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Course File of “Sales & Distribution Mgmt.

MKT 661”

Course Handout Year: 2018-19

Semester : Fall
Galgotias University

1. Name of the Faculty : Jitender Kumar

2. Subject/Course : Sales & Distribution Mgmt.
3. Course Code : MKT-661
4. Branch : M.B.A. – IInd Year, IIIrd Sem

Course Strategy and Requirements:

The course covers roles, skills of & management tools for sales managers, personal selling &
process, knowledge of commercial terms and conditions, distribution channels and different
kinds, logistics, relations of sales management and distribution. The course gives an overview
of sales & distribution management, including how customer relationship management can be
done by applying sales force automation, what uniform methods and procedures should be
developed for sales force control, why channel information system has become so crucial in
integrating the activities of the distribution channel. Course discusses the theories, methods,
and instruments of sales force motivation, process of designing channels, management of
wholesalers and franchisees and supply chain management. Of course, just as you cannot
become a professional sales & distribution manager overnight, to get the conceptual clarity
and to think the application of sales & distribution concepts for business managers you
should follow the following strategies.

(i) Read and identify the problems in understanding the concepts before the start
of each session. If you are unable to get the conceptual clarity after the end of
the session, immediately ask questions in the class (if time permits), or after
the class (preferably same day).

(ii) Try to find solutions on your own. In case of difficulty, ask friends, or teacher.

(iii) Read the caselet and try to find out the learning points pertaining to the
specific topic in “Sales & Distribution Mgmt”.

(iv) Any difficulty in understanding concepts while studying business newspapers

Course File of “Sales & Distribution Mgmt. MKT 661”

and listening to business news channels, clarify your doubts by asking friends,
or the teacher.

(v) While studying courses like Marketing & Business Strategy, try to relate the
use and usefulness of various concepts, which you have learned from this

(vi) Class participation is very much useful for better understanding of the concept.
This will be appreciated and rewarded if you add value to the class through
your questions, statement, and comments. It is the quality of these that is
more important than the quantity.

(vii) Moreover, there will be assignments/projects assigned to all of you either

individually or in group. Late submission of assignments/projects will not be

Sales & distribution management, as a composite function of marketing, continues to play an

important role in organizations in today’s challenging business environment by focusing on
the development of a sound sales and distribution strategy, the management of marketing
channels, sales force management. Sales management is undergoing rapid changes due to
changing orientation of companies from just product delivery to service based delivery
models. Today the marketer faces the challenge of formulating strategies and methods for
improving the selling approach, which includes sales force downsizing, the application of
information technology, the enhanced use of telemarketing, key account management, use of
independent sales organizations and sales representatives, electronic data interchange, and
cross-functional team selling. Thus software programs are now written exclusively for sales
force management. Compensation planning and supervision techniques are changing as more
and more knowledge workers are joining modern sales force. Employee loyalty along with
customer loyalty is now treated as a key driver for business success. Sales force automation
and sales force control have started delivering an efficiency-based environment forcing sales
organizations to re-look at sales management more from a strategic viewpoint than a tactical
orientation to generate sales. Distribution and logistics management is receiving tremendous
attention from enterprises as potential areas for generating competitive advantage. With the
arrival of large multinational retailers, such as Wal-Mart and Carrefour, the logistics function
is on the verge of upheaval in India. Under such a dynamic environment this course prepares
students for sales positions in business and industry.

The learning goals and objectives of this course for students to pursue management
education are:

1. To provide students an understanding of the concepts, attitudes, techniques and

approaches required for effective managerial decision making in the areas of Sales
and Distribution to sustain the business in long-run.

2. To assist students in developing their creativity and innovative thinking to develop

Course File of “Sales & Distribution Mgmt. MKT 661”

skills critical for generating, evaluating and selecting sales and distribution strategies
and making the best choices to maximize profit, market share, managerial & national
interests, and social benefits

3. To lay special emphasis on the practicing manager's problems and dilemmas in

various situations for forward thinking through creativity.

4. The purpose of this course is to acquaint the students with the concepts which are
helpful in developing and managing sales force and marketing channels so as to gain
competitive advantage.

5. The course is designed to familiarize students with the concepts, techniques and the
practical aspects of the key decision making variables in distribution channel

6. To introduce and delve into the intricacies of the rare combination of sales and
channel management among marketing subjects.

