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‘Small Aircraft Maintenance Schedule Approval’ ‘Opa ‘at pada Langley Flying School, Inc. Cessna 152 Tape ofopaaton: i Coneerit Se Bavere 7 perntons, Prat operation pursuant o CAR Vi Seve reat ae Flight Training oo I co Fos oa Tae aa ‘Annual utzon 100 NA 1200 NA ‘This approval is conditional upon the information speciied above. in the event an aircraft's actual annual utilization is outside the range specified, or type of operation or aircraft role differs from that stated, the ‘operator must undertake a review of this schedule, identify any amendments necessary to cater for the cchange in circumstances, and obtain Transport Canada approval to incorporate those amendments 2oly- 09-16 ate iy mim 28) on- oy 04 PR-ABB-094 Ova) anspor ‘prove No. ade Revision status cape Pages Paees Page eerste [few -ee epee Duet | be ate Poses = Rey Rev Date aie Paes Paes Rev er Date Dae "This document conforins with TC Form 24-0055A (Version 1012-06). ion section refers to all pages inthe approved schedule, includi referenced in more than one block, the most recent revision indicated supersedes all eal > Please use date format of (yyyy - mm - dd). Langley ng School =o Page of 14 Reson #8 February, 2044 this approval document. Where the seme references. General Conditions* ‘+ This document, together with the additional pages referenced herein, constitutes the minimum scheduled maintenance to be performed. Nothing contained in, or omitted fram the maintenance ‘schedule absolves the operator from the responsibility for ensuring the airraft are maintained in an airworthy condkion, ‘* Nothing in this document shall be construed as exempting the operator from responsibilty for ‘compliance with all applicable component life limits, Airworthiness Limitations, or other mandatory requirements, * The operator shall ensure that al tasks listed in the currently approved revision of this schedule. are completed within the intervals spectied ‘© The operator shall amend the schedule as and when dicected by the Minister, and shall evaluate all recommendations issued in the form of Instructions for Continued Airworthiness (ICAs) andior Publications issued by the Type Certificate (TC) holder (airframe, engine, or propeller). These Instructions need to be evaluated for applicability to an air operator's program In accordance wit ‘standard 726.07 of the CARS tied Alr Operator Maintenance—Evaluation Program, Where ‘appropriate, the operator shal initiate amendment action. + Amendments to this schedule must be approved for any change In type of operation or operating ‘ole identified overleaf and, where maximum and minimum utlization data are spectfied, for any variation outside the limits indicated. Approval is also required for any task deletions, increases: in interval, or other significant changes. Transport Canada approval isnot required for ‘amendments that involve only the addition of tasks or a reduction of intervals; however the ‘operator shall notify Transport Canada of these changes within 30 days. The operator shall ensure that maintenance personnel are provided with such records and other documents as are necessary to enable them to determin to thelr satisfaction, that the aircraft is in compliance with the airworthiness requirements applicable to the work undertaken. All work required by this schedule shall be released in accordance with CAR 871.10. ‘The tolerances specified in this schedule shall not apply to any Alworthiness Limitations or Airworthiness Directives. © Exceptions o¢ deviations from this maintenance schedule must be submitted into Transport ‘Canada for approval, together with substantiating data, * Copied from Transport Canada’s form 24-0055A (0710-04). Langly Fying Schoo! <= Pogo 20614 Revision 5 February 1, 2014 SCHEDULED CHECK CYCLE The aircraft will be inspected in accordance with the check cycle specified in table 1 below. Check intervals may be varied within the tolerances specified. Detailed