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Aptis Vocabulary - Answers

Question Answer Question Answer

Vocabulary Part 1 14 D
0 B 15 I
1 K
2 C Vocabulary Part 4
3 I 16 B
4 F 17 H
5 H 18 J
Vocabulary Part 2 19 C
6 H 20 I
7 C Vocabulary Part 5
8 J 21 I
9 F 22 F
10 A 23 E
Vocabulary Part 3 24 H
11 F 25 C
12 H
13 G

Aptis Grammar - Answers

Question Answer Question Answer

0 b 14 a
1 b 15 a
2 b 16 c
3 c 17 a
4 b 18 c
5 a 19 b
6 b 20 b
7 a 21 a
8 b 22 b
9 a 23 a
10 b 24 b
11 c 25 a
12 b
13 b
Aptis Reading Answers

Reading Part 1 Reading Part 2

0) B) party 0 A
Q6: 1 F
Q1) C) test
Q7: 2 D
Q2) C) send
Q8: 3 G
Q3) B) flat Q9: 4 B
Q4) A) bring Q10: 5 E
Q5) C) forget Q11: 6 C

Reading Part 3 Reading Part 4

Q12 sciences Headings Paragraph

Q13 amazing
A 1
Q14 research
B 5
Q15 laboratory
Q16 discovery C 6
Q17 lonely D 3
Q18 exposure

F 7

G 2

H 4
Aptis Writing: Possible Answers

Writing Part 1
First Name Pedro
Suname Parra
Date of Birth 2nd September 1996
Address 24 San Sebastián Street, Seville
Occupation Engineer
Nationality Spanish
Interests and Hobbies (3) Reading, hiking, ICT

Writing Part 2
Science Club
Why are you interested in science?
I have always loved science since I was in school. Also, it’s fun to learn and actually it helps to understand
how things work.


Writing Part 3
Science Club Online Chat
Martin: Hi there! Welcome to the club! Why did you join this club?
You: Hello Martin, I joined this club because I want to learn and discover new ideas about science. Besides, I
would like to share my own ideas and experiences with all the members. I'm also interested in the spread of
scientific knowledge in society.

Lucy: Have you ever visited a science museum?

You: Yes, I have! I have visited several museums around Spain, Last month I went with my family to the
Natural Science museum in Madrid, It was awesome! We saw the bones of the first homo sapiens, many
extinct animals and many other things related to the natural history of the world.

Celia: Do you think it is important to teach science to students at school?

You: Absolutely, knowledge in this subject enables students to understand many other subjects better.
Science also helps students to learn about how the Earth functions, how to make use of natural resources
and the importance of science in many other fields, such as the new technologies or space exploration.
Writing Part 4: Informal Email

New message
Subject: Science Exhibition
Hi Willy,have you read the notice in the science club webpage? What do you think about paying a ticket to access the next science
exhibition? In my view tickets should be free, anyone interested in science can attend to, even larger families.
I also think it's a great idea to offer several workshops on environment and recycling. Do you agree?
Hope to hear from you,


Writing Part 4: Formal Email

New message
Subject: Science Exhibition
Dear Sir/Madam,
Following your recent notice concerning the Science Exhibition, I am writing, first, to thank you for considering our opinions at the time of
arranging the event, In addition, I would like to inform you that from my view tickets to access the exhibition should be free, so that a large
number of people, from all ages could attend to, even if they can not afford to buy a ticket, I believe it is cultural event for the community
and the city.
As regards the possible activities that can be carried out during the the event, it would be a good idea that schoolars can take part in
envirornment and recycling workshops, I consider that it is an excellent opportunity to get our students be aware of some environmental
issues and their possible solutions.
Please let me know as soon as the management team make a decision about the planning. Thanks again for your interest.
Sincerely yours,
Pedro Parra.

Speaking (4 parts – 12 minutes)
Speaking Part 1:

Describe a member of your family.

Well, I'm going to describe my sister. Her name is Marta and she is 23 years old. She is slim and quite tall, I
think she's beautiful. She also has long curly hair and her eyes are big and brown, She works as a shop
assistant in a bookshop.

What’s your favourite music?

I listen to just about anything, and it depends on my mood at the time. However, if I had to choose a genre
it would be Rock since my favorite band is Pink Floyd. However my favorite solo artist is Jimi Hendrix.

Please tell me why you are learning English.

I need to pass an official certificate in English, at least level B1, to get my university degree. Also, nowadays,
knowledge of English is essential to be able to apply for a job.. Besides, I'm thinking on travelling abroad next
summer, so I want to improve my speaking skills in English.
Speaking Part 2:
Describe the picture.

