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Validating Professional Growth (VPG)

Al-Norania (the luminosity) call of Hasan Mai Alnorani

Love each other.. love delight you.. delight of love illuminate you
“Da’wat Al Norania”

Al Norani’s remedy to the mind’s darkness, morals corruption,

and the psychological and psychophysical diseases.

Dr. Hasan Mai Al Norani

I. Analysis of topic
I wrote this document after long journey of education and self-
cultivation in many fields, after experience of writing,
contemplation and spiritual pray. I also wrote it after practicing
spiritual guidance towards others, teaching them how they can go
on to gain their Delight Love with moral life and open mind/ heart.
Moreover my experiences with my psychological
or psychophysical patients contributed to deepen and form what
the spiritual epistemological experience led.
This last experience passed stages of mental and emotional
development. I give up the stage of tradition Islamic belief with its
moral and worshiping commitment and moved to stage of
philosophical belief of God.
This last belief does not agree completely with the belief of
Muslims majority.
In the philosophical epistemological framework I gave up Al-
Wahedia (Monism) philosophy which takes love as a central
principle and I converted to Al-Norania (luminosity) philosophy
which I offered in this document.
My theory owns partially to the family education in an
environment of deep innocent love and of courageous morals,
generosity and pride.
My mother treated her friends spiritually; she moved the disease
from the unhealthy to her. Her treatment was simple but with
important indications. I own to her by learning “love” principal,
which helps me in my treatment which I present to my
patients and consulting people.
My younger son guided me to believe in the great value of
innocent delight. I confess that his love by delightful innocent play
is the background to my remedy, which I put it in this sentence:
“The love delight is the wisdom jewel and medicine lady”. This
statement explains my belief in God as “delightful freedom by its
The previous factor led me to put my theory.
So, there are many sources, which gave me important ideas, which
I crystallized in my theory.
The title of my theory is “Al-Norania (the luminosity) call – Love
each other, love delight you and delight of love illuminate you”.
I want to add an important factor: my belonging to
people suffered, and still, from wars whish lost their legislated
right in freedom, security and welfare. These wars overthrew
peace and justice of their life. This factor stimulated me, from
inside, to build a theory calls for general and individual moral,
arises from belief in God; I said about him that “The freedom is its
The freedom, according to my concept, is one which is put by the
high moral principles: the individual and the general. My
courageous well knowledge experience made me discover that my
nation needs a spiritual revolution save her from the civilizational
inactivity which due to the darkness of mind and close of heart.
This needed a revolution of “ The love mind”
All these factors which become ripe in my mind and heart, are
included in my theory and which I wrote it in my document in
June 2001.

II. Relationship of the document
to my discipline:
Many sources guide me: some are written and others are
experimental. The main references are epistemological and
scholarly sources written by different philosophers, thinkers and
But these references are not direct one to what I wrote in the
document. It takes me to the light land inside me..
The scholarly sources which contributed in the development of
theory witch I wrote it in my document, are many and belong
to many parts of human knowledge such as: religion, logic,
philosophy, natural sciences, chemistry, agricultural sciences,
psychology, history, geography, politics, information, economy,
literature, anthropology, spirituals, arts, sports sciences, traditional
medicine sciences, alternative medicine, sociology sciences, plant
and animal science, Cosmology.. etc.
My experimental sources, are contemplative and Sufi ones. One of
my experimental sources is the treatment cases of psycho or
psychophysical diseases which require the guidance of me.
Here is brief about five of written references witch guide Me:


A book before more than 1500 years which Allah (God of

muslims) inspired to his Arabic prophet Mohamed according to
Muslims belief. Mohamed called Arabs and people in general to
believe in one God, which "He has absolute ability, He look like
nothing; He was not born and does not beget. He will reward
the believers who make good things, because of their belief in
Allah and prophecy of Mohamed and will punish the
unbelievers after resurrection."