instructions and procedures for scheduled maintenance are contained in the attached check lst (the pages of which are identified in the revision status block) or in maintenance schedule reference Rev Table 1—Check Cycle Check ‘Scheduled Inspection Interval Tolerance 100-Hour 100 hours 10 hours 200-Hour 200 hours 10 hours 400-Hour 400 hours 10 hours | 500-Hour 500 hours 10 hours, Notes Inspection intervals can be exceeded as indicated above, but only in accordance with Langley Flying School's Maintenance Control Manual. ‘All maintenance will be conducted in accordance with the applicable Model 152 Series Service Manual (Part Number D2064-1-13), most current revision status. Service Bulletins are not mandatory, but will be assessed by the Approved Maintenance Operator and acted upon as deemed necessary. Unless otherwise indicated on this Approval, related engine and propeller parts or sub- ‘components listed in the most current Model 152 Series Service Manual, that requires overhaul, will be overhauled at the same aircraft time limitations specified for the aircraft engine and propeller. Modifications and additional equipment installed will be maintained in accordance with the approved Instructions for Continuing Airworthiness (ICAS). ‘The Cessna Supplemental Inspection Documents (SIDs) will be evaluated and incorporated into this maintenance schedule as required. Records of the SIDs evaluation for applicabil and justifications for inspections deemed as non-applicable, will be retained by Langley Flying School. Langley Fying Schoo! <= Page sof 14 Revison #5 February 1, 2014 (OUT OF PHASE TASKS & EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS Engine & propeller overhauls and other maintenance tasks scheduled to occur out of phase with the inspection check cycle, shall be performed as indicated in table 3 below. Where applicable, the asks may bbe identified by reference to separate documents, provided the documents are listed in Table 2. Any out ‘of phase tasks not listed shall be performed at the intervals specified in STD 625, Appendix C. Note: Reference to other documents or to STD 625, Appendix C, does not relieve the owner/operator from the responsibility for determining the applicability ofthe tasks and intervals concemed, nor from the able maintenance requi i responsibility for identifying any other ap Table 2—Reference Documents Document Revision Item Document Name Reference # ‘No. 1 | Langley Flying Schoo! 100-hour, 200-hour, 40-hour, and 500-hour Inspection Check Sheet for the Cessna N/A 2 152 2. | Modifications and/or applicable installations and ‘As per Supplemental [Latest Instructions for Continued Airworthiness (ICA's) for | QRegsnte* | Revision installed modifications. supporting data. 3 | Cessna 152 Service Manual D2064-1-13. | Latest Revision Table 3 Out of Phase Tasks ‘Out of phase tasks & equipment maintenance requirements, Item Task Interval | Tolerance | Overhaul 2600 Hours | 50 Hours Inspection | 5 Years | 30Days Engine, Aveo Lycomming 0-235 L2C Propeller McCauley 14103 ees Remove From | AsPer a Life Limited Parts Serie | ees Starter Overhauled | Engine TBO | 50 Hours Inspection | 500 Hours | 10 Hours Overhauled | Engine TBO | 50 Hours Starter Accessories (nsper Note #6 f the LS AMS* Alternator Inspection | 500Hours | 10 Hours Alternator Accessories (As per Note 6 of i LPS AMS) * This task originates inthe AMS Inspection Checksheet (see B. Engine Compartment Group, Task 22), and is described in LFS AMS Note #6) This task originates in the AMS Inspection Checksheet (see B. Engine Compartment Group, Task 25), nd is described in LFS AMS Note #6) Langley Flying Schoo! == Page 4 4 Revision #3 Februsty 1, 2014 Out of phase tasks & equipment maintenance requirements Hem Task Interval_| ‘Tolerance ; seas 2D Engine Rubber Hoses (AsperNote#2 oft LFS AMS)" Replace cee ae os joe Engine controls and linkage (AsperNsto#Sof be LES AMS Replace oti | 50 Hours Magnetos Inspection (As per Note #23 ofthe LES