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When the wheat and the tare grow together, there comes a time
when we can not tell the difference between the two. Such is the
case today. It is difficult to know who is saved from who is not.
We are fully yoked to unbelievers in every sphere and aspect of
life, particularly in a church assembly on a Sunday morning.



It would seem that today’s church members would be

prospering in spirit, soul and body in ways that far
surpass that of heathens who are without God in the
world. Yet, the findings of various research studies of
all kinds that I have read have shown no significant

differences. In fact, many churchgoers are in even
TO VIEW THE VIDEO CLIP OF worst condition than those who attend no church.
CLICK THE BOOKCOVER Nevertheless, the expression "I'm blessed" has
become a mantra to lots of churchgoers. Too many
are in denial. Others are liars. They lie because they
BUY NOW! simply can’t face the stark, naked truth. They sow
their offering seeds of tithes and donations at the feet
of prospering preachers. Yet when they await their
100 fold blessing, it still hasn't arrived. Looking to
heaven for a blessing, too many churchgoers are
receiving a curse, a plague in fact. I received a
revelation on the reason why God has allowed Satan
to release poverty upon His people. Its sent as a
THE FOLLOWING VIDEO CLIP wake up call. Hey folk. That preacher has stolen your
HISTORICALLY TRACES money. Come out of her, my people.
THE CATHOLIC CHURCH Yet the delusion is so deep, that ears are dull
OVER A PERIOD OF 2000 of hearing and God’s people are being destroyed.
YEARS. The prophet Hosea knew the reason. God’s people are
being destroyed for a lack of knowledge. A lack of
CLICK THE IMAGE BELOW knowledge of what? Well, they simply don’t know
TO VIEW IT. where Satan’s seat is. His seat is in the organized

Jesus certainly desires that His people prosper for it

is one of the important reasons for His first coming.
He said so Himself. Satan comes to kill, to steal, and
to destroy. But the Lord declared that He has come so
that His people may have and enjoy life in an
abundance. The Lord predicted that the wheat and the
tare would grow together in each generation. Yet in
the last generation, we cannot uproot the tare from
the wheat primarily because we simply can’t tell the
difference between the two. The time has come in
HERE IS A SHORT VIDEO human world history, where the wheat and the tare
CLIP THAT CONFIRMS CISCO think alike and live alike.
ABOUT FREEMASONRY IN Even so, the Lord knows who are His. Since He wants
THE ORGANIZED CHURCH. His people to prosper, He cried to the Apostle John
YOU NEED TO WATCH IT. from the Book of Revelation, “Come Out of Her, My
CLICK THE IMAGE BELOW: People, less you partake of her sins. Lest you receive
of Her plagues.

A plague is a curse. A curse is the opposite of a

blessing. God’s people are being cursed because
“they simply don’t know where Satan’s seat is.”
Without a knowledge of church history, Satan’s seat
is hidden and the true gospel of Jesus Christ is
veiled. For if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them who
are lost, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Jesus
Christ should shine on them.

The clue is how we interpret the Lord’s last word to
the churches as recorded in the first 3 chapters of the
book of Revelation. As the church train rolled down
her track of recorded time, the Lord looked through
and beyond her historic tunnel into decades of
centuries. As the omniscient God, Jesus saw how the
true church would evolve into the false church. In
fact, Jesus knew where Satan’s seed was while He
ministered on the shores of Galilee. It was among the
religious hypocrits whom the Lord called vipers
declaring, "you are of your father, the devil."

Therefore, Jesus veiled his foreknowledge by hiding

the truth in the kingdom of heaven parables of
Matthew 13. The entire history of the church age is
symbolically hidden in that ONE chapter. First, there
is the mustard seed that grew into a huge tree,
followed by the birds that came to live in her many
branches. The religious hypocrits of that time did not
understand the parables but Jesus took private time
to explain their meaning to His disciples.

The mustard seeds are the handful of His followers

that would miraculously spread the gospel
throughout the entire known world in the first century.
The huge tree began to form itself a few hundred
years after His ascension, until toward the end of the
last age, the trunk of that huge tree became
Catholicism and all of the many “branches” OR
denominations are the Protestant churches.

And lets not forget “the birds.” Jesus explained that

the flying creators are symbolic of demons, --- fallen
evil spirits that work for the prince of the power of the
AIR! Yes! The Lord knew exactly how Satan would
establish His seat in each of His 7 church ages. And
through the Apostle John, Jesus both informs and
forewarns each organized religious system that we
call “the church.”

