicking the Sign Off link right under the main menu.
This link is available in each page. The user will be reirected to the main page of the public area.

Warning! In order to access again the application the user must sign in again. For more details please
see the Signing in chapter in this manual.

2.5 Downloading the digital certificate

After the SEAP operator accepts the registration request the supplier will receive a motificatin e-mail with
the following informations: number of days until the digital certificate is issued, the deadline date until
when the user still can download the certificate, as well as the link from where the certificate can be

When the digital certificate has been actually issued the supplier will receive another e-mail about its
issuing, in which the serial number and the downloading link will be provided.

Usually the downloading link for the digital certificate is "". Accessing the
link opens a page like the oine below.

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Registering and accessing the system 19

Here the user shall enter the same username and the password as the ones entered during the
registration process. In the PIN field the user shall enter the PIN code provided right after finaliying the
registration process. For more details please see the Registration form chapter in this manual.

Warning! If the PIN code was lost the supplier must start the digital certificate's reovery process.

After filling in all informations needed in the Authentication screen the user shall press the Enter button.
The application will open the Certificate download page as shown below.

© 2014 - AADR
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The user shall press the Save certificate button - i.e. the floppy disk-shaped icon - in order to download
the digital certificate to their own hard drive. The download must be confirmed by pressing the Confirm
Download button - the X-shaped button.

It is recommended that confirming the certificate download is to be done only after the certificate was
downloaded, installed, and even stored in a safe place for later installing, because after the supplier
confirmed the download the certificate will be deleted fro the certificate distribution server.

In order to verify the authenticity of the certificate, the user can download the AADR certification
authority's own certificates. This is done by pressing the Save certificate button - the floppy disk-
shaped icon - from the Download Certification Authority's Certificate section. The digital certificates
involved are downloaded on the local hard drive as a file having the .p7b extension. The user shall then
follow the steps described in the Digital certificate install procedure document, which can be
downloaded fro the same page.

3 Questionnaires
The questionnaire is a method of gathering informations from the application's users.

The SEAP operator is the one who manages the questionnaires, being fully responsible for creating.
opening, cloure, and reopening of the questionnaire. At any given time there can be only one open
questionnaire for each type of user - contracting authority, supplier.

The respondents may be contracting authority users or supplier users. The answers are counted towards
the specific user, not towards the entity itself.

When reopening a survey the answers already provided will not be deleted. The users who already fully
answered the survey cannot answer again. The users who answered only partly may answer the pending

After taking the full survey the user shall have access to the results statistics, but only if the SEAP
operator decided the results can be made public.

The home page of the suppliers displays one question at a time selected from the pool of not-yet-
answered question for the currently logged in user. No other question will be shown until the current
question is answered.

The user will always see the following:

- the questionnaire name
- the question name
- the number of the question out of the total number of questions
- the answers, depending on the kind of question - unique answer, multiple answer, free text answer

© 2014 - AADR
Questionnaires 21

The user shall fill up the answers for all the questions in order to get the statistics, The statistics shows
the answers' figures and the percents for each question - only if the SEAP operator decided the results
can be made public, and only for the questions with unique or multiple answers.

The free answers questions will be aggregated in an Excel sheet which is available to the user - only if
the SEAP operator decided the results can be made public.

4 Generalities

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Generalities 22

4.1 Business generalities

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Generalities 23

4.1.1 Minutes and statements

From the detail page of the notice or invitation the user may access the list of minutes and declarations
linked to the notice / invitation. This list shows the following columns:
- Name - this one holds the document name as well as the possible comments and the clip-shaped
icon used to download associated files
- Document Type - either Participation Declaration or Offer Opening Minute
- Post Date - the datetime when the document was added to SEAP

The displayed elements are the same as in the list; downloading the associated file is done using the
Download button.

The Back button displays the previous page - i.e. the document list.

4.1.2 Documentations, clarifications and decisions

From the detail page of the notice or invitation the user may access the list of award docuemtations,
clarifications and additional documentation linked to the notice / invitation. This page is displayed when
the user presses the Documentation, Clarifications and decisions button in the notice's / invitation's
detail page.

The are two main areas here:

© 2014 - AADR
Generalities 24

A. Award Documentation area

This contains the columns Code, Name, File - including the clip-shaped icon for downloading the
associated file - and Post Date.

B. Clarification and additional documentation area

This contains the following columns:

- Name - includes the name of the document, the possible remarks, the possible reason - for CNSC or
court decisions - as well as the clip-shaped icon for downloading the associated file, if any
- Document Type
- Post Date
- a special column containing the magnifying glass-shaped icon which allows viewing the clarification or
additional document

Returning in the previous page - the notice / invitation detail - is done by pressing the Back button.

When the user presses the magnifying glass-shaped icon the application will display the detail page of
the clarification or additional document. This unchangeable page shows basically the same elements as
the list. The documents downloading is done using the Download button.

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Generalities 25

Returning in the previous page - the list of documentation, clarifications and additional documents - is
done by pressing the Back button.

4.1.3 Browsing the pages

There are many cases when a list in the application contains many more records than the actual size of
the page can hold, therefore the application allows viewing these records page by page.

This navigational / browsing tool offers the following controls:

- the Previous and Next links, which may be clicked on in order to jump to the previous page (if any)
and to the next page (if any) in respect to the current page
- the editbox in which the user may enter a numeric value - i.e. a specific page number - thus forcing the
application to display the required page, if this exists; the text "Page X out of Y" is also displayed, where
X stands for the current page number and Y stands for the number of total pages

5 Notices
The application will allow the creation of the following notices:
- Prior Information Notices
- Contract Notices
- Contract Award Notices
- Design Contest Notices
- Result of Design Contest Notice
- Concession Notices

The notices' templates shall have the format defined in the OJEU (Official Journal of the European Union),
however the only mandatory elements shall be the ones specififed by the law. The format of the notices
is always the same no matter the procedure or the contract. The form shall contain the mandatory
elements specififed by the law.

There are no pirior information notices, contract notices or contract award notices when dealing with
direct acquisitions or requests for quotation.

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When creating a notice the contracting authority along the elements from standard OJEU's forms shall fill
in supplemental informations that are necessary for choosing a specific path:
- the estimated value of the contract, for the prior information notice and the contract notice - this one
controls whether the notice must be sent to ANRMAP - National Authority for public acquisitions
regulation and monitoring, in charge of validating-approving contract notices whose estimated values are
greater than a threshold value - and to OJEU.
- whether the procurement procedure of the contract notice will take place in SEAP entirely - in which
case the fileds referring the hours shall be automatically filled in by the application
- whether the prior informatioin notice, contract notice and contract award notice refer to special sectors
- whether the user chooses or not to force sending the notices to OJEU. even though the threshold value
is not exceeded

The contracting authority may choose to send the notices to OJEU - in this case any notice sent to
OJEU shall be validated first by ANRMAP, no matter their estimated value.

The Notices module allows the user to manage the notices pertaining to the system.

The information in this module is grouped as follows:

- Prior Information Notices
- Contract Notices
- Contract Award Notices
- Design Contest Notices
- Result of Design Contest Notices
- Concession Notices

Remark: CPV Codes

The CPV codes - CPV means Common Procurement Vocabulary - are to be found in many areas of this
application, e.g. when creating a notice, a procedure, a catalogue product. The entities already created
in SEAP shall preserve their original CPV - dictionary first version. The entities created after the
implementing of the ditionary's second CPV version shall use only this second CPV version.

In any context that requires the use of the CPVs the system will display next to the CPV name its
dictionary version

The CPV dictionary names are:

- Rev. 1 - the first version dictionary
- Rev. 2 - the second version dictionary

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5.1 Generalities

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5.1.1 The Minutes and Statements button

When pressing this button the application will display the list of minutes and statements pertaining to
the current notice or invitation.

According to art. 961 in no more than 2 working days after the bidding/candidcy deadline the
contracting authority must be able to make public the name of the supplier/candidate/associated
bidder/subcontractor/third sponsor. The supplier can also view these documents.

The application displays the following columns: Name (the name and the comment, plus the clip-button
allowing file downloads, wherever necessary), Document Type, Post Date (the publishing datetime), as
well as the magnifying glass-shaped button for viewing.

Pressing the view button opens the viewing page, basically displaying the same elements. The
Download button allows downloading and viewing the associated file.

The return in the previous page - the one displaying the minutes and statements list - is done by
pressing the Back button.

5.2 Prior Information Notices

The contracting authority is bound to publish a prior information notice for the procurement contracts
whose estimated value execeeds a certain threshold established by law. Publishing a prior information
notice does not force the contracting authority to make that particular acquisition. It is possible to create
a single prior information notice encompassing multiple contracts as well as one prior information notice
for each contract. There is a standard form for defining the prior information notice.

In order to access this module the user shall select the Prior Information Notices submenu from the

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Notices menu.

The application displays the Published Prior Information Notices page.

This page lists the prior information notices validated - published - by ANRMAP. The page allows notices
filtering by the following criteria:
- Contract Name - allows filtering the prior information notices that match the given contract name
- Contracting Authority - allows filtering the notices whose creators were the ones that match the given
contracting authority
- CPV Code - allows filtering the notices whose CPV codes are the ones that match the given CPV
- CPV Name - allows filtering the notices whose CPV names are the ones that match the given CPV
- CPV Version - allows filtering the notices whose CPV version is the one that match the selected CPV
version - Rev.1 (first version), Rev.2 (second version)
- Contract Type - allows filtering the notices whose contract type is the one that match the selected
contract type (supply, services, works)
- Publish Date - allows filtering the notices whose publich date falls between the selected datetimes
- Notice No - allows filtering the notices whose numbers are the ones that match the given number
- Utilities - allows filtering the notices which are / are not of utility type
- With errata - allows filtering the notices which have / do not have a corrigenda associated
- County - allows filtering the notices whose creators pertain to the selected county
- Items/page - this is not a filtering criteria but a number which says how many records will be displayed
on each page. The user can enter any value between 1 and 100. The default value is 20.

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The available actions to be taken in this page are:

- Searching - by pressing the Search button
- Browsing the pages - more details in the Browsing the pages section of this manual
- Exporting - by pressing the Export button
- In order to view the details of a specific notice in the list the user shall press the magnifying glass-
shaped button next to it
- Returning to the start page - by pressing the Back button

5.2.1 Details about the Prior Information Notices

The viewing page of the prior information notice can be accessed by pressing the magnifying glass-
shaped button next to the notice to be viewed. The notices can only be viewed, not modified.

The notice's detail contains all the informations entered by the contracting authority when creating the
notice, i.e. the contracting authority's profile, the object of the contract, the legal, economic, financial and
technical informations, the supplemental informations, the supplemental contact data and the
informations about lots.

Typical actions

If the prior information notice is of the utilities type and also is marked for reducing the bidding deadlines,
then the Appendix button will be available in this details page. Pressing this button redirects the user in
the detail page of the appendix.

In order to view the supplemental addresses and contact points the user shall press the Annex A
button, which redirects the user in the supplemental address page. If the contracting authority has not
provided supplemental addresses when creating the notice, then this button will not be available.

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In order to view the informations regarding the lots the user shall press the Annex B button. If the
contracting authority has not provided informations regarding the lots when creating the notice, then this
button will not be available

In order to view the corrigenda related to the notice, the user shall press the Errata list button.

The Back button redirects the user in the Published prior information notices page.

Please note all notifications must be prepaid, as there are no more free notifications. If the supplier entity
doesn't have any prepaid notification, when clicking the "here" link the following warning message will be
displayed: "Subscription to the announcement / invitation could not be made, no payed notifications
available. Please see the "Payments/SEAP Services Payments" section".

If the supplier has already joined the procedure, then the message and the link descibed above will NOT
be displayed, n\because the notification messages generated for the supplier as part of the procedure
will take precedence.

5.3 Contract Notices

Except for the direct acquisitions as well as the requests for quotation, each contracting authority is
bound to create a contract notice when it is about to award a public procurement contract. The contract
notice refers one single procedure. In order to fill in the contract notice's details the user shall use either
the standard no. 1 OJEU form for non-utilities, or the standard no. 5 form for utilities.

In order to access this module the user shall select the Contract notices submenu in the Notices

The applicatin will display the Published contract notices list page.

This page displays the list of all contract notices created by the contracting authority which either were
granted the publishing accept from ANRMAP - in the case of the notices whose estimated value exceeds
the legal thresholds - or were automatically published when the contraxting authority called for it - n the
case of the notices whose estimated value do not exceed the legal thresholds.

This page contains also the following filters:

- Contracting Authority - allows filtering the notices whose creators were the ones that match the given
contracting authority

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- Contract Name - allows filtering the contract notices that match the given contract name
- Contact Notice No - allows filtering the notices whose numbers are the ones that match the given
- Contract Award Notice No - allows filtering the contract notices from which a contract award notice
was created whose numbers are the ones that match the given number
- Procedure Unique Code - allows filtering the notices whose unique codes match the given
alphanumeric sequence
- Procedure State - allows filtering the notices which are in the selected state
- Contract Type - allows filtering the notices whose contract type is the one that match the selected
contract type (supply, services, works)
- Procedure Type - allows filtering the notices by the type of the associated procedure (open procedure,
restricted procedure, accelerated restricted procedure, negotiation, accelerated negotiation, competitive
- CPV Code - allows filtering the notices whose CPV codes are the ones that match the given CPV
- CPV Name - allows filtering the notices whose CPV names are the ones that match the given CPV
- CPV Version - allows filtering the notices whose CPV version is the one that match the selected CPV
version - Rev.1 (first version), Rev.2 (second version)
- Publish Date - allows filtering the notices whose publish date falls between the selected datetimes
- With Electronic Auction - allows filtering the notices having or having not an electronic auction as final
- Bidding deadline - allows filtering the notices whose bidding deadlines falls between the selected
- Has Lots - allows filtering the notices which have or have not associated lots
- Cancelling date - allows filtering the notices whose cancelling date falls between the selected
- With errata - allows filtering the notices which have / do not have a corrigenda associated
- Utilities - allows filtering the notices which are / are not of utility type
- Invitation Type - allows filtering the notices whose invitation type match the selected type
- Partaker - allows filtering the notices for which the current supplier was or was not a partaker
- County - allows filtering the notices whose creators pertain to the selected county
- Awarding method - allows filtering the notices whose awarding method match the selected method
- Items/page - this is not a filtering criteria but a number which says how many records will be displayed
on each page. The user can enter any value between 1 and 100. The default value is 20.

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The available actions to be taken in this page are:

- Searching - by pressing the Search button
- Browsing the pages - more details in the Browsing the pages section of this manual
- Exporting - by pressing the Export button
- In order to view the details of a specific notice in the list the user shall press the magnifying glass-
shaped button next to it
- Returning to the start page - by pressing the Back button

The notice's detail contains every information the contracting authority has entered when creating the
notice, i.e.: the contracting authority's profile, the object of the contract, the legal, economic, financial
and technical informations, the supplemental informations, the supplemental contact data and the
informations about lots.


In order to get informations about clarifications and additional documents for the selected contract notice
the user shall press the Documentation and clarification button.

In order to view the corrigenda for the current notice the user shall press the Errata list button

The Lots button redirects the user to the contract notice's Lots page. This button is available only when
there is a lot division of the notice.

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In order to view the detail of a lot the user will press the magnifying glass-shaped icon next to the lot to
be viewed

In order to view the aucxtion procedure's detail the user will press the Procedure details button. (This
way the Supplier has he opportunity to join the auction from within the procedure detail. The application
will display a message that specifies whether the supplier has joined the auction or not).

The Back button redirects the user to the Published contract notices page.

A supplier can subscribe to a contract notice in order to receive news updates about the notice. The user
can subscribe to the notice from within the contract notice detail page. Inthis case, the supplier will be
notified about such events as:
- Adding a new clarification
- Suspending the procedure
- Bringing back the procedure from suspension
- Cancelling the procedure
- Publishing a corrigenda
- Publishing an ensuing contract award notice
- Bringing administratively back the procedure from the cancelled state
- Publishing a corrigenda for the contract award notice

When accessing the here link the user will get a conformation message; if he agrees t ocontinue then
the application automatically creates a subscription to the current notice. On the other hand, the user
may unsubscribe from the notice; the application will also display a message about not receiving
updates anymore. The supplier can subscribe again to the notice from which he unsubscribed earlier.
The sentence shall be: "You unsubscribed from this notice; if you want to subscribe again press here"

Please note all notifications must be prepaid, as there are no more free notifications. If the supplier entity

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doesn't have any prepaid notification, when clicking the "here" link the following warning message will be
displayed: "Subscription to the announcement / invitation could not be made, no payed notifications
available. Please see the "Payments/SEAP Services Payments" section".

If the supplier has already joined the procedure, then the message and the link descibed above will NOT
be displayed, n\because the notification messages generated for the supplier as part of the procedure
will take precedence.

When subscribing a second time no additional subscription fee - either prepaid or free - will be retained.

If the application is in no-charge mode and there are defined fees for a supplier as subscription as well as
consumption, then the consumption order is:
- free subscription
- subscriptions as is
- prepaid subscriptions

Inthis list od contract notices there is a CAPTCHA system implemented in order to avoid unauthorized
browsing for automatical data retrieval. If a user clicks the buttons too many times in a fixed amount of
time - a behavior strongly related to crawlers -, then a CAPTCHA section will be displayed in the filtering
section. The CAPTCHA code must be filled in before proceeding.

5.3.1 Procedure details

© 2014 - AADR
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The user can reach the procedure's detail page by pressing the Procedure details button.

Joining the procedure

In order to submit the offer the supplier must first join the acquisition procedure. This is achieved by
pressing the Join the procedure button in the proceduree's detail page. The joining cannot be done in
case you have no more prepaid or free available participations or in case you were suspended by the
syste; a message will be displayed accordingly. No joining is also possible if the contracting authority
decided to suspend the acquisition.

After registering, a supplier gets every month a quantum of free participation shares which is established
by the system regulator. Unused free participations shares cannot be transferred to the next month. If
the supplier has also prepaid participation shares, the free ones will be spent first.

The application will display a confirmation message when a succesful join is realised. One participation
share from your pool will be spent.

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The user can withdraw the supplier from the acquisiton procedure using the Withdraw from procedure
button. The application will display a confirmation message for this action. Choose OK to withdraw, or
Cancel in order to stay in the procedure. The supplier can re-join the procedure; in this case he must
place again its bidding because the application will not remember the offer before withdrawal. Whne
re/joining, no participation fee is required. Joining and withdrawal are only permitted until the bidding
deadline is reached.

The Electronic Auction button is available if there is an electronic auction final phase declared and the
electronic auction is already created. Pressing this button will redirect the user in the electronic auction's
detail page.

Pressing the Questions button redirects the user to the questions list. This list contains clarification
requests made by the supplier itself as well as other supplier's questions to whom the contracting
authority already answered. This button is always available for the supplier who has joined the procedure.

Prerequisites for question asking:

- the procedure's state must be Rolling or Suspended
- if there is no lot division the current state must be Bidding and the bidding deadline is not yet reached
- if there is lot division the current state there must be at least one lot in the Bidding state, not
cancelled, for which the bidding deadline is not yet reached - however the lot can be in the Suspended

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The question list possesses a searching tool which allows filtering by the following criteria:
- Title -
- Question type -
- Mine - selecting Yes means only the current supplier's questions will be displayed
- Has answer -
- Date when asked -

The user shall press the magnifying glass-shaped button not to the question in order to view its details,
see the answer provided by the contracting authority or answer the contracting authority's questions. The
user will be redirected to the question's detail page.

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The user shall press the Add button in order to add a question. Clarification requests can be made until
the bidding deadline is reached. A question already added cannot be further modified or deleted.

The user shall supply the following informations:

- question title
- question content
- an uploaded document, if necessary, using the magnifying glass-shaped button

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During the evaluation phases when the supplier answers a question asked by the contracting authority it
shall use the magnifying glass-shaped button next to the question. The supplier might also upload one or
more files along the answer to that particular question.

Sending the answer to a question is done by pressing the Save button. The application displays a
confrmation message: "Are you sure the answer is complete? After saving no more editing or file
uploading can be made to this answer."


Bidding is realised by pressing the Price Offer button. The user will be redirected to the following page.
Bidding - as a whole - means providing a price offer and filling in answer to the qualification criteria and
evaluation factors, if any. Providing a price offer is mandatory; otherwise, no offer evaluation will occur
and the current supplier cannot be taken into account when deciding the procedure winner. Filling in the
other elements of the offer - qualification criteria and evaluation factors - is optional.

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The offer's page first section is about the price offer. If the price offer is not yet made a reminder message
will be shown permanently in this page. The price offer means the wholesalw value of the acquisition, not
just the value of a specific product or a proice per unit. The Price offer is done by filling in the Price offer
field then pressing the Encrypt button - this is because the price offer is first encrypted then stored in the
database. If the price is not an integer, the decimal point will be used as decimal separator.

This way, the encryption process starts.

When the encryption process is done, the application will display a message announcing the offer
encryption is finished.

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Saving the price offer is done by pressing the Save button.

Warning! Encrypting the pirce offer and saving the price offer are two different actions.
Encrypting does not also mean saving.

The application will display a process completion message when the price offer save is done.

Since the price offer is encrypted, it cannot be displayed for the user's eyes. A message stating "Your
price offer was submitted" is the mark of a successful bidding.

If you're not sure what price was bid you can always re-submit the price offer; this can happen until the
bidding deadline is reached.

Warning! The price offers shall be made in the currency set by the contracting authority when
creating the contract notice. This currency is shown in the General Information section of the
contract notice.

Warning! The suppliers are bound to fill in the answers to the evaluation criteria seleted by the
contracting authority as reoffer criteria for the subsequent contracts, if the award criteria is "most
favorable techno-economical criteria" - like for the electronic criteria. At least one criteria left unanswered
means the contracting authority cannot evaluate the supplier.

