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Healthy Habits

Daniel Efraín Castro Lopez

Willan Ricardo García Pedraza

Colegio Nuestra Señora del Rosario

Lenguas Extranjeras




Table of Contents

Introduction 1

1. Problem Statement 2

1.1Problem 2

1.1.2formulation of the problem 2

1.2 Objectives 3

1.2.1 General objective 3

1.2.2 Specific objectives 3

1.3 Justification 4

2. Referencial Framework 5

2.1 Theoretical Framework 5

2.1.1 Habits: 5

2.1.3 Physical Exercise 13

3. Methodological Framework 17

3.1 Type of investigation 17

3.2 Focus 18

3.3 Delimitation 18

3.4 Population 18

3.5 Sample 19

3.6 Data Collection Instruments. 19

3.6.1 Observation in class. 19

3.6.2 Surveys. 20

3.6.3 Thematic annotations. 20

3.7 Project engineering 20

3.7.1 Observation. 20

3.7.2 Diagnosis. 21

3.7.3 Planning 21

3.8 analysis strategy 28

3.9 Schedule 29

3.10 Budget 30

4. Analysis of Data 31

4.1 Activity#1 31

4.2 Activity#2 32

Activity#3 33

Activity#4 34

Activity#5 35

Activity #6 35

Activity #7 36

Activity # 8 37

Conclusions 38

Annex 39


En este proyecto se hablara acerca de cómo los niños de grado tercer del colegio Nuestra

Señora Del Rosario no tiene los hábitos de vida saludable adecuados y como a lo largo del año se

desarrollaron diversas actividades con el fin de que estos estudiante desarrollaran los hábitos de

vida saludable adecuados.

Al finalizar este proyecto se logró observar como poco apoco los niños van implementando

los hábitos de vida saludable y también se observó que el proyecto genero un impacto de forma

positiva en la muestra ya que los niños se volvieron más activos y empezaron a deja de ser



In this project we will talk about how the third grade children of the Nuestra Señora Del

Rosario School do not have the appropriate healthy lifestyle habits and how various activities

were developed throughout the year so that these students developed the life habits healthy fit.

At the end of this project, it was possible to observe how little apoco the children are

implementing healthy lifestyle habits and it was also observed that the project generated a

positive impact on the sample since the children became more active and began to stop being



Healthy lifestyle habits are essential to have a good health; areas such as good nutrition based

on vitamins, minerals, proteins among other components physical exercise and rest time is also

essential for stable health and social, psychological and cognitive aspects.

This research project is based on the analysis and improvement of healthy practices in which

seeks the demonstration of bodily and attitudinal changes in individuals that are produced by

different factors such as poor diet after the tendency to eat junk foods and sweets that together

with the lack of physical-recreational activities are affected the different functions of the body

This research exercise is based on the need to promote healthy habits in third grade students

since the different shortcomings in the diet and the non-use of free time affect their quality of life

at the social and psychological body level


1. Problem Statement


How strategies aimed at the creation of healthy lifestyles generate Healthy habits in third

grade children?

1.1.1 Description of the problem. Nowadays, young people suffer from various types of

problems, within these, the attention to healthy aspects in your body that is, not managing sports

habits, food or healthy life. This is because they focus a lot of their attention and time in

technology, social networks or leisure activities generating distractions that do not They provide

benefits to your health and your body aesthetics.

1.1.2formulation of the problem. The lack of sport is a flaw that has grown in recent

decades, mainly in young people and children, this due to the arrival of tools distractions such as

technology or video games that individually or jointly deteriorate the physical condition and the

personal aesthetics of each individual. As a consequence of this, the weakening of the bones and

vital organs what is reflected in the emotional attitude and physics of the individual that over

time will become health problems permanent Poor nutrition is a phenomenon that has attacked

the population since the arrival of junk food as the favorite of children, youth and adults. Being

this food mostly very unhealthy and with a lot of carbohydrates what It generates a huge increase

in your body mass in an overwhelming way which leads to suffer from obesity and get diseases

related to being overweight.

1.2 Objectives

1.2.1 General objective

• Apply strategies aimed at creating healthy life habits in students of third grade of the

school our lady of the rosary Sogamoso.

