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Papers Keywords:: human capital turnover job satisfaction organizational commitment

Abstract: In modern society, free flow of labor has become a universal phenomenon, competition
among enterprises, cost-competitive products from the original stock of human capital into
competition, how to keep their own stock of human capital will be affected the competitiveness of
enterprises is one important factor. vocational theory Pleasure Through the main factors lead to
termination of employment of employees from the end line, and when the empirical research.
I. Introduction
Since the reform and opening up, as the business delegation of personnel authority, all regions, the
introduction of inter-enterprise personnel policy changed dramatically in China has stimulated a
movement of the climax. According to statistics, 80 years of the 20th century the average annual
turnover rate of employees of state enterprises 2.8% of the 90s has risen to 3.3%. For the high-tech
enterprises, this ratio is more obvious. Data show that high-tech enterprises in Guangzhou City, staff
turnover was 39.8%, 30.8% of which is the inflow rate, outflow 9%; Beijing Zhongguancun IT
company staff turnover is as high as 20%.
Enterprises to recruit employees from being a professional and technical personnel, businesses
need to spend a great price, the staff acts not only means that the sudden departure of these
businesses will not be able to return on investment, and employee turnover of market competition
will become a strong competitor, a direct threat to survival and Development of enterprises. Analysis
of the reasons for acts of corporate employees leaving to ensure that the stock of human capital,
managers of enterprises has become one of the issues of importance.
Second, theoretical overview of employee termination
That separation theory, first exit from the behavior of employees talking about. Employee exit
behavior organizational behavior has been one of the hot issues. Thus, the concept of first and exit
behavior in the field of organizational behavior put forward, and to that employees of a substance or
mental trying to work out of their Environmental behavior. integrated behavior of many of the exit,
can exit the conduct attributed to two broad and narrow understanding. generalized withdrawal
behavior refers to the "individual as the organization members of the state changes, "including lower
job performance, often late, absenteeism and turnover. But in the Research process, different
researchers have defined him different, narrow range of behavior of the exit, referring only to
employees the turnover behavior, forming a narrow exit behavior, namely, "to obtain material gain
from the organization of individual members to terminate their relationship process." Therefore, it is
generally agreed that absenteeism and turnover is the exit of two main forms of behavior.
Ferguson (1985) will be divided into two types of employee turnover behavior: an employee
voluntarily left (Voluntary Turnover), is leaving the decision made primarily by employees, including
all employees in the form of voluntary resignation; employees of passive resignation ((Involuntary
Turnover) , is leaving the decision made primarily by the organization, including the employees are
organized dismissal, redundancy, retirement or death. This is a study of staff leaving the most
commonly used classification methods. different types of separation behavior of the impact of the
organization are different. compared with passive resignation, the initiative to leave in most
organizations do not want to happen. is generally believed that the active tissues in high turnover
behavior is detrimental to the organization, will give the organization is to bring human resources
planning difficulties.
Turnover behavior as a broad conceptual studies, March and Simon (1958) in their coauthored
<"Enterprise on the>> first proposed in the psychological process of withdrawal actions. That" the
participants decided to "model is actually composed of two model constitute. a model is perceived to
exit from the rationality of the enterprise, and the other model is the perceived ease of exit from the
business of. In their proposed model, the psychological character of the many mechanisms for
employees is connected to employees leaving the behavior and the economic, business and the link
between Population and other variables.
Exit behavior in the narrow sense that the study leave, there are many accomplished experts and
theories. Price (1977) made the decision on termination of employment factors and disturbance
variables of the model. He has decided to employee turnover defines the main factors : wage level,
organizational integration of the superior support, regular communication, and the degree of
centralization of enterprises (power concentration).