When encrypting the price offer follow these steps:

1. Install on your computer J2SE Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.4.2 or later (keep the initial
settings). If there is already a version installed having a version between 1.7.0_20 si 1.7.0_45 you
must upgrade it to version 1.7.0_51 or later.

2. When first entering the Price Offer page the following pop-up window will be displayed

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3. Check the "Do not show ..." option if you don't want to see this pop-up window every time you
access the page.

If the following error occurs:

possible reasons are:

1. An older version of J2SE Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is installed on your computer
2. The browser is not configured to run Java applets.

1. Upgrade the Java version to 1.7.0_51 or later.
2. Check the browser's capability to run Java applets.

In the second section the supplier shall provide answers to the qualification criteria defined by the
contracting authority, if any.

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The user shall press the pencil-shaped button next to a particular criterion in order to answer its request.
The application will redirect you to a new page where the answer can be filled in.

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Press the Save button in order to save the answer. A succesful save will lead to a "filled in" text
displayed next to this particular criterion in the qualification criteria list.

In the third section the supplier must provide answers to thew evaluation factors, should the contracting
authority have defined them. This tab is visible only when the award criteria is "Most favorable techno-
economical offer".

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In order to give an answer to a particular factor the user must press the pencil-shaped button next to it.
The application redirects the user to a new page where she can fill in the answer.

If there is an electronic auction defined as the final phase and the current factor is part of the licitation
then the answering page looks like in the following capture and the provided value must be a number
greater than 0.

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Saving the answer is realised by pressing the Save button. If the save is successful then in the
evaluation criteria list there will be a "fulfilled" mark next to the criterion answered.

When the supplier does not answer these criteria the contracting authority cannot evaluate it, therefore
the supplier's offer neither will be taken into account when choosing the winner, nor will the supplier be
able to bid during the electronic auction phase.

In the fourth section the user has the possibility to upload qualification and technical proposal

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In order to add a dcoument the user shall press the Add button near the document list.The file must be
already uploaded in the supplier's document pool. For more details please see the Documents section
of this manual. The application displays a pop-up window containing all previously uploaded documents.

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The user shall select the appropriate document by pressing the target-shaped button next to it. This
triggers the pop-up window closure and inserting the document in the list.

The columns shown in the document list are Document Name - both the document name and the clip-
shaped button used to download the associated file, if any -, Financial Offer - checkbox, meaning the
checked files or documents are considered to be offer forms, and treated as such by the contracting
authority during the financial evaluation phase -, Post Date and the deletion checkbox.

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Warning! The offer can be modified only before bidding deadline. The last offer is the one taken into
account when evaluating and deliberating.

Electronic Auction

Assuming there is an electronic auction final phase, the supplier can bid its price offer using the Offer
button in the electronic auction detail page.

The contracting authority can choose to allow the extension of the bidding interval. In this case it is
possible that the auction will not end at the standard hour. Instead, the bidding period will get 5 more
minutes if the winner changed in the last minute of the bidding. This value of 5 minutes is stored in a
system parameter. The 5 minutes are added to the standard ending hour. Even if there are other winner
changes in the last minute after the 5 minutes were added, the 5 minutes still stand.

However, if the winner changes again in the 5 supplemental minutes, then another 5 minutes will be
added to the change's datetime. This delay will be applied again and again, whenever necessary.

This delay apply only for the final round of bidding.

Delaying the bidding deadline must take into account the working day program. Ther new deadline hour
cannot be greater than the end of working day; if this is the case, the application will postpone the
bidding deadline for the next working day, 5 minutes after the start of the working day. The start and
finish hours of the working day will be the same for each working day.

During the extension of the final round the application will always display the deadline datetime - day,

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hour, minute and second. This information is displayed next to the auction's current status, e.g.
"(delayed until 24.09.2009 15:34:29)"

The offer section is available in the auction's edit page, provided the phase of the auction is Bidding
(during a round); otherwise, the same page will be read-only.

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The supplier can bid its offer during the Bidding state of the auction. The supplier is not bound to
effectively bid during the bidding phase, as it can be declared a winner using only the starting bid -
declared by the contracting authority when creating the offline auction or posted by the supplier itself
inthe bidding phase of the online procedure.

Warning! The price offers shall be made in the currency set by the contracting authority when
creating the contract notice. This currency is shown in the General Information section of the
contract notice.

The contracting authority may have chosen to enforce the use of the minimal bidding step. In this case

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the new price offer must be at least one bissing step less than the supplier's current price offer. The
bidding step is computed as a specific percentage from either the contract's estimated value or the price
per unit in framework agreements. That percentage can vary between 0.01% and 5% ans shall by set by
the contracting authority when creating the electronic auction.

The supplier cannot withdraw from the electronic auction.

When a supplier makes the first update of a price offer in an offline procedure's electronic auction the
application will levy a participation fee.In case of procedures that take place in SEAP entirely there is no
fee levied since it was already levied in the procedure's bidding stage.

During the electronic auction the supplier can view the following informations related to offers:
- the ranking - also there will be a mention if the supplier shares the first place with one or multiple other
- the score of the best offer - only if the contracting authority has so stipulated
- the best offer for each criterion and the supplier's score - only if the contracting authority has so
- how many suppliers joined the auction - only if the contracting authority has so stipulated

Possible actions:
- Save - all changes will be commited to the database
- Refresh - refreshing the displayed informations
- Back - no changes will be commited to the database; the application redirects the user to the detail

Saving the price offer

When pressing the Save button the following actions will occur:

1. Validating the data The supplier must enter the offer for every criterion (including the price if
necessary); the values entered must be numbers between 0.01 and 999999999999999999.99.

2. Saving the offer

First step: checking whether the auction was not already cancelled or awarded
Second step: checking whether the auction is in Bidding state and isn't Suspended
Third step: computing the new score as follows:

Final score = sum of electronic criteria's new score, plus price offer score, plus non-electronic criteria

sum of electronic criteria = sum of the scores obtained for the auctioned electronic criteria - this is a
dynamic score, it changes more or less often during the bidding

price offer score = the score of the financial offer; it's also dynamic

non-electronic criteria score = the score obtianed for the non-auctioned evaluation criteria; the
contracting authority enters this score, so it cannot change during the bidding

In order to compute the sum of electronic criteria's new score the following algorythm is used:

Let's say there are N electronical criteria C1, C2, ..., Cn. Let's define the following concepts:
ValOffer_A - the supplier's offer value for the Ci criterion

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BestOffer_A - the best offer for the Ci criterion

Score_A - the supplier's obtained score for the Ci criterion
MaxScore_A - the maximum score for the Ci criterion

If ValOffer_A is better or equal than BestOffer_A then the supplier gets MaxScore_A points for this Ci
Otherwise, if ValOffer_A is not better or equal than BestOffer_A then either ValOffer_A will be divided by
BestOffer_A - in case of direct proportionality - or BestOffer_A will be divided by ValOffer_A - in case of
reverse proportionality. The result is actually a percentage applied to MaxScore_A in order to get

Adding up all Score_A values generates the sum of electronic criteria's new score.

Computing the price offer score is done using the following formula:

BestPriceOffer / valPrice * MaximumFinancialScore

Should the new final score be less than the actual final score, the application will not save the entered
values. A warning message about being unable to save the offer will be displayed.

Speaking of the "most favorable techno-economical offer" award criteria, a supplier could worsen the offer
for a particular criterion only if there are one or more other criteria where the offer is adequately improved
so the final score is greater than the actual score.

If the first placed supplied - who obtained maximal scores for every criteria - may try to improve its offer
by worsening the offer for one or more criteria. Even if these criteria still get maximal scores the
application will display an erro message - the offer should be improved for at least one criterion.

If the new final score is greater than the actual score the application will save the new offer as follows:
- the application will update the offer (criteria, prices)
- the application will compute the maximal values for each criteria and price
- the application will compute the score for each supplier
- the application will establish the rankings

The ranking shall be made according to the price or the score, depending upon the award criteria. When
two suppliers share the same place, then the next rank is left unoccupied.

What is different in case of the Restricted Procedure

General description

In the case of a restricted procedure before the phase of bidding there is a phase called candidates

Evaluating the candidates takes two steps:

- candidates selection - this is when the qualification criteria abd the selection criteria are evaluated
- candidates evaluation - this is when the answers to the evaluation criteria are evaluated, even if the
award criteria is "the best price"

Selecting the candidates takes two steps of its own:

- candidacy submission - this is the first step of the restricted procedure, in which suppliers can submit
their candidacy for joining the procedure. Any supplier can submit its candidacy to the restricted

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procedure, then answer the qualification criteria and the selection criteria; however, only the suppliers
selected by the contracting authority can proceed to the bidding phase
- candidacy submission - this follows the candidacy submission and precedes the bidding phase. During
this stage the contracting authority evaluates the suppliers which submitted their candidacy. Each
qualification criteria and selection criteria is evaluated as either admitted or rejected.

If less than two suppliers submitted their candidacy after the candidacy deadline is met, then the
procedure will automatically reach the "Waiting for cancellation" status. After a specified number of days
the system will automatically cancel the procedure, should the contracting authority forget to cancel it.

It is possible the contracting authority has not finished the evaluation before candidacy evaluation
deadline. In this case the procedure reaches the Waiting status. The Contracting authority may shift
forward the deadline, thus activating again the candidacy evaluation phase.

If the procedure is suspended during the bidding phase, the contracting authority can bring back the
procedure to the candidacy evaluation phase. The offers submitted until the suspension are still standing.
The already submitted offer of a supplier rejected during the candidacy re-evaluation phase will not be
decrypted and therefore will not be taken into account when choosing the winner.

The suppliers can ask clarifying questions to the contracting authority. The asking / answering technique
is similar to the one in the bidding phase at the open procedure.

The phases of the restricted procedure at its maximum extent are the following:
- candidacy submission
- candidacy evaluation
- waiting for public key retrieval
- bidding
- offer evaluation
- waiting for private key retrieval
- electronic auction
- deliberation

Available actions

Regardless of the procedure's phase (candidacy submission / evaluation) the user can do the following:
- View the selection criteria and the qualification criteria, as well as its own answers to them
- View the other suppliers' clarifying questions that already received answers, as well as its own
questions, answered or not
- Learn the number of candidates who had joined the procedure
- Go back to the restricted procedures' list

When in Candidacy submission phase the user can do the following:

- Join the procedure - at this stage the supplier will spend a participation share from its pool. The
supplier will not spend another share when submitting the offer. A supplier without participation shares
cannot join a procedure. Press the Join button in order to join the procedure.
- Withdraw from the procedure - the supplier can withdraw from the procedure durig the candidacy
submission and the offer submission phases. This is done by pressing the Withdraw button.
- Join back the procedure - a supplier can join back the procedure as many times as needed while the
procedure is still in the candidacy submission or the offer submission phases. When the procedure is in
the offer submission phase he supplier can join back only if it was admitted - positively evaluated - in the
candidacy evaluation phase. The participation share is spent only on the first join.
- Ask clarifying questions -
- Answer the qualification criteria and the minimal requirements -

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After joining the procedure the detail page looks as follows

The user shall press the Candidacy button in order to submit the candidacy. The user will be redirected
to the candidacy submission page.

When the contracting authority has defined clarification criteria, then in the first section the supplier
shall fill in informations about them.

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The user shall press the pencil-shaped icon next to a criterion in order to answer it; the application will
redirect he user to a new page where she can fill in the answer.

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The user shall press the Save button in order to save the answer. In the clarification criteria list, next to
the criterion to which the user has just answered, the application will display a "Fulfilled" mark.

In the third section the supplier shall provide answers to the evaluation factors, if any. This tab is
available only if the award criteria is "Most favorable techno-economical offer".

When there is an electronic auction final phase and the current factor belong to the auction then the
answers' page will look as follows. The user must insert a numeric and positive value .

The user shall press the Save button in order to save the answer. In the clarification criteria list, next to
the criterion to which the user has just answered, the application will display a "Fulfilled" mark.

If the supplier will not enter answers for all the criteria then it cannot be evaluated bby the contracting
authority therefore it cannot submit its offer in the electronic auction phase.

In the fourth section the user has the opportunity to upload qualification and techincal proposition

© 2014 - AADR
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The user shall press the Add button next to the document list in order to add a document. The file must
be already present in the supplier's own document pool. Please find more details in this manual's
Documents section. The application will open a new pop-up window containing all the documents
already in the supplier's document pool.

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The desired document can be selected by pressing the target-shaped icon next to it. This triggers the
closure of the pop-up window and the insertion of the selected document into the list. With batch partition

The user can reach the procedure's detail page by pressing the Procedure details button.

© 2014 - AADR
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Joining the procedure

In order to submit the offer the supplier must first join the acquisition procedure. This is achieved by
pressing the Join the procedure button in the proceduree's detail page. The joining cannot be done in

© 2014 - AADR
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case you have no more prepaid or free available participation shares or in case you were suspended by
the system; a message will be displayed accordingly. No joining is also possible if the contracting
authority decided to suspend the acquisition.

The user can join the procedure whether the procedure is partitioned into lots or not. If the
supplier joins a procedure with lot partition then this does not mean it automatically joins each
lot. The supplier must express its intention by submitting a price offer for every lot he intends to

Conditions to be met when joining the procedure:

- the supplier has not yet joined the procedure
- the supplier has available participation shares and was not suspended
- the procedure's status is Running
- if there is no lot division the current status must be Bidding, while the bidding deadline was not yet
- if there is a lot division there must be at least one not-suspended not-cancelled lot whose status is
Bidding, while its bidding deadline was not yet reached

What happens next:

- the supplier has joined the procedure
- the supplier has spent a participation share from its prepaid shares

After registering, a supplier gets every month a quantum of free participation shares which is established
by the system regulator. Unused free participations shares cannot be transferred to the next month. If
the supplier has also prepaid participation shares, the free ones will be spent first.

After a successful join the application will display an acknowledge message, as shown below. One
participation share from your pool will be spent.

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The user can withdraw the supplier from the acquisiton procedure using the Withdraw from procedure
button. The application will display a confirmation message for this action. Choose OK to withdraw, or
Cancel in order to stay in the procedure. The supplier can join back the procedure; in this case he must
place again its bidding because the application will not remember the offer made before withdrawal.
When joining back, no participation fee is required. Joining and withdrawal are only permitted until the
bidding deadline is reached.

Conditions to be met when withdrawing from the procedure:

- the supplier has joined the procedure
- the procedure's status is Running
- if there is no lot division the current status must be Bidding, while the bidding deadline was not yet
- if there is a lot division then no lot to whom the supplier has submitted an offer must have trespassed
the bidding deadline

What happens next: the user is redirected to a new page, Withdraw from the procedure, in which it must
enter a reason for withdrawing. After this, the user shall pres the Save button. This means the supplier
has withdrawn fron the procedure as well from all the lots he submitted its offer to.

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lots list

In order to view the lots the user shall press the Lot list button.

In order to view a lot's detail the user shall press the icon next to it. The application will redirect the user
in the lot detail's page,

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Joining the lot

In order to submit the offer the supplier shall first join the procedure; this is done by pressing the Join
the procedure button in the acquisition's detail page. If either the supplier has no available prepaid or
free participation shares, or the supplier is suspended, then the supplier cannot join the procedure. A
specific message will be sisplayed in this case. If the contracting authority has suspended the
procedure, joining the procedure is also impossible.

After registering, a supplier gets every month a quantum of free participation shares which is established
by the system regulator. Unused free participations shares cannot be transferred to the next month. If
the supplier has also prepaid participation shares, the free ones will be spent first.

After a successful join the application will display an acknowledge message, as shown below. One
participation share from your pool will be spent.

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Daca doriti retragerea din achizitie actionati butonul

The user can withdraw the supplier from the acquisiton procedure using the Withdraw from procedure
button. The application will display a confirmation message for this action. Choose OK to withdraw, or
Cancel in order to stay in the procedure. The supplier can join back the procedure; in this case he must
place again its bidding because the application will not remember the offer made before withdrawal.
When joining back, no participation fee is required. Joining and withdrawal are only permitted until the
bidding deadline is reached.

If there is an electronic auction final phase which is also published, there will be an Electronic Auction
button available. Pressing this button will display the electronic auction's detail page.

If the user presses the Questions button the application will display the questions' list, including both
clarification requests sent by the current supplier as well as other participants' questions to whom the
contracting authority has already answered. This button is always available for the supplier which has
joined the procedure.

Prerequisites for questioning:

- the procedure status is Running or Suspended
- if there is no lot division then the current status should be Bidding and the bidding deadline should not
- if there is a lot division, then there should be at least one lot having the Bidding status, not cancelled,
for which the bidding deadline should not already be reached - however, the lot could be in a Suspended

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The question list has a search mechanism which allows filtering by the following criteria:
- Ttle
- Question type - this dropdownlist contains Sollicited by supplier and Sollicited by Contracting
- My own - selecting Yes will display only the current supplier's questions
- Answered
- Submission date

When pressing the magnifying glass-shaped button next to a particular question will allow the user to
view that question along its answer, if any, as well as answer a contracting authority question. The user
will be redirected in the question's detail page.

Submitting a question is done by pressing the Add button. One can ask for clarifications until the bidding
deadline is reached. A submitted question cannot modified or deleeted.

The user must provide the following informations:

- question's title
- question's content
- a possbile document upload using the magnifying glass-shaped icon

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When the user wants to answer a question asked by the contracting authority durinf the evaluation
phases, it can use the magnifying glass-shaped button next to that particular question. It can upload as
well one or more files as a supplement tot he answer.

After pressing the Save button when answering a question a conformation message will be displayed:
"Are you sure your answer is full? After saving the answer you cannot modify it or attach documents to

Offer submission

In order to submit the offer the user shall press the Price Offer button. This way, the application will
redirect her to the page depicted below. The offer submission consist from providing the price offer and
entering the answers to the qualification criteria and the evaluation factors, if any. Entering a price offer is
mandatory, otherwise the contracting authority will not evaluate the offer, therefore the supplier cannot be

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takne into account when deciding the acqusition winner. The other offer's elements, like the qualification
criteria and the evaluation factors is optional, but strongly suggested.

Submitting the offer takes the same steps as in no lot division procedures - of course, the only difference
is this time the offer is related to a particular lot, not to the entire procedure.

In the second section the supplier shall provide answers to the qualification criteria, if any.

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Entering the answer to a particular criteria is done by pressing the pencil-shaped icon next to that
criteria. The application will redirect the user to a page where she can enter the answer.

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Saving the answer is done by pressing the Save button. A successful save is marked by a "Fulfilled"
mention next to that particular criteria in the qualification criteria list.

In the third section the supplier shall provide answers to the evaluation factors, if any. This tab is only
available when the award criteria is "Most favorable techno-economical offer".

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In order to enter the answer to a particular factor the user shall press the pencil-shaped icon next to it.
The user will be redirected to a new page where you can enter the answer.

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Pressing the Save button leads to the saving of the answer. A successful save is marked by a "Fulfilled"
mention next to that particular criteria in the evaluation factors list.

If the supplier does not enter the answer to these criteria, it cannot be evaluated by the contracting
authority, therefore neother can he be taken into account when selecting the winner, nor can he submit
the offer in the electronic auction phase.

In the fourth section the user will be able to upload qualification and technical proposal documents.

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In order to add a dcoument the user shall press the Add button near the document list.The file must be
already uploaded in the supplier's document pool. For more details please see the Documents section
of this manual. The application displays a pop-up window containing all previously uploaded documents.

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The user shall select the appropriate document by pressing the target-shaped button next to it. This
triggers the pop-up window closure and inserting the document in the list.

Warning! The offer can be modified only until the bidding deadline is reached. The last entered offerwill
be taken into account when evaluating and deliberating,

Electronic auction

Assuming there is an electronic auction final phase, the supplier can submit its price offer using the
Offer button in the electronic auction detail page.

The contracting authority can choose to allow the extension of the bidding interval. In this case it is
possible that the auction will not end at the standard hour. Instead, the bidding period will get 5 more
minutes if the winner changed in the last minute of the bidding. This value of 5 minutes is stored in a
system parameter. The 5 minutes are added to the standard ending hour. Even if there are other winner
changes in the last minute after the 5 minutes were added, the 5 minutes still stand.

However, if the winner changes again in the 5 supplemental minutes, then another 5 minutes will be

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added to the change's datetime. This delay will be applied again and again, whenever necessary.

This delay apply only for the final round of bidding.

Delaying the bidding deadline must take into account the working day program. Ther new deadline hour
cannot be greater than the end of working day; if this is the case, the application will postpone the
bidding deadline for the next working day, 5 minutes after the start of the working day. The start and
finish hours of the working day will be the same for each working day.

During the extension of the final round the application will always display the deadline datetime - day,
hour, minute and second. This information is displayed next to the auction's current status, e.g.
"(delayed until 24.09.2009 15:34:29)"

The offer section is available in the auction's edit page, provided the phase of the auction is Bidding
(during a round); otherwise, the same page will be read-only.

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The supplier can submit its offer during the Bidding state of the auction. The supplier is not bound to
effectively bid during the bidding phase, as it can be declared a winner using only the starting bid -
declared by the contracting authority when creating the offline auction or posted by the supplier itself
inthe bidding phase of the online procedure.

Warning! The price offers shall be made in the currency set by the contracting authority when
creating the contract notice. This currency is shown in the General Information section of the
contract notice.

If the contracting authority has chosen a bidding step to be used in the electronic auction, then the
difference between the new offer and the current offer must be at least one bidding step. The bidding step

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is compute as a percentage from the contract's estimated value or the unit price's estimated value in the
framework agreements. The percentage may vary between 0.01 and 5 and is set by the contracting
authority when defining the electronic auction.

The supplier cannot withdraw from the electronic auction.

The suppliers which submit a first offer in an electronic auction offline procedure will spend one
participation share. If the procedure is online, no fee is spent, since this already happened when
submitting the offer.

