Mock Clat-4: Answer Key & Analysis

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1. B. ‘changes’ is the correct tense

2. B. ‘newer’ is the correct degree
3. C. ‘throws’ is the correct tense
4. C. ‘seeking’ is the correct tense
5. A. ‘ which’ fits in with the sentence
6. B. ‘makes’ is the correct tense
7. D. ‘from’ goes with the word ‘distinct’
8. A. ‘of’ is the correct term
9. B. ‘larger’ is the correct degree
10. B. ‘into’ is the correct preposition
11. A. BD forms a pair
12. A. DA forms a pair
13. C. BA forms a pair
14. B. DCB form a pair
15. A. AB form a pair
16. B. AD form a pair
17. D. 1st Para
18. D. 1st Para
19. A. 2nd Para
20. B. 3rd Para
21. D.
22. C. 1st Para
23. D. 1st Para
24. D. 1st Para
25. B. 2nd Para
26. C. 3rd Para
27. C. 4th Para
28. C.

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29. B.
30. D. Alfresco- outside or in open air.
31. C. Au fait- detailed.
32. B. Blitzkrieg- war.
33. B. Compos mentis- sane.
34. facto- in fact
35. B. De trop- not wanted.
36. D. No error.
37. D. No error.
38. B. relating to duties.
39. C. Use gave instead of gives. As the entire statement is in past tense.
40. A. appointed through is the correct usage.

41 C
42 B
43 B
44 A
45 C
46 B
47 C
48 B
49 B
50 B
51 A
52 C
53 C
54 B
55 D
56 A
57 A
58 D
59 A
60 C
61 D
62 A
63 B

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64 D
65 B
66 B
67 D
68 A
69 D
70 A
71 B
72 A
73 D
74 C
75 C
76 B
77 C
78 B
79 B
80 C
81 B
82 D
83 D
84 A
85 B
86 B
87 C
88 B
89 A
90 C

91. A merchant buys goods at 20% discount on its marked price and sells them at 10%
higher than the marked price what is his profit percent?
a) 30% b) 37.5% c) 48% d) None of these
Solution to 91: Let, marked price of the article = Rs 100
Then, its cost price = Rs 100 – Rs 20 = Rs 80
Selling price = Rs 100 + Rs 10 = Rs 110
i.e. profit = Rs 30
profit % = (30/80) x 100 = 37.5%
Hence, (b)

92. Find the difference between simple interest on a certain sum at 5% for 6 years and 6%
for 5 years on Rs 5000.
a) Rs 20 b) Rs 100 c) Rs 10 d) Rs 0

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Solution to 92: 5% for 6 years = 30% on principal and 6% for 5 years = 30% on principal
Since, principal is same, therefore, the difference will be 0.
Hence, (d)
93. The difference between the simple interest of 10% per annum and compound interest
of 10% per annum compounded half yearly on a sum of Rs 1000 in one year is?
a) Rs 250 b) Rs 0.25 c) Rs 2.5 d) Rs 25
Solution 93: 10% per annum calculated semi annually under SI, effective rate = 10%
10% per annum calculated semi annually under CI, effective rate = successive
of 5% + 5% = 10.25%

Difference = 0.25% on Rs 1000 = Rs 2.5

Hence, (c)

94. A salesman receives salary of Rs 2000 per month and 10% commission on total sales.
What is the amount of sales, if his total earnings in a month is Rs2200?
a) Rs 4000 b) Rs 2000 c) Rs 3000 d) None of these
Solution to 94: Total earnings = Rs 2200, Salary = Rs 2000
Commission = Total earnings – Salary= Rs 2200 – Rs 2000 = Rs 200
Commission = 10% of sales
i.e. Rs 200 =0.1 Sales
i.e. Sales= Rs 2000. Hence, (b)
Hence, (b)

