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Issue 7

A Romer Labs®

New Challenges
and Methods in
Allergen Testing
Photo: shutterstock_pipicato

Detecting Allergens in Processed Foods

10 Steps to Validating and Verifying a Cleaning Method

Challenges in Allergen Testing, Part Two:

Detecting Allergens in Processed Foods
Most of the food and drink we consume has been processed or modified in some way,
potentially altering allergenic proteins. Adrian Rogers looks at incurred samples and
how they might change how we test processed foods.
By Adrian Rogers, Senior Research Scientist, Romer Labs®

Spot On is a quarterly publication of

Romer Labs Division Holding GmbH,
distributed free-of-charge.

ISSN: 2414-2042
Joshua Davis, Cristian Ilea
Chiara Palladino, Adrian Rogers,
Paul Bagshaw
Kurt Brunner
Romer Labs Division Holding GmbH
Erber Campus 1

3131 Getzersdorf, Austria
Tel: +43 2782 803 0

10 Steps to Validating and Verifying

©Copyright 2018, Romer Labs®

All rights reserved. No part of this Allergen Cleaning Procedures
publication may be reproduced in any
material form for commercial purposes How do food producers know whether their cleaning regimen is working? Paul Bagshaw
without the written permission of the of Holchem Laboratories gives a detailed look into cleaning validation and verification.
copyright holder.
All photos herein are the property of By Paul Bagshaw, Technical Services Manager, Holchem Laboratories Ltd.
Romer Labs or used with license.
Romer Labs is part of ERBER Group

2 Spot On Issue 7

New Horizons
in Allergen Testing
As the prevalence of food allergies grows worldwide, so does the need for
more and more people to observe a strictly allergen-free diet. Accurate food
allergen detection enables correct food labeling, which keeps consumers safe
and ensures compliance with food safety regulations.
However, several difficult challenges come with the need to test for food
allergens. Food producers routinely deal with a diverse variety of ingredients,
which are subject to preparation and processing in several possible ways.
Nonetheless, they still need to detect even the tiniest traces of allergens.
Both the complexity of this topic and consumer demand for accurate food
labeling require that food producers take a careful look into the steps of an
allergen-testing program so that they can be sure to select the right detection
In this issue of Spot On, we follow up on the discussion we began in the last
Spot On devoted to challenges facing allergen testing with an investigation
into one of the most difficult problems: how to detect allergens in processed
foods. The article highlights the difficulties encountered when testing for
allergens in highly processed foods, and sheds some light on recent advances
in standardization and calibration materials in the food allergen analytical
Our second article provides readers with a quick but detailed guide on how to
validate and verify an allergen cleaning procedure in food processing facilities.
Validation plays an essential role in avoiding allergen contamination of finished
products and enhances the reliability of any allergen testing performed further
down the production line.
We hope you enjoy this issue of Spot On.

Chiara Palladino
Product Manager Allergens

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Challenges in Allergen Testing
P a r tDetecting Allergens
T w o –

in Processed Foods
By Adrian Rogers - Senior Research Scientist, Romer Labs®

Processing foods
can change the
nature of the
allergens hiding in
them, making them
harder to find.

4 Spot On Issue 7
Food producers are increasingly looking to food allergen analysis as a means of
emphasizing greater transparency, traceability and integrity in the supply chain. While
this growing awareness has extended to validation and verification of factory cleaning
and investigation of recalls and incidents, producers are also investigating new ways to
detect allergens in processed foods. Food allergen expert Adrian Rogers explores how
incurred samples might show the way forward.