During the electronic auction the supplier can view the following informations about the offers:
- the rank - also, if the supplier is ranked 1st and there is at least onew supplier with the same score,
both sauppliers will be informed about it
- the best offer's score (if so the contracting authority chooses)
- the best offer for each criteria, along with the suppliers; score (if so the contracting authority chooses)
- the number of suppliers who are part of the auction (if so the contracting authority chooses)

Available actions:
- Save - the modification will be commited to the database
- Refresh - refreshing the displayred informations
- Back - the modifications are lost and the user will be redirected to the detail page

Saving the offer

When pressing the Save button the following actions will occur:

1. Validating the data The supplier must enter the offer for every criterion (including the price if
necessary); the values entered must be numbers between 0.01 and 999999999999999999.99.

2. Saving the offer

First step: checking whether the auction was not already cancelled or awarded
Second step: checking whether the auction is in Bidding state and isn't Suspended
Third step: computing the new score as follows:

Final score = sum of electronic criteria's new score, plus price offer score, plus non-electronic criteria

sum of electronic criteria = sum of the scores obtained for the auctioned electronic criteria - this is a
dynamic score, it changes more or less often during the bidding

price offer score = the score of the financial offer; it's also dynamic

non-electronic criteria score = the score obtianed for the non-auctioned evaluation criteria; the
contracting authority enters this score, so it cannot change during the bidding

In order to compute the sum of electronic criteria's new score the following algorythm is used:

Let's say there are N electronical criteria C1, C2, ..., Cn. Let's define the following concepts:
ValOffer_A - the supplier's offer value for the Ci criterion
BestOffer_A - the best offer for the Ci criterion
Score_A - the supplier's obtained score for the Ci criterion
MaxScore_A - the maximum score for the Ci criterion

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If ValOffer_A is better or equal than BestOffer_A then the supplier gets MaxScore_A points for this Ci
Otherwise, if ValOffer_A is not better or equal than BestOffer_A then either ValOffer_A will be divided by
BestOffer_A - in case of direct proportionality - or BestOffer_A will be divided by ValOffer_A - in case of
reverse proportionality. The result is actually a percentage applied to MaxScore_A in order to get

Adding up all Score_A values generates the sum of electronic criteria's new score.

Computing the price offer score is done using the following formula:

BestPriceOffer / valPrice * MaximumFinancialScore

Should the new final score be less than the actual final score, the application will not save the entered
values. A warning message about being unable to save the offer will be displayed.

Speaking of the "most favorable techno-economical offer" award criteria, a supplier could worsen the offer
for a particular criterion only if there are one or more other criteria where the offer is adequately improved
so the final score is greater than the actual score.

If the first placed supplied - who obtained maximal scores for every criteria - may try to improve its offer
by worsening the offer for one or more criteria. Even if these criteria still get maximal scores the
application will display an erro message - the offer should be improved for at least one criterion.

If the new final score is greater than the actual score the application will save the new offer as follows:
- the application will update the offer (criteria, prices)
- the application will compute the maximal values for each criteria and price
- the application will compute the score for each supplier
- the application will establish the rankings

The ranking shall be made according to the price or the score, depending upon the award criteria. When
two suppliers share the same place, then the next rank is left unoccupied.

What is different in case of the Restricted Procedure

General description

In the case of a restricted procedure before the phase of bidding there is a phase called candidates

Evaluating the candidates takes two steps:

- candidates selection - this is when the qualification criteria abd the selection criteria are evaluated
- candidates evaluation - this is when the answers to the evaluation criteria are evaluated, even if the
award criteria is "the best price"

Selecting the candidates takes two steps of its own:

- candidacy submission - this is the first step of the restricted procedure, in which suppliers can submit
their candidacy for joining the procedure. Any supplier can submit its candidacy to the restricted
procedure, then answer the qualification criteria and the selection criteria; however, only the suppliers
selected by the contracting authority can proceed to the bidding phase
- candidacy submission - this follows the candidacy submission and precedes the bidding phase. During
this stage the contracting authority evaluates the suppliers which submitted their candidacy. Each

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qualification criteria and selection criteria is evaluated as either admitted or rejected.

If less than two suppliers submitted their candidacy after the candidacy deadline is met, then the
procedure will automatically reach the "Waiting for cancellation" status. After a specified number of days
the system will automatically cancel the procedure, should the contracting authority forget to cancel it.

It is possible the contracting authority has not finished the evaluation before candidacy evaluation
deadline. In this case the procedure reaches the Waiting status. The Contracting authority may shift
forward the deadline, thus activating again the candidacy evaluation phase.

If the procedure is suspended during the bidding phase, the contracting authority can bring back the
procedure to the candidacy evaluation phase. The offers submitted until the suspension are still standing.
The already submitted offer of a supplier rejected during the candidacy re-evaluation phase will not be
decrypted and therefore will not be taken into account when choosing the winner.

The suppliers can ask clarifying questions to the contracting authority. The asking / answering technique
is similar to the one in the bidding phase at the open procedure.

The phases of the restricted procedure at its maximum extent are the following:
- candidacy submission
- candidacy evaluation
- waiting for public key retrieval
- bidding
- offer evaluation
- waiting for private key retrieval
- electronic auction
- deliberation

Available actions

Regardless of the procedure's phase (candidacy submission / evaluation) the user can do the following:
- View the selection criteria and the qualification criteria, as well as its own answers to them
- View the other suppliers' clarifying questions that already received answers, as well as its own
questions, answered or not
- Learn the number of candidates who had joined the procedure
- Go back to the restricted procedures' list

When in Candidacy submission phase the user can do the following:

- Join the procedure - at this stage the supplier will spend a participation share from its pool. The
supplier will not spend another share when submitting the offer. A supplier without participation shares
cannot join a procedure. Press the Join button in order to join the procedure.
- Withdraw from the procedure - the supplier can withdraw from the procedure durig the candidacy
submission and the offer submission phases. This is done by pressing the Withdraw button.
- Join back the procedure - a supplier can join back the procedure as many times as needed while the
procedure is still in the candidacy submission or the offer submission phases. When the procedure is in
the offer submission phase he supplier can join back only if it was admitted - positively evaluated - in the
candidacy evaluation phase. The participation share is spent only on the first join.
- Answer the qualification criteria and the minimal requirements -

After joining the procedure the detail page looks as follows

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The user shall press the Join lot button in order to submit the candidacy.

The user shall press the Candidacy button in order to submit the candidacy.

The candidacy submission will take place as described in the previous case (Without lot partition). the
main difference is all the process is done for a particular lot, not for the entire procedure.

© 2014 - AADR
Notices 82 Bidding for a DPS notice

For a DPS notice the offer submission is done like in any other contact notice, except a price offer
cannot be submitted.

The user can join the procedure - spending a participation share in the process - then she can answer
the clarification criteria and upload qualification and technical proposal documents.

When uploading the application will display a warning message - ony for DPS notices - stating that the
contracting authority will be informed about the modifications and it will evaluate or re-evaluate them
accordingly. Associating specifical documents from the company folder

When creating the contract notice the acontracting authority may have asked for some specifical
standard documents to be uploaded by ther supplier. The latter can answer this request by uploading
documents from its own company documents folder. This is done by pressing the dedicated button from

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the Company files subsection, which opens a new pop-up window displaying the supplier's document
portfolio matching the document requested by the contracting authority. (For example, should the
contracting authority had requested a Certificat de atestare fiscalã type of document then the supplier
can upload this kind of standard document which was alreadz uploaded onto the standard documets

The documents - as there can be more than one matching document - can be filtered by Name and by
Valability Date. They are already automatically filtered by type.

Once the user selects one or more documents these will be listed next to the corresponding required
documents. If the user has made a mistake she can delete the uploaded document by pressing the
Delete button next to the document.

Please note the supplier is not bound to answer these particular requests only by uploading documents
from its specific documents pool. While that may be the easiest way, the user can also upload
documents like before, using the Add button next to the Qualification and technical proposal
document subsection.

After the user selected either company files' document or regular documents, she shall press the Save
button in order to commit these changes.

5.3.2 Competition reopening

The contracting authority may have selected SEAP reoffering when creating the procedure. In this case,
after publishing the contract award notice, a new button called Competition reopening will be available.

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For a procedure without lot division the button will redirect the user in the reoffering electronic auction's
list for the current procedure. For a procedure with lot division the button will redirect the user in the lot
list. Here, pressing the lot's view icon will display the list of the reoffering electronic auctions for that
particular lot. List of electronic auctions on competition reopening

This page - List of electronic auctions for a framework agreement reoffering - is displayed for all
procedure having the SEAP reoffering selected. This is done by pressing the Reopen competition
button either in the notice or invitation detail's page when lot division is off, or in the lot list when lot
division is on.

The page's available information are separated into two sections:

- identification informations about the notice or invitation - number and publication date
- identification informations about the lot - if this is the case - number and name of the lot

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In the List of electronic auctions for a framework agreement reoffering page are listed:
- Unique code
- Electronic auction name
- Electronic auction status (In Definition, Waiting for Bidding, Bidding, Pause, Deliberation, Awarded), as
well as the suspension and the cancellation state
- Publication Date
- Available operation column - either the editing icon when In Definition or the viewing icon when

The following actions are available:

- View the electronic auction - the user shall press the viewing icon associated to the published
electronic auction; she will be redirected to the electronic auction's detail
- Back - the user shall press the Back button; she will be redirected either to the detail page of the
notice / invitation, or to the lot list.

The electronic auctions In Definition will be viewed and the Add button will be available only for the
contracting authority who is the owner of the notice or invitation. The other users have only the
possibillity to view them.

Remark! The supplier can view only the electronic auctions to whom it took part. Electronic Auction details on framework agreements

In the detail page of the electronic auctions the application will list the informations about the notice or
invitation from which it derives, as well as the information about the lot.

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5.4 Contract Award Notices

When an acquistion which is neither a request for quotation nor a direct acquisition gets a winner from a
deliberation process, the contracting authority is bound to publish in SEAP the contract award notice,
regardless of the procedures kind - online or offline. The contracxt award notice corresponds to a single

No contract award notice can be definied in SEAP unless the contract notice was also defined in SEAP

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.- except for the case in which the procedure was a negotiation without prior publication of a contract

Many subsections of the contract award notice will be automatically filled in with informations from the
corresponding contract notice. The elements taken from the contract notice are just informal, meaning
they can be changed by the contracting authority.

If the contract notice was validated by ANRMAP, then the contact award notice must also be validated
by ANRMAP, even if the latter doesn't reach the required legal threshold.

In order to access this module the user shall select the Contract Award Notices option form the
Notices menu.

The application will display the Published contract award notices page.

This page shows the list of the contract award notices created by the contracting authority which were
either validated for publication by ANRMAP - for the notices that reach the legal threshold -, or
automatically puiblished when the contracting authority sent them to be published - for the notices that
are under the legal threshold.

This page allows filtering by the following criteria:

- Contracting authority - the contracting authority that created the notice
- Contract name - the name of the contract
- Contract Notice number - the number of the contract notice upon which the contract award notice is
- Contract Award Notice number - the number of the contract award notice
- Contact Type - the type of the associated contract - Supply, Services, Works
- Procedure Type - the associated procedure's type (open procedure, restricted procedure, accelerated
restricted procedure, negotiation, accelerated negotiation, competitive dialogue)
- Cod CPV - the CPV code in the notice
- CPV Name - the CPV name in the notice
- CPV Version - the revision of the CPV: Rev.1 means first revision, Rev.2 means second revision
- Publication Date - when was the notice published
- Electronic Auction Final Phase - filters the notices which have this final phase (Yes, No)
- Utilities
- With Errata -
- Winning supplier - the supplier who won the acquisition
- Partaker - the supplier took part in the procedure
- Award Criteria -
- County - the county to whom the contracting authority belongs
- lot division - the procedure was divided into lots or not

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- Concession notice number - if the contract award belongs to a concession notice, this is its number
- Number / page - this is not a filtering criteria but a number which says how many records will be
displayed on each page. The user can enter any value between 1 and 100. The default value is 20.

Allowed actions in this page:

- Search - using the Search button
- List navigation - for more details please refer to the Browsing the pages section of this manual
- Export - using the Export button
- in order to view the details of a particular motice in the list the user shall press the magnifying glass-
shaped icon next to it
- return to the main page - the Back button

5.4.1 Contract Award Notice details

The user can reach the details page of the contract award notice in the list by pressing the magnifying
glass-shaped icon next to that particular contract award notice.

The header shows informations about the associated contract notice: the number and the name of the

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Detaliul de anunt cuprinde toate informatiile introduse de autoritatea contractanta la definirea anuntului
referitoare la: profilul autoritatatii contractante, obiectul contractului, detaliile despre procedura,
contracte, informatiile suplimentare.

Available actions

In order to view the corrigenda of the current notice the user shall press the Errata list button.

The Back button redirects the user in the Published contract award notices list. Subsequent contracts

The detail page of the contract award notice will display the Subsequent contracts button only if the
Awarding method is Framework agreement, no matter the creation moment of the notice or invitation.

Pressing this button redirects the user in the subsequent contracts list. List of subsequent contracts

The user can reach this page by pressing the Subsequent contracts button in the contract award notice
detail page.

The informations available in this page are divided into groups:

- identification informations of the notice or invitation: number and publication date.
- the list of every subsequent contract published for the current contract award notice

In the list page the following fields are displayed:

- [Contract number / contract date] - Contract name
- Publication date / Status
- Contract value
- Winner
- Operations column - the viewing icon

In this page the following actions are available:

- Viewing the contract - the user presses the viewing icon next to the published contract, this way the

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user is redirected to the contract detail

- Back - the user presses the Back button, this way the user is redirected to the contract award notices'
detail page Viewing a subsequent contract

The user shall press the contract viewing icon in order to reach the subsequent contracts list.

The page contains the following:

- Identification informations for the contract award notice: name, number and publish date
- All information filled in at the contract's creation, as well as the contract's publication date
- A simple list of the reoffering electronic auctions linked to the contract - only if the reoffering takes
place in SEAP

Fields displayed in the electronic auctions list:

- Unique identification code / EA Name
- Publication Date
- Awarding date

5.5 Design Contest Notices

In order to acess this module the user shall select the Contest Notices option in the Notices menu.

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The Contest Notices page will be displayed.

This page displays the list of contest notices created by the contracting authority which were validated
by ANRMAP - for the notices that reach the legal threshold -, or the ones that were automatically
published when the contracting authority had finished their creation - for the notices that do not reach the
legal threshold.

The page allows filtering by the following criteria:

- Contract Name - shows only the notices whose names match partially or fully the entered text
- Contracting Authority - shows only the notices created by the specified contracting authority
- CPV Code - shows only the notices that contain the entered CPV code
- CPV Name - shows only the notices that contain the CPV code whose name was entered
- CPV Version - shows only the notices that contain the CPV code os the selected version (Rev.1 - first
revision, Rev.2 - second revision)
- Notice No - shows only the notices whose numbers match partially or fully the entered text
- Publication Date - shows only the notices whose publication date match the selcted date
- Utilities - shows only the notices who hareave or have not of the utilities type
- Procedure Type - shows only the notices of the selected type

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- Has Errata - shows only the notices having or having not a corrigenda
- County - shows only the notices whose contracting authority reside in the selected county
- Number / page - this is not a filtering criteria but a number which says how many records will be
displayed on each page. The user can enter any value between 1 and 100. The default value is 20.

The available actions in this page are the following:

- Searching - using the Search button
- List navigation - for more details please refer to the Browsing the pages section of this manual
- Export - using the Export button
- in order to view the details of a particular notice in the list the user shall press the magnifying glass-
shaped icon next to it
- return to the previous page - the Back button

Here, a supplier can subscribe to the newsfeed of a particular notice and receive notifications. The
subscription is made from within the notices details page.

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In this particular case of a contest design notice the supplier will be notified about the following kind of
- Publication of a corrigenda
- Publication of a result notice for the design contest notice

When accessing the here link the user will receive a confirmation message. If the user agrees to
continue, then the supplier is automatically subscribed to the current notice newsfeed. Also, when
unsubscribing and confirming it, the user will receive a message about not receiving notifications
anymore, starting with the unsubscription date. The supplier may subscribe again to the notice she
unsubscribed from. The resubscription requires no additional fees, as in prepaid or free subscriptions.

Please note all notifications must be prepaid, as there are no more free notifications. If the supplier entity
doesn't have any prepaid notification, when clicking the "here" link the following warning message will be
displayed: "Subscription to the announcement / invitation could not be made, no payed notifications
available. Please see the "Payments/SEAP Services Payments" section".

If the supplier has already joined the procedure, then the message and the link descibed above will NOT
be displayed, n\because the notification messages generated for the supplier as part of the procedure
will take precedence.

The order in which the subscription fees will be spent for a supplier is the following:
- free participations
- subscription participations
- prepaid subscriptions

5.5.1 Details of a Design Contest Notice

The user can access the details page of the design contest notice by selecting the magnifying glass-
shaped next to the desired notice in the Design Contest Notices list. The notices cannot be modified,
only viewed.

The notice's detail contains all the information entered by the contracting authority when creating the
notice about:

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- contracting authority profile

- contest's object
- judicial, economical, financial and technical informations
- supplemental informations
- supplemental contact data

Available actions:

In order to view the supplemental addresses and the contact points the user shall press the Annex A
button, which redirects the user to the supplemental addresses page. The button won't be available if the
contracting authority has not provided supplemental addresses.

In order to view the corrigenda of the notice the user shall press the Errata list button.

The Back button redirects the user to the Design Contest Notices page.

5.6 Result of Design Contest Notice

Accessing this module is done by selecting the Result of Design Contest Notices option in the
Notices menu.

The Result of Design Contest Notice page will be displayed this way.

This page displays the list of results of design contest notices created by the contracting authority
which were validated by ANRMAP - for the notices that reach the legal threshold -, or the ones that were
automatically published when the contracting authority had finished their creation - for the notices that do
not reach
the legal threshold.

The page allows filtering the notices by the following criteria:

The page allows filtering by the following criteria:

- Contract Name - shows only the notices whose names match partially or fully the entered text
- Contracting Authority - shows only the notices created by the specified contracting authority
- CPV Code - shows only the notices that contain the entered CPV code
- CPV Name - shows only the notices that contain the CPV code whose name was entered
- CPV Version - shows only the notices that contain the CPV code os the selected version (Rev.1 - first
revision, Rev.2 - second revision)
- Notice No - shows only the notices whose numbers match partially or fully the entered text
- Publication Date - shows only the notices whose publication date match the selcted date

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- Utilities - shows only the notices who hareave or have not of the utilities type
- Procedure Type - shows only the notices of the selected type
- Has Errata - shows only the notices having or having not a corrigenda
- County - shows only the notices whose contracting authority reside in the selected county
- Number / page - this is not a filtering criteria but a number which says how many records will be
displayed on each page. The user can enter any value between 1 and 100. The default value is 20.

The available actions in this page are the following:

- Searching - using the Search button
- List navigation - for more details please refer to the Browsing the pages section of this manual
- Export - using the Export button
- in order to view the details of a particular notice in the list the user shall press the magnifying glass-
shaped icon next to it
- return to the previous page - the Back button

5.6.1 Details of a Result of Design Contest Notice

The user can access the details page of the results of design contest notice by selecting the magnifying
glass-shaped next to the desired notice in the Results of Design Contest Notices list. The notices
cannot be modified, only viewed.

The notice's detail contains all the information entered by the contracting authority when creating the
notice about:
- contracting authority profile
- contest's object
- the procedure
- the contest's results
- supplemental informations

Available actions:

In order to view the corrigenda of the notice the user shall press the Errata list button.

The Back button redirects the user to the Design Contest Notices page.

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5.7 Concession Notice

Accessing this module is done by selecting the Concession Notices option in the Notices menu.

The Concession Notices page will be displayed this way.

This page displays the list of concession notices created by the contracting authority which were
validated by ANRMAP - for the notices that reach the legal threshold -, or the ones that were
automatically published when the contracting authority had finished their creation - for the notices that do
not reach
the legal threshold.

The page allows filtering the notices by the following criteria:

The page allows filtering by the following criteria:

- Contract Name - shows only the notices whose names match partially or fully the entered text
- Contracting Authority - shows only the notices created by the specified contracting authority
- CPV Code - shows only the notices that contain the entered CPV code
- CPV Name - shows only the notices that contain the CPV code whose name was entered
- CPV Version - shows only the notices that contain the CPV code os the selected version (Rev.1 - first
revision, Rev.2 - second revision)
- Notice No - shows only the notices whose numbers match partially or fully the entered text
- Publication Date - shows only the notices whose publication date match the selcted date
- Utilities - shows only the notices who hareave or have not of the utilities type
- Procedure Type - shows only the notices of the selected type
- Has Errata - shows only the notices having or having not a corrigenda
- County - shows only the notices whose contracting authority reside in the selected county
- Number / page - this is not a filtering criteria but a number which says how many records will be
displayed on each page. The user can enter any value between 1 and 100. The default value is 20.

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The available actions in this page are the following:

- Searching - using the Search button
- List navigation - for more details please refer to the Browsing the pages section of this manual
- Export - using the Export button
- in order to view the details of a particular notice in the list the user shall press the magnifying glass-
shaped icon next to it
- return to the previous page - the Back button

When accessing the here link the user will receive a confirmation message. If the user agrees to
continue, then the supplier is automatically subscribed to the current notice newsfeed. Also, when
unsubscribing and confirming it, the user will receive a message about not receiving notifications
anymore, starting with the unsubscription date. The supplier may subscribe again to the notice she
unsubscribed from. The resubscription requires no additional fees, as in prepaid or free subscriptions.