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The theory of separation from the above review can be seen, there will be the departure
of many acts of intention to quit and not leave as the dependent variable, mainly by the
longitudinal data collection constraints. Article a theoretical model to be applied in the
main tend Price transfer analysis model. In Price left the model, the impact of factors he
left classified employees of the "job satisfaction" and "the number of external choices."
Among this article, in addition to these two factors as the staff, determinants of turnover
behavior, but also consolidated the results of other scholars, and further the
"organizational commitment" is also produced as a result staff turnover determinants of
behavior or intent to form a Price leaving the improved model (see Figure 1).
Where job satisfaction is higher productivity of workers happy. So to enable workers to
play a greater productivity, we must work to achieve greater satisfaction. Specifically,
the factors that influence job satisfaction can be attributed to the following five parts .
Part I: the satisfaction of the work itself. These include: suitability for work; matching
rights and responsibilities; work challenging; work competence level. The second part of
the satisfaction of return to work. which prize package acceptance of work; career
success sense; pay fairness; promotion opportunities. The third part: the satisfaction of
the background work. These include: the quality of the work space; working hours
system; work with complete degree; benefits satisfaction. The fourth part of the
satisfaction of working groups . These include: cooperative harmony; Information
openness. Part V: the satisfaction of the enterprise. These include: the degree of
understanding enterprise; organization participation.
For organizational commitment, organizational commitment, as some scholars to the
staff input as the increase in the organization had to remain in the organization of a
psychological phenomenon. It contains two aspects: First, the losses caused by leaving
the second is the lack of alternative job opportunities.
In addition to job satisfaction and organizational commitment, the amount of job
opportunities outside the organization is also one of the causes of employee turnover.
Because the people who would not meet for the work, but in a period of high
unemployment, few job opportunities outside, so keep into account the existing work for
the largest, staff turnover is relatively easy; the other hand, in periods of low
unemployment, job opportunities outside the staff if the work is not satisfied, it is easy to
lead to turnover behavior.
External opportunities that appeal to employees of the outside world. Employees leave
decision making is a rational and opportunities facing the temptation of the outside
world, the staff will be based on the actual situation of their own choice. Such
opportunities include employee-owned organization everything outside, such as jobs,
business opportunities, opportunities of further studies and so on.
Fourth, empirical analysis
The following is an enterprise of persons leaving the findings to statistical analysis using
SPSS software, we get the following data results (see Table 1). Table 1 shows the
regression coefficients and significance tests, the data show that in the regression table
Analysis of job satisfaction in the regression parameters for a 1.011, the regression
parameters of organizational commitment is a 1.003, 0.309 regression parameters of
external opportunities. which job satisfaction and organizational commitment, the
parameters are negative, indicating that these two variables and Turnover negative
correlation between the willingness to know that our model of job satisfaction and
organizational commitment on employee turnover behavior tend to have negative
impact, that is with satisfaction and organizational commitment to improve, employee
turnover intention will be weakened. and absolute value of the coefficient of job
satisfaction, organizational commitment, slightly larger than the absolute value of
coefficients, so its effect on employees will be slightly away from some, but this strength
is very weak, almost negligible. So we think that both of The role of employee turnover
is the same.
The regression parameters of the external opportunities is positive, indicating that the
external opportunities and employee turnover intention was positively correlated, that is,
the more external job opportunities, the stronger turnover intention of employees. The
number of external opportunities, employee turnover has a positive correlation on the
role of the external opportunities more staff turnover intention and the more intense. but
its coefficient was 0.309, so the effect is not a strong influence.
V. Conclusions and Implications
After a theoretical review of the literature termination of employment, we recognize that
business turnover intention of employees affected by many factors, especially job
satisfaction, organizational commitment, external opportunities and other factors most
major and obvious. Moreover, the empirical data is further evidence of The existence of
these factors to verify the Price model is correct. However, the research we have done
not only to verify the correctness of a theory, more importantly, to the right into the
theoretical model to guide our practical work tools, and inspiration from, and then in the
enterprise operation and management to develop appropriate policies, optimize the
allocation of human capital stock.
Based on this research, we believe that business should be done on the rational
allocation of human capital, human resources management should note the following:
establish a people-oriented modern management concepts, respect for employees,
emphasizing the main body of staff, care staff self-realization; create pleasant working
environment, strengthen the "soft", "hard" environment; work and life balance, from the
employee interests in mind; focus on effective communication links recruitment,
selection, type of employment and continue to cultivate loyal employees; build a
reasonable salary system enhance employee satisfaction; in your career management,
internal advancement opportunities to increase and improve the organizational

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