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Registre de Commerce et des Sociétés

Numéro RCS : B91796
Référence de dépôt : L200017944 RCSL Nr. : B91796 Matricule : 2003 2401 695
Déposé et enregistré le 29/01/2020
eCDF entry date : 27/01/2020


Financial year from 01 01/01/2018 to 02 31/12/2018 (in 03 EUR )

Lone Star Capital Investments S.à r.l.

33, rue du Puits Romain
L-8070 Bertrange


Reference(s) Current year Previous year

A. Subscribed capital unpaid 1101 101 102

I. Subscribed capital not called 1103 103 104

II. Subscribed capital called but

unpaid 1105 105 106

B. Formation expenses 1107 107 108

C. Fixed assets 1109 109 4.362.739.374,18 110 3.482.138.149,52

I. Intangible assets 1111 111 112

II. Tangible assets 1125 Note 3 125 69.704,29 126 87.309,21

III. Financial assets 1135 Note 4 135 4.362.669.669,89 136 3.482.050.840,31

D. Current assets 1151 151 203.035.588,01 152 77.256.857,27

I. Stocks 1153 153 154

II. Debtors 1163 163 196.777.900,40 164 74.885.374,57

a) becoming due and payable
within one year 1203 203 58.070.793,39 204 18.481.188,59
b) becoming due and payable
after more than one year 1205 Note 5 205 138.707.107,01 206 56.404.185,98
III. Investments 1189 189 190

IV. Cash at bank and in hand 1197 197 6.257.687,61 198 2.371.482,70

E. Prepayments 1199 199 1.027,23 200 974,12

TOTAL (ASSETS) 201 4.565.775.989,42 202 3.559.395.980,91

The notes in the annex form an integral part of the annual accounts

RCSL Nr. : B91796 Matricule : 2003 2401 695


Reference(s) Current year Previous year

A. Capital and reserves 1301 301 351.156.698,92 302 248.165.530,30

I. Subscribed capital 1303 Note 6 303 215.698.875,00 304 183.299.250,00
II. Share premium account 1305 Note 6 305 254.586,87 306 253.958,16
III. Revaluation reserve 1307 307 308

IV. Reserves 1309 Note 6-7 309 4.962.826,81 310 2.395.065,12

V. Profit or loss brought forward 1319 Note 6 319 59.649.495,33 320 10.862.023,22
VI. Profit or loss for the financial year 1321 321 70.590.914,91 322 51.355.233,80
VII. Interim dividends 1323 323 324

VIII. Capital investment subsidies 1325 325 326

B. Provisions 1331 331 332

C. Creditors 1435 Note 8 435 4.214.619.290,50 436 3.311.230.450,61

a) becoming due and payable
within one year 1453 453 47.114.975,33 454 3.800.386,80
b) becoming due and payable
after more than one year 1455 455 4.167.504.315,17 456 3.307.430.063,81

D. Deferred income 1403 403 404

TOTAL (CAPITAL, RESERVES AND LIABILITIES) 405 4.565.775.989,42 406 3.559.395.980,91

The notes in the annex form an integral part of the annual accounts
Registre de Commerce et des Sociétés
Numéro RCS : B91796
Référence de dépôt : L200017944
Déposé le 29/01/2020

Lone Star Capital Investments S.à r.l.

Société à responsabilité limitée

Notes to the financial statements

As of 31 December 2018

Note 1 – General information

Lone Star Capital Investments S.à r.l. (the “Company”) was incorporated for an unlimited period as
a limited liability company (‘Société à responsabilité limitée’) in Luxembourg on 14 February 2003.
Its registered office is located 33, rue du Puits Romain, L-8070 Bertrange. The Company has been
registered in Luxembourg under section B, number 91796.

The Company’s financial year starts on 1 January and ends on 31 December of each year.

The object of the Company is to carry out all transactions pertaining directly or indirectly to the
acquisitions of participations in any enterprise in any form whatsoever, and the administration,
management, control and development of those participations.

The Board of Managers has decided to apply the provisions of Article 1711-8 (3) 3° of the Law of
10 August 1915 on commercial companies, as amended, subject to the Notice CNC 2-1 of the
Accounting Standards Commission issued in connection with the interpretation of Article 1711-8 (3)
3° of the Law of 10 August 1915 on commercial companies, as amended. The Board of Managers
considers that the Company fulfills the criteria outlined in the Notice CNC 2-1, hence resulting in an
exemption for the Company to prepare and file consolidated financial statements.

Note 2 – Summary of significant accounting policies

2.1 Basis of preparation

The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with Luxembourg legal and regulatory
requirements under the historical cost convention, notably with title II of the law of 19 December
2002, as amended (the “Accounting Law”).

Accounting policies and valuation rules are, besides the ones laid down by the Accounting Law,
determined and applied by the Board of Managers.

The preparation of financial statements requires the use of certain critical accounting estimates. It
also requires the Board of Managers to exercise their judgement in the process of applying the
accounting policies. Changes in assumptions may have a significant impact on the financial
statements in the period in which the assumptions changed. The Board of Managers believes that the
underlying assumptions are appropriate and that the financial statements therefore present the
financial position and results fairly.