Photo: shutterstock_ Rasica

A Romer Labs® Publication 5

Quality control is ost of the food and drink we consume has
been processed or modified in some way.
an important factor This processing brings about many ben-
efits in terms of food safety, preservation
when producing
and taste. However, processing changes the characteris-
incurred reference tics of the ingredients used to make the food; of partic-
ular interest are the changes that allergenic proteins can
materials. The undergo. There are many kinds of changes relevant to
allergen detection: allergenic proteins can be subjected
allergen to be
to heat-accelerated chemical reactions including Mail-
incorporated into lard reactions and other protein-carbohydrate interac-
tions, protein aggregation with loss of solubility, shear
the food matrix must effects on protein structure, emulsion formation, pH
be very well defined. effects, and water activity during food production. Re-
cent studies have shown that processing allergens can
alter their allergenicity, changing how an allergic indi-
vidual may react to them. If immunoassay-based food
allergen detection methods rely on the use of antibod-
ies to detect allergens present in food, it follows that the
ability to detect them may be affected by processing.
Such processing effects must be taken into account
when developing new analytical methods, either by
improved extraction methods intended to increase the
solubility of the aggregated proteins or by going back to cessing in an industrially produced food. The simplest
basics and raising new sets of antibodies that specifical- way to do this would be to look around a supermarket
ly target processed allergens. and search for similar products with and without the
specific allergenic component, for example, a cook-
How do we create real-life samples ie with and without milk. There are several things to
with incurred controls? consider when making incurred materials. Such ma-
To evaluate these improved allergen detection meth- terials are usually produced in a food processing pilot
ods, incurred sample controls are needed. These are plant or test kitchen; the ability to clean the processing
food samples into which a known amount of the food equipment thoroughly after each batch is an important
allergen has been incorporated during processing, consideration to assure that there is no batch-to-batch
mimicking as closely as possible the actual conditions contamination.
under which the sample matrix would normally be Quality control is an important factor when produc-
manufactured. Analyzing the real-life sample would ing incurred reference materials. The allergen to be
give the most accurate representation of the recovery incorporated into the food matrix must be very well
and response of a particular method for that particular defined. Where official reference materials exist they
matrix. Yet each food matrix and processing condition are not usually affordable in the quantities needed to
is different and it would not be practical to evaluate all produce the incurred controls. Yet any official reference
possibilities with naturally incurred standards. How- materials can be used for comparative purposes to de-
ever, evaluation of an ELISA with one or more typical fine the nature of the material used. Furthermore, the
combinations of food matrix and processing condition homogeneity of the allergen added to the food matrix
is a useful method in determining whether the ELISA is critical for every step of the process. In order to en-
can provide reliable results when applied to processed sure that the allergen is homogeneously incorporated
foods. into the incurred material, multiple analyses of the
Steve Taylor of the Food Allergy Research and Re- sub-sampled food at various stages of processing are
source Program has described what should be con- required to make sure that uniform distribution of the
sidered when creating incurred reference materials allergen is achieved. Contamination between batches
for food allergen analysis. In essence, he suggests, the with increasing levels of allergen can be controlled by
matrix of choice should be one in which the allergenic starting with the lowest concentration and steadily in-
food residues would likely be found during typical pro- creasing the levels.

6 Spot On Issue 7
low their future use for evaluating improved analytical MoniQA has developed
methods. Such incurred control materials may also be
used to evaluate batch-to-batch variability for commer- an incurred reference
cial ELISA kits.
material to mimic as
Early successes with incurred samples closely as possible the
Very slowly, fully validated incurred reference ma-
terials for food allergen analysis are coming onto the processing through
market. The MoniQA Association has recently released which an allergen-
a milk-incurred material that incorporates well-charac-
terized dried skimmed milk powder into a gluten free containing food goes
cookie at two individual protein concentrations. This
incurred reference material has been produced to mim-
during production.
ic as closely as possible the processing through which
an allergen-containing food goes during production.
This is a distinct advantage as it more closely reflects
the real-world foods that are routinely tested in analyt-
ical labs across the world and gives a good indication of
the suitability of the analytical methods used to detect
processed allergens. Advancing such research even fur-
ther, work undertaken at the University of Manchester
under the guidance of Professor Clare Mills has inves-
tigated how an allergen-incurred chocolate dessert
Another important consideration is the stability of material originally developed for the diagnosis of food
the incurred material. Any processing effects that the allergies can be adapted for use as an analytical control
allergen undergoes can usually be determined quickly material.
during analysis. But if the incurred material is to be Such research is encouraging and could play a vital
stored for any length of time and used to generate real role in expanding the comprehensiveness of allergen
world standard curves for an analytical method, then testing in processed foods. The use of a matrix and in-
the shelf life of the material must be ascertained. There curred food ingredients with demonstrable allergenic
is a possibility that further reactions between the pro- activity for analytical purposes will help ensure that
teins of the allergen and the components of the food efforts to standardize calibration materials and harmo-
matrix into which it is incorporated could occur during nize allergen-reporting units are meaningfully aligned
storage. Since the production of well-defined incurred with ongoing measures to protect allergic consumers
controls is not easy, storage of these controls would al- from accidental exposure to problem foods.