1.2.2 Specific objectives

• To Identify what strategies are appropriate to generate healthy habits in students

• To Implement ludic-pedagogical activities for third grade students

• To analyze the effects that occur in students after carrying out the activities planned to


• To Encourage communication and maintenance of healthy practices


1.3 Justification

The purpose of this project is to make known the importance it has for students in this case of

third grade permanent physical activity and lifestyle habits healthy; since these factors

significantly influence social development, psychological and corporal of each of the students.

In the first place, this project focuses on children acquiring knowledge about the importance

of healthy habits that contribute to their lives improvement of their quality of daily life that also

influence their training as physically active, social, creative, tolerant people in their environment.

Second, having good body condition helps students avoid some diseases both cardiovascular,


Third, in the psychological field, children and young people are very influenced for their

environment and the opinions of third parties regarding their body aesthetics which lowers them

self-esteem, they become emotionally weak, they distance themselves which affects their social

approach leading to having more withdrawn people Apply strategies aimed at creating healthy

life habits in students of third grade of the school our lady of the rosary Sogamoso.

2. Referencial Framework

2.1 Theoretical Framework

This theoretical framework covers concepts and topics that will be developed to facilitate

understanding and development

2.1.1 Habits: a habit is the repetition of an action in the daily aspect of the individual, it can

be presented in different ways or perspectives according to the person who is developing it

referring more to the context of healthy life. According to Chaparro (2016) states:

"understanding the promotion of Healthy Lifestyles, as the development of skills and attitudes of

children and adolescents to make decisions regarding their health, growth and life project and

contribute to their individual and collective welfare. "(p.4). From the above it is important to

emphasize that motivating children and adolescents to adopt good decision-making habits in

relation to their health in different approaches or situations because in their daily aspect they are

prone to deviate by doing practices that are harmful to their health, such as eating food. Scrap or

with excess fat, soda too sugary sodas etc.


The good practice of habits helps the person to grow in different aspects such as the social

and personal aspect, since in carrying out a good practice of their daily tasks, this reaffirms their

bonds of interpersonal trust with such simple things as the habit of punctuality, cordiality,

joviality, solidarity in general, the habit of respect for others; On the other hand, in the personal

aspect, good habits help to strengthen their corporality in the physical, psychological and

cognitive aspect, all of the above with help with the practice of good habits.

The good habits of healthy life are formed following routines of different kinds is given in the

physical aspect sports, nutrition and psychological with all this are forming habits that children

perform in an unconscious way that are rooted in their personality in a healthy way for children's

bodies, with good habits, children are on their way to a happier and prosperous life since they

can carry out their activities in a more effective way because they will be more determined to

solve all the problems that come their way. They will put more effort because they have the

necessary habits to achieve everything they set out to do.

To strengthen the capacity of each individual it is necessary that he open his mind a little and

see the different possibilities, since a change of mentality will facilitate that they are more

interested in adopting habits and that the population of step by step an improvement incurring in

the practice options that compromise your daily life in those who are forced to opt for exercise

routines, balanced feeding diets all this to maintain in the best conditions the physical appearance

of each person or in this case children at the same time that helps strengthen his health and

strengthens his psychology of action. that influence the different healthy habits of children: there are many factors

that affect the daily life of children and adolescents today as it is the environment where they live

as this can influence both in a harmful way or good form when making decisions about what

they are going to consume, how much they should consume and what hours they should


The place where food is eaten can affect the choice of food, especially as to what foods are offered to

people. The availability of healthy foods at home and away from home increases their consumption.

Unfortunately, in many work and school environments, access to healthy food options is scarce. This

fact especially affects those who have irregular work schedules (and therefore, food) or those who

have certain requirements (for example, vegetarians). (Faugier 2001, p 21).

From the above it should be noted that for children to have a good diet it is necessary that in

their social environment they have more healthy food options since this will give them more

choice and they can focus their attention to consume properly balanced food instead of food that

they do not provide them with any type of nutrients, such as junk foods, and although it is

advisable for children to eat healthy foods, a product from time to time is not bad for children to

feel satisfied and not feel obligated to have to eat only one type of food and can develop better

both socially and psychologically and can interact better with their daily environment.