Koran is a book of is a book of worship, morals and is

constitution, which organize the believers life: Socially, politically
and economically. Koran has punishments system for
Muslims who violate the Islamic taboo, According to Koran or
prophet Mohamed instructions. Koran continued to come from
heaven during 23 years. Koran starts with verses call for reading
by name of Allah. Koran is different from Arabs religions. Koran
gave women and slaves new rights.
Koran challenged Arabs, people of eloquence, by its “ eloquent
language which is considered as inimitability by the Muslims
scholars. That because Arabs could not imitate it.
Koran believes in the previous prophecies but it criticizes the cults
of Christians and Jews, which believe that God has sons of
mankind. Koran criticizes the followers of Jesus and Moses who
deviates from their prophet’s instructions which Mohammed
asserts according to Koran.

2-The New Testament:

It includes, the Christ instructions which call Jews, before 20

centuries, to give up moral, religious and social to be Sons of God,
the New Testament says that God sent his Son: Jesus to get man
free from the original sin which is present with him / her since
Adam, according to the religious narrative.
The New Testament tells us about the Jews, which made
conspiracy against Jesus. The conspiracy succeeded and Jesus was
crucified at the same time with two criminals. But Jesus, according
to gospels, resurrected after 3 days and moved near his father.
The ideas of resurrection and getting man free of the original sin
prove that Jesus Call is call to be free (from death and extinction)
and to love divinely where God redeemed man by his Son Jesus
who was target of crucifixion conspiracy.
Jesus confirmed the ideas of freedom and love when he criticized
the corruption and dark materiality of Jews of his time, and when
he treated spiritually the hopeless cases. Jesus gave hope to the
sick man.

3-God in Modern Philosophy By James Danial Collins:

The book discusses the main philosophical approaches of God in

the modern stage with insisting on the historical trends, which still
effect on our contemporary idea about God. The author indicates
the relation between the existence of God and nature. He asserts
that this relation present a main theme in the majority of
modern considerable philosophies.
The author discussion arises from his own philosophical viewpoint
under the title of: The realistic school of Deity.
The book is restricted to the western philosophical thought.
4-The Orient philosophers By A.O.F Tomlen, translated into
Arabic by: Abd Al-Hameed Salem: The book presents life of great
thinkers in the old oriental civilization in Egypt, Iraq, Iran, India,
China, Arab peninsula and Sham countries [Palestine, Syria,
Lebanon, Jordan]. It reviews their philosophical work. The book is
aimed at the western reader to know new ideas.
The translator did not translate the chapter of Mohamed because
the book is for western readers and Mohamed is not philosopher
as the author believes. Moreover the Arab reader does not need to
read about something he / she knows well.

5-The psychological health and psychological treatment by Dr.

Hamed Zahran:

The book includes what the author called: Summary of his

readings, researches and experiences in the psychological health
field on the levels of education and treatment.
The book, in the viewpoint of his author, is scholarly and practical
guide which includes the main information of development and
prophylaxis, for the psychological treatment, examination and
diagnosis, for the psychological curer.


My document agrees with epistemological general case tend to

adapt to scholarly concept reveals the common origin of being

material. That asserts the statement: “ The Being is One but
numerous” which is one of my main intellectual ideas,. By it the
material and immaterial get united in the activity of absolute
entity. What called “Globalization” is a trend needs to achieve the
concept: “World is small valley” But this concept need to be
formed in the framework of moral theory supported by high
human values such as: Good, truth and beauty.
At my moment of this writing, I stopped and went out to my office
balcony to watch unemployment angry cries and call to
participates their citizens the bread. Their call will make nothing
unless our local community moves from “ corruption” to “
justice”. This moving needs a spiritual moral call, ,Love and Good
will. We need courageous philosophy move us from our darkness
to our lightness. This is my philosophy that accord with
contemporary trend of realistic spirituality.
Others can benefit of my theory if they believe that our utility is in
good and in practicing it.
Good will not be unless love, justice, dignity, peace, development
and freedom are being. On the treatment level others can benefit of
my theory if their minds and hearts get full of delightful love and
good will to their patients.
My theory accepts to reform according to new knowledge in fields
of science, sociology and psychology, with experimental and
statistical methods. I do not claim that I got perfection but I light a
path, which my remedial and cognitive experiment led me. The
others experiments will add to my one which I consider it an open
as light is open. They will add what will help me and those, who I
work to care and bless them.