95. In an examination, Rohit scored 35% of the total marks and failed by 60 marks
whereas Kuldeep scored 45% of the total marks and he got 40 marks above the pass marks.
Find the total marks for the examination.
a) 1500 b)1000 c) 700 d) 800
Solution to 95: Let a be the total marks. Then, Rohit’s passing marks= Kuldeep’s passing
marks  0.35a+ 60 =0.45a-40  0.1a= 100  a= 1000. Hence, (b)

96. A, B and C invested money in ratio 3 : 2 : 5. Their respective periods of investment

was in ratio 5 : 3 : 2. Find the ratio in which the profit will be divided towards the end.
a) 15 : 6 : 10 b) 5 : 6 : 10 c) 6 : 10 : 15 d) 12 : 6 : 10
Sol 96: Let the investments be Rs 3, Rs 2 and Rs 5 resp for 5 months, 3 months and 2
months resp. Then,
Ratio of profit = 3 x 5 : 2 x 3 : 5 x 2 = 15 : 6 : 10
Hence, (a)

97. In a bag there are 25p, 10p and 5p coins in ratio 1:2:3. Total coins in the bag are 600.
Find the amount of money made by 25p coins?
a) 50 b) 10 c) 25 d) 20
Solution to 97: Number of 25 p coins = (1/6) x 600 = 100
Amount made by 25 p coins = 100 x 0.25 = Rs 25

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Hence, (c)

98. A sum of money is distributed among A, B, C, D in the ratio 3: 2 : 4: 1. If C gets Rs.

300 more than D, what is A’s share?
a) Rs 150 b) Rs 100 c) Rs 600 d) Rs 300
Solution to 98: Let share’s of A, B, C, D be 3x, 2x, 4x, x respectively. Now, C-D= 300 
4x -x = 300  x= 100. So, A’s share= 3x= Rs 300 Hence, (d)

99. A train, 300 meters long, travels at 20 meters per second. How long does it take to
pass another train, 400 meters long running at 10 meters per second in the same direction?
a) 70 secs b) 140 secs c) 90 secs d) 120 secs
Sol to 99: Total distance covered= 300 + 400 = 700 meters.
Relative speed = (20 – 10 ) = 10 meters per second.
Time taken = 700/10 = 70 seconds
Hence, (a)

100. When two fair dice are thrown together, what is the probability that they both show
the same number?
a) 1/2 b) 1/3 c) 1/6 d) 1
Solution to 100: Favourable cases = {(1,1), (2,2), (3,3), (4,4), (5,5), (6,6)} = 6
Total cases = 6 x 6 = 36
Probability = 6/36 = 1/6
Hence, (c)

101. The average of 8 numbers is 21. If all the numbers are decreased by 3, then what will
be the new average?
a) 21 b) 19 c) 18 d) No change
Solution to 101: Since all numbers are decreased by 3, the average will also decrease by 3.
Hence, (c)

102. Find the perimeter of a square whose side is 11.25 cm.

a) 44 cm b) 45 cm c) 46 cm d) Data insufficient
Solution to 102: Perimeter of square = 4 x side = 4 x 11.25 = 45 cm
Hence, (b)

103. What should be placed instead of #, in the number 625#46, so that it is completely
divisible by 3?
a) 0 b) 1 c) 2 d) 3
Solution of 103: Divisibility of 3 is that sum of digits of a number should be divisible by 3.
i.e. 6+2+5+4+6+# = 23+#
It is divisible by 3, when # = 1
Hence, (b)

104. A can do a work in 20 days while B can do it in 30 days. In how many days will they
complete the same work together?
a) 8 b) 12 c) 18 d) 20
Solution of 104: Let total work = 60

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Then, A = 3 units per day

B = 2 units per day
Both = 5 units per day
So, together they can do it in 60/5 = 12 days
Hence, (b)

105. A wheel makes 100 revolutions in covering a distance of 2200 m. Find the radius of
the wheel.
a) 3.5 m b) 7 m c) 3.5 cm d) 7 cm
Solution to 105: 2× × r ×100= 2200 ⇒ r = 7/2 = 3.5 m. Hence, (a)