The Company makes estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and
liabilities in the next financial year. Estimates and judgements are continually evaluated and are
based on historical experience and other factors, including expectations of future events that are
believed to be reasonable under the circumstances.

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Lone Star Capital Investments S.à r.l.
Société à responsabilité limitée

Notes to the financial statements

As of 31 December 2018

Note 2 – Summary of significant accounting policies (continued)

A fundamental principle of the preparation of financial statements is the assumption that an entity
will continue in existence as a going concern, which contemplates continuity of operations and the
realisation of assets and settlement of liabilities occurring in the ordinary course of business. This
principle is applicable to all entities except for entities in liquidation or entities for which liquidation
appears imminent. In accordance with this requirement, the Board of Managers’ policy is to prepare
the Company’s financial statements on a going concern basis unless there is an intention to liquidate
or have no other alternative but to liquidate in the foreseeable future. The Board of Managers
continues to believe that the going concern basis of preparation of the financial statements is

2.2 Significant accounting policies

The main valuation rules applied by the Company are the following:

2.2.1 Tangible assets

Tangible assets are valued at purchase price including the expenses incidental thereto.

Tangible assets are depreciated over their estimated useful economic lives.

The depreciation rates and methods applied are as follows:

Depreciation Depreciation
rate method

Buildings development 10.00% linear

Other fixtures and fittings, tools and equipment 25.00% linear

Where the Company considers that a tangible asset has suffered a durable depreciation in value, an
additional write-down is recorded to reflect this loss. These value adjustments are not continued if
the reasons for which the value adjustments were made have ceased to apply.

2.2.2 Financial assets

Financial assets are valued at purchase price including the expenses incidental thereto.

In the case of durable depreciation in value according to the opinion of the Board of Managers, value
adjustments are made in respect of financial assets, so that they are valued at the lower figure to be
attributed to them at the balance sheet date. These value adjustments are not continued if the reasons
for which the value adjustments were made have ceased to apply.

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Lone Star Capital Investments S.à r.l.
Société à responsabilité limitée

Notes to the financial statements

As of 31 December 2018

Note 2 – Summary of significant accounting policies (continued)

2.2.3 Debtors

Debtors are valued at their nominal value. They are subject to value adjustments where their recovery
is compromised. These value adjustments are not continued if the reasons for which the value
adjustments were made have ceased to apply.

2.2.4 Foreign currency translation

The Company maintains its books and records in EUR.

Fixed assets stated in currencies other than EUR are translated at the exchange rates prevailing at the
date of the transaction. Income and expenses denominated in currencies other than EUR are
translated at the exchange rate prevailing at the date of the transaction.

Other assets and liabilities stated in currencies other than EUR are translated at the exchange rates
prevailing at the date of the balance sheet. Realized and unrealized exchange losses as well as realized
exchange gains are recorded in the profit and loss account. Unrealized exchange gains are not

2.2.5 Prepayments

This asset item includes expenditures incurred during the financial year but relating to a subsequent
financial year.

2.2.6 Provision for taxation

Provisions for taxation for the financial year are recorded under the caption “Creditors”.

2.2.7 Debts

Debts are recorded at their reimbursement value. In case the reimbursement value falls below the
original amount granted to the Company due to a waiver and write-off of debt issued by the debtor,
an operating income is recorded accordingly.

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Lone Star Capital Investments S.à r.l.
Société à responsabilité limitée

Notes to the financial statements

As of 31 December 2018

Note 3 –Tangible assets

As at 31 December 2018, the movements of the tangible assets are as follows:

2018 2017

Acquisition cost - opening balance 231,377.14 231,377.14

Additions for the year - -
Disposals for the year - -

Acquisition cost - closing balance 231,377.14 231,377.14

Accumulated depreciation - opening balance (144,067.93) (117,345.03)

Charge for the year (17,604.92) (26,722.90)

Reversals of value adjustment further to disposal for the year - -

Accumulated depreciation - closing balance (161,672.85) (144,067.93)

Net book value - closing balance 69,704.29 87,309.21

Net book value - opening balance 87,309.21 114,032.11

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Lone Star Capital Investments S.à r.l.
Société à responsabilité limitée

Notes to the financial statements

As of 31 December 2018

Note 4 – Financial assets

a) Movements

As at 31 December 2018, the movements of the financial assets are as follows:

2018 2017

Acquisition cost - opening balance 4,107,526,731.73 4,303,057,975.57

Additions for the year 1,996,569,493.88 1,937,037,591.68

Disposals for the year

Reimbursement (1,024,097,494.77) (2,055,900,346.76)

Sale (78,877,017.16) (1,102,550.68)

Write-off (35,559,844.17) (75,565,938.08)

Acquisition cost - closing balance 4,965,561,869.51 4,107,526,731.73

Accumulated depreciation - opening balance (625,475,891.42) (600,193,882.29)

Allocation of value adjustment for the year (13,546,429.19) (92,264,739.13)

Reversals of value adjustment further to disposal for the year 36,130,120.99 66,982,730.00

Accumulated depreciation - closing balance (602,892,199.62) (625,475,891.42)

Net book value - closing balance 4,362,669,669.89 3,482,050,840.31

Net book value - opening balance 3,482,050,840.31 3,702,864,093.28

Based on their estimation of the recoverable amount of the investments, the Board of Managers is of
the opinion that the financial assets do not present any other reduction in value of a durable nature
than those already provided for.