III. The role of document in my
professional development:
My document served me to form my philosophical belief, and to
put it in certain text. Before that , it was scattered through my
writings. In this document I limit exactly what is my theory: It put
me in front of my mental mirror, I saw my self well and clearly.
This theoretical limit gives me a mental means to practice my
remedial and guiding experiment. These means need to have
feeling and will. These elements are in my theory as formative
factors through my theory. Through my remedial practices I get
sure that I can present better spiritual treatment for the sticks when
I get in luminous emotional case which depend on my mental
view, which I limited it in my document.
The fullness of love is necessary condition to make luminous
treatment for problems and disease of self: The psychological and
psychophysical ones. Add to that the moral corruption and
intellectual inactivity. Love is spiritual power, which works when
we have it mentally and emotionally. This power can move from
one to another.
I could by having love will to treat paralytic woman arm in
one siting, which was long and luminous. At that time I make
decision to not leave her (70 years) before I success in my training
to help her to regain her freedom: I continue my therapy until the
delight shrill went ahead and the spirit of luminous love delight

IV. Methodology:
My therapeutic experience, personal and epistemological
experiment played role in stimulate me to form my theory. My
approach is contemplative one and the remedial
experiment supported its results. I believed more that the
psychological disease is case of paralytic imprisonment in narrow
and dark circle in a sick mind. This belief happened when I
succeed in ten minutes sitting to cure man suffer from rigor in his
neck, arms and back.
He jumped from the couch treatment, and was incredible, He
asked me, while he was stunned: What happened?! How did you
heal me so quickly and easily?!

I do not make important thing by the material standard, but the

spirit of love that fills my mind, my heart, my will, and my
method, has superior ability, which is more than a spiritless cures,

When I asked the patient if he advice physical doctors he

replayed: Yes. I asked him: What is their diagnosis? He replayed:
Cartilaginous sliding.

After he had restored his physical freedom he said to me: I felt

stoned mass in my chest but you crumbled it.

This remedial experiment asserts to me the unity of emotional and

physical and the unity with the other by love in light: “ I took him
to my luminous world”, no, I help him to get back to his luminous
material which consist of freedom, love and delight.

The case of girl (A, 16 years) gave me method, which I depend in

formulating my theory. (A is an old child: has destroying terror,
does not speak or laugh, has no natural functions as a female, has
no menstruation and has no sensitivity to Tickling, tingling,
joking, emotional arousal, or other psycho-physical stimuli.
After 50 treatment sessions, they were all free, focused, and long
(each session lasted more than an hour), I could prepare her to
come back to her school which she stopped to go 6 years ago.


Fear drives us to the dark holes and love get us back to our
luminous free nature. (A) supported this concept. I say gladly she
has favor, so far, by writing this document.

On the personal level” Norania” is spiritual power helped

me through the most difficult situation in my life. That was in the
face of fierce dark repressive aggression. Then I ordered my self to
be delightful. I get in luminous prayer and asked the absolute light
not to leave me.

It's worth mentioning that this experiment cured me of dangerous

and mystic disease which I infected by after “brain clot” disease
caused in previous time.
This experiment is very important method of my theory.

Description of main document
The document introduces Al-Norania [the luminous theory] which
is call for love on the basis of that love is the source of delight
which give us way, mentally and emotionally, to the light which
its source is God.
The title of document is: “Call for Al-Norania” (the luminosity).
The call theme, as it is written under the title, is “Love each other..
Love gives delight… the Love delight illuminate you”.
The document starts to assert that “ being, every being, (is) nature
desire to delight”. It asserts in three summarized sentences, after
the first line, the following: ”delight is origin of every being”,
“delight is target of every being” and “ delight is origin
of origins and target of targets”.