106. There are 3 parties contesting in an election with 1 lakh voters who all cast the votes
and all votes are valid. The winning party is one that gets majority of the votes. The
smallest possible number of votes with which a party can win the election is?
a) 33333 b) 33334 c) 50000 d) 50001
Solution to 106: The smallest possible number is 100000/3= 33333 + 1 =33334. Hence, (b)

107. Akash, Vijay and Prashant can do a job in 20, 30 and 40 days respectively. The three
started the job together; Akash left the job 4 days before it was completed and Vijay left the
job 3 days before it was completed. In how many days was the job completed?
a) 10 b) 12 c) 15 d) 20
Solution to 107: Let’s assume that the job consists of 120 (L.C.M. of 20, 30 and 40) units of
Therefore, Akash , Vijay and Prashant can do 6, 4 and 3 units of work respectively in a day.
If the job took x days to complete, Akash, Vijay and Prashant worked for x – 4, x – 3, and x
days respectively.
Also, 6(x – 4) + 4(x – 3) + 3x = 120
i.e. x = 12. Hence, (b)

108. In how many ways can a team of 2 boys and 3 girls can be formed out total 5 boys
and 5 girls?
a) 120 b) 250 c) 100 d) 60
Solution to 108: 2 boys out of 5 boys can be selected in C2 way = 10 ways. Similarly, 3
girls out of 5 girls can be selected in 5C3 ways = 10 ways.
The total no. of ways = 10×10=100. Hence, (c)

109. In a party everyone greeted to everyone else a single ‘HELLO’. If the total number of
HELLOS greeted was 600, how many persons were there in the party?
a) 20 b) 15 c) 25 d) 24
Solution to 109: Let there be ‘n’ persons
Then, nC2 = 600
i.e. n (n -1) = 600
This is possible if n = 25
Hence, (c)

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110. The HCF of two numbers is 8. Find out the number from the following options which
cannot be their LCM?
a) 24 b) 48 c) 56 d) 60
Solution to 110: HCF is always a factor of LCM. Since, 8 is not a factor of 60, thus 60
cannot be the LCM.
Hence, (d)


No. Option Explanation
Explanation: Reading the Rules with
the facts, it is evident that Tisha was
confined by Mieta against her will.
111 a Thus, it is a case of false imprisonment.
Explanation: In the instant case, there
was no “complete deprivation of
liberty” of Tisha by Bittu. Thus, the rule
on false imprisonment is not applicable
112 b here.
Explanation: Rule D applies here and
since Tisha was held by the police due
to the missing person complaint by her
parents, there is no false imprisonment
113 c in this case.
Explanation: The consideration is very
much valid as it pertains to a seal with a
unicorn on it and not a unicorn in
general. Thus, it is not an illusory
114 a consideration.
Explanation: As per the Rule, the
adequacy of consideration is not a
matter of debate under the law of
115 b contract.
Explanation: Direct application of
116 b principle C.
Explanation: Since Jignesh has been
detained without legal justification for
such a long period, without any legal
assistance, he can file for habeas
117 a corpus.
Explanation: Rule B provides that the
writ may be prayed for by the prisoner
himself, or if he is unable to do so, by
someone else on his behalf. It does not
mandate that only close relatives can
118 d pray for it on his behalf.