The wheat and the tare, the children of god and the
seed of Satan, grow together in the world. God’s
people should be separate from the world and in the
true church, we are. However, there is a true church
and there is a false church. The true church consists
of only born again people. The false church is a
mixture of the true with the false. As to the mixture, In
His parable, the Lord posed a rhetorical question for
which He already knew the answer. In the parable of
the Sower, the Lord asked “who has done this
thing???.” And the reply? “While we were sleeping,
the enemy---Satan---came into the organized church
and planted weeds of deception. The church has been

sleeping for many more centuries than she has been

In the last church age, the wheat and the tare cannot
be distinguished one from the other. This is a
fulfillment of prophecy. For to the symbolic last age
church that the Lord named “Laodicea,” He predicted
our future. To the 7th church, the Lord predicted
that Laodiceans would boast that they are rich and
in need of nothing. In fact, the expression "I'm
blessed" fulfills Lodicean boasting. But the last
church age lies naked before Him, most certainly
ASLEEP! Satan’s deception in the last age is utterly
pervasive. Her spiritual discernment has been
blocked for more than a century because as Paul also
warned, she has departed from the faith and she has
given heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils.

Since the organized church has fallen hook line and

sinker for Satanic deception over a period of about 19
centuries, she cannot be translated out of her
darkness into the light of God until she repents. The
problem is that because the church is entrenched,
trapped if you will, both financially and politically,
repentance is not possible for the system itself, and
so the Lord is opening up the blind eyes of His
people, one by one. This is the purpose of my
newsletters: to open up blind eyes, to sound the
alarm so as to wake folk up, ONE BY ONE!

The first age that the Lord named "the church at

Ephesus" is the little mustard seed of His mATTHEW
13 parable. In the first century AD, merely 200 of His
apostles and disciples miraculously spread the
gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the entire known
world. Yet Satan’s influence began to be felt EVEN
THEN, because they got caught up in the work. Their
first love was lost because they allowed the ministry
of religion to replace the Lord.

Closely overlapping and then following is the second

age of Smyrna. The church at Smyrna stood strong
in spite of widescale torture and persecution at the
hands of the Roman Empire. To Smyrna, the Lord saw
her affliction and distress but told her, “you are rich.”
He warned Smyrna that some of them would be
martyred. So Jesus encouraged the second church
age to be loyal and faithful unto death, for He would
give His people the crown of life.

With the faithful martyrdom of the church at Smyrna,

Satan discovered that God’s people are strengthened
by persecution, so he devised a more clever tactic.

Persecution was replaced by compromise. With the
new strategy of peace, the enemy led the Roman
Emperor Constantine to end Christian persecution in
313 AD. While the emperor established himself as the
sole authority over the church, Christians became
passive and compliant to Roman domination.
Constantine became a Christian but he also continued
in idolatry.

The price for political protection was a high one

indeed. The simplicity of the faith was completely
corrupted with the influence of Greek and Roman
mythology. The clergy that Constantine appointed
became infected with ambition in the third church
age called Pergamos. The third church age marks the
inception of a long-term trend of carried over into
future church ages, namely, embracing false doctrine.
To Pergamos, the Lord warned her about her idolatry
and for the first time declared"
“I know where Satan’s seat is.”

Within the 4th church age of Thyatira, the Roman

Catholic church was established. Jesus speaks out to
her about “that woman Jezebel.” Jezebel is not a
woman. Her name is symbolic of a fallen angel who
impersonates the Lord’s Mother---one who calls
himself “Mother Mary.” Through the practice of the
Mass, Catholicism has seduced the people into
idolatry. As the false prophetess Jezebel tempted the
children of Isreal, Mother Mary has caused Catholics
to commit fornication. The fallen angel known in the
New Age Movement as “Mother Mary,” is an
effeminate devil who pretends to be the mother of the
Messiah. He is a masculine demon in drag---a gay
demon, if you will.

In keeping with the sexual distortions surrounding

Mother Mary, it becomes understandable as to the
reason so many Catholic priests are perverse. Jesus
warned Thyatira that she committed fornication,--- an
accusation that is both sexual and spiritual. To
fornicate spiritually is idolatrous worship. To
fornicate literally is sexual perversion as
demonstrated by Catholic priests and nuns.