S. Taylor et al : Anal Bioanal Chem (2009) 395:83-92 risks and a proposed framework to address urgent
Allergen immunoassays – considerations for use of analytical needs.
naturally incurred standards.
Phil E. Johnson et al : Food Chemistry (2014) 148:
M. Abbott et al : Journal of AOAC International (2010) 30-36 A Multi-laboratory evaluation of a clinically-
Vol 93, No 2 Validation Procedures for Quantitative validated incurred quality control material for
Food Allergen ELISA Methods: Community Guidance analysis of allergens in food.
and Best Practises.
Nitride et al : Journal of AOAC International (2018)
K. Verhoeckx et al : Food and Chemical Toxicology (2015) 101, No 1 Integrating Allergen Analysis Within
80: 223-240 Food processing and allergenicity. a Risk Assessment Framework: Approaches to
Development of Targeted Mass Spectrometry
M. Walker et al : Analyst (2016) 141: 24-35 Is food Methods for Allergen Detection and Quantification
allergen analysis flawed? Health and supply chain in the iFAAM Project.

A Romer Labs® Publication 7

How do food
producers know
whether their
cleaning regimen
is working?
ELISA, lateral flow
devices and ATP
testing are methods
that can help
validate a cleaning

10 Steps to
Validating and Verifying
Allergen Cleaning Procedures
About the author By Paul Bagshaw - Technical Services Manager, Holchem Laboratories Ltd.

That cleaning is a vital component of any allergen management program is beyond

dispute. But how do food producers know whether their cleaning regimen is working?
Paul Bagshaw of Holchem Laboratories guides us through the ins and outs of cleaning
validation and verification.

Paul Bagshaw has
worked at Holchem ood manufacturers and processors rely on a tion. Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) retailer ap-
Laboratories Ltd. for variety of differing policies and procedures proval schemes such as the British Retail Consortium
nearly 10 years. His
to enforce allergen controls. These include (BRC) state, “Where cleaning procedures are part of a
research interests
include allergens, CIP personnel controls, such as a hand-washing defined prerequisite plan to control the risk of a specif-
and hygienic design. procedure and the use of protective clothing ic hazard the cleaning and disinfection procedures and
As Technical Services and equipment (PPE), process controls such as segre- frequency shall be validated…” In simple terms, this
Manager, he provides gated storage and color-coded equipment, production means that the validation process should demonstrate
technical support to controls such as dedicated equipment and time segre- that the cleaning procedure a site is using reduces the
Holchem’s sales team
gation, and – most importantly – cleaning. hazard – in this case, an allergen – to a level deemed
and customers.
Cleaning regimens are subject to rigorous valida- to be acceptable.

8 Spot On Issue 7
The validation guidelines at Holchem Laboratories worst-case scenario. These areas will be assessed for Validation should
Ltd. have been developed in accordance with the prin- cleanability during the validation process. As such, it
ciples of the European Hygienic Engineering and De- may be necessary to strike a balance between the place be carried out
sign Group (EHEDG) Cleaning Validation subgroup1 that is hardest to clean (but may need specialist ac-
under worst-case
and Campden BRI2, together with in-house best prac- cess equipment or engineering support to dismantle)
tices. The overarching principle can be summed up and places that are hard to clean but are practicably scenarios.
in this way: validation should be carried out under accessible.
worst-case scenarios. Here, we take a look at the steps
involved in setting up a validation program and then
verifying that program.