AMS) Inspection 500 Hours | 10 Hours Exhaust Valves and Guides (ssperneeimtorve trams)" | Inspection | 400Hours | 10 Hours Drain and | 1% 8s 7] 10 Hows Fuel Tanks (Aspe AMS Nac)" Inspect inne fae Fuel Quantity Indicating System Accuracy (As per LFS Test 12Months | 5 days AMS Note #25)! Landing/Taxi Light Switches (As per LFS AMS Note#26)"" Replacement 4 Years S days : TOO Hous] 10 Foe Elevator Trim Tab Actuator (As per LPs AMS Note #11)" ubetcate 3 Years sepa 13 Central Air Filter (as pr Urs AMS Nae" Inspection | 500 Hours | 10 Hours ‘Vacuum System Central Air Filter Replacement ss | Replace | 500Hours | 10 Hours LPS AMS Note121)" This tak originates in the AMS Inspection Checksheet (see B. Engine Compartment Group, Task 9), di described in LES AMS Note #2) ® This tsk originates inthe AMS Inspection Checksheet (see B. Engine Compartment Group, Task 18), and is described in LFS AMS Note #6) ° This ask originates inthe AMS Inspection Checkshee (ee B. Engine Compartment Group, Tash 28), and is described in LFS AMS Note #23) © This task originates inthe AMS Inspection Checksheet (see B. Engine Compartment Group, Task 10A), and is described in LFS AMS Note #24) " Note Hd require a fol tenk inspection to occur every 1000 hours, ora engine overhaul, and originates inthe [AMS Inspection Checksheet (see D. Landing Gear Group, Task 6. "This task originates inthe AMS Inspection Checksheet (See C. Fuel System Group, Task 11), and is described in LFS AMS Note #25) "This task originates in the AMS Inspection Checkshect (see & Airframe Group, Task 16), andi described in LFS AMS Noto #26) This task originates inthe AMS Inspection Checkshect (see F. Control Systems Group, Tash 9) and is described in LFS AMS Note #11) "Note #9 requires a 200-hour tak, and a 500-hour replacement ofthe Gyro centre sir filter. This replacement task fs tracked in the LFS AMS Out-of phase listings as Gyro Central Air Filer. The 200-hour Inspection is carried on the 200-hour and 400-hour cycles ofthe AMS Inspection Checksheot (see E. Airframe Group, Task 9). 4 Note #21 requires 8 200-hour Inspection, end a 300-hour replacement of the Vacuum system central sir filter. “This replacement task is tracked inthe LFS AMS Outof-phase listings as Vacuum System Central Air Fler. The 200-hour Inspection is cartied on the 200-hour and 400-bour eycles ofthe AMS Inspection Checkshet (see B. Engine Compartment Group, Task 3). Longley ying Schoo! == Page Sof 18 Revion #5 February 1, 2014 Out of phase tasks & equipment maintenance requirements Item Task Interval_| Tolerance Vacuum Relief Valve Filter (AsperL¥s AMS Nott20)" Replace | 200Hours | 10 Hours Brake System Hoses, Packings, and Back-up Rings a | Inspection | 5 Years | 30 Days BEELES ANS Now 7)" Performance BLT ai 12Months | 30 Days ELT Battery Replace | yamtasuee | __Ni i Performance ‘Transponder and Encoder” Tet 24 Months Magnetic Compass”? Calibrate | 12.Months Altimeter & PitotStatie System(s)*> ‘Test/Calibrate | 24 Months ‘As Per Survival Equipment Overhaul | gre First Aid Kit’ Recertify | 12 Months Check f ‘Tachometer* ‘Keouracy | 12Months Fire Extinguisher?” vadetaer 12 Months Se Remove From | Asper Life Limited parts pedis ides 0 Asi Additional, Special, and Supplementary Items Inspect | Ape (modifications, STCs, etc.) Note #20 requires te replacement ofthe Vacuum Relief Valve Filter every 200 hours. This item is tracked inthe LPS AMS Out-of-phus listing ws Vacuum Rellef Vave Filter. Note #27 requis '° ELTs shall be maintained in accordance with Standard $71, Appendix G. 2 ELT batteries shall be maintained in accordance wit ‘5-year replacement ofall brake eystem hoses, packings, and back-up rings and originates in AMS Inspection Checksheet (see C. Fuel System Group, Task 5). tandard 571, Appendix G. ELT batteries have no tolerance. 