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Non-verbal communication is significant as far intercultural communication is concerned. This

form of communication provide and undercurrent of relational meaning and identity ties. Non-

verbal cues enable understanding and interpretation of how verbal messages should be

comprehended. Consequently, they can create confusion or clarity. In most cases, however, they

can lead to intercultural misunderstandings or friction because of three major reasons. First and

foremost, a sole nonverbal cue can have varied interpretations and meanings in different cultures.

Besides, several nonverbal cues are sent concurrently and lastly, a high display degree ought to

be considered such as gender variations, differences in personality, social economic disparities,

relational distance and the situation. Nonverbal messages from the basis of conveying attitudes,

emotions, and relationships with other people. People depend on non-verbal cues to “say” things

that cannot be vocalized easily. For instance, an eye contact can indicate “I am too busy, “I am

embarrassed”, or “I don’t want to talk to you” depending on the context (Universal Class, n.d.).
Universal Class. (n.d.). Roles of Nonverbal Communication with Culture . Retrieved from
Universal Class Website:

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