2.1.2 Food: food is a fundamental need for the survival of any individual, good nutrition is

essential for the functions of the body to be at maximum at any time since this is the basis that

governs the fundamental functions of the body, also when there is a good diet the body will have

more energy.

Defining eating habits is not easy as there is a diversity of concepts, however, most converge

in that they are recurrent manifestations of individual and collective behavior with respect to

what, when, where, how, with what, for what purpose. Eat and consume food, and that are

adopted directly and indirectly as part of socio-cultural practices.

The bad diet causes harmful consequences in the organism since it can generate drastic

changes that can accelerate or restrain some fundamental processes as it is the metabolism of the

body as well as it generates changes in the physical capacity since it will not have the necessary

energy to develop the physical activities in an appropriate way.

The excess of food is also harmful to health because it can cause diseases in the body such as

obesity that is generated by eating more than the body needs which leads to long-term

consequences. According to the OMS (2014): "Even for those with an adequate weight, a diet

poor in nutrients is associated with greater risks to health, which can cause illness and even

death." From this we can say that most people currently are not feeding in a correct way this is

going from a bad breakfast, fruits, drinks, natural drinks, based on flours, instant soups that do

not provide the adequate means to start a day in the best way, then, should be given a good

lunch, which should be a way balanced, this should consist of vegetables, protein and cereal

should be constant for an average of 2000 calories. Not having good eating habits.

It should also be noted that it is important to promote healthy eating that many children and

adolescents today do not know is the right way to feed in order to know which is the most

appropriate way to feed you have to study the different sectors as it is the world health

information OMS. According to the OMS (2015). "The promotion of a healthy food environment

and, in particular, food systems that promote a diversified, balanced and healthy diet requires the

participation of different sectors and stakeholders, including sectors, the public sector and the

private sector" .

Maintaining a good diet not only implies an aesthetically better way, it also influences the

good immunological functioning of the body, the vitality necessary to carry out the different

activities. , have greater strength in the muscles of the body etc.

Food is something that has a very important importance throughout history since it has helped

man to maintain the energy necessary to evade in a correct way the different challenges that have

been imposed on human beings throughout history and that by maintaining a good diet it gives

the body the necessary vitality to be victorious in the face of the different events that arise in

daily life.
10 Education in food: Education for health as a discipline arises from the need to

provide people with the necessary means to improve health, through the modification of risk

behaviors. According to the OMS (2016) "At the 36th World Health Assembly, health education

was defined as any combination of information and education activities that leads to a situation

in which people know how to reach optimal levels of health and seek help when they need it

"Due to the above, health education as a strategy in schools helps to promote healthy eating

habits that counteract the prevalence of obesity through the promotion of healthy eating habits

and lifestyles in schoolchildren. Instill in children attitudes, knowledge and healthy habits that

favor their growth and development, the promotion of their health and the prevention of

preventable diseases of their age.

The study of food and nutrition has been approached from the exact sciences focused on

physiological aspects and social sciences that include the habits and food habits of each society.

In both processes biological factors intervene, sociocultural, psychological and environmental. In

the case of food as a social process, this not only allows the body to acquire energy and structural

substances necessary for life, but also are symbols that serve to analyze behavior. On the other

hand, nutrition as a process provides energy for body functioning, regulates metabolic processes

and helps prevent diseases. Since 2005, the so-called three-dimensionality of nutrition

establishes the relationships between food and the biological, social and environmental systems

of each society.
11 Factors that intervene in the formation of eating habits: Three agents intervene in

the adoption of eating habits; the family, the media and the school. In the case of the family, it is

the first contact with the alimentary habits since its members exert a strong influence in the diet

of the children and in their behaviors related to the feeding, and whose habits are the result of a

social and cultural construction implicitly agreed by its members. Eating habits are learned in the

family and are incorporated as customs, based on the theory of social learning and imitated

behaviors observed by adults who respect. Other modes of learning are given through

preferences or food rejections in children, where the latter are repeatedly exposed to a series of

foods that they know through the act of eating framed by encounters between parents and


