How Is Revenge Depicted in Hamlet?

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How is revenge depicted in Hamlet?

In Shakespeare's tragedy Hamlet, Hamlet has lived through plenty of ups and downs throughout
his childhood. He has been lost and confused within himself, but knew he wanted one thing,
which was revenge on his fathers killer, Claudius. His passion of hate developed for Claudius as
he married Hamlets mother shortly after the king’s death. Hamlet could not decide on the
perfect decision for himself, his mother and father as well as the best way to follow through with
the best consequence for Claudius that would impress his father. His everyday life, along with
his love life, left him with an empty heart, which slowed the process of the revenge down.
Hamlet never expected to be captured and kidnapped by pirates, as he was sent overseas as a
young man. His inside thoughts were attacking and overwhelming Him, leaving him depressed
and anxious. Hamlet’s life has been leading him to negative thoughts that he cannot process or
act accordingly to, due to the excessive amount of issues and options involved in his life at a
young age, him being overwhelmed lead him to delaying the process of avenging his fathers

Hamlet really wanted the revenge on Claudius but was really on the fence of what to actually do
to follow through with then plan. Claudius was brave to feel so free, as Hamlet had opportunities
to take advantage of him and had plenty of hate towards him for more than one reason. The
action Hamlet may want and outcome of it, may be completely different as to what his father
would do or like him to do. This thought left Hamlet thinking of the right way for him, his mother
and father but not knowing the philosophical way of doing such. He wanted himself to be
remembered well by his dead father as he looks up to be king and does not want this
occurrence taking that chance away from him. Hamlet has the worry of being haunted by a
ghost if he kills Claudius. All of the excessive overthinking of options leads him thinking of taking
the option of suicide, to be or not be alive. The worries him killing the king and being disallowed
to become the king of Denmark is an issue for him.

Hamlet experiences plenty of negatives throughout his life leading him to think there may only
be more negative left to come. He is emotionally broke down from the deaths of people he was
once really close with. He could be worried of not having the king spot due to the way his life is
directing. The killing of Claudius could cause rivalry and more deaths along with it. The amount
of outcomes that can happen to Hamlet makes it understandable as to why he is so indecisive.
If Hamlet were to commit suicide prior to avenging the killer he may feel like a coward and
defiantly like he let down his father. Claudius being married to Hamlet’s mother is humiliating to
Hamlet as he is attached to his mother and doesn’t enjoy the company of a new man along with

The loss of his father really hurt Hamlet, as he looked up to his king father. His one love Ophelia
died, as well as his good childhood friends Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. His list of reasons to
commit suicide rise throughout the play after he gets his friends killed from a faulty letter sent
out from Claudius. The pirates kidnapped young Hamlet, as he was being sent across by ship
overseas. They are tricked into believing the specialty of the land being fought over. Hamlet
contemplates life and realizes there isn’t much point to it; there is neither love involved nor a
happy ending. Soon After Hamlet returns from the capture he tends to be more calm and
mature, but still emotionally destroyed. Hamlet being shipped away could have given him time
to plot on Claudius but being kidnapped took that opportunity of avenging his fathers killer away.
Hamlet didn’t want murder Claudius to be haunted nor didn’t want to be in hell for the revenge
on Claudius as he is worried of the life after death.

Once Claudius tried to kill Hamlet with the poison wine that ended up killing his mother, Hamlet
then ended it with the poisoned tip sword. The kidnapping of Hamlet took away plenty of time
and opportunities for him to achieve his ultimate goal to take down his hateful enemy. Hamlet
dealt with plenty problems himself, losing all his loved ones in a sectioned time together. His
contemplation of suicide, as he feels life isn’t worth living or to live life in the struggle, as he
feels no promises in. Hamlet had worry of being haunted by a ghost, and to let down his father.
The worry of creating an on going war through Denmark, as well as the worry of getting
revenged on.

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