2 Transponders end altitude sensing mechanisms shall be tested in accordance with Standard 571, Appendix F. ® Non-stabilized Magnetic Direction Indictors, in accordance with Stendard 625, Appendix C, #10, » Altimetry devises operating IFR or VFR in Class B, C, or D airspace, in accordance with Standard 571, Appendix B. First ai, survi specifies overhaul inervals specified by the manufacturer, quipment andthe fire extinguisher, in accordance with Standard 625, Appendix C, #11, which > First aid kts are recommended to be maintained in accordance with CAS 725.90 (which applies to commercial operators); the content speci % Tachometer, in accordance with Standard 625, Appendix C, #8. 2” Firat aid, survival equipment and the fire extinguisher, in accordance with Standard 625, Appendix C, #11, which specifies overhaul at intervals specified by the manufecturer Longley ying Schoo! =o Revalen #8 tons are for Type A kit (sirraft without flight attendant) set out in Part X, Schedule Il ofthe Aviation Occupational Safety and Health Regulations (AOSH); the ove by Standard 625, Appendix C, #11, which specifies overhaul at intervals specified by the manufacturer. period is governed Pogo Sof 14 February 1, 2014 a APPLICATION AND MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE DESCRIPTION" Check one of the following: (_ Asanew operator of this aircraft type, the out of phase maintenance intervals specified in STD 625 Appendix C will be used. ‘As an experienced operator of this aircraft type, or similar types, the out of phase intervals specified in STD 625 Appendix C have been revised as indicated in table 3 or in the documents referenced in table 2 Cheek one of the following: o STD 625 Appendix B Part 1 Q ‘The following manufacturer’s recommendations Airoraft Document: Revit Engine Document: Rev#t Propeller Document: Rev# Other Document: Revit (Another operator's maintenance schedule (attach program) Other Operat Approval Ne LX) Other Data (described below) 2 Tho data on this page is provided for information purposes onl, to facilitate Transport Canada eval schedule Langley Fying Schoot <= Pago 714 vision tS ay 1, 2014 Langley Flying School’s 50-Hour, 100-Hour, 500-Hour, and 1000-Hour Inspection Sheet for the Cessna 152 Unless otherwise indicated, this Inspection Sheet conforms to the Cessna Progressive Inspection Charts—refer to Para. 2-50 of the Model 152 Series Service Manual, including all embedded references to this document. Instructions: When task is completed, place a checkmark in the circle and initial as indicated. TURE OF INSPE\ eee z +00 | 200 | 400 | 500 | A. Propeller Group 1._| Spinner olololo 2._| Spinner bulkhead a olo 3. | Blades olololo 4._| Bolts and/or nuts o}o S| Hub O}o B. Engine Compartment Group Check for evidence of oil and fuel leaks, then clean entire engine compartment, if needed, prior to inspection. spection. pee 1. _| Engine oi, filler cap, dipstick, drain plug and extemal filter_ | O | © | O | O 2. | oil cooler OQlololo 3.__| Induction air filter (See Note #1) Olololo 4. | Induction airbox, air valves, doors and controls Olololo 5.__| Cold and hot air hoses olo 6._| Bogine baffles Olololo 7.__| Cylinders, rocker box covers and push rod housings Olololo 8. | Crankease, oil sump, accessory section and front crankshaft | 0 | 0 | 0 | O seal Langley Figo Sebel Page dot 14 Reovslon #5 February 1, 2014 TTT NATURE OF INSPECTION Mn 9. | Hoses, metal lines and fittings (See Note #2)" olololo 10. _| Intake and exhaust systems (See Note #3) olololo 10A. | Exhaust valves and guides (See Note #24)" oO 11. | Ignition hamess olololo 12._| Spark plugs olololo 13. | Compression check olo 14, | Crankcase and vacuum system breather lines olo 15._| Electrical wiring O/O/0/|0 16. | Vacuum pump Oo/O|oO|oO 17. ‘Vacuum relief valve filter (See Note #20)?! OJO|O/|O0 18. | Engine controls and linkage (See Note #5)"* O}|O!|O}0 19._| Engine shock mounts, mount structure and ground straps o}o 20. Cabin heat valves, doors and controls O/O 21. _| Starter, solenoid and electrical connections o/o|o\|o0 22. Starter brushes, brush leads and commutator (See Note #6)" oO 23,__| Alternator mounting bracket olololo 24. _| Alternator, belt and electrical connections (See Note #15)_|O|0!