It gets forward in summarized sentences and relates delight to

freedom. It considers freedom a light. It locates inside a bigger
being: the document describes it “ the free superiority.. Which
creates us.. Which is our material”.
The free superiority is God: “The spirit which gives us the strength
to face darkness of nihilism”.

Norania, according to the document, is “ the belief in Being

“which is the free superiority: it locates inside us and is around us,
which unites what is inside us by what is around us. This unity
release our individual being from its dark limitation”.
Al-Norania (the luminosity) consists of: Faith, will, love, freedom,
beauty, peace, justice, truth, non-self iciness, renewness,
dignity, knowledge, leaving injustice… delight…
It states: “We are the light material as light is our being material”.
The document considers that “Al-Norania (the luminosity) is a
philosophical view establishes a new renaissance for human spirit.
The human will not achieve this reawakening unless he /she has
the renewness will and practicing this will”. It states:
“The isolation is deadly disease for human: weather individual and

group”. Love, as I think “The medicine of every malady”.
Al-Norania (the luminosity) is “Call for love delight”. Love
delight is “good”.
Al-Norania (the luminosity) is method depends on respecting the
facts which declare themselves in light. It is “call to be free of
every blind who wants to dispossess the human his/her right of
delightful freedom by its luminosity”
It considers freedom “ the right of rights absolutely”.
It gives the human freedom divine depth when it describes God as
“the delightful freedom by its luminosity” and it states: “Freedom
(is) God material”.
It states: “Love delight is our freedom” and “our
delightful freedom is our luminosity”.
The document describe Al-Norania (the luminosity) as “the good
call when the ignorance and evil get excessive, then the blindness
prevails and life loses its meaning”.
It states, “The delightful freedom by its luminosity is the original
meaning of life”. I think “ hill” is the contrary life to the original
meaning of life”, and paradise is “the delightful freedom by its
luminosity which is created by delightful consciousness by love”.


After this theoretical rooting of Al-Norania (the luminosity), the

document moved to the behavioral side to guide behavior to
what the theory aim to achieve .It is a behavioral and missionary
theory in its practical side.
The document states: “Let us go on” and “let us make our decision
… we will be delightful when we decide to do that honestly and
with believed will… let us experience”.
My theory does not fear experimentation and supposes means to
make it. That will make the theoretical principles a behavior
method, which will achieve the targets on the group and
individual levels.
The experimental side of document concentrates on applying
Norania (the luminous) morals which are the structural elements.
It stimulates us to be optimistic and love every beautiful and ugly.

It wants us to deal with time as an “open moment on what wider
than it”.
It limits its remedial means of individual and all in the following
statement: “Love delight is a wisdom jewel and medicine lady”.
It adds: “Come daughters and sons of my mothers, by love delight
to go on: to build for us… for all of us.. The most
beautiful country.. in light the country will be the most beautiful”.
It describes love delight as “the purer and most important good,
the meaning of good and the first and last of it”.

The document deepen its view by describing God as

“effective truth in the consciousness”, “beingness depending on
his natural face” and “the delightful freedom by its luminosity
depending on his human face”.

It sees man “on the natural level is limited beingness of absolute

beingness (=the God). Man on the spiritual level is conscious
Beingness by the delightful freedom by its luminosity”. According
to that the document make Wahidiah (monisitic) Norania
(luminous) relation between God and human. It states: “Freedom
unites the divine by the human”.
Depending on “freedom is the open prayer between human
freedom and God freedom” It goes deepen when it asserts the
unity of spiritual and natural in existence. It states: “Al-Norania
(the luminosity) unites natural with spiritual, according to concept
makes Beingness (=God) creates free human, no slave”
Subsequently the theory rejects the concept, which makes wo/men
slaves for God. But the free human “do not maltreat to her/his self
or others”

It describes the “Norania (luminous) consciousness” which come

of believing in Al-Norania (the luminosity) as a means which
“makes the open human with Norani (luminous) consciousness
spiritual and natural “.According to that Al-Norania (the
luminosity) is theory unites the spiritual and natural”.