Please note all notifications must be prepaid, as there are no more free notifications. If the supplier entity
doesn't have any prepaid notification, when clicking the "here" link the following warning message will be
displayed: "Subscription to the announcement / invitation could not be made, no payed notifications
available. Please see the "Payments/SEAP Services Payments" section".

If the supplier has already joined the procedure, then the message and the link descibed above will NOT
be displayed, n\because the notification messages generated for the supplier as part of the procedure
will take precedence.

The order in which the subscription fees will be spent for a supplier is the following:
- free participations
- subscription participations
- prepaid subscriptions

5.7.1 Details of a Concession Notice

The user can access the details page of the concession notice by selecting the magnifying glass-shaped
next to the desired notice in the Concession Notices list. The notices cannot be modified, only viewed.

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The notice's detail contains all the information entered by the contracting authority when creating the
notice about:
- contracting authority profile
- contest's object
- judicial, economical, financial and technical informations
- supplemental informations
- supplemental contact data

Available actions:

In order to view the supplemental addresses and the contact points the user shall press the Annex A
button, which redirects the user to the supplemental addresses page. The button won't be available if the
contracting authority has not provided supplemental addresses.

In order to view the corrigenda of the notice the user shall press the Errata list button.

The Back button redirects the user to the Concession Notices page.

5.8 Corrigenda list

The goal of a corrigendum is to supplement or correct some information which exist in the initial notice.
The corrigenda form is the same for all kind of notices concerning the structure and the content.

The page Corrigenda list is accesed via the detail of a published notice - status Published, not the
previous ones like Waiting for Validation, Waiting for OJEU, Sent to OJEU, Rejected - by pressing
the Errata list button. This list shows the corrigenda for the current notice regardless of its status.

In order to view the details of a notice the user shall press the magnifying glass-shaped icon next to it.

5.8.1 Corrigendum details

The detail page for the corrigenda shows all informations filled in bu the contracting authority when
creating the notice. This page is displayed as read-only and can be accessed by clicking the view button
in the corrigenda notice list.

The page also displays:

- a simple list of all corrigenda associated to the notice to whom the current corrigendum is associated -
the user shall press the Errata for associated notice list
- a reference to the associated notice - its number, name and publication date in SEAP, as well as a
View associated notice that will redirect the user in the associated notice's detail page
- whether the notice is re-published or not, as well as the list of re-publications - by pressing the Notice
history button

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6 Award procedures
The Awarding procedures module can be accessed from the main menu.

This module contains links for the following:

- Requests for Quotation

- Direct Acquisitions
- Electronic Auctions for offline procedures

6.1 Requests for Quotation

The contracting authority can recourse to a request for quotation procedure only if the estimated value of
the acquisition contract is not greater than some specific thresholds - stipulated in the law - for each
Type of contract - supply, services, works.

The request for quotation's pahes are the following:

1. Organize - Here the contracting authority shall enter all informations needed for the acquisition's
start, including data from the participation invite. At the same time with the acquisition start the
application will publish the participation invite associated with the request for offer.

2. Bid - any SEAP registered supplier can submit its offer. This consist in answering the qualification
criteria and the minimal requirements as defined by the contracting authority, as well as the price offer
submission. At this stage the suppliers can ask the contracting authority for clarifications ad nthe latter
is bound to answer them.

3. Offer evaluation - At this stage the contracting authority will evaluate the suppliers' offers. The
qualification criteria and the minimal requirements are evaluated as Admitted / Rejected. Only the
suppliers who joined the procedure and have submitted the price offer before bidding deadline will be

4. Deliberation - After evaluation the proce offers will be decrypted and the contracting authority can
see the ranking according to the price offer. No decryption shall occur for the price offers of the rejected
suppliers on the evaluation phase. The contracting authority shall pick the winner based on the rankings.
The contracting authority may change the winner freely before the the request for quotation is awarded.

The contracting authority may cancel or suspend the acquisition during any of the phases that occur
after the first one. If suspended, the procedure can come back on tracks by forward shifting the deadline
of the current phase.

This module shall be accessed by selecting Request for Quotation in the Award procedures menu.

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The home page of the Request for Quotation awards will be displayed.

The module's functionaities are grouped as follows:

- Participations invite
- Requests for quotation award notices

6.1.1 Invitations
The requests for quotation participation invitations module will be accesed by selecting the Requests for
Quotation option from the Award procedures menu, then selecting the according icon. The user will be
redirected in the Invitations list page.

This page contains the list of the invitations to requests for quotation published in the application by the
contracting authority. In order to ease the informations retrieval, this page allows to filter the records by
the following criteria:
- contracting authority name
- language of the offer
- contract name
- award contract number
- invitation number
- procedure state
- unique identification code for the procedure
- CPV name
- CPV Code
- publication date in SEAP
- CPV version (Rev.1, Rev.2)
- offer submission deadline
- electronic auction (as the final phase)

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- cancellation date
- lot division
- award criteria
- invitation type (online, offline)
- partaker
- contract type
- awarding mode (A public contract, The setting up a dynamic purchasing contract, Establishment of a
framework agreement)
- county
- with errata
- Items/page - this is not a filtering criteria but a number which says how many records will be displayed
on each page. The user can enter any value between 1 and 100. The default value is 20.

The "online" attribute for the participation invitation means it will be associated with a request for
quotation that takes place in SEAP (electronically). In this case the participation invitation will be
published in SEAP when the acquisition iteself is published. One online participation invitation is linked
with one request for quotation. The "offline" attribute means the request for quotation to whom the
participation invitation refers will take place off-system.

Allowed actions in this page:

- Search - using the Search button
- List navigation - for more details please refer to the Browsing the pages section of this manual
- Export - using the Export button

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- in order to view the details of a particular invitation in the list the user shall press the magnifying glass-
shaped icon next to it
- return to the main page - the Back button

In order to view the details of the associated procedure the user shall press the Procedure details

Press the Back button in order to go back to the participation invitations for request for quotations list

A supplier can subscribe to the a particular invitation's newsfeed only after registering. The subscription
shall occur in the detail of the participation invitation.

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In this case - participation invitation - the supplier will be notified about the following kind of events::
- Clarification adding
- Procedure suspension
- Back from suspension event
- Cancelling the procedure
- Publishing the award contract
- Administrative return from cancellation

When accessing the here link the user will receive a confirmation message. If the user agrees to
continue, then the supplier is automatically subscribed to the current invitation newsfeed. Also, when
unsubscribing and confirming it, the user will receive a message about not receiving notifications
anymore, starting with the unsubscription date. The supplier may subscribe again to the invitation she
unsubscribed from. The resubscription requires no additional fees, as in prepaid or free subscriptions.

Please note all notifications must be prepaid, as there are no more free notifications. If the supplier entity
doesn't have any prepaid notification, when clicking the "here" link the following warning message will be
displayed: "Subscription to the announcement / invitation could not be made, no payed notifications
available. Please see the "Payments/SEAP Services Payments" section".

If the supplier has already joined the procedure, then the message and the link descibed above will NOT
be displayed, n\because the notification messages generated for the supplier as part of the procedure
will take precedence.

The order in which the subscription fees will be spent for a supplier is the following:
- free participations
- subscription participations
- prepaid subscriptions

A CAPTCHA protection mechanism was implemented so no unauthorized use of the invitation list for
automatic data retrieval can occur. If the user clicks too many times in a too short predetermined
timespan - which is a specific behavior for a crawler - then a CAPTCHA code will be displayed in the
filtering section asking to be filled in before further operating.

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The user shall press the Procedure details button; this way she will be redirected to the procedure's
detail page.

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Let's note the value of the request for quotation can be expressed as a fixed value as well as a value
interval, in any currency - not just RON.

Joining the procedure

In order to submit the offer the supplier must first join the acquisition process. This is done by pressing
the Join the procedure button in the acquisition's detail page. Joining cannot be done when the
supplier either does not have enough prepaid or free participation shares or it was suspended; this is
marked by an error message. If the contracting authority suspended the acquisition, then there is no
possibility to join the procedure in this state.

If the joining was successful the application will display a confirmation message, as seen below. One
joining means one spent participatin share from the supplier's pool.

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The user shall press the Withdraw from procedure button fi she wants the supplier withdrawn. The
application will display a confirmation message. Press OK to withdraw, or Cancel to keep staying in the
acquisition process. The supplier can join back the acquisition, in which case its offer must be
reintroduced, if any; the application will not consider the previous offer before withdrawal. No participation
shares will be spent when joining back. The withdrawal / rejoining actions can be done until bidding
deadline is reached.

Pressing the Questions button redirects the user in the questions' list, which contains clarification
requests from the current supplier as well as other suppliers' questions to whom the contracting authority
already answered. The button is always visible but only for a supplier who is a partaker.

Conditions to be met when asking a question:

- the procedure is in Running or Suspended state
- when there is no lot division the current state must be Bidding and the bidding deadline is not reached
- when there is a lot division at least one not-cancelled lot must be on Bidding state, while its bidding
deadline was not yet reached, even if the lot is suspended

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In order to ask a querstion the user shall press the Add button. The supplier can ask for clarifications
until the bidding deadline is reached. A question already asked cannot be modified or deleted.

The user shall provide the following informations:

- question title
- question content
- an optional document uploaded by using the magnifying glass-shaped icon

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When sending the answer to a question, pressing the Save button will display a confirmation message
"Are you sure the answer is complete? After saving no more editing or file uploading can be made to this

Offer submission

The user shall push the Offer button in order to submit the offer. The application will redirect the user to
a page as seen in the picture above. The offer submission consist of price offer submission and entering
the answers to the qualification criteria and the evaluation factors, if any. The price offer is mandatory,
otherwise the contracting authority will not evaluate the offer and therefore it is impossible to win the
acquisition. The other elements - qualification criteria and evaluation factors - are not mandatory.

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The offer's page first section is about the price offer. If the price offer is not yet made a reminder message
will be shown permanently in this page. The price offer means the wholesalw value of the acquisition, not
just the value of a specific product or a proice per unit. The Price offer is done by filling in the Price offer
field then pressing the Encrypt button - this is because the price offer is first encrypted then stored in the
database. If the price is not an integer, the decimal point will be used as decimal separator.

This way, the encryption process starts.

When the encryption process is done, the application will display a message announcing the offer
encryption is finished.

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Saving the price offer is done by pressing the Save button.

Warning! Encrypting the pirce offer and saving the price offer are two different actions.
Encrypting does not also mean saving.

The application will display a process completion message when the price offer save is done.

Since the price offer is encrypted, it cannot be displayed for the user's eyes. A message stating "Your
price offer was submitted" is the mark of a successful bidding.

If you're not sure what price was bid you can always re-submit the price offer; this can happen until the
bidding deadline is reached.

Warning! The price offers shall be made in the currency set by the contracting authority when
creating the request for quotation. This currency is shown in the General Information section of the

Warning! The suppliers are bound to fill in the answers to the evaluation criteria seleted by the
contracting authority as reoffer criteria for the subsequent contracts, if the award criteria is "most
favorable techno-economical criteria" - like for the electronic criteria. At least one criteria left unanswered
means the contracting authority cannot evaluate the supplier.

When encrypting the price offer follow these steps:

1. Install on your computer J2SE Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.4.2 or later (keep the initial
settings). If there is already a version installed having a version between 1.7.0_20 si 1.7.0_45 you
must upgrade it to version 1.7.0_51 or later.

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2. When first entering the Price Offer page the following pop-up window will be displayed

3. Check the "Do not show ..." option if you don't want to see this pop-up window every time you
access the page.

If the following error occurs:

possible reasons are:

1. An older version of J2SE Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is installed on your computer
2. The browser is not configured to run Java applets.

1. Upgrade the Java version to 1.7.0_51 or later.

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2. Check the browser's capability to run Java applets.

In the second section the supplier shall provide answers to the qualification criteria defined by the
contracting authority, if any.

The user shall press the pencil-shaped button next to a particular criterion in order to answer its request.
The application will redirect you to a new page where the answer can be filled in.

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Saving the answer is done by pressing the Save button. A successful save is marked by a "Fulfilled"
mention next to that particular criteria in the qualification criteria list.

In the third section the supplier must provide answers to the evaluation factors, should the contracting
authority have defined them. This tab is visible only when the award criteria is "Most favorable techno-
economical offer".

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In order to give an answer to a particular factor the user must press the pencil-shaped button next to it.
The application redirects the user to a new page where she can fill in the answer.

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If there is an electronic auction defined as the final phase and the current factor is part of the licitation
then the answering page looks like in the following capture and the provided value must be a number
greater than 0.

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Saving the answer is realised by pressing the Save button. If the save is successful then in the
evaluation criteria list there will be a "fulfilled" mark next to the criterion answered.

When the supplier does not answer these criteria the contracting authority cannot evaluate it, therefore
the supplier's offer neither will be taken into account when choosing the winner, nor will the supplier be
able to bid during the electronic auction phase.

In the fourth section the user has the possibility to upload qualification and technical proposal

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In order to add a dcoument the user shall press the Add button near the document list.The file must be
already uploaded in the supplier's document pool. For more details please see the Documents section
of this manual. The application displays a pop-up window containing all previously uploaded documents.

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The user shall select the appropriate document by pressing the target-shaped button next to it. This
triggers the pop-up window closure and inserting the document in the list.

The columns shown in the document list are Document Name - both the document name and the clip-
shaped button used to download the associated file, if any -, Financial Offer - checkbox, meaning the
checked files or documents are considered to be offer forms, and treated as such by the contraxting
authority during the financial evaluation phase -, Post Date and the deletion checkbox.

Warning! The offer can be modified only before bidding deadline. The last offer is the one taken into
account when evaluating and deliberating.

Electronic auction

Assuming there is an electronic auction final phase, the supplier can submit its price offer using the
Offer button in the electronic auction detail page.

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The contracting authority can choose to allow the extension of the bidding interval. In this case it is
possible that the auction will not end at the standard hour. Instead, the bidding period will get 5 more
minutes if the winner changed in the last minute of the bidding. This value of 5 minutes is stored in a
system parameter. The 5 minutes are added to the standard ending hour. Even if there are other winner
changes in the last minute after the 5 minutes were added, the 5 minutes still stand.

However, if the winner changes again in the 5 supplemental minutes, then another 5 minutes will be
added to the change's datetime. This delay will be applied again and again, whenever necessary.

This delay apply only for the final round of bidding.

Delaying the bidding deadline must take into account the working day program. Ther new deadline hour
cannot be greater than the end of working day; if this is the case, the application will postpone the
bidding deadline for the next working day, 5 minutes after the start of the working day. The start and
finish hours of the working day will be the same for each working day.

During the extension of the final round the application will always display the deadline datetime - day,
hour, minute and second. This information is displayed next to the auction's current status, e.g.
"(delayed until 24.09.2009 15:34:29)"

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View / edit offer

The offer section is available in the auction's edit page, provided the phase of the auction is Bidding
(during a round); otherwise, the same page will be read-only.

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The supplier can bid its offer during the Bidding state of the auction. The supplier is not bound to
effectively bid during the bidding phase, as it can be declared a winner using only the starting bid -
declared by the contracting authority when creating the offline auction or posted by the supplier itself
inthe bidding phase of the online procedure.

Warning! The price offers shall be made in the currency set by the contracting authority when
creating the request for quotation. This currency is shown in the General Information section of the
contract notice.

The contracting authority may have chosen to enforce the use of the minimal bidding step. In this case
the new price offer must be at least one bissing step less than the supplier's current price offer. The
bidding step is computed as a specific percentage from either the contract's estimated value or the price
per unit in framework agreements. That percentage can vary between 0.01% and 5% ans shall by set by
the contracting authority when creating the electronic auction.

The supplier cannot withdraw from the electronic auction.

When a supplier makes the first update of a price offer in an offline procedure's electronic auction the
application will levy a participation fee.In case of procedures that take place in SEAP entirely there is no
fee levied since it was already levied in the procedure's bidding stage.

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During the electronic auction the supplier can view the following informations related to offers:
- the ranking - also there will be a mention if the supplier shares the first place with one or multiple other
- the score of the best offer - only if the contracting authority has so stipulated
- the best offer for each criterion and the supplier's score - only if the contracting authority has so
- how many suppliers joined the auction - only if the contracting authority has so stipulated

Possible actions:
- Save - all changes will be commited to the database
- Refresh - refreshing the displayed informations
- Back - no changes will be commited to the database; the application redirects the user to the detail

Saving the price offer

When pressing the Save button the following actions will occur:

1. Validating the data The supplier must enter the offer for every criterion (including the price if
necessary); the values entered must be numbers between 0.01 and 999999999999999999.99.

2. Saving the offer

First step: checking whether the auction was not already cancelled or awarded
Second step: checking whether the auction is in Bidding state and isn't Suspended
Third step: computing the new score as follows:

Final score = sum of electronic criteria's new score, plus price offer score, plus non-electronic criteria

sum of electronic criteria = sum of the scores obtained for the auctioned electronic criteria - this is a
dynamic score, it changes more or less often during the bidding

price offer score = the score of the financial offer; it's also dynamic

non-electronic criteria score = the score obtianed for the non-auctioned evaluation criteria; the
contracting authority enters this score, so it cannot change during the bidding

In order to compute the sum of electronic criteria's new score the following algorythm is used:

Let's say there are N electronical criteria C1, C2, ..., Cn. Let's define the following concepts:
ValOffer_A - the supplier's offer value for the Ci criterion
BestOffer_A - the best offer for the Ci criterion
Score_A - the supplier's obtained score for the Ci criterion
MaxScore_A - the maximum score for the Ci criterion

If ValOffer_A is better or equal than BestOffer_A then the supplier gets MaxScore_A points for this Ci
Otherwise, if ValOffer_A is not better or equal than BestOffer_A then either ValOffer_A will be divided by
BestOffer_A - in case of direct proportionality - or BestOffer_A will be divided by ValOffer_A - in case of
reverse proportionality. The result is actually a percentage applied to MaxScore_A in order to get

Adding up all Score_A values generates the sum of electronic criteria's new score.

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Computing the price offer score is done using the following formula:

BestPriceOffer / valPrice * MaximumFinancialScore

Should the new final score be less than the actual final score, the application will not save the entered
values. A warning message about being unable to save the offer will be displayed.

Speaking of the "most favorable techno-economical offer" award criteria, a supplier could worsen the offer
for a particular criterion only if there are one or more other criteria where the offer is adequately improved
so the final score is greater than the actual score.

If the first placed supplied - who obtained maximal scores for every criteria - may try to improve its offer
by worsening the offer for one or more criteria. Even if these criteria still get maximal scores the
application will display an erro message - the offer should be improved for at least one criterion.

If the new final score is greater than the actual score the application will save the new offer as follows:
- the application will update the offer (criteria, prices)
- the application will compute the maximal values for each criteria and price
- the application will compute the score for each supplier
- the application will establish the rankings

The ranking shall be made according to the price or the score, depending upon the award criteria. When
two suppliers share the same place, then the next rank is left unoccupied. With batch partition

The user is redirected to the procedure's detail page by pressing the Procedure Detail button.

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Joining the proceduree

In order to submit its offer the supplier must first join the acquisition, which is done by pressing the Join
the procedure button in the acquisition's detail page. No joining is possible if the supplier does not have
prepaid or free participation shares, or if the supplier was suspended. This will be shown by a message
error. If the contracting authority decided to suspend the procedure, joining the acquisition will not be

Joinig the procedure must be done regardless of the lot division or lack of. Joining a procedure
with lot division does not mean automatically joining each and every lot. The supplier must
explicitly state its intents by submitting offers for each intended lot.

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The conditions for joining a procedure are the following:

- the supplier has not yet joined the procedure
- the supplier has enough prepaid participation shares
- the supplier is not suspended
- the procedure's stare is Running
- if there is no lot division the current state is Bidding and the bidding deadline was not reached
- if there is a lot division there is at least one not-suspended, not-cancelled lot whose state is Bidding,
whose bidding deadline was not reached

When joining the following happen:

- the supplier is marked as participant in the procedure
- one participation share is spent

If the joining was successfull the application will display a success message as shown below.

Withdrawing the supplier from the procedure is done by pressing the Withdraw from procedure button.
The aplication will display a confirmation message. The user shall press OK if she really wants to
withdraw, and press Cancel in order to remain a participant in the procedure. The supplier may join back
later on. in which case the user must re-enter the details of the offer, since the application will not
remember the offer from before withdrawal. When joining back, no participation share is spent. The
withdrawal and joining back can be done only until bidding deadline is reached..

The conditions for withdrawing from a procedure are the following:

- the supplier is a participatn in the proceduree
- the procedure's stae is Running
- if there is no lot division the current state is Bidding and the bidding deadline was not reached
- if there is a lot division then no lot to whom the supplier submitted its offer has reached its own bidding

When withdrawing the following happen:

- the supplier is redirected to the Withdraw from the procedure page in which she must provide a
withdrawal reason, then she presses the Save button. This way, the supplier withdraws from the
procedure as well as from every lot to whom ita offer was submitted

lot list

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In order to view the lot list the user shall press the Lot List button.

Pentru a vizualiza detaliul unui lot se va actiona pictograma corespunzatoare acesteia, utilizatorul fiind
directionat in detaliul lotului.

In order to view the lot detail he user shall press the corresponding icon, which redirects her to the lot
detail page.

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Joining the lot

In order to submit the offer for the current lot the supplier must first jon the lot by pressing the Join Lot

The user shall press the Withdraw from lot button in order to withdraw frm a particular lot.

The following confitions must be met for a successful withdrawal:

- the supplier did not yet withdrew from the procedure
- the procedure state is Running

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- the lot state is Bidding and it is not suspended or cancelled

- the lot bidding deadline was not yet reached

The supplier is redirected in the Withdraw from Lot page where she must fill up a withdrawal reason,
then press the Save button. This way the submitted offer for that particular lot is withdrawn.

Pressing the Questions button redirects the user to the questions list page, which cotains calrification
requests sent by the current supplier as well as other participants' request to whom the contracting
authority already answered. The button is always available, but only for the supplier which is part of both
the procedure and the lot.