Financial assets include an amount of EUR 27,678,055.70 corresponding to the acquisition price of
139,837 own shares Class A-14 which represents 22.19% of the capital shares Class A-14.
The loss on cancellation of these shares will occur in 2019 and will amount to EUR 10,198,430.70.

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Lone Star Capital Investments S.à r.l.
Société à responsabilité limitée

Notes to the financial statements

As of 31 December 2018

Note 4 – Financial assets (continued)

b) Shares in affiliated undertakings

Undertakings in which the Company holds at least 20% of the share capital are as follows:

Name of the undertaking Registered Ownership Last balance Net book Net equity at the Profit or loss for
office sheet date value balance sheet date the last financial
of the affiliated year

(legal form) % (EUR) (EUR) (EUR)

Caroline Holdings S.à r.l. Luxembourg 100 31.12.2018 1.00 15,358.96 (12,361.78)
Caroline Lux Holdings S.à r.l. Luxembourg 100 31.12.2018 351,650.00 329,393.60 9,365.91
HL Holdings SCA Belgium 99.99 31.12.2018 61,805.99 (4,071.03) (9,450.24)
Kukdong Holdings I SCA Belgium 99.99 31.12.2018 61,870.51 72,739.67 (6,479.58)
Kukdong Holdings II SCA Belgium 99.99 31.12.2018 61,870.51 99,547.35 (5,825.31)
Lone Star Capital Management S.p.r.l. Belgium 99.99 31.12.2018 18,548.99 24,205.17 (3,880.57)
Lone Star India Holdings S.à r.l. Luxembourg 100 31.12.2018 14,250,375.00 14,199,526.12 (17,322.89)
Lone Star Investment Management S.p.r.l. Belgium 99.99 31.12.2018 699,999.85 764,656.04 75,938.30
LSF 88 S.à r.l. Luxembourg 100 31.12.2018 13,506.95 (1,711.88) (1,711.88)
LSF 89 S.à r.l. Luxembourg 100 31.12.2018 13,506.95 (1,711.88) (1,711.88)
LSF 90 S.à r.l. Luxembourg 100 31.12.2018 13,506.95 (1,711.88) (1,711.88)
LSF China Holdings S.à r.l. Luxembourg 100 31.12.2018 250.00 (8,229,648.53) (10,170,087.90)
LSF China Holdings III S.à r.l. Luxembourg 100 31.12.2018 12,000.00 (47,632.73) (57,049.16)
LSF China Topco II S.à r.l. Luxembourg 100 31.12.2018 2,043,479.03 2,037,644.72 (5,834.31)
LSF China WFOE Investments S.à r.l. Luxembourg 100 31.12.2018 12,000.00 - (21,197.45)
LSF China WFOE Investments II S.à r.l. Luxembourg 100 31.12.2018 12,000.00 (7,694.58) (17,250.15)
LSF Holdings Management S.p.r.l. Belgium 99.99 31.12.2018 18,549.00 22,367.63 521.03
LSF Marseille S.à r.l. Luxembourg 100 31.12.2018 50,001.00 8,833.31 (13,375.67)
LSF Pacific Topco S.à r.l. Luxembourg 74 31.12.2018 544,559,781.78 735,856,750.25 (34,846.75)
LSF SC Holdings SCA Belgium 99.99 31.12.2018 61,588.99 5,414,784.57 4,829,734.10
LSF SC Management S.p.r.l. Belgium 99.99 31.12.2018 18,549.00 40,018.21 3,177.85
LSF SLF Holdings SCA Belgium 99.99 31.12.2018 69,009.84 101,201.17 (5,723.80)
LSF Tempus Finance B-II DAC Ireland 100 31.12.2018 1.00 - -
LSF Tempus Finance II DAC Ireland 100 31.12.2018 1.00 - 19,346,210.33
LSF5 Golden Bricks Real Estate DAC Ireland 100 31.12.2018 - (2.00) -
LSF5 Investment Holdings II DAC Ireland 100 31.12.2018 1.00 (2,195,089.64) 7,102.56
LSF5 Longtrack (Ireland) DAC Ireland 100 31.12.2018 27,679.45 (628,292.61) 122,223.42
LSF5 Supernova Corporate Holdings DAC Ireland 100 31.12.2018 1.00 (219,847.19) (0.03)
LSF6 Rio S.à r.l. Luxembourg 100 31.12.2018 12,500.00 242,088.76 (6,320.62)
LSF7 Silverstone Holdings S.à r.l. Luxembourg 100 31.12.2018 1.00 1,700.61 11,969.29
LSF8 Invoice Holdings SCA Belgium 99.99 31.12.2018 61,499.99 47,559,866.06 105,875,651.52
LSF8 Invoice Management S.p.r.l. Belgium 99.99 31.12.2018 18,549.00 22,323.47 1,176.21
LSF9 Balta Topco S.à r.l. Luxembourg 100 31.12.2018 2,670,912.19 2,590,812.58 (12,275.58)
LSF9 Grape Lux Holdings S.à r.l. Luxembourg 100 31.12.2018 12,000.00 (3,890.96) (15,890.96)
LSF10 Edilians Topco S.à r.l. Luxembourg 100 31.12.2018 33,090,000.00 33,090,356.46 2,356.06
LSF10 Flavum Investments S.à r.l. Luxembourg 100 31.12.2018 159,242,375.00 159,220,338.55 (8,777.23)
LSF10 India Investments S.à r.l. Luxembourg 100 31.12.2018 27,500.00 (7,903.64) (12,093.10)

