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Deten 9 e La n guací e Institute

English Language Cenier
TbeAmerican Language Course (ALO is a comprehensiva, multilevel language program for
teaching English for vocational and professional purposes, It ís designed primarily for intenaive
EngLiah language training in a classrooni setting, but can easily be adapted for slower-paced
instruction. The ALC's curriculum has been developed by the Defense Language Instilarte
English Language Center (DLIELC), which is a US Department of Béfense sehool under the
operational control of the US Air Forcé. The primary focus of the ALC is to provide a language
curriculum for a diverse international military population, To that end, the course includos not
only general English top:cshbut also military topics of a general nature highlighting thetypical
language military personnel will encounter in their professional and vocatíonal career fielda.
The ALC has, however, also been very successfully used in non-military learning environments
and in US high schools with immigrant student populations.

Course componente
The coordinated instructional packages for Books 1-30 consisl of Ihe following:
>• Student text(ST)
*• Instructor text ÍIT)
* Hürnework and evatuation exercises bootdet (HW and EE)
> Audio recordings (tape or CD)
> Language laboratory activities student text ILLAST)
> Languagtí laboratory activities instructor text with audio Scripts <LLAIT)
>- Computer-delivered interactive multimedia instruction (IMI)
*• Quiz kit
> Optional training aids

Inquines and orders

Please address inquiries and requests for more information about DLIELC publications to
2235 Andrews Avenue
Lackland Air Forcé Base, Texna 78236-0259
E-mail: rail
© 2003 by Dcfcnsc I ..• --u, • L Inslilutc English Language Center and ÍLS liccn^íirs. Nolice of Rightí: All
reserved. Nopartofthin book may berepioduced or transmiued in any formorby anymcans, clcctronic,
mechanical, pholocopying, recording, orolhenviie, wichout (he prior wrilien permibiion of Ihe

book supersede? ALC Book 4 Sludeut Text, Jamiaiy 1991.

Sccond Hdilion, Januarv1 2003

Fourth Prinling, June 2006

ALC Book 4: Scope and Sequence, Lessons 1-5

Lcsson Vocabulary Funclkms GrammaHcal Structures Skills

iI Sports and gafftes > Talking about sports. > Simple past tense for H Pronouncing the past
gamea, and teams regular ve rbs lense marker -eú
r- Sports and gamas
- tnviting someonetc f- AHirmative *• Idenlifying pnrnary
* Lelsirre acNvilies and negatlve
pla^ sports syllable stress
siatomonis > Scanning forl
* Yes/no questions idenloal word
-- Long and short > Scanning a chart for
answers inform airón
y Mak TI .1 ,-j -,| i
t Takmg noles/dictalion
Q He'sin ¡heArrny now. * RequesTmg and > Simple past tense tor > Scanning for 1
giving Information irregular verbs idéntica 1 word, timed
> Mililary personnel, abo u! past actions/ * Yes/no questions * Scanning lor 2
ranks, and insignia
ccnditions f- Information idenlical words, limed
* Military time — the
questions t Identifying prima ry
24-hour dock
syllable stress
. Gategorlzing words
> Makingalime line

Q Wttere are my clolhes? * Asking lor permission f Modafs > Alphebetizing words
with may and can - Ability wilh can » Ideniifying pnrnary
,. cíolhes
*• Permission wilri syllable stress
- Puncíualion marks
may and can > Identifying thought
> Req Jlrement or groups
necessiTy wiíh musí > Using capitalizaran
> Prohibition with > Puncluating
musí noí sentences and
A Fe/ícrts ín íD cotórs * Shopping lor cíolhes; > Information questions > Scanning lor 1
í^^ií»» as kirie; about clothes, jsina Whal i (noun) i de ni ¡cal word, Limed
»• UOlors
colore, and p rices > Howmuch...? > Scanning íor2
>- Seasons identlcal words, limed
> Demonstrative
<• Music adjectives this, that, > Alphabelizing words
> Shopping these, '-.-.-•. *- Identifying prime ry
syllable stress
* Pronouncing Iho
reduced syílable
> Pjnctualing a
Lesson 5 rewews all vocabulary and sfruclures introducetl m Lessons i - -1.


Notes to the Student
The American Language Course focuses on four components of language acquisition;
vocabulary, grammar, language functÍQTis, and sktlls,
The lessons present vocabulaiy (individual words as well as expressions) that the
learner needs to understand and use in order to communicate effectívely in English,
Each new lesson builds on the vocabulary of the prevíous lessons. The language
included is appropriate for learners working in professional and vocational contexts.
Asignificant feature of the General English phase of the ALC is that military
vocabulary is included wherever applicable,
* The presentation of gratnmar is carefully sequenced. The graminaticQÍ structures
presented in the lessons are the forms a language learner needs in order to speak
and write English correctly. New grainmar is often depicted in charts or tables that
serve to focus the léameos attention on the particular stmctura heing presfnted.
* Language funcíions are the ways we use a language to communicate. In >, ,n\. lesson,
exercises that focus on funutions ahow the learner how and whe?t to use certain
words, phraaes, and sentences.
* In addition, skills exercises interspersed throughout the lessons focus on developíng
the learner's language proficiency in listening, speaking, reoding, and writingr
The Scope and Sequence chart located on the previous page shows the content that
makes up the curren! book. The four columns on the chart outline the new material as
it is related to the language acquisition components described above. A lesson begins
with a table of contents followed by a preview page. The preview page provides at a
glance a summary of the new material presented in the lesson. Each ALC book has
four lessons introducing new material and one review lesson, Thtí^e art fullowcd by u
homework section and daily evaluation exercises. Various appendicea are alao included
in the book.
The homework and the evaluation exercises are at the bock of this tcxt. Studciits will
require about two hours to complete the daily homework assignments. The evaluatinn
cxcrciscs are short quizzcs that will serve to give both the teacher and the student
feedhatk on hnw well tht? previously instructed material has heen learned. Evaluutiun
exercises should be assigned añer each lesson is completed,
The appendices can be found afler the fifth lesson. Appendix A provides an alphabetical
list of new vocabulary presented in this hook.The number of the lesson in which each
word or phrase is introduced is provided next to the entry, Appendix B presents a
listingof grammatical structures introduced in the book; a lesson number is provided
along with each entry for easy reference. The other appendices are included as
reference materials.



Book4 Contenta
LESSON 1: Sports and gamea 1
LESSON2: He'sin the Army now. 29
LESSON 3: Where are my clothes? 55
LESSON 4: Pencils in 10 colors 83
LESSON 5: Review 107

A: Word list 127

B: Structure list 129
C: Flash carda 131
D: The English alphabet 133
E: American English aounda 135
F: Contraction Jist 137
G: Spelling Rules for Regular Past Tense Verbs 139
H: Patternsof Irregular Verbs 141
I: Punctuation and Capitalization 145




Sports and games

VOCABULARY: Talking about sports and gamos 3

DIALOGS: Inviting someone to play sports 9

GRAMMAR: The simple past tense uaing regular verbs 10

PRONUNCIATION: Saying the past tense marker -ed 13

VOCABULARY: A few time cxpressions to talk about the past 15

GRAMMAR: Making negative past tense statements 18

VOCABULARY: Let's go ttawntown, ,..,. - —.,.,20

GRAMMAR: Asking and answering past tense yes/no questions ., 22

READING: Recognizing whole words 25

Scanning and graphing information 26
LISTENING: Taking notes and dictation .....28
Preview What 's new in Lesson 1 ?

Nouns Veri» Other words
ball clean -* cleaned (up) again
baseball cook • cooked al]
basketball do -• did downtown
break don't - didn't long
Chicago end >ended
city / cities like »liked(to)
Dallas live -* lived
football (pro footballí play • played
game start -* started fto)
Georgetown visit -* visited
Loa Angeles
New York
San Antonio


I visited two American cities, How about you?
I didn't visit New York City. What about you?
Did you watch a baseball game? How's it going?
Yes, I watched a game. Let's get together.
No, I didn't watch a baseball game. How about Saturday?
Yes, I did.
No, I didn't.


Vbcabulary Talking about sports and games

Undertine the vocahulary words in this dialog.

Joe: Where are you from?

Paul: Germany.
How about you?
Jae; I'm from Georgetown.
I lived there for 20 years. Now I
live in Chicago.
Paul; Georgetown? I visited three
American cities last year: New
York, Washington, and Chicago. Is
Georgetown near them?
Joe; No, it's a town in Texas. It's near
San Antonio, Houston, and Dallas.
Did you like Chicago?
Paul: Yes, I liked the restaurante there. I
want to go there again.
Hey, I know Dallas. They play
pro football there.

EXERC1SE A Write short answers to the questions.

1. Is Joe from San Antonio or from Georgetown?

2. Is Georgetown a city or a town in Texas?

3. Is Joe from the United States?

4. Is Paul from the United States?

5. Where is Paul from?

6. When did Paul visit New York and Chicago?

EXERCISE B Write each word in the column with its stress pattern.

Chicago Houston Georgetown

city New York football

un;,triiüi,iiiJ LW.I ; -•

EXERCISE C Mark the primary stress.

1. Washington 4. American

2. Dallas 5. San Antonio

3. Germany 6. Texas

EXERCISE D Write the ñames of the cities Paul and Joe taiked about.

Los Ármeles


EXERCISE E In groups of tnree, ask where your classmates are from.

I m from Chicago
Where are you from?
How aboutyou?

I'm from Dallas. Texas. I'm from New York City.~~X

Bob, what about you? It'sa very big city - sight )
Where are you from? mi Ilion people,

EXERCISE F Kead more about Joe. PauL and sports.

Dialog coiiíiiíned from poge 3.

Joe: The Cowboys. They're the football

team from Dallas. Do you watch
Paul: Yes. I like to watch baseball and
basketball on TV, too.
Joe: I like to watch the Los Angeles
Lakers, Did you go to u buac'bull
game in New York or Chicago?
Paul: Oh, yes. I watched a Mets game in
New York. It startcd at 1:00 and
ended at 7:00! I have a ball írom
that game. I aJso watched soccer
on a visil to Chicago.
Joe; Docs Chicago have a soccer team?
Paul: Yes, it's the Chicago Fire, It's a
good teajn, too.

EXERCISE G Write short answers to the questions.

1. Do the Dallas Cowboys play basketball or football?

2- Does Paul watch football?

3- Are the Mets a baseball team or a soccer team?

4, Where did Paul watch a baseball game?

5- What time did the game start?

6. What time did the game end?

7. Where did he watch a soccer game?

EXERCISE H Label each picture with the correct ñame.

1. 2. 3.

4. 5.


EXERCISE I Listen and mark the primary stress.

EXAMPLE : L foot football

2* base baseball

3, golf golf hall

4, tennis LtinnÍH hall

5, soccer soccer ball

6, basket basketball

EXERCISE J FUI In the blanks to complete the three dialogo

live like to end play

start town city

Mr. Jones: Excuse me. What time does class

Mr. Smith: At 7:30. It at 2:30,

Mary: Do you in ora

Aun: I in a very small

Sam: Does your brother play soccer?

Martin: No, he doesn't. He likes to baseball.

EXERCISE K Read more about Joe, Paul, and sports.
Diaifig contimied from page 5.

Joe: So, Chicago has a soccer team,

I didn't know that.
Do you play sports, too?
Paul: Yes, soccer. T play tennis, too.
I like it. How about you?
Jue: I also play tennis. Let's get
together and play sometime.
Paul: OK. How about next Saturtlay?

EXERCISE L Put a check (/) next to the sports you like to play.

I like to play soccer. I like to play foutball.

1 like to play golf. I like to play table tennis.

I like to play basketball. I like to play baseball.

Ilike to play tennis. I like to play other sports.

EXERCISE M Ask your classmates yes/no questions about sports they play.

Yes, I do. I play soccer

Do you play sports? and basketball.

Dn you play soccer? No, I don't play

aoccer. I piay golf,
Jack pleys

Dialogs Inviting someone to play sports

Listen lo the dialogs. Repeaf them exfleryatir inxtruL-fvr. Then role play with a partner

Paul: I play basketball orí Sundays.

Joe: Where do you play?
Paul: Qulside the barracks,
Joe: Are the gamesgood?
Paul: Yes, they're great. Play with us whtn we play

2. Sam: Do you play aporta?

Martin: Yes, golf and tennis. How about you?

Sam: I play tennis. Let's play together someday.

Martin: OK How about Sunday?

Sam: Sunday's fine.

3. Jennifer: Do you play golf?

Jim: No. I'm sorry I don't I play tennis,
Jennifer: 1 like to play tennis, too.
Jim: Let's play sometime. How about ñaturday?
Jennifer: All right, Let's play at 10 a,m. on Sat«irdoyr
Jim: Okay.
Grammar The simple past tense using regular verbs

in Georgetown laatyear

V* The regular paat tense verb is the same for alt subjects.

He walked
She lived ín Georgetown last year.
We atudied

EXERCISE A Read tnese sentences. Compare the present and past tense.


Paul visits New York euery year. Paul vi&ited New York

Paul visite New York euery day. Paul visited

Paul visits New York euery week. Paul visited New York two toeeks ago.

V Use yes!erday, last, and ago to talk about past time.


EXERCISE B Put a check (7) next lo the activitres you did last weehend-

T watched TV. I played music.

I liste ned to music. I played a sport.

I visited friends. I played basketball.

I talked on the telephone. I played soccer.

1 worked. I pJayed tennis.

I studied. I played baseball.

EXERCISE C Tell your classmates about your activilies last weekend.

[ played tennis on Saturday

1 visited friends in I stunied

New York. again.

I worked on my homework
last weekerid.
EXERCISE D Look at the table.Then write the past tense in the last column.


talk talked tatk

want wanted want

repeat repeated repeat

add clean
deán cleaned
play played play

open opened open

answer answered answer

circle Di-op the -e circied circle

and add
shave -ed sha ved shave

stop stopped stop

Double fhe
occor occurred occur
and oda
prefer preferred prefer

atudy studicd study

Cb&ngay to i
dry and add dried dry
try tried try

See the appendix for PastTense Spelling Rules.

Pronunciation Saytng the past tense marker ~ed

Listen ío tfie post tense. Then write the soiítid yon

Past tense sound

learned it watched it visited it
cleaned it cooked it started it
spelled it dresaed it ended ít
played it mapped it wanted it
answered it washed it repeated it

EXERCISE A Repeat these sentences. (Past tense endlng Is theíd/sound.)

1. Dan leamed a new lesson yesterday.

2. Pat listened to the radio yesterday afternoon.

3. Sam opened his window yosterday morning.

4. Dick just shaved in the morning.

5- Our teacher reviewed our lesson yesterday.

EXERCISE B Change these sentencea to the past tense.

1. Jennifer memorizes a new word, ( yesterday)

2. Harry plays a game of soccer. (yesterday afternoon)

3. Richard closes a window. (this morning)

4. Susan cleans her room, (yeaterday)

5. Our teacher circles a letter, (yesterday)

EXERCISE C Repeat these sentences. (Past tense ending is the !\1 sound.)

1, Dan asked questions yesterday.

2, John cooked a meal yesterday evening.
3, The girla walked to achool yesterday morning.
4- Ken looked up the new words yesterday afternoon.

EXERCISE D Change these sentences to the past tense.

1. Jim and Jennifer talk at the game. (yeaterday)

2. Ben likes all the games on the weekend. (last weekend)
3. We watch a TV show every night. (yesterday)
4. John works Monday to Friday. (laat year)
5. The girls mark an answer in their books. (yesterday morning)

EXERCISE E Repeat these sentences. (Past tense ending is tha/ady sound.)

1. The movie started at 8:00,

2. We wanted to go to the movies yesterday.

3. Misa Brown corrected our papers yesterday afternoon,

4. I visíted my brother on the weekend.

EXERCISE F Change these sentences to the past tense.

1. Dan repeats questiona in class, (yesterday)

2. John aelects the correet answer. (on yesterday's test)
3. Our test ends at 10:00 a.m. (last Friday)
4. Bruce and Brian want to go to the movies. (yesterday evening)


Vocabulary A few time expressions to talk about the past


yesterday last year twu minutes ago

yesterday morning last nionth an hour ago

yesterday afternoon last week four days ago

yesterday evening last weekend a week ago

yesterday at 6; 30 last night six raonths ago

last Saturday a year ago

EXERCISE A Complete the paragraph wlth yesterday or last.