/0|0 25. Alternator brushes, brush leads, commutator or slip ring (See | O | O | O | O Note #6)* _ 26. _| Voltage regulator mounting and electrical leads olololo 2. Magnetos (externally) and electrical connections (See Note O;/O;}O0;0 #18) pote #2 requires engine compartment rubber hoses to be replaced every 5 years or at engine ovebaul, This items in tacked in the LFS AMS Outof phase listings as Engine Rubber Hoses. 3 ote #24 requires 8 400-hour Exhaust Valve and Guide ispecton. This items in tacked in the LFS AMS Out cof phase listings as Behaust Valves and Guldes. 51 te #20 requires the removal and replacement ofthe Vacuum relief valve filer every 200 ours. This items in tuacked inthe LFS AMS Out-of phase listings as Vacuum Rellef Valve Filter. > ote dS requires the replacement of Engine conto's and linkage no later than 1500 hours. This items in wacked inthe LFS AMS Ou-ofphase listings as Engine Controls and Linkage. 2 Mote #6 inthis case) requires an inspection of te ltemator brushes, brash ead, commutator or slip rng each ‘00 hours. ‘This items in wacked inthe LFS AMS Out-of phase listings as Alternator Accessories. + Note #6 (inthis case) requires an inspection ofthe Starter brushes, brush leads, commutator or slip ring each 500 hours, Ths tems in wacked inthe LFS AMS Out-of phase listings as Starter Accessories. = Page oot 14 Langley Fiying School Revision #3 February 1, 2014 Tae ou NATURE OF INSPECTION ie at ee ee Magnetos (internally) (See Note #23)" olo 29. _| Magneto timing (See Note #7) Olololo 30._| Carburetor and drain plug Olololo}| | 31._| Firewall olo 32__| Engine cowling olololo 33 _| Tappet clearance (See Note #14) a 34.__| Vacuum system central air filter (See Note #21)" olo C. Fuel System Group 1.__ | Fuel strainer, drain valve and control Olololo 2. _| Fuel strainer screen and bowl O|oO]/oO!o 3.__| Fuel tank vents, caps and placards olololo 4._| Fuel tanks, sump drains and fuel line drains olololo 5. | Drain fuel and check tank interior, attachment and outlet Spi Osta screens (See Note #4)°7 Langan 6. __| Fuel vent valves 9/0 1. Fuel vent line drain oOlo0 8.__| Fuel shutoff valve and placards olololo 9. __| Puel valve drain plug olo 10_| Engine primer olololo U1. | Por aitplanes equipped with a Stewart Warner manufactured fuel quantity indicating system, perform a fuel indicating system accuracy test. Refer to Cessna Service Bulleting Specie Ost tte ‘SEB99-18, Fuel Quantity Indicating System Inspection (or Trpaton latest revision) for detailed accomplishment instruction (see ° Note #25) > [Note #23 requires a 500-hour Magnctos inspection, This items in tacked inthe LFS AMS Out-of-phase listings as Magnetos Inspection. ¥ Note #21 requires 2 200-hour Inspection, anda 500-hour replacement ofthe Vacuum system central nr fle. ‘This item is tracked in the LFS AMS Out-of-phase listings as Vacuum System Central Air File Note #4 requires 1 fuel tank inspection to occur every 1000 hours, ox at engine overhaul. ‘This item is trecked in the LFS AMS Out-of-phase listings as Fuel Tanks. 2% Note #25 requires a fuel LES AMS Out-ofphase Fuel Quantity Indieanng System. Langley Fying Schoo! = Rison #8 iy indicating system accurncy test every 12 months. This tems in tracked in the Pago 100114 February 1, 2014 NATURE OF INSPECTION Tnsoptin re tie D. Landing Gear Group 1.__| Main gear wheel and fairings (See Note #13) olololo 2. | Nose gear wheel, torque links, steering rods, boots and o}/o]/o}o fairing (See Note #13) 3.__| Wheel Bearings (See Note #8) olololo 4.___| Nose gear strut and shimmy dampener olololo 5. Tires O/O/O/O 6. Brake fluid, lines and hoses, linings, discs, brake assemblies o;Oo and master cylinders (See Note #17)” 2.__| Parking brake system olo 8.__ [Main gear springs olo E._Airframe Group 1 Aircraft exterior O/O/Ol/o0 2.__ | Aircraft structure (See Note #22)" ojo 3. Windows, windshield, doors and seals Oo|oO!