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Lone Star Capital Investments S.à r.l.
Société à responsabilité limitée

Notes to the financial statements

As of 31 December 2018

Note 4 – Financial assets (continued)

Name of the undertaking Registered Ownership Last balance Net book Net equity at the Profit or loss for
office sheet date value balance sheet date the last financial
of the affiliated year

(legal form) % (EUR) (EUR) (EUR)

LSF10 Rose Investments S.à r.l. Luxembourg 100 31.12.2018 81,076,774.89 (68,960.50) (68,960.50)
LSF10 Tiger 4 Investments S.à r.l. Luxembourg 100 31.12.2018 16,217.24 (14,682.74) (9,897.01)
LSF10 Upstream JV Investments S.à r.l. Luxembourg 100 31.12.2018 24,000.00 4,876.13 (7,900.37)
LSF10 Wolverine MIP WE S.à r.l. Luxembourg 100 31.12.2018 9,912,000.00 9,868,213.85 (34,785.61)
LSF10 XL Holdings S.à r.l. Luxembourg 100 31.12.2018 501,656,784.89 501,671,124.14 209,001,795.70
LSF11 Big Bloom Holdings S.à r.l. Luxembourg 100 31.12.2018 97,000.00 81,369.72 (12,340.41)
LSF11 Turbot Holdings S.à r.l. Luxembourg 100 31.12.2018 12,000.00 10,875.80 (1,124.20)
LSF11 Turbot Investments S.à r.l. Luxembourg 100 31.12.2018 12,000.00 10,292.47 (1,707.53)
LSF11 Turbot Midco S.à r.l. Luxembourg 100 31.12.2018 12,000.00 10,875.80 (1,124.20)
LSF11 Turbot Topco S.à r.l. Luxembourg 100 31.12.2018 12,000.00 7,806.80 (4,193.20)
LSF11 Verde Topco S.à r.l. Luxembourg 74 31.12.2018 44,121,814.20 59,609,610.25 (14,469.75)
LSREF2 RE Investments S.à r.l. Luxembourg 100 31.12.2018 939,311.44 1,548,050.49 (45,518.55)
LSREF2 Taunus Investments S.à r.l. Luxembourg 100 31.12.2018 97,503.00 182,983.51 (6,726.95)
LSREF3 Datona Holdings S.à r.l. Luxembourg 100 31.12.2018 62,500.00 (33,948.99) (14,058.04)
LSREF3 Dutch Holdings S.à r.l. Luxembourg 100 31.12.2018 1.00 (1,697.65) (100,052.38)
LSREF3 Eastern Europe Holdings S.à r.l. Luxembourg 100 31.12.2018 326,125.00 (1,683,288.52) 1,616,621.20
LSREF3 Faroe Holdings S.à r.l. Luxembourg 100 31.12.2018 12,500.00 374,667.98 (17,190.14)
LSREF3 GTC Holdings S.à r.l. Luxembourg 100 31.12.2018 66,020,608.27 54,620,792.04 4,519,691.16
LSREF3 Heart LP S.à r.l. Luxembourg 100 31.12.2018 9,983,990.00 (43,157,016.40) 70,543,064.71
LSREF3 Latvia Investments S.à r.l. Luxembourg 100 31.12.2018 5,813,425.00 5,821,703.55 12,813.92
LSREF3 Lion Investments S.à r.l. Luxembourg 100 31.12.2018 1,217,125.00 4,142,914.86 13,431,753.58
LSREF3 Lusort Holdings S.à r.l. Luxembourg 100 31.12.2018 1,591,875.00 1,492,439.51 (14,057.49)
LSREF3 Mammut Holdings S.à r.l. Luxembourg 100 31.12.2018 1,052,875.00 (6,306,202.59) (5,798,810.81)
LSREF3 Octopus Holdings S.à r.l. Luxembourg 100 31.12.2018 199,405.67 128,891.64 91,855.17
LSREF3 Tiger Luxembourg S.à r.l. Luxembourg 100 31.12.2018 340,500.00 (19,359,546.61) (22,153,641.20)
LSREF3 Tummam Holdings S.à r.l. Luxembourg 100 31.12.2018 77,000.00 311,404.01 230,464.05
LSREF4 Aria Holdings S.à r.l. Luxembourg 100 31.12.2018 15,749,375.00 15,681,363.92 (17,535.13)
LSREF4 Clear Investments S.à r.l. Luxembourg 100 31.12.2018 11,514,370.77 10,122,517.96 (1,427,065.33)
LSREF4 Falcon Holdings S.à r.l. Luxembourg 100 31.12.2018 2,218,938.67 2,046,171.45 (23,431.60)
LSREF4 Hungarian REO S.à r.l. Luxembourg 100 31.12.2018 239,500.00 85,145.42 (108,976.21)
LSREF4 Orel Holdings S.à r.l. Luxembourg 100 31.12.2018 8,931,606.17 9,351,735.02 6,036,483.16
LSREF5 J Resi 3 Investments S.à r.l. Luxembourg 100 31.12.2018 837,107.97 684,836.31 (151,376.93)
LSREF5 J-Frontier Investments S.à r.l. Luxembourg 100 31.12.2018 12,000.00 2,792.92 (9,207.08)
LSREF5 Leaf Topco S.à r.l. Luxembourg 100 31.12.2018 12,000.00 7,796.36 (4,203.64)
LSREF5 Solit Holdings S.à r.l. Luxembourg 100 31.12.2018 23,118,000.00 23,085,179.35 (13,316.48)
LSREF5 Swan Holdings S.à r.l. Luxembourg 100 31.12.2018 15,891,375.00 15,796,443.15 (22,331.77)
Triangle Investments S.à r.l. Luxembourg 100 31.12.2018 370,269.85 716,384.50 57,100.35