Ann» Lisa, and Jeff are good friends. They like to go to the movies, Ann talked
to Jeff at fichool morning. Sha aleo talked to Lisa at work
aílernoon. Usa wanted to go downtown evening.
She wanted to see a movie.
Ann, Lisa, and JeíTwatched the show together night, It was
a good movie, and they liked it r Ailer the moviet they went to a snack bar to drink
cofTee and talk about the movie, They had a good time
evening. They want to go to the movies again tomorrow.
FXERCISE B Change the sentences to the simple past tense (/d/ sound).
EXAMPLE: Mary atudies French every day. (last month)
Mary studied French last month.

1. Dan learns new words every day, (yesLerdiiy)

2. Pat listena to the radio in the murning. (last nighl)

3- Sam opens hia window at night. (an hour ago)

4. Dick shaves every inonúng, (10 minutes ago)

5- Our teacher reviews the oíd words every day (last Fridoy)

EXERCISE C Change the sentences to the simple past tense (/U sound).

EXAMPLE: John always finishea his homework on time, tlast Tucsdayí

John fínlehad hls homework last Tucaday.

1. Dan always asks questions, (yesterday eveningl

2. Sometimes John cooka dinner. (two hours Hgo)

3. My daughters walk to school every day (last yearí

4. Ken looks up the new words after class. lan hour ago)

5. Ben always likea baseball games, (last week)

EXERCISE D Change the sentences to the simple past tense (fed/ sound).

EXAMPLE: I repeat the words every day. (yesterday)

I repeated the worde yesterday.

1. The early movie starts at 8:00 every night, (last night)

2. We want to go to the movies today (ycsterday evening)

3. Our teacher corrects our papers at night. (last night)

4. I visit my brother on the weekends. (last weekend)

5. Our test ends at 10:00 a,m. (1 hour ago)


EXERCISE E Chango thoso sentences to the past tense,

1. The students learn new words» (yesterday)

2. They always listen to the teacher, (at 10 a,m, this

3. They always look up every new word, (Jast week)

4. Sometimes Susan talks to her son on the phrmp. (twn rlaya

5. Somelimes Joe playa baskelball (lasl month)

EXERCISE F Complete these sentences. Use yesterday, last, or ago.

1. Paul visited Chicago year.

2. Mary and John arrived in New York three days

3. Jim and Paul talked abüut football afternoon.

4. We studied Book Three week.

5. We studied Book Two three weeks .

6. I studied 50 words evening.

7. I taJkedto Mr. Johnson morning.

8. Jim talked to Mr. Johnson two hours

9. Paul talked to Jim Monday,

10. Mary watched TV night.

11. John watched TV at 9 o'clock,

12. I watched TV a few minutes ,

Grammar Making negativa past tense statements

Raul Chicago


*** did + not = dídn'l

She did not
visit Chicago last year
It didn't

EXERCfSE wM Repeat these sentences wrth negative simple past tense.

1, Tom didn't clean his room last Saturday.

2, Linda did not cook dinner last night.

3, Gcorge didn't play basketball yesterday.

4, They did not like Chicago.

5, He didn't shave this morning.

6, Jack didn't live in New York two years

7, My English class didn't start at 7:30 this morning,

S. Mark didn't visit Los Angeles last month.

EXERCISE B Make a negative statement in the simple past tense.

1. My brother visited Dallas. ÍHouston)

2. Joan played tennis yesterday. (soccer)

3. Sally cooked uhicken for dinner. íbeef)

4. Frank cleaned his car last week. (this wcckl

5. Dan shaved last night. (yestcrdayl

6. The movie ended at 10:30 laat night. (10:00)

7. John learned English. lArabic)

8. The game atarted at 7:00 p.m. (4 p.m.)

EXERCISE C Wili i your classmates, make negative and affirmative statements.

did my homework
\vesterday evening.
Vocabulary Let's go downtown.

Hí, Susan. This ia Joe. How are
Susan: Helio, Joe. Tin fine. How's it
Joe: Well, I wnrked all day Ittng. I
want a break. Let's go downlowa
tonight I want to see a show.
Susan: Qkay I'm really hungry, buL I
don't want to cook. I just played
tennis for two houra. It was a very
long game.
Joe: All righL Li?t?s go tu a rcstaurant,
too- Let's go nt seven.
Susan: That's fine. 1 want to take a
showor and clean up, See yon at

EXERCISE A Read the sentence, Then wrlteT for true and F for falsa,

1. Joe wants to go downtown tonight,

2. Joe wants to watch a game.

3. Susan played tennis all day long,

4. Susan wants to clean up.

5. Joe wants to clean hís room.

6. Joe and Susan don't want to eat.

7. Joe and Susan are friends,

8. Joe and Susan are going out at 7 a.m.

9. Joe didn't work sil day.


EXERCJSE B Read the sentences and fNI In the mlssing word or words.

1. Jae all day long.

2. Joe see a movíe.

3- Susan _ tennis fbr two hours.

4. Susan r go to a restaurant.

5. Susan _ take a shower and clean up.

EXERCISE C What do you do all the time? WKte your answera.

nll month long all aftemoofl long

all moming long all euening long
alí night long all day long
all week long all year long

Numher 1 is dn example.

1. I learn Engligh all day long.


7 ™

8. _
Grarnmar Asking and answering past tense yes/no questions



V To make a question, put ctfdinfront of the aubjectand drop the -tfor

the verb.


Yes, you Jiked
we did not
No, lite
you didn't

Yea, you did.
we did not.
No, you didn't.

did not-didn't


EXERCISE A Read the paragraph and underllne the past tense verba.
Hint: 12 past tense verb$ are in this ptiragraph.

Paul visited two American cilios last year Thcy wcrc

New York and Chicago. He liked the restaurants and shows in
New York. He watched a baseball game there. The team waa the
New York Mets. The game started at 1:00 and ended at 7:00. In
Chicago, he watched a soccer game, The team was the Chicago
Fire, Chicago was very nice. He liked the city, but he didn't like
the weather there.

EXERCISE B Match each questlon wíth the best answer.

1, Did Paul viait American cities last year? a. No, he didn't play tennis.

2, Did he visít Los Angeles? b. Yes, it started at 1.

3, Did Paul play tennis? c. No, he dídn't go to L. A.

4, Did he watch a baseball game? d. No, it didn't end at 5.

5, Did the Mets game start at 1 p.m,? e. Yes, he was in two US cities,

6, Did the Mets game end at 5 p.m.? E Yes, he watched baseball.

EXERCISE C Write yes/no questions about Exerclse A.

Number 1 is an example.

1. D¡d Fkul watch a Chicago Fíre ba&eba\\ game?

2 .




EXERCISE D Unscramble the words to write negatíve statemenls about Joe.
Number 1 is an exomple.

1. live / did / not / Joe / in Germany

Joe didn't live m Germany»

2. did / not / Joe / to Chicago / go

3- did / the New York Meta gamo / Joe / not / watch

4. not / Joe /like/ New York f did

5, in Chicago / a baseball gamt- / did / see / not I Joe

EXERCISE E Work with a partner. Ask about a game you watchcd.

Ask yes/no questions. Then change roles and ttnawer yourpartner's queslions.

Did you watch the football

ame yesterday?
Yea, I did. ^
How about you?/


^^^^H^M Recognizing whole words

Cirde the same word as íhe key word on the left. Number 1 is an examplp-

L ago after airman Qí?O Bgain angry

2. bod tall barber wall hall bad

3. captain calendar captain cent car Canadá

4. answer applti April answer alphabet around

5. asleep asleep aren't AugEist aRer ask

6. book bored bread boy box book

7. breakfast brother by brcakfast bus building

S. city civilian city classroom citiea el a as

9. deán dock cold cióse clean coffoc

10. different dispensa ry doctor different do dollar

11. don't didn't doesn't do does dan't

12, door door downtown drink tírive doea

13. football baseball soccer ball tennis foutball

14. forty four forty France friend fruit

15, hear helio here hi hear her

16. homework c}ialkboard hospital hüinework hüt hour

17. late late leave learn letTs lefiínn

18. library litcrary letter library listen I i ved

19. meal mcat mean man meal moon

20. open opal upen ones odor orange

Reading Scanning and graphlng Information

The two charts show Information ohout people living in three US cities. Both chftrts show
the same infbrrrtation. Thechart on the lefí isa table. The chart on the right is a bar graph.
Complete the bar graph for Chicago.

in millians

1990 2000

New York 7,323,000 s,oos,ooo

Los Angeles 3,485,000 3,695,000

Chicago 2,785,000 2,896,000

EXERCISE Use this Information to make a bar graph on the next page.


1990 1995 2000

Football player $400,000 $700,000 $1, 100,000

Baseball player $600,000 $1,100,000 $1,900,000

Soccer player $300,000 $700,000 $1,400,000

Basketbsll player $800,000 $1,600,000 $3,900,000


Mi II lo ns Football Baseball Soccer Basketball








'90 '% DO 'SO '95 00 '90 '95 *GQ '90 '95 '00
Listen ¡ng Taking notes and dictation

Listen toyour teoelier's instructions.

Numbers Food

EXERCISE Listen and write the sentences you hear.








He's in the Army now.

VOCABULARY: Military personnel working on bases and posts 31

A soldier getting ready for duty 32
US Air Forcé ofñcer ranks and insignia 33
PRONUNCIATION Saying the regular past tense 37

GRAMMAR: Irregular past tense verba 33

Makingpast tense questions with irregular verbs ...A2
VOCABULARY: Two soldiers taking a break ..46
Military time: The 24-hour dock 4tí
Reportingfbr milítary training 50
VOCABULARYREVÍEW: Classifying vocabulary words 51

READING: Scenning across a line to find the same wurd¿j 52

PERFORMANCE CHECK: Making a time]ine 54

Preview What's neiv in Lesson 2?

Nouns Verbs
break military become ' became
cap ñame tag begin • began
captain/Capt pack bring
cigarette past report
colonel/Col rank salute
first lieütenant/P! Lt second Lt smukc
general/Gen sergeant/Sgt
ID card atripe Other
Identification uniform false
insignia gold
lieutenant/Lt naval
lieutenant colonel/Lt Col silver
major/Maj true


Who bmught this book? Its 2210 hours.
Whet time did you go? take a break
When did you bring this book? on time
How many booka did he buy? Reelly?

Irregular verbs - present and past

begin -*• began fly íkw say -*• aaid
bring —*• brought get up — gütUp see > saw
buy bought go -* went Bit -> sat
choose chose have -* had sleep ' slept
come carne hear -+ heard speak — spoke
do -* did know knew stand -• stood
drink -* drank leave * left awim
- fiwam
drive —' drove put -^ put tabe -*• took
eat —* ate read —* read writc -*• wrote


Vocabulary Military personnel working on bases and postó

A soldier works on an Army post.

A sailor works on a naval base.

An airman works on an Air Forcé base.

EXERCISE Write questions about Ihe píctures above.


2. Who

3. Where

Vocabulary A soídier getting ready for duty

Jo Ann Travis is in the Army She lives on an Army post, Every

morning she gete up and takcs a shower, She checks her uniform and
her cap. Then she puts on her uniform. Jo Ann's rank is eergeant, so
her uniform has stripes. Her ñame tag is on her unifürm. She puts her
cap on her head and her identification card in her pocket, Sgt Travis
leaves her house at S a,m.

"i"-' J-TBIt-t

v '|4 Ji f VWt\ jftfW

Jo Ann'K rank and

Jo Ann's ID card Sgt Travis in uniform

EXERCISE Read the sentences.WriteTfor true and Florfalse.

Number I is an example.

1. She has stripes on her umform.

2. Jo Ann Travis is in the Navy.

3. She shaves every morning.

4. She has an ID card on her uniform.

5. She leaves her house at 0800,

6. She lives on an Army post.

7. She puts her cap in her pocket.


Vocabulary US Air Forcé offícer ranks and insignia

Lina 1 - ranb. Lina 2 - abbreviation. Lias 3 - pay grade, Line 4 - insignia color


Colonel Lieutenant Colonel Majnr

Col LtCol
(0-6) (0-5) (0-41
Silver Silver Gokl

Captain First Lieutenant Second Lieutenant

Capt l m Lt 2 nd Lt
(0-3} (0-21 (0-1)
Silvcr Silver Gold

EXERCISE A Write each word m the column wlth Its stress pattern.

ID silver ñame tag naval

uniform ID card colonel sergeant
major general lieutenant captain

* *

ss&d ^yl
-.'-.- •-•. aMe

EXERCISE B Ask and answer questions about Air Forcé officer ranks.

What rank comes

before captain?

Lieutensnt coionel First heutenant comea

comes a e r maor. before captain.

What rank comes

after major?

EXERCISE C Write rank abbreviations and the personé last ñame.
¡tumbar 1 ta an exampie.

1. This is Ken Jones. He's a major.

This is Mai Jones.

2* This is Linda Barnes, She's a captain.

3. This is Bill McDonald. He's a sergeant.

4. This is John Banks. He's a coloneL

5. This is Anne Mane Grant She's a Heutenant colonel.

6. This is Peter Nichols, He's a general.

7. This is Rick Martin. He's a Heutenant.

8. This is Lisa Holmes, She's a major.

9- This is Henry Chong. He's a general.

10, This is Stcvc Rushing. He's a second Lieutenant.

EXERCISE D Read thedialogs.

¡n íhe coionel's office—

Col Jones: Come in!

Maj Lee: Good morning, 3¡r.

Cot Jones: Good morning, Major.

Please tell Lt Dale to come see me at lüüü hours.
Maj Lee: Yes, sir. Is that all, air?

Col Jones: That's all for now, Major.

In the tnajor'R office...

Maj Lee: Lieutenant, Col Jones wants to see you at 1000 hours.

Lt Dale: Yes, ma'am. Do you know why?

Maj Lee: He didn't sayf Lieutenant. Just go.

Lt Dale: Yes, ma'am, Thank you.

EXERCISE E Answer these questions about íhe dialogs above.

1. Is Major Lee a man or a woman? What tells you that?

2. Is Colonel Jones a man or a woman? What tells you that?

Pronunciaron Saying the regular past tense

*»* Past tense sounds hd/

EXERC1SE A Write the number of syllables and the past sound you hear

Number 1 is on exampíe.

L count 2 rnnnt.eH 3 ad

2, check

3. clean HpsnoH

4. watch waí.chrfí

S. repeat

6. learn |earnpH

7. cook mokí-H

8. want wantpH

EXERCISE 91 Spell the past tense. Then write the final sound.
Number 1 is an example.

1. repeat re

2. cail

3. atudy
4. work

5. record

6. answer
7. select

6. dance

Grammar Irregular past tense verbs

Jo Ann drives her car to work every day.

She drove to work yesterday. It took 30 minutos. She

got to work at 8:30 a.m, and left at 5 p.m.

The drive home took lungcr. She arrived at 5:45.

Tt took her 45 minutes to drive home.

to work yestenday

V The irregular pasi tense verb is the same for all subjects.

She drove to work yesterday.


begin -*• began fly -• fkw say -* soid
bring -*• broitght get up -* gat up see * saw
buy ~* bought go -+ went sit ~* sai
choose -- ckose nave -* hod sleep -* slepi
come -* carne hear -• heard epcak * spohe
do -* did know ~* knew stand ^ stood
drink -* drunk leave -* left swim -- sivam
drive -* drove put -^ jJüí take • took
eat -*• úíe read -* read write -* \urnte

EXERCISE A Write the past tense form oí each verb.

say put

know eat

come drink

leave getup

take fly
EXERCISE B Read these sentences. Underline the past tense verbs.

1. Peter swam afler class yesterday,

2. He went to hia barracks at 7 p.m. and took a shower.
3. He ate fish, rice, and salad for dinner. He drank water»
4. He began his homowork at S p.m. He knew all the anawers to the
5. He spoke to two frienda at the snackbar between 9 and 10 p.m,
6. He went to bed at 10:30 p.m. and slept until 6 a.m. in the morníng.
EXERCISE C Read about Dwight D. Eteenhower - US presiden!.

Dwight D, Eisenhuwer was the 34 rh presidcnt of the United States from

1952-1960. He was alao a military officer. He was born in 1890 in Denison, Texas.
People called him Ike,
Eisenhower's military career began in 1911. He chose to go tu thu US
Military Academy at West Pviní, and he went there four years. He graduated in
^^^^—^•^^^^^•~ 1915 as a second lieutenanL Then he worked at many
Ike Eisenhower was difieren t Army posts. In 1920, Eisenhower hecarne
a major. He was in Panamá fryín 1922 to 192*1. In
the 34th president
1926, he graduated from the Command and General
from 1952-1960 Staff School in Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, And he
• graduated from the Army War College in 192fi, In 1936,
Eisenhower was Chief of Staff in the Philippines, and he bíname a lieutenant
colonel therc, In 1941, before World War II, he became a general. He was a üve-
star general in 1946, and he left the military in May, 1952.
Eisenhower became the 34"1 President of the United fítates in 1952 and
served until 1960. After serving as president, he also wrote two books. He was
jníirriod to Mamie Eisenhower, and they liad one son. Dwight Eisenhow^r served
his country all his life, and he served it well.

