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1 Count
2 CountA
3 CountBlank

4 Countif

5 Countifs

6 Cell Ref

7 Today & Now

8 Datedif

9 Text to Column
10 Proper
11 Upper
12 Lower
13 Concatenate
14 Text
15 Concatenate with Text
16 Concatenate with Datedif
17 Data Validation-List
18 Data Validation-Whole No.
19 Data Validation-Decimal
20 Data Validation-Date

21 Data Validation-Text length

22 Dynamic Validation

23 Dynamic Data Validation

24 Conditional Formatting
25 Average
26 AverageA
27 Averageif
28 Averageifs
29 Sum
30 Sumif
31 Sumifs
32 Len
33 Topic

34 Len

35 Left

36 Right

37 Find

38 Search

39 MID

40 Year

41 Month

42 Day
43 Max
44 Min

45 Large

46 Small
47 Edate

48 Networkdays

49 Workday
50 Char

51 Replace
52 Value

53 Trim

54 Substitute
55 IF
56 NestedIF

57 OR

58 AND
59 Iferror
60 Not
61 Isna
62 Isblank
63 Iserr
64 Iseven
65 Isodd
66 Islogical
67 Istext
68 Isnumber
69 Filter
70 Advance Filter
71 IF_OR

72 Vlookup-Simple

73 Vlookup-Array
74 Vlookup-Match
75 Vlookup - Choose
76 Vlookup Choose- Reverse Vlookup
77 Index Match
78 Paste Special
79 Paste Special Values
80 Paste Special Format
81 Paste Link
82 Pivot Table

83 Golden Rule of Pivot

84 Grouping in Pivot

85 Calculated Field in Pivot

86 Virtual Field in Pivot
87 Dynamic Pivot Table-Create Table
88 Index
89 Pivot Grouping
90 Offset
91 Pivot with Offset
92 Worksheet Protection
93 Partially protection
94 Graph
95 Pie Chart
96 Graph with Two Legends
97 Hlookup
98 Dynamic Graph
99 Vlookup Graph with Validation
100 Worksheet Protection
101 Range Protection
Only Count numeric values
Will count all values (text & numeric)
Will count blank cell/cells
=COUNTIF(range,criteria) for single condition/creteria

=COUNTIFS(criteria_range,criteria,...), 2 or More than 2 Criteria or Condition,

Always need to define the Range before criteria.
255 criteria can be used in countifs.
1. Relative/Absolute/Mixed
2. Relative - No dollar sign in cell.
3. Absolute - Will lock cell value (F4 is key).
4. Mixed - Either row or cell is locked by dollar
5. Column - In text (A,B,C)
6. Row - In Numeric (1,2,3)
1. '=Today() - is function date, will change arrocding to system date.
2. '=Now() - is function date & time
To get age(year/month/days) of person or thing. Manual syntex for this
formula. To be remembered
To bifurcate text/date details by Demilited or Fixed width. As per data
Will upper first alphabet of word
Will upper all alphabet of word
Will lower all alphabet of word
To add two or more cell by concatenate or '&' logic
To get Date in text format, "DD/MM/YYYY"
To add date with text value
To add datedif with text value
Data validation by validation formula/logic
Data validation - cell locking by whole number
Cell locking & input access of decimal in cell
Cell locking with start & end date
Locking of text length in cell. Custom also can be used to restric numeric or text
in cell
To convert list into column table & header can also be added. Formula will
applicable only on same sheet
1. Formula will be applicable on other sheet as well.
2. Offset formula (mostly used in VBA, reference, row and column are
mandatory, height & width non mandatory.
3. Name Manager, CTRL+F3 - To edit of change name
1. Is a feature in to format cell as per conditions.
2. ALT+O+D - New Rule
1. '=LEN(text)
2. Will show length of characters (Text & numeric) in cell
1. '=LEFT(text,num_chars)
2. Will length of characters in cell from left
3. By default will count from first character from left
1. '=RIGHT(text,num_chars)
2. Will show length of characters from right
3. By default will count from first character from left
1. '=FIND(find_text,within_text,start_num)
2. By default will count from first character from left
3. Find is case sensitive
1. '=SEARCH(search_text,within_text,start_num)
2. By default will count from first character from left
3. SEARCH is incase sensitive
1. '=MID(text,start_num,num_chars
2. To exctract value from middle
3. By MID we can fecth out LEFT & RIGHT values
1. '=YEAR(serial_number)
2. Only in numbers can be fetch out year formula
1. '=MONTH(serial_number)
2. Only in numbers can be fetch out month formula
1. '=DAY(serial_number)
2. Only in numbers can be fetch out day formula
1. '=MAX(number1,number2,...) 2. Maximum can be fetch out by this formula
1. '=MIN(number1,number2,...) 2. Minimum can be fetch out by this formula
1. '=LARGE(array,k)
2. Largest value can be fetch out
3. Value would be changed by position (K)
1. '=SMALL(array,k)
2. Smallest value can be fetch out
3. Value would be changed by position (K)
1. '=EDATE(start_date,months) 2. Will provide next month date by 1,2,3
1. '=NETWORKDAYS(start_date,end_date,[holidays]) 2. Only shows working
days & will exclude sat,sun. 3. Returns the number of whole work days between
two dates
1. '=WORKDAY(start_date,days,[holidays]) 2. Will show next working day as per
1. '=CHAR(number) 2. Char will show character value of code (ASCII value)