Another factor that intervenes in the way of feeding is the economic aspect and also the way

of consumption of children and adults the least dedication and lack of time to cooking, which

causes families to adopt new ways of cooking and organizing and the loss of authority of parents

today, has caused many children to eat when, how and what they want. For its part, television

advertising is part of the human social environment, which in the case of its influence on

children's eating habits has been displaced by instances such as the family and the school;

promoting an unhealthy food consumption, since children are more susceptible to influence,

because they are in a stage of construction of their identity, and therefore are easily manipulated

by advertisements that promote new foods. In the case of the school, this institution allows the

child to face new eating habits that in many cases are not healthy; although it also assumes a

fundamental role in the promotion of protective factors in terms of eating habits. In this sense,

the actions of promotion and school prevention are in charge of teachers through the thematic

contents in subjects such as natural sciences. However, it is necessary to treat this type of topics

from an integral perspective that allows to combine knowledge, attitudes and healthy behaviors

that promote a healthy lifestyle in children, and even helps to prevent the appearance of

symptoms of eating disorders. Eating disorders: Unlike many other biological functions, eating behavior is often

subjected to sophisticated cognitive control. One of the most widely practiced forms of cognitive

control of food intake is dieting.

Many people express the desire to lose weight or improve their body appearance and adopt different

approaches in order to achieve an ideal body mass index. However, problems can arise when someone

is dieting or doing too much physical exercise. The etiology of eating disorders is usually constituted

by a combination of factors, among which are those of a biological, psychological, hereditary and

sociocultural type. The appearance of eating disorders is usually linked to a distorted image that the

affected person has of himself, at a low level of self-esteem, to non-specific anxiety, to obsessions,

stress and unhappiness (Mac Evilly & Kelly 2001).

From the above it can be said that to have better health you do not have to change your eating

habits in a drastic way as this can have harmful consequences for the body since this is not used

to the different types of food necessary to sustain itself in a way correct


2.1.3 Physical Exercise: The body of the human being is ready to move, moreover, he has

the need to do it. However, despite this need, the practice of physical activity in the population is

becoming less frequent, especially in children. These low levels of physical activity practice lead

to a sedentary lifestyle of a large part of the population, which together with unhealthy dietary

habits have caused the alarming increase of different pathologies (obesity, cardiovascular

diseases, metabolic syndrome ...) that, in in some cases, they have become a real public health

problem. The physical exercise is an essential practice for the human being because it also

depends on it complying with the requirements of their daily life as well as helping to keep their

body shape in shape.

Children between 5 and 17 years should accumulate a minimum of 60 minutes a day of

physical activity, mostly aerobic, moderate or vigorous intensity. Likewise, it would be

convenient a minimum of three times a week to practice activities that strengthen the locomotors

system and people. Adults between 18 and 64 years should accumulate a minimum of 150

minutes per week of moderate aerobic physical activity, or 75 minutes per week of vigorous

aerobic physical activity (or the equivalent combination of both). To obtain greater health

benefits should reach 300 and 150 minutes of moderate or vigorous aerobic activity respectively.

Likewise, it would be convenient a minimum of two or three times a week to practice activities

that strengthen the locomotors system without leaving behind Adults over 65 years should add

three times a week of activities to improve balance and prevent falls.


All this helps to initially have good health which is to prevent health problems such as

obesity, cardiovascular diseases among many other complications on the other hand also helps to

have a better body aesthetics.

Physical activity through conditioning is an integral part of any plan to ensure people a

healthy life. People should integrate healthy habits into their lives that allow them to facilitate

weight loss, lower blood pressure, combat dyslipidemias and, in general terms, reduce

cardiovascular risk and all causes of mortality. Physical conditioning translated as regular

physical activity is considered then an important component of the so-called healthy lifestyles. It

is worth noting that the human being is considered the only animal (along with others that are

removed from their habitat) that needs physical conditioning.

People who are physically active tend to develop and maintain high levels of ability or physical

condition, the so-called fitness, a term that is popularly used and rooted in the Colombian language.