EXERCISE D Fill in the blanks. Use the past tense oí the verb provided.

1. Eisenhower's military career in 1911. (begin)

2. He to go to West Foinl Militaiy Academy. (choose)

3. H e ^ therefauryears. (go)

4. Then he ^ at many ctiílcrent Army pusts. (work)

5- In 1920, Eisenhower . a m^jor, (become)

e. He the military in 1952, (leavet

7, He two books, (write)

8, Eisenhower a wife and one son. (havc)


EXERCISE E Complete the timeline. Use past tense-

The Life of Dwight D. Eisenhower

1890 Born if-i Denison. Texas

1915 jSraduated from West Point

1915 Sécame a 2"d lieutgnant in the U & Army



1926 Graduated from Command and General Staff 5chool

1928 _Graduated from the Army War Colleae



1941 _Beca me general




1952 Became President of the United States

Grammar Making past tense questions with irregular veras


two booke

*»* To make a yes/no questlon, put the suxiliary ct¡fi in front of the subject and use the
simple form oí the verb.

EXERCISE A Write a yes/no question on the line above the átatement.

Yes, Eisenhower's milítary career began in 1911,

Yes, he went tu West Point for four years.

Yes, he worked at many different Army posts.

Yes, he left the military in 1952.

Yea, Eiaenhower became the 34IJl president of the United States in 1952,

*** To make an Information question. put a wh- question word in front of did.

EXERCISE B Wrlte_questíons. Use who, when, what, or how many.

EXAMPLES: Where did Eisenhowor chciuse to study?

What did Eisenhower do at West Point?

How many sons did Eisenhower have?

When did Eisenhower become president?

Who wrote two books?

Eisenhower went to Panamá in 1922.

Eisenhower graduated from theArmy War Collcgc in

He left the mililary in 1952,

Eisenhower had one son.

He wrote two books.
EXERCISE C Head the paragraph and underline the past tense verbs.
Hint: There are 22 past tense uerbs m these two pffTúgraph&

Sergeant Travis didn't have a notebook. She waited until 10 a.m, Thcn shc
went tn the BX. She bought the notebuok- She thanked the sales person and went
lt was cold outaide, and she was very hiingry. She looked for a reataurant.
She asked two soldiers. They pointed to a snack bar and said the food there was
í^nod. She went into the snack bar and sat down, Slie wanted breakfast. She ordered
toast, eggs, and cofFee. The coffee waa very good, She ate her breakfast and left. She
walked to her room and began to study.

EXERCISE D Write questions about SergeantTravis,

Number 1 is on example.

. When did Sat Trasegó to the BX?











EXERCISE E Listen to a paragraph and select the true statement.

a. They didn'teat dessert.

b. They ate at the mess hall-

c. They didn't like the rice.

d. They liked the food.

EXERCISE F Use the ehart to ask classmates about their past activities.

Choose an activity. Use the queatian wnrd-Ask a classmaíe your qneuiioa. Titea ¡irrite down
your dassmate's ñame and answer.


studied last night where John In hls room

drove ín a car with friends where

ate at home when

got up early what time

saw a movie two weeks ago where

read books last month how many

ate in a restaurant when

went to the BX yesterday what time

ate chícken last month where

carne to class what time

went to a show when

Vocabulary Two soídiers taking a break

Sgt Travis:It's 1500, Let's take a

break. Do you want to go to
the snack bar with me?
Sgt Hicks: No, thanks. I'm not hungry.
I want to srnoke. Oh, nol 1
didn't bring my cigarettes.
Sgt Travis: They have cigarettes at the
snack bar. Do you want a

Sgt Hicks: Yes, bring me a pack of

Barí moros, picase.
Sgt Travis: Okay, Say, when did you
begin to sr
Sgt Hicks: Juat last month-
Sgt Travis: Really? We!l, I can get
those cigarettes for yon,

EXERCISE A These sentences are false, Change Ihem to make them true.

1. It's lunch time.

2. Sgt Hicks wants to eat.

3. They have cigarettes at the mess hall.

4. Sgt Travis wants to study with Sgt Hicks.

EXERCISE B U n sera m ble the letters and spell the words.

1. acpk

2. ekrab

3. tiwh

EXERCISE C Use the new vocabulary to write a dialog wíth a partner.

Student 1:

Student 2;

Student 1:

Student 2:

Student 1:

Student 2:
Vocabulary Miíitary time: The 24-hour dock


1 a,m. 0100 olí—one hundreri honra

2a,m. 0200 oh— two hundrod hüurs
3 a.m. 0300 oh— three hundrcd hours
4 a.m. 0400 oh—four himdred hours
5 a.m. 0500 oh—tive hundred hours
6 a.m. 0600 oh— six hundrcd hours
7 a.m. Ü700 oh— se ven hundred houra
8 a.m. 0800 oh—eight hundr<?d hours
9 a.m. 0900 oh — Trine hundred hours
10 a,m. 1000 ten hundrcd hours
11 a.m. 1100 eleven hundred hours
NOON 1200 twelve hundred hours
1 p,m. 1300 thirteen hundred hours
2 p,m. 1400 fourteen hundrcd houTS
3 p.m. 1500 fifteen hundrcd houre
4 p.m. 1600 sixteen hundrcd hours
5 p.m. 1700 seventeuii hundred húlllíS
6 p,m. 1SOO tüghLe^n hundrcd honre
7 p.m. 1900 ninetc?un hundrcd hours
8 p.m. 2000 twenty hundred hours
9 p.m. 2100 twenty-nne hundred huurs
10 p.m. 2200 twenty-two hundred hüura
11 p.m. 2300 twenty-threc hundred hours
Midnight 2400 twenty-ftmr hundred hours

To say hours and minutes, follow these eiamptea:

1:52 p.m. 13:52 thirteen flfty-two
10:30 p.m. 22:30 twenty-two thírty

EXERCÍSE A Write the military time or the civilian time.


^_^ ^

2:00 p,m, 2100

11:00 a.m. B:00 ara.

noon 0100

0200 4:00 p.m.

1800 2200

EXERCÍSE B Ask and answer questions using military and civilian time.

I got upat 0700 \

hours. ^/

time did
( you eat

Vocabulary Reporting for military traíning

Sgt Travia was not in claas last week, hut this week she
is, Her class is for mílitary training. It starts at 0730
and cnds at 1630 from Monday to PYiday. It'a Monday
morning, and she reporta for duty* on time. She sees
her instructor and says:
morning, Si/-.
I'm Sgt Travis.

Sgt Travis docsn't salute the instructor in claas, The

other students also don't salute. Her instructor says:
Good morning, Scrgeant, and weicome.
I'm Mr. King. Please sif. down.

Sgt Travis sita down. There are two new books un her
desk. She opens them and looks at her new booka.
*duty = work

EXERCISE Read the sentences. WriteT for true and F for false.

1. Sgt Travis1 class begins at 0730.

2. She goes to class from Monday through Thursday.

3. Sgt Travis is late on Monday morning,

4. She reporta for duty at 1630,

5. Mr. Kíng is Sgt Travis' instructor.

6. The students salute the dassroom instructor.

1. Class ends at 1630 Monday through Friday

S- Sgt Travis sita at her desk and does homework.

Vocabulary Revíew Classifying vocabulary words

Are these words sports, militar?, time, or money? Write eack tvord in the nght categary.

dollar uniform soccer basketball

quarter second dime month
baseball tennis year 0100 hours
colunel 1
cents minute day


Reading üliiacross a Une to find the same words

work want work wauld week w ornan

l : ^-lVí*M r ffM Circle the same word as the key word on the left.

1, after ago after airman again angry

2, ball bad barber wall ball tall

3. Canadá calendar captain Canadá car cent

4. now now how town down not

5. early eggs Egypt eight early eat

6. game get game good g° girl

7. inside LD. isn't outside it's inaidu

8. know now down town know how

9. many map man many mark March

10. office offices office October okay oíd
11. read record review repeat reataurant read

12, table take talk table tall tape

13. watch was watch we're woek water

14. airplane all alphabct always airplane angry

15. berracks barracks base baseball ball banana

16. child children child China choose circlc

17. eleven eleven ended England cnlistcd evening

18. right rice roora right Ruasian repeat

19. you're your young yo u yovt're ye&

20. don't door donut don't didn't does


EXI -.:[H!,-":-t~B Circíetwo words that are the same as the word on the left.

break | break bring bruught bride break

1. begin begin began beguile bESun be^in

2. brought bought brought bring brought bougli

3. choose chose choice church choose choose

4. come come comh crop come «me

G. drank drink drank drank rflnk drive

6. drive drove clove drivel drive driv.

7. went went went work tent wcll

8. had dad dab had bad had

9, heard heard hear heath heard beard

10, know knew know now know new

11. leave leap leave leave lean learn

12. read read red real dear read

13. said say said sai I sad said

14. saw say was saw sad stxw

15. sleep sleep slipped sleep sleet slept

16. spoke spot spoke soak Hpüke speak

17. stand stand stand stood stamp stern

18, swim swim swift whim swam swim

19. took kook took take tool took

20. wrote write rote wrote wrote where

Performance Check Making a timeline

My life



Where are my clothes?

VOCABULARY: Findingthe right clothes 57

CLothes for her 58
Clothesforhim 59
Some two-word verbs-puZü/z andtakeoff 63
WRITING: Alphabetizingwords .......67

PUNCTUATIQN: Identifying and using punctuation marks 68

GRAMMAR: Expressing ability usingrafi - - 71

Asking yes/no questions with can 73
Asking iníurmatiun questions with can 75

Expressing a requirement or neces&ity with must 76

Expressing a prohibitíon with must iot 79
DIALOGS: Asking for permistión with may and can -.—,80


Previ e w What's new in Lesson 3?

Nouns Verba
apostrophe sentenco can
belt shirt canaat
blouse shoes can't
skirt full uslt;cp -• fell aaleep
clothes slacks hang -*• hutig (up)
coat socks indent
comma statement may
contraction stockings must
dress suít must not
gloves sweater muatn't
hat tie punctuate
jacket T-shirt put on -+ put on
necktie takeoff »tookoff
pauta wake up -* woke up
paragraph wear » wore
question mark Othsi words
ficarf/scarves awakt-


She can swim. Wow, you look great.

I can't swim very welL Great.
He must study.
He must not smoke in class.


Vocabulary Clothes forher


scarf/scarves sweater

dress bou U hat

\V UI;

btouse skirt glovea




•g m


•3 -.
~ o
O dO ce
£ 2
cu <

w -i
o CJ
o _Q 01 11


EXERCISE B Make a list of the clothes each person ¡s wearing.

What's she wearing? Whafs he wearing?

EXERCTSE C Write the plurals oí these nouns.

1. hat 7. shoe

2. I'I i'u-i 8. boot

3. dress 9. jacket

4. acarf 10.

5. T-shirt 11. tie

6, stocking 12. sock

EXERCISE D Listen. Mark Ihe primary stress on each two-syllable noun.

1. T-shirt 4. sweater KEY

2. jacket 5. blouses
3. stockings 6. necktie

EXEHCISE E Look at the people in the classroom. What are they wearing?

1. What is your teacher

2. What are the students wearing?

3. What did the students wear yesterday ^veiiing after clesa?

EXERCISE F Play a chain game^Talk about clothes you bought.

$¡ ñames one Ítem. Ssrepeats ítem 1 and ñames andíher Ss repeatsftams 1 and 2 and names
artotker. Continué itntil everyone has a titrn.

At the BX, I bought



Vocabulary Some two-word verbs - put on and take off

'ñputtitig on his jacket.

He'sputting his jacket on.

He's taking off his jacket.

He's taking his jacket off.

V* These two-word verbs can be used together, or they can be apllt.

EXERCISE A Listen and repeat the sentences.

He puts on his socks, 2, He takesoffhis socks.

his aocks orí. He takes his socks off.

He's putting on his socks now. He's taking o^hia socks nowr
He's putting his socks on now. He's taking his socks a

He put on his socks yesterday. He íoo^ off his socks yesterday.

He puf his socks ora yesterday. He took his socks off yesterday.
EXERCISE B Listen and mark the primary stress on each phrase.

1. Msrk woke up Robert. 3. Hetookoííhisscarf

Mark woke Robert up, He took his scarf ofí"

2. He put on a jacket, 4. He himg up his clothes.

Heput ajacket on. He hung hia clothes up.

EXERCISE C Write ttie past tense cf tríese verbs.

1. take off 6. wake up

2. go 7. talk

3. come 8. get up

4. do 9. fall asletp

5. put on 10. getdressed

EXERCISE D Fill in Ihe blanks wilh the correct two-word vcrbs.

come on put on
take off woke up

1. I was sleeping, Mybrother at 7:00.

2. I alwaya wake up at 7:00 on weekdays. On Saturdays, I at 9 a,m.

3. After I took a shower, I my clothes .

4. . We're late for class!

5. You must your hat, YauVe inside a building now,

6. It's hot, Tm going to my coat .

7. ItTs very cold in here. I'm going to my jacket.

EXERCISE E Read thls text silently. Gírele all verba.

Yesterday, January 2ólbl, Robert didn't sleep well

He was awakc until 1:00 a.m. He fell asleep at 1:30, and
he woke up al 6:30. It was very cold. He got up, took
a hot shower, and got dressed. He put on his coat. He
also put his scarf, cap, and gloves on, It took twenty-five
minutes to walk to school.

waking up

The classroom wasn't cold, Robert was too hot. So he took off hia scarf, his
gloves, and his cap. He put them under his chair Then he sat down at his desk. But
he was still too hot. So he stood up and took his coat oif, too. He didn't put the coat
under his chair. He hung it on the back of the chair

Robert was tired after class. He went home and

fell asleep, His friend Mark carne to his room at 6 p.m.
Robert woke up and opened the door, The two friends
talked for five minutes, Then they went to a reataurant
and had dinner, After dinner, Robert wont home. He did
his homework and went to bed, It was just 9:05 in the
folling asleep

EXERCISE F Listen and repaat. Slashes (/) mark each thought group,

Yesterday, / January 25'11, / Robert didn't sleep well, / He was uwake until
1:00 a.m./He Fell asleep at 1:30,/and he woke up at 6:30. / It was very culd. /
He got up, / tocik a hot shower, / and got dressed. / He put on his coet, / It tuok
twtmty-live minutes / to walk to school.
EXERCISE G Read the sentences. Writo T for true or F for false.

1. Robert was asleep at 1:00 a.m.

2. He woke up at midnight.

3. It was cold autside.

4. He put gloves and a dreas on.

5. Robert waa awake at naon,

6. Robert took the bus to school.

1. Robert's classroom was cold.

8. Mark is Robert's brother.

EXERCISE H Listen to three paragraphs. Select the true statement for each.

Püragraph 1; a. The bus cerne early.

b. The bus doesn't come on Saturdays,
c. The bus carne very late.
d. The bus comes every day at 7:50,

Paragraph 2: a. Linda did her homework after claas.

b. Linda didn't go to school.
c. Linda didn't clean up her room.
d. Linda cleaned up her room,

Paragraph 3: a. Carlos speaks English,

b- Carlos is from Venezuela.
c. Carlos goes to work at night.
d. Carlos is learning English.


Readíng Alphabetizing words






Ubrary hot
live homework salad
like how same
lieutenant hour sai]or
listen hospital sad
1. 3.
Punctuatíon Idenfifying and using punctuation marks


This is a penad. I'm very tired.


This is a qitesíion inark.

? Are you tired?

This is a comino. John and I are tired, too.


This IK GH opostrophe 9
(for controctions and to Let's est at Ton^s Snack Bar.
show ownership).


EXERCISE A Read the paragraph and label the punctuation marka.

>Karl is from Germany, He doeSft t spcak
English, He's a new student at the language schooL.
lio bcgan his English class iast week. He gacs tu his
class on weekdays for 6 hours a day, Does he like it?
Yes, he does. He knows that English is a very good
language lo know for the Job hu has now.

EXERCISE B Read the dialog.

Teacher: Your punctuation's not right.

Student: What'fí punctuation? What's wrcing?

Teacher: Look here. There are no periods or

marks in your writing.
Student: We don't have those marka in rny language.
Teacher: In English, we punctuate our sentences
and para^raphs, Here are some ruleí:
Start a statement with a capital Ittter and
end it with a penad.
You start a question with a capital ietter,
too, but end it with a question tn-irk.
JUttoto For a paragraph, indent the first line.
AV The indentation shows the beginning of a

EXERCISE C Wlth a partnerT correctly write and punctuate these sentences.

