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Works Cited Organic Cotton

Consumers, this means YOU!

Organic cotton is one of

the most rapidly growing
Information in text from following: fabrics in the apparel
Brown, P., & Rice, J. (2001). Ready-To-Wear
industry because of the
Apparel Analysis. New Jersey: Prentice- big push for “going
Hall. green” that has been
seen almost worldwide
Dunn, C. (2007, August 21). Organic Cotton.
Retrieved 12 3, 2010 from TreeHuggers: today.
Now the question
remains, what can you, green-basics-organic-cotton.php
the consumer, do to try Keiser, S., & Garner, M. (2008). Beyond Design:
and get more organic The Synergy of Apparel Product
made clothing produced? Development. New York: Fairchild
Well the solution to that
is quite simple, if
companies sell product
based off of what sells There are many benefits
well and what does not, to using organic cotton
then the simple solution Pictures taken from the following websites and are and drawbacks to using
is to buy clothing that is numbered beginning with front page and ending in regular cotton that are
made organically! back: listed inside. Please
Many companies will openly mark when 1) read for more
their product is made of organic cotton or information on how you
even a more “eco-friendly” version of the 2) can make a difference
current production of cotton. Your job is to
3) by purchasing organic
look for those tags that display on the
garments proud or simply look for the
materials and clothing!
recycle symbol displayed above. launches-organic-cotton-clothing-line/
Benefits of Organic What can apparel
Cotton manufacturers and
cotton farmers do?
While organic cotton tends to be more
expensive to grow and produce, it has Unfortunately apparel manufacturers are
many more benefits than that of non- very limited to what they can physically do
organic cotton. Some of these benefits are beyond buying the organic cotton itself for
as follows: the production of their clothing. Many
Pollution from dyeing of non-organic large brands such as H&M as well as
materials.  Zero run-off into ecosystems from
Levi’s have launched many eco-friendly
pesticides and fertilizers. Natural
Drawbacks of Non- compost is used in replacement of
lines that are made from organic cotton,
which have both sold relatively well.
Organic Cotton. synthetic fertilizers, while natural
predators are used to keep pests away. As far as farmers are concerned it is a very
The drawbacks that are present from the
large investment to switch their current
production and growth of non-organic  Lack of pesticides benefits
cotton field to produce organic cotton
cotton are plentiful and here are just a few developing countries where hand instead. Starting with the soil steps need to
of them: picking is still used, preventing be done in order to ensure that the cotton
farmers from inhaling such chemicals.
 Many pesticides and toxic fertilizers can grow naturally and composting takes
are used in order to expedite growth. more time in comparison to fertilizer.
 Organic cotton is more accepting of
 Formaldehyde, a known carcinogen, is dye making the process much cleaner
used to prevent wrinkling in non- The federal government in the United
on the environment by lessening the States has passed multiple laws to try to
organic material.
amount of chemicals and dye needed slow the pollution rate of the production of
 Non-organic cotton goes through
multiple dyeing processes in order to to apply color. cotton, but that does not cover cotton that
ensure that color stays, resulting in comes from foreign areas such as India.
massive amounts of pollution (see  The fields used are self-sustaining,
picture above). meaning that farmers are able to use
To gain more information on how
 Cotton consumes over six pints of the crop into the following season
water to produce one bud. This instead of killing the crop off before organic cotton can benefit both
consumption rate has, in places, the winter season. the environment and yourself, as
severely reduced water supply due to well as what is being done to
heavy irrigation for cotton.
ensure protection, visit the
 According to the World Health
Organization over 20,000 deaths per following websites:
year occur in developing countries
from pesticide use. 

While these are only a few reasons that non- 

organic cotton production is hazardous to
not only us but the environment, it is very 
easy to see how the effect is detrimental An Organic Cotton field.
across all facets of production.

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