The pedagogy will be a combination of class lectures (theory and videos), experience sharing,
real life examples, caselet discussion, and projects/assignments on specific companies. Each
theory will be explained in such a way so that students from any background are able to
comprehend the concepts easily. In addition to the text and reference books, additional
readings and cases will be distributed in the class from time to time. Students are also
expected to read and identify the problems in understanding the concepts and their
application in the real world situation before the start of each session. This will help to
develop creativity and innovative thinking in students to manage multi-stakeholder

Course Strategy and Requirements:

The course covers roles, skills of & management tools for sales managers, personal selling &
process, knowledge of commercial terms and conditions, distribution channels and different
kinds, logistics, relations of sales management and distribution. The course gives an overview
of sales & distribution management, including how customer relationship management can be
done by applying sales force automation, what uniform methods and procedures should be
developed for sales force control, why channel information system has become so crucial in
integrating the activities of the distribution channel. Course discusses the theories, methods,
and instruments of sales force motivation, process of designing channels, management of
wholesalers and franchisees and supply chain management. Of course, just as you cannot
become a professional sales & distribution manager overnight, to get the conceptual clarity
and to think the application of sales & distribution concepts for business managers you
should follow the following strategies.
Course File of “Sales & Distribution Mgmt. MKT 661”

(viii) Read and identify the problems in understanding the concepts before the start
of each session. If you are unable to get the conceptual clarity after the end of
the session, immediately ask questions in the class (if time permits), or after
the class (preferably same day).

(ix) Try to find solutions on your own. In case of difficulty, ask friends, or teacher.

(x) Read the caselet and try to find out the learning points pertaining to the
specific topic in “Sales & Distribution Mgmt”.

(xi) Any difficulty in understanding concepts while studying business newspapers

and listening to business news channels, clarify your doubts by asking friends,
or the teacher.

(xii) While studying courses like Marketing & Business Strategy, try to relate the
use and usefulness of various concepts, which you have learned from this

(xiii) Class participation is very much useful for better understanding of the concept.
This will be appreciated and rewarded if you add value to the class through
your questions, statement, and comments. It is the quality of these that is
more important than the quantity.

(xiv) Moreover, there will be assignments/projects assigned to all of you either

individually or in group. Late submission of assignments/projects will not be

Assessment of Learning Goals and Objectives:

Components of evaluation are very crucial pertaining to assessing the learning goals and
objectives of the course. Keeping in mind students’ heterogeneous background, and strategies
specified above, the following components of evaluation have been designed to assess the
learning goals and objectives. Quiz, Case studies discussion, project report presentation and
semester end examination will assess the learning goals 1, 2 ,3,4,5 and 6 as mentioned above.

CO1: Explain the concepts, attitudes, techniques, communication skills and

approaches required for effective decision making in the areas of Sales and
Distribution.(K3) (PO1Business and Domain Knowledge)
Course File of “Sales & Distribution Mgmt. MKT 661”

CO2: Outline the ways for the sales force effectiveness, personal selling, designing
the sales organization, implementing Sales Force Automation and come up with
innovative ways to implement sales strategies in the business environment.(K3)
PO1Business and Domain Knowledge

CO3: Examine and select sales territories , quota in real time situations and evaluate
the role of Sales manager and his/ her responsibilities in recruiting, motivating,
managing and leading sales team to tackle ethical selling dilemmas(K3)(
PO2Critical Thinking)

CO4: Construct strategies to effectively control the company’s sales force, sales force
compensation and demonstrate sales analytics and performance appraisal of sales
force(K3) (PO3Effective Communication)

CO5: Summarize the importance of distribution of channels and their links with other
marketing variables to build up environment for sustainable growth and development
of intermediaries involved in distribution channels(K3) ) (PO7Environment and
Sales and Distribution Management Tapan Panda & Sunil Sahadev, Oxford, 2nd
Sales and Distribution Management Dr Ramendra Singh, Vikas Publications, 1st
Sales and Distribution Management, Krishna Havaldar & V.M Cavale, TMH, Second
Text and Cases Edition.
Marketing Channels Anne T. Coughlan; Pearson Education.
Sales and Distribution Management: An Pingali Venugopal, SAGE
Indian Perspective
Sales and Distribution Management Richard R. Still, Edward W. Cundiff, Norman A.
P. Govoni, Sandeep Puri ,Sixth Edition, Pearson
Fundamentals of Sales and Distribution Bholanath Dutta
Course File of “Sales & Distribution Mgmt. MKT 661”

Note: Teaching Methodology (Lecture, discussion, quiz, Assignment, Case Study, tutorial)