Ñame each ptinctuatton mark yon irse.

1. robert is wearinga jacket

2. is site wearing a coat

3. lindas wearingjanes coat

4. robert woke u p a l 6:30a m

5. sues a sailor and ira a sailortoo

6. is robcrt wearing boots

1. roberts going outside now

S. sue and linda arent going

EXERCISE D Listen and write the sentences you hear.






EXERCISE E Listen to the paragraph.Then write it and punctuate correctly.

tom gets up at 6:00 he takes a shower and shaves he puts on hís uniform he goes t<i
the dining hall he sits down at a tñble and eats breakfast mark sits with tom mark
smokes a cigarette tom doean't smoke both men walk to class at 7:15

Grammar Expressing ability using can

Jim, Herí, and Randy can run 10 miles.

Kelly can't run 10 miles.

Paul can swím well.

Peter can swim very well, too.

EXERCISE A Check the boxea. Then tell your classmates what you can do.

ACTfVITV I can do It. I can do it well. I cannot do ¡t.

lift 30 pounds with my arms

fly a plañe

drive a car

run 42 kilometers or 26 miles

EXERCISE B Selec! one word from each column and write flve sentences.

He football
She can tennis
I cannot play socc«r very welL
You can't baseball
We baskctball





V Can is an auxiliary verb. Use can + the simple form of the verb.

EXERCISE C Use can and ca/Tfto describe an animal» then ask "What te it?*

Numbers 1 Gtid 2 ore examples.

1, 2.

Tt can fly. It can run.

It can swim and walk, It can play ball-
It canTt apeak. It can't speak, and it can't write
It can'tgo to school. It can bark.

What ia ít? What is it?

Itfs a bird. It's a dog.
Grammar Asking yes/no questions with csn

V Move the auxlljary verb can in front of the subject to make a questíon.


Put a quesllon mark (7) al the end of the question.

EXERCISE A Read the answer.Then wríte a yes/no

Yes, Tim can play basketball well.

Yes, Lt Pearce can swim.

Yes, Melissa can play tennis and basketball.

No, he cannot speak English.

No t the student can't read the books in the library.

Yes, Capt Coük can make chicken and rice.

Yes, the teacher can cook very good food.

EXERC3SÉ B Read and recite the dialog.

Donald: Hi, Robert, Thia ia my new friend Jack, He's from France.

Robert: Helio, Jack. Glad to meet you.

Donald: Jack can't apeak Engliah very welL Can you speak French?

Robert: No, I can't,

Donald: WeLL, can you speak Spanish?

Robert: Yes, I can,

Donald; Good. Jack can apeak Spanish, too.

EXERCISE C Wlth a partner, ask and answer questions with can and cant.

Give both short and long ansiuers fo the questions.

speak read cook memorize

awirn play learn
write fly speak drive

Can you spell your teacher'a

Nú, I can't. Yes, í can.

I cannot drive a bus. Yes, 1 can spell ht?r name
Grammar Asking Information questions with can


What sports can you play? I can play basketball and baseball.

H<jw many students can play tennis? Fivc studonts can play tennis,

Who can play soccer well? Jim can!

How often can children swim? They can swim pverv day.

EXERCI5E Write questions about the paragraph. Use Wfro and What

All the students in my class know two, three, or four languages,

Lt Romo speaks Spanish, French, and English. Sgt Gomdi speaks
Arable and English. Lt Fofana spcaks Germán, Spanish, Englifíh, and
Italian, Maj Kim speaks Korean, Japanese, and English. Capí Rossi
speaks French, Italian, and English.
Number 1 is an exampíe.

1. Who can epgak Arabia? r

Sgt Gamdi can speak Arable.

He can speak Korean, Japanese, and English,

Lt Romo and Lt Fofana can speak Spanish.

He can speak Arabic and English,

fihe can speak French„ Italian, and English.

All the students in the class can speak English.
Grammar Expressing a requirement or necessity with must

Look <it tfte picturcs and read the sentencea.

Students must listen to the teacher in dass.

Students must study cvcry day,

They must do their humework every night.

Soldiers must wear uniforms to class.

The soldier must report to thc officer

An enlisted aoldier must salute an officer.


EXERCISE A Answer the questions» Use mu&t

Number I í.s on flrompfe.

1. You have a test tomorrowr What must you do? íatudyí

I muet studv for ths test.

2. You aregettingdressed for class. What must you \vear? funifurm)

3. ít's time for class, Your book is in your room. Who must you sp«ak tn? (teacher)

4. You are a soldier You're goíng outaide. What must you put on? (cap)

5. You are taking an Engíish dass. What language must you speak? (English)

6. You're a major. You're outsíde. A calonel comes. Wlmt must you do? ísaluto)

EXERCISE B It's time for lunch. Wrlte what you must do.

You're in the dassroom. It's 12:00. What musí you do beforeyou leave? Where rriuttt ytut



EXERCISE C Use the words to write a sentence with must.

Number 1 is an example.

1, I / now / go
ao Y\OW.

2. they/Htudy/for the test/ tonight

3L tomoirow / I / cali / hume

4. we / our rooms / deán / before the i

5, Sgt Blair / take / to the méchame / hia / car

6. Major Gordon / General Sullivan / sálate

7. wear / students / ñame tags?

8. Soldiers / drink / water

9. tipeak / English / in class / students?

10. students / bring / books í and / pencils / to class

Grammar Expressing a prohibition with must not

You must not snioke in the classruum.

Do not smoke in the classruum,

You must not eat or drink in the lab,

V/Hk/ Do not eat or drink in the lab.

w You mustn't drink and íírive,
Do not drink and drive.

musí nol = mustn't

EXERCISE Check what you must not do. Then make sentences.

L bring TD to class 5. dohoniework

2. sleep in the lab 6. wear ñame tag

I 3, salute officers 7. srnoke i

D, eat in the lab a hat in the classroom

Dialogs Asking for permission with may and can

Young girl: Oh, Mom! That pear looka 30

good. Muy T eat it,

Mother: Yes, you may. You muy caljust


Young girl: Mom. Tm hungry agüin. May I

have an apple?

Mother: No, you may not.You juat had

a pear, and wtí cat dinncr in 15

+* Use may In formal requests; use can in informal requests.

Teenager: Hey, Mom! That peer

good. Can I eat it?

Parent: Sure, bul just eat

Teenager: Mom. T'm hungry again, Cím I

have an applt??

Parent: No, yon cannot, You juat had a

pear, and we eat diniiur in 15
EXERCISE A Listen. Practice intonation.

Ruad your fine first. Then fook \tp, and say it tuithout reading.

1. Student: Can I leave early today?

Teacher; No, you can't.

2. Capt Yates: Can he answer a question?

Capt Bates: Yes, he can answer tíie next question,

3. Mr. Kline: Can they come with us?

Sgt Moore: Yes, the men can go to the basketball game.

4. Student: It's 12 cTclock, May I please luave the classroom now?

Teacher: No, you may not.

EXERCISE B Select a sltuatlon. Role pJay it wrth a partner.

In the classroom At the office

• a teacher • an ernployer
* a student * an employee
The student agkg permiasion to get The employee eska permiasion to
u drink of water. go home early.

Tii the barracks At home

* a sergeant • a parent
• a prívate • a child
The prívate is tired. He asks The child asks permission to play
permission to go to bed. outside.
Performance Check Sporís 5/WGO

Ask your cíassmaíea the quesíion "Canyou p!ay í"'or "Doyauga ?"When a
student playa the sport, write hisorher ñame In the square. To win JHNGQ,ycnt musí
fottr llt o ro¡v doivn J-, across —>, or diagonatly f .

bicycüng softball badminton Golf

volleyball soccer baseball cricket

racqui?tball hockey basketball tennis

swimming in-line skiing

skating tennis
Pencilsin 10 colors
VOCABULARY: Buying pencils in 10 different colors ...... 86

The four seasons of the year S9

GRAMMAR: Asking questions with What + noun 92

READING: Scanning across a line to find the same words 94

GRAMMAR: Asking queslions abuul prices -Hoiv mut'ti...'? 3ti

Demonstrative adjectives - this, that, these, those .... US

VOCABULARY: Liatening to music ..„,.. 100

PRONUNCIATION Saying/d/in reduced syllablcs 102

READING: Alphabetizing .„„. —.-,.— 1U4

WRITING: Punctuation ..-.,.,- -.—,.— .„„... - 104

GRAMMAR: Reviewing irregular past tense verbs 10/í

Previ e w What's new in Lesson 4?

Nouns Verbs Other
autumn cost-' cosí hlack
clerk dance blue
color (s) help brown
dance record cool
fall sell -* sold gray
headphones take * took (buy; carry) greea
headset oran ge
rauíiic pink
season purple
store warm
summer white
winter yullow


IIow much is the book ? ma'am
How much does the pen cost? Here you are,
What color is your car? That lüoks eood.
What movie d id he se e? the day after tomorrow
I donht liks this shirt. the day before yesterday
I líkc that shirt. over here
over there
Dialogs Buying pencils in 10 different colors

Jan I have homework. My teacher

wants a bar graph in color
Jeff: Do you have pencils in different
Jan: No, I don't, I can buy a box of
colorea pencils at the store.
Jeff: Can I go with yon? I have to buy
paper and a pen for dass.
Jan: Qkay. Let'ü go

Jan: Look over here. Here'ñ o box

with ton different colors.
Jeff: That looks good.
Jan: Yes, it has black, blue, brown,
green, orange, pink t purple, red,
whtte, and yellow.
Jeff: Are those the right colors?
Jan: Yes, thudc oolors are all right.
Fm going to take this box.

Jan: Ma'am. How much are these?

Clerk: TheyVe $4,95 for the box,
Jan: All right. Here's $20.00,
Clerk: Fm sorry, ma'am, I don't have
change. Do you have a $5.00
Jan: Let me look. Yes, here you are.
Clcrk: $4.95 from $5.00. Your change is
a nickel.
Jan: Thank yrju, ma'am.
EXERCISE A Label each pencil wilh the ñame of its color.

EXERCISE B Read these sentences about things in a classroom.

1. The bullelin board is brown,

2. The TV is black.
3. The walls arepink.
4. The chaira are blue.

íí. Thedoor is gray.

6. The board is white.

7. The book is bJue t red, and yellowr
6, The teacher's penis red.

EXERCISE C Ñame some objects. Look ¡n íhe classroom and outside.

Color In the classroom Oulside










EXERCISE D Write senlences. Use 8 different colors in your sentences.

Number 1 is an example.

Mv 0err ís blue.


EXERCISE E With a partner, ash and answer these questiona

1. Is a table in th.e classroom?

Is the table brown or black?

What culor is thc table?

2- Is a chair in the clasñroom?

What color is the chair?

3. Is a board on the wall?

Is the board black, grcpn, hrown, or white?

What color is the board?

4. Is a picture on the wall in the classroom?

What color is the picíure?

EXERCISE F Listen, Praclice intonation.

Jim: Look, Here's a box of ten colora.

JefF; Thallooksgood,
Jim: Yes, it has bladt, bluc, brown, green, orante,
pink, purple, red, white, and yellow.
Jeff: Are Ihose the right colors?
Jim: Yes, they are.
Vocabulary The four seasons of the year

Tt's cold in the winter,

December, January, and Februory
are the winter months.

It's warm in the

March, ApriJ, and May are
the spring months.

It's hot in the sumnier

June, July> and August are
the summer

It's cool in the fall.

Septembiír, ÜttobtT, and Novomber
are the fall months.
People also say autumn for falL
EXERCISE A In each quarter of the circle, wrlte the ñame of the season.

EXERCISE B Read the statement. Then writethe season on the Unes.

1L _. Its the month of November It's cool outside.

2. Ifs very hot, I likc to drink icad tea in thie eeaeon.

3. It's very cola. People wcar their coatfi in thifi

4. It's April. It's warm outaide.

5, ^_^ Brrrl I \vant to drink hot cufíbo. I'm very cold.

6. Lct's swim. It's a very hot dayh

EXERCÍSE C Look at the calendar. Then read the sentences.

February 2003
Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Frí Sat
2 3 4 5 6 7 a
9 10 11 © 13 14 15
16 17 10 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 2&

1, February 11 is before February 12, and February 13 is after February 12.

2. Today is Wednesday, yesterday was Tuesday, and tomorrow is Thursday
3- The day before yesterday was Monday
4. The day afber tomorrow is Friday.
5. This month is February.
6. Tbe montb before this month was January.
1. The moiith after this month is March.
8. In the United States, February is in the winter
9. The season before winter is fall or autumn,
10. The season after winter is spring.

EXERCÍSE D Make atatements about the days, seasons, and month&.

wtth a partfier
EXAMPLES; 1. 'ftiday is Sunday. Yesterday was Saturday.
The day before yesterday was Friday
2. Today is Sunday Tomorrow is Monday.
The day after tomorrow is Tuesday.

Grammar Askmg questions with What + noun

Jim: What dgy was yesterday?

Jeff: Yesterday was Friday. I went to a game last night
Jim: What game did you see?
Jeff: I went to a baskñthall game.
Jim: What teams playcd?
Jeff: The San Antonio Spurs and the Los Ángulos
Jim: What was the score?
Jeff: The Spurs won 104 to 9¡i.
Jim: What time did the game finish?
JeíT; It finished at 10:31). It was a good fíame.

EXERCISE A Write questions for an interview with your cFassmate.

Number 1 i$ an exampie.

1. country What country are vou from?

2. City

3. languages

4. job or profession

5. car

6. color

7. sports

8. TV shows

Use your qucstifins to interview a dassmcite. Ful out the informaticn form an the next


EXERCISE B _Complete_thlsjnformation about your classmate,

Work inpairs. Use your questions from ihe previous exercise.






EXERCJSE C Use What+ a word beJowtoaskyourclassmates questions.

food day movie time

meal clothea re.staurant

Q Whatclothes.,.?
»¿?J¿Í^» Scannlng across a Une to find the sam& words
begin beguile began \begiij begun become

^^^^^^^^^ •—
_^_^^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^^
B h H b k H
Gírele the same word as the key word on the left.

1, wall bad barber wall ball tall

2. eight eggs Egypt eat early eight

3. lamb last late lamb lab language

4. rnark mark map many man march

5. okay oíd office Qctuber okay officer

6. penny pen pencil penny pear page

1. take talk take tall tape tablc

8. water watch was week we're water

9. choose China children child choo&e circle

10. fian fish fine five fly food

11. select second aee aay scloct school

12, repeat record repeat right room rice

13, before beef big before bed blackboard

14, cofíee clean cióse cold dock coffce

15. around around apple April answer aren't

16. cities city clasa cívílian cities clfiPKroom

17. hospital hornework hospital hour how happy

18. learn lesaon lató learn leave like

19, outside open outside MJ -LlU' orange one

20. milk raeat meal May milk many


EXERCISE B llHtí^SiVM words that are the same as the key word o n the Jeft.

begin (begin) began beguile begun (begin) before

1. sound sound sports speak stand sound Spain

2. today today to time today tired tomorrow
3. look listen look long lunch look London
4. hundred hundred happy how have hundred husband
5. spell spoke study student spell speak fcpell

6. drove drove drive desk dialog drove door

7, three the three three there the se this
8. then ten time that then thia then
9. soccer soccer school son soldier soccer snack
10, small six sit amall síxty sound small

11. well well week were what who well

12. pear pen pear pencil pear penny pilot

13. sister fíit she sister sick ehort si éter
14. cook cook cook come car cool carne
15. taxi ten taxi tape twenty taxi teacher
Ifi. when when why when who white where
17, word wall word we well why word
18. airman apple ask airman airplane airman air

19. chair chair chair check cherry cheese child

20. record repeat record right red read record
Grammar Asking questions about prices - How much. .. ?

Jack: Hi, Bob. Did you scll your car?

Bob; Sure, did. I sold it to my brother.
Jack: Great, Say, you know David, right?
He bought a new car
Bob: Really? What color is his car?
Jack: It's silver. He got it for $13,000.
Bob: Say that again! $30,000 or $13,000?
How much did it cost?
Jack: It was just $13,000.
That's a guüd price for a very mee car.

does (did) the car cost?

How much the car?
is (was)

do (did) the slioes COHt?

How much the shoes?

are (were)

EXERCISE A Repeat these questions and answers.

1. How much ¡3 the blueshirt? It's $29-00,

2. How much does the white shirt cost? lt'3 $32.00.

3. How much are these black shoes? They coat $110.00.

4. How much did your new jacket cost? It was $399.00.

5- How much was your oíd jacket? It was just $99.00.