The following conditions must be met in order to successfully post a question:

- the status of the procedure must be Running or Suspended
- the not-cancelled lot must be in the Bidding state, while the bidding deadline was not reached

The question list has a search mechanism in place which allows filtering by the following criteria:
- Title
- Question type - the options are Requested by supplier, Requested by Contracting Authority
- Own questions - if Yes is selected then only the supplier's own questions are to be shown
- Answered
- Post Date

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In order to view a specific question - as well as the answer provided by the contractinf authority - or in
order to answer request from the contracting authorty, the user shall press the magnifying glass-shaped
icon next to it. The user will be redirecte to the question's detail page.

In order to add a question the user shall press the Add button. The user may ask for clarifications until
the bidding deadline has been reached. A question already posted cannot be modified or deleted.

The user shall provide the following informations:

- The title of the question
- The content of the question
- Optionally, a document uploaded using the magnifying glass-shaped icon

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When posting an answer to a question, pressing the Save button displays a confirmation message: "Are
you sure the answer is complete? After saving no more editing or file uploading can be made to this

lot offer submission

The user shall push the Offer button in order to submit the offer. The application will redirect the user to
a page as seen in the picture above. The offer submission consist of price offer submission and entering
the answers to the qualification criteria and the evaluation factors, if any. The price offer is mandatory,
otherwise the contracting authority will not evaluate the offer and therefore it is impossible to win the
acquisition. The other elements - qualification criteria and evaluation factors - are not mandatory.

The offer's page first section is about the price offer. If the price offer is not yet made a reminder message
will be shown permanently in this page. The price offer means the wholesalw value of the acquisition, not
just the value of a specific product or a proice per unit. The Price offer is done by filling in the Price offer
field then pressing the Encrypt button - this is because the price offer is first encrypted then stored in the
database. If the price is not an integer, the decimal point will be used as decimal separator.

This way, the encryption process starts.

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When the encryption process is done, the application will display a message announcing the offer
encryption is finished.

Saving the price offer is done by pressing the Save button.

Warning! Encrypting the pirce offer and saving the price offer are two different actions.
Encrypting does not also mean saving.

The application will display a process completion message when the price offer save is done.

Since the price offer is encrypted, it cannot be displayed for the user's eyes. A message stating "Your
price offer was submitted" is the mark of a successful bidding.

If you're not sure what price was bid you can always re-submit the price offer; this can happen until the
bidding deadline is reached.

Warning! The price offers shall be made in the currency set by the contracting authority when
creating the request for quotation. This currency is shown in the General Information section of the

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Warning! The suppliers are bound to fill in the answers to the evaluation criteria seleted by the
contracting authority as reoffer criteria for the subsequent contracts, if the award criteria is "most
favorable techno-economical criteria" - like for the electronic criteria. At least one criteria left unanswered
means the contracting authority cannot evaluate the supplier.

When encrypting the price offer follow these steps:

1. Install on your computer J2SE Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.4.2 or later (keep the initial
settings). If there is already a version installed having a version between 1.7.0_20 si 1.7.0_45 you
must upgrade it to version 1.7.0_51 or later.

2. When first entering the Price Offer page the following pop-up window will be displayed

3. Check the "Do not show ..." option if you don't want to see this pop-up window every time you
access the page.

If the following error occurs:

possible reasons are:

1. An older version of J2SE Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is installed on your computer
2. The browser is not configured to run Java applets.

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1. Upgrade the Java version to 1.7.0_51 or later.
2. Check the browser's capability to run Java applets.

In the second section the supplier shall provide answers to the qualification criteria defined by the
contracting authority, if any.

The user shall press the pencil-shaped button next to a particular criterion in order to answer its request.
The application will redirect you to a new page where the answer can be filled in.

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Saving the answer is done by pressing the Save button. A successful save is marked by a "Fulfilled"
mention next to that particular criteria in the qualification criteria list.

In the third section the supplier must provide answers to thew evaluation factors, should the contracting
authority have defined them. This tab is visible only when the award criteria is "Most favorable techno-
economical offer".

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In order to give an answer to a particular factor the user must press the pencil-shaped button next to it.
The application redirects the user to a new page where she can fill in the answer.

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If there is an electronic auction defined as the final phase and the current factor is part of the licitation
then the answering page looks like in the following capture and the provided value must be a number
greater than 0.

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Saving the answer is realised by pressing the Save button. If the save is successful then in the
evaluation criteria list there will be a "fulfilled" mark next to the criterion answered.

When the supplier does not answer these criteria the contracting authority cannot evaluate it, therefore
the supplier's offer neither will be taken into account when choosing the winner, nor will the supplier be
able to bid during the electronic auction phase.

In the fourth section the user has the possibility to upload qualification and technical proposal

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In order to add a dcoument the user shall press the Add button near the document list.The file must be
already uploaded in the supplier's document pool. For more details please see the Documents section
of this manual. The application displays a pop-up window containing all previously uploaded documents.

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The user shall select the appropriate document by pressing the target-shaped button next to it. This
triggers the pop-up window closure and inserting the document in the list.

The columns shown in the document list are Document Name - both the document name and the clip-
shaped button used to download the associated file, if any -, Financial Offer - checkbox, meaning the
checked files or documents are considered to be offer forms, and treated as such by the contraxting
authority during the financial evaluation phase -, Post Date and the deletion checkbox.

Warning! The offer can be modified only before bidding deadline. The last offer is the one taken into
account when evaluating and deliberating.

Electronic auction

Assuming there is an electronic auction final phase, the supplier can submit its price offer using the
Offer button in the lot detail page.

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Pressing the Participation button leads to displaying a new page where the user can view the submitted
offer, as well as the evaluation made ny the contracting authority.

If the electronic auction was published then the Electronic Auction button will be available. Pressing
this button will redirect the user to the Electronic Auction page.

The contracting authority can choose to allow the extension of the bidding interval. In this case it is
possible that the auction will not end at the standard hour. Instead, the bidding period will get 5 more
minutes if the winner changed in the last minute of the bidding. This value of 5 minutes is stored in a
system parameter. The 5 minutes are added to the standard ending hour. Even if there are other winner
changes in the last minute after the 5 minutes were added, the 5 minutes still stand.

However, if the winner changes again in the 5 supplemental minutes, then another 5 minutes will be
added to the change's datetime. This delay will be applied again and again, whenever necessary.

This delay apply only for the final round of bidding.

Delaying the bidding deadline must take into account the working day program. Ther new deadline hour
cannot be greater than the end of working day; if this is the case, the application will postpone the
bidding deadline for the next working day, 5 minutes after the start of the working day. The start and
finish hours of the working day will be the same for each working day.

During the extension of the final round the application will always display the deadline datetime - day,
hour, minute and second. This information is displayed next to the auction's current status, e.g.
"(delayed until 24.09.2009 15:34:29)"

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View / submit offer

The page is accessed from the electronic auction's detail page by pressing the Offer button. If the
electronic auction is in a Bidding state - a round - then the page is available for editing, otherwise it is
available read-only.

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The supplier can bid its offer during the Bidding state of the auction. The supplier is not bound to
effectively bid during the bidding phase, as it can be declared a winner using only the starting bid -
declared by the contracting authority when creating the offline auction or posted by the supplier itself
inthe bidding phase of the online procedure.

Warning! The price offers shall be made in the currency set by the contracting authority when
creating the request for quotation. This currency is shown in the General Information section of the
contract notice.

The contracting authority may have chosen to enforce the use of the minimal bidding step. In this case
the new price offer must be at least one bissing step less than the supplier's current price offer. The

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bidding step is computed as a specific percentage from either the contract's estimated value or the price
per unit in framework agreements. That percentage can vary between 0.01% and 5% ans shall by set by
the contracting authority when creating the electronic auction.

The supplier cannot withdraw from the electronic auction.

When a supplier makes the first update of a price offer in an offline procedure's electronic auction the
application will levy a participation fee.In case of procedures that take place in SEAP entirely there is no
fee levied since it was already levied in the procedure's bidding stage.

During the electronic auction the supplier can view the following informations related to offers:
- the ranking - also there will be a mention if the supplier shares the first place with one or multiple other
- the score of the best offer - only if the contracting authority has so stipulated
- the best offer for each criterion and the supplier's score - only if the contracting authority has so
- how many suppliers joined the auction - only if the contracting authority has so stipulated

Possible actions:
- Save - all changes will be commited to the database
- Refresh - refreshing the displayed informations
- Back - no changes will be commited to the database; the application redirects the user to the detail

Saving the price offer

When pressing the Save button the following actions will occur:

1. Validating the data The supplier must enter the offer for every criterion (including the price if
necessary); the values entered must be numbers between 0.01 and 999999999999999999.99.

2. Saving the offer

First step: checking whether the auction was not already cancelled or awarded
Second step: checking whether the auction is in Bidding state and isn't Suspended
Third step: computing the new score as follows:

Final score = sum of electronic criteria's new score, plus price offer score, plus non-electronic criteria

sum of electronic criteria = sum of the scores obtained for the auctioned electronic criteria - this is a
dynamic score, it changes more or less often during the bidding

price offer score = the score of the financial offer; it's also dynamic

non-electronic criteria score = the score obtianed for the non-auctioned evaluation criteria; the
contracting authority enters this score, so it cannot change during the bidding

In order to compute the sum of electronic criteria's new score the following algorythm is used:

Let's say there are N electronical criteria C1, C2, ..., Cn. Let's define the following concepts:
ValOffer_A - the supplier's offer value for the Ci criterion
BestOffer_A - the best offer for the Ci criterion
Score_A - the supplier's obtained score for the Ci criterion

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MaxScore_A - the maximum score for the Ci criterion

If ValOffer_A is better or equal than BestOffer_A then the supplier gets MaxScore_A points for this Ci
Otherwise, if ValOffer_A is not better or equal than BestOffer_A then either ValOffer_A will be divided by
BestOffer_A - in case of direct proportionality - or BestOffer_A will be divided by ValOffer_A - in case of
reverse proportionality. The result is actually a percentage applied to MaxScore_A in order to get

Adding up all Score_A values generates the sum of electronic criteria's new score.

Computing the price offer score is done using the following formula:

BestPriceOffer / valPrice * MaximumFinancialScore

Should the new final score be less than the actual final score, the application will not save the entered
values. A warning message about being unable to save the offer will be displayed.

Speaking of the "most favorable techno-economical offer" award criteria, a supplier could worsen the offer
for a particular criterion only if there are one or more other criteria where the offer is adequately improved
so the final score is greater than the actual score.

If the first placed supplied - who obtained maximal scores for every criteria - may try to improve its offer
by worsening the offer for one or more criteria. Even if these criteria still get maximal scores the
application will display an erro message - the offer should be improved for at least one criterion.

If the new final score is greater than the actual score the application will save the new offer as follows:
- the application will update the offer (criteria, prices)
- the application will compute the maximal values for each criteria and price
- the application will compute the score for each supplier
- the application will establish the rankings

The ranking shall be made according to the price or the score, depending upon the award criteria. When
two suppliers share the same place, then the next rank is left unoccupied. Associating specifical documents from the company folder

When creating the participation invitation the contracting authority may have asked for some specifical
standard documents to be uploaded by the supplier. The latter can answer this request by uploading
documents from its own company documents folder. This is done by pressing the dedicated button from
the Company files subsection, which opens a new pop-up window displaying the supplier's document
portfolio matching the document requested by the contracting authority. (For example, should the
contracting authority had requested a Certificat de atestare fiscalã type of document then the supplier
can upload this kind of standard document which was already uploaded onto the standard documets

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The documents - as there can be more than one matching document - can be filtered by Name and by
Valability Date. They are already automatically filtered by type.

Once the user selects one or more documents these will be listed next to the corresponding required
documents. If the user has made a mistake she can delete the uploaded document by pressing the
Delete button next to the document.

Please note the supplier is not bound to answer these particular requests only by uploading documents
from its specific documents pool. While that may be the easiest way, the user can also upload
documents like before, using the Add button next to the Qualification and technical proposal
document subsection.

After the user selected either company files' document or regular documents, she shall press the Save
button in order to commit these changes. Competion Reopening - Request for Quotation

The contracting authority may have selected SEAP reoffering when creating the participation invitation. In
this case, after publishing the award contract, a new button called Competition reopening will be

For a procedure without lot division the button will redirect the user in the reoffering electronic auction's
list for the current invitation. For a procedure with lot division the button will redirect the user in the lot
list. Here, pressing the lot's view icon will display the list of the reoffering electronic auctions for that
particular lot.

© 2014 - AADR
Award procedures 146 List of electronic auctions on competition reopening

This page - List of electronic auctions for a framework agreement reoffering - is displayed for all
procedure having the SEAP reoffering selected. This is done by pressing the Reopen competition
button either in the notice or invitation detail's page when lot division is off, or in the lot list when lot
division is on.

The page's available information are separated into two sections:

- identification informations about the notice or invitation - number and publication date
- identification informations about the lot - if this is the case - number and name of the lot

In the List of electronic auctions for a framework agreement reoffering page are listed:
- Unique code
- Electronic auction name
- Electronic auction status (In Definition, Waiting for Bidding, Bidding, Pause, Deliberation, Awarded), as
well as the suspension and the cancellation state
- Publication Date
- Available operation column - either the editing icon when In Definition or the viewing icon when

The following actions are available:

- View the electronic auction - the user shall press the viewing icon associated to the published
electronic auction; she will be redirected to the electronic auction's detail
- Back - the user shall press the Back button; she will be redirected either to the detail page of the
notice / invitation, or to the lot list.

The electronic auctions In Definition will be viewed and the Add button will be available only for the
contracting authority who is the owner of the notice or invitation. The other users have only the
possibillity to view them.

Remark! The supplier can view only the electronic auctions to whom it took or takes part.

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Award procedures 147 Electronic Auction details on framework agreements

In the detail page of the electronic auctions the application will list the informations about the notice or
invitation from which it derives, as well as the information about the lot.

6.1.2 Requests for quotation award notices

The user shall use the according link in the home page of the Request for Quotation module in order to
se the Request for quotations award notice page.
- Has Lots
- Number / page - this is not a filtering criteria but a number which says how many records will be
displayed on each page. The user can enter any value between 1 and 100. The default value is 20.

The available actions in this page are the following:

- Searching - using the Search button
- List navigation - for more details please refer to the section of this manual
- Export - using the Export button
- in order to view the details of a particular award contract in the list the user shall press the magnifying

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glass-shaped icon next to it

- return to the previous page - the Back button

The award detail displays information about the contracting authority, contract object, procedure, as well
as information about awarding.

The user shall press the Request for quotation Invitation button in order to view informations about the
associated invitation.

The Back button redirects the user to the Request for quotation award notice list Subsequent contracts

In the detail page of a published award contract there can be a button called Subsequent contracts.
The button is available only if the awarding method is Framework agreement, no matter the creation
moment of the participation invitation.

The user shall press this button and will be redirected to the list of subsequent contracts.

© 2014 - AADR
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The user can reach this page by pressing the Subsequent contracts button in the award contract detail

The informations available in this page are divided into groups:

- identification informations of the notice or invitation: number and publication date.
- the list of every subsequent contract published for the current contract award notice

In the list page the following fields are displayed:

- [Contract number / contract date] - Contract name
- Publication date / Status
- Contract value
- Winner
- Operations column - the viewing icon

In this page the following actions are available:

- Viewing the contract - the user presses the viewing icon next to the published contract, this way the
user is redirected to the contract detail
- Back - the user presses the Back button, this way the user is redirected to the award contract detail
page Viewing subsequent contracts

The user shall press the contract viewing icon in order to reach the subsequent contracts list.

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The page contains the following:

- Identification informations for the contract award notice: name, number and publish date
- All information filled in at the contract's creation, as well as the contract's publication date
- A simple list of the reoffering electronic auctions linked to the contract - only if the reoffering takes
place in SEAP

Fields displayed in the electronic auctions list:

- Unique identification code / EA Name
- Publication Date
- Awarding date

6.2 Direct Acquisitions

The direct acquisitions in SEAP starts from the suppliers' product catalogue. The contracting authority
can start a direct acquistion just by selecting a product in the supplier's catalogue.

The phases of the direct acquisition are the following:

- Starting the acquisition - the contracting authority consults the suppliers' product catalogues, picks a
product, fills up the delivery and payment conditions, the quantity, and maximum price - this latter is not
mandatory -, as well as the deadline until when the supplier shall answer.

- Supplier's decision - when receiving the request the supplier has two options:
- reject the contracting authority's request, in which case a rejection reason must be provided
- accept the contrating authority's request, in whish case it will specify the values for the supplemental
costs and discount; providing these values is optional. The final value of the acquisition is computed as
follows: to the products value - catalogue price times quantity - is added the supplemental costs, then
the doscoutn is substracted from this sum. If the user does not provide values for supplemental values
and discount, then the sales price is the catalogue price itself. If the supplier does not provide an answer
until the deadline mentioned by the contracting authority, then the acquisition process ends here, the
acquisition is cancelled .

- Contracting Authority's decision - this phase shows up only if the supplier accepted the previous
phase's request. When receiving the offer the contracting authority has two options too:
- accept the supplier's offer
- reject the supplier's offer - in this case a rejection reason must be provided
If the contracting authority does not provide an answer in a specified number of days, then the acquisition
process ends here, the acquisition is cancelled .

The user accesses this module by selecting the Direct Acquisitions option in the Award Procedures

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This will open the home page of the Direct Acquisitions module.

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6.2.1 Managing the product list

The application gives to every supplier the opportunity to organize its own product catalogue for
presentation reasons as well as cornerstones of catalogue/based direct acquisitions.

In order to become a participant in the direct acquisition fthe suplier must first define its own products.
This is done using either the Catalogue option in the Administration menu or the Direct acquisitions
option in the Award Procedures menu. The user shall select the Product Catalogue in order to open the
following page.

The list displays all the catalogue products defined in the application, It also allows filtering by the
following criteria:
- Product / service / works code
- Product / service / works name

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- CPV Code
- CPV Name
- CPV Version
- Product / service / works description
- Published
- Valid
- In stock
- Expired
- Records/page

Allowed actions in this page:

- Search - using the Search button
- List navigation - for more details please refer to the Browsing the pages section of this manual
- Export - using the Export button
- in order to view the details of a particular product in the list the user shall press the magnifying glass-
shaped icon next to it
- return to the main page - the Back button

In order to create a new product the user shall press the Add button. In order to modify the details of an
already defined product the user shall press the pencil-shaped icon next to the desired product. In both
cases the user will be redirected to the product's detail page.

When the product as a newly created one, the detail fields shall be filled in; otherwise, when the user
has selected for viewing a product from the list, the fields will contain the data for that particular product.
The fields are mandatory except for the Product Image field.

If the product is in stock, the user shall check the corresponding In stock checkbox. A product which is
no longer needed in the list can be inactivated by unchiecking the Valid field checkbox. If the product is

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no longer useful it can be deleted - however, unlike an invalid product, a deleted product cannot be
recovered anymore.

A product must be Publicated and Valid in order to be the object of an acquisition, but it is not
necessary to be In stock. The information about the product's availability - whether it is In stock or not -
is visible for the contracting authorities, which will initiate the acquisition request accordingly.

The user shall press the magnifying glass-shaped icon next to the CPV code in order to selected CPV
Code. The application will open a new pop-up window containing a hierarchical structure of the CPV

The user can refine the search until she founds the desired CPV code. The user can delete the content
of this field using the red X-shaped icon next to it.

The measurement unit can be chosen either from the suggested option list or directly entering it via

The catalogue price does not include VAT.

The Product Image field holds the URL address of the product image,

The user shall press either the Save button to commit the changes into the system or the Back button
to cancel editing and return to the Catalogue Product's List page.

In order to publish the product the user shall press the Publish button.

In the newly displayed page the user shall press again Publish in order to finalize publication. An invalid
product cannot be published. In order to restrict a product from publication the user shall press the
Withdraw from publication button in the Catalogue products editing page. The button is available
only if the product is published.

Warning! It is the responsibility od the supplier to keep an up-to-date aspect of the defined catalog
products, so no dysfunctionalities would occur during the acquisition.

The supplier can publish for free a maximum number of products which is a system parameter. At the

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current time, only 1 free-of-charge product can by published. Everything past this figure needs a fee per
product to be paid in order to go published. When publishing a product the application will verify if there
are free or paid product positions in the catalogue. If this is not the case, the product will not be

There is a limit of products number which is 120% of the sum of free and paid product positions.The
maximal number of published positions in the catalog cannot surpass the sum of free and paid product
positions Expiring products

The lifecycle of a catalogue position is 2 years counting from the day it was allocated in the application.

Thirty days before the cataloguer position expire the application will automatically send a notification
message to the supplier's e-mail about the positions' expire date. Unused catalogue positions in their
valability timespan will be cancelled when reaching the expiration day. At that time the application will
withdraw from publication as many positions as needed to reach the available number of catalogue
positions - for which the valability is still in place. In case there is 0 available positions, all catalogue
products will be withdrawn from publication and get themselves the Expired current state. The supplier
can publish them again later on, either by buying new catalogue positions or by withdrawing other
profucts from publication. If the supplier has bought new catalogue products before the xpiration of the
other positions, then the current pool will be automatically and correspondigly diminished.

The valability of the new catalogue positions is computed from the allocation moment, regardless of the
moment when publishing or re-publishing is done by the supplier or the extension is done by the
application. At expiration time, when the current number of catalogue positions does not cover the
number ofexpired positions then the application will withdraw as many products as needed in order to
match the current numer of non-expired products minus the number of expired positions.

For example:

1. There are 100 about-to-expire catalogue positions bought and used and the supplier has bought 50
new catalogue positions allocated before the expiration date of the older positions. In this case, at
expiration date, the publication period will be automatically extended for 50 existing catalogue products
while other 50 catalogue products will become Expired.