1. =REPLACE(old_text,start_num,num_chars,new_text) 2. To replace the

contents of a cell with something else, just activate the cell and type your new
entry, which replaces the previous contents. Any formatting that you previously
applied to the cell remains in place and is applied to the new content.
1. '=VALUE(text) 2. Will convert text into value
1. '=TRIM(text) 2. By trim space value will be removed but special character will
not be moved. 3. For special caharacters CLEAN formula required
1. '=SUBSTITUTE(text,old_text,new_text,[instance_num]) 2. Substitutes new
text for old text in a text string 3.Is case sensitive
If can be taken upto 64 criteria
If can be put under if logic, there is no Ifs formula
255 logic can be given in one cell and OR is will give result as choice. OR will give
always TRUE if there is any single value is true
255 logic can be given in one cell and AND will give result as choice. AND will
give always False if there is any single value is False
To identify error in cell
Not will give False condition in correct value & will true in incorrect value
ISNA will capture only #N/A error
Will check blank cell. Blank will give true & non blamnk will give False
ISERROR will check all error excluding #N/A error
ISEVEN will check for even number in cell. Will not check text format
ISODD will check for odd number in cell. Will not check text format
ISLOGICAL checks for cell value has logical value or not
to text value in cell
to check numeric value in cell
To filter data by Filter option
Only unique filter is useful

1.Is a function to find & match data verticaly.

2.Vlookp find data from left to right.
3.Lookup value of vlookup is must exit in first column in array table
Is function to add multiple values with array.
Also known as CSE function (Control, Shift, Enter).
1. Vlookup & range selection, 2. put array in vlookup,
3. Edit by F2 with selection of first row, 4. Then CSE, 5. Ctrl+D
Match will take only single row or cloumn. Range will not accepted
Choose will help to find required fields in reverse

1. Column header should not be blank
2. ALT+F5 to refresh Pivot
3. Change data source to extend data
4. Type of Dynamic Range - Create Table (Ctlr+T or Ctrl+L) on source data
Grouping of fields virtualy. Quarter/Monthly
1. Calculation of fields by formula like %. 2. Analyze-Calculation of fields. 3. To
know formula in Pivot, Analyze - List formulas
Type of Dynamic Range - Create Table (Ctlr+T or Ctrl+L) on source data

1. =offset(reference row,cols,[height],[width])

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