Review any current cleaning programs
 and applicable regulations
If no cleaning program exists, then one is created
Determine the objective
at this stage. In practice, one often exists, meaning
of the cleaning
that sites should be recording that cleaning program,
The process begins by determining the objective of often by putting copies of CICs (cleaning instruction
the cleaning: with allergens, the goal is to ensure the cards) into the validation pack. However, certain pa-
absence of detectable allergens in food products that rameters of the clean are generally overlooked, such
undergo processing following the cleaning. The site as the number of cleaning operatives and the cleaning
should first define the products and process lines that window required. Certain parameters of the clean,
the validation will cover as well as the type of cleaning such as those for chemical strengths and solution tem-
to be validated (i.e. a product changeover cleaning or peratures, are often formulated in terms of a range.
an end-of-production cleaning, open plant or closed In such cases, the validation should be undertaken in
plant (clean-in-place)). worst-case circumstances, i.e. at the lowest chemical
It has always been best practice to use the most strength or temperature in the range.
sensitive detection technique available for detecting Those responsible for a site should also take into
allergens in food products (traditionally based on consideration the implications concerning health and
ELISA). In addition, food-processing surfaces should safety legislation when carrying out the clean. The site
be cleaned such that allergens cannot be detected should already have undertaken COSSH assessments
using lateral flow devices (LFDs). for the chemicals they intend to use on the valida-
tion, and should consider whether any risk assess-
ments are required for any dismantling of equipment

 for cleaning. Chemical disinfectants should have the

relevant efficacy data, including the European stan-
Ensure organizational support dards EN1276 and EN 13697, and comply with the re-
A team approach will help ensure that the validation quirements of the Biocidal Products Regulation (EU
process is effective; the team should be multi-depart- 528/2012).
mental (production, engineering, technical, hygiene,
hazard specialist) and have the backing of senior man-
agement to ensure seamless collaboration.

Determine the worst-case scenario
for the soiling
 There are several reasons to choose a particular food
Know the hygienic design product for the validation: it may have the strongest
of your equipment adhering soil, the highest level of allergens or the
A review of the hygienic design of the equipment is hardest allergen to remove. The processing that the
recommended. The primary purpose of this step is to food product undergoes will also have an impact on
determine the areas of the equipment that are most the removal of the soiling; this could include the lon-
difficult to clean; this is helpful in determining the gest processing time, the highest temperature or the

A Romer Labs® Publication 9

The cleaning has period of time the equipment sits idle before cleaning. tablished to ensure that the target allergen, in food
Whilst this determination of the worst-case soiling products and on process surfaces, can be detected un-
achieved its desired scenario will ensure a robust validation that stands up der the conditions of food manufacturing under test.
to scrutiny, an added benefit is that it increases effi- This requires the food manufacturer to send samples
results when both
ciency by allowing food manufactures to carry out few- of the product due to be run and swabs of the surfac-
the product and food er validation processes. For example, if a food manu- es before the validation clean begins. This is helpful
facturer has a number of allergens that are checked by in accounting for the variations in allergen detection
contact surfaces are the same cleaning and disinfection program, validat- that the food matrix may cause. If, for example, the
ing the program for the worst-case scenario for a single allergen is known to be a product ingredient but LFDs
free from allergens.
allergen (highest allergen presence, most difficult to are unable to detect it, then an LFD is not a suitable
clean soil) theoretically confers validation to cleaning verification method going forward.
programs for all allergens used. It is also good practice to determine if the cleaning
or disinfectant residues present in the sample matrix
have any effect on the sensitivity of the analytical de-

 tection technique.

Sample, sample and sample again

Sites should then determine the type of sampling to
assess whether the objective of the cleaning and dis-

infection program has been met. The simplest form
Carry out the validation
of assessment, the visual inspection, is often the most Then, the actual validation process can go forward.
overlooked: are debris visible at the sample sites? Oth- It is generally accepted that it be repeated no fewer
er options are direct and indirect sampling: direct sam- than 3 times. It is also good practice to carry out valida-
pling is likely to be via surface swabbing, whilst indi- tion at varying times to account for different cleaning
rect sampling is commonly used only for CIP (cleaning teams, seasonal variation in raw ingredients, variation
in place) applications and is generally taken via rinse in production pressures and other factors. Validations
water samples. should be reviewed routinely, at least annually, or
Finally, product sampling normally involves taking a when any parameter changes, such as a product, ma-
sample of the first product off the line for testing after chinery or a cleaning parameter.
cleaning has been carried out. For CIP, it is considered
good practice to take samples from the first, middle
and last product from the line.