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Lone Star Capital Investments S.à r.l.
Société à responsabilité limitée

Notes to the financial statements

As of 31 December 2018

Note 5 – Debtors becoming due and payable after more than one year

Debtors becoming due and payable after more than one year include:
o an amount of EUR 7,072,835.13 (2017: EUR nil) corresponding to loans with Godo Kaisha Star
o an amount of EUR 51,305.12 (2017: EUR nil) corresponding to interests accrued on loans with
Godo Kaisha Star Investments,
o an amount of EUR 29,235,912.31 (2017: EUR 26,280,871.14) corresponding to loans with Lone
Star Global Holdings Ltd,
o an amount of EUR 957,468.75 (2017: EUR 412,538.57) corresponding to interests accrued on
loans with Lone Star Global Holdings Ltd,
o an amount of EUR 100,000.00 (2017: EUR 100,000.00) corresponding to loans with Lone Star
Global Holdings II Ltd,
o an amount of EUR 2,011.89 (2017: EUR 193.00) corresponding to interests accrued on loans
with Lone Star Global Holdings II Ltd,
o an amount of EUR 5,224,685.60 (2017: EUR nil) corresponding to loans with Lone Star Global
Lendings II Ltd,
o an amount of EUR 289,538.67 (2017: EUR nil) corresponding to interests accrued on loans with
Lone Star Global Lendings II Ltd,
o an amount of EUR 56,096,121.97 (2017: EUR 29,553,828.67) corresponding to loans with Lone
Star Global Lendings III Ltd,
o an amount of EUR 191,185.63 (2017: EUR 20,743.97) corresponding to interests accrued on
loans with Lone Star Global Lendings III Ltd,
o an amount of EUR 400,000.00 (2017: EUR nil) corresponding to loans with Lone Star Global
Lendings IV Ltd,
o an amount of EUR 13,841.47 (2017: EUR nil) corresponding to interests accrued on loans with
Lone Star Global Lendings IV Ltd,
o an amount of EUR 12,503,820.33 (2017: EUR nil) corresponding to loans with LSF SC Holdings
o an amount of EUR 12,675.11 (2017: EUR nil) corresponding to interests accrued on loans with
LSF SC Holdings SCA,
o an amount of EUR 10,000,000.00 (2017: EUR nil) corresponding to loans with LSF10
Wolverine Investments Limited,
o an amount of EUR 127,777.78 (2017: EUR nil) corresponding to interests accrued on loans with
LSF10 Wolverine Investments Limited,
o an amount of EUR 5,689,000.00 (2017: EUR nil) corresponding to loans with LSREF4 Eagle
Holdings Limited,
o an amount of EUR 31,170.08 (2017: EUR nil) corresponding to interests accrued on loans with
LSREF4 Eagle Holdings Limited,
o an amount of EUR 10,500,000.00 (2017: EUR nil) corresponding to loans with LSREF5 Solit
Holdings Limited,
o an amount of EUR 35,095.89 (2017: EUR nil) corresponding to interests accrued on loans with
LSREF5 Solit Holdings Limited,
o an amount of EUR 30,188.09 (2017: EUR 30,188.09) corresponding to receivables with Lone
Star Fund VI (U.S.) LP,
o an amount of EUR 33,716.86 (2017: EUR 5,822.54) corresponding to receivables with Lone
Star Real Estate Fund II (U.S.) LP and
o an amount of EUR 108,756.33 (2017: EUR nil) corresponding to receivables with LSREF5
Swan Holdings Limited.

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Lone Star Capital Investments S.à r.l.
Société à responsabilité limitée

Notes to the financial statements

As of 31 December 2018

Note 6 – Subscribed capital

On 13 February 2006, the shareholders resolved to create several classes of shares, each relating to
an investment realized by the Company.