Epidemiological research has shown through various studies the protective effect that fitness has on

different chronic entities such as osteoporosis, coronary disease, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, colon

cancer, anxiety, depression, mental disorders. Low levels of physical activity increase all causes of

mortality; the increase in physical activity during middle age is associated with a decrease in the risk

of mortality (Hoffman, 2002, p.2)

According to this, it can be said that people who are physically active have less risk of

suffering from different types of diseases, which leads to a more pleasant life, since they will be

less likely to suffer from different diseases in the short and long term as the body will be able to

reject diseases in a better way since it will be in better physical condition to counteract the

different diseases that occur.

It should be noted that physical activity can accumulate during the day, that is, intermittent

short periods of activity can be made that at least 30 minutes a day, climbing stairs instead of an

elevator, walking short distances instead of driving a car, exercise calisthenics, watch television

pedaling on an exercise bike Calisthenic exercises, watching television pedaling on a stationary

bicycle, gardening activities, homework, sweeping leaves, pruning, dancing, playing with

children; but if a formal exercise is chosen, it could be walking vigorously, or jogging or

swimming or cycling for 30 minutes at a time; some sports and recreational activities can serve

(golf without car, tennis). The energy expenditure must be at least 200-250 kilocalories / day to

achieve the benefits. The exercise program depends on the level of conditioning that the person


The interest in the practice of physical activity is due to the importance it acquires in various

aspects related to the integral development of the person. It is known that a constant and regular

practice of physical activity provide benefits for all ages. The rates of sedentary are increasing

considerably and with it the diseases associated with it. This suggests that problems such as

obesity are not only due to a pattern of overfeeding, but that insufficient training is taking its toll

on a large part of the population. According to OMS (2002) "inactivity is one of the risk factors

that explain the current epidemic proportions of non-communicable diseases"


The physical education classes of the school are not enough and it is recommended to

supplement them with three weekly physical exercise sessions of at least twenty minutes.

Currently the options offered for sports are very diverse. For their selection, not only the

preferences of the child but also what each of them can contribute to their formation and

development must be taken into account. And, whatever the physical activity, bear in mind that,

although the sensation of fatigue is lower in the child than in the adult, their tolerance to some

types of physical exercise is lower and approaches the maximum at the end of puberty (15-18

years) if the practice of sports has not been abandoned before.


3. Methodological Framework

3.1 Type of investigation

The type of research that you want to use in this project is descriptive. Since it is this we can

find the ethnographic design that according to “Giacomelli (2015) seeks to describe and analyze

ideas, beliefs, meanings, knowledge and practices of groups, cultures and communities. They can

also be very broad and cover the history, geography and socio-economic, educational, political

and cultural subsystems of a social system (rituals, symbols, social functions, kinship,

migrations, networks, among others) (Pg47) ", since In this case we want to study the help and

motivation generated by the Implement tools and mechanisms such as the telescope and mobile

applications, for the learning of Astronomy in students.


3.2 Focus

The research method used is a qualitative approach where information is collected based on

the observation of natural behaviors, speeches, open responses for the subsequent interpretation

of meanings, since according to Taylor (1987) when referring to qualitative methodology as a

way of face the empirical world, they point out that in its broadest sense it is the research that

produces descriptive data: the words of the people, spoken or written and the observable


3.3 Delimitation

The educational institution Nuestra Señora Del Rosario is located in the department of Boyacá

in the city of Sogamoso in the 9 al. 17-42 neighborhood los alders which has 556 students

between men and women.

3.4 Population

The population for the realization of the project is constituted between 556 students of the

Nuestra Señora Del Rosario School where they are distributed in two sections, primary and high


3.5 Sample

The sample is the students of third grade of primary school that are 30 girls and boys with

ages between 8 and 9 years, the students are selected with the intention of identifying to enable

the learning of the good habits of healthy life, where each student within Their student load has

the area of physical education by letting them know more about the topic of healthy habits at the

Nuestra Señora del Rosario school in order to achieve a better advance in the learning of this


3.6 Data Collection Instruments.

Instruments such as: a survey applied to 10 third grade students were used for data collection.

Some thematic annotations product in this case of the observations in class, more specifically:

3.6.1 Observation in class. In this case, several classes in the area of physical education

were observed to participate in co-teaching in some of them, in this detailed observation that was

made, it could be analyzed that high school teachers especially in grade 6, show the absence of

alternative techniques or resources for the teaching of astronomy generating the lack of interest

on the part of students about health sciences.


