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Dosen : Soenarto, Drs

Disusun Oleh : Roy Cipto Sabastian (19TEMP0640008)


TAHUN AJARAN 2019/2023
In 1950 it was predicted that eight or ten electronic computer would be sufficient
to handle all the scientific and business needs of the united states. likewise, the chief
executive officer of IBM advised to company not to invest time or money in developing
computers because he foresaw a limited commercial market. but these predictions were
proved totally inaccured as the computer industry developed into a multibillion dollar
business. Today the computers plays a vital role in the lives of money americans and is
seen as one of the greatest technological developments of all times.

Basically a computer i s an electronic machine that is capable of performing

mathematical tasks to solve scientific or clerical problems in a relatively short period of
time. there are two main elements of any computer system - hardware and software.

Hardware is the physical equipment, i.e the Machinery and electronic components.
certain tasks are performed by the hardware. in very simple terms, these tasks can be
described in the following prosess:

Input > Storage and/or Manipulation > Output

Properly prepared pieces of information known as data are put into the computer
( input) . they are put away for future use (storage) and/or handled for a specific
(manipulation). finally , the result are made available to the users (output). the
combination of these tasks is known as data processing.

Equally as important as hardware in the operations of computer is software. this

term refers to the programs and procedures that make it possible to use the computer. a
program is a detailed set of instructions that tells the computer what to do, how to do it,
and the proper sequence of step to follow. programs are written in special computer
languages be trained people called computers programmers. programmers must be
familiar with the computer language used in each program. there are a number of
different computer languages used in data processing : COBOL ( common business
oriented language ) is the one used most frequently in business computer applications.

The technological development of computer hardware and software has affected

the modern world in numerous ways. business in one of the areas in which the effect has
been greatest.
Pada tahun 1950 diprediksi bahwa delapan atau sepuluh komputer elektronik akan
cukup untuk menangani semua kebutuhan ilmiah dan bisnis Amerika. Demikian juga,
kepala eksekutif IBM menyarankan kepada perusahaan untuk tidak menginvestasikan
waktu atau uang dalam mengembangkan komputer karena ia meramalkan pasar
komersial yang terbatas. tetapi prediksi ini terbukti sangat tidak akurat karena industri
komputer berkembang menjadi bisnis bernilai miliaran dolar. Saat ini komputer
memainkan peran penting dalam kehidupan uang orang Amerika dan dipandang sebagai
salah satu perkembangan teknologi terbesar sepanjang masa.

Pada dasarnya komputer adalah mesin elektronik yang mampu melakukan tugas
matematika untuk menyelesaikan masalah ilmiah atau kependidikan dalam waktu yang
relatif singkat. ada dua elemen utama dari setiap sistem komputer - perangkat keras dan
perangkat lunak.

Perangkat keras adalah peralatan fisik, yaitu Mesin dan komponen elektronik.
Tugas-tugas tertentu dilakukan oleh perangkat keras. dalam istilah yang sangat
sederhana, tugas-tugas ini dapat dijelaskan dalam proses berikut :

Masukkan => Penyimpanan dan / atau Manipulasi => Keluaran

Informasi yang disiapkan dengan benar yang dikenal sebagai data dimasukkan ke
dalam komputer (input). mereka disingkirkan untuk penggunaan di masa depan
(penyimpanan) dan / atau ditangani untuk manipulasi tertentu. akhirnya, hasilnya
disediakan untuk pengguna (output). kombinasi tugas-tugas ini dikenal sebagai
pemrosesan data.

Sama pentingnya dengan perangkat keras dalam pengoperasian komputer adalah

perangkat lunak. istilah ini mengacu pada program dan prosedur yang memungkinkan
untuk menggunakan komputer. sebuah program adalah serangkaian instruksi terperinci
yang memberi tahu komputer apa yang harus dilakukan, bagaimana melakukannya, dan
urutan langkah yang tepat untuk diikuti. Program yang ditulis dalam bahasa komputer
khusus akan dilatih orang yang disebut pemrogram komputer. Pemrogram harus terbiasa
dengan bahasa komputer yang digunakan dalam setiap program. Ada sejumlah bahasa
komputer yang berbeda yang digunakan dalam pemrosesan data: B3U (Bahasa
Berorientasi Bisnis Umum) adalah yang paling sering digunakan dalam aplikasi
komputer bisnis.

Perkembangan teknologi perangkat keras dan lunak komputer telah mempengaruhi

dunia modern dalam berbagai cara. bisnis di salah satu bidang di mana pengaruhnya
paling besar.
A. Answered the following questions about computer systems. The questions which are
starred (*) cannot be answered directly from the text. Space in provided at the end
for you to add your own questions.

1. In the 1950’s many people underestimated the importance of computers. What

are two example to prove this?

- The computer industry developed into a multibillion dollar business.

- Is seen as one of the greatest technological developments of all times.

2. How is the computer viewed today? *Have computers affected your life ?
*How ?

- The computers come to be something that is very important and very helpful for
me to do office work easier,faster, and flexible.

3. What is a computer? *How does the definition from the reading compare with
the one you wrote earlier?

- Computer is a tool used to process data according to procedures that have been
formulated by a computer system (Brainware, Hardware, and Software).

4. What are the two main elements of any computer system?

- Hardware and Software

5. What is data processing?

- Properly prepared pieces of information known as data are put into the computer
(input) . they are put away for future use (storage) and/or handled for a specific
(manipulation). finally , the result are made available to the users (output).

6. Which plays a more important role – hardware of software? *Why? *Which one
would you prefer to work with if you were going to spesialize in computers?

- According to both it is very important because without the software, the hardware
cannot work and vice versa. Because both are computer systems that complement
each other.

7. What does software refer to?

- Programs and procedures that make it possible to use the computer.

8. What computer language is commonly used in business? *What a some of the

other computer languages?

- COBOL ( common business oriented language ) is the one used most frequently
in business computer applications. Other computer languages are Java, C, Php,
Visual Basic, Python, C++, JavaScript, and others.
1. Did you study English last night?
- Yes, I did
2. Did Adit play game online during the lesson?
- No, he did not
3. What did Indra college last night?
- No, he did not. He went to college last morning.
4. Did we study English at eight o’clock?
- No, we did not. We studied english at half past seven
5. Did they pray before study English last night?
- Yes, they did
6. Who Did come late last night?
- Dika and Suryati
7. Why did Suryati come late for college last night?
- Because of a traffic jam
8. Did Firdi go to campus with motorcycle?
- No, he did not. He used the car
9. When did Mr. Sunarto give punishment for the late coming?
- Fifteen minutes after the lesson began
10. Why did come late should be punished?
- Because so they don’t repeat again.
11. What was punishment for the late coming?
- Just Singing
12. Were you at campus last night?
- Yes, I were.
13. Was this room very cold?
- Yes, it was cold
14. After graduate was Indra wanna be a Teacher
- No, he wanna be an enterpreneur

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