2. There are 100 about-to-expire catalogue positions bought. Out of them, only 75 were used while 25
were not. The supplier buys 50 new catalogue positions allocated before the expiration date of the older
positions. In this case, at expiration date, the publication period will be automatically extended for 50
existing catalogue products while other 25 catalogue products will become Expired. The 25 unused
positions are lost - cancelled.

3. There are 100 about-to-expire catalogue positions bought and used. No new catalogue positions were
bought. In this case, at expiration date, all 100 catalogue positions will become Expired..

6.2.2 Rolling Direct Acquisitions

The Rolling direct acquistions list page is displayed using the according link in the home page of the
Direct Acquisitions module. The page displays the direct acquisitions started by the contracting
authorites which are in one of the following states:
- Offering - the acquisition is published by the contracting authority waiting for the supplier to respond
- Deliberation - the acquisition for which the supplier has provided a price and waits for the contracting

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authority to decide if they take it or leave it

The page allows filtering the acquisitions by the following criteria:

- Name - acquisition name, given by the contracting authority
- Contracting authority - name of the contracting authority
- CPV Code - the CPV code of the product involved
- CPV name - the CPV name of the product involved
- Status - acquisition status - oofering, deliberation
- Product / service / works - the name of the product
- Product / service / works code - the code of the product
- Number / page - this is not a filtering criteria but a number which says how many records will be
displayed on each page. The user can enter any value between 1 and 100. The default value is 20.

The available actions in this page are the following:

- Searching - using the Search button
- List navigation - for more details please refer to the Browsing the pages section of this manual
- Export - using the Export button
- in order to view the details or conditions of a particular acquisition in the list the user shall press the
magnifying glass-shaped icon next to it
- return to the previous page - the Back button

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The acquisition detail contains all the identification data of the contracting authority, the description of
the catalogue product as it was when the acquisition was started and the description of the acquisition
as proposed by the contracting authority.

The unique identification code is an unique id of the acquisition automatically generated by the
application when the contraxcting authority has published the direct acquisition, Its prefix is DA, meaning
Direct Acquisition.

If the supplier agrees to the contracting authority's conditions then the user shall press the Accept
button. The user shall enter the supplemental cost and the discount. These are applied to the acquisition
as a whole, not to the unit price, and they are not mandatory. The final value of the acquisition will be
computed as sum of the products value - which is catalogue price times quantity - and supplemental
cost, minus the discount. The resulting vending price is not necessarily below the starting price set by
the contracting authority. The starting price is optional - having informal value - and setting one does not
imply any restrictions for the acquisition.

When the supplier does not provide values for the supplemental cost and the discount then the vending

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price is the catalogue price itself.

The user shall press the Save value in oder to Accept the offer. This means the acquisition moves from
Offering state to Deliberation state. THe copntracting authority must now provide a response of tis

Warning! If there is no supplier response until the deadline picked by the contracting authority the
application will automatically close the acquisition, putting it in Cancelled state.

If the supplier does not agree to the contracting authority's conditions then the user shall press the
Reject button. A reason for rejection must be provided here.

This way, the acquisition's state will become Cancelled (rejected conditions).

6.2.3 Awarded Direct Acquisitions

The Awarded Direct Acquisitions page is displayed when usinbg the according link in the home page
of the Direct Acquisitions module. An awarded direct acquisition is the one for which the contracting
authority has accepted the supplier's offer.

This page shows the acquisitions in the Awarded state and allows filtering by the following criteria>
- Unique Code - the unique identification code set by the application when the acquisition is firstly
- Acquisition Name - the name of the acquisition
- CPV code
- Creation Date - the date when the acquisition was started
- CPV Name -
- Finalization Date - the date when the acquisition was awarded i.e. the contracting authority accepted
the supplier's conditions
- CPV Version - Rev.1, Rev.2
- Contracting authority - who benefits from this acquisition
- Measurement Unit -
- Number / page - this is not a filtering criteria but a number which says how many records will be
displayed on each page. The user can enter any value between 1 and 100. The default value is 20.

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The available actions in this page are the following:

- Searching - using the Search button
- List navigation - for more details please refer to the Browsing the pages section of this manual
- Export - using the Export button
- return to the previous page - the Back button

When pressing the magnifying glass-shaped button next to an acquisition the application will display the
acquisition's detail page containing the identification information for the contracting authority, the
descritpion of the catalogue product at acquisition's start and the description of the acquisition itself.

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6.2.4 Cancelled Direct Acquisitions

This page is displayed when using the appropriate link from the home page of the Direct Acquisitions
module. An acquisition can reach the Cancelled state because of the following reasons:
- the supplier rejects the conditions defined by the contracting authority (Refused by supplier )
- the supplier did not answer in due time as specificed by the contracting authority ()
- the contractying authority did not answer in due time as specified by the SEAP operator (Not
answered by contracting authority)
- the contracting authority rejects the offer made by the supplier (Refused by supplier)

The page shows the acquisitions in the Cancelled state and allows filtering by the following criteria:
- Unique Code - the unique identification code set by the application when the acquisition is firstly
- Acquisition Name - the name of the acquisition

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- CPV code
- Creation Date - the date when the acquisition was started
- CPV Name -
- Finalization Date - the date when the acquisition was awarded i.e. the contracting authority accepted
the supplier's conditions
- CPV Version - Rev.1, Rev.2
- Contracting authority - who benefits from this acquisition
- Acquisition state -
- Measurement Unit -
- Number / page - this is not a filtering criteria but a number which says how many records will be
displayed on each page. The user can enter any value between 1 and 100. The default value is 20.

The available actions in this page are the following:

- Searching - using the Search button
- List navigation - for more details please refer to the Browsing the pages section of this manual
- Export - using the Export button
- return to the previous page - the Back button

When pressing the magnifying glass-shaped button next to an acquisition the application will display the
acquisition's detail page containing the identification information for the contracting authority, the
descritpion of the catalogue product at acquisition's start, the description of the acquisition itself, and the
reason for cancellations.

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6.2.5 Notices List for Direct Acquisition

The notices for direct Acquisition are the equivalent of an award notice for the direct acquisition. The
page contains:

A. Filtering area:

- Notice No - edit box

- Contracting Authority - edit box
- CPV Code - edit box
- CPV Name - edit box
- CPV Version - dropdownlist, the options are Rev.1 and Rev.2
- Publication Date -
- Acquisition Name -

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- Number / page - this is not a filtering criteria but a number which says how many records will be
displayed on each page. The user can enter any value between 1 and 100. The default value is 20.

The available actions in this page are the following:

- Searching - using the Search button
- List navigation - for more details please refer to the Browsing the pages section of this manual
- Export - using the Export button
- return to the previous page - the Back button

B. List area:
Shows the following columns;
- Acquisition Name - displays the acquisition number, the acquisition name and the CPV code
- Contracting Authority - the buying contracting authority
- Publication Date - datetime of the acquisition's finalization
- the column containing the magnifying glass-shaped button

If the user wants to return to the previous selection page she will pres the Back button.

When pressing the magnifying glass-shaped button the application will display the details of the
acquisition's notification.

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This detail page displays the following sections:

1. Contracting authority - displays the distinctive elements of the buying contracting authority (name,
CUI, address, telephone number, fax number and contact e-mail)
2. Supplier - displays the distinctive elements of the vending supplier (name, address)
3. Acquisition details - acquisition elements
- Awarding method - ewither Offine or Online; if Online, the acquisition's code and name should be
- Acquisition's object and quantity -
- Acquisition's value -
- CPV - the sold product's CPV code and name
- Contract Type - it can be Supply, Services, Works
- Acquisition Finalization Date -
- Justifying document type - it can be Contract, Invoice, Communitary Funds Command

If the user wants to return to the previous page - list of notices - she will pres the Back button.

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6.3 Electronic Auctions for offline procedures

General description

1. Electronic Auctions

The electronic auction is defined as a process of gradual reduction of the offer for its different
components. The electronic auction can be the final phase for the following:
- Offline procedures - this kind of procedure takes places outside the electronic system right until the
electronc auction's start
- Online procedure - takes place entirely in the electronic system

The electronic auction can be defined for procedures whose wawrd criteria is either "Lowest price" or
"Most favorable techno-economical offer". In the latter case, the application will use the rule of thirds
using the best admissible offer as pivot.

In the bidding rounds the suppliers submit their offers, each one better than the previous self. For each
submitted offer the application recomputes the scores and the rankings so it can show to the partakers
real-time informations about the best offer and the ranking.

The electronic auction's stages are the following:

- In Definition - it's the default state of an unpublished electronic auction, during from creation until
- Waiting for Bidding - it's the next stage after In Definition, during from publication until the first round
of bidding starts
- Bidding - this is a recurrent stage, depending on the number of rounds, during from each round's start
(StartDate) until the same round's end (EndDate)
- Pause - this is a recurrent stage, depending on the number of rounds, during from each round's end
(EndDate) until the next round's start (StartDate)

2. Offline Procedure's Electronic auctions

In order to enable the electronic auction as the final phase of an offline procedure the contracting
authority shall create the electronic auction, choose the participants, and configure the ropunds of the

The contraxctijng authority shall select only the suppliers that passed the various previous offline stages
of selection / qualification. The suppliers that will take part to the electronic auction shall be selected by
the contraxcting authority from the pool of suppliers existing in the application, It is the sole
responsibility of the contracting authority to inform in due time the participants about the auction. so they
are registered in SEAP when the electronic auction effectively starts.

In order to access this module the user shall select the Offline Procedures Electronic Auction from
the Award Procedures meniu.

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The application displays the home page of the Offline Procedures Electronic Auction module.

This module's informations are grouped by the following modules:

- Running electronic auctions - allows the user to view the list of running electronic auctions, the
searching and filtering by a set of criteria, bidding, viewing the offline procedures' list that are in the
Deliberation stage of the electronic auction
- Awarded electronic auctions - allows the user to view the awarded offline procedure's list which have
a electronic auction stage
- Cancelled electronic auctions - allows the user to view the cancelledoffline procedure's list which
have a electronic auction stage

6.3.1 Running Electronic Auctions

The Running electronic auctions is displayed when selecting the Running electronic auctions
option in the Award Procedures menu, then choose the appropriate icon. The user will be redirected in
the Offline procedures electronic auctions page.

This page shows every electronic auction which is not awarded or cancelled and in which the current
supplier is or was involved. There is a filtering mechamnism in place whixh allows filtering by the following
- Contracting authority -
- Contract Type -
- Procedure Name -
- Procedure Type -
- Unique identifcation code -
- Notice / invitation number -
- CPV Code -

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- CPV Name -
- CPV Version - either Rev.1 or Rev.2
- Publication Date -
- Procedure state -
- Bidding deadline -
- Has Lots -
- Award type -
- Award method -
- Number / page - this is not a filtering criteria but a number which says how many records will be
displayed on each page. The user can enter any value between 1 and 100. The default value is 20.

The available actions in this page are the following:

- Searching - using the Search button
- List navigation - for more details please refer to the Browsing the pages section of this manual
- Export - using the Export button
- view the electronic auction's detail - by pressing the magnifying glass-shaped icon next to the intended
electronic auction
- return to the previous page - the Back button

6.3.2 Awarded Offline Procedures

The Awarded electronic auctions is displayed when selecting the Offline procedures electronic
auctions option in the Award Procedures menu, then choose the appropriate icon. The user will be
redirected in the Awarded offline procedures page.

This page shows every awarded electronic auction in which the current supplier is or was involved. There

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is a filtering mechamnism in place whixh allows filtering by the following criteria:

- Contracting authority -
- Contract Type -
- Procedure Name -
- Procedure Type -
- Unique identifcation code -
- Notice / invitation number -
- CPV Code -
- CPV Name -
- CPV Version - either Rev.1 or Rev.2
- Publication Date -
- Procedure state -
- Bidding deadline -
- Has Lots -
- Award type -
- Is Winner - the currrent supplier is the winner or not
- Winner - whoi actually won the auction
- Number / page - this is not a filtering criteria but a number which says how many records will be
displayed on each page. The user can enter any value between 1 and 100. The default value is 20.

The available actions in this page are the following:

- Searching - using the Search button
- List navigation - for more details please refer to the Browsing the pages section of this manual
- Export - using the Export button
- view the electronic auction's detail - by pressing the magnifying glass-shaped icon next to the intended
electronic auction
- return to the previous page - the Back button

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Modulul Proceduri offline atribuite se acceseaza selectand din meniul Proceduri de atribuire optiunea
Licitatii electronice proceduri offline si alegand din pagina de start pictograma corespunzatoare
acestui modul. Utilizatorul este redirectat in pagina Lista proceduri offline atribuite cu faza de
licitatie electronica.

Aceasta pagina cuprinde toate procedurile offline cu LE aflate in starea atribuita la care ofertantul curent
este participant. Pentru a facilita gasirea licitatiilor, pagina dispune de un mecanism de cautare, care
permite selectia dupa urmatoarele criterii de interes:
· Autoritate contractanta - denumirea autoritatii contractante,
· Tip contract - tipul de contract,
· Denumire procedura - denumire procedura utilizate,
· Tip procedura - tipul procedurii utilizate,
· Cod unic - codul unic alocat,
· Nr. anunt/invitatie - numarul anuntului sau invitatiei,
· Cod CPV - cod CPV,
· Denumire CPV - denumire CPV,
· Versiune CPV - versiune CPV (Rev.1, Rev.2),
· Data atribuire - data atribuire,
· Impartire pe loturi - atributul impartire pe loturi
· Criteriu de atribuire - criteriul de atribuire,
· Castigator - atribut de filtrare daca ofertantul curent este castigator sau nu
· Ofertant castigator - numele ofertantului castigator
· Inreg/pag - permite afisarea pe o singura pagina a unui anumit numar de inregistrari. Valorile introduse
pot fi de la 1 la 100, valoarea implicita fiind de 20.

6.3.3 Cancelled Offline Procedures

The Cancelled electronic auctions is displayed when selecting the Offline procedures electronic
auctions option in the Award Procedures menu, then choose the appropriate icon. The user will be
redirected in the Cencelled offline procedures page.

This page shows every cancelled electronic auction in which the current supplier is or was involved.
There is a filtering mechamnism in place whixh allows filtering by the following criteria:
- Contracting authority -
- Contract Type -
- Procedure Name -
- Procedure Type -
- Unique identifcation code -
- Notice / invitation number -
- CPV Code -
- CPV Name -
- CPV Version - either Rev.1 or Rev.2
- Publication Date -
- Procedure state -
- Bidding deadline -
- Has Lots -
- Award type -
- Is Winner - the currrent supplier is the winner or not
- Winner - whoi actually won the auction
- Number / page - this is not a filtering criteria but a number which says how many records will be
displayed on each page. The user can enter any value between 1 and 100. The default value is 20.

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· Impartire pe loturi - atributul impartire pe loturi

· Criteriu de atribuire - criteriul de atribuire,
· Castigator - atribut de filtrare daca ofertantul curent este castigator sau nu
· Ofertant castigator - numele ofertantului castigator
· Inreg/pag - permite afisarea pe o singura pagina a unui anumit numar de inregistrari. Valorile introduse
pot fi de la 1 la 100, valoarea implicita fiind de 20.

6.3.4 Electronic Auction details

First variety: no lot division

The user shall press the magnifying glass-shaped icon next to a particular electroni auction in order to
reach its detail page. The user's available action depend on the stage the electronic auction is in.

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The detail page holds informations grouped by the following sections:

Informations about the Contracting Authority: name, fiscal identification code, address, phone and
fax numbers, e-mail

General information about the procedure

It holds the follosing informations:
- Procedure name and its unique udentification code
- Procedure Type
- Award criteria
- Contract Type
- Curent state - if the acquisition is suspended then there will be a displayed label stating "suspended
from SuspensionDate"; if the procedure is cancelled or awarded then the awardi or cancellation datetime
will be displayed
- Publication date

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- Current round - when the auction is in the Bidding or Pause states

When the criteria is "Most favorable techno-economical offer" then the application will display the
maximal score per technical component. maximal financial score and maximal score for the criteria that
don't belong to the electronic auction, as well as their weight.

In this section the application will display the informations available for the suppliers in the bidding phase,
as well as the contracting authority decision to stop the auction if no supplier has enhanced its offer.

CPV Codes
Lists the CPV codes involved, that is their code and name. This list cannot be browsed.

Evaluation criteria
Lists the evaluation criteria involved in the auction, if any. For each row in the list the application will
display the criteria name, its direct or reverse poportionality as well as its maximal possible score. If the
contracting authority has provided a description of hte criterion, then this will be displayed on the next
row. It is possible to bid only the price - this information will be displayed as well.

Own offer details

Displays the following informations: the place in the ranking, how many participants were in the auction,
the current offer, the best price offer.

Rounds and pauses

Displayes the list of phases defined by the contracting authority. The list shows the name of the phase,
the start date and the duration. The current phase is displayed in bold. Under each round another row will
be displayed showing the criteria bid in that round (price included, if it is the case). If the award criteria is
"Lowest price" there is no criteria displayed, since it cannot be other than the price.

Running electronic auctions details

Displays the offline procedures having electronic auction as final phase that are in one of the following
states: Waiting fro Bidding, Bidding, Pause, Deliberation.

Available actions and available informations

Regardless of the auction's state:

- Viewing the position in the ranking; if there are at least two suppliers on the first place, they will be
warned there is at least one other supplier sharing the first place. These informations are provided in the
View / Bidding page.
- Viewing the own offer: price, answering the criteria, score of the techincal component which is not
associated to the electronic auction - in order to assess its correctness. These informations are provided
in the View / Bidding page.
- Return to the list.
- All information the contracting authority decided to make available for the suppliers. These informations
are: the number of participants, the best offer (either price or total score), the best offer for each bid
component as well as the suppliers' scores. These informations are provided in the View / Bidding

During a round:
- The suppliers that change their offer for the first time in an electronic auction as final phase of an offline
procedure shall spend a participation fee. In the case of the online procedures this will not happen, as
the participation fee was spent when submitting the offer.

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During the deliberation:

- The final score of the supplier
- The best offer (either price or final score), the nest offerr for each bid component, as well as the
supplier's scores - even if the contracting authority did not made them available durng the bidding itself
- The informations about the winner picked from the ranking by the contracting authority: supplier name,
price, score.

Cancelled or awarded electronic auctions details

Available actions and available informations

Regardless of the auction's state:

- Return to the list.
- Informations about the own offer, as seen in Deliberation phase. These informations are shown even if
the cancellation taked place in the middle of a round.

When awarded:
- The informations about the winner: supplier name, price, score (for the "Most favorable techno-
economical offer" award criteria).
- Ranking

When cancelled:
- Datetime and reason for cancellation.

View / offer submission

This page is displayed by pressing the Offer button in the electronic auction's detail page. It available as
either editing page if the electronic auction is in the Bidding (Round) stage, or read-only for the other
stages or phases.

When accessing the bidding page after the bidding deadline the auction's status will be described as
"The auctions endtime was reached. The system is processing the closure.". In this case, no offer can
be submitted anymore.

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The offer submission can be done only in Bidding state. The supplier is not bound to improve its offer; it
is quite possible to keep the offer entered by the contracting authority when creating the electronic

If the contracting authority has enforced the use of a minimal bidding step, then the supplier's new offer
must be less than the supplier's current offer current by at least one minimal bidding step. This bidding
step is computed as a percentage of the either contract's estimated value or the unit price's estimated
value + for framework agreements. The percentage can be as low as 0.01% and as great as 5%; this
value is set by the contracting authority when creating the electronic auction.

The supplier cannot withdraw from the auction.

The suppliers that change their offer for the first time in an electronic auction as final phase of an offline
procedure shall spend a participation fee. In the case of the online procedures this will not happen, as
the participation fee was spent when submitting the offer.

During the electronic auction, the supplier can view the following informations about the bid offers:
- the rank in the rankings - if the supplier shares the first place with another one(s), then this information

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will be passed to the supplier

- the score of the best offer - if so the contracting authority chose
- the best offer for each criterion - if so the contracting authority chose
- how many participant there were - if so the contracting authority chose

Available actions:
- Save - the changes will be commited to the database
- Refresh - refreshing the information in this page
- Back - all changes will be lost and theser will be redirected in the detail page

Saving the offer

When pressing the Save button the following operations will be executed:

1. Validation of the inserted data - the supplier shall enter the offer for every criteria - including the price,
if this is the case - while the offers' calues must be numerical between 0.01 and

2. Saving the offer

First step: see if the auction was not cancelled or awarded in the mean time
Second step: see if the auction is in Bidding state and is not suspended
Third step: compute the new score, as follows:

Final score = sum of electronic criteria's new score, plus price offer score, plus non-electronic criteria

sum of electronic criteria = sum of the scores obtained for the auctioned electronic criteria - this is a
dynamic score, it changes more or less often during the bidding

price offer score = the score of the financial offer; it's also dynamic

non-electronic criteria score = the score obtianed for the non-auctioned evaluation criteria; the
contracting authority enters this score, so it cannot change during the bidding

In order to compute the sum of electronic criteria's new score the following algorythm is used:

Let's say there are N electronical criteria C1, C2, ..., Cn. Let's define the following concepts:
ValOffer_A - the supplier's offer value for the Ci criterion
BestOffer_A - the best offer for the Ci criterion
Score_A - the supplier's obtained score for the Ci criterion
MaxScore_A - the maximum score for the Ci criterion

If ValOffer_A is better or equal than BestOffer_A then the supplier gets MaxScore_A points for this Ci
Otherwise, if ValOffer_A is not better or equal than BestOffer_A then either ValOffer_A will be divided by
BestOffer_A - in case of direct proportionality - or BestOffer_A will be divided by ValOffer_A - in case of
reverse proportionality. The result is actually a percentage applied to MaxScore_A in order to get

Adding up all Score_A values generates the sum of electronic criteria's new score.