3.6.2 Surveys. The questionnaire has the purpose of knowing the perception that third grade

students have regarding the formation of scientific thinking in their pedagogical practices, each

one answered how they conceive the physical development, how they promote it and what are

the skills or power in the students. In order to obtain the information, 5 questions were selected

where health issues are more specifically involved, which will be used to take the necessary

samples and perform their analysis, which aims to assess the knowledge of the students

surveyed, interest in health and health. Good healthy habits and processes performed in the area

of health sciences and generate knowledge about the interest in health and recognize the topics of

interest that you want to address.

3.6.3 Thematic annotations. In this case they are annotations that were made about ideas,

observations and speculations about the students' knowledge, which are built in the observation

of virtual and physical guides, with the purpose of knowing the interest of the students

3.7 Project engineering

3.7.1 Observation. This was used in the research project in order to diagnose the behavior and

position of third-grade children against healthy lifestyle habits and subsequently doing an

analysis to generate the different activities that are carried out to generate the different children

Healthy lifestyle habits such as physical activities, good nutrition and good time to rest.

Observation is a fundamental element of every research process; It supports the researcher to

obtain the greatest number of data.

3.7.2 Diagnosis. The diagnosis that could be generated with the surveys and the observation of

the position and behavior of third grade children in relation to healthy living habits can be seen

that they have no greater interest or concern with regard to habits which gives us way to begin

with the implementation of the different educational activities that are carried out to children to

encourage them to create healthy lifestyle habits.

3.7.3 Planning from the different educational activities that have been carried out, joint

results are expected to reach children who generate healthy lifestyle habits, since each one will

encourage different points such as sports, food and good rest time. Activities. In the development of this project, different recreational and pedagogical

activities will be carried out in order to generate in children the interest to practice healthy

lifestyle habits

3.7.4 .1 Activity # 1 introduction to the topic. The talk given to third-grade children is done in

order to show children what it means to have good healthy living habits like creating them

because it is beneficial to maintain them and the possible risks of not having them.

The children are started by showing that they are healthy living habits by letting them know

the practices that make up the habits such as sport where the children were asked if they

practiced a sport interacting with them during the talk and also helps to know more about the

shows in this case third grade children who are the center of the project later they are told about

good food at this point they are shown the health benefits that good nutrition gives the person

and the damage that comes from eating poorly as Obesity or health shortcomings in this part of

the talk we also talk with children about what diet they manage during the course of the day both

in the school environment and at home so there is a contrast or comparison between if they feel

they are feeding good or not. In the last area of the topics discussed is the appropriate time that

children of that age should rest.

At the end of the talk we give a series of conclusions such as that having good habits of

healthy living positively affects the aspect of health, in the behavior at home and at school, he is

also a psychological field because habits give you emotional stability This in order to encourage

for children to generate healthy lifestyle habits. (See annex 1.) Activity # 2 sports activity. The first sporting activity that is given to third-grade

children is given so that they learn to have good sports habits and show them what are the

benefits that exercise brings and also to show what are the possible consequences of not lead an

active life without just remaining still or sedentary.


Children are started teaching what sports activities they can do more easily and without

having to have many materials to develop them, they are also informed about the activities that

help them to have a healthy and comforting growth that Be fully balanced at your age.

First, it starts teaching you various activities that you can develop with a simple ball and then

you are explained what are the benefits of developing these activities, then you are asked to do

them in pairs so that you can perform another activity with the same ball, then They are

explained that children can develop physical activities while they are recreating or having fun as

is the case of playing soccer, volleyball, basketball etc.( See annex 2)

Finally, we give you a talk about what physical activities you should do more frequently and

also explain the importance of performing warm-up exercises at the beginning and end of each

physical activity. Activity # 3 the feeding. This activity is about showing third grade students what is the

importance of having good eating habits, they are explained what are the beneficial foods for

health and they are also explained what are the foods that are slowly damaging the body human

and how these can ultimately trigger various diseases such as diabetes, hypoglycemia etc.