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Explanation: From the facts, there is

nothing to show that Romil was
119 b negligent while riding his cycle.
Explanation: It is evident that Danish
did not use reasonable care for his
120 a safety and contributed to his injury.
Explanation: Since Wasim performed
the said action under mistake of fact
and in good faith, he has a valid defence
121 a under Rule A.
Explanation: Wasim indulged in
corruption and did not do this act out of
good faith, thus, he does not have a
122 b valid defence under the Rules.
Explanation: Direct application of Rule
123 b B.
Explanation: As per Rule A, an accused
person is entitled to free legal aid “if he
is too poor to afford counsel”. Thus,
whether Kirtan is entitled to free legal
aid or not depends on how much he
124 c earns.
Explanation: Rules B and C read with
the facts at hand show that Kirtan’s trial
and conviction are invalidated since the
counsel was not given sufficient time
125 b and facility for preparing the defence.
Explanation: Since there was nothing to
suggest that Demi was moving towards
Hira to hurt her, none of the Rules on
126 d private defence are applicable here.
Explanation: Direct application of Rule
127 a B.
Explanation: The man had pounced on
Hira and Hira acted in private defence,
struggling with the man to escape him.
The force exerted which resulted in
injury to the man cannot be said to be
128 c disproportionate.
Explanation: Direct application of Rule
129 a B.
Explanation: Since both Ross and Mona
were under a mistake as to the existence
of the painting, the agreement is void
130 b (Rule A).
Explanation: In order to assess whether
131 c trespass to land occurred, it is necessary

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to know whether the land belonged to

someone else (Rule A). Thus, (c) is
Explanation: There has been no direct
interference with land which is in
possession of the colony or of Sharleen
since June is hosting the barbecues in
132 b her own balcony.
Explanation: Direct application of Rule
133 c B.
Explanation: Direct application of the
134 a Rule.
Explanation: There is no event
collateral to the contract in the instant
case. Thus, it is not a contingent
135 b contract.
Explanation: Direct application of Rule
136 a A.
Explanation: Since Daman did not
suffer damage as a result of Sumant’s
rash driving, there is no negligence
137 b towards Daman.
Explanation: Sumant had a duty of care
towards Daman and he breached the
duty by allowing Daman to ride the car,
even though there was a possibility of
an accident and Daman got injured as a
result. Thus, the tort of negligence
138 a arises here.
Explanation: She cannot be
discriminated against by virtue of being
139 a a foreigner as per Rule A.
Explanation: Direct application of Rule
140 b B.
Explanation: As per Rule B, Uma
would be the principal debtor while
141 b M/s. Gild would be the creditor.
Explanation: Rule C states that a
guarantee may be oral or written. Thus,
Jack’s contention of not giving a written
142 b guarantee is incorrect.
Explanation: Jack becoming Uma’s
surety is a legally binding arrangement
that will not cease even if his personal
143 b equation with her alters.
Explanation: Direct application of the
144 d Rule.

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Explanation: The information about the

map is insufficient (whether it was
offered for public sale/ made under
145 d government authority or not).
Explanation: Direct application of Rule
146 a A.
Explanation: Direct application of Rules
147 b B and C.
Explanation: Direct application of Rule
148 a D.
Explanation: Direct application of Rule
149 a A.
Explanation: Hessel is an Indian citizen
and since Itki’s school received aid
from the State, it cannot deny admission
to the school to Hessel on the grounds
150 b of language.
Explanation: The Karachi Agreement
151 a was signed in 1949.
152 c
153 a
154 d
155 c
Explanation: Irom Chanu Sharmila is
also known as the Iron Lady of
156 b Manipur.
157 a
158 c
159 a
Explanation: The Ministry of AYUSH
aims to develop, educate and facilitate
research in Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani,
Siddha, Homoeopathy, Sowa-rigpa, and
160 d other indigenous medicine systems.


(161) (b) the argument states that profits are chosen over innovativeness, which has an
underlying assumption that profits and innovativeness cannot happen together.
(162) (d) The argument has the director general giving a reason (vigilance and prompt action)
for the drop in complaints. Any other reason that can lead to drop in complaints will
strengthen the director general’s claim. Option (d) gives a reason for the enhanced
vigilance and prompt action (in the same period in which complaints dropped) and
hence strengthens the director general’s claim.

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(163) (c) The paragraph talks about 'many crime suspects' 'getting justice'. (a) is general and
irrelevant. (b) mentions "criminals' and not suspects getting saved from punishment.