The document describes Al-Norania (the luminosity) as path
to God: “By delightful freedom by its luminosity we go into God
who is the delightful freedom by its luminosity”.

It sees that “the delightful love by Al-Norania (the luminosity) is

the top of morals”
It asserts that “it gives human dignity which comes from his/her
belief in Al-Norania (the luminosity).
This belief originates from mental consciousness and
delightful will.

Human has his dignity when he “gets free of illusions which is not
due to luminous free consciousness”.

Al-Norania (the luminosity) broadens its horizon when it

states:“Al-Norania (the luminosity) is call to create world
of light”. World of light is world of truths. Al-Norania (the
luminosity) reveals the truths as beautiful things which the short-
sighted see them ugly.

Al-Norania (the luminosity) “faces the aggression” but the

document does not mention aggressors. It talks about aggression
case originated from ”the inactivity of ignorant hatred”.


The document comes back to call: “Get delightful to be luminous..

When you awake move freedom in the light of morning , your
arms, back and legs by freedom of new innocence… let your heart
smile then your blood, eyes, hand, face and mind smile…then the
delight will be”.

It assures that everyone deals with life delightfully the life

deals with him/her delightful. It guides us to tolerance morals, the
moral beauty, the productive work, the self-safety, poise, spirit
elegance, doing good, honesty, interior openness and delight,

filling the chest with pure air and optimism and wiliness.
The document concludes with a prophetic statement:
“shrills, wo/men.. The glory of human arises”!

The document is summarized. It a summary of long behavioral

epistemological experiment.

My theory description, here, is not sufficient to explain the theory

completely. To get complete knowledge, you have to read it
deeply to understand its meanings and its attitudes towards human
causes, which I hinted. The document is brief. It needs
more explaining.

V. Future growth and extension of
my document:
In world with quick bold changes, in sciences and communications
fields and thought in general, the contemporary human movement
needs to a fundamental moral standard keeps the old dream in
progress toward what is more beautiful.

The freedom is condition to get progressive towards what is more


Delight, in my theory, is stipulated by freedom as it’s stipulated by


What humanity sees of fundamental changes of concepts and

means, is liberated action. This action may achieve targets harms
the human. Freedom leads to destruction as it leads to build more
beautiful world. My theory committed the freedom to keep free
trend toward, achieving more beautiful world.

God, by his denotation, connotation and substance, which the

human history creates, is still an idea able to occupy the essence of
human innermost of the act power and of his /her guiding
means. But that is stipulated by reforming God concept to accord
with the stage requirement of quick bold changes.

Freedom is God material, he is “the delightful freedom by its

luminosity, He is our individual being material. This God, in the
concept of Al-Norania (the luminosity) is the target to guide
the contemporary human freedom, which reveals its self through
the quick bold changes by making future world more beautiful

By delightful love by light, our world, general and personal, will
be better world.
But this world will not be better for us, only with beautiful wishes!

My call confirms, in the document, our necessity to mechanisms,

to make its moral. values reality.
These values will make the delightful love by light an actual life
for the suppressed, patients, poor and ignorant which fill the

On the other hand, the delightful love by freedom light is

the redemption path in the front of those who left themselves
surrender to power of devil.
This power fights love, freedom, beauty, peace, justice,
dignity, productive world, delight and prayer to God who delights
by our delight. Those who surrounded imagine that they delight by
selfishness and aggression on others right in freedom. They lose
their freedom, which can make them more beautiful entities. They
at the last, targets of evil devil.