The activity began by showing the children various foods and that they choose which foods

are healthy and which are not, after they chose they were told that they could consume the foods

they had chosen, after they consumed it they are explained what they are Foods that are healthy

and which not after this explain how to identify the foods that benefit them and which are the

ones that harm them.

Finally, they are given a small talk about what is the importance of having a balanced diet and

what are the benefits that this brings, they are also explained that you can eat everything if you

eat correctly and are told how many times they are indicated so that a person of his age eats, and

also at the hours that must be done so that the organism can carry out a better metabolization

process and the organism does not have to over strain to be able to expel the consumed during

the day. (See annex 3) Activity # 4 health. In this activity, children are given a dynamic talk in which they

begin by explaining the importance of incorporating healthy lifestyle habits into our daily lives.

The talk begins by explaining to children that not developing physical activities and not eating

properly can lead to damage the body in irreversible ways and also how it affects their cognitive

process since the cells are not going to have adequate oxygen increased and not It will let you

carry out simple tasks.

It is also explained that not having the body in total physical and nutritional balance can lead

to fatigue due to activities that generally would not waste energy and will not lead to physical

fatigue, then third-grade children are asked to ask questions. So that they can have everything

clear and have no doubts so that they can begin to develop healthy lifestyle habits in their daily


Finally, it is explained to them that in order to avoid diseases, healthy activities have to be

practiced since childhood to eliminate all the health problems that may develop later. (See annex

4) Activity 5 educational video. In this activity an educational video was shown to third

grade children. This video has an educational theme about the importance of healthy living

habits as well as being special for children since it is lively and gives clear and simple examples

that children they can understand and assimilate quickly and easily.

In addition, the video explains to children each area or factor involved in the creation of

healthy lifestyle habits by letting them know the benefits of good food and why eating a diet with

foods that do not provide good nutrition is bad for their development. cognitive, growth and

health; The video also introduces children to sports and physical exercise by simply showing

them how to maintain their optimal physical state as well as rest time, which was also included in

the video.

In the children it was possible to notice a great interest in the subject, in addition to the fact

that a good handling of the subject was evidenced, since at the end of the video they were asked

some questions about the different factors that make up the good habits of healthy living and

why it is good to practice what they responded in a correct and coherent way, thus implying that

if they are generating in addition to important concepts of a healthy life that children are

interested in the practice of good nutrition, physical exercise and take into account rest in Your

daily life.( See annex 5) Activity #6 direct to practice. In this activity the children were taken to exercise

initially, they are told about the importance of the practice of exercises, the benefits that this

brings to the normal cognitive development of growth, in addition to helping a lot in the social

aspect of the children. Then a series of exercises is started as such where stretching and

relaxation exercises are carried out in which the participation and support of the physical

education teacher is given, these stretching exercises are quite important at the time of starting

with a series of exercises of greater intensity because children will not be prone to muscle aches

and cramps all this was explained to children so that they adopt a good stretching routine when

they exercise.

Then a series of games for children began so that in addition to helping them in their physical

appearance it is also a fun way since at the age of children it is much more satisfying for them to

play than to do less flexible or entertaining routines like those made in a gym.

The children took place to play with their peers and be able to share everything in a healthy

and fun way in order to generate in them healthy lifestyle habits in this case the scope of physical

exercise. (See 6) Activity 7 the right way. In this activity we work with children a kind of exercise of

choice in which children must separate different actions and foods that intervene or influence

healthy lifestyle habits.

In this activity children are given a copy with the exercise which consists of giving children

food options such as fruits, junk foods, sweets and vegetables where children divide in two group

healthy food h junk or non-nutritious food this so that children choose between which foods are

most beneficial for their health they are also given a list of activities that are carried out daily by

children such as watching television, playing football, skating, sleeping , play video games

among other situations and where they are chosen to choose in the same way as with the foods in

which group they will find themselves in healthy or non-beneficial life habits so that they


This activity is mainly carried out to make children understand that although there are foods

that are more palatable or preferred by children, these foods do not provide them with important

nutrients and on the other hand they can cause problems or damage to their health in the short

medium and long term in the same way with the activities because some may be more striking

for some children such as video games or watching television which does not help them to have

a good physical condition and also creates a form of sedentary lifestyle in children which is

intended to prevent and that is why these activities are carried out where children are taught or

advised to generate in their daily lives.( see annex 7) Activity # 8 final talk. The last talk that was given to third grade students was made in

order to reach a conclusion with the children of the importance of having healthy living habits

where there was an exchange of ideas with the children since them they already have control of

the subject due to the previous activities carried out with the children.