(164) (a) Stopping TV advertisements should not cause sharp drop in sales as the snack was
already well known and popular. (b) and (d)

(165) (c) this gives a reason for customers of other brands to shift to Growplan. (a)
strengthens the company's claim. (d) is a general statement and does not prove that increased
attention will result in increased sales.

(166) (c) Barring students from entering the campus on the basis of "suspicion" of
involvement in violence in the "past" will be an extreme step.

(167) (d) The key words here are rash driving and pedestrians. Speed is not related to rash
driving and monitoring at traffic lights may not prevent rash driving

(168) (C) Course of action I is irrelevant as monitoring does not help in case of land slides.

(169) (b) Immoral acts are not part of private life for a politician who is a public figure. II is
an extreme step and does not address the real problem of immoral act by politicians.

(170) (b) I is invalid as all persons may not want to influence charities. II is valid since this
will prevent donors from making unreasonable demands. II is not valid since this may lead to
charities doing things which are not a part of their purpose.

(171) (c) Many people do but Everyone does not use mobile apps.

(172) (c) 9/11 was an extremely traumatic event but not necessarily the most traumatic ever.

(173) (c) If the reason were correct, assertion would not make sense.

(174) (c) The reason is that the US has influence over most of the world.

(175) (a) Unpredictability makes the investment risky.

(176) (c) deductive reasoning

(177) (c) All does not mean only and hence even if Preet is playing in Rio, he may or may not
be a sportsperson.

(178) (d) Only those and not all those above the age of 18 can marry and hence (d) is the
correct answer because all those who are married must have completed 18 years of age.

(179) (c) All others are only possibilities.

(180) (b) from deduction. (d) is only a possibility.

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181. Find the next term in the series: 6789452, 678945, 78945, 7894, ------
a) 789 b) 894 c) 94 d) 794
Sol 181: One digit from right is removed, then one digit from left is removed and so on
Thus, next number is 894.
Hence, (b)

182. Find the next number in the series: 69, 68, 72, 63, 79, 54, __
a) 75 b) 86 c) 90 d) 92
SOLUTION TO 182: 69 – 12 =68 +22 =72 – 32=63 + 42 =79- 52= 54. Next term is 54+ 62=
90. Hence, (c)

183. 3, 7, 16, 41, 90, __

a) 200 b) 201 c) 231 d) 211
SOLUTION TO 183: Consecutive squares of prime numbers starting with 2 are added.
3+ 22 = 7 + 32 =16 + 52 =41 + 72 =90. Next term is 90 + 112 =211. Hence, (d)

184. 369, 337, 321, 313, __

a) 309 b) 308 c) 310 d) 321
SOLUTION TO 184: 369 – 25= 337 – 24 = 321 – 23 =313. Next term is 313 – 22 =309.
Hence, (a)

Directions for 185 and 186: The questions given below are based upon the following set of codes.
Digit : 3 0 6 4 2 1 8 7 9
Code : M O X L S T N H P

185. Find the code for 24790.


186. Find the code for 834009

SOLUTION TO 185 and 186 : Here in this case, it can be verified that the code for the 2
is S, 4 is L, 7 is H, 9 is P and 0 is O. Therefore , the code in the first case would become
SLHPO and in the second case the code would be NMLOOP. Hence,
185. (d) and 186. (c)

187. In a certain language, Man is coded as ‘woman’, woman is coded as ‘girl’, ‘girl’ is coded as ‘boy’,
‘boy’ is coded as ‘work’ and ‘work’ is coded as prayer, then what do we call a male person of 7
years in that language?
a) Boy b) Girl c) Work d) Prayer
SOLUTION TO 7: A male person of 7 years is a Boy. And Boy in this language is called
as Work. Hence, (c)

188. A watch shows 2:30. If the minute hand is pointing to North, then in which direction is the hour
hand pointing?
a) South-west b) North-east c) South-east d) North-

