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Lesson #4:  Album Art

Who Are My Learners?

At risk youth from urban centres.
Youth diagnosed with mental illness and or substance abuse.
Some students with IEP’s.
Students with gaps in reading and comprehension skills.

Minds On:
Provide CD Covers of pop artists for students to look at and read, compare and contrast.

Students compare and contrast album covers in terms of theme and design and record
responses and reflections in journal.
Students will design and create a CD cover for an album using iPhoto, Pages and
Appleworks.  The title track will be their composition or the song that they chose to
The front cover will include:
The name of the album which will be the title track
Images, pictures and graphics that reflect the theme of the song
The back cover will include:
The name of the title track
Names of other tracks that could be composed for or performed on
your album (optional)
Program notes or a message about the theme of your album - why you
made this album.  (Teacher will assist students who need help with
spelling or creative writing).

Check for communication and application of knowledge and understanding of our study
of Man and Society through:
Student responses and reflections in journal
Name of title track/name of album
Images, pictures and graphics on the album cover
Program notes or message on the back of the album cover

Critical Learning:
Understand how to communicate the influences of society through an album.

Guiding Questions:
Will your album cover be influenced by a particular artist?
Is there any background information that you can share in the
program notes or artist message?
Are the images, pictures and graphics on your cover powerful enough
to communicate a message on their own?
What impact would your album have on your culture and community?
Have you been successful at communicating to your audience?

Curriculum Expectations:  What Do I Want Students to Learn?

B.2 Music and Society

B2.1 Identify and describe ways in which
traditional music reflects the society in which
it was created and how it has affected
communities or cultures.
B2.2 Identify and describe ways in which
commercial music reflects the society in
which it was created and how it has affected
communities or cultures.
B2.3 Identify and describe ways in which art music
reflects the society in which it was created
and how it has affected communities or

Learning Goals: (Unpacked Expectations)

By the end of this unit, students will: Students will be able to demonstrate an
understanding of how to communicate a
relevant message through music.

Instructional Components and Context:

Students are able to operate iPhoto, Pages and Appleworks.

Program Notes

Sample album covers
Personal Response Journal
IMac, iPhoto, Pages and Appleworks
Plastic CD cases to apply project work to

Assessment and Evaluation:

Assessment for communication and application.
Assessment and evaluation of student learning will include:
Student self-assessments
Peer assessments
Teacher Assessments

Example Rubrics for Creative Project:  Original RAP Composition

Communication Communication Communication Communication

1 (50%-59%) 2 (60%-69%) 3 (70%-79%) 4 (80%-100%)
Lyrics Lyrics are not Lyrics are Lyrics are Lyrics are
relevant and aresomewhat relevant and extremely
not reflective of
relevant and reflect present relevant and
present culture reflective of culture and highly reflective
and community. some aspects of community. of present
present culture culture and
and community. community.
Message Message is not Some parts of Message is Message is
effectively the message are communicated in communicated in
communicated to communicated to a relatively a strong and
the audience. the audience effective manner. compelling
with limited manner.

Application (of Application (of Application (of Application (of

creative process) creative process) creative process) creative process)
1 (50%-59%) 2 (60%-69%) 3 (70%-79%) 4 (80%-100%)
Poetic Skills Lyrics make some Lyrics make some Lyrics include Lyrics include
use of rhyming use of rhyming skillful use of skillful and
words and little words and some rhyming and abundant use of
or no use of use of other poetic devices. rhyming and all
other poetic poetic devices. poetic devices.
Form Structure is Contains verses Contains at least Contains 2 or
lacking verses of inconsistent one verse of more verses that
and hook, length and may appropriate are consistent in
composition or may not length and a length, contains a
is simply a piece contain a hook. repeating hook. catchy and well-
of unstructured constructed
writing. hook.
Rhythm and Lyrics are not Lyrics are spoken Most of the time Lyrics are spoken
Beat delivered in time off and on the the lyrics are in time with the
with the beat, beat and lack spoken in time beat, beat
beat does not consistency, beat with the beat, enhances the
work with the may not be beat is message and
lyrics. appropriate to appropriate to adds to the
the message. the message. impact of the

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