6. How much did your white slackft cost? The cost was $49.00

7. How much were your pants? They wori? $9.99.


EXERCISE B Listen and write the mlsslng words.

Tom went to the store yesterday. He wanted to buy a new . coat.

He didn't want to buy a or pants. At the store, he a
white shirt frora Paris for just . He liked it. He saw black
from Italy for jusl $15.00. He . them, too. The price was right.
But, the clerk said: "The nt-w put the wrong príees un these.
This _ ís $30.00, and these slacks $50,00. But, the clcrk
sold the _ _ shirt and the black slacks to Tom _ _ just $28.00.
Tom didn't buy the yesterday. He didn't have the money
him to buy all the „ he wanted. The day after ., lie wants
to go back to the to aee the new prices on the coats.

EXERCISE C WritaS questions about Exercise B. Use Howmuch...?

It was $13,00,


They cost $28.00.
Grammar Demonstrative adjectives - this, that, these, those

Where do we get on the bus?

It's this bus atopN
over here. _y No, ira that bue
stop over there.

Singular Plural
Near this these
Far that those

EXERCISE A Read thedialogs.

Dialog 1:

Tom; Look here. I like this car. Let's take it.

Jan: This car is black, and iths too small. I want to go in a big red car.

Tom; OK. Look over there. Those cars are big. These cara ovor here are small,

Meg: Who lives in those buildings over there?

Harry: I don't know, I like these buildings. TheyVe new.

Meg: I don't like them. I like oíd buildinga. I like thia building over here.

Harry: Do you want to live in this building?

Meg: Yes, I want to Uve in thia building. It's nice, big, and oíd.


EXERCISB B Choose the correct word to complete each sentence.

1. hat over here belongs to John.


2. socks are bine. I want the black aocks over there.


3. booka over there belong to me.


4. book in my hand costs $18.95.


5. brown panta belong to Peter


6. dress over there is very nice.


EXERCISE C Listen and repeat.Then role play a dialog with a partner.

A customer and a BOtóa clerk in A custonter and a 3alea clerk in

a store.,, a store...
Clerk: Helio. May I help Sally: HDW much do theae
you? black pants cost?
Frank: Yes, thank you. Do Clerk; $65,00, ma'am.
you have this shirt in
Sally: Do yon sell shoee in
Clerk: Yes, we do. Right this store?
over here.
Clerk: Yea, ma'am, we do,
Women's shoes are
Clerk; Here you are. over there-
Frank: Thankyou. How Sally: Thank you very
much does it cost? much.
Clerk: It's $42.95, sir. Clerk: You're welcome.
Vocabulary Ustening to music

cassette tape headphones / headset tape recordar

radio CD walkman
CD player compact discs (CDs) video cassette recordar (VCR)

EXERCISE A Mead the paragraphs.Then answer true or falso.

Tammy is a derk in a music store downtown. The store sella good music
on CDs and cassettes. They also sell CD and cassette players. They sell very good
headphones and headsets, too.
Yesterday, Barbara went to the music store. She wanted to buy some music
for dancing. The store had hundreda of CDs and cassettes. It was difficult to chuus
Tammy likes to go to dances, so she helped Barbara make her selection. Barbara
listened to her new CD in the car going home, She really liked the music. It was a
good chai ce.

1. Barbara is a clerk in a music store.

2. The music store sells headphones.
3. Tammy likes to dance.

4. Barbara put a tape in her CD player.

5. Barbara didn't like the music Tammy chose.

EXERCISE B Read the paragraphs. Then write answers to the questíons.

Barbara likes music. She always takes her CD player and headphunes to
work to listen to muaic. She likes to put in a CD and put on her headset. She can
work well with the music on.
Sometióles she records music from the radio with her tape rwcurder. She
bought her tape recorder at the music store downtown. It cust $29,95. Therc is also a
smalT CD walkman in the store. It coats $49.99, Barbara wanls tu buy it, too.

1. How can Barbara listen to music at work?

2. Where can she record music from?
3. How much does the small CD player cost?
4. How much did her tape recorder cost?

5. Where is the new muaíc store?

Fronunciation Saying /a /in reduced syllables

Listen to Ihe sentences. Didyou hearcan orcan't? Check fi/J the corred
1. can can't

2, can 1 can't

3- [ can can't

4- [ can can't

5. can can't

6. can ] can't

7. [ can can't

EXERCISE 3 Tell wnat you can or canTt do.

He can't speak Russian He can drive a car

I can speak English, T can't fly a plañe


EXERCISE B Listen and repeat the questions.

1. Can I buy this book, please?

2. Can I have coffee, please?

3. Can I ask you a questíon?

4. Can you tell me the time, please?

5. Can you give me the time, please?

6. Can you help me, please?

lg'>J¡-ri:lfra Listen and mark the stressed and the reduced syllables.

<er 1 is art exampie.

1. about 6. o'clock

2. ago 7. asleep
3 . agam or Houston
A Stre&sea syllable *** Dallas tf. before
O reOuceü syllable

í?Rñ"l*M Listen and mark the stressed and the reduced sy lia bles.

Number 1 is art exampie.

1. the spring 6. Bob can awim.

2. thefa]! 7. luto 2

8. coffee and tea

4. at the store 9. How about you?
0 roducod syllaüle
5. I'm from New York, 10. When does class end?
Reading Alphabetizing

Alphabetize the words in etick oval.

downtown cook
doctor coffee
door color
dollar corred
does come

Writing Punctuation

Lisien. Then write the paragrapk u-ith corred punctttation.

joe likes to play soccer he doesn't like to play baseball or football he playa
with his friends on saturday mornings from 9 to 12 joe likes to watch soccer gsmes
on televisión too iast Saturday a good soccer garne between france and apain WUH on
tv joc started to watch but he fell asieep afterjust 15 minutes
Grammar Reviewing irregular past tense verbs

Ful ¿n the blanks with the corred forms ofthe


1. I / hear 1 hear
2. he / soy

3. I / have
4 Bill /do

5, we / sell
6. you / lea ve
7 he / aleep
8 I/buy 1 don't buy
9 I / bríng

10 they / put

11. he / speak

12 I / read

13 it / cost
14. you / fly yíJU flew
15, we/go
16. thcy / see
17, she / eat
18. I/drink

19. I / choose 1 didn't choose

20. we / drive
EXERCÍSE Past or present? Select the correct verb form. __

1. The Smiths __ a new car the day before yesterday.

buy / bought
2. Capt Jones and his wife __ to New York every wmtor.
3. Thev dowritown last night.
drive / drove
4. He __ lunch at a Chínese restaurent every day.
e ata / ate
5. We ___ to our oíd friynds last week,
speak / apoke
6. I __ _ pictures of my friends' children a week ago.
aee / saw
7. She always __ __ to baseball games on Saturdays,
goes / went
8. They , __ to see a movie downtown yesterday.
chüose / chose
9. Capt Jones _ __ his book to class yesterday.
takes i took
10. There _ no chaira in the lab. I stood tbr an hour.
are / were
11. The student ___ his books in Lab 5. Someone took them.
leaves / left
12. We . __ only English in class last year.
speak / spoke
13. He __ _ black socks at the BX the day before yesterday.
buys / bought
14. She __ hats and clothes at the Etore everyday.
aells / sold
EXERCISE A Listen and select the best answer.

1. a. a captain
b. a colonel
c. a general
d. a lieutenant

2. a.
b. gloves
c. booLs

d. nt-cktíes

3. a. scarf
b. soccer
c. ailver
d. statement

4. a. over there
b. military
c. again
d. awake

5. a, false
b. long
c. true
d- warm

6. a- 2000hours
b. 2100houra
c. 220Ühours
d. 2300hours


7. a- You can do it.
b. You mustn't do it.
c. You may do it.
d. You don't like do it.

8. a, It's warm.
b. It'stíred.
c. It's happy,
d. It's brown.

9. a. $9.95.
b. 10:45 a.m,
c. 4

d. Over he re.

10. a. stripes
b. headphones
c. cigarettes
d. slacks

11. a. start
b. must
c. indent
d. salute

12. a. It's 8 p.m.

b. It'sSa.m.
c. It's 6 p.m.
d. Il'aGa.m.

EXERCISE B Listen to the sentence and circle the letler.







EXERCISE C Listen and choose the corred stress pattern for each word.

1. baseball 2. liüiitenant 3, general 4. cigarette

a A • A * a. A • a, A *
b. • A b. * A b. • A b, • A
C. * A « c. c. . * A •
d. A • • fl. d, A, * •

EXERCISE D Work with a partner. Write 2-syllable worcls.

Mark ¡he syllable in each word. Mark reduced syÜGhlestthe lv 1 sound) with o

Cotors &
Mititary Rank Sports Clothes
A. O ^^^B

major tennis jacket purple

. lacio

O reduced
EXERCISE E Listen to the paragraph and write ihe missing words.

My brother goes tu a school. He gets up at 0400 every

. The students at tho school have tu wear their _ to
have to all the oñicers, too. They havu lo
their hats when they are inside a buildmg. They have lo thuir
hats when they are outside. They cannuL from the barracks

to the classroom buildings. He saya thoy go from the dining hall to

the barracks in secunda. Sometimes, my brother _ .. sit

down to eat. He has to to eat hifi meáis. The studcnta may nol
cigarettes. They may not televisión. This is his
year at the schooL We can't his school this yenr.

EXERCISE F Write the past tense, the number of syllables, and the sound.

Number í íx (tu example.

Number of Number of
Verb Past tense Sound
syllables sy I Jabíes

1. report reported

2. cook

3. \vork

4. select

5. learn

6, review

7. record

8. play
EXERCISE G Fill in the missJng forms of the verbs.

Numhcr I rn an e


1 I / stand 1 stand J don't stand 1 st-ood IdiíJn't stand

2 he / come
3 I/bring
4 Bill / fly

5 we / see

6 you / say

7 he/wríte

8 I/read

9 he / buy

10 they / do

11 he / know

12. I / begin

13. ít / leave

14. you / tnke

15 we / ha ve

16. they / git

17. aho / L'at

18. it / hear

19. 1 / p u t

20 we /go

EXERCISE H Write these sentences in Ihe past tense.

Number 1 is on example.

1, I do my homework. (yesterdayj
\¿. my homework yeeterelay.

2. He visits his párente every Sunday aftemoon. llast year)

3. She wakes up at 6:30 and eats breakfast, (this morniag)

4. He always brings thc wrong bonks to class. (last month)

5. This car costs $45,000. (two years ago)

6. The new dictionary helps Joe learn vocabulary words. (last nightl

7. When do you fall asleep? (last night)

8. We cook fish for lunch every day, (last week)

9, Joe's dad smokes four packs of cigarettes a day (U?n years

. Pat wears two sweaters to class (last winter)

EXERCISE I Match the civilian time on the left with the same military time.

1. five p,m. a. 1745 hours

2. eight a,m. b. 1355 hours

3. one fifty-five p.m. v. 2035 hours

4. eleven a.m. d. 1100 hours

5. six-thirty p.m. e. 0030 honra

6 r eight thírty-five p.m. f 2330 hours

7. four g. 2145 hours

8. twelve-thirty a.m. h, 1830 hours

9. seven forty-five p.m. i. OSOO hours

10, eJeven-thirty p.ra. j r 1945 hours

11, five forty-five p.m. k, 1700 hours

12, nine forty-five p,m. J. 0400 hours

EXERCISE J Alphabetize the words.

1. '3.

EXERCISE K Complete each sentence. Write your answers.

Nuniber ! is an, exampie,

1. They are soJdiers. Thcy must salute

2. Ymmg children can
3. Our teacher says wc must
4- Sergeants can't
5. Studenta mustn't
G. My car can't

7. lean
8. I can't
9. My son must
10. My son mustn't

EXERCISE L Unscramble the letlers and spell the words.

EXAMPLE: tjkcae jacket

1. muntau
2. olelwy

3. aeertws
4- dhhaeonsp
5. trecatieg

6. rnmrues

7. aeitltnune

8- etatanrrus


EXERCISE M Change these negative sentences to affirmatrve sentences,

Nuniber 1 is an example.

L Sgt Jones didn't speak to Maj Smilh. (Culonel Wallace)

He gpoke to Caloñe! Waflacg,

2. Frank and Tom didn't see the movie. íthe game on TV)

3. Joc didn't want to play soccer, (baseball)

4. My son didn't drink milk. (black

5. My mothcr didn't get up at 7:30. (S:15)

EXERCISE N Change these affirmative sentences to negative sentences.

1. Bob and Jerry sat on chairs. (tbe ílour)

2. Henry wrote a letter to his brother. tto bis siaterl

3. Patricia knew the answer to question #23. (queation #24)

4. Thosc shoes cost nineteen dollars. íninety dollars)

5. My parents carne yesterday. (the day before yesterday)

EXERCISE O Listen to the paragraphh Then write it with corred punctuation.

nancy went to a store she wanted to buy a necktie for tom the first tie shc saw was
blue it cost $5995 nancy said she wanted one for seven dollars the clerk brought an
orange tie with green baseballs on it for $699 nancy bought it for tom

EXERCISE P Listen lo a paragraph. Then select the TRUE statement.

Paragraphl: a. People can swim and play golf in the winter

b. People can play golf and tennis all year long.
c. Civilians don't like LÜ play sports,
d. Tom goes to svhocil on base.

2: a, Mark has two aunts and úneles.

b. Mark uves in a small town.

c. Mark visíted his grandpsrents last month,
d. Mark doesn't like to go to the movies.


EXERCISE O Fin in eacb blank with the best word.

help autumn
end true stripe
visited warm

1. I don't know the answer tn this question. Can you please me?

2. This story is not falso. It is .

3. My fricnds were here in town last week. They me for fmir

•i. Glasses at this school at 12^20 on Fridays.

5. It's in this room. I must take off my sweater-

6. I cali September, October, and November fall. My mnther calis it

1. Frank is a prívate. He has one ,

EXERCISE R Match the word and its meaning.

1. genoral a, wear these on the hands

2. suiriEier b. play this sport

3. tie c r a military rank

4. restauran! d. a color

5. city e. a season of the ycar

6. gloves f. eat here

7. brown gr wear this on the neck

8. basketball h. a big town

EXERCISE S Make a sentence wíth each word. Say il lirst, and then wrlte it

1. those

2. cool

3. mustnot

4. downtown

5. slacks

6. long

7. sell

8. asleep

9. help

10. play
11. must

12. didn't

EXERCISE T Write the sentences you hear.








EXERCISE U Circle words in each group.

Find ,V sports, 5 r&nks, 5 colors, and 9 clothing Ítems.

g r c e t m k p s g

w n s n 1
k o c t s a •

c k e t r a s t b

a s h a t d t r e w r q c z e
X c V b e n o u b a s e b a 1 1

1 o g e n e r a 1 P h d j P k t
k 1 r b n n m q a w e r y t u h
u a

• •
k s o c k s 0 i a P s

z s y e s f V g k i h k p i n k

q w e r t c y i

u a s d n f
- .
g b V c X z o q• w h r k o r
s p o s

t 1 i e u t e n a n t
P q 0 w q

c o w w e V s d a s
r t n

a X d e e c k t e g n m
- •
r a o k e m 1 P o b f e w q

f o 0 t b a 1

1 a s d f g h k
1 k g d s a q w e r t

e h f
y w g r e e n b V c X z a a q w

300K4 LE5SON5
EXERCISE V Select the best answer.

1. Frank studies English 50 hours every week. He can speak

a. very
b. good
c. well
d. all

2. At 8:20, the class

a. takes a break
b, ís the break
c, puta a break
d. makes breaking

3. Gur class at 7:30. It ended at 2:35.

a. begin
b. began
c. begins
d. is beginning

4. Tom went to bed at 10:30 last night. He at 10:35.

a. fell asleep
b- fall asleep
c. falls asleep
d. falling asleep

5. Today ÍK Mondayr The day before yesterday was

a. Sunday
b. Wedneííday
c. Saturday
d. Tuesday

6, Do not smoke cigarettes in room 2137.

a, You may smoke in room 2137.
b- You can smokc in room 2137.
o. You must smoke in room 2137.
d, Yoví mustn't smoke in room 2137.
7- Joe's is lieutenant.
a. blause
b. rank
c. color
d. spring
8. did that new car cost?
a. How much
b- How does
c. How many
d. Whatmuch
9. Tbm ig a _ in a clothing store.
b. game
c. pack
d. clerk
10.1 go to the dispensary now.
a. wantto
b. like
c. put on
d. report
11.Purple, silver, and yellow are
a. seasons
b. ranks
c. stockings
d. cobra
12.Beth her friend in the hospital two hours ago.
a. visited
b. viaits
c. viait
d. visiting
13.It waa very hot inside the airpiane, I myjacket.
a, puton
b. took off
c woke up
d, cleaned up
14. My brother likes to listen to ,
a, color
b, dance
c, music
d, jacket
IS.Were you awake or st 10 o'clock last night?
a. asleep
b. sleep
c. fall asleep
d- fell asleep
16. My children baseball on Saturdayfl.
a. plays
b. playing
c. play
d. is playing
17.What time did the raovie ?
a. end
b. ends
c. ended
d. ending
18,Ted wants tobuy black sboes over there.
a. those
b. thcse
c. this
d. that
iy. A civílmn wears a suit to work. A soldier wears a _
a. salute
b- report
c, gloves
d, uniform
20.They had good musical the .
a. military
b. dance
c. sport
d. report
21. The men's store is
a. town
b. cost
c. statement
d. downtown.

