Homework #4 Business Dining Etiquette Website Submission Form

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Homework #4 Business Dining Etiquette Website

Submission Form


Debora Rismarito Pakpahan

Website’s URL


Internal & External Links

The internal link that I used is like a table of content in the “General Business
Etiquette Dining” page, I provide 3 part “Before eating, while eating, and after
eating” that can show instantly the content when it is clicked. Another internal
link is the button I put at the end of the “General Business Etiquette Dining”
part that links into the next page which is “about author”. It helps the people to
ease when they want to know the author without scrolling to the top page

The external link that I use is located on the “General Business Etiquette
Dining” page before eating section and after eating section. In the before eating
section, I link my website to other references on YouTube about how to dress
in business dinner. Another one is in after eating section, when you click
“American & Continental” it will link you to another website that describes
more about those 2 ways in finished position.

Graphic Element(s)

I use pictures to help in visualizing the description, for example, in the “General
Business Etiquette Dining” page especially in while eating section, I provide a
picture to shows which fork and spoon will be used first. Also, I use the picture
at the top of the website, in about the author page and others for esthetics
Advanced Feature(s)

The advanced feature that I used is embedded video, I link it to the YouTube
video. Also, I used maps to display from which country the authors come from.
In the “General Business Etiquette Dining” page, I also provide a quiz from an
external website so the reader can test their understanding and knowing the
result when the test is already taken.

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