The church age of Thyatira is the longest of the 7. It

was a dark hour for the church. In the 12th century, a
monstrous tribunal was established called “the Holy
Office of the Inquisition." Its mission was to persecute
and exterminate anyone whom the church at Rome
deemed as a heretic. The tribunal's mission was
carried out by torture and violence. For 600 years,
Thyatira’s history is filled with dark passages, locked

doors, dungeons and extreme, merciless torture. It
was a dark hour for the church, where Christians
murdered other Christians in the name of Jesus
Christ. Satan not only had a seat. He dominated the
4th age called Thyatira.

However, by the 5th age called Sardis, Catholic

Domination was weakened ---almost devastated--by
two primary circumstances: Napoleon and the
Protestant Reformation. To Sardis, also an age of
Catholicism, the Lord compared its weakened state to
deadness. He declared to Sardis, “strengthen what
you have left that is about to die."The Lord predicted
that Roman Catholicism would eventually lose both
its political authority and AND its religious status.

Throughout the age of Thyatira, the papacy ruled the

known world for several centuries. However, in 1798,
Napoleon jailed Pope Pius VI and declared that no
successor would be elected. Although Napoleons
edict was overturned, from that date, the papacy
became a political figurehead, a situation that has
continued for more than 200 years to the present day.
However, even before the loss of political domination,
Roman Catholicism was struck at the core by the
sixth church age of that the Lord called Philadelphia.

To the the church at Philadelphia, the Lord had no

rebuke. To her he stated, “I have set before you a
wide open door. You have but a little power but you
have kept My word." In 1517, Catholic priest Martin
Luther, and several other devoted Catholics out of the
church at Thyatira, stood bravely against the huge
established order of the papacy. Not intending to
leave Roman Catholicism, they merely kept the Lord’s
word. Standing for the simplicity of the salvation
message, the 6th age of the church desired to return
to the pure truths ---salvation by faith through grace
and not of ourselves, but a gift from God.

In the Philadelphian church, people like John Wycliffe,

John Huss, William Tyndale, John Calvin, John
Wesley and countless other spirit filled reformers left
the Roman Catholic system as they established the
Protestant movement. Millions of Catholic laity left as
well. However, Satan found ways to enter in and
corrupt Philadelphia, at first by causing pettty
doctrinal differences that turned into quarrels and the
establishment of a new denomination with each

It is amazing how both the Lord and the devil often

select ONE person whose impact is felt not only by

their contemporaries in every nation, but whose
influence stretches across future generations. When
you consider God's list, it is a long one, with people
like Enoch, Noah, Abraham, David and many, many
more. Satan also has his list starting with Cain and
followed by Nimrod. Yet for the church at
Philadelphia, Satan chose Charles Finney.

Finney's impact is felt when I am contacted by active,

faithful churchgoers from every corner in the world
who are being tormented by demons because they
thought that they were saved when they repeated a
sinner's prayer, either at a church altar or led by
someone who urged them to "choose Christ." Be
warned that annyone you hear boast "I accepted
Jesus," has been affected by Finney's errors. Finney
was a fiery preacher but he was also a freemason.
Even though he eventually disavowed freemasonry, it
was too late. Satan had already laid claim to Finney,
the one who gave him a permanent seat.

By the year 1905, the age of Philadelphia was over

and the Laodicean church began with the false
pentecostal fires of the Azusa Street Revival. This,
the 7th church age, requires a newsletter unto
herself. As such, the next mentoring letter will be
devoted to Laodicea. Then too, there is "the remnant"
church---the Lord's elect at the very end before His
return to the planet.

Note: historical references are from lots of sources.

You can check out dates for yourself at


An excerpt from the soon to be released book,




While nominal Christians expect that the Lord

is going to “rapture” them during the
tribulation even though they are lukewarm
and spiritually blind, the New Agers are
awaiting “a rapture” as well. However,
occultists believe that those who will be
“taken off of the planet” are not God’s best

among mankind but His worst. In fact, a
warrior fallen angel who is known as Ashtar
boasts that he and his command are
prepared to evacuate and relocate the “less
developed” among us.

Freemasonry is certainly at the root of every

facet of the new idolatry. History reveals that
practically all of the founding fathers of
America were freemasons. The dollar bill
boasts the symbols of this Satanic secret
society. Yet another of the many proofs of
freemasonry’s deep influence upon the
American culture and mentality is the Statue
of Liberty. This colossal statue was fashioned
after the goddess Ishtar. Ishtar was the
ancient Sumero-Babylonian goddess of love
and fertility. The statue was conceived by
Freemasons, financed by Freemasons, built
by Freemasons and installed by Freemasons
in a masonic ceremony. Its maker was a
freemason, Frederic-Auguste Bartholdi.