22. What animal has black and whitu . ?

a. packs
b. caps
c. stripes
d. ranks
23. Wc musí cany our ID cards ali the lime.
a. indcnt
b, inside
c- identification
d, indentation
24-The day before yesterday was Tuesday. Today is
a. Thursday
b. Wednesday
c. Friday
d. Monday

25. Whidí word has the past tense sound/ad/7

a. cieaned
b. lookcd
c. saluted
d. played
26. Which word has the past tense saund/t/?
a. danced
b. learned
c. wanted
d. studied

27. Which word has the past tense sound /d/?

a. visited
b. watched
c. ended
d. answercd



didn't (did + not) 1

again - -- 1 downtown -,,. 1
all 1 dress (n) . 3
apostrophe 3
asleep 3 end ív)
autumn - 4
awake . . 3 falHn) 4
8 fall asleep -' fell asleep 3
ball false 2
baseball first lieutenant/141 U 2
basktitball fbntball {pro football) 1
become ' became
bcgin -- began - - 2 gome - -, - 1
bell 3 general/Gen 2
black -... 4 Georgetown 1
blouse - - 3 gloves 3
bine , -,- 4 gold 2
boots - 3 gray 4
break {n) -- -- 1 Great 3
breakin) 2 green 4
bring - ' brought 2 H
brown 4 hang (up) -' hung Cup) 3
hat 3
can (ability) (permigsidn) 3 headphones 4
cannot ícan + not> 3 head set - 4
can't 3 help(v) 4
cap [n) , . . 2 Here yon are - 4
captain/Capt - 2 Houston - 1
Chicago 1 How ybout Saturday? 1
cigarette 2 How about you? - 1
city (cities) .,., 1 How's it going? 1
deán íup) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
clerk - -- 4 ID card 2
clothes - 3 ídentification -. 2
coat 3 indent (v) - -, 3
coloncl/Col 2 rt's2210houre 2
color - 4
comma 3 jacket 3
contraction , - 3
cook (v) - - 1 K
cool - 4
cost ' cost . . . . - . - 4 Let's get together. - 1
lieutenant/Lt . , , - 2
Dallas 1 lieutenant colonel/Lt Col , - 2
dance (n) (v) 4 Jike (to) 1
day: the day after toraorrow 4 live - 1
day: the day befare yesterday . . . . . . 4 long 1
did 1 Los Angeles 1
M silver 2
ma'am - 4 skirt - 3
major/Maj r . 2 slacks 3
may, - - 3 siuoke (v) , 2
niilitary - ... 2 soccer . . , 1
music - ... 4 soclts . , , , - 3
must -.... 3 sport 1
mustn't (must + not) 3 spring(n) 4
N start (lo) 1
ñame tag - 2 -1 . i' i nent - - 3
naval - 2 stockings -5
necktie - 3 store (n) - 4
New York 1 stripe --- 2
suit 3
nn time 2 sumiller -- - 4
orange . , , . 4 sweater -- 3
over here - - 4
over th<?ru -- 4 take -+ took . , , - - 4
take a break ' took a break , , . , * . . 2
pack (a) -- 2 take off > took off 3
pants - 3 team .,.,,,,... 1
paragraph - 3 tennis 1
period - 3 that 4
pillk , . - 4 That looks good - -, 4
play 1 these - , , , . , , . 4
post(n) 2 this 4
punctuate - 3 thoae - - 4
puiicLuation 3 tie (n) 3
purple 4 town 1
put cm ' put on 3 tnie 2
T-shirt 3
questioo mark , - 3 U
uníform .... 2
rank(n) 2
Really? 2 visit (v)
record (v) 4 visit (ni
red , 4 W
report (v) -, 2 wake up up
restaurant -- ..... 1 warm
salute (v) 2 wear - wore
San Antonio 1 well
scarf (scarves} 3 What about you?
season , , , - - 4 white .................. - ...... 4
second líeutenant/21"1 Lt 2 wínter , - - ..................... 4
Sell -1 sold - 4 with .......................... 2
sentence - 3 WQW, you look great ............. - 3
sergeant/Sgt 2 X
shirt 3 Y
íihcjEfw - 3 yellow
show (n) - 1

APPENDIX B ü truc tu re List


Ac^jectives Demonstráis ve this/that, these/those 4

Adjectives Interroga ti ve what 4

Adverbs Interragative how much/how many

Verbs M o dais cen (ability) 3

Verba Modals 3
Vcrbs Mudáis must (necessity/obligation) 3
Verbs Modals must not (prohibí ti on) 3
Verbs Past tense regular verba 1
Verbs Past tense irregular verbs 2


M3JJ!liíl!FtB Flash Cards
Bk41:l ball Bk43:18 suit
Bk 4 1:2 restaurant Bk43:19 sweater
Bk 4 1:3 sports Bk43:20 tie
Bk 4 1:4 baseball Bk43:21 T-shirt
Bk 4 1:5 basketball Bk43:22 put on/put on
Bk 4 1:6 football Bk43:23 take ofT/took off
Bk 4 1:7 soccer Bk 4 3:24 wear/wore
Bk 4 1:8 tennis Bk43:25 wake up/woke up
Bk42:l cap Bk 4 4:1 headphones
Bk 4 2:2 cigarette Bk 4 4:2 store
Bk 4 2:3 IDcard Bk 4 4:3 seasous
Bk 4 2:4 ñame tag Bk44:4 autumn/fall
Bk42:5 salute Bk44:5 spring
Bk 4 2:6 fcmoke Bk 4 4:6 summer
Bk 4 2:7 uniform Bk 4 4:7 winter
Bk 4 2:8 ranks & insignia Bk 4 4:8 colors
Bk 4 2:9 general Bk 4 4:9 black
Bk42:10 colonel Bk44:lO blue
Bk42:ll lieutenant colonel B k 4 4 : l l brown
Bk42:12 majar Bk44:12 eray (
Bk42:13 captain Bk44:l3 green
Bk42:l4 Ist lieutenant Bk44:14 orange
Bk42:15 2nd lieutenant Bk44;15 pink
Bk42:16 sergeant Bk44:16 purple
Bk43:l clothes Bk44:17 red
Bk43:2 belt Bk 4 4;18 white
Bk43:3 blouse Bk44:19 yellow
Bk 4 3:4 boots
Bk 4 3:5 coat
Bk43;6 dress
Bk43;7 gloves
Bk 4 3:8 hat
Bk 4 3:9 jacket
Bk43:10 pants
Bk43:ll scarf
Bk43:12 shirt
Bk43:l3 shoes
Bk43:14 skirt
Bk43:15 slacks
Bk43:16 socks
Bk43:17 atockings
PENDIX D | The English Alphabet



A a A 3 4

tí b 5 b £ &

C c c c e
D d 0 d % d

E e E e £
F f F f <? i
G e Q Q Q 9
H h H h JÍ
iTt L

I i 1 1 9 i


J J i /
K k K k £ ¿
L 1 L 1 .£ i
M m M m M
N D N n ti «
0 o 0 ¡> 0
P P P P r fl-

Q q Q q 2 $
B r R r í *
S & B 6 s ¿
T t T t 1 1
U u U U 14

V v y r f

W w w *
w *.
X X X X A Jt

y y Y y *r

Z z Z 2
¡ ?

APPENDIX E American English Sounds

Englísh is not spelled phonetically. The same sound is spelled several different
ways. For this reason it is helpful to assign sepárate symbols to each sound. The
following is the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) system. Twenty-four (24)
consonant symbols, eleven (11) vowel symbols, and five (5) symbols representing
diphthongs are used to represent the significant sounds of American Engliah.
Thcso charts are only aids and not to be memorized. However, the students muat
be aware of the different sounds represented in these charts. They muat be able
to recognize and repeat them accurately.

Symbol Examples Symbol Examples
/i/ he, meet, teach, chief /p/ past, stop, put, paper
/i/ in, is, sit, big /b/ bed, bflby, borber, lab
day, niakej train, vein r steak /»/ late, aent ten, eentle
/£/ mett let, saíd r bread /d/ date, student, do, hard
/«/ cash, half h laugh. hand car, chemícal, recordor, buok
/a/ father, far, heart, pot, not gash eggs, dogt cigar
flll, saw, bought, caught arm, rny, oumber, from
go, know, coat, tow, pole no, line, findh noon
book, took, good, shouJd /i]/ singt long, wrong, rank
/u/ food t blue, blew, do, soup W wdl t luborntoryh ülways, let
cup, son, sun, enough tr/ read, cou^e, for, ivritt
If nice, tie, buyt by, write /'/ tarmer, affirm, phone, kugh
noise, boy, point, oil M very, givt?» liveh seven
out, nowt town h mouth thank, Thuradey, bath, nortli
ago, alphabet, listen, atudent the h this, tliese, weather
her, bird, doctor, earn see, this, lesson, tapes
aero, rust, blows, duzt^n
/// shipj nation, should h purfi
/3/ pleasure, measure, usual
have, he, howh hot
chair, Luythor, picLure, march
/di/ judge h bridgeh page, July
fw/ we, walk, wíeh, away
l\l yes, you, yesterday, young



APPENDIX F List of Contractions

aren't - (are not) we'J! - [we will / we shall)

can't - (cannot) weTre - (we arej
couldn't - {could not) we've {we have)
didn't - ídidnot) what'a - 1what is)
doesn't - (does not) where's - (where Lsl
don't - (do not) who'e - (who is / who has)
hasn't - (has not) woil't - Iwill notJ
haven't - 1 have not) wouldn't - (would not)
he'd - (ho wtmld/hehad) you'd (you would / you had J
he'll - (hewill) youll (you will)
he'a - íhe is/he has) you're - {you are)
how's - (huw is) you've - (you have)
Td - (Iwould/Ihad)
II] - (Iwül/Ishall)
Fm - (lam)
I Ve - (I ha ve)
isn't - (is not)
it's - (it i s / i t hasf
let's - (letua)
niusLil'l - (must not)
she'd fahe would / she had)
she'il - (ehewill/sheshain
she^s - íshe is / she has)
ghouldn't - (shouldnot)
thal's - (thatis)
thüy'd - (they wouldy they had)
theyll - íthey will/they shall)
the/re - (they are)
the/ve - (theyhave)
we'd - (we would / we had)



APPENDIX G Spelling Rules for Regular Past Tense Verbs


talk tnlkcd
2 consonants CC
want wanted

£ vowels + 1 repeat r^pcated

consonant clcan cleaned
vowel + y VV -ed play playcd

vowel -i- consonant open opfinpd

in a 2-syallable
word with stress on
first syllablc answer aiiiwered

Drop the -e circle circled

consonant + e Ce and add
-ed shave shaved

vowel -¥ conaonant
VC stop stopped
in a i -sy Hable word
Douhle the
vowel + consonant and add occur occurred
in a 2-syllahle -ed
word with stress on
secón d sy Hable prefer preferred

study studiud
Change y to i
consonant + y CY and add dr>' dried
try tríed


APPENDIX H Patterns of Irregular Verbs

1, Three principal parts the same hit hit hit
quit quit quit
splít split split
bet bet bet
let let Jet
set set set
put put put
cut cut cut
shut shut shut
bíd bid bid
hurt hurt hurí
burst burst burst
C09t cast COEt

shed shñd shed

spread spread aproad
cast cast cast

2. Last two principal parts the same

a. Final consonant change only have had had
make made :n:iiltl
build built built
bend bent bent
spend spont spent
send sent sent

b, Vowul change onty rneet met met

read read read
bleed bled blcd
feed fed fed
lead led led
light lit lit
slide slid slid
sit sat sat
shoot shot shnt
hold held held
win won wun
shine shone shone
find found found
wind wound wound
bind bou nd bound
dig dug dug
stick atuck Rtuck
strike atruck slruck

c. Vowel change - Addition of-t or-d sleep slepl slept

keep kept kept
crecp crept Crept
weep wept wepl

think thoughl thought

teacb taught taught
buy bought bnught
catch cíiught eauRht
fight fought fought
seek sought Sougbl

mean meant meant

leave left left
ñee fled flcd
tell told told
seLl sold isold
lose lost lQ9t

hear beard beurd

understand understood underalood

3.Three principal parts differ

a. No aimilarity be vas been
go went ^one
do did done

b. Vowel chance -Addition of -n arise aroso Jiriüen

drive drove driven
% [lew flnwn
ride rodé riddcn
rifle rose ríscn

c. Vowcl changa - No -n sing sang sung

ring rang rung
drink drank dnjnk
swim swam Bwum
begin began begun
d, First and Ihird vowuls üimihir bluw blew blüwn
know knew knuwn
grow grew grown
throw threw thrown
run ran run
come carne come
eat ate eaten
give gave gi^^cn
see saw seen
draw drew drawn

e. Second and third vowels similar break hroke broken

speak spoke spoken
choose chose choaen
ateal sUile ^ttilen

tear tore lurn

wear wore wurn
swear swore sworn
bear bore born
get got got Cgotten)
forget forgot forgotten



APPENDIX I Punctuation and CapilaI ization



1. Use a period at the end of a statement or comrnand.

The pen and paper are on Ihe íable.
Go ío the chalkboard and wnte youi ñame.
2. Use a period after an abbroviatiun or an initLü.
NOTE: Abbrevíated miJitary mnks do not require a penpd.
Feb. (Februaryf Mr. Brown a.m.
Dr. Smth (Doctor Smith) Ms. Littie p.m.
J. Jones (John Jones) Mrs. White Ma¡ Johnson


Use a question mark after a question. Sometí mes the question may be written
like a statement,
How many chüdren are irt your tamiiy?
He'shere today?


Use an exclamation mark after words, sentences, or expressions thet show
excitement, surprise, or emotion. Any exclamation, even if not a fíentenceh wiíl
end with an exclamatíon mark.
Whaf a gamet
Look outf
Do it!
Wow! Oh!


1. Usequotation marks to show the words of a speaker. They're always placed above
the line and are used in pairs.
John said, 'The CQmmissary cfoses 312100 hours today."
"Where are the chiidren?" she asked.
2. If the words of the speaker are divided into two parts, use quotatiüii inarks
around both parts.
"Doyou,"$heasked, "goto thelibraryaftercte$s?"
3. Use quotation marks around the titles of chapters, articJes, parts ofbooks ajid
i UL i.'i in .-. ahort poems, short storiesh and songs.
Lasfnighí,! readíhe chapter "Grammar Is Easy"in ourbook. Then, I read fhe aríide
"Learmng £ngfish"¡n the newspaper.