During the year, the shareholders resolved to increase the share capital by EUR 46,980,375.00 by the
issuance of 375,843 new shares with a par value of EUR 125.00 each. All the 375,843 new shares
were fully subscribed and paid up.

In addition, the shareholders resolved to reduce the share capital by EUR 14,580,750.00. When
reducing the share capital, the Company cancelled 116,646 shares by reimbursement to the

As at 31 December 2018, the Company’s subscribed share capital is fixed at EUR 215,698,875.00
(2017: EUR 183,299,250.00) represented by 1,725,591 shares split into several classes (2017:
1,466,394 shares) with a nominal value of EUR 125.00 each.

As at 31 December 2018, the Company shows the following details:

At beginning At end
of year Increase Decrease of year

Class A-2 9,985 80 --- 10,065

Class A-4 2,244 --- --- 2,244
Class A-5 3,925 --- --- 3,925
Class A-8 8,300 --- --- 8,300
Class A-9 37,364 880 --- 38,244
Class A-10 20,627 1,360 --- 21,987
Class A-11 349 --- (189) 160
Class A-12 1,600 --- --- 1,600
Class A-13 97,106 --- (67,341) 29,765
Class A-14 630,305 --- --- 630,305
Class A-15 --- 680 --- 680
Class AA-2 509 --- --- 509
Class AA-3 416 --- --- 416
Class B-4 41,010 1,880 --- 42,890
Class B-7 1,199 --- (155) 1,044
Class B-8 47,954 --- (2,105) 45,849
Class B-9 39,773 --- --- 39,773
Class B-10 23,027 --- --- 23,027
Class B-11 18,078 3,516 (3,102) 18,492
Class B-13 15,259 5,320 (6,949) 13,630
Class B-14 175,605 1,960 --- 177,565
Class B-15 --- 3,529 --- 3,529
Class BB-2 1 --- --- 1
Class BB-3 70 --- --- 70
Class C-4 47 --- --- 47
Class C-5 100 --- --- 100
Class C-6 3,519 --- --- 3,519

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Lone Star Capital Investments S.à r.l.
Société à responsabilité limitée

Notes to the financial statements

As of 31 December 2018

Note 6 – Subscribed capital (continued)

At beginning At end
of year Increase Decrease of year

Class C-7 1,623 --- (575) 1,048

Class C-8 7,749 --- --- 7,749
Class C-9 9,974 800 (6,800) 3,974
Class C-11 1,695 --- (1,627) 68
Class C-13 2,469 14,208 --- 16,677
Class C-14 --- 79,680 --- 79,680
Class D-3 9,736 --- --- 9,736
Class D-4 4,365 --- --- 4,365
Class D-8 39,013 --- --- 39,013
Class D-9 313 904 --- 1,217
Class D-11 1,039 --- (1,010) 29
Class D-13 28,808 --- --- 28,808
Class D-14 --- 97,598 --- 97,598
Class DD-3 221 295 --- 516
Class E-4 150 --- --- 150
Class E-6 8 --- --- 8
Class E-7 23 --- --- 23
Class E-9 79 --- --- 79
Class E-11 23,247 --- --- 23,247
Class E-14 --- 17,054 --- 17,054
Class F-4 1,057 --- --- 1,057
Class F-5 2,878 600 --- 3,478
Class F-6 8 --- --- 8
Class F-9 35,259 7,772 (10,396) 32,635
Class F-11 39,895 658 (9,731) 30,822
Class F-14 --- 17,310 --- 17,310
Class FF-3 39 --- --- 39
Class G-6 8 --- --- 8
Class G-9 7,294 15,839 --- 23,133
Class G-11 1,464 --- (1,426) 38
Class G-13 --- 6,760 --- 6,760
Class G-14 --- 24,382 --- 24,382
Class GG-2 27 --- --- 27
Class H-6 8 --- --- 8
Class H-9 18,509 --- (551) 17,958
Class H-11 8,349 2,704 --- 11,053
Class H-13 --- 26,697 --- 26,697
Class HH-2 643 --- --- 643
Class I-3 720 --- --- 720
Class I-9 12,727 208 --- 12,935
Class I-11 2,085 29,067 --- 31,152
Class I-13 --- 6,400 --- 6,400

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Lone Star Capital Investments S.à r.l.
Société à responsabilité limitée

Notes to the financial statements

As of 31 December 2018

Note 6 – Subscribed capital (continued)

At beginning At end
of year Increase Decrease of year

Class J-6 3,824 --- --- 3,824

Class J-9 4,064 2,514 (3,499) 3,079
Class J-11 --- 4,148 (1,190) 2,958
Class K-2 2,195 --- --- 2,195
Class K-3 481 --- --- 481
Class K-9 100 240 --- 340
Class KK-3 1 --- --- 1
Class L-2 3,034 --- --- 3,034
Class L-9 10,123 800 --- 10,923
Class N-3 216 --- --- 216
Class U-3 2,062 --- --- 2,062
Class Y-3 440 --- --- 440

1,466,394 375,843 (116,646) 1,725,591

Subscribed Share to equity Result for the
Reserves brought Total
Capital premium without issue financial year
of shares