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SOLUTION TO 188: If the minute hand (at number 6) is pointing north, then number 12
is towards south and number 3 is towards west. The hour hand is between 12 and 3. So, it
will face south-west. Hence, (a)

189. A man is walking towards east. He stops and turns 45 degrees left and then takes 90 degrees right.
In which direction is he walking now?
a) South-east b) south-west c) north-east d) None of these
SOLUTION TO 189: A man is facing east initially. Then he turns 45 degrees left i.e. he
faces in north-east direction. Finally he turns 90 degrees right, so he would face south-
east direction. Hence, (a)

190. When Viswjit reached home and asked his three children about the movie they watched, he got the
following replies –
RK : It started at 11:00 am. Salman was the lead- actor.
Sonu: It started at 11:00 am. Sharukh was the lead-actor.
Monu: It ended at 2:00 pm. It did not start at 11:00 am.
There was only one lead-actor in the movie. If the children made one statement true and other
false and they watched the same movie at the same time, then at what time did the movie
a) 11:00 am b) 2:00 pm c) either 11:00 or 2:00pm d) Data-insufficient

SOLUTION TO 190: Monu’s second statement cannot be true, we get two lead actors,
which is against the conditions. So, Monu’s first statement is true. Also this means, the
first statement of RK and Sonu is true. Thus, the movie started at 11:00 am. Hence, (a)

Directions for Question 191 to 194: These questions are based on information below
Six boarders A, B, C, D, E and F are standing in a line for breakfast. They are arranged according to
their height, the tallest being at the back and the shortest in front. A is not the shortest. F is the only
boarder between A and B. E is shorter than D but taller than C who is taller than A. E and F have two
boarders between them.

191. Where is C?
a) Between A and B
b) Between E and A
c) Between D and C
d) In front of C

192. Who is the tallest?

a) B
b) D
c) F
d) A

193. If we start counting from the shortest, which boy is third one in the line?
a) E

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b) A
c) D
d) C

194. Who is the shortest?

a) C
b) D
c) B
d) F

Solution from 191 to194: With the given conditions, the order in which they stand according to their
height is as follows: B F A C E D (from shortest to tallest).

191. (b) 192. (b) 193. (b) 194. (c)

Directions for Questions 195 to 198: These questions are based on information below.
In a certain code language
851 means good sweet fruit
783 means good blue sky
341 means sky and fruit.

195. Which of the following digits stands for sweet in that language?
a) 8 b) 5 c) 1 d) 3

196. What is the code for good?

a) 8 b) 5 c) 7 d) 3

197. ‘1’ is the code of

a) Sky b) and c) fruit d) None of these

198. What is the code of sky blue?

a) 73 b) 37 c) 38 d) Data insufficient

Solution from 195 to 198: good sweet fruit = 851 – (A), good blue sky = 783 – (B), sky and fruit = 341-(C)
Comparing A and B we get, good= 8, comparing A and C we get, fruit =1 and hence, sweet= 5.

195. (b)
196. (a)
197. (c)

199. While looking at the photograph of a man, a person said, “The sister of his father is the sister of my mother.”
How is the person related to the man?
a) Sister b) Brother c) Cousin d) Aunt
Solution to 199: The sister of his father is the sister of person’s mother’,implies ‘Person’s mother is also the
sister of man’s father’. So it is clear that the person is the man’s cousin. Hence, (c)

200. Pointing to a lady, an old woman said, “She is the only daughter-in-law of the paternal grandmother of the sister
of my father who is the only son of his parents’ ”. How is the lady related to the old woman?

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a) Daughter b) Mother c) Grandmother d) Siste

Solution to 200: ‘Parental grandmother of the sister of my father’ means ‘parental grandmother of my father’.
Now daughter-in law of the parental grandmother of my father is the mother of my father as my father is the
only son of his parents. So the lady is the old woman’s grandmother. Hence, (c)

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