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I saya

I and you saya dan kamu

both of us kami berdua

he dia laki-laki
he and she dia (laki-laki) dan dia (perempuan)
they both mereka berdua

the man pria

the woman wanita
the child anak

a family sebuah keluarga

my family keluarga saya
My family is here. Keluarga saya berada di sini.

I am here. Saya di sini.

You are here. Kamu di sini.
Dia (laki-laki) di sini dan Dia
He is here and she is here.
(perempuan) di sini.

We are here. Kami di sini.

You are here. Kalian di sini.
They are all here. Mereka semua di sini.

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