Sessio Date Topic proposed to be Material References for Teaching Focus

n No. covered no. (of reading (book / methodolog for CO
the class journals / websites) y achieve
notes ment
as per
1 17/7/18 An introduction to Module 1 Dr Ramendra Singh PPTs, CO1
sales management, classroom
evolution, nature and lecture, case
role of sales mgmt. study
Introduction to SDM
Introduction to Sales
2 18/7/18 Importance of sales
mgmt., types of
personal selling, types
of selling, Strategic
Sales Management
3 19/7/18 Difference between
sales & marketing,
role of sales mgmt in
mktg., Sales process,
Emerging trends in
sales mgmt.
4 24/7/18 Selling skills –
Communication skills
Selling skills –
Listening, Conflict
Listening Skills for
Effective Selling
5 25/7/18 Selling skills –
Negotiation, problem
solving skills
6 26/7/18 Personal Selling, Its Module 2 Dr Ramendra Singh PPTs, CO2
Importance, Personal and Havaladar classroom
Selling process lecture, case
7  31/7/18 Assignment
Course File of “Sales & Distribution Mgmt. MKT 661”

 8 1/8/2018 The selling process

first four stages
9 2/8/2018 ROLE PLAY: SALES
MAN Bargaining
10 2/8/2018 Sales Force
11 7/8/2018 Sales Organization
design – Line orgn.
Orgn. design by
territory, Customer,
Product, Function,
12 8/8/2018 SUMMARY
13 9/8/2018 Management of sales Module 3 Dr Ramendra Singh PPTs, CO3
territory: and Havaladar classroom
lecture, case
14 14/8/18 Designing Territories
and assigning sales
people Managing the
sales force
15 16/8/18 ASSIGNMENT
16 21/8/18 Management of sales
quota – Sales Volume
quota, Management of
sales quota
17 22/8/18 Sales budget quota
18 23/8/18 Sales activity quota,
Combined quota,
19 28/8/18 Case study: Maruti
20 28/8/18 Class Discussion on
New ways of keeping
Sales Quotas
21 29/8/18 Sales Force quota
22 30/8/18 Ethical Selling
23 4/9/2018 Ethical Selling

24 5/9/2018 Methods of Setting

25 6/9/2018 Case Study: Pharma
26 11/9/2018 Sales force
compensation –
Factors, Financial
27 12/9/2018 Sales force
compensation – Non
Course File of “Sales & Distribution Mgmt. MKT 661”

compensation, trends,
Sales force
Compensation and
28 13/9/18 Sales Force Control
Article: What's a
Professional Sales
29 18/9/18 Performance
Appraisal of the sales
30 19/9/18 Introduction to SDM Module 4 Dr Ramendra Singh PPTs, CO 4
31 20/9/18 Marketing Channels and Tapan panda classroom
Distribution Channel lecture, case
Management. – study
32 25/9/18 Marketing Channels-
Introduction, Channel
Formats, Channel
33 26/9/18 Case insight:
Marketing Channel
Structure in different
34 27/9/18 Channel Migration &
Emergent Channels,
Power & Conflict in
Channel Management
35 3/10/2018 Wholesaling
36 4/10/2018 Retailing
37 9/10/2018 Modern Trade and
38 10/10/2018 Mass Distribution
39 11/10/2018 Designing channel & Module 5 Dr Ramendra Singh PPTs, CO5
planning process and Tapan panda classroom
lecture, case
 40 16/10/18 Case Insight: Dell
Computer’s Zero-
Level Channel of
 41 17/10/18 Case study Hilton
 42 18/10/18 Channel Institutions:
Classification &
 43 23/10/18 Selecting channel
 44 24/10/18 Managing channel
behaviour (power &
Course File of “Sales & Distribution Mgmt. MKT 661”

 45 25/10/18 Summary
 46 30/10/18 Presentation
 47 31/10/18 Case study: Amazon
 48 1/11/2018 Market Logistics &
SCM - definition &
scope of logistics and
its extension into
SCM, logistics &
other functions :
 49 13/11/18 Market Logistics &
 50 14/11/18 Market Logistics &
SCM - Inventory
 51 15/11/18 Case study: prabhar
 52 20/11/18 Presentation
 53 21/11/18 Presentation
54 22/11/18 Presentation

Students’ Interaction Time

Monday - 2:20-3:10 pm

Friday - 2:20-3:10 pm

Signature of Faculty Date: Dec 15 , 2018

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