When the human movement realized its sieging in the area of

“destroying freedom”, the light power, which creates us will burst
a new spiritual revolution.

My document wishes to be light point calls the world for creating

new consciousness and new behavior: The document calls them
Al-Norania (the luminosity).

I do not claim I make great new break through, but I think that my
world needs a theory, inspired by the human history, to correct our

On the local society level, my call for Al-Norania (the luminosity)

is call for “country in light”.
We, here, in Palestine still away from this “country of light”.

To achieve this target or to approach it we need firstly to get free
of our belief in death philosophy.

Both of Palestinian and Jewish people, who live in Palestine land,

practically believe in death cult.

Death in one of its forms is freezing the consciousness in previous

history. We, here do not make this freezing only but we also make
it deadly arm kills the childhood delight, the mothers and fathers
and young wo/men.

Al-Norania (the luminosity) dreams to start its spiritual revolution

from Palestine: that because of its historical relation with
prophecy. Jesus was a prominent symbol for this prophecy.
But this dream needs a movement struggle to make it reality. This
struggle can give the development possibilities to my call.

So far I content with my theory guiding in my remedial practices.

That is a mere beginning. I wish my document becomes a
constitution regulates the human social life on the world level.
It will not be an inactive law: the freedom is an essential factor
of it.

By the favor of this essential factor I cannot accept to make my

document a closed undevelopable text.

I hope that my document moves to other stages adopt the

renewness and activate it.

This renewal act is the evidence that my concepts are important in

particular the freedom on the divine and human levels.
But I think any renewness will not change my belief that Al-
Noraniah (the luminous) love delight is the highest target for
human consciousness and behavior.

But Al-Norania (the luminous) love delight is not different
thing from freedom, which aims at achieving more beautiful

The alternative cult will be a closed one: carries death inside it.
As to my document it carries, in the light, call for more beautiful


I benefit from many sources spiritually and intellectually but here I

will mention some of them only:

2-The New Testament.
3-The Old Testament.