In this picture I can see a young man who is standing in the middle of a big
square. He is staring at a huge old building in front of him. I believe this building
is a Cathedral, maybe in Santiago de Compostela. The man is wearing trainers,
red shorts, a green t-shirt and a cap, so it must be summer. Next to him, on the
ground, there is a big, blue backpack. It seems that he has just finished hiking the Spanish Camino de

Do you like to visit old buildings?

Yes. I like going on holiday or trips to historic or interesting cultural places. I enjoy visiting old buildings,
specially churches, castles or any buildings of historical relevance. When I visit a new place, in the city or the
countryside, I always pay attention to old buildings and I stop and read every sign and plaque that I find.
Besides, some of them are magnificent and really beautiful.

Why are old buildings important?

Old buildings are important, for a number of reasons. They were very relevant at their time, and they are
part of the history. There are also economic reasons to preserve and promote old buildings, since an
impressive historic place encourages national and international tourists to travel to this area, and this, in terms
of tourism and economic development, is very important. Apart from that, having an old building is an area
is a matter of pride and people of such area can easily describe their hometown to the people from other
parts of the country.
Speaking Part 3:
Make sure you answer as fully as possible.

Compare the pictures.

Both pictures depict tow different groups of people involved in different
commnicative situations, The first picture shows three young women who are
sitting on a sofa indoor, they are chatting friendly.
On the other hand, the second picture depicts three young people, a man in the
middle and two girls, one on each side. The girl on the right and the man are
talking on their mobile phones, and the girl on the left is using a tablet. They may
be at their workplace, since they are wearing suits.
In the first picture the girls are in a much more relaxing and confortable situation
and their clothes are casual. They may be chatting about personal matters while
in the second picture they must be talking to a customer, a boss or an employee
on work-related issues.

What kind of comunication do you like most?

I prefer face-to-face communication. In a real conversation I can see other people's gestures, facial
expressions and even the way that they behave. All this gives me a lot of information which mobile
communication lacks. Moreover, I believe that this type of communication is more reliable when you need
to purchase any product or service.
However, I am aware of the advantages of mobile communication, as with it we can talk to anyone from
any place at any time, and is not costly. There are many people who are living far from their relatives or
friends and the smartphones are a good manner to keep in touch.

Do you think new technologies can improve

people's relationships?
From my view, it is not clear whether new technologies can improve people's reationships. There is no
question that technology has had a positive impact on communication as a whole in many ways. It has
increased the reliability of sending messages to others, made it easier to meet new people and keep in touch
with friends and also it has saved lives.
Communication has become faster, easier, and more efficient due to advances in technology. Smartphones,
social networking websites, e-mail, and instant messaging are examples of technology which enable
However, a large number of people have decided to interact only by technological means, which have caused
a lack of social, authentic face-to face-communication. Many people do not meet friend or chat with them
outside their technological devices, which I consider to be, in some way, as a fake reality.
Speaking Part 4:

Do you think people care about the environment?

Well, I believe that in recent times there has been an increase in
the interest and concern of a number of people who did not pay too
much attention on those matters. Many people have become aware
that what we do as large population is affecting the Earth's different
environments more and more drastically. Social movements are becoming the milestone of the fight against
the companies which cause most of the damages and the governments who permit them to do so.
Nevertheless, the number of people who do not show any interest on environmental issues is still too high.

How do you feel about it?

I feel, on the one hand, confident to know that a lot of people, young people are moving and demonstrating
their concern about the issue. It makes me feel hopeful for our future. However, a number of people who do
not want to change their habits into more sustainable ones are causing a direct and overt harm in our daily
life. The problem of traffic fumes, the pollution in cities, the plastic recipients and bags or climate change are
present- day dangers caused by our living habits. On the other hand, I feel really outrageous for the attitude
of large companies and the governments of those highly industrailized nations, which are responsible for the
largest part of pollution on Earth and are causing irreparable damages to our planet.

How would you encourage people to be more concerned abaut

the environment?
Rising awarenes on the problems which are affecting our planet is a good way to increase this concern on
environment. Thus, people should be aware that we are risking the future of our planet, our health and our
children's. It would be a good idea to show them the consequences of using plastic bags, the deaths cuased
by exhaust fumes in cities or the terrifying results of climate change in a few years. All these problems are
directly cuased by our way of living, so people should be promoted to change their habits, to reduce, recycle
and to some extent to create a sustainable society. To achieve this, they should be encouraged to reduce
their wastes, to use public transports in cities, not to use plactic bags, and so on.

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