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Name: Arum Zaharani

Class: Biology 1C

NIM: 207190106


A. Reading Comprehension.
1. What kinds of animals do we call “bugs”?
2. Which artropods we like to eat?
3. Where are scorpions froud?
4. What is one of diferences between insects and spiders?
5. What do scorpions eat?
6. How do scorpions kill their prey?
7. How do spiders hunt?
8. How does a spider eat?
9. What place of honor does the scorpion hold?
10. How many species of arachnids are there?

Answer :

1. We call “bugs”: spiders,scorpions,bees,wasps,ants,flies,crickets,butterflies,centipedes,

cockroaches, beetles, and mosquitoes.
2. We like to eat: lobsters,crabs,and shrimp.
3. Scorpions froud in prefer hot and tropical climates.
4. They have segmented bodies with hard exteriors wich protect them. Unlike
insects,however, spiders and scorpions have eight legs instead of six in addition,
scorpion have two pinchers used to grasp their pray.
5. Scorpions eat usually eat arthopods,including insect.
6. Scorpions kill their prey use the tails of scorpion end in poisonous stingers.
7. Spiders hunt their prey by making a web.
8. Usually eat their prey without tearing it up and liquifying it first with the help of special
digestive chemicals.
9. A place of honor in the Greek zodiac as the sign scorpio.
10. There is 70.000 species of arachnids.
B. True or False
The following statements are based on the reading passage. Identy whether each of
the statements below is true or false. Write T for True or F for False in the space
provided. If the sentence is false, please correct it. Number one has been done for

1. F Scorpions are found in all parts of the world. Scorpions are found in hot and
tropical climates.
2. F Spiders and scorpions are insects.
3. T Spiders and scorpions have eight legs.
4. F Spiders and have two pinchers to grasp their prey.
5. T scorpions usually eat other arthropods.
6. F scorpion venom is usually lethal to humans.
7. F many spiders hunt their prey with guns.
8. T spiders wrap up their prey.
9. T scorpions and spiders use special digestive chemicals for eating.
10. T most arachnids are harmful to humans

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