1-Abd Al-Wahab, Momtaz, The anxiety and depression, Cairo,
Al-Hilal publishing house, 2001.
2-Al-Hababi, Mohamad Abd –Al-Aziz, From liberities to
freedom, Cairo, Al-Maaref puplishing house, undated.
3-Ali, Jawad, The details of Arab history before Islam, Beirut, Al-
Elm publishing house, 1977.
4-Al-Kholi, Yomna Taref, The science philosophy in the twentieth
century, Kuwait, Aalam Al-Marifa.2000.
5-Al-Nashar, Ali and other, Heraclitus, Cairo, Al-
maaref publishing house, 1969.
6-Al_Norani, Hasan Mai, Religious view of Israeli state
Amman,Al-forkan publishing house,1985.
7-Al-Norani, Hasan Mai, The activity of Moslem, Sanaa, special
publishing 1991.
8-Al-Norani, Hasan Mai, The awaking of original, Sanaa, special
publishing, 1992.
9-Al- Norani, Hasan Mai, Marxism loses its way, Sanaa, special
10-Al-Norani, Hasan Mai,Oh.. my father, Sanna, special
publishing, 1993.
11-Al-Norani, Hasan Mai, Al-Wahediin (The monists) group:
the principles, Sanaa, special publishing 1994.
12-Al-Norani, Hasan Mai, The Zeroness of Being, Sanaa, special
publishing, 1995.
13-Al-Norani, Hasan Mai, Sharpened criticism, Sanaa, special
publishing 1995.
14-Al-Norani,Hasan Mai, Law of love, lecture, Amman, 1995.
15-Al-Norani, Hasan Mai, Quarters of Islamic sex, manuscript,
16-Al-Norani, Hasan Mai, the Mohammedian prophecy,
manuscript, 1996.
17-Al-Norani, Hasan Mai, The Beingness, manuscript, 1986.
18-Al-Norani, Hasan Mai, Al-Norania (The luminosity),
manuscript, 1996.
19-Al-Norani, Hasan Mai, Prayer between your arms, manuscript,
20-Al-Norani, Hasan Mai, The light has country so to be this
21-Al-Norani, Hasan Mai, You ask me: “ What is justice? What is
freedom? manuscript, 1997.
22-Al-Norani,Hasan Mai, Samah (novel), manuscript, 2000.
23-Al- Norani, Hasan Mai, The love is over, (collection of poems)
manuscript, 2000.
24-Al-Norani, Hasan Mai, Many essays, some are published in
journals and magazines and some are manuscripts.
25-Al-Shaebani, Omar Mohhmed, The development of
educational ideas and theories, Tarablus, Libya, 1977.
26-Al-Shahawi, Magdi Mohamed, The divine treatment for magic
and the devil mania, Cairo, Al-Koran library, undated.
27-Al-Sharkawy, Hasan, In the prophetic psychological medicine,
Alexandria, Al-Matboat Al-Jadida publishing house, undated.
28-Bachelard, Caston, The structure of scholarly mind, translated
into Arabic by Khalil Ahmed khalil, Beirut, Al-Jam On his
human face On his human face aia institution, 1981.
29-Bascom, Williams and others, The African culture, translated
into Arabic by Abd Al-Malik Al-Nashif, Cairo, Franklin
instituation, 1966.
30-Collins, Danial, God in modern philosophy, translated by Foud
Kamel, Cairo, Franklin institution, 1973.
31-Carreto, Carlo, In search of the beyond, translated by Sarah
fawcett, New york, Orbis book , 1967.
32-Frankfort, and others, Before philosophy, translated into Arabic
by Jabra Ibrahim Jabra, Beirut Al-Arabia institution, 1982.
33-Ibrahim, Zakarya, Kant, Cairo, maser library, undated.
34-Ibn Al-Jawzy, Abd Al-Rahman, The spiritual medicine, Al-
Mansora (Egypt), Iman library, undated
35-Johary, Tantawi, The spirits, Cairo, Al-Nahda Al-
Arabia publishing house,1977.
36-Hirst, Paul and others, Globalization in question, translated
into Arabic by Faleh abd Al-Jabar, Kuwait, Aalem Al-maarefa,
37-Kaku, Michio, Vision, London, Oxford University 1998
38-Karnegi, Del, How to earn friends? Translated into Arabic by
Abd Al- Monam Al-Zayeay, Cairo, Al-Khangi library, 1951.
39-Karnegi, Del, Let the anxiety aside and start to live, Cairo , al
Khangi library 1980.
40-Khalil, Khalil Ahmed, The future of Arabic philosophy, Beirut,
Al-Jamaia institution for publishing, 1981.
41-Lewis, John, Anthropology, London, W.H. Allen , 1969.
42-Mahmood, Zaki Najeb, Values of tradition, Cairo Al-shorok
puplishing house 1984
43-Mayer, Ernest, This is biology, London, Harvard university
press, 1997.
44-Mounis, Hussein, Islam world, Cairo, Almaaref publishing
house, 1973.
45-Raik, Theodor, Love between desire and ego,translated into
Arabic by Thair Adib, Lathikia, Syria, Al-Hewar publishing house
46-Russell, Bertrand, The history of Western philosophy,
translated into Arabic by Mohamed Fathi Al-Shanti, Cairo, The
Egyptian Public Body of Book, 1977.
47-Samaha, Riad Mohamad, The curers guide by Koran kareem,
Kaleet, Egypt, special publishing1996.
48-Sperling , Abraham, Psychology, London, W.H.Allen, 1967.
49-Tomlen, A.O.F, The Oreint philosophers, translated into
Arabic by Abd Al-Hammed Salem, Cairo, Al-Maaref publishing
house, undated.
50-Wells, H.G. The outline of history, translated into Arabic by
Abd Al-Aziz Jawid Cairo committee of writing, Translating and
publishing 1967.
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