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2019 - 2020

Student Reflections
Student A:
“I felt that the black history program took me out of my comfort zone. I
really felt comfortable dancing around people. My mom seen me dance
and now I am working to be on the dance team with my friends.
The black history program also taught me a lesson. This also taught me
how to more social with other people. The black history program has
taught me a lot. I hope we can do it next year.” K.H.

Student B:
“I loved the Black History Program because I am now not scared anymore
of people judging me and I’m not afraid of being on stage. I think this
helped me like my singing and be confident in myself and Ive gotten better
even though I want to be a pianist. It was pretty fun to be honest. I learned
a lot.” M.Y.

Student Reflections
Student C:
“The BHM program was great. I liked that I got to interact with the Girls
on the Run. I like running and wanted to do track but we cant get there
because we only have one car. Girls on the Run really help me to be better
with my attitude. I get to run now. It helps makes me happy and it makes
so more fun for me.” J.G.

Student D:
“We got to highlight our history and I liked that. Ms. Fulgiam does not try
to make us be like other people. She let us be ourselves and im glad people
got to see that.” J.J.

Student E:
“The African drums are the best. Im gonna learn how to do that and will
sign up for the class.” E.D.
Staff Reflections
Teacher A:
********’s behavior has improved since participating in the Black History
Month program. The 8th grade team was able to see her in a new light. This
was her second year and her social and emotional growth throughout it is
evident. From the leadership and collaboration, it was nice to see. The
team agreed to take her to dance classes if she could keep this behavior up.

Teacher B:
“It is amazing that we have sponsors and partnerships. Students wanted
more options for elective period and now they have it. I cannot wait to see
how this turns out.”

Teacher C:
“This show just keeps getting better. It is enjoyable to have the opportunity
to see students’ talents shine through. Cannot wait for next year.”
Family Reflections
Guardian A:

“My son told me that he wanted to be in the Black History Month
program, but was afraid because he is Hispanic. I am glad he did it. He is
really good at the drums. I learned a lot and I am happy he was able to be
apart of it. If he did not do it I would not known he had this talent.”

Guardian B:

“I appreciate the time teachers take to put on the program. This year they
had information for parents on voting and the census. I learned new
information because I did not know the census helped with funding and
other stuff. I also registered my son to vote. Theres something new each
year. My daughter will be doing it.”

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