1. Use an apostrophe in contractions.
\'m she's they're
isnt aren'l can't
what's where's Bob's
o'clock (oí the dock)
2. Use an apostrophe to indícate posses&ion.
ñ. If Lhe noun is singular, add— 'B.
the giri's coat
b. Wheii the noun is plural h add-'s, if the plural dees not <jnd in s.
the chifdren's dafnes
the men's shirís
c. If the plural noun ends in s, add otily an apostropht?.
the bffys'shoes
the libraries' books

F. COMMA (.)
1. Use commas to sepárate Ítems in a series.
We ate sandwiches, poíatochips, and fruií for lunch.
She loóked behind the chaifs, under ihe bed, and in the ftitchen for her notebook.
2. Uae a comma befbn: the conjunctions and h but, or, ñor, for, yet when they join
independent da uses,
We tíveü in Venezuela for three years, and then we refurned to ¡he Un¡ted Stares.
Frankcan speak Chínese weli, buíhe can't read ti.
3. Use a comma afler an introductory dautít? or phrase to sepárate it from the rest
of tlie sentence.
After we sltidy this booft, we want to take a breah.
BecausG John was sick, he didn'í take the tesf.
Looking up at ¡he sky, íhe srnaft boy suddenly ran home.
4. Use a comma after words such as yes, no, well when they begin a gentence.
Doyouwaní togo tothe library? ididn'tpass the test.
Yes, I do. Welt, study more,
5. Use commas tu sepárate the words of a speaker from the rcstofthe aentence.
"Listen to ¡rte,"she said.
Jackasked, "Where's my lunch?"
"I don '¡ know"said John, "the answer ío the question."
6. Use a cnmma in dates and addresges.
June 9, 1970
143 Main Street, Los Angeles* California


7. Use a comma in figures to sepárate thousands.
5,000 (OT 5000}

1. Capitalize the first word of a sentence.
The boy stood up arsti waiked outside.
Your book ¡s behind the chair.
2. Capitalize the ñames of people, cities, states, o) unirles, and kuig
Mark Bill Mary Linda
San Antonio Chicago Housíon London
Texas California Honda New York
Spain United Slates Canadá Venezuela
Arabtc Chínese Russian Engüsh
3. Capitalize the ñames of schools, streets, buildings, br¡d^íeBh uompanres, and
Defense Language Instituís Universtíy of Chicago
Main Street Empire State Buttding
Golüeri Gate Bridge Ford Motor Company
Genera! Motors National Footbali icaguc
4 r Capitalize the days ofthe weekt months of theyear, and holidays.
Sunday Monday Tuesday
June July August
Chrisímas Easter Thanhsgiving
5. Capitalize tilles and military ranks before ñames.
Gen Roberte Capí Smifh Sgí Jones
Professof Land Presiden! Lincotn
6. Capitalize the pronoun "I."
I can't go w¡th yon.
l'm happy to see yon aga¡r¡
7. Capitalize the first word of every direct quotation.
She asked, "Can I sit here?r
"We saw her,"said John, "at the university"


EXERCISE A Write the past tense of the verbs.

EXAMPLE: learn learned

1. cook 6, want

2. listen 7. sha ve

3- repeat 8, stop

4. play 9. watch

5, anawcr 10, study

EXERCISE B Complete the sentences with words from the box.

Numbcr 1 is an example.
all month long all afternoon long
all morning long all evening long
all night long aJJ day long
all week long all year long

1. Mr, Bates works atíyear lona.

2, Children like to play

3. John wantsto sleep

4, Soldiers cleaned their rooms

5. Wc studied Eng]ish

G. Julie likca to swim


EXERCISE C Write long answers to the questions aboutTom and Maggie,

Nuniher 1 is an example.

Ted and Maggie lived in a small town in

Spain from 1997 to 1999. They studied &t a school,
and they learned Spanish. They liked il therc. In
2001, they visitad Spain again. They talked to their
Spanish friendo, and they were very happy.

1. Did Ted and Maggie live in Chicugu from 1997 to 1999?

Js[o. they dUn't livg in Chicado. Thev \\ved J

2. Did Ted and Maggie live in a big city in Spain?

3. Did they learn Spanish?

4. Did they study Spanish at home?

5. Did they visit England in 2001?

6, Did they talk to their Spanish friends?


EXERCISE D Use the words to complete the sentences.

all long visit

again downtown towns

1. Houston and Dallas are not .. They're cíties.

2. My frEend Héctor was here for ten minutes. His was very short.

3. Marty liked New York, Shc wnnu to t-'o

4. Mr. Tanner's office is _

5, The baseball game was thret?

6. Did you listen to ___ the tapes for this lessun?

EXERCISE E Sefect the a verb to complete eaeh senlence. Use past tense.

live play work visit walk

cook deán up like end

1. After we ate, we

2. Dinner was very good, John for us.

3. We tennis last weekend.

4, The movie started at 7:00 and at 9:00.

5, I the show wc saw last night.

6. Julie Chicago last week,

7, _ in Houston for three years.

8. He as a cook in a restaurante

9- He to work e very day last year.

EXERCISE F Write past tense questions with too.

Nurnber j ¿san example.

1. Mr. Brownworked late last week. (this weekí

Did he work late this week. too?
2, Kim closed the dour, (window)

3. They visited Houston, (Dallas)

4, Mark learned 50 new words. (George)

5. Ben and Scott played tennis last week. (yesterday)

EXERCISE G Match each beginning with the best ending.

Chnoxe ¡fie best sentence ending.

1. John went to uisit a. andended atí¿:UO.

2. CJean up b- HÍK sister in Chicapri-
3. They ate a big dinner c, at a restüurajil 111 Chicago.
4. The show started at 7:00 d. afteryou cook.

Choose the besí statement or quesíion.

5. Sally doesn't live in thecity. e. No, he played

^^^^ 6. Tina deaned her car. f Shc wont to six countries.
1. Did Jim plsy basketball yesterday? g. She liveíi in a small town.
8. Judy travelcd al] summer long. h, Did she clean hcr room, too?
FXRHCISE H Look at the pictures. Wríte questions and short answers.

1, Ken and Terry / soccer / ycsterday


2, Ted and Ron / tennis / last week

3. Paul / football / this morning


4. James / basketball / lasl week

EXERCISE Read the clues and wrilethe word that has Ihe same meaning.
Number 1 is an example.
1. movie 1. begin
5. small city 2. sport
6. place lo eat 3. partafacíty
7. make to eat 4, city in 1%xas
8. city in Texas 7. city in Illinois
10. city in California 9. one more time
11. stop



EXERCISE J Wrlte the paragraph in the past tense.

Jack lives in Venezuela. He is learning Spanish there. He doesn't go to a

Spanish class. He memorizes diaJogs in a Spanish book. He watches TV shows, and
he also lísteos to the radio every day. He asks questions about the laoguage, and he
looks up words in the dictionary. He talks to his friends in Spanish, too.

EXERCISE K Use the past tense to answer the questions.

Nitmbfr 1 ia nn exampie.

1. Did Jack live in Venezuela ?

Yee, he \\ved in Venezuela.

2. Did Jack study Englísh in Venezuela?

3. Did he memorize dialogs in hís Freoch hook?

4. Did Jack watch TV shows?

5. Did he ask questions about Spanish?

6. Did he talk to his friends io Spaoish?

EXERCISE L Alphabetize the words.


EXERCISE M Mark the correct stress pattern for each word.

1, basketbal] 2, civilian 3. belong 4. football

a. A a. a, A. • ., A »

b. * b. b, • A I. " A.

c. • • c. c. • A * c. • A •

d. A • d. d. A * -

EXERCISE N Write questions to ask a classmate aboul sports f*r travel.




EXERCISE A Read the paragraph. Mark the sentencea T for truc or F for false.

Lt Fine and Lt Adams are good friends. Last Friday at lunch they went
to the BX. They both bought dictionaries, notebooks, and pendía. Lt Fine bought
cigarettes, Lt Adams didn't buy cigarettes. He doesn't smoke. He got a radio.

1. Lt Fine and Lt Adams are good friendo

2. They bought pencifs at the BX.

3. Lt Adams bought cigarettes.

4. Lt Fine doesn't smoke.

5. Lt Fine bought a radio.

EXERCISE B Alphabetize the words.

lunch Sunday ItUS

look small taxi
lieutenant spring train
lab show boday
letter start Tuesday
1. 3.
EXERCISE C Write the past tense of a word in the box in each blank.

drink have fípeak

drive drink
leave say eat

On Friday, Lt Fine and Lt Adams the BX and went to the mess

hall. They lunch, They both. hamburgers, but they had
different drinks. Lt Pine tea, and Lt Adams soda, After
lunch, they took Lt Pine's car and to their nt?w ofüce, Capt Hmith
to the two men and Col Quest waa coming to see them.

EXERCISE D Write each word in the correct category.

Jgypt Spanish lieutenant officer Arable Venezuela

enlisted man English France China Frenuh post



EXERCISE E Write the past tense of the verb.

Col Qucst to our base last Friday. A lieutenant

come drive
his car The colonel visited offices in the new building. He walked in and

the men and women and . The colonel to

stand salute talk
all the airmen for two or three minutes. Then the colonel and Capt Smith

went in the captain's office and they for fifleen minutes.

The colon*?] . the building at 1530 hours. He liked the new offices.
lea ve

EXERCISE F Write three qtrestions abnut the colonel's day.

Numher 1 is on example.

. Where did the colonel ao?

2. JVho.

3. What

4 Whgn

EXERCISE G Answer the questions yoLJwrote

Number 1 is an example.

1, Coi Quest tvent to the base.


EXERCISE H Write the abbreviation for each rank under its insignia.

1- Lt Maj
Gen Capt Col
Lt Col 2"" Lt

gold silver
1. 2.

gold sil ver


6. 7.
EXERCISE I Wríte the past tense of the verb.

a new class yesterday morning. The students

begin know
ray ñame. I Iheir ñames. I their ñames on their
do notknow read
ñame tags. I new words on the board. The students
write learn
the new words. We class for 50 minutes, and then we
have take
a break. The students outside. They Cufie e
., After the break, we to the lab, The students
to two tapes. One student is Jabbook. He
listen do not hring

_ his sentences in his notebook-1 like my new class.


EXERCISE J Choose the correct stress pattern for each word.

1. uniform 2, general 3. hcutonant 4. coloiiül

a, A\ • . A * o. A *

b. • b. * A. b, • A, h • A.

^ * c. • A.» C. * A " i- • A •

d. A * * d. A. * * d. Av * * J A . * *
EXERCISE K FUI in each blank with the correct word
Use your ariswera on this page for the crossword puzzle on the next page.

aaw heard s tripes

salute ílew took
cigarettes bought drove
wrote captain naval


2. Wc books at the BX,

3. Joe a loud iiuist last night,

5, Sergeants have on their uniforms.

9. I , my wife a letter last night.

10. Jack is a major. Last year he was a

12. We had a nice vacation. We to Hawaii.


1. I quit smoking. cost a lot in this uounLry.

4, Julie to Dallas in four honra in her new car.

6, We e good show while we were in Dallas.

7. It _ three hours to drive to Houston in my car

S. You always an oflícer

1L My brother is a sailor. He works on a baae.

EXERCISE L Complete the crossword. Use the answers from Exercise K.


EXERCISE M Use the words in parcntheses lo answer the questJOHS.

1 is an exampte.

1. Where did they pul their books? (on the deskí

They put their books on tVie de&k.
2- When did Mary fly a plene? (this murning)

3, Who chose the correct answer? (John)

4, Where did Lt Smith swim ycsterday? fon base)

5. Who sal in hisnew chair? (myfather)

EXERCISE N Write the civillan or military time.


1:00 P.TTL 0100

4:14 a.m. 9:10p.m.

noon 5:40

2030 1614

6:20 a.m. 1820

1740 2400
EXERCISE O Match each beginning with the best ending*
Choose fhe best seittence ending.

1. Tm tired. It's time a. does class start?

2. Whattime b. on time.

3. I want to get to the game c. did his car cost?

4, How much d. to take abreak.

Choose the best answer.

5. Whcn did you buy those shoes? e. Yeñ^ I sweni,

6, Did you exercisc yesterday? f. No, he ate a hig

7. Is John hungry? g. Ves, 1 have a quiz today.

8. Did you study yesterday? h. í hought them yesterday.

EXERCISE P Write the number of syllables and the past tense sound.

Number 1 is orí example.

1. report reported

2. end ended

3. cook cooked

4. play playcd

5. smoke smoked

6. end ended

7. live lived

fl. visit visited


EXERCLSE O Read about Eisenhower again.Then write about your Ufe.
EXERCISE A Write the ñames of the clothes.






EXERCISE B Select the corree! word, and write it in the blank.

1. I am thirsty. I go and drink some water?

a. Be
b. May
c. Am
d. Does

2. The teacher says not to smoke in her classroom. We smoku

in her classroom,
a. mustn't
b. may
c. are
d- doesn't

3. I don'l know how to play basketball I play basketball.

a. can
b. must
c. can't
d. may

EXERCISE C Write answers with can, rnay, must, can't, or must not.
Nurnher 1 is on exnmple.

1. Tom wanU to sinoke in class. He a&ks the teacher. What dut?s ahe say?

You muet not amoke in class.

2. My friond Terry likcs to swim, She learned to swim 10 years agu. Sho
swims every day. What do I say?

3. You are skk. Your head is hot. Your feet are cold. What do you ask the

4. You loat your homework. You looked in your room. You lonked iii Üio
classroom. You looked in the library. Who must you speak to?

EXERCISE D Wrlte questions and answers. First use can; then use may.
Numbers 1 and 2 are exampies.

1. I / have / an apple / can Can I havean apple?

Yes, you can.
2. I / have/ an apple /may May I havg an apple?
Yes, vou mav.

3. wc / go / üwimniing / can

4. we / go / swimming / may

5. Jane/go/outside/can

6. Jane / go / outeide / may

7. I / sit / here / can

8. I / sit / here / may

9. we / go / to Dallas / can

10. we / go / tú Dallas / may

11. I / play / soccer / today / can

12. I / play / soccer / today / may


EXERCISE E Match the answer to the question.

1. Tom wants to leave early a. She speaks English weJl.

What does he ask?
Ainrmn Jones is outside. He's not
2. b. George can't speak Russian.
wearing a hat.
What does the sergeant say?
3, My friend studied English for c. May I leave early?
10 years, What do I say?

4. George [loesn't know Russian. d- You must wear yoiir hat outside
What does his teacher aay?

EXERCISE F What can or can't this glrl do. Write sentences.

Number 1 is on example.




EXERCISE G Correctjy wrlte and punctuate the paragraph,

The fírst sentence is an example.

linda likes to swiin she cent swim very well she swims for sisty to ninety minutes
every day the day before yesterday she swarn for two hours she was very tired she
says sho wants to swim for just thirty minutes today she doesnt went to be tired

Linda Jíkes to 5wim.

EXERCISE H Present or past? Write the corred verb form.

I, Paul sick yesterday.


2. I my uniform to class every day.

(wear / wore)

3. I my clothcs at 0400 in the marning.

(put on/put on)

4. Bill his shoes in class yesterday.

5. I at 9 p,m. last night.

(fall asleep / fell asleep)


EXERCISE I Fill in the blanks. Use the past tense.

. John his coat and scarf in class yesterday.

ítake off)

2. Bob a suit yeslerday morning.


3. Theteacher her coar and glovcs laat night.

Iput on)
4. I at 7:00 a.m. yestcrday.
(wake up)

5. Myfather watching TV last night.

(fall asleepí

EXERCISE J Complete the paragraph with words from the box.

asleop awake
drank had
took well woke up

Last rüght, Mary didn't sleep _. She wa,s

at 1:30 a.m. She at 2:30, and she at

7:00 this morning. She was very tired. She got up and „ a

ñhower. She got dressed and coffee. At 8:30 a.m,. she went tu

school She just one class from 9:00 to 10:30. After claas,

went to her room. She was very tired. She went to bed and was

in five minutes.


EXERCISE K Look at the pfctures and answer the questions.

1. What is Maria wearing?

2. WhatisSamdomg?

3. Is Don wearing a suit?

4. Are Bill and Sal wearing caps?

EXERCISE L Write a paragraph. Use all the words in the box.



EXERCISE M Alphabetize the words.

dodge code teaching

dollar collar teenager
double comma temperature
doing coil technical
dog cnaeh tclephone
1. 2. 3.


EXERCISE A Correctly write and punctuate the paragraph.

linda wears different clothes every day she wore a red dress the day before
yesterday she wore a yellow blouse and brown pants on tuesday she likcs purple on
wednesday she wore a purple dress she wears blue jeans on fridays

EXERCISE B Alphabetize the words.

bloat whíte those

black when that
blue where these
blare whose theii
blaze what there
1. 2.
EXERCI5E O Mark stressed syllables and reduced syllables.

Nuniber 1 is dit

1. about 6. lOto 2

2. ago 7. awake

3. at the store S. in a day

* ¡ -•
4. Houston 9. o'clock
O raduced syllable
5. before 10. inthefall

EXERCISE D Choose the corroet stress pattern for each word.

p arpie 2, y ello w 3. how many 4. hnw irnich

a. A » 8. A » a. A • a. A '
b. • A b. * ^ h. • A b, * A

-.- A • * c. A. • * c, A • *

d, • A d, « A * d. * A • d. • A> •

EXERCISE E Write about the colore In your room.

Nitmber 1 is an example.

1. I have a red dictíonary.





EXERCISE F Complete the dialog with words from the box.

headphones help these

over here over there
dance cost music

Clerk; May I help you?

Jack: Yes, I want to buy music for a dance.
Clerk; What do you likt??
Jack: My friends and I Like all muaic.
Clerk: Well, we havc Rock und Rull CDa.
we have Country Western.
Jack: Thank you very mnc:h.

Jack: May I listen to.