This talk began by explaining to the children what is the importance of them not ceasing to

perform physical activities under any circumstances and they are explained what is the

importance of leading a healthy life and how it is important to eat and exercise properly.

In the end they are resolved all the doubts they have about good healthy living habits and they

are explained that it is important not to exceed the intensity of hours that they should practice

physical activities then they are told that at the end of each sports day they should have a good

rest.(see annex 8)

3.8 analysis strategy


This project took into account the participation of third-grade children of the Nuestra Señora

Del Rosario School in order to better evaluate the results obtained when developing the various

activities. It was also possible to arrive at an analysis strategy when observing the development

of the activities because it was thus possible to identify the various shortcomings they presented

at the time of developing the activities.

3.9 Schedule

Activities February March April may june july August

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4


Project draft


de actividades
Shared talk

Esplanation of
Explanation of
healthy food



3.10 Budget

Impressions 20.000
Buses 30.000
Folders 10.000
Taxis 25.000
Incentives 15.000
Internet 25.000
Activity material 35.000
Total 160.000

4. Analysis of Data

In this project, each activity carried out was analyzed in order to have true results that serve to

be able to have the correct conclusions and thus be able to solve the problem generated by this

project from the beginning.

4.1 Activity#1

In activity 1, they were told about what we were going to develop throughout the project and the

third grade students were asked if they knew anything about the subject already mentioned, the

results of the questions can be seen in the graph presented below.


activity #1}
students who responded students who did not respond

4.2 Activity#2

In this activity the students were taught which sports activities are useful for them to have a

healthy life in the activity. It was observed that some students were not accustomed to develop

the various activities that were raised instead there were other students who did the different

physical activities assertively can be seen in the graph presented below.


activity #2




did activities well did bad activities


In this activity, third grade children are given to choose which foods they consider to be

beneficial for their health to which most students respond correctly this can be seen in the

following graph.

Activity #3





they chose correct they didn't choose right


This activity identifies an activity in which children are dynamically talked about the health era

when observing the results, it is identified that most students have no idea how to develop the

symptoms that will lead to a better Health.

Activity #4
They know how to have a good health they don't know how to be in good health


En esta actividad se les mostro un video y al finalizar este se les hizo diversas preguntas a las

cuales la mayoría de los estudiantes respondieron lo que creían que significaba este video.

Activity # 5




they responded they did not respond

Activity #6

In this activity, third-grade children have physical exercises again and this time it is possible to

observe that more children responded assertively compared to the first time they developed

sports activities, this can be seen in the following graph.


Activity #6




did activities well did bad activities
(Table #8)

Activity #7

At the time of developing this activity, it was observed that most third grade students know

how to distinguish between what are the things that lead them to a good healthy life.

Activity # 7





they managed to distinguish the good they failed to distinguish the good

Activity # 8

In this activity they were given the last talk about good healthy living habits and at the end of the

talk they were asked some questions to which most students responded assertively.

Activity #8





responded assertively did not respond assertively


• At the end of this project, it was concluded that the majority of young people today in di

do not have good habits of healthy living and to be able to instill in young people good

habits of healthy life is a process that involves a lot of time and effort on the part of

young people and of the people who want to instill these healthy lifestyle habits since the

majority of young people today are accustomed to leading a sedentary life.

• When beginning with this project, it was observed that third grade students were not

accustomed to developing the various physical activities corresponding to a person who

leads a healthy healthy life and after several months of project it was concluded that the

majority of young people today in Day are not used to develop sports activities.


(Annex 1charla interactive)


(Annex 2 sports activities)


(Annex 3 the feeding)


(Annex 4 the health)


(Annex 5 educational video)


(Annex 6 direct to practice)


(Annex 7 the right way)


(Annex 8 final talk)




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