Interpret the results

 The cleaning has achieved its desired results when

both the product and food contact surfaces are free
Choose the right analytical test from allergens. Conversely, the detection of allergens
Now that we know how we are going to sample, we in the product as well as on food contact surfaces in-
need to decide which analytical tests to use to deter- dicates that the cleaning has not achieved its desired
mine whether the objective of the cleaning and disin- results, meaning that the site must amend some as-
fection program has been met. Such tests should be pect of the cleaning program to improve results be-
specific, sensitive, representative and reproducible. fore rerunning the validation. If a cleaning program
For allergens in the product itself, ELISA should be can achieve surface cleanliness via LFD but not by
used wherever possible for validation. ELISA (or other alternative, non-routine sensitive
For surfaces, ELISA is also useful after validation to techniques), a risk assessment to ascertain whether
assess residues, though LFDs are the desired option, the detectable allergen present on the surface is like-
as they will be the method of choice for performing ly to be a significant risk to the subsequent batch of
ongoing cleaning verification. If a lab-based ELISA test product should be undertaken.
is undertaken for surface residues, LFDs should be run Within the risk assessment, two factors are import-
in parallel to establish any correlation between the two ant. Firstly, cross-contamination from the food con-
methods. tact surface to the food involves a transfer coefficient:
For allergen testing, positive controls should be es- not all allergens present on the surface will transfer to

10 Spot On Issue 7
Table 1. Analytical methods for cleaning validation and verification. An approach
Method Purpose combining LFD and
ELISA Product testing
Post-validation surface testing ELISA methods can
LFD Surface testing give some insight
Ongoing verification
ATP testing Post-validation verification (ATP must be detectable on surfaces, even if allergens are not) into how successful a
Protein swabs Ongoing verification validation performs
Source: Romer Labs
on surfaces
and products,
the food. In practice, the transfer coefficient of the al- However, a presence of protein does not necessarily
lergen to the foodstuff, and the area of the food contact indicate a presence of allergen. If ATP or protein swabs
surface touched by the portion size before it is packed are to be used, those operating the site must under-
will be unknown. stand that they are not measuring the allergen itself
Secondly, the nature of product and surface testing but general hygiene indicators.
is different. Product testing involves macerating the
product sample in a large volume of diluent, whilst the
swab used in surface testing is recovered into a small
quantity of diluent. Yet as the same volume of dilu- Conclusion
ent is tested, in effect a lower detection sensitivity is Cleaning and validation are complex processes, in-
recorded for product samples. In reality, therefore, a volving a variety of possible tools. Ultimately, a
detection of allergen present on a food surface would cleaning validation is a procedure that must be cus-
likely result in an allergen level in the food product of tomized to the needs of a specific production envi-
approximately 100 times less. ronment. Detailed knowledge of the products and
process lines and an understanding of current and
previous cleaning programs and their efficacy should

 inform the decision about what constitutes the

worst-case scenario. Only this way can a facility en-
Verify with ATP or protein swabs sure that the validation is robust enough to meet
After validation, food manufacturers require a both internal requirements and the standards of ex-
method of verification. Cleaning verification is in- ternal accrediting bodies. An approach combining
tended to demonstrate that on subsequent cleaning LFD and ELISA methods can give some insight into
occasions, the cleaning and disinfection program has how successful a validation performs on surfaces and
met its objectives. It may be possible to implement a products, respectively. ATP and protein testing
verification routine via ATP measurements rather than methods can help to verify the ongoing efficacy of a
allergen lateral flow strips. validation program.
However, for this to be an acceptable method,
ATP must be present on the surfaces when there is
an absence of detectable allergen residues. If this is
possible, ATP can be frequently measured (daily, for References
example), whilst allergen lateral flow strips could be 1
EHEDG Guidance Document Cleaning Validation
used less frequently (weekly or monthly). The aver-
in the Food Industry - General Principles, Part 1,
age results of the validation plus any ‘comfort factor’ Available as a free download at https://www.ehedg.
should be set as target levels for ATP, which requires org/guidelines/
that ATP be used alongside other test methods during
the validation. 2
Arrowsmith H. and Brown H. (2009) Validation of
Similarly, protein swabs can serve to provide ongoing cleaning to remove food allergens. Guideline No.
verification: as the vast majority of allergens are proteins, 59, CampdenBRI, Chipping Campden, UK ISBN 978 0
907503 55 2
an absence of protein implies an absence of allergen.

A Romer Labs® Publication 11

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