Computing the price offer score is done using the following formula:

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BestPriceOffer / valPrice * MaximumFinancialScore

Should the new final score be less than the actual final score, the application will not save the entered
values. A warning message about being unable to save the offer will be displayed.

Speaking of the "most favorable techno-economical offer" award criteria, a supplier could worsen the offer
for a particular criterion only if there are one or more other criteria where the offer is adequately improved
so the final score is greater than the actual score.

If the first placed supplied - who obtained maximal scores for every criteria - may try to improve its offer
by worsening the offer for one or more criteria. Even if these criteria still get maximal scores the
application will display an erro message - the offer should be improved for at least one criterion.

If the new final score is greater than the actual score the application will save the new offer as follows:
- the application will update the offer (criteria, prices)
- the application will compute the maximal values for each criteria and price
- the application will compute the score for each supplier
- the application will establish the rankings

The ranking shall be made according to the price or the score, depending upon the award criteria. When
two suppliers share the same place, then the next rank is left unoccupied.

Warning! For the auctions whose awarding criteria is "Most favorable techno-economical offer" it is
possible the price is not bid in the last round; therefore, it is impossible to extend the deadline,

First variety: with lot division

The user sees the auctions detail page by pressing the magnifying glass-shaped icon next to a particular
auction in the offline procedure's electronic auctions list.

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In order to view the detail of an electronic auction at lot level the user shall press the magnifying glass-
shaped icon next to a lot in the lot list.

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The offer submission can be done only in Bidding state. The supplier is not bound to improve its offer; it
is quite possible to keep the offer entered by the contracting authority when creating the electronic

If the contracting authority has enforced the use of a minimal bidding step, then the supplier's new offer
must be less than the supplier's current offer current by at least one minimal bidding step. This bidding
step is computed as a percentage of the either contract's estimated value or the unit price's estimated
value + for framework agreements. The percentage can be as low as 0.01% and as great as 5%; this
value is set by the contracting authority when creating the electronic auction.

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The supplier cannot withdraw from the auction.

The suppliers that change their offer for the first time in an electronic auction as final phase of an offline
procedure shall spend a participation fee. In the case of the online procedures this will not happen, as
the participation fee was spent when submitting the offer.

During the electronic auction, the supplier can view the following informations about the bid offers:
- the rank in the rankings - if the supplier shares the first place with another one(s), then this information
will be passed to the supplier
- the score of the best offer - if so the contracting authority chose
- the best offer for each criterion - if so the contracting authority chose
- how many participant there were - if so the contracting authority chose

Available actions:
- Save - the changes will be commited to the database
- Refresh - refreshing the information in this page
- Back - all changes will be lost and theser will be redirected in the detail page

Saving the offer

When pressing the Save button the following operations will be executed:

1. Validation of the inserted data - the supplier shall enter the offer for every criteria - including the price,
if this is the case - while the offers' calues must be numerical between 0.01 and

2. Saving the offer

First step: see if the auction was not cancelled or awarded in the mean time
Second step: see if the auction is in Bidding state and is not suspended
Third step: compute the new score, as follows:

Final score = sum of electronic criteria's new score, plus price offer score, plus non-electronic criteria

sum of electronic criteria = sum of the scores obtained for the auctioned electronic criteria - this is a
dynamic score, it changes more or less often during the bidding

price offer score = the score of the financial offer; it's also dynamic

non-electronic criteria score = the score obtianed for the non-auctioned evaluation criteria; the
contracting authority enters this score, so it cannot change during the bidding

In order to compute the sum of electronic criteria's new score the following algorythm is used:

Let's say there are N electronical criteria C1, C2, ..., Cn. Let's define the following concepts:
ValOffer_A - the supplier's offer value for the Ci criterion
BestOffer_A - the best offer for the Ci criterion
Score_A - the supplier's obtained score for the Ci criterion
MaxScore_A - the maximum score for the Ci criterion

If ValOffer_A is better or equal than BestOffer_A then the supplier gets MaxScore_A points for this Ci

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Otherwise, if ValOffer_A is not better or equal than BestOffer_A then either ValOffer_A will be divided by
BestOffer_A - in case of direct proportionality - or BestOffer_A will be divided by ValOffer_A - in case of
reverse proportionality. The result is actually a percentage applied to MaxScore_A in order to get

Adding up all Score_A values generates the sum of electronic criteria's new score.

Computing the price offer score is done using the following formula:

BestPriceOffer / valPrice * MaximumFinancialScore

Should the new final score be less than the actual final score, the application will not save the entered
values. A warning message about being unable to save the offer will be displayed.

Speaking of the "most favorable techno-economical offer" award criteria, a supplier could worsen the offer
for a particular criterion only if there are one or more other criteria where the offer is adequately improved
so the final score is greater than the actual score.

If the first placed supplied - who obtained maximal scores for every criteria - may try to improve its offer
by worsening the offer for one or more criteria. Even if these criteria still get maximal scores the
application will display an erro message - the offer should be improved for at least one criterion.

If the new final score is greater than the actual score the application will save the new offer as follows:
- the application will update the offer (criteria, prices)
- the application will compute the maximal values for each criteria and price
- the application will compute the score for each supplier
- the application will establish the rankings

The ranking shall be made according to the price or the score, depending upon the award criteria. When
two suppliers share the same place, then the next rank is left unoccupied.

Note: fi the electronic auction derives from a simplified notice, the suppliers' financial offers are initially
void. Therefore, when first bidding, the application will NOT verify whether the financial offer si improved or
the minimal bidding step restriction was respected. The application will verify them starting weith the
seconf bidding, when there is already a valid offer. It is the full responsibilitz of the supplier to enter a
valid and realistic offer when first bidding, since no verfications are to be made there (e.g. it is possible to
enter an unintended very small proce value when first entering the offer).

7 Public-private partnership
The notices that fall into the public-private partnership category are displayed in their own submenius
from the PP Partnership menu.

The existing submenus are the following:

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- Selection Notices
- Award Notices

7.1 Selection Notices

The selection notices falling into the public-private partnership category are listed in a distinct page whixh
A. A filtering area
B. A list area

A. The filtering area has the following filters:

- Contracting Authority - edit box
- Contract Name - edit box
- Selection Notice No - edit box
- Award Notice No - edit box - it is the selection notice's associated award notice, if any
- Unique Identification Code - edit box
- Procedure State - dropdown list; the options are Running, Cancelled, Awarded, Suspended
- Contract type - dropdown list; the options are Supply, Services, Works
- Procedure Type - dropdown list; the options are Open Procedure. Restricted Procedure,
Accelerated Restricted Procedure, Negotiation, Accelerated Negotiation, Competitive Dialogue
- CPV Code - edit box
- CPV Name - edit box
- CPV Version - edit box
- Publication Date - pair of calendar boxes
- Electronic Auction Final Phase - dropdown list with Yes and No options
- Bidding Deadline - pair of calendar boxes

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- Has Lots - dropdown list; Yes - No

- Cancellation Date - pair of calendar boxes - works only for cancelled auctions
- Has Errata - dropdown list; Yes - No
- Has Utilities - dropdown list; Yes - No
- Award modality - dropdown list; standard values Online Procedure and Offline Procedure
- Participant - dropdown list; Yes - No; only for the notices of whom the supplier was part of
- County - dropdown list, shows the counties of Romania
- Award method - dropdown list, standard values Public contract, Establishing a framework
agreement, Dynamic purchasing system
- Number / page - this is not a filtering criteria but a number which says how many records will be
displayed on each page. The user can enter any value between 1 and 100. The default value is 20.

After the user entered or selected the appropriate values for the filters, she can press the Search button;
in this case the application will display the selection notices that match the filtering criteria. On the other
hand, pressing the Export button allows displaying the selected notices in an Excel sheet.

B. The list area displays the following columns:

- Contact Name - shows the selection notice number, the selection notice name, the procedure type,
the contract type and the procedure status
- Contracting authority - the name of the contracting authority that created the selection notice
- Publication Date - when was the selection notice published
- the icon column - displays the magnifying glass-shaped button and the informtion icons about

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corrigendum or clarifications/documents
ri / documentatie.

In order to view a selection notice the user shall press the magnifying glass-shpaed button. This opens a
new viewing page.

This page offer the following possibilities:

- the user may press the Back button in order to go back tothe list of selection notices
- the user may press the Minutes-Declarations button in order to enter the page containing the list of
those documents associated with the current selection notice
- the user may press the Documentation / Clarifications / Decisions button in order to enter the page
containing the list of those documents associated with the current selection

7.2 Contract Award Notices

The award contracts of the public-private partnership kind are listed in their own page which comprises:
A. A filtering area
B. A list area

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A. The filtering area comprises the following filters:

- Contracting Authority - dropdownlist
- Contract Name - dropdownlist
- Selection Notice number - dropdownlist
- Award Contract number - dropdownlist - the award contract associated with the selection notice, if
- Contract Type - dropdownlist, standard values Open Procedure, Restricted Procedure,
Accelerated Restricted Procedure, Negotiation, Accelerated Negotiation, Competitive Dialogue
- CPV Code - editbox
- CPV Name - editbox
- CPV Version - editbox
- Publication Date - a pair of calendar boxes
- Has Electronic Auction - dropdown list, Yes - No
- Has Utilities - dropdown list, Yes - No

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- Has Errata - dropdown list, Yes - No

- Winner - dropdown list, Yes - No, applies only to the contracts of which the current supplier
was part of
- Participant - dropdown list, Yes - No
- Award Method - dropdown list; the options are Open Procedure. Restricted Procedure,
Accelerated Restricted Procedure, Negotiation, Accelerated Negotiation, Competitive Dialogue
- County - dropdown list, shows the counties of Romania
- Has Lots - dropdown list, Yes - No
- Concession Number - edit box
- Number / page - this is not a filtering criteria but a number which says how many records will be
displayed on each page. The user can enter any value between 1 and 100. The default value is 20.

After the user entered or selected the appropriate values for the filters, she can press the Search button;
in this case the application will display the award contracts that match the filtering criteria. On the other
hand, pressing the Export button allows displaying the selected notices in an Excel sheet.

B. The list area displays the following columns:

- Contact Name - shows the selection notice number, the selection notice name, the procedure type,
the contract type and the procedure status
- Contracting authority - the name of the contracting authority that created the contract award
- Publication Date - when was the selection notice published
- the icon column - displays the magnifying glass-shaped button and the informtion icons about
corrigendum or clarifications/documents
ri / documentatie.

This page offer the following possibilities:

- the user may press the Back button in order to go back to the list of contract awards
- the user may press the Errata list button in order to enter the page containing the list of corrigenda
associated with the current selection, if any

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8 Administration
The following modules can be accessed from the Administration option of the main menu:
- Groups - for the management of the groups of entities existing in the application
- Users - for the management of the supplier's users and roles
- Profile - for viewing and modifying the supplier's profile
- Catalogue - for the management of the catalogue of products
- Documents - for the management of the supplier's pool of documents

8.1 Groups
Selecting the Groups option from the Administration menu allow the user to manage the supplier's

The application opens the home page of the Groups module.

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The Entities Groups module allows group creation and modification, as well as viewing them
The Groups where I am in module allows viewing the groups to whom the supplier belongs to

8.1.1 Entity groups

The Entities Group module can be accessed from the Groups option in the Administration menu.
From the start page the user shall choose the appropriate icon. The user is redirected in the Groups list

The Groups list page contains the list of groups existing in the application.

In order to ease the search of the groups in this page there is a filtering mechanism that allows filtering
by the sollowing criteria:
- Group Name -
- Entity Name -
- Description -
- Number / page - this is not a filtering criteria but a number which says how many records will be
displayed on each page. The user can enter any value between 1 and 100. The default value is 20.

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In order to view or edit a particular group the user shall press the magnifying glass-shaped icon next to it.

In order to create a new entity group the user shall press the Add button. Defining a group

The user shall access the Edit group page whenever she wants:
- to create a new group, in whixh case all the fields in the page will be blank
- to view or edit the details of a group in the list

An user can create a group by filling in a form with 2 tabs: General and List of associated entities

In the first tab the user shall enter data about the group name, the type of the group entities, the group
description. All these fileds must be filled in in order to go further.

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In the second tab the user must associate emtities to the newl created group.

In order to ass a new entity the user shall press the Add button. The user will be redirected in the
Participants list page.

In order to delete the participants from the group the user shall select the participants to be deleted and
then she will press the Delete button.

In order to save the changes the user shall press the Save button.

The Back button redirects the user in the Groups list page. Adding members to a group

When the user presses the Add button in the second section of the group creation form the user will be
redirected in the Participants List page.

The page displays the list of all participants registered in the application that are of the kind specified in
the first tab of the form. In order to ease the finding of a particular particiopant in this list, there is a built-
in mechanism which allows filtering by the following criteria: name, unique identification code, town,

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In order to add a participant to a group the user shall select the desired participant from the list, then
press the Add button.

The Back button redirects the user in the Edit Group page.

8.1.2 Groups I am part of

There is a module in which the user can see the groups to whom the supplier belongs. this module can
be accessed using the Group option in the Administration menu, then press the corresponding icon.
The user is redirected in the Groups I am in page.

This page shows the groups in the application to whom the current supplier belongs.

In order to ease the finding of a particular participant in this list, there is a built-in mechanism which
allows filtering by the following criteria: group name and group organizer.

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In order to view or edit a particular group the user shall press the magnifying glass-shaped icon next to it.

The Back button redirects the user in the home page of the Groups module.

8.2 Users
In order to manage the supplier's users the current user shall select the Users option from the
Administration menu.

This way, the application will open the Users list page, that comprises all users that belong to the
supplier. This page allows the following criteria: first name, last name, username, and the validity check.
In order to add a new user belonging to the current supplier, the current user shall press the Add button.
In order to view or change either the profile or the role of an existing user the current user shall press the
pencil-shaped icon.

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This tav is visible only for the users to whom the right "User list administration" is granted. The current
user may either add new users nelonging to the supplier or change the profile of the existing users. The
profile of an user represents the generic information associated to the user - first name, last name, e-mail
address, phone number, username and password - as well as the roles - i.e. the rights - the user was
granted regarding the activites of the supplier.

The user account created when the supplier registered in the application will get granted all possible
rights a supplier's user can have at any given time - including here the possibility of creating new users.
This is why this user is labeled "master user". The new users created by the master user have no default
rights associated. It is the sole responsibility of the master user to grant them appropriate rights.

8.2.1 Modifying an user

In order to add a new user from the User list page the user shall press the Add button. The application
will display the Edit user page. There are two tabs in this page, in order to ease the creation of a new
user. The tabs are labeled General and Rights Administration. The user shall fill in the General tab
first, as shown below.

If the page was displayed as a result of pressing the edit icon next to a particular user, then all the fields
in the page will be filled in with informations belonging to that user.

Every filed in this section - first name, last name, mail address, phone number, username and password
- are mandatory. The password shall be entered twice in order to have a confirmation.

If the checkbox Valid is not checked that user cannot sign in the application.

There is an upper limit for the number of users pertaining to a supplier. When this limit is reached the
application will display an error message.

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The current user shall press the Save button in order to save the user profile. When adding a new user,
he application will automatically send an e-email message to the e-mail address in that user's profile. For
more details please check the Administering user rights section in this manual.

The Back button redirects the user in the User list page. All entered data will be lost if there was no
previous save for that user profile.

8.2.2 Administering users rights

Any user has access to this application's features as long as she has the appropriate roles or rights. The
user's roles or roghts management is done in the Role Administration tab of the Edit user page

In order to add rights to an user there are some steps to be taken - starting with step 3 if the user is a
new one:
1. Access the Users list page. (The Administration -: Users menu).
2. Select the appropriate user to whom you want to grant a new access right by pressing the pencil icon.
The application displays the User edit page.
3. Press the Administering Rights tab as shown below. The application displays the acces rights list
already assigned to that user.

4. Press the Add button. The current user will be redirected in the User roles management page.
There are some rights checked already, meaning they are already assigned to this user.
5. Select the target-shaped icon next to the access right to be assigned to the user - you can also
check multiple rghts at once.
6. Press the Continue button. Thew application will display the User edit page in which are shown the
rights already assigned.

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7. Press the Save button.

Warning! If the current user does not apply the 6th and the 7th steps then no change in the rights list
will be commited to the database.

Repeat step 5 as many times as needed in order to assign more than one right to the user.

Removing an access right is done this way:

1. Start with the first three steps in the above list.
2. Press the red X icon next to the right about to be removed.
3. Press OK in the confirnation message.
4. Press the Save button.

Warning! If the current user does not apply the 4th step then no change in the rights list will be
commited to the database.

For more than one removal repeat the 2nd and 3rd steps as many times as needed.

The User roles management page lists all possible roles for the supplier user type. The user created
when registering in the application will automatically be granted all roles. The existing roles at this
moment are the following:
- User management - allows the management of the suppliers user (user creation, profile change and
role management). For each supplier there must be at least one user to whom this right is granted. The
application will not permit deleting this role, in case there is no other supplier's user to whom this right is
- Document management - allows documents uploading into the supplier's docuemnt pool
- Profile administering - allows changes in the supplier's profile
- Product catalogue management - allows creation and change of the catalogue products
- Direct acquisitions management - allows viewing the direct acquisitions, as well as offering or
- Request for Quotation management - grants the access to all functionalities related to the request
for quotation (view, join, submit offer, ask questions, withdrawal a.s.o.)

8.3 Profile
In order to view the supplier's details regarding the identification data, addresses and reference
documents the current user shall select the Profile option from the Administration menu.

The Supplier Profile Management page will be displayed. There are five sections:
- Generalities
- Addresses

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- Activity Type
- Specific Documents
- Prepaid Participations

8.3.1 Generalities
This Generalities tab shows informations provided by the supplier when registering in the application.
There are some unchangeable fields: name, unique fiscal code, legal representative. Other fields, like the
bank, bank account and comments can be modified.

8.3.2 Addresses
The Addresses tab allows viewing and changing the supplier's addresses.

In order to add a new address the user shall press the Add button. The user will be redirected in the
Address edit page, where she can fill in the appropriate fields of the new address. There cannot be more
than one Headquarter address. This address is unique and was chosen when registering. The following
are valid address types: Work site, Fillial, Representative, Secondary site, Others.

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If the new address is selected as contact address then all szstem notifications will be sent to the
associated e-mail address. At any given time there must be exactly one address marked as contact
address. The supplier's contact data shown in many areas of the application - in the acquisition detail for
example - is taken from this contact address.

In order to add a new address the mandatory fields must be filled in, then the user shall press the
Validate button. The user shall press the Save button in the Supplier profile management page in
order to commit the changes to the database.

In order to view or change the address the user shall press the pencil-shaped icon next to it. The user
will be redirected in the Address Edit page, whose fields will be already filled with the selected address
data. If this is a Headquarters type of address only the phone number, fax number, e-mail address, and
URL can be modified. The other fields cannot be modified.

In order to change an address the user shall press the Validate button, then press the Save button in
the Supplier's Profile Management page.

In order to remove a contact address the user shall press the red X-shaped icon next to it in the
Addresses page. The Headquarter address cannot be removed; no removal icon is ever displayed next
to it.

8.3.3 Activity Type

The Activity type tab allows viewing the list of CAEN codes that encompasses the supplier's activity
profile. These codes are entered when registering and cannot be changed or removed.

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8.3.4 Specific Documents

The Reference Documents tab allows viewing the documents uploaded by the supplier when
registering. The data here are only for informatory purposes and cannot be chamged.

8.3.5 Availability situation / fees payments

This section allows viewing the current prepaid participations stock as well as the payment history for it.
For each invoice information is shown about the payment, number of participation shares and total value.
These information cannot be modified.

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This page will display two distinct areas:

1. Payments zone
This page will display two distinct areas:
- number of available participations for procedures
- number of available catalogue positions (i.e. products, as in direct acquisitions)
- number of available notifications by interests
- number of available subscriptions to the procedures' important events
Each of this numbers is split between free and prepaid availability.

2. Invoice List zone

For each important kind of participation type there is a speicifc tab which displays relevant information
about the invoices generated and paid, allowing this way the utilisation of the subsequent participations.

- Prepaid Attendings

- Catalog position

- Prepaid Notification by Interest

- Prepaid Subscription

- Web Service Pass

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8.4 Catalogue
In order to manage the supplier's own product catalogue the user shall either select the Catalogue
option in the Administration menu, or the Direct Acquisitions options in the Award Procedures
menu. Then, in the home page, the user shall select the appropriate icon.

For more details please consult the direct acquisitions module.

The Supply / Services / Works catalogue list page shows all products, services and works available in
the application for the current supplier.

In order to help the search this page has a built-in mechanism which allows filtering by the following
- Supply / Service / Work code
- Supply / Service / Work name
- CPV Code
- CPV Name
- CPV Version
- Supply / Service / Work description
- Published
- Valid
- In stock
- Expired
- Number / page - this is not a filtering criteria but a number which says how many records will be
displayed on each page. The user can enter any value between 1 and 100. The default value is 20.

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The available actions in this page are the following:

- Searching - using the Search button
- List navigation - for more details please refer to the Browsing the pages section of this manual
- return to the previous page - the Back button
- Export - using the Export button
- view the catalogue item's detail - by pressing the magnifying glass-shaped icon next to the intended
- create a new supply, service or work - using the Add button

8.5 Documents
This menu has two entries: Entity Documents and Company Documents

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8.5.1 Entity Documents

The Entity Documents section can be accessed from the Administration menu; it allows the supplier's
documents management - uploading and downloading files. These documernts will be used as
attachments in various contexts, e.g. when answering a qualification or technical criteria, when entering
a clarification request a.s.o.

When selecting th Entity Documents in the menu the user will be redirected to the Document List page.
Here are listed all documents uploaded by the supplier. This page allows filtering the documents by
document code and document name.