As at 31 December
2017 183,299,250.00 7,958.16 246,000.00 2,395,065.12 10,862,023.22 51,355,233.80 248,165,530.30

Allocation of previous
- - - 2,567,761.69 48,787,472.11 (51,355,233.80) -
year's profit

Subscription for the year 46,980,375.00 1,189.08 - - - - 46,981,564.08

Cancellation by
- - - - - - -
absorption of losses
Cancellation and
(14,580,750.00) (560.37) - - - - (14,581,310.37)
Result for the financial
- - - - - 70,590,914.91 70,590,914.91

As at 31 December
215,698,875.00 8,586.87 246,000.00 4,962,826.81 59,649,495.33 70,590,914.91 351,156,698.92

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Lone Star Capital Investments S.à r.l.
Société à responsabilité limitée

Notes to the financial statements

As of 31 December 2018

Note 7 – Reserves

In accordance with Luxembourg Company Law, the Company is required to transfer a minimum of
5% of its net profit for each financial year to a legal reserve. This requirement ceases to be necessary
once the balance of the legal reserve reaches 10% of the subscribed share capital. The legal reserve
is not available for distribution to the shareholders.

Note 8 – Creditors

Amounts due and payable for the accounts shown under “Creditors” are as follows:

Within one After one year and After more than Total
year within five years five years


Trade creditors 1,658,641.09 - - 1,658,641.09

Amounts owed to affiliated undertakings 43,200,788.25 58,727,129.56 4,108,777,185.61 4,210,705,103.42
Other creditors 2,255,545.99 - - 2,255,545.99

Total 47,114,975.33 58,727,129.56 4,108,777,185.61 4,214,619,290.50

Amounts owed to affiliated undertakings

a) becoming due and payable within one year

Amounts owed to affiliated undertakings becoming due and payable within one year are mainly
composed of:
o an amount of EUR 43,164,636.49 (2017: EUR 1,098,276.96) corresponding to loans with
affiliated undertakings and
o an amount of EUR 5,088.83 (2017: EUR nil) corresponding to interests accrued on loans with
affiliated undertakings.

b) becoming due and payable after one year and within five years

Amounts owed to affiliated undertakings becoming due and payable after one year and within five
year include:
o an amount of EUR 58,500,161.34 (2017: EUR 15,413,945.04) corresponding to loans with
affiliated undertakings and
o an amount of EUR 226,968.22 (2017: EUR 14,016.83) corresponding to interests accrued on
loans with affiliated undertakings.

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Lone Star Capital Investments S.à r.l.
Société à responsabilité limitée

Notes to the financial statements

As of 31 December 2018

Note 8 – Creditors (continued)

c) becoming due and payable after more than five years

The Company has authorized the issuance of Preferred Equity Certificates (each a PEC and together
the PECs).

Subject to specific conditions in PEC agreements, each PEC carries the right to receive a return
(yield) payable by the Company.

Counterpart Serie PECs as at begin PECs issuance PECs redemption PECs as at Yield accrued on
of the year during the year during the year 31.12.2018 PECs as at


Lone Star Global Holdings Ltd PEC 85,338,215.96 7,252,250.00 (34,715,250.00) 57,875,215.96 5,475,423.72
Lone Star Global Holdings II Ltd PEC 2,897,875.00 - (2,480,250.00) 417,625.00 -
Lone Star Global Holdings IV Ltd PEC 110,160,375.00 - - 110,160,375.00 15,055,379.17
Lone Star Global Holdings X Ltd PEC 63,393,000.00 465,010,250.00 (95,141,000.00) 433,262,250.00 5,938,523.05
Lone Star Global Lendings II Ltd PEC 125.00 - - 125.00 1,768,905.17
Lone Star Global Lendings III Ltd PEC 687,509,500.00 37,209,750.00 (125,199,125.00) 599,520,125.00 31,710,300.14
Lone Star Global Lendings IV Ltd PEC 139,273,500.00 2,450,000.00 (44,097,500.00) 97,626,000.00 3,564,742.56
LSF Pacific Holdings Ltd PEC - 462,828,125.00 - 462,828,125.00 2,252,178.56
LSF10 Flavum Investments Ltd PEC 188,582,000.00 1,540,625.00 (1,919,000.00) 188,203,625.00 5,767,537.28
LSF10 India Investments I Ltd PEC - 12,078,625.00 - 12,078,625.00 -
LSF10 Rose Holdings Ltd PEC - 68,905,000.00 - 68,905,000.00 -
LSF10 Wolverine Investments Ltd PEC - 480,200,000.00 - 480,200,000.00 13,122,235.17
LSF10 XL Investments Ltd PEC 679,014,375.00 99,750.00 (198,627,250.00) 480,486,875.00 1,161,894.00
LSREF3 APEE Holdings Ltd PEC 26,234,625.00 - - 26,234,625.00 1,442,907.04
LSREF3 Lagoon Holdings S.à r.l. PEC 9,837,625.00 - - 9,837,625.00 41,364,050.05
LSREF4 Aria Holdings Ltd PEC 211,279,125.00 15,099,750.00 (6,893,000.00) 219,485,875.00 14,650,666.02
LSREF4 Clear Holdings 2 Ltd PEC 151,271,125.00 21,063,625.00 (24,303,750.00) 148,031,000.00 21,809,100.26
LSREF4 Eagle Holdings Ltd PEC 162,630,125.00 - (8,835,875.00) 153,794,250.00 10,926,930.29
LSREF5 Solit Holdings Ltd PEC 73,874,000.00 - (20,546,625.00) 53,327,375.00 564,569.39
LSREF5 Swan Holdings Ltd PEC 404,981,625.00 - (196,740,750.00) 208,240,875.00 -

