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HRM2040 Project Dr.


HRM2040 – Section 12
Term Project (20% of course work)
Due Date: April 7, 2020
1) Each student will work on a company’s HR management project (see Table below).
2) Read your company’s website carefully to know your company’s employee
3) Design a 40-PowerPoint-slides presentation as the following:

Slide #1: Title page (including student name & ID#).

Slide #2: Description of your company, including a company logo.
Slide #3 - 6: Describe your HR mission and how your HR management meet the following:
Human Rights Legislation, Employment Equity and Pay Equity, Bonafide
occupational requirements, prohibited discrimination (Chapter 1- 2).

Slide #7 - 9: Describe how would you apply the three-step process involved in selecting and
implementing a human resources information system (HRIS). (Chapter 3).
Slide #10 - 12: Do job analysis, job descriptions and job specifications for your company.
(Chapter 4)
Slide #13 - 14: Describe your approaches used in the human resources planning (HRP),
including demand and supply side planning by considering various forecasting
methods. (Chapter 5)

Slide #15 - 18: Describe how would you complete the recruitment process. (Chapter 6)

Slide #19 - 22: Describe your six steps involved in the selection process. (Chapter 7)
Slide #23 - 26: Explain how you develop an effective orientation (onboarding) and training
program linked to organizational strategy. (Chapter 8)

Slide #27 - 29: Describe how you implement career development in the context of labour
shortages and company strategic plans. (Chapter 9)
Slide #30 - 32: Explain how you implement performance management and performance
appraisal. (Chapter 10)
Slide #33 - 35: Explain how you would determine total rewards, differentiating among the
concepts of total compensation, total direct compensation and total indirect
compensation. (Chapter 11)
Slide #36 - 39: Describe how you use the organization-wide incentive plans available to all
employees to motivate them. (Chapter 12)
HRM2040 Project Dr. Tsou

Slide #40: Conclusion

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