|o/oO A Seat belts and shoulder hamesses O/o|o|o 5. | Seat stops, seat rails, upholstery, structure and mounting o}o (See Note #19) 6. Control “Y’ bearings, sprockets, pulleys, cables, chains, and o;oO turnbuckles 7. Control lock, control wheel and control ‘Y’ mechanism. o|o 8 | Instruments and markings olololo 9.__| Gyros central air filter (See Note #9) olo 10. _| Magnetic compass compensation olo 11__| Instrument wiring and plumbing o|o ® Note #17 requitesa 5-year replacement of al brake system hoses, packings, and back-up rings, This tems in tracked inthe LFS AMS Out-of-phase listings as Brake System Hoses, Packings, and Back-up Rings 4 Note 22 refers tothe inspection ofthe verical fin attachment each 100 hours (although the Cessna’sorilnating AMS inspection task calls for 200-hour Airframe tasks). This item is caried as recurring 100-hour Airworkiness Directive Task (AD 80-11-04, Vertical Fin attach bracket and nuplat inspection). * Note #19 refers tothe inspection of the sea als for cracks every 50 yours although the Cessna’s originating AMS inspection task calls for 200-hour seat rail asks). This item i carted asa recurring 100-hour Airworthiness Directive Task (AD 2011-10-09, which includes a visual inspection for seat rail crack). © Note #9 requires 200-hour tasks, anda 500-hour replacement of the Gyro central er filer. This replacement task is tacked in the LFS AMS Out-of phase listings as Gyro Cental Air Filer. = Page tof t4 Langley Fying Schoo! Revison 8 Febru 1, 2014 Instrument panel, shockmounts, ground straps, cover, decals and labeling Inspection Syste [ROUR) ° ° 13. _ | Deftosting, heating and ventilating systems and controls Olololo 14 _| Cabin upholstery, trim, sunvisors and ash trays ol|o 15._| Area beneath floor, lines, hoses, wires and control cables o}o 16. | Lights, switches, circuit breakers, fuses and spare fuses (See | O | O | O | O Note #26)" 11. | Bxterior lights olololo 18._| Pitot and static systems o|o 19._| stall waming system olo 20.__| Radios, radio controls, avionics and flight instruments olololo 21. Antennas and cables o!|o 2, _| Battery, battery box and battery cables a ol|olojo 23. __| Emergency locator transmitter (See Note #10) ol|o|ol|o F. Control Systems Group travel and correct cable tension. In addition to the items listed below, always check for correct direction of movement, correct, 1. | Cables, terminals, pulleys, pulley brackets, cable guards, turnbuckles and fairleads | Chains, terminals, sprockets and chain guards ‘Trim control wheels, indicators, actuator and bungee ‘Travel stops Decals and labeling. Flap control switch, flap rollers and tracks, flap indicator Flap motor, transmission, limit switches, structure, linkage, belleranks, etc. 8.__| Elevator and trim tab hinges, tips end control rods, 0} Ojo jojojojo| o lO| 2]0 |0 Jo Jo Jo oO Oo 9. | Blevator trim tab actuator lubrication (See Note #11) ‘Special Out-of hase Inspection © ote #26 requires the replacement ofthe Landing and Taxi Light switches every four yeers, This tak is tracked in the LFS AMS Out-of phase listings nt Landing/Taxi Light Switches. “\ Note #11 requires the lubrication ofthe actuator each 1000 hours or 3 years, whichever comes first. This tsk is ‘tacked inthe LFS AMS Out-of-phase listings as Elevator Trim Tab Actuator. Laney Fn Scho! =e Rulon Page 12 of 14 February 1 2044 inspection Gao (hours) a NATURE OF INSPECTION Se aeieel ue 10. _| Elevator trim tab free-play inspection (See Note #12) ° Oo 11. _| Rudder pedal assemblies and linkage | 12._| Skins (extemal) of control surfaces and tabs ° ° 13.__| Intemal structure of control surfaces 4 |B 15._| Alierons, hinges and push-pull rods 16._ | Vertical fin attach brackets (See Note #16) G. Notes eee 1, Clean filter per paragraph 2-22. Replace as required. 2. Replace engine compartment rubber hoses (Cessna installed only) every 5 years or at engine overhaul, Whichever occurs first. This does not include drain hoses. Hoses which are beyond these limits and are in a serviceable condition, must be replaced within 120 days after receiving the new hoses(s) from Cessna. Replace drain hoses on condition. Engine flexible hoses (Aveo Lycoming installed) (Refer to Avco Lycoming Engine Maintenance Manual and Aveo Lycoming Engine Service Bulletins). 