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In order to add a new document the user shall press the Add button. The application opens the Edit
Document page, so the user can fill in the mandatory fields code and description, then upload a file and
press the Save button.

In order to view the document the user shall press the pencil-shaped icon next to it. The application
opens the Edit Document page.

When the user presses the Send File button the document is about to be uploaded. The application will
open a new pop-up window allowing the user to browse the local drives for the needed document. This is
done using the Browse button. When the right file is found the user presses the Upload button, which
executes the upload into application. If the file is bigger than a specific file dimension the application will
warn the user aboiut this fact. After uploading, the file name will be displayed in the edit page.

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In order to upload another file, overwriting the current one, just repeat the above steps.The file will be

Viewing the uploaded file is done by pressing the Download file button, which displays the file
download pop-up window.

Saving the uploaded is done by pressing the Save button. All mandatory fields - document code,
document name, document file - must hold values at that time, otherwise the application displays an
error message. If everything ys rightm the application will display a confirmation message.

A particular document can be removed using the red X-shaped icon next to it. This means the file is
removed only from the documents pool, not fro every conterxt in which it was used.

The Back button redirects the user in the Document List page.

After a while, the documents inserted in various contexts (Online Notice, Offline Notice, a.s.o.) will be
automatically archived. These documents will not be available anymore after a specific timeperiod defined
by the SEAP operator.

Warning! If the file is bigger than the maximal possible dimension in SEAP - at this time this means 10
MB - please follow these steps:
1. Install a zip application.
2. Select all files that are part of the documentation to be attached in SEAP
3. Archive all these files as volume archives, each volume limited to 40.000.000 bytes.
4. In order to rminimize the errors, use wherever possible the CRC error correction option
5. Generally speaking, in order to minimize the file dimensions use only those formats which allow
smaller dimensions but a good enough quality for reading and understanding.

1. Please verify carefully every file before uploading.
2. Include only these documents which are part of the documentation your organization wants to be sent
3. Do not password-protect or encrypt documents or archives that are to be lawfully consulted by third-
party people who do not know the access passwords
4. After archiving them, do not delete the documents sent to SEAP.
5. After sending them to SEAP please always verify the documents and files can be accessed.

8.5.2 Company Documents

The Company Documents module helps the suppliers to manage the generic documents that are used in
more than one public acquisition procedure; these documents are the generic company documents.

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View, change and remove the generic company documents

The user may search adocument in the list by using one or more of the filters and pressing the Search

The available filters are the following:

- Document Type
- Name - Code
- Validity timperiod

The user may change - using the pencil-shaped icon - or remove - using the red X-shaped icon - any
document inserted into the Company Documents. Also, viewing the document's details is done using
the pencil-shaped icon.

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The Back button redirects the user in the main page of the Company documents module.

Uploading a document in the Company documents

In order to upload a new document to the Company Documents, the supplier shall press the Load
New Document button.

The user is redirected to the Load Document page, where she can enter the following document-related
- Document Type
- Document Code
- Description
- Validity timperiod start date
- Validity timperiod end date

In order to upload the document, the supplier has to select a document from the local drives.

The Back button in the Load Document Page redirects the user to the Company Documents page.

9 Miscellanea
The following modules and features may be accessed from the Misc option in the main menu:
- News - this is the place to read the notifications from the SEAP operator
- Change Password - allows changing the password of the currently logged in user
- Logoff - logging off the application

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Miscellanea 206

9.1 News
The News module is accessed from the Misc menu, as shown below. Here are published all the
notifications and news bulletins from the SEAP operators to the suppliers.

When selecting the News link the user will be redirected in the News List page. This page displays the
news in reverse publishing order - latest first - by the SEAP operator and allows filtering by title, date and

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The latest published news are also displayed in the suppliers' home page.

In order to view the news' details the user shall press the magnifying glass-shaped icon next to it. The
user is redirected to the View news page, whioxh shows the title, publication date and the full content of
the news.

In order to go back to the list page the user shall press the Back button.

9.2 Changing the password

The Change password submenu is found in the Misc menu.

When accessing the Change Password link the user is redirected to the Change Password page.
This enables him to modify the password of the currently logged-in user.

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The new password must be entered in the New Password and Confirm New Password fields. The
password has to be at least six characters long.

Warning! The new password comes into effect starting with the next user login.

9.3 Logging off

Logging off the system is done either by pressing the Disconnect button unde the main menu, or by
choosing the Log Off option in the Misc menu. The user will be redirected to the application's main
public page.

Warning! In order to access the application again a new sign in is required. For more details please see
the Signing in section in this manual.

10 Notifications
Basically, notifications are messages sent automatically by the application or by the application's
entities (SEAP operator, ANRMAP operator, contracting authority, suppliers) that can be viewed in
SEAP in a special section called Notifications. The notifications are to be sent only to the entities
registered in SEAP.

The application allows the following notification types that can be accesed from the Notifications
submenu of the main menu
- System notifications
- Notifications between entities
- Notifications by Interests
- Events Notifications

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10.1 System notifications

System notifications consist of application-sent e-mails and SEAP operators administrative
notifications. The receiving entities are the contracting authorities, suppliers and ANRMAP operators.
This kind of notification is automatically sent via e-mail. The entities cannot unsubscribe from this kind of

In order to access this module the user shall choose the System Notification option from the
Notifications menu.

10.1.1 List of System Notifications

When accessing the System notifications option from the Notifications menu, the user will be redirected
to the System notificatin list page.

This page shows the list of notifications automatically sent by the application as well as the
administrative notification received, newer than three months - the figure 3 being a system parameter
here. These notifications are listed in reverse calendar order - newest first. The notifications shown in red
represent administrative notifications, the blue ones are newer than 10 days while the black - regular -
ones are older than 10 deys.

In order to find specific notifications in this page, there is a mechanism in place, which allows filtering by
the following criteria: subject, notification type (application or administrative), status (posted, sent, failed),
content, posting date (minimal and maximal date) and sending date (minimal and maximal date).

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The available actions in this page are the following:

- Searching - using the Search button
- List navigation - for more details please refer to the Browsing the pages section of this manual
- view the notification's detail - by pressing the magnifying glass-shaped icon next to the intended
- return to the previous page - the Back button

If the value for the minimal posting date is more than 3 months old then the application will display a
warning message guiding the user to search older messages in the archive.

The user shall press the Archive button in the System notification list page, so the application will
display a new page titled Archived system notifications list. This page has the same structure as the
previous list, but it will display only archived notifications - from the archive table - instead of the current
ones, that is any notification older than 3 months.

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The available actions in this page are the following:

- Searching - using the Search button
- List navigation - for more details please refer to the Browsing the pages section of this manual
- view the notification's detail - by pressing the magnifying glass-shaped icon next to the intended
- return to the previous page - System notification list - the Back button

10.1.2 System Notifications details

In order to view the details of a received notification the user shall press the magnifying glass-shaped
icon next to it in the Received Notifications List page. The application will open the View notification

This page contains the following informations realted to the received notification: notification sender, its
name and content, a list of related documents along with a download capability, sending date, whether
the notification was sent via e-mail too - if this is the case, then subsequently will be displayed the date,
receiver name, e-mail address, whether it was successfully sent or not.

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The Back button redirects the user to the System notification list page.

10.2 Notifications between Entities

Any system entity - be it contracting authority, supplier, or ANRMAP operator - may create entity groups
to whom it can send messages. These system entities cannot be sender and receiver in the mean time.
The notifications can be viewed in the application, however the sender may choose to send them via e-
mail as well. In the latter case, the related document will not be sent as e-mail attachemnts.

In order to access this module the user shall choose the Notifications between entities option in the
Notifications menu.

The application will display the home page of the Notifications between entities module.

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The My notifications module allows viewing the notifications sent and received, as well as creating and
sending them
The Unsubscribe entities allows viewing the entities that unsubscribed from the current supplier's
The Received notifications allows viewing the notifications received from other entities, as well as
unsubscribing from receiving notifications from them
The Entities that I am unsubscribed allows viewing the entities from which the current subscriber was
unsubscribed from, as well as the possibility to subscribe back

10.2.1 My notifications
The My subscriptions module is accessed by choosing the Notifications between entities option from
the Notifications menu, then selecting the appropriate icon. The usr is redirected to the My
notifications list page.

This page lists all the notifications created by the current supplier whose statuses are In Definition or
Sent. On top of the list will be the notifications in definition, followed ny the sent notifications in reverse
calendar order. In order to help finding particular notifications in this page there is a mechanism in place
which allows filtering by the following criteria: notification subject, content, status (In Definition, Sent),
creation date (minimal and maximal dates), sending date (minimal and maximal dates).

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In order to add a new notification the user shall press the Add button, whixh displays the Edit own
notification page.

The pencil-shaped icon corresponds to the notifications being In Definition. Pressing it leads the user
into the edit page of that particular notification.

The magnifying glass-shaped icon corresponds to the notifications already sent. Pressing it leads the
user into the view page of that particular notification.

The Back button sends back the user to the My Notifications home page. Creating an own Notification

This page can be accessed from the My notifications list, either by pressing the Add notification
button or by selecting a notification which is In Definition.

Creating an own notification implies filling in a standard form divided into two tabs: General and

The General tab

Here the user shall provide informations about the subject and the body of the notification. Pressing the
Add button allows uploading related files. A new pop-up window will be displayed, in which all the files in
the supplier's document pool will be displayed. For more details about uploading files in the document
pool please see the Documents section in this manual. Selecting the target-shaped next to the intended
file will select it for uploading.

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Also in this page it is possible to mark the notification for sending via e-mail too. This is done by
checking the appropriate checkbox - its default state is "unchecked".

Deleting a related file is made by checking it in the list then pressing the red X-shaped button.

The Receivers tab

In this tab the user shall select the receivers of the current own notification - receivers that can be either
a group or an entity. Selecting the receivers is done by pressing the Add button. This will open a new
pop-up window in whixh either groups or entities are shown in a list. Selecting a group or an entity is
done by pressing the target-shaped icon next to it.

At least one group or entity must be chosen in order to send the notification.

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Removing a group or entity from the list is done by pressing the Delete button.

As long as the notification was not yet sent, it can be changed or deleted. After sending, it cannot be
changed or deleted anymore.

The Delete button is available only for notifications in definition; pressing it simply deletes entirely the

After entering the necessary information in the notification page, the Save button shall be pressed to
commit the changes in the database. The button may be pressed form either tab, the effect is the same -
saving all information from both tabs. not only the visible tab at the moment hte button was pressed.

Pressing the Send notification button the following will occur:

- the notification state will change from In Definition to Sent
- a mail will be generated and sent to every entity including the ones in groups - only when the sending
via e-mail option was activated

If an entity be part of two distinct groups set as receivers, or it was selected as receiver entity and is also
part of a receiver group, then the entity will receive the notification only once.

The Back button redirects the user in the My notification list page. This action leads to the loss of all
unsaved information entered in the notificastion edit page. My Notifications details

In order to view the detail of a sent notification the user shall press the magnifying glass-shaped icon
next to it in the My notifications list page. This way, the view notification page will be displayed.

This page shows the following informations about the viewed notification: subject, body, posting date,
whether it was sent via e-mail or not, related files, all entities to whom the notification was sent - regular
entities as well as entities from groups - and the list of receiving groups.

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When the user presses the Receiving Entities List button the application will display the Receiving
entities list page, which holds the names of all entities to whom the notification was sent. In order to
help finding a particular entity there is a filtering mechanism which allows filtering by entity name, unique
identification code, city.

The Back button redirects the user to the My notifications list page.

10.2.2 Unsubscribed entities

The Unsubscribed entities module is accessed by selecting the Notifications between entities
option from the Notifications menu then choosing the appropriate icon, The user will be reidrected to the
Unsubscribed entities list page.

This page holds the names of all entities that unsubscribed from receiving notifications sent by the
current supplier. In order to help finding a particular entity in this page there is a filtering mechanism
which allows filtering by entity name, unique identification code, city, entity type.

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The Back button sends the user back in the home page of the notifications between entities page.

10.2.3 Received Notifications

The Received notifications module is accessed by selecting the Notifications between entities
option from the Notifications menu, then choosing the appropriate icon. The user will be redirected to
the Received notifications list page.

This page shows all received notifications listed in reverse order of the creation date - newest fist. The
notifications newer than 10 days - which is a system parameter - will be displayed in a different color
font. In order to help finding a particular notification in this page there is a filtering mechanism which
allows filtering by notification subject, sender, notification number, body and sending date (minimal and
maximal date).

The Back button sends the user back in the home page of the notifications between entities page. Received Notifications details

In order to view the details of a received notification the user shall press the magnifying glass-shaped
icon next to it in the Received Notification List page. This way, the View notification page will be

This page retains the following informations about the viewed notification: sender, name and body, related
documents list along with downloading capabilities, sending date, whether the notification was sent via e-

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mail as well - if this is the case the sending date, receiver name, e-mail address, whether it was
successfully sent or not will be also displayed.

When the user presses the Insubscribe button the supplier unubscribes from receiving notifications sent
by that particular entity. Later on, if the supplier wants to receive again notifiications fsent by that entity,
then she shall access the Entities I am unsubscribed from section.

The user cannot see the names of the other notification's receivers.

The Back button redirects the user to the Received Notifications list.

10.2.4 Entities I am unsubscribed from

The module Entities that I am unsubscribed can be accessed by selecting the Notification between
entitites options from the Entities menu, then selecting from the home page the corrresponding icon.
The user is redirected to the Entities that I am unsubscribed List page.

This page lists all application's entites from which the current entity unsubscribed from receiving
natifications, but offers also the option the re-subscribe. In order to help finding a particular entity in this
page there is a filtering mechanism which allows filtering by entity name, unique identification code and

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The last column in the list displays the checkboxes needee dfor re-subscribing. After selecting the
desired entities the user shall press the Resubscribe button - this way the curent entity receives again
notifications from the selectes entities.

The Back button sends the user back in the home page of the notifications between entities page.

10.3 Notifications by Interests

The ANRMAP operator, the contracting authorities and the supplier can create and describe some
interest criteria upon which it is possible to build reports.The interest criteria consists of a finite multitude
of elements. The report types are predefined.

In order to access this module the user shall select the Notifications by interests from the
Notifications menu.

The application will open the home page of the Notifications by interests module.

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The Reports Template Configuration module allows creating and changing the report templates, as
well as viewing them.
The Notification By Interest Configuration module allows creating and changing the notification
templates, as well as viewing them
The Notification By Interest module allows viewing the notifications received according to the defined
notification templates

10.3.1 Reports Template Configuration

The Reports Template Configuration module is accessed by selecting the Notifications by Interests
option from the Notifications menu then choosing the appropriate icon from that home page. The user is
redirected in the Reports Template Configuration page.

This page shows the list of every report template created by the current supplier. In order to help finding
the desired templates the page has a built-in mechanism that allows filtering by the following criteria:
report name, report type and report status (active or not).

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In order to add a new template the user shall press the Add button. The Edit report template page will
be displayed.

The pencil-shaped icon are displayed next to the templates still In Definition. When the user presses one
of these the application redirects her to that notification's template edit page.

The Back button redirects the user in the home page of the Notifications by Interests page. Modifying report templates

This page can be accessed from the Reports template list page either by pressing the Add button, or by
selecting a template from the list using the appropriate pencil-shaped icon.

Creating a template involves entering data in a structured form divided into two tabs: General and
Criteria. The supplier can create a report based on the predefined report types for that type of entity and
also the interest criteria available for that report.

The General tab

In this tab the user shall provide informations like template name, report type, status (active or not).

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The predefined eport types are the following:

- Participation Invitation
- Running electronic auctions from offline procedures
- Awarded electronic auctions from offline procedures
- Cancelled electronic auctions from offline procedures
- Suspended electronic auctions from offline procedures
- Published Result for design contest notices
- Published contract notices
- Running requests for quotation
- Bidding requests for quotation
- Published concession notices
- Awarded requests for quotation
- Cancelled requests for quotation
- Suspended requests for quotation
- Published Prior information notices
- Published contract award notices
- Running direct acquisitions
- Cancelled direct acquisitions
- Awarded direct acquisitions
- Published design contest notices
- Published publicity reports

The Criteria tab

In this tab the user shall enter values for the interest criteria specific for the report type selected in the
General tab. These will be dynamically generated according to the configuration.

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After entering the informations in the template report the user shall press the Save button in order to
commit the changes into the application. The button can be pressed fromher tab; this way all data in
both tabs will be saved, not only the ones from the currently visible tab.

The Back button redirects the user back to the Report template list page. All unsaved editing in the
report template's edit form will be lost when returning to the Report template list page.

10.3.2 Notification By Interest Configuration

In order to be able to receive notifications the supplier must create a notification template based on the
existing report types for that particular type of entity. Each entity may decide the specific time and
frequence of the received notifications. The receiving hours shall be selected from the ones existing in the
application. If the notifications are to be sent weekly, then they will be received each Monday.

The Notification By Interest Configuration moduleis displayed when the user access the
Notifications by interests option from the Notifications menu then choosing the appropriate icon fro
this module. The user is redirected in the Notification templates list.

This page holds the list of every notifications by interest templates created by the current supplier. In
order to help finding the desired templates the page has a built-in mechanism that allows filtering by the
following criteria: notification name, report name and report status (active or not).

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Adding a new template is done by pressing the Add button. This way the template creation page Edit
notifications by interest will be displayed.

When the user presses the pencil-shaped icon she is redirected to the edit template page for that
particular template.

The Back button redirects the user to the home page of the Notification By Interest page. Modifying a Notification By Interest Configuration

In order to modify a notification template the Active checkbox must not be checked. The number of
reports in a template, as well as the number of notifications by interest templates a supplier can create,
cannot be greater than a fixed value. At this moment his value is 1.

For each report type om the notification template one PDF file will be generated. The will not be sent via

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e-mail, it is available only inside the application. After a specified number of days these files will be
erased. The mail's body will consist of the foollowing:
- the report types and the number of records on each report
- the number of days the reports will stay available - which is a system parameter

When generating the notification based on the notification template the inactive reports will not be run. In
the received notification body will contain a text telling how many inactive reports out of how many total
reports are there.

After entering the data in the template report the user presses the Save button in order to commit the
changes in the application.

The Back button redirects the user to the Notification Template List page.

10.3.3 Notification By Interest

For each active notification templates the application will automatically send notifications to the entity at
the specified datetime.

The Notifications by interests module can be accessed by selecting the Notification by Interests option
from the Notifications menu then selecting the appropriate icon for this module. The user is redirected in
the Notifications by interests list page.

Note: the user may receive as many notification as were paid for; the free ones are inactivated right now.

The page holds every received notification as per the defined notification templates. The notifications are
listed in reverse calendar order of the creation date. The list displays no notifications older than three
months - this one being a system parameter. The notifications newer than 10 days - a system parameter
as well - will be displayed in blue.

In order to help finding the desired templates the page has a built-in mechanism that allows filtering by
the following criteria: notification name, report name and receiving date (minimal and maximal).

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If the user-set value for the minimal receiving date is older than three months then the application will
display a warning message about searching in the archive
for these older messages.

When the user presses the Search the archive button in the Notifications by interests list page, the
application will display a new page called Archived Notifications by interests list, having the same
structure as the original page, except for the records are retrieved from the archive table, not from the
original one. This list holds every notification older than 3 months.

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The Back button redirects the user to the home page of the Notifications by interests module. Modifying a Notification By Interest

In order to view the detail of a notification the user shall press the magnifying glass-shaped icon next to it
in either the Notifications by interests list page or the Archived notifications by interests list page.

The notification details contains the following information

- notification name
- body
- a list of associated reports in the notification, described by name, interest criteria, detailed data file - if
still available
- sending date
- only if mail sending was selected:mail sending data - null if sending was unsuccessfull -, as well as the
receiver's e-mail address

When the user presses the clip-shaped icon next to it she can access the PDF file of each and every
report, available for viewing, consulting, and downloading for 10 days starting with the the notification's
creation date

The Back button redirects the user in the Notifications by interests list page.

10.4 Events Notifications

The events notifications are basically the e-mails sent by the application regarding the notices to whom
the supplier subscribed to. The supplier may view all the notices he subscribed to in a separate section.

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In order to access this module, the user shall select the Events notifications fron the Notifications

10.4.1 List of Events Notification

When the user selects the Events notifications from the Notifications menu the application will redirect
her to the Events notifications page

Thios page holds the list of the notifications sent automatically by the application for the notices the
supplier subscribed to, which are newer than 3 months - which is a system parameter, arranged in the
reverse calendar order of the generation date.

In order to help finding the relevant notifications the page has a built-in mechanism that allows filtering
by the following criteria: Contract Name - textbox, Notice number - textbox, Notice type - dropdownlist
with the following options:participation invitation, prior information notice, contract notice.

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The list shows all notices to which the current supplier subscribed to.
The following columns are displayed in the notifications table:
- notice number / publication date, contract - under the Contract name generic label
- contracting authority
- notice type
- subscription date
- action column - containing the view icon

The available actions in this page are the following:

- Searching - using the Search button
- List navigation - for more details please refer to the Browsing the pages section of this manual
- view the notices detail - by pressing the magnifying glass-shaped icon next to the notice
- return to the previous page - the Back button

10.4.2 Events Notification details

In order to view the detail of a received notification the user shall press the magnifying glass-shaped icon
next to it from the Events notification page. The View notification page will be displayed.

The detail of a notice whom the user subscribed to will display the following information divided into two

Informations about the notice

- Notice type
- Notice number
- Notice publication date
- contract name
- publishing contracting authority

Informations about the subscription

- subscription date
- unsubscription date

The following actions are available here:

- unsubscription - no participation share is refunded, the spent share remains spent
- subscription - one subscription share from the pool is spent; if there are no subscription shares
available, then an error message will be displayed by the application and the flow stops

© 2014 - AADR

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