Several Masonic defectors have exposed the

deeper things of freemasonry in various
books and articles. From a personal
perspective, the denomination I served was
overrun with freemasons of the Prince Hall
Lodge in high leadership positions in both the
pulpits and the pews. In fact, if you trace the
history of most denominations you will find
freemasons among its founders. In “Come
Out of Her, God’s People,” and “Faces of the
Religious Demon,” I expose the ramifications
of the infiltration of freemasonry in the
African American church and the backlash of
destructive plagues that have overtaken the
family members of ministers and laity who
are freemasons.

Cisco Wheeler, a former freemason within

the Illuminati has exposed the secret agenda
for church membership. In a transcribed
radio interview. Cisco chillingly uncovered
how by becoming part of the church as an
ordained minister, a leader of youth groups,
and a friend and associate to church elders
and the board of directors of Pentecostal
churches, her father spread freemasonry into
the churches:

“In the late forties, the Illuminati wanted to
infiltrate the churches because they
understood the power of God within the
structure of the church, and they had to find
a way to infiltrate the church to break down
that spiritual strength within the church, the
power of the Holy Spirit that works within
the church. They (the Illuminati) had to find
a way to infiltrate that, and they wanted to
bring the world into the churches so that the
churches wouldn’t be so strong spiritually.
That was part of my father’s job. In order to
do that, my father married my mother who
was not Illuminati, but she had a very strong
religious background. My mother was that
perfect example for the world, that perfect
wife for the church to set examples for other
young women in the church. When my father
married her, that was his way to infiltrate the
church through my mother.”

With Cisco Wheeler’s father as only one

freemason among perhaps thousands or even
millions brainwashed with the same mindset
of church infiltration through marriage to a
Christian woman, it is interesting that
idolatry obtained a foothold in the church in
by the late 40’s. Similarly, it was in the late
40’s that alien encounters became a matter
of public and governmental attention, dealt
with in more substance in Chapter

Another facet of the new idolatry is that its

captives are not able to read the signs of the
times. For example, I perceive that we are no
longer living in the season of conversion. In
spite what you watch on Christian television,
this is not an age where the masses are
turning to Christ with their whole hearts.
Face it. We are not converting the world
regardless of how big of a crowd a mega
preacher can draw either in the US or abroad.
As quiet as its kept, no where that I can find
in the bible does it read that God’s people are
expected to convert the world or “win an
unsaved soul to Jesus.” No. All we were
commissioned to do is “tell the story” or
“preach.” Conversion is God’s thing, not ours.
Those who believe what we preach are

saved. Those who do not are damned. Simple
yet made so complicated by Christiandom.

When the story has been told, the Lord said:

“and then, the end.” (Matt 24:14) I believe
that we are close to “the end” which follows
that “the story has been told.” We’ve done
our job for the last 20 centuries or so. What
we seem to forget is that Jesus warned about
what we are supposed to do in the last verse
of the parable concerning the wise and
foolish virgins. The door was shut on the
foolish virgins because “they were not
prepared.” The Lord warns: “Watch,
therefore, for you know neither the day nor
the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.”
(Matt 25:13)

Notice, the Lord did not say “you know

neither the year or the month,” but only the
day or the hour. Consequently, this book is
most definitely about watching. To the 7
churches, Jesus said “watch.” In the cited
parable, Jesus said “watch.” The New
Idolatry is also about preparing yourself for
His coming by helping you to “clean up your
spiritual house.”


Beside watching, I believe that close to the

end of the church age, there is yet another
season: a time of preparation. Watching is
the first step to that preparation. We must be
very watchful because Satan has planned a
deception of cosmic proportions. “It won’t be
just a false doctrine, a defective world-view,
or one of the tragic “isms” so prevalent
today. It will include a comprehensive global
leadership backed by supernatural powers
and capabilities that will overwhelm the
imagination of the world at large. And it will
be authenticated by miracles---great signs
and lying wonders.”

When TD Jakes first became well known

through television, he had a slogan that is
timely for today, namely, “Get ready, get
ready, get ready, get ready!” He repeated it
very quickly. So do I with this book. With this

book, I am saying to the remnant of God’s
people, “get ready, get ready, get ready, get

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