Total 2,996,277,215.96 1,573,737,750.00 (759,499,375.00) 3,810,515,590.96 176,575,341.87

The above PECs have a maturity date falling between 2030 and 2050.

Amounts owed to affiliated undertakings becoming due and payable after more than five years also
o an amount of EUR 119,521,426.06 (2017: EUR nil) corresponding to loans with affiliated
o an amount of EUR 39,903.97 (2017: EUR nil) corresponding to interests accrued on loans with
affiliated undertakings and
o an amount of EUR 2,124,922.75 (2017: EUR 2,612,699.08) corresponding to cost sharing
advances with its indirect shareholders.

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Lone Star Capital Investments S.à r.l.
Société à responsabilité limitée

Notes to the financial statements

As of 31 December 2018

Note 8 – Creditors (continued)

Other creditors

a) becoming due and payable within one year

Other creditors becoming due and payable within one year include:
o an amount of EUR 553,505.00 (2017: EUR 137,555.00) corresponding to net worth tax payable
to tax authorities,
o an amount of EUR 872,145.66 (2017: EUR 493,062.48) corresponding to value added tax
payable to tax authorities,
o an amount of EUR 19,666.96 (2017: EUR 53,436.51) corresponding to social security costs
payable to social security authorities,
o an amount of EUR 204,756.00 (2017: EUR 186,193.00) corresponding to remunerations owed
to staff and
o an amount of EUR 605,472.37 (2017: EUR 458,891.92) corresponding to other creditors.

Note 9 – Fair value of controlled investments

As described in Note 1, the Company applies the provisions of Article 317 (3) c) subject to the
Notice CNC 2-1 and therefore discloses hereafter the fair value of its investments. These are made
of shares in affiliated undertakings and related loans to these affiliated undertakings.

The fair value of the financial fixed assets owned by the Company is estimated at EUR
4,549,957,210.23 (2017: EUR 4,258,788,069.84). This is an excess in value for EUR 187,287,540.34
compared to the net book value of the financial fixed assets for EUR 4,362,669,669.89. As of
December 2017, the excess in value amounted to EUR 776,737,229.53 compared to the net book
value of financial fixed assets for EUR 3,482,050,840.31.

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Lone Star Capital Investments S.à r.l.
Société à responsabilité limitée
Atrium Business Park-Vitrum
33, rue du Puits Romain, L-8070 Bertrange
Grand-Duché de Luxembourg
B 91796

Le conseil de gérance de la société (la « Société »), conformément au procès-verbal des
résolutions prises en date du 10 janvier 2020, a suggéré aux associés de la Société :
- d’approuver les comptes annuels de l’exercice social arrêté au 31 décembre 2018; et
- d’allouer le profit résultant de l’exercice social arrêté au 31 décembre 2018, comme
suit :
o Profits reportés : EUR 59.649.495,33
o Profit de l’exercice 2018: EUR 70.590.914,91
o Allocation à la réserve légale : (EUR 3.529.545,75)
o Bénéfice total à reporter à l’exercice suivant: EUR 126.710.864,49

Il résulte du procès-verbal des résolutions des associés de la Société prises en date du 24 janvier
2020 que :
- le bilan et les comptes de pertes et profits arrêtés au 31 décembre 2018 ont été
approuvés ; et
- le profit résultant de l’exercice social arrêté au 31 décembre 2018 a été alloué comme
suit :
o Profits reportés : EUR 59.649.495,33
o Profit de l’exercice 2018: EUR 70.590.914,91
o Allocation à la réserve légale : (EUR 3.529.545,75)
o Bénéfice total à reporter à l’exercice suivant: EUR 126.710.864,49

Pour extrait conforme

Pour la société
Un mandataire
Conseil de gérance:

x M. Philippe Jusseau, résidant professionnellement à l’Atrium Business Park-Vitrum,

33, rue du Puits Romain, L-8070 Bertrange, Grand-Duché de Luxembourg, Gérant ;
x M. Patrick Steinhauser, résidant professionnellement à l’Atrium Business Park-
Vitrum, 33, rue du Puits Romain, L-8070 Bertrange, Grand-Duché de Luxembourg,
Gérant ;
x M. Benoit de Biolley, résidant professionnellement à l’Atrium Business Park-Vitrum,
33, rue du Puits Romain, L-8070 Bertrange, Grand-Duché de Luxembourg, Gérant ;
x M. William D. Young résidant professionnellement au 2711 N. Haskell Avenue, Suite
1800, 75204 Dallas, Texas, Etats Unis d’Amérique, Gérant.

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