They're good _
Clerk: Okay. You can listen with these

Jack: Ma'am, I like this music. 1 want tu buy these

three GDs. How much do they _ _?
Clerk: The/re $14.95
Jack: That's great. How much is it for three CDsV
CLerk: That's $44,85,
Jack: Here's the money, Thank you very much for
your __ ,
EXERCISE G Fill in each blank with the correct word.

went saw chas e dance

derk headphones wanted
** music store
^^^^^^^^^^••••^H MBM^MII^ take


2. Jack's friends like all

3. Jack to buy music.

5. He to the CDs et the? BX.

1. Jack three CDs for the dance.

9. He wanted CDs for a

10- T h e B X i a a _

11. Jack will the CDs to the dance.


1. He the CDs from the derk.

3- Jack to the RX.

4. Helistenedto theCDs on

6. He many CDs,

8. The _ helped him at the BX.

V Use your answers for the crossword puzzle on the next page.
^^^^^J Complete the crossword. U&e the answers from Exerclee G.





5. IL




EXERCISE 1 Match the beginnlng of each sentence wíth thc best ending.

1. Today i$ Thursday The day after tomorrow is a. Friday,

2. Today is Thursday, Tomorrow is b. Tuesdsy,

3. Today is Thursday^ Yesterday was c. Saturday.

4- Today is Thursciay. The day before yesterday was

5. It's spring. The soasan after spring is o. winter.

6. It's spring. The season before thís season is f. full,

7. Tt's winter, The season before winter is g. spring.

8. The season after winter is h- s ultimen

EXERCISE J Write a paragraph. Use all the words in the word bank,





nía am
EXERCISE A Lisien and circle the corred letter.









EXERCISE B Lisien and write the sentences you hear.






EXERCISE C Chc-ose the correct stress paltern for each word.

1. baseball 2. yesterday
:,. A * a. Jk •
b. * A b. * ^
c. * A •
•I * * d. A - •

EXERCISE D Alphabetize the words.

bus Ann
boy August
breakfast apple
before all
barracks again


EXERCJSE E Se I e ct the best answer.

1. Jane baseball yesterday.

a. isplaying
b. playing
c. pJayed
d. playa

2. Tom in a reataurant downtown.

a. ends
b. likes
c. visita
d. cooks

3, Tom in Chicago last year.

a, uves
b, lived
c, living
d, ifi living
4, Please aftcryou
a. did
b, deán up
c. uve
d, end
5, Class starts at 0730 and at 1435,
a. plays
b. uves
c. ends
d. works

6. Satlygoes on the bus every day.

a. city
b. downtown
c. yesterday
d. library


7. Did Bill play yesterday afternoon?
a. TV
b. Dallas
c. football
d. show
8. What time does class ?
a. visit
b- start
c. deán
d. again
9. Did you cal at a on Simday?
a. show
b. hospital
c. reste urant
d. dispensary
10. Bob: Do you live in San Antonio?
Lou: No, I am hcrc.
a. visiting
h. starting
c. watching
d. cleamng
11. Sam: Did you watch the bnüeball garué on TV?
Tom; Yes, .
a. I watch
b. Idid
c. I did watched
d- I watching
12. Kay: Did Paul play baseball yesterday?
May: No, he .
a. not did
b. I did
c. did not
d. nodidplays


13. Bob visited Chicago lust year, and he wants to go this year.
a, again
b. long
c, like
d. basketball
14. you deán up your room?
5. Did
b. Where
c. What
d. Are
15. Houston is a in Texas.
a. game
b. town
c, city
d, sport
16. There are eleven playera on a footbal] ,
a. game
b. sporl
c. team
d. p]ay
17, My brother is a doctor. He in a big hospital downtown.
a. cleans
b- works
c. visita
d. ends
18. On Saturday, let's play .
a. basketball
b. restaurant
c. town
d. visit

19. Ben: Did yon watch the new onTVlastnight?
Tim: No, I went downtown with friends,
a. hall
b. show
c. dty
d. restauran t
20. Mr. Gregg is at the office from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. He
works .
a. all night
b- all year long
c. all day long
d- everyday

EXERCISE F Finish the statements by match i ng.

1. Did yon play basketball a- all day long.

2. Yes, we pJayed b. 2:00 p. m, are the same,

3. On Saturday John played soccer c. at the base.

4. 1400 and d. frtends in Chicago last week,

5. Joe is from Houston, and e. after class yeaterday?

6. Joe and Joan visited f. Joan is from Dolln^.

7. Los Angeles is g. the show last night.

8. Jason didn't like h. a city in California.


EXERCISE A Read the qu&stron.Then listen and write your answer.

1: What did Ben's father do?

2- What does Jan want to eat?

EXERCISE B Listen to two paragraphs. Select a true statement for each one.

Paragraph 1: a. Capt Banies slept at the movies.

b- The movic cnded at 7:00 p.m.
c. They had a snack after the movie.

d. They had a hamburger and French fries at the movies.

2; a, Henry eats lunch in hís brother's room.

b. Bob and Henry are civilians.
c. They go to the dining hall for lunch.
d. Sometímes Henry goes to the base.

EXERCISE C Choose the corred stress pattern for each word

1. cigarette 2. salute 3. aftcírnoun 4- lieuten¿mt

a. A, • a. A • a. A • a. A •
b. • A, b. * A b, * A b. • A
c. • A • c. • A c, « A • c. * A •
d. « » A • • d. * • A d • " A,


EXERCISE D Which box has words that go together?

Circle aorb.

a. banana Spanish
nickel Arable
basketball English
sergeant French

EXERCISE E Gírele the verb in the fiTst sentence.Then fill in the blank.

1. Joe begins lab today. Yesterday he class.

2, Julie goes to the library on Tuesdays. Last night she to the

3, I buy books at the EX. Yesterday I note books and pencils.

4. Jim brings bis lunch. On Monday he fruit and a salad.

5. We write many words each day. Last week we 200 new words,

6. My class takes a break in the morning. We a break at 0900 yesterday.

7, I drink coflee every day. Yesterday, I four

8. JÜK swims after class every day. Yesterday he. fbr an hour.

9. T sleep 8 hours a night, Last night I 10 hours.

Monday to Friday I get up at 7 a.m, Last Sunday 1

11. t begin my breakfast at 7:15 a,m. I my breakfaíst at 9 on

12 J leave for the office at 8 on weekdays. I _ at micín laaL Sunday.
23^^B Write questions for the answers.
Nttmber I is an exatnple.

1 Where ¿y vou ao vesterdav?

I went to the movies.

Lt Martin brought these books.

It ended at 2300 hours.

He carne two days ago.

I bought books for my children.

EXERCíSE G l^k-SÍ-Uff™!1!ie word as the key word.

Ntíinbur 1 is an exontple.

1. hall tail be 11 wall (bln) bad

2. colonel calendar captain colonel fürpet Canadá
S. alphabet applc April another alphabet around
4. asle£p as Jeep aren't August alter awake
5. book bored bread boy box book
6. city civil city cite citiea ulas9
1. didn't didn't doesn't do does don't
8. drank door drank drink drive doeí
9. football fastball soccer ballet tennis football
10, hear helio here hire hear her


EXERCISE H Select Ihe best answer.

1, Carol ís a new major. Last year she was a_

a. aergeant
b- aecond lieutenant
c, first lieuttsnant
d, captain
2. The stripes on a sergeant's uniform aru Ihe
a- ñame tag
b. rank
c, ñames
d, iDcard
3, John is in the Army. He UVES on a
a. naval base
b. militaryrank
c. post
d. base
4, Tim can't smoke. He doesn't have a
a. radio
b. report
c. dgarette
d. book
5, I didn't know that airman'a ñame, She didn*t have her on
a. cap
b. ñame tag
c. uniform
d. rank
6. Airmen always officers.
a, salute
b. report
c, bring
d. begin

7. My brother is a captaín. He's .
a. a civilian
b. in the military
c. a rank
d. on time

8. Sailors live on base.

a, anArmy
b- an Air Forcé
c, a naval
d, a poat
9. Sandra is in the Air Forcé. She lives on a r.

a. base
b. naval base
c. military
d. post
10. Mike RUSÜ is an enlisted man. He's a .
a, civíÜan
b. second lieutenant
c. major
d, sergeant

11. My has my picture and my ñame on it.

a. uniform
b. suit
c. IDcard
d. cap
12. Col Smith a pack of cigarettes every day.
a. salutes
b. smokes
c. lives
d. reporte

13. Class begins at 7:30 every day. It started at 7:40 this morning.
morning class ,
a. started on time
b. began early
c. didn't start on time
d. had 10 students


14. Put your on your head.
a. ñame tag
b. stripe
c. post
d. cap
15, I'mtiredíLet'stakea
a. rank
b. break
c. pack
d. IDcard
16, Please yíjur books to cla&s tomorrow.
a. salute
b. report
c. bring
d. buy
17. I .to the teacher yesterday
a. speak
b- am speaking
c, to speak
d, spoke
. It's8:50p.m.It'3
a. 0850
b. 0810
c. 2010
d. 2050
19. I class early yesterday.
a. lea ved
b. wentout
c. left
d. gone from

20, Sgt. Jones __ to Los Angeles last week.

a. is flying
b. fiew
c. flies
d. fly
EXERCISE A Listen and choose the correct picture.

v . ,I; ,-•
>' •

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EXERCISE B Listen.Then correctly write and punctuate the paragraph.

sue woke up early this morning she got up and took a shower she put on her
uniform she put on her shoes she looked at the calendar it wa.s Sunday she tnok ofF
her uniform ane went to bed in fivc minutes she was asleep again.

EXERCISE C Chose the correct answer.

1. Which has the past tense sound /t/?

a. saluted
b. listened
c r smoked
d. indented
2. Which has the past tense sound /ad/?
a. repeated
b. apclled
c. answered
d- asked

3. Which has the past tense sound /d/?

0. talked
b, studied
c, watched
d, wanted
EXERCISE D Choose the corred stress pattern for each word.

1, contraction 2. indent 3. T-shirt 4. paragraph

a. ^ " a. a. A, * a. «
b. • A b. b. * ^ b, *
c. « A c. c. • A c. •
d. * « ± d. • * . d, •

EXERCISE E Listen and choose Ihe corroct angwer.

a. Cirde the number of the afñrmative sentence.


b, Cirde the number of the negative sentence.


EXERCISE F Listen.Then correctly writc and punctuate the sentences.




EXERCI5E G Select the best answer.

1. What time did you this morning?

a. woke up
b. wakes up
c. wake up
d. wakingup

2, Pvt Jones can Englifih, French, Japanese, and Germán,

a, speak
b, speaks
c. spoke
d. speaking

3. I wore my new pants yestcrday

a, ties
b. socks
t:. blouses
d, slacks

4. May I go to the library?

a. No, he didn't-
b. Yes, it is.
c- No, you must.
d. Yes, you may.
5. We
a. books
b. clothea
c. reporta
d. posta

6. I must tonight.
a. to study
b. study
c. studíes
d. studying


7. These words are in alphabetical order.
a. colonel, captain, cap, cigarette
b. pants, paragraph, pastel, pattern
c. shirt, skirt, shocs, she
d. coat, contraction, clothes» can
8. That man is an ofíicer Fvt Jones saluUí
a. may
b. rnust not
c. must
d. didn't

9. I don't know French.

a. I can speak Frcnch.
b. I must speak Frcnch.
c. I can't speak French.
d. I mustn^t spesk French.
10. I like to sleep late on Saturday, but my children get up early, They are
always before I ara.
a. again
b. great
c. wcll
d. awake
ll,It's co]d. Where is my _ ''
a. coat
b. book
c. football
d. cigarctte
12. Do not srnoke cigarettes in this building.
a. You may smoke in this building.
b. You must not smoke in thiH building,
c- You sonietimes smoke in this buifding.
d- You can smoke in this building,
13. A suit is fílacks and a .
a. hat
b. jacket
c. shoe
d. dress


14. My son is not awake. He's
a. awake
b. hored
c. aaleep
d- angry
15. Yesterday, Mr. Cárter asuit to ctass.
a. wear
b, wears
Q. wore
d. wearing
16- Tm very tired. I am going to in lab this afternoon.
a. put on
b. fall asleep
c. take off
d. wake up
17. I can't swim very
a. again
b. well
c. true
d. all
18, My sister bought two at the store.
a. hat
b, dreas
C- belts
d. scarf
19. I must not write with a pen on the quiz.
a. t can write with a pen on the quiz.
b. I am writing with a pen on the quiz.
c. I canriot write with a pen on the quiz.
d. I write with a pen on the quiz.
20- These words are in alphabetical order.
a. shirt, sock, sport, apring
b. sweater, summer, shoe, show
C- season, salute seiitencej scarf
d. smoke, sell, suit, atart


EXERCISE A Listen to the paragraph and fill in the missing words.

I like autumn. It's the season of the year, After the

months of the sumraer, you can be cool. Thc colors of this are
nice, and tht- nights _ _ short< Autumn is a good season.

Listen and choose the correct stress pattern íoreach word.

1. season 2. report 3. winter 4. autuüui

a. A • a, A * a. A • a, A *
r. » A b. • A b. • A b. • A
c. • A • l1 * A * * A. * i • A *

d. * * j d. * * A d. • • A d. • • A

Listen and choose the correct answer.

a. Circle the number of the negative stateraent.


h. Circle the number of thc affirmative statement,

"^r^kvjf'^ Read the question.Then write a sentence.

1. What color is a banana?

2, Whatday is tomorruw?

3. What languages does Paul speak?

4. What time did the test begin?

^^^-^^^^^™ ^
E IfcHTJ'B'Tl same word as the key word

1. cali cali calm malí ball tall

2. clerk clam dick jerk work . derk

3. dance di ve drink dance glance dank

4. gray gold grass green gray okay

5. pendí pen pcncil penny pear pagc

6, took look take took thost! table

7. child child children China chciüse circle

8, fly flew fine five ñy food

9. say ray see say sad shoe

10, right record write right room rice

11. clock clout cióse cold coiTee dock

12. apple anglo apple April answer área

EXERCISE F Select the best answer

1. John works at a store. He's a

a. sailor
b. soldier
c. clerk
d. doctor
2. Ms. Moss her students with English.
a. works
b. reads
c. costs
I. helps
3- Today is Monday. is Wednesday.
a. Tomorrow
b. The day before yesterday
c. The day after tomorrow
d. Yesterday
4. It's December, and it's cold in the United States. Ifs.
a, summer
b, fall
c. winter
d. spring
5. Autumn and fall are the .
a. diñerent
b. same
c. months
d. days

6. Dan; Ibought a new shirt yesterday.

Sue: „
a. What do yon want?
b- What day ia tomorrow?
c. What color is it?
d. Whatmustldo?
7. It's very in here. I want to take off my sweater»
a. cold
b. cool
c. warm
d. white
8. I like to listen to on the radio.
a. music
b. headphones
c. dance
d- spring
9. Catherine listens to CDs on her
a. telephone
b. televisión
c. headphones
d. radio

Bob: I went to the BX.

a. What did you read?
b. Where were you last night?
c. Whcn did you come to DLI?
d. WKo ate my banana?
11. Which has the past tense sound /d/?
a. wanted
b. selected
c. marked
d. sha ved
12. Which has the past tense sound A/?
a. memorizcd
b. reviewed
c. viaited
d. walked
13. Whichhaa the paat tense
a. repeated
b. worked
c. danced
d. played


American Language Course

The American Language Course is a comprehensive, mullilevel

program for adults Ihal teaches Engllsh for vocational and prolessional
pu rpos es. The ALCisdesigned prima nlyfonnlensiveEriglishlanguage
training ir\ a classroom selimg, but i( can be adapted for slower-paced
instruclion A significan! tealuie o' Ihe ALC is Ihe inclusión oí bssic
mihtary lopics and vocabülary-
communicaTive approaches, thc ALC's presenlalion ¡s syslernaTic arid
caielully seque nced lo en su re íhal learners can build on previo u sly
acquited knowledge. Pholographs, illusfraiions. charls. and rabies
explain vocabulary; and grammar, while dialogs and sludenl-cenieied
aclivities introduce and reinlo^ce language funclions and skills. Each
book is supplemenled by an mstrucTional package thal includes I he
• Instructor Text
• Studenttext

- Language laboratory activilies instructor text wilh audio scripls

* Language laboratory actlvilies student lexl
• Computer-delivered interacttve mülUrnedia inalruclion fIMI)
- Ouizkil
Optio nal irainingaids
The ALC's second edilion 'calures a completely revisad sludenl te¡<t
wilh an accompanying in&lructor rexr Instructor notes oller detailed
gmúeíines'orpresenlingclassroom exercises, supplemental activities,
and pertinent cultural Information. A vanely oí leaching strategies are
provided to keep atudenls molivated and enliven the classroom.

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