3. Refer to Section 11 for 100 hour inspection procedures. Each 1000 hours, or to coincide with engine overhauls. 5. Each 100 hours for general conditions and freedom of movement. These controls are not repairable. Replace at engine overhaul or whenever maximum linear movement exceeds .050 inch, Inspect each 500 hours. MAGNETO-TO-ENGINE TIMING: Serials Thru 15284027 & A1520914, first 25 hour, first 50 hours, first 100 hours, and thereafter at each 100 hours; Beginning with Serials 15284028 8. First 100 hours and each 500 hours thereafter. More often if operated under prevailing wet or dusty conditions. 9. Replace each 500 hours 10. _Referto Section 16 ofthis Manual for inspection procedure. 11, Lubrication of the actuator is required each 1000 hours and 3 years, whichever comes first. 12, Refer to Section 9 ofthis Manual for free-play limits, inspection, replacement, and/or repair. 13, If ateraftis flown from surfeces with mud, snow, or ice, the speed farings should be checked that there {sno accumulation which could prevent normal wheel rotation, 14, Refer to Avco Lycoming Service Overhaul Manual and Avoco Lycoming Service Instruction No. 1068, and any applicable Service Bulletins or Service Letters, for further recommendations. ice weight attachment 10 |0 Jo Jo jo jojo 15, Refer to Section 16. 16. Compliance with Service Leiter No. SE78-62, SE79, and all Supplements thereto is required. Langley Fiying Schoo! =——— Page 13016 Roveton #5 February 1, 2014 17. Bach 5 years, replace all hoses, packings and back-up rings inthe brake system, 18, Pollowing 800 hour replacement of original magnetos, refer to Section 11 of the Model 152 Service ‘Manual and Slick 4200/6200 Series Aircraf Magnetos Maintenance and Overhaul Instructions Bulletin, ‘and all revisions and supplements thereto, for 500 inspection requirements. 19. Inspect sea rails for cracks every 50 hours. Refer to figure 3-10. 20, Remove and replace with new filter every 200 hours. 21, Inspect for damage every 200 hours; replace every 500 hours. 22, Vertical fin attachment each annual or 100 hour inspection. However, itis recommended nutplates used to attach vertical fin be inspection aftr each 100 operational hours. Refer to paragraph 4-14A for detsiled instructions, 23, Bach 500 hours, Inspection contact points. Inspect carbon brush, high tension lead, and distributor block, Inspect impulse, coupling, and pawls. Replace as required. Inspect and lubricate bearings and contact point cam. Refer to Slick 4300/6300 Series Aircraft Maintenance and Overhaul Instructions Bulletin and al revisions and supplements thereto. 24, Bach 400 hours. Refer to Textron Lycoming Mandatory Service Bulletin No. 388B, Procedure to Determine Exhaust Valve and Guide Condition, and all revisions and supplements thereto, for 400-hour inspection requirements. 25, Fuel quantity indicating system accuracy testis required every 12 months. Refer to Cessna Service Bulletin SEB99-18, Fuel Quantity Indicating Sysiem Inspection (or latest revision) for detailed accomplishment instructions. 26, During the next anual Inspection and every four year thereafter, replace the Landing and Taxi Light Switch, or the Landing Light switch as applicable. ‘A. Replace the Landing and taxi Light Switch with part number TTGC-TA201TW-B, as applicable. B. Replace the Landing Light Switch with part number C906-5, as applicable, for aircraft serials: a, 1529406 thru 15285833, b. G15201449 thru F15201943 © 1520735 thru A1521025 4. FA1520337 thru FA1S20387, 27, During the next annual inspection and every four years thereafter, replace the Switch (Beacon Light) with part number TA201TW-B, Langley Fying Schoo! =F Page